Spelling suggestions: "subject:"5students -- attitudes."" "subject:"5students -- atttitudes.""
641 |
Perceptons of staff and students concerning support offered to students the MA (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV/AIDS) at the University of South AfricaMatee, Marie 06 1900 (has links)
The MA Social Behaviour Studies in HIV and AIDS as a postgraduate degree
requires students to work and conduct research independently. The purpose of
the study was to gauge the perceptions, attitudes and experiences of second
year students and key personnel concerning student support. A mixed methods
research design was used. It was found that students and staff regarded support
in a positive light, although concerns about insufficient resources were
expressed. Students expressed needs for specific academic and research
support. Staff tended to romanticise the reasons for students enrolling for the
degree. Possible conflicting expectations of the degree and the amount and type
of support offered were found between the staff and the students and also among
various staff members. / Social Work / M.A. (Social Behaviour Studies in HIV-AIDS)
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Student evaluation of career readiness after completing the hospitality management curriculum at the International Hotel SchoolConradie, Ronette 02 1900 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study was to determine how the current hospitality
management curriculum at The International Hotel School contributes to students’
preparedness from their own perspectives.
Generic and curriculum specific skills that can be used for curriculum evaluation were
identified, a framework of curriculum variables to rate the level of student
preparedness was developed, the effectiveness of the hospitality management
curriculum from the perspectives of students’ perceptions of preparedness was
analysed, and the aspects that contribute most to student preparedness were
identified through a literature study and an empirical investigation.
The findings were summarised and it was recommended that The International Hotel
School needs to review the hotel and restaurant accounting course and the
experiential learning components. Furthermore, lecturers of The International Hotel
School should receive training on the implementation of more interactive course
content delivery methods. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Adult Education)
643 |
Psychological and social factors related to physical science achievement and attitude of secondary school studentsMashile, Elias Oupa, 1963- 07 1900 (has links)
School physical science is a prerequisite for science courses at institutions of higher education. Science
graduates are an important link in a nation's scientific and technological development which often
shapes a country's economic development. The purpose of this study was to investigate psychological
and social factors influencing physical science achievement and attitude of black secondary school
students in South Africa.
The first part of the literature study which was concerned with physical science education in South Africa
revealed that few black students chose to study science after standard seven, that failure rates were high
and that science education was generally in a state of crisis. The second part of the literature study
identified psychological and social factors related to science achievement and attitude. These were
home environment variables, teacher and school related variables, personal variables (self-concept,
motivation, gender, ethnicity) and students' abilities. The third part was the construction of a Structural
Equation Model (SEM) specifying the relationships among the psychological and social factors and their
effects on physical science achievement and attitude.
The theoretical SEM fit the data reasonably well. The best fitting model, however, was a revised model
in which several paths were constrained. The latter accounted for a substantial variance in attitude
towards physical science (70.3%) and a meagre 17.7% in physical science achievement.
The variables ability, home environment and self-concept had the greatest total effects on physical
science achievement. Self-concept, home environment and motivation made the greatest total
contributions to physical science attitude. Teacher characteristics and school environment had non-significant
effects on physical science achievement and attitude. Multiple-group structural equation modelling analyses found no significant difference in the structural parameters of boys and girls. Theoretical and educational implications of the findings were discussed and specific recommendations
for improving educational practice in general and physical science achievement and attitude in particular,
were made. / Psychology of Education / D. Ed. (Psychology of Education)
644 |
A critical examination of the provision for music education and attitudes to the music curriculum amongst secondary school pupils inHong Kong: implications for schooladministrationRyan, Michael Joseph. January 1985 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Education / Master / Master of Education
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专题研习和WebQuest中学生的问题解決及影响因素: 以香港初中通识科课程为例. / Students' problem solving strategies and their factors in project-based learning and WebQuest: a case of junior students studying liberal studies from one Hong Kong secondary school / 以香港初中通识科课程为例 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Zhuan ti yan xi he WebQuest zhong xue sheng de wen ti jie jue ji ying xiang yin su: yi Xianggang chu zhong tong shi ke ke cheng wei li. / Yi Xianggang chu zhong tong shi ke ke cheng wei liJanuary 2008 (has links)
周玉霞. / Thesis (doctoral)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 219-237). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Zhou Yuxia.
