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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

3D fault geometries and evolution of strike-slip terranes

Reijs, Jurriaan Pieter Jan January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Small Strike-Slip Faults in Granitic Rock: Implications for Three-Dimensional Models

Lim, Siang Joo 01 May 1998 (has links)
The geometry and mineralization features of small left-lateral strike-slip faults and associated fractures in Lake Edison Granodiorite of the central Sierra Nevada, California, were examined in order to model the three-dimensional structure of strike-slip faults. These faults, which are reactivated joints, were also examined to determine fault sizes, starting joint size, and evidence for fluid flow. The associated secondary fractures are usually found in the dilational quadrants of fault-tip regions. The longest fault-segment trace is 32.14 m; the longest joint trace is 22 m. The joint population length (l) is represented by a power-law distribution (l-n) and it is l-1.22. The fault-segment distributions are l-0.23~0.79, and the compiled fault-segment distribution is l-1.18. The data on fracture and fault spacing, along with the joint power-law distribution, will aid in the simulation and analysis of fault evolution. The splay-fracture traced in the faults are linear at depth and the average splay-fracture angle is 39° ± 13°. The dihedral angle of the splay plane and fault plane ranges from 20° to 65°. There is a high concentration of splay fractures near the fault. As distance increases perpendicular form the fault, the splay-fracture spacing increases and splay-fracture frequency decreases. The splay tracelength distributions have a high short tracelength concentration with a rapid decrease of long tracelengths. The maximum tracelength of multiple splay-fracture groups is restricted by their distance orthogonal to the fault trace. The three-dimensional relationship between the splay-fracture plane and fault plane can be inferred from these data. When present, mineralized quartz appears largely as lenses and few as single continuous veins along the faults. No consistent pattern exists between fault displacement and the locations and dimensions of quartz cavities. There is no visible damage zone near the fault termination or around the faults. Microstructures in the fault zone consist of cataclasites and patchy gouges, and zones of dynamically recrystallized fault walls. The three-dimensional geometry, along with quartz cavity distribution and thin section analysis, has led to the conclusion that fluid migrates vertically among the faults and fractures.

Déformation intersismique le long de la faille de Haiyuan, Chine : variations spatio-temporelles contraintes par interférométrie SAR / Interseismic deformation along the Haiyuan fault, China : an InSAR study of the spatio-temporal variations.

