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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Χωροχρονικές συνέπειες της Θεωρίας Χορδών σε χαμηλές διαστάσεις

Ζωάκος, Δημήτριος 30 July 2007 (has links)
Στόχος της διατριβής είναι η αναζήτηση υπερσυμμετρικών λύσεων με προέλευση από την Μ θεωρία και τη θεωρία χορδών στις 10-διαστάσεις, με συνακόλουθη μελέτη των συνεπειών τους στις 4-διαστάσεις μέσω της αντιστοιχίας βαρύτητας/βαθμίδας. Στο πρώτο βήμα προχωρούμε σε συστηματική κατασκευή υπερσυμμετρικών βαρυτικών λύσεων της υπερβαρύτητας σε διάφορες διαστάσεις με μειωμένη Lorentzian ολονομία. Η κατασκευή μας βασίζεται στην εισαγωγή χρονικής εξάρτησης στις παραμέτρους moduli των Riemannian αντιγράφων. Συνεπώς οδηγούμαστε σε D-διάστατες υπερσυμμετρικές λύσεις κενού με Lorentzian ομάδα ολονομίας της μορφής G×RD-2. Στο δεύτερο βήμα προσεγγίζουμε τους 5-διάστατους χώρους Sasaki-Einstein, οι οποίοι παρεμβάλονται μεταξύ της S5 και του T1,1. Χρησιμοποιώντας τους 5-διάστατους αυτούς χώρους σαν βάση κατασκευάζουμε 6-διάστατους υπερσυμμετρικούς κώνους, οι οποίοι στη συνέχεια θα αποτελέσουν τα δομικά στοιχεία για την κατασκευή λύσεων της 10-διάστατης υπερβαρύτητας τύπου ΙΙΒ για συσσωματώματα από D3 και D5-βράνες. Στο τρίτο βήμα μελετάμε τις δυϊκές βαρυτικές λύσεις του κλάδου Coulomb που αντιστοιχούν σε μια marginally παραμορφωμένη N=4 θεωρία Yang-Mills. Μέσα από μια αλληλουχία από Τ δυϊκότητες και μετατοπίσεις συντεταγμένων κατασκευάζουμε το δυϊκο βαρυτικό υπόβαθρο, ουσιαστικά παρουσιάζοντας μια γενική μεθοδολογία. Εξετάζουμε ενδελεχώς το ζήτημα της υπερσυμμετρίας και πως αυτή ελαττώνεται από Ν=4 σε Ν=1. Στη συνέχεια ανιχνεύουμε την γεωμετρία μέσα από τον υπολογισμό του βρόχου Wilson για ζεύγος βαρέων quark-antiquark, αποκαλύπτοντας φαινόμενα θωράκισης και εγκλωβισμού για το δυναμικό. / Our main objective is the quest of supersymmetric solutions coming from M theory and 10-dim string theory together with the study of their implications in 4-dim through the AdS/CFT correspondence. As a first step we proceed in a systematic construction of supersymmetric supergravity solutions in diverse dimensions with reduced Lorentzian holonomy. Our construction is based on time dependence insertion over the moduli parameters of the Riemannian counterparts. We end up with D-dim supersymmetric vacuum solutions with Lorentzian holonomy group of the semidirect product type G×RD-2. In the second step we get near the 5-dim Sasaki-Einstein spaces which interpolate between S5 and T1,1. Using those 5-dim spaces as a base we construct the 6-dim supersymmetric cones which in turn will form the building blocks for the consequent construction of supersymmetric type-IIB supergravity solutions representing a stack of D3- and D5-branes. In the last step we study the gravity duals of the Coulomb branch of marginally deformed N=4 Yang-Mills theory. Through a sequence of T dualities and coordinate shifts we construct the dual supergravity background, in other words present a general methodology. We examine in detail the issue of supersymmetry and in particular the way it is reduced from N=4 to N=1. We probe the geometry through the computation of the expectation value of the Wilson loop operator for a pair of quark-antiquark, reviling confining and complete screening phenomena for the potential.

