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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Uma medida de similaridade híbrida para correspondência aproximada de múltiplos padrões / A hybrid similarity measure for multiple approximate pattern matching

Dezembro, Denise Gazotto 07 March 2019 (has links)
A busca aproximada por múltiplos padrões similares é um problema encontrado em diversas áreas de pesquisa, tais como biologia computacional, processamento de sinais e recuperação de informação. Na maioria das vezes, padrões não possuem uma correspondência exata e, portanto, buscam-se padrões aproximados, de acordo com um modelo de erro. Em geral, o modelo de erro utiliza uma função de distância para determinar o quanto dois padrões são diferentes. As funções de distância são baseadas em medidas de similaridade, que são classificadas em medidas de similaridade baseadas em distância de edição, medidas de similaridade baseadas em token e medidas de similaridade híbridas. Algumas dessas medidas extraem um vetor de características de todos os termos que constituem o padrão. A similaridade entre os vetores pode ser calculada pela distância entre cossenos ou pela distância euclidiana, por exemplo. Essas medidas apresentam alguns problemas: tornam-se inviáveis conforme o tamanho do padrão aumenta, não realizam a correção ortográfica ou apresentam problemas de normalização. Neste projeto de pesquisa propõe-se uma nova medida de similaridade híbrida que combina TF-IDF Weighting e uma medida de similaridade baseada em distância de edição para estimar a importância de um termo dentro de um padrão na tarefa de busca textual. A medida DGD não descarta completamente os termos que não fazem parte do padrão, mas atribui um peso baseando-se na alta similaridade deste termo com outro que está no padrão e com a média de TF-IDF Weighting do termo na coleção. Alguns experimentos foram conduzidos mostrando o comportamento da medida proposta comparada com as outras existentes na literatura. Tem-se como recomendação geral o limiar de {tf-idf+cosseno, Jaccard, Soft tf-idf} 0,60 e {Jaro, Jaro-Winkler, Monge-Elkan} 0,90 para detecção de padrões similares. A medida de similaridade proposta neste trabalho (DGD+cosseno) apresentou um melhor desempenho quando comparada com tf idf+cosseno e Soft tf-idf na identificação de padrões similares e um melhor desempenho do que as medidas baseadas em distância de edição (Jaro e JaroWinkler) na identificação de padrões não similares. Atuando como classificador, em geral, a medida de similaridade híbrida proposta neste trabalho (DGD+cosseno) apresentou um melhor desempenho (embora não sinificativamente) do que todas as outras medidas de similaridade analisadas, o que se mostra como um resultado promissor. Além disso, é possível concluir que o melhor valor de a ser usado, onde corresponde ao limiar do valor da medida de similaridade secundária baseada em distância de edição entre os termos do padrão, corresponde a 0,875. / Multiple approximate pattern matching is a challenge found in many research areas, such as computational biology, signal processing and information retrieval. Most of the time, a pattern does not have an exact match in the text, and therefore an error model becomes necessary to search for an approximate pattern match. In general, the error model uses a distance function to determine how different two patterns are. Distance functions use similarity measures which can be classified in token-based, edit distance based and hybrid measures. Some of these measures extract a vector of characteristics from all terms in the pattern. Then, the similarity between vectors can be calculated by cosine distance or by euclidean distance, for instance. These measures present some problems: they become infeasible as the size of the pattern increases, do not perform the orthographic correction or present problems of normalization. In this research, we propose a new hybrid similarity metric, named DGD, that combines TF-IDF Weighting and a edit distance based measure to estimate the importance of a term within patterns. The DGD measure doesnt completely rule out terms that are not part of the pattern, but assigns a weight based on the high similarity of this term to another that is in the pattern and with the TF-IDF Weighting mean of the term in the collection. Experiment were conducted showing the soundness of the proposed metric compared to others in the literature. The general recommendation is the threshold of {tf-idf+cosseno, Jaccard, Soft tf-idf} 0.60 and {Jaro, Jaro-Winkler, Monge-Elkan} 0.90 for detection of similar patterns. The similarity measure proposed in this work (DGD + cosine) presented a better performance when compared with tf-idf+cosine and Soft tf-idf in the identification of similar patterns and a better performance than the edit distance based measures (Jaro and Jaro-Winkler) in identifying non-similar patterns. As a classifier, in general, the hybrid similarity measure proposed in this work (DGD+cosine) performed better (although not significantly) than all other similarity measures analyzed, which is shown as a promising result . In addition, it is possible to conclude that the best value of to be used, where is the theshold of the value of the secondary similarity measure based on edit distance between the terms of the pattern, corresponds to 0.875.