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Ефекти интердисциплинарног учења еколошких садржаја у гимназији / Efekti interdisciplinarnog učenja ekoloških sadržaja u gimnaziji / Effects of Interdisciplinary Teaching of Ecological Conteints in The High SchoolNiklanović Mirjana 07 July 2015 (has links)
<p>У докторској дисертацији је најпре анализирано теоријско утемељење корелације (интердисциплинарности) и њена заступљеност у настави природних наука, а затим заступљеност и реализација еколошких садржаја у средњим школама у Србији.<br />На основу те анализе дошло се до сазнања да је због познавања еколошких појмова у животу савременог човека и њиховог бољег разумевања и усвајања од стране ученика неопходно применити ефикасније моделе њихове реализације у средњим школама. Сходно томе је обављено педагошко истраживање у коме је наставна тема Екологија, заштита и унапређивање животне средине у другом<br />разреду гимназије друштвено-језичког смера, реализована током 13 часова применом различитих модела наставе у експерименталној (Е) и контролној (К) групи. Ова наставна тема је у Е групи обрађена интердисциплинарним приступом (корелацијом појмова из биологије, географије, хемије, физике и<br />математике), а у К групи традиционалном наставом. Узорак истраживања чинило је 150 ученика из две гимназије у Београду. Истраживање је реализовано школске 2011/2012. и 2012/2013. године, након чега су анализирани његови резултати.<br />Експериментална и контролна група ученика уједначене су на почетку истраживања на основу општег успеха ученика на полугодишту, оцена из биологије, географије, хемије, физике и математике и на основу резултата иницијалног теста знања из биологије. Након обраде наставне теме Екологија, заштита и унапређивање животне средине на различите начине у Е и К групи извршено је финално тестирање, а затим и ретестирање ученика обе групе. За утврђивање значајности разлика у постигнућу ученика Е и К групе на<br />сва три теста примењен је t тест. За сва три теста израчунати су статистички параметри: број ученика (N), аритметичка средина (М), стандардна девијација (SD), стандардна грешка (SЕ) и граница значајности (p). За испитивање ефекта интеракције фактора тестирање и фактора група, коришћена је комбинована анализа варијансе (Mixed-design ANOVA). За поновљена мерења у циљу испитивања значајности разлика у постигнућу ученика током различитих тестирања, у оквиру сваке групе ученика (Е и К) спроведена је<br />анализа варијансе за поновљена мерења (ANOVA). Поменута мерења односила су се на целину теста и когнитивне домене.<br />Ученици Е групе су остварили знатно бољи успех на финалном тесту (просечно 70,60 поена) и на ретесту (просечно 57,60 поена) од ученика К групе (просечно 51,80 поена на финалном тесту и 40,60 поена на ретесту) од максимално остварљивих 100 поена. Резултати финалног теста и ретеста су показали да је<br />применом модела интердисциплинарног учења садржаја из екологије у гимназији остварен већи ефекат на квантитет и квалитет знања ученика Е групе у односу на традиционални приступ њиховог учења у К групи.<br />Они су такође показали да су знања ученика стечена повезивањем појмова из биологије, географије, хемије, физике и математике олакшала не само разумевање нових појмова из екологије, већ омогућила њихову интеграцију и формирање функционалних знања.<br />Остварени резултати ученика Е групе на финалном тесту и ретесту у односу на ученике К групе указују на потребу веће заступљености интердисциплинарног модела у настави екологије, биологије и других природних наука у односу на традиционалну наставу. У прилог томе су и изражени поз итивни ставови ученика у Е групи према интердисциплинарном моделу учења биологије (екологије).</p> / <p>U doktorskoj disertaciji je najpre analizirano teorijsko utemeljenje korelacije (interdisciplinarnosti) i njena zastupljenost u nastavi prirodnih nauka, a zatim zastupljenost i realizacija ekoloških sadržaja u srednjim školama u Srbiji.