AdS/CFT, Black Holes, And Fuzzballs

Zadeh, Aida 09 January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis we investigate two different aspects of the AdS/CFT correspondence. We first investigate the holographic AdS/CMT correspondence. Gravitational backgrounds in d+2 dimensions have been proposed as holographic duals to Lifshitz-like theories describing critical phenomena in d+1 dimensions with critical exponent z>1. We numerically explore a dilaton-Einstein-Maxwell model admitting such backgrounds as solutions. We show how to embed these solutions into AdS space for a range of values of z and d. We next investigate the AdS3/CFT2 correspondence and focus on the microscopic CFT description of the D1-D5 system on T^4*S_1. In the context of the fuzzball programme, we investigate deforming the CFT away from the orbifold point and study lifting of the low-lying string states. We start by considering general 2D orbifold CFTs of the form M^N/S_N, with M a target space manifold and S_N the symmetric group. The Lunin-Mathur covering space technique provides a way to compute correlators in these orbifold theories, and we generalize this technique in two ways. First, we consider excitations of twist operators by modes of fields that are not twisted by that operator, and show how to account for these excitations when computing correlation functions in the covering space. Second, we consider non-twist sector operators and show how to include the effects of these insertions in the covering space. Using the generalization of the Lunin-Mathur symmetric orbifold technology and conformal perturbation theory, we initiate a program to compute the anomalous dimensions of low-lying string states in the D1-D5 superconformal field theory. Our method entails finding four-point functions involving a string operator O of interest and the deformation operator, taking coincidence limits to identify which other operators mix with O, subtracting conformal families of these operators, and computing their mixing coefficients. We find evidence of operator mixing at first order in the deformation parameter, which means that the string state acquires an anomalous dimension. After diagonalization this will mean that anomalous dimensions of some string states in the D1-D5 SCFT must decrease away from the orbifold point while others increase. Finally, we summarize our results and discuss some future directions of research.

AdS/CFT, Black Holes, And Fuzzballs

Zadeh, Aida 09 January 2014 (has links)
In this thesis we investigate two different aspects of the AdS/CFT correspondence. We first investigate the holographic AdS/CMT correspondence. Gravitational backgrounds in d+2 dimensions have been proposed as holographic duals to Lifshitz-like theories describing critical phenomena in d+1 dimensions with critical exponent z>1. We numerically explore a dilaton-Einstein-Maxwell model admitting such backgrounds as solutions. We show how to embed these solutions into AdS space for a range of values of z and d. We next investigate the AdS3/CFT2 correspondence and focus on the microscopic CFT description of the D1-D5 system on T^4*S_1. In the context of the fuzzball programme, we investigate deforming the CFT away from the orbifold point and study lifting of the low-lying string states. We start by considering general 2D orbifold CFTs of the form M^N/S_N, with M a target space manifold and S_N the symmetric group. The Lunin-Mathur covering space technique provides a way to compute correlators in these orbifold theories, and we generalize this technique in two ways. First, we consider excitations of twist operators by modes of fields that are not twisted by that operator, and show how to account for these excitations when computing correlation functions in the covering space. Second, we consider non-twist sector operators and show how to include the effects of these insertions in the covering space. Using the generalization of the Lunin-Mathur symmetric orbifold technology and conformal perturbation theory, we initiate a program to compute the anomalous dimensions of low-lying string states in the D1-D5 superconformal field theory. Our method entails finding four-point functions involving a string operator O of interest and the deformation operator, taking coincidence limits to identify which other operators mix with O, subtracting conformal families of these operators, and computing their mixing coefficients. We find evidence of operator mixing at first order in the deformation parameter, which means that the string state acquires an anomalous dimension. After diagonalization this will mean that anomalous dimensions of some string states in the D1-D5 SCFT must decrease away from the orbifold point while others increase. Finally, we summarize our results and discuss some future directions of research.

Investigation of Spin-Independent CP Violation in Neutron and Nuclear Radiative β Decays