Jolivet, Romain 18 November 2011 (has links)
Le système de failles de Haiyuan qui borde le plateau du Tibet au Nord-Est est un système majeur sénestre. Au cours du dernier siècle, deux grands séismes (M~8) ont rompu ce système de failles: le séisme de Haiyuan en 1920 et le séisme de Gulang en 1927. A l'aide d'interférométrie radar à synthèse d'ouverture, nous analysons les variations spatiales et temporelles de la déformation intersismique au travers de la faille de Haiyuan, dans une zone étendue (150x150 km2) qui couvre l'extrémité Ouest de la rupture de 1920 et la lacune sismique de Tianzhu. Avec une approche dite en Small Baseline, nous traitons cinq séries temporelles d'images SAR, acquises par le satellite Envisat le long de tracks descendantes et ascendantes pendant la période allant de 2003 à 2009. Les cartes de vitesse moyenne de déformation dans la ligne de visée du satellite ainsi obtenues sont cohérentes avec un mouvement sénestre au travers de la faille et montrent des variations latérales du gradient de vitesse dans la zone de faille. Nous inversons ces cartes de vitesse moyenne en LOS pour obtenir le taux de chargement à court terme en profondeur et la distribution du glissement dans la partie sismogène le long du plan de faille. Le taux de chargement en profondeur est d'environ 5mm/an. Les sections de faille ayant rompu en 1920 et une grande partie de la lacune sismique de Tianzhu sont bloquées en surface. Entre ces deux sections, un segment de 35 km de long, qui montre une forte activité micro-sismique, glisse de manière asismique avec un taux de glissement horizontal qui atteint presque 5 mm/an. Cependant, le taux de glissement asismique le long de la partie sismogène varie le long du plan de faille et atteint localement des taux supérieurs au chargement tectonique, suggérant des variations temporelles du glissement asismique. La comparaison de profils moyens de vitesse parallèle à la faille issus de données InSAR sur les périodes 1993-1998 (données ERS) et 2003-2009 suggèrent une migration vers la surface du glissement asismique sur une période de 20~ans. Une analyse en séries temporelles des données Envisat, en appliquant un lissage temporel, montrent une accélération du taux de glissement asismique pendant l'année 2007. Cette accélération est précédée et a probablement été déclenchée par un séisme de magnitude 4.7 au sein même du glissement asismique. Enfin, nous étudions la relation entre l'évolution spatio-temporelle du glissement asismique en surface et la rugosité de la trace de la faille à l'aide d'une analyse multi-échelle. Nous montrons que les propriétés élastiques de la croûte cassante contrôlent la rugosité de la faille, qui exerce à son tour un contrôle sur la distribution de glissement asismique en surface. Le glissement asismique est fait de spasmes qui interagissent les uns avec les autres en suivant une loi d'échelle similaire à la loi de Gutenberg-Richter pour les séismes. / The Haiyuan fault system is a major left-lateral fault system bounding the tibetan plateau to the north-east. Two M~8 earthquakes ruptured that fault system in the past hundred years: the 1920, Haiyuan earthquake and the 1927, Gulang earthquake. Here, we use Synthetic Aperture Radar interferometry to explore the spatial and temporal variations of the interseismic deformation across the Haiyuan fault, over a broad (150x150 km2) area covering the 1920 rupture zone and the millennial Tianzhu seismic gap. Using a small baseline approach, we process five SAR images time series acquired by the Envisat satellite along descending and ascending orbits, spanning the 2003-2009 period. The resulting mean Line-Of-Sight velocity maps are, in overall, consistent with left-lateral motion across the fault and reveal lateral variations of the velocity gradient in the near fault zone. We invert these mean LOS velocity maps for the short-term loading rate on the fault plane at depth and for the shallow slip distribution along the seismogenic part of the fault. The short-term loading rate is about 5 mm/yr. The shallow sections of the fault, that ruptured in 1920 and the most part of the Tianzhu seismic gap are currently locked. In between, a 35 km-long section, that experiences a strong micro-seismic activity, is creeping at a mean horizontal rate of almost 5 mm/yr. However, the shallow creep rate varies along the fault strike and locally reaches values higher than the deep loading rate. This suggests temporal fluctuations of the observed aseismic slip. The comparison of InSAR-derived averaged profiles of the fault parallel velocity, spanning the 1993-1998 (ERS data) and 2003-2009 periods, suggests an upward migration of the creep over the 20 years-long observation period. A time series analysis on the Envisat dataset using a temporal smoothing reveals a creep rate increase during the year 2007. This rate increase follows and may have been triggered by a M4.7 earthquake that occurred on the creeping patch. We finally investigate the relationship between the spatio-temporal evolution of the surface creep and the roughness of the surface fault trace with a multiscale analysis. We show the control of the elastic properties of the brittle crust on the fault roughness, that in turn exerts a direct control on the surface aseismic slip distribution. The aseismic slip is made of locally interacting bursts that follow a scaling law similar to the Gutenberg-Richter law for earthquakes.

Aléa sismique le long des grands décrochements vénézuéliens / Seismic hazards along the major Venezuelan strike-slip