<br />Na osnovu te analize došlo se do saznanja da je zbog poznavanja ekoloških pojmova u životu savremenog čoveka i njihovog boljeg razumevanja i usvajanja od strane učenika neophodno primeniti efikasnije modele njihove realizacije u srednjim školama. Shodno tome je obavljeno pedagoško istraživanje u kome je nastavna tema Ekologija, zaštita i unapređivanje životne sredine u drugom<br />razredu gimnazije društveno-jezičkog smera, realizovana tokom 13 časova primenom različitih modela nastave u eksperimentalnoj (E) i kontrolnoj (K) grupi. Ova nastavna tema je u E grupi obrađena interdisciplinarnim pristupom (korelacijom pojmova iz biologije, geografije, hemije, fizike i<br />matematike), a u K grupi tradicionalnom nastavom. Uzorak istraživanja činilo je 150 učenika iz dve gimnazije u Beogradu. Istraživanje je realizovano školske 2011/2012. i 2012/2013. godine, nakon čega su analizirani njegovi rezultati.<br />Eksperimentalna i kontrolna grupa učenika ujednačene su na početku istraživanja na osnovu opšteg uspeha učenika na polugodištu, ocena iz biologije, geografije, hemije, fizike i matematike i na osnovu rezultata inicijalnog testa znanja iz biologije. Nakon obrade nastavne teme Ekologija, zaštita i unapređivanje životne sredine na različite načine u E i K grupi izvršeno je finalno testiranje, a zatim i retestiranje učenika obe grupe. Za utvrđivanje značajnosti razlika u postignuću učenika E i K grupe na<br />sva tri testa primenjen je t test. Za sva tri testa izračunati su statistički parametri: broj učenika (N), aritmetička sredina (M), standardna devijacija (SD), standardna greška (SE) i granica značajnosti (p). Za ispitivanje efekta interakcije faktora testiranje i faktora grupa, korišćena je kombinovana analiza varijanse (Mixed-design ANOVA). Za ponovljena merenja u cilju ispitivanja značajnosti razlika u postignuću učenika tokom različitih testiranja, u okviru svake grupe učenika (E i K) sprovedena je<br />analiza varijanse za ponovljena merenja (ANOVA). Pomenuta merenja odnosila su se na celinu testa i kognitivne domene.<br />Učenici E grupe su ostvarili znatno bolji uspeh na finalnom testu (prosečno 70,60 poena) i na retestu (prosečno 57,60 poena) od učenika K grupe (prosečno 51,80 poena na finalnom testu i 40,60 poena na retestu) od maksimalno ostvarljivih 100 poena. Rezultati finalnog testa i retesta su pokazali da je<br />primenom modela interdisciplinarnog učenja sadržaja iz ekologije u gimnaziji ostvaren veći efekat na kvantitet i kvalitet znanja učenika E grupe u odnosu na tradicionalni pristup njihovog učenja u K grupi.<br />Oni su takođe pokazali da su znanja učenika stečena povezivanjem pojmova iz biologije, geografije, hemije, fizike i matematike olakšala ne samo razumevanje novih pojmova iz ekologije, već omogućila njihovu integraciju i formiranje funkcionalnih znanja.<br />Ostvareni rezultati učenika E grupe na finalnom testu i retestu u odnosu na učenike K grupe ukazuju na potrebu veće zastupljenosti interdisciplinarnog modela u nastavi ekologije, biologije i drugih prirodnih nauka u odnosu na tradicionalnu nastavu. U prilog tome su i izraženi poz itivni stavovi učenika u E grupi prema interdisciplinarnom modelu učenja biologije (ekologije).</p> / <p>The doctoral dissertation first analyses the theoretical foundation of correlation (interdisciplinarity) and its use in teaching natural sciences, then the use and implementation of environmental content in high schools in Serbia.