He, Daheng 01 January 2013 (has links)
CP violation is an important condition to explain the preponderance of baryons in our universe, yet the available CP violation in the Standard Model (SM) via the so-called Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa mechanism seems to not provide enough CP violation. Thus searching for new sources of CP violation is one of the central tasks of modern physics. In this thesis, we focus on a new possible source of CP violation which generates triple-product correlations in momenta which can appear in neutron and nuclear radiative β decay. We show that at low energies such a CP violating correlation may arise from the exotic coupling of nucleon, photon and neutrino that was proposed by Harvey, Hill, and Hill (HHH). One specialty of such an exotic HHH coupling is that it does not generate the well-known CP-violating terms such as ``D-term'', ``R-term'', and neutron electric dipole moment, in which particle's spins play critical role. We show that such a new HHH-induced CP violating effect is proportional to the imaginary part of c5gv, where gv is the vector coupling constant in neutron and nuclear β decay, and c5 is the phenomenological coupling constant that appears in chiral perturbation theory at O(M-2) with M referring to the nucleon or nuclear mass. We consider a possible non-Abelian hidden sector model, which is beyond the SM and may yield a nontrivial Im(c5). The available bounds on both Im(c5) and Im(gv) are considered, and a better limit on Im(c5) can come from a direct measurement in radiative beta decay. We calculate the competitive effect that arises from the general parameterization of the weak interaction that was proposed by Lee and Yang in 1956. We also show that in the proposed measurements, the CP-violating effect can be mimicked by the SM via final-state interactions (FSI). For a better determination of the bound of Im(c5), we consider the FSI-induced mimicking effect in full detail in O(α) as well as in leading recoil order. To face ongoing precision measurements of neutron radiative β decay of up to 1% relative error, we sharpen our calculations of the CP conserving pieces of neutron radiative β decay by considering the largest contributions in O(α2): the final-state Coulomb corrections as well as the contributions from two-photon radiation.

Spins and Giants : Fundamental Excitations in Weakly and  Strongly Coupled ABJM Theory

Ohlsson Sax, Olof January 2011 (has links)
The discovery of integrability on both sides of the duality between planar N=4 super Yang-Mills theory and free type IIB string theory in AdS5 × S5 has lead to great progress in our understanding of the AdS/CFT correspondence. Similar integrable structures also appear in the more recent three-dimensional superconformal N=6 Chern-Simons-matter theory constructed by Aharony, Bergman, Jafferis and Maldacena (ABJM), as well as in its gravity dual, type IIA string theory on AdS4 × CP3. However, new interesting complications arise in the AdS4/CFT3 duality. In the conjectured all-loop Bethe equations by Gromov and Vieira the dispersion relation of the magnons has a non-trivial coupling dependence which is parametrized by a function that is only known to the leading order at weak and strong coupling. In the first part of this thesis I discuss our calculations of the next-to-leading correction to this function at weak coupling. We compute this function from four-loop Feynman diagrams in the SU(2) × SU(2) sector of the ABJM model. As a consistency check we have performed the calculation both in a component formalism and using superspace techniques. At strong coupling the fundamental excitations of the integrable model are the giant magnons. The topic of the second part of this thesis is the spectrum of these giant magnons in CP3. Furthermore, I discuss our analyses of the finite-size corrections beyond the asymptotic Bethe ansatz. At weak coupling we have computed the leading four-loop wrapping diagrams in the ABJM model. At the strong coupling side of the duality I discuss our results for the exponentially suppressed finite-size corrections to the energy of giant magnons.

Going Round in Circles : From Sigma Models to Vertex Algebras and Back / Gå runt i cirklar : Från sigmamodeller till vertexalgebror och tillbaka.

Ekstrand, Joel January 2011 (has links)
In this thesis, we investigate sigma models and algebraic structures emerging from a Hamiltonian description of their dynamics, both in a classical and in a quantum setup. More specifically, we derive the phase space structures together with the Hamiltonians for the bosonic two-dimensional non-linear sigma model, and also for the N=1 and N=2 supersymmetric models. A convenient framework for describing these structures are Lie conformal algebras and Poisson vertex algebras. We review these concepts, and show that a Lie conformal algebra gives a weak Courant–Dorfman algebra. We further show that a Poisson vertex algebra generated by fields of conformal weight one and zero are in a one-to-one relationship with Courant–Dorfman algebras. Vertex algebras are shown to be appropriate for describing the quantum dynamics of supersymmetric sigma models. We give two definitions of a vertex algebra, and we show that these definitions are equivalent. The second definition is given in terms of a λ-bracket and a normal ordered product, which makes computations straightforward. We also review the manifestly supersymmetric N=1 SUSY vertex algebra. We also construct sheaves of N=1 and N=2 vertex algebras. We are specifically interested in the sheaf of N=1 vertex algebras referred to as the chiral de Rham complex. We argue that this sheaf can be interpreted as a formal quantization of the N=1 supersymmetric non-linear sigma model. We review different algebras of the chiral de Rham complex that one can associate to different manifolds. In particular, we investigate the case when the manifold is a six-dimensional Calabi–Yau manifold. The chiral de Rham complex then carries two commuting copies of the N=2 superconformal algebra with central charge c=9, as well as the Odake algebra, associated to the holomorphic volume form.