Pousse, Léa 08 December 2016 (has links)
Le Venezuela est traversé par une zone de limite de plaque. Ce système tectonique accommode les mouvements relatifs de trois plaques majeures: la plaque Sud-Américaine, la plaque Caraïbe et la plaque de Nazca. Ce système est constitué de failles décrochantes actives qui ont généré au Venezuela de nombreux séismes de magnitude supérieure à 6-7. Parmi ces failles, cette thèse se focalise sur la faille de Boconó et la faille d’El Pilar.Le but de cette thèse est d'étudier l'activité de ces failles sur plusieurs échelles de temps en utilisant une approche multidisciplinaire qui combine analyses morphotectonique, paléosismologique et géodésique. Cette approche a permis de préciser le régime de déformation de ces failles indispensable à l'estimation de l'aléa sismique.Antérieurement à cette thèse, dans la région de Yaracuy, l’activité tectonique du segment nord de la faille de Boconó était mal contrainte faute de données géodésiques ou géochronologiques suffisantes. Or cette partie de la faille a provoqué en 1812 un séisme de Mwi 7.4 qui a détruit les villes de la région.Grâce à la datation par Béryllium-10 de la surface d’exposition de cônes alluviaux décalés par la cinématique dextre de la faille, cette thèse montre que la vitesse quaternaire de la faille est comprise entre 5.0 et 11.2 mm/an.En comparant cette vitesse estimée sur ~ 200 ka et le taux de glissement estimé en champ lointain par des mesures géodésiques (~ 12 mm/an), il peut être proposé que la faille de Boconó accommode une grande partie de l'extrusion du Bloc Nord Andin. La réalisation de carte de vitesses moyennes de déformation à partir d'images SAR a montré l'absence de glissement asismique le long de la faille de Boconó entre 2007 et 2011. En extrapolant ce comportement aux derniers 200 ans, il en résulte que, depuis le dernier séisme en 1812 il y a une accumulation de déficit de glissement de quelques mètres selon la vitesse de glissement considérée. Cette faille représente donc un aléa sismique important pour la région. Une tranchée réalisée pour préciser cet aléa a montré que trois évènements sismiques de Mw > 6-6.5 ont lieu depuis 1300 ap. J.-C., le dernier de ces événements étant probablement le séisme historique de 1812.Au Nord Est du Venezuela, la faille d’El Pilar accommode l’intégralité du mouvement relatif entre la plaque Sud-Américaine et la plaque Caraïbe (~ 20 mm/an). Après le séisme de Ms 6.8 en 1997, le segment émergé de cette faille a subit un important « afterslip ». Des mesures géodésique réalisées en 2003, 2005 et 2013 ont montré que ce segment glisse encore asismiquement (~12 – 13 mm/an). Cette thèse présente une carte des vitesses de déformation entre 2007 et 2011 calculée par interférométrie radar. Celle-ci a permis de montrer que cette faille glisse asismiquement de façon non uniforme dans l’espace et le temps. L’analyse en série temporelle des déplacements a révélé que le glissement asismique de certains tronçons de la faille subit une accélération en Juin 2009 avec des vitesses de glissement asismiques supérieures au déplacement relatif entre les plaques. Cette observation permet d’interpréter que le glissement asismique a un comportement transitoire, en effet, des périodes de blocage et des périodes de larges glissements se succèdent. Cette succession doit probablement se poursuivre tout le long de la période intersismique comme le suggèrent le faible nombre de séismes historiques et préhistoriques au regard de la vitesse de coulissage le long de la faille. Enfin ce glissement asismique présentant des variations spatiales et temporelles est probablement contrôlé par la présence de serpentinites et d’une activité hydrothermale le long de la zone de faille, contexte connu pour favoriser des comportements rhéologiques de ce type. / Venezuela is crosscut by a plate boundary zone, this tectonic setting accommodates the relative displacements of three plates: the South America, the Caribbean and the Nazca Plate. This tectonic system is constituted of active strike-slip faults which have provoked several events of Mw > 6-7. Among these faults, this thesis focuses on the Boconó Fault and on the El Pilar Fault.The aim of this dissertation is to study fault activities on several time scales using a multidisciplinary approach. This approach, which combines morphotectonic, paleoseismologic and geodetic analyses, leads to clarify the deformation pattern. This knowledge is essential to the seismic hazard assessment.Previously to this thesis, in the Yaracuy valley, the tectonic activity of the Boconó fault was poorly constrained due to the lack of geodetic and geochronological data; although a part of this fault triggered in 1812 an earthquake of Mwi 7.4. Through 10-Beryllium surface exposition dating of two alluvial fans shifted by the fault, this thesis shows that the Quaternary slip rate of the fault ranges from 5.0 to 11.2 mm/yr. By comparing this rate estimated on ~ 200 ka with the slip rate estimated in far field with geodesy (~ 12 mm/yr), it can be proposed that the Boconó fault accommodates a major part of the North Andean Block extrusion. Velocity map of ground displacements calculated using SAR images shows the lack of aseismic slip along the Boconó Fault during the 2007-2011 period. The extrapolation of this locked activity since the 1812 event, implies that there is a slip deficit of several meters. Therefore, the Boconó Fault have to be taken into account in the regional seismic hazard assessment. A paleoseismological trench across the studied segment is also presented in this thesis in order to constrain this assessment. Three events of Mw > 6 - 6.5 have been recorded in this trench since 1300 CE, the last of these events is probably the 1812 historical earthquake.In the north-western region of Venezuela, the El Pilar Fault accommodates the whole relative displacement between South-America and Caribbean Plates (~ 20 mm/yr). After the last event in 1997 (Ms 6.8) the on-shore segment of this fault undergoes an important afterslip. Geodetic campaign measurements performed in 2003, 2005 and 2013 showed that this segment was still creeping (~ 12 - 13 mm/yr). This thesis presents an InSAR analysis performed with 18 SAR images spanning the 2007-2011 period. The velocity map shows that the aseismic slip is not uniform along the El Pilar Fault. Time-series analysis reveals locally a creep acceleration. This transient is characterised by a rate exceeding the rate of surrounding plate motion. Therefore, the El Pilar fault seems to be partially locked during several years and then undergoes transient creep during several months. This succession should last during the whole interseismic period as suggested by the low seismic activity and paleoseismological trenches. This creep showing spatio-temporal variations is probably controlled by the existence of serpentinites lenses and the hydrothermal activity, which are known to promote this kind of rheological behaviour.