</p><p>Based on this analysis, it was discovered that due to the importance of environmental concepts in the life of modern man, it is necessary to implement more efficient learning models in high schools in order to facilitate better understanding and acquisition by students. Therefore, pedagogical research was conducted during which the unit Ecology and Environmental Protection and Enhancement was taught to the second-grade students of social sciences-languages stream in 13 lessons by applying different teaching models in the Experimental (E) and Control (C) groups. This unit was done in the E group through an interdisciplinary approach (correlating concepts from biology, geography, chemistry, physics and mathematics), and in the C group using a traditional approach. The study sample consisted of 150 students from two high schools in Belgrade. The survey was conducted in academic years 2011/2012 and 2012/2013, after which the results were analysed.</p><p>At the beginning of the research the experimental and control groups were equal in terms of students general success at the end of the term, grades in biology, geography, chemistry, physics and mathematics and the results of the initial biology test. After the unit Ecology and Environmental Protection and Enh ancement was done in different ways in the E and C groups, students in both groups were given a final test and then retested. The t -test was used to determine the importance of differences in results in the E and C groups in all three tests. Statistical parameters were calculated for all three tests: number of students (N), arithmetic mean (M), standard deviation (SD), standard error (SE) and the limits of significance (p). To analyse the effect of the interaction between a testing factor and group factor, a combined variance analysis was used (Mixed-Design ANOVA). Repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) was conducted within each group of students (E and C) to analyse the importance of differences in results of the various tests. The above measures were related to the whole test and cognitive domains.</p><p>Students from the E group achieved better results in the final test (70.60 points average) and retest (57.60 points average) than students from the C group (51.80 points average in the final test and 40.60 points in the retest) of maximum 100 points. Results of the final test and retest showed that the model of interdisciplinary learning of environmental content in high schools had a greater impact on the quantity and quality of knowledge in the E group compared to the traditional approach used in the C group. They also showed that the students' knowledge acquired by linking concepts from biology, geography, chemistry, physics and mathematics facilitated not only the understanding of new environmental concepts, but also their integration and formation of functional knowledge.</p><p>The results achieved by the E group students in the final test and retest compared to the C group suggest that the interdisciplinary model should be used more in teaching ecology, biolo gy and other natural sciences than the traditional approach. This is supported by positive attitudes of E group students towards the interdisciplinary model of learning biology (ecology).</p>
647 |
Social relations and school life satisfaction in South Korea.January 2011 (has links)
Kim, Ji Hye. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 68-74). / ABSTRACT --- p.i / ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- p.ii / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.iii / LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES --- p.v / Chapter CHAPTER ONE --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- BACKGROUND OF STUDY --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- LAYOUT OF THESIS --- p.4 / Chapter CHAPTER TWO --- LITERATURE REVIEW --- p.5 / Chapter 2.1 --- DEFINITION OF SCHOOL LIFE SATISFACTION --- p.5 / Chapter 2.2 --- STUDENTS' SOCIAL RELATIONS AND SCHOOL LIFE SATISFACTION --- p.8 / Chapter 2.3 --- SOCIAL RELATIONS AND KOREAN CONTEXTS --- p.19 / Chapter 2.4 --- FOCUS OF THESIS --- p.20 / Chapter CHAPTER THREE --- THE EMERGENCE