Fuzzy blackholes

Murugan, Anand 01 May 2007 (has links)
The fuzzball model of a black hole is an attempt to resolve the many paradoxes and puzzles of black hole physics that have revealed themselves over the last century. These badly behaved solutions of general relativity have given physicists one of the few laboratories to test candidate quantum theories of gravity. Though little is known about exactly what lies beyond the event horizon, and what the ultimate fate of matter that falls in to a black hole is, we know a few intriguing and elegant semi-classical results that have kept physicists occupied. Among these are the known black hole entropy and the Hawking radiation process.

Θέματα ολοκληρώσιμων συστημάτων και θεωρίας χορδών

Καραΐσκος, Νικόλαος 21 December 2012 (has links)
Υπάρχει μια ιδιαίτερη κατηγορία φυσικών συστημάτων, τα οποία καλούνται ολοκληρώσιμα. Η ολοκληρωσιμότητα ενός συστήματος συνεπάγεται άμεσα πως αυτό είναι ακριβώς επιλύσιμο, ενώ συνήθως το σύστημα παρουσιάζει μεγάλη συμμετρία. Η θεωρία των ο- λοκληρώσιμων συστημάτων, κλασικών και κβαντικών, παρέχει τα κατάλληλα εργαλεία για τη μελέτη των εν λόγω προτύπων με συστηματικό τρόπο. Στην παρούσα διατρι- βή μελετούμε τέτοιου είδους συστήματα, δίνοντας έμφαση στις αλγεβρικές δομές και τις συμμετρίες που βρίσκονται πίσω από αυτά. Στο πρώτο μέρος, περιγράφονται στοιχεία της θεωρίας των κλασικών ολοκληρώσιμων συστημάτων. Ο συστηματικός τρόπος περιγρα- φής τους επιτρέπει και την επέκταση αυτών, εισάγοντας για παράδειγμα μη τετριμμένες συνοριακές συνθήκες ή τοπικές ατέλειες, έτσι ώστε η ολοκληρωσιμότητα του συστήματος να διατηρείται. Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο περιγράφεται η θεωρία της ολοκληρωσιμότητας σε κβαντικό επίπεδο και το πλαίσιο ακριβούς επίλυσης τέτοιων συστημάτων μέσω ισχυρών μεθόδων, όπως η τεχνική Bethe ansatz. Σημαντικό ρόλο στο πεδίο αυτό διαδραματίζει η ομάδα braid και τα υποσύνολά της, καθώς εξασφαλίζουν την παραγωγή συμμετρικών λύσεων των εξισώσεων της κβαντικής ολοκληρωσιμότητας, με συστηματικό τρόπο. Στο κεφάλαιο αυτό περιγράφεται το πλαίσιο παραγωγής τέτοιων λύσεων, και συγκεκριμένα δημοσιευμένα αποτελέσματα. Τέλος, στο κεφάλαιο 3 περιγράφονται εμβαπτίσεις μεμβρα- νών σε σφαιρικές υποπολλαπλότητες, όπως αυτές υπεισέρχονται στη θεωρία των χορδών. Εκτός της κατασκευής των συγκεκριμένων εμβαπτίσεων, παρουσιάζεται και η σχέση τους με συστήματα της φυσικής της συμπυκνωμένης ύλης, χρησιμοποιώντας το ισχυρό πλαίσιο της αντιστοιχίας AdS/CFT. / There is a special category of physical systems, called integrable. The integrability of a system implies directly that this is exactly solvable, while there usually exists a large amount of symmetry. The theory of integrable systems, both classical and quantum, provides the appropriate tools for the study of these models in a systematic way. In this dissertation we study such systems, giving emphasis on the underlying algebraic structures and symmetries. In the first part, we describe elements of the theory of classic integrable systems. The systematic way of describing them leads to natural extensions, for example by introducing non-trivial boundary conditions or local defects, in a way that the integrability of the system is preserved. In the second chapter the theory of integrability at the quantum level is described, as well as the framework for exactly solving such systems through powerful methods, such as Bethe ansatz method. Important role in this framework is played by the braid group and its quotients, as they provide a systematic way of obtaining solutions of the equations of quantum integrability in a systematic manner. This chapter describes the framework for the construction of such solutions, and particular published results. Finally, chapter 3 describes brane embeddings in sphere submanifolds, which exist within string theory. Besides the construction of these embeddings, their relation with systems of physics of condensed matter is presented, using the powerful framework of the AdS/CFT correspondence.