Southward Continuation of the San Jacinto Fault Zone through and beneath the Extra and Elmore Ranch Left-Lateral Fault Arrays, Southern California

Thornock, Steven Jesse 01 May 2013 (has links)
The Clark fault is one of the primary dextral faults in the San Jacinto fault zone system, southern California. Previous mapping of the Clark fault at its southern termination in the San Felipe Hills reveals it as a broad right lateral shear zone that ends north of the crossing, northeast-striking, left-lateral Extra fault. We investigate the relationship between the dextral Clark fault and the sinistral Extra fault to determine whether the Clark fault continues to the southeast. We present new structural, geophysical and geomorphic data that show that the Extra fault is a ~7 km wide, coordinated fault array comprised of four to six left-lateral fault zones. Active strands of the Clark fault zone persists through the Extra fault array to the Superstition Hills fault in the subsurface and rotate overlying sinistral faults in a clockwise sense. New detailed structural mapping between the San Felipe and Superstition Hills confirms that there is no continuous trace of the Clark fault zone at the surface but the fault zone has uplifted an elongate region ~950 km. sq. of latest Miocene to Pleistocene basin-fill in the field area and far outside of it. Detailed maps and cross sections of relocated microearthquakes show two earthquake swarms, one in 2007 and another in 2008 that project toward the San Felipe Hills, Tarantula Wash and Powerline strands of the dextral Clark fault zone in the San Felipe Hills, or possibly toward the parts of the Coyote Creek fault zone. We interpret two earthquake swarms as activating the San Jacinto fault zone beneath the Extra fault array. These data coupled with deformation patterns in published InSAR data sets suggest the presence of possible dextral faults at seismogenic depths that are not evident on the surface. We present field, geophysical and structural data that demonstrate dominantly left-lateral motion across the Extra fault array with complex motion on secondary strands in damage zones. Slickenlines measured within three fault zones in the Extra fault array reveal primarily strike-slip motion on the principal fault strands. Doubly-plunging anticlines between right-stepping en echelon strands of the Extra fault zone are consistent with contraction between steps of left-lateral faults and are inconsistent with steps in dominantly normal faults. Of the 21 published focal mechanisms for earthquakes in and near the field area, all record strike-slip and only two have a significant component of extension. Although the San Sebastian Marsh area is dominated by northeast-striking leftlateral faults at the surface, the Clark fault is evident at depth beneath the field area, in rotated faults, in microseismic alignments, and deformation in the Sebastian uplift. Based on these data the Clark fault zone appears to be continuous at depth to the Superstition Hills fault, as Fialko (2006) hypothesized with more limited data sets.