Méthode d’extraction d’informations géographiques à des fins d’enrichissement d’une ontologie de domaine / Geographical information extraction method in order to enrich a domain ontology

Nguyen, Van Tien 15 November 2012 (has links)
Notre thèse se situe dans le contexte du projet ANR GEONTO qui porte sur la constitution, l’alignement, la comparaison et l’exploitation d’ontologies géographiques hétérogènes. Dans ce contexte, notre objectif est d'extraire automatiquement des termes topographiques à partir des récits de voyage afin d'enrichir une ontologie géographique initialement conçue par l'IGN. La méthode proposée permet de repérer et d'extraire des termes à connotation topographiques contenus dans un texte. Notre méthode est basée sur le repérage automatique de certaines relations linguistiques afin d'annoter ces termes. Sa mise en œuvre s'appuie sur le principe des relations n-aires et passe par l'utilisation de méthodes ou de techniques de TAL (Traitement Automatique de la Langue). Il s'agit de relations n-aires entre les termes à extraire et d'autres éléments du textes qui peuvent être repérés à l'aide de ressources externes prédéfinies, telles que des lexiques spécifiques: les verbes de récit de voyage (verbes de déplacement, verbes de perceptions, et verbes topographiques), les pré-positions (prépositions de lieu, adverbes, adjectifs), les noms toponymiques, des thésaurus génériques, des ontologies de domaine (ici l'ontologie géographique initialement conçue par l'IGN). Une fois marquées par des patrons linguistiques, les relations proposées nous permettent d'annoter et d'extraire automatiquement des termes dont les différents indices permettent de déduire qu'ils évoquent des concepts topographiques. Les règles de raisonnement qui permettent ces déductions s'appuient sur des connaissances intrinsèques (évocation du spatial dans la langue) et des connaissances externes contenues dans les ressources ci-dessus évoquées, ou leur combinaison. Le point fort de notre approche est que la méthode proposée permet d'extraire non seulement des termes rattachés directement aux noms toponymiques mais également dans des structures de phrase où d'autres termes s'intercalent. L'expérimentation sur un corpus comportant 12 récits de voyage (2419 pages, fournit par la médiathèque de Pau) a montré que notre méthode est robuste. En résultat, elle a permis d'extraire 2173 termes distincts dont 1191 termes valides, soit une précision de 0,55. Cela démontre que l'utilisation des relations proposées est plus efficace que celle des couples (termes, nom toponymique)(qui donne 733 termes distincts valides avec une précision de 0,38). Notre méthode peut également être utilisée pour d'autres applications telles que la reconnaissance des entités nommées géographiques, l'indexation spatiale des documents textuels. / This thesis is in the context of the ANR project GEONTO covering the constitution, alignment, comparison and exploitation of heterogeneous geographic ontologies. The goal is to automatically extract terms from topographic travelogues to enrich a geographical ontology originally designed by IGN. The proposed method allows identification and extraction of terms contained in a text with a topographical connotation. Our method is based on a model that relies on certain grammatical relations to locate these terms. The implementation of this model requires the use of methods or techniques of NLP (Processing of Language). Our model represents the relationships between terms to extract and other elements of the texts that can be identified by using external predefined resources, such as specific lexicons: verbs of travelogue (verbs of displacement, verbs of perceptions, topographical verbs), pre-positions (prepositions of place, adverbs, adjectives), place name, generic thesauri, ontologies of domain (in our case the geographical ontology originally designed by IGN). Once marked by linguistic patterns, the proposed relationships allow us to annotate and automatically retrieve terms. Then various indices help deduce whether the extracted terms evoke topographical concepts. It is through reasoning rules that deductions are made. These rules are based on intrinsic knowledge (evocation of space in the language) and external knowledge contained in external resources mentioned above, or their combination. The advantage of our approach is that the method can extract not only the terms related directly to place name but also those embedded in sentence structure in which other terms coexisted. Experiments on a corpus consisting of 12 travel stories (2419 pages, provided by the library of Pau) showed that our method is robust. As a result, it was used to extract 2173 distinct terms with 1191 valid terms, with a precision of 0.55. This demonstrates that the use of the proposed relationships is more effective than that of couples (term, place name) (which gives 733 distinct terms valid with an accuracy of 0.38). Our method can also be used for other applications such as geographic named entity recognition, spatial indexing of textual documents.

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