Calabi-Yau manifolds, discrete symmetries and string theory

Mishra, Challenger January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis we explore various aspects of Calabi-Yau (CY) manifolds and com- pactifications of the heterotic string over them. At first we focus on classifying symmetries and computing Hodge numbers of smooth CY quotients. Being non- simply connected, these quotients are an integral part of CY compactifications of the heterotic string, aimed at producing realistic string vacua. Discrete symmetries of such spaces that are generically present in the moduli space, are phenomenologically important since they may appear as symmetries of the associated low energy theory. We classify such symmetries for the class of smooth Complete Intersection CY (CICY) quotients, resulting in a large number of regular and R-symmetry examples. Our results strongly suggest that generic, non-freely acting symmetries for CY quotients arise relatively frequently. A large number of string derived Standard Models (SM) were recently obtained over this class of CY manifolds indicating that our results could be phenomenologically important. We also specialise to certain loci in the moduli space of a quintic quotient to produce highly symmetric CY quotients. Our computations thus far are the first steps towards constructing a sizeable class of highly symmetric smooth CY quotients. Knowledge of the topological properties of the internal space is vital in determining the suitability of the space for realistic string compactifications. Employing the tools of polynomial deformation and counting of invariant Kähler classes, we compute the Hodge numbers of a large number of smooth CICY quotients. These were later verified by independent cohomology computations. We go on to develop the machinery to understand the geometry of CY manifolds embedded as hypersurfaces in a product of del Pezzo surfaces. This led to an interesting account of the quotient space geometry, enabling the computation of Hodge numbers of such CY quotients. Until recently only a handful of CY compactifications were known that yielded low energy theories with desirable MSSM features. The recent construction of rank 5 line bundle sums over smooth CY quotients has led to several SU(5) GUTs with the exact MSSM spectrum. We derive semi-analytic results on the finiteness of the number of such line bundle models, and study the relationship between the volume of the CY and the number of line bundle models over them. We also imply a possible correlation between the observed number of generations and the value of the gauge coupling constants of the corresponding GUTs. String compactifications with underlying SO(10) GUTs are theoretically attractive especially since the discovery that neutrinos have non-zero mass. With this in mind, we construct tens of thousands of rank 4 stable line bundle sums over smooth CY quotients leading to SO(10) GUTs.

Supergravity duals to five-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories

Gregory, Carolina Matté January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis we study gauge/gravity duals in the 5d/6d AdS/CFT correspondence. We start with field theories defined on squashed five-spheres with SU(3) × U(1) symmetry. These five-sphere backgrounds are continuously connected to the round sphere. We find a one-parameter family of 3/4 BPS deformations and a two-parameter family of (generically) 1/4 BPS deformations. The gravity duals are constructed in Euclidean Romans F(4) gauged supergravity in six dimensions, and uplift to massive type IIA supergravity. We holographically renormalize the Romans theory, and use our general result to compute the renormalized on-shell actions for the solutions. The results agree perfectly with the large N limit of the dual gauge theory partition function, which we compute using large N matrix model techniques. In addition we compute BPS Wilson loops in these backgrounds, both in supergravity and in the large N matrix model, again finding precise agreement. We conjecture a general formula for the partition function on any five-sphere background, which for fixed gauge theory depends only on a certain supersymmetric Killing vector. We then proceed to study Euclidean Romans supergravity in six dimensions with a non-trivial Abelian R-symmetry gauge field. We show that supersymmetric solutions are in one-to-one correspondence with solutions to a set of differential constraints on an SU(2) structure. As an application of our results we (i) show that this structure reduces at a conformal boundary to the five-dimensional rigid supersymmetric geometry previously studied, (ii) find a general expression for the holographic dual of the VEV of a BPS Wilson loop, matching an exact field theory computation, (iii) construct holographic duals to squashed Sasaki-Einstein backgrounds, again matching to a field theory computation, and (iv) find new analytic solutions to the squashed five-sphere background. We also analyse the classification of gravity duals with zero B-field.

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