Neotectonics And Evolution Of The Eskipazar Basin, Karabuk

Biryol, Berk Cemal 01 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Study area, the Eskipazar Basin, is located in the western part of the North Anatolian Fault System. It is a 3-5 km wide, 10 km long and NWSE trending depression, bounded by a complex array of oblique-slip normal faults and strike-slip faults. The Eskipazar Basin is interpreted to be a superimposed basin. The basin fill is composed of two different units deposited under the control of different tectonic regimes, namely the paleotectonic and the neotectonic regimes. The latest paleotectonic fill of the basin is the fluvio-lacustrine deposits of the paleotectonic Eskipazar formation. This formation is unconformably overlain by a group of neotectonic units namely, the Budaklar, the Karkin and the imanlar formations. The unconformity in between these paleotectonic and neotectonic units represents the time interval during which the paleotectonic period comes to end and the neotectonic period started. Thus, onset age of the strike-slip neotectonic regime in the study area is Late Pliocene (&amp / #8764 / 2.6 My). Common basin margin-bounding faults of the Eskipazar Basin are the Kadilar fault set, the Beytarla Fault Zone, the Budaklar fault set, the Arslanlar fault set, the Dibek fault, the Karkin fault, the Boztepe fault and the Acisu fault. These faults display well preserved fault scarps, in places. Morphological expressions of these faults and their geometrical relationships to regional stress system indicate that these faults are mostlystrike-slip faults with normal component. However the Kadilar fault set displays a different characteristic, being the major fault controlling the basin to the west and it is indeed an oblique slip normal fault. Long term seismicity and their epicentral distribution in and very close to the study area suggest that the Eskipazar basin is located in an area of seismic quiescence, nevertheless the morphotectonic expressions of the faults exposing in the basin suggest that these faults are active. Since the most of settlements are located on different lithologies of poorly consolidated deposits of the Eskipazar formation susceptible to landslides, the area is open to future earthquake hazard. Therefore, structures and settlements have to be constructed on strong ground away from active faults.

Localizing interseismic deformation around locked strike-slip faults

Zhu, Yijie 28 August 2020 (has links)
Localized geodetic deformation of an approximately arctangent shape around locked strike-slip faults is widely reported, but there are also important exceptions showing distributed interseismic deformation. Understanding the controlling mechanism is important to the interpretation of geodetic observations for hazard assessment and geodynamic analysis. In this thesis, I use simple finite element models to separately study the two major contributors to the deformation: far-field loading and previous earthquakes. The models feature a vertical strike-slip fault in an elastic layer overlying a viscoelastic substrate of Maxwell or Burgers rheology, with or without weaknesses representing extensions of the fault either along strike or to greater depth. If the locked fault is loaded only from the far field without the effects of previous earthquakes, localized deformation occurs only if local mechanical weaknesses below the fault and/or somewhere along strike are introduced. I first show that the effects of far-field loading are rather limited even in the presence of extreme weaknesses. Then I use idealized earthquake cycle models to investigate the effects of past seismic events in a viscoelastic Earth. I demonstrate that, after a phase of fast postseismic deformation just after the earthquake, the localization of interseismic deformation is controlled mainly by the recurrence interval of past earthquakes. Given viscosity, shorter recurrence leads to greater interseismic localization, regardless of the rheological model used. The presence of a low-viscosity deep fault zone does not change this conclusion, although it tends to lessen localization by promoting faster postseismic stress relaxation. Distributed interseismic deformation, although less reported in the literature, is a natural consequence of very long recurrence and in theory should be as common as localized deformation. The apparent propensity of the latter is likely associated with the much greater quantity and better quality of geodetic observations from higher-rate and shorter-recurrence faults. Using viscoelastic earthquake-cycle models, I also explore the role of nearby earthquakes and creeping segments along the same fault. For faults of relatively short recurrence, frequent ruptures of nearby segments, modelled using a migrating rupture sequence with or without temporal clustering, further enhance localization. For faults of very long recurrence, faster near-fault deformation induced by a recent earthquake may give a false impression of localized interseismic deformation. / Graduate


Taylor, Tatia R. 21 May 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Tectonique et hydrologie en mer de Marmara : histoire de l'ouverture de la mer de Marmara et reconstitution de la réponse hydrologique aux variations climatiques depuis le dernier interglaciaire / Tectonic and hydrology in the Marmara Sea : opening of the Marmara basins and reconstitution of hydrological changes since the last interglacial

Kende, Julia 12 March 2018 (has links)
La mer de Marmara est la clef de voûte d’un système hydrique complexe entre la Méditerranée la mer Noire où l’équilibre des courants a souvent été rompu, lorsque le niveau global des océans passait sous celui des détroits. L’alternance de sédiments lacustres et marins témoigne de ces variations. La mer de Marmara est aussi une structure tectonique active traversée par la branche nord de la faille Nord-Anatolienne. Cette faille décrochante continentale, l’une des plus longues du monde, est régulièrement à l’origine de forts tremblements de terre. Les études scientifiques sont nombreuses à vouloir caractériser le fonctionnement actuel et passé de la faille pour préciser l’aléa sismique auquel Istanbul est exposé. Cette thèse est constituée de deux études qui s’attaquent à cette question.La première est une étude de la géométrie de la croûte basée sur l’analyse d’un modèle 3D construit par inversion de données gravimétriques corrigées de l’influence des bassins sédimentaires. Le modèle permet de quantifier le rôle des contraintes extensives et révèle le rôle de flux ductiles dans l’amincissement de la croûte inférieur étalé au-delà des limites des bassins. La deuxième étude visait à confirmer les modèles d’âges proposés actuellement en mer de Marmara par l’étude direct des sédiments à l’origine des premiers réflecteurs sismiques interprétés. Les méthodes employées vont de la géophysique à la caractérisation paléo-environnementale des dépôts en passant par le paléomagnétisme et la téphrochronologie. Les résultats ont permis de dater précisément le premier réflecteur ainsi que d’en comprendre l’origine. L’âge que nous proposons est plus jeune que ceux déterminés jusqu’alors. / The Marmara Sea is the keystone of a complex hydrological system between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. There, the balance between inputs and outputs has been disturbed during glacial periods when the global ocean level dropped below the sill depths, isolating the Marmara Sea. The alternation of marine and lacustrine sediments reflects these variations. The Sea of Marmara is also an active tectonic structure cut by the North-Anatolian fault northern branch. The ruptures of this continental dextral transform fault, one of the longest in the world, are regularly causing massive earthquakes. Many scientific studies are aiming at characterizing the fault structure and its functioning in the hope of being able to foresee the next earthquake close to Istanbul. This thesis presents two studies tackling this subject.The first one presents an interpretation of the crust geometry based on the analysis of a 3D crustal model built from the inversion of gravity data corrected from the influence of sedimentary basins. From the model, we quantify the role of extension in the basin opening and show the existence of ductile flows, in the lower crust, that spread the thinning away from the basins. The second study purpose was to confirm or reverse the sedimentary age models available in the Marmara Sea through the direct study of the sediments constituting the first main reflector interpreted in the models. We used a broad range of methods to build a new age model for one core such as geophysics, paleo-magnetism, tephrochronology and a paleo-environmental characterization. The results give a date for the first main reflector that is younger than the one assessed by previous studies.

Structural Analysis and a Kink Band Model for the Formation of the Gemini Fault Zone, an Exhumed Left-Lateral Strike Slip Fault Zone in the Central Sierra Nevada, California

Pachell, Matthew A. 01 May 2001 (has links)
The structure and regional tectonic setting of an exhumed, 9.3-km long, left-lateral strike-slip fault zone eludicates processes of growth, linkage, and termination for strike-slip fault zones in granitic rocks. The Gemini fault zone is composed of three steeply dipping, southwest-striking, noncoplanar segments that nucleated and grew along preexisting joints. The fault zone has a maximum slip of 131 m and is an example of a segmented, hard-linked fault zone in which geometrical complexities of the faults and compositional variations of protolith and host rock resulted in nonuniform slip orientations, complex interactions at fault segments, and an asymmetric slip-distance profile. Regional structural analysis shows that joints and left-lateral fault zones have accommodated slip within a 4.8-km wide, right-lateral monoclinical kink band with vertical fold axes and northwest-striking axial surfaces. Geometric modeling of the kink band indicates that as little as 1.1 km of right-lateral displacement across the kink band may have produced the observed slip on kilometer-scale faults within the kink band.

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