OF THE HIERARCHICAL SCHOOL SYSTEM IN SOUTH KOREA --- p.21 / Chapter 3.1 --- EDUCATIONAL EXPANSION DURING THE COUNTRY'S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT --- p.21 / Chapter 3.2 --- THE EMERGENCE OF ELITE HIGH SCHOOLS AND THEIR REPID DEVELOPMENT --- p.22 / Chapter 3.3 --- VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOLS EDGED OF THE HIERARCHY OF HIGH SCHOOL SYSTEM --- p.25 / Chapter CHAPTER FOUR --- METHODOLOGY AND RESULTS --- p.30 / Chapter 4.1 --- HYPOTHESES --- p.30 / Chapter 4.2 --- DATA AND SAMPLES --- p.30 / Chapter 4.3 --- VARIABLES --- p.31 / Chapter 4.4 --- METHOD AND ANALYTICAL STRATEGIES --- p.33 / Chapter 4.5 --- RESULTS AND FINDINGS --- p.38 / Chapter CHAPTER FIVE --- FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION --- p.51 / Chapter 5.1 --- MAJOR FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION --- p.51 / Chapter 5.2 --- ADDITIONAL FINDINGS --- p.56 / Chapter 5.3 --- THE SOCIOLOGICAL IMPLICATION --- p.58 / Chapter 5.4 --- LIMITATIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH --- p.59 / Chapter 5.5 --- CONCLUSION --- p.60 / APPENDIX A --- p.62 / APPENDIX B --- p.65 / REFERENCES --- p.68
648 |
A qualitative study of Chinese female university students experiencing economic disadvantage.January 2007 (has links)
Tang, Mun Yu. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 473-493). / Abstracts in English and Chinese; appendices in Chinese. / Abstract --- p.i / 摘要 --- p.iii / Acknowledgments --- p.iv / Table of Contents --- p.vi / List of Figures and Tables --- p.xiii / Chapter Chapter One --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter Chapter Two --- Literature Review on Adolescent Development with Particular Reference to Poor Adolescents --- p.11 / Chapter 2.1 --- Theories of adolescent development --- p.11 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- Micro theories --- p.11 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- Macro theories --- p.15 / Chapter 2.1.3 --- Ecological model --- p.17 / Chapter --- Introduction --- p.17 / Chapter --- Application to understand the development of adolescents experiencing adversity ´ؤ Resilience Model --- p.18 / Chapter --- Definitions of resilience with specific to children and adolescents --- p.18 / Chapter --- Models of resilience --- p.20 / Chapter 2.1.4 --- Summary --- p.22 / Chapter 2.2 --- Existing findings on the development of adolescents growing up in poor families --- p.22 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- Poor adolescents perceive poverty --- p.23 / Chapter --- Conceptualization of beliefs about causes of poverty --- p.23 / Chapter --- Review of previous studies --- p.29 / Chapter --- Limitations --- p.34 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- Development of adolescents experiencing poverty --- p.38 / Chapter --- Development of poor adolescents in their present lives --- p.38 / Chapter --- Psychological well-being and magnitude of having behavioral problems --- p.38 / Chapter --- Educational outcomes --- p.45 / Chapter --- Limitations --- p.52 / Chapter --- Perceptions of future lives --- p.56 / Chapter --- Review of previous studies --- p.56 / Chapter --- Limitations --- p.64 / Chapter 2.3 --- Directions for future research --- p.69 / Chapter Chapter Three --- Research Questions and Research Design --- p.77 / Chapter 3.1 --- Research questions --- p.77 / Chapter 3.2 --- Proposal for a qualitative research approach --- p.79 / Chapter 3.3 --- Research design --- p.81 / Chapter 3.3.1 --- Sample --- p.87 / Chapter 3.3.2 --- Data collection --- p.92 / Chapter 3.3.3 --- Data analysis --- p.95 / Chapter --- Reliability of the findings --- p.99 / Chapter --- Validity of the findings --- p.100 / Chapter Chapter Four --- Findings --- p.106 / Chapter 4.1 --- Perceived economic disadvantage experienced by their families --- p.107 / Chapter 4.1.1 --- Beliefs about the causes of their families in need for financial support from the Government --- p.108 / Chapter --- Individualistic causes --- p.108 / Chapter --- Causes in relation to parents --- p.108 / Chapter --- Causes in relation to mother --- p.109 / Chapter --- Causes in relation to father --- p.110 / Chapter --- Causes in relation to children --- p.111 / Chapter --- Societal causes --- p.115 / Chapter --- Fatalistic causes --- p.117 / Chapter --- Summary --- p.119 / Chapter 4.1.2 --- Perceptions of being a CSSA recipient --- p.119 / Chapter --- Personal views --- p.120 / Chapter --- Perception shaped by mother --- p.125 / Chapter --- Perceptions related to peers --- p.126 / Chapter --- Perceptions related to peers' financial circumstances --- p.126 / Chapter --- Perceptions related to peers' reactions towards their financial backgrounds --- p.127 / Chapter --- Perceptions related to the level of closeness with peers --- p.129 / Chapter --- Perceptions related to the views of general public --- p.129 / Chapter --- Views of general public influenced by the Government --- p.130 / Chapter --- Views of general public influenced by the media --- p.130 / Chapter --- Views of general public influenced by with or without personal experiences of receiving CSSA or personal contacts with CSSA recipients --- p.133 / Chapter --- Views of general public influenced by the dominant societal ideologies --- p.134 / Chapter --- Perceptions related to CSSA claim procedures --- p.138 / Chapter --- Perceptions related to special policy for CSSA recipients --- p.139 / Chapter --- Perceptions related to attitudes of staff in CSSA unit --- p.140 / Chapter --- Summary --- p.141 / Chapter 4.1.3 --- Perceived quality of life under the CSSA and the related factors --- p.142 / Chapter --- Perceived quality of life under the CSSA --- p.143 / Chapter --- Primary school --- p.143 / Chapter --- Secondary school --- p.145 / Chapter --- University --- p.146 / Chapter --- Perceived quality of life under the CSSA in relation to mothers' financial management --- p.150 / Chapter --- Ways of monitoring family finance --- p.150 / Chapter --- Ways of fulfilling unmet needs --- p.151 / Chapter --- Perceived quality of life under the CSSA in relation to self financial management --- p.153 / Chapter --- Being self-disciplined of spending money --- p.153 / Chapter --- Saving money --- p.155 / Chapter --- Doing part-time jobs and summer jobs --- p.157 / Chapter --- Perceived quality of life under the CSSA in relation to other sources of financial support --- p.161 / Chapter --- Financial support from relatives --- p.161 / Chapter --- Financial support from non-relatives --- p.163 / Chapter --- Summary --- p.166 / Chapter 4.1.4 --- Comments on the staff in the CSSA unit --- p.166 / Chapter --- Positive comments --- p.166 / Chapter --- Attitudes --- p.167 / Chapter --- Performance --- p.167 / Chapter --- Negative comments --- p.169 / Chapter --- Attitudes (from personal experiences) --- p.169 / Chapter --- Attitudes (from mothers' experiences) --- p.171 / Chapter --- Performance --- p.172 / Chapter --- Summary --- p.176 / Chapter 4.1.5 --- Comments on the CSSA scheme --- p.177 / Chapter --- Positive comments --- p.177 / Chapter --- Nature of the CSSA scheme --- p.177 / Chapter --- Strict policy for preventing abuse of the scheme --- p.179 / Chapter --- Negative comments --- p.180 / Chapter --- Amount of support in the CSSA scheme --- p.180 / Chapter --- Policy on the CSSA scheme --- p.183 / Chapter --- Claim procedures in the CSSA scheme --- p.187 / Chapter --- Summary --- p.191 / Chapter 4.1.6 --- Circumstances of women in economic disadvantaged and female-headed families --- p.192 / Chapter --- Struggles on financial adversity --- p.192 / Chapter --- Consequences of receiving financial support from the Government --- p.194 / Chapter --- Influences on self-image --- p.194 / Chapter --- Influences on psychological state --- p.195 / Chapter --- Pressure of taking up the parental roles --- p.197 / Chapter --- Summary --- p.199 / Chapter 4.1.7 --- Recommendations for improvement in the CSSA service --- p.200 / Chapter --- Staff training --- p.200 / Chapter --- Quality of the service --- p.201 / Chapter --- Other recommendations --- p.204 / Chapter --- Summary --- p.195 / Chapter 4.1.8 --- Recommendations for improvement the policy in the CSSA scheme --- p.207 / Chapter --- Subvention policy --- p.207 / Chapter --- Subvention for students --- p.207 / Chapter --- Subvention for households --- p.209 / Chapter --- "Subvention for children, elderly, disabled and chronic illness patients" --- p.211 / Chapter --- Claim procedures --- p.214 / Chapter --- Employment-related policy --- p.216 / Chapter --- Employment-related policy for single parents --- p.216 / Chapter --- Employment-related policy for general able-bodied CSSA recipients --- p.219 / Chapter --- Other recommendations --- p.222 / Chapter --- Summary --- p.224 / Chapter 4.1.9 --- Service gaps for economic disadvantaged and single-parent families --- p.225 / Chapter --- Services for CSSA families --- p.225 / Chapter --- Emotional support services --- p.225 / Chapter --- Household support services --- p.227 / Chapter --- Services for women in economic disadvantage and marital disruption --- p.229 / Chapter --- Employment-related support services --- p.229 / Chapter --- Counseling services --- p.230 / Chapter --- Services for the single-parent families --- p.232 / Chapter --- Emotional support services --- p.232 / Chapter --- Public education --- p.233 / Chapter --- Summary --- p.234 / Chapter 4.1.10 --- Overall summary of Section 4.1 --- p.235 / Chapter 4.2 --- Perceived past lives --- p.237 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- Area 1: Perceived quality of life before receiving the CSSA --- p.237 / Chapter 4.2.2 --- Area 2: Reactions towards economic disadvantage --- p.241 / Chapter --- Feelings about living under the CSSA --- p.241 / Chapter --- Perceived influences of economic disadvantage in their past lives --- p.246 / Chapter --- Experienced different from those of their peers --- p.246 / Chapter --- Influenced on their study plans --- p.248 / Chapter --- Summary --- p.253 / Chapter 4.2.3 --- Area 3: Views on mother's employment status --- p.253 / Chapter 4.2.4 --- Area 4: Perceptions of one's roles in the family --- p.257 / Chapter 4.2.5 --- Area 5: Perceived source of influences on one's development --- p.265 / Chapter --- Aspect 1: Family backgrounds --- p.266 / Chapter --- Experiences of economic disadvantage --- p.266 / Chapter --- Single-parent family Other people --- p.278 / Chapter --- Summary --- p.289 / Chapter --- Aspect 2: Significant others --- p.290 / Chapter --- Mother --- p.290 / Chapter --- Other people --- p.298 / Chapter --- Summary --- p.304 / Chapter --- Aspect 3: Beliefs --- p.304 / Chapter --- Summary --- p.306 / Chapter 4.2.6 --- Overall summary of Section 4.2 --- p.307 / Chapter 4.3 --- Perceived experiences of their present lives --- p.309 / Chapter 4.3.1 --- Area 1: Meanings of becoming a university student --- p.309 / Chapter --- Familial meanings --- p.309 / Chapter --- Personal meanings --- p.313 / Chapter --- Summary --- p.326 / Chapter 4.3.2 --- Area 2: Perceived differences with the peers in university --- p.326 / Chapter 4.3.3 --- Area 3: Economic circumstances --- p.333 / Chapter --- Personal financial circumstances --- p.334 / Chapter --- Perceived meanings of with or without financial support from the Government to their families --- p.347 / Chapter --- Summary --- p.350 / Chapter 4.3.4 --- Area 4: Perceptions of one's roles in the family --- p.351 / Chapter 4.3.5 --- Overall summary of Section 4.3 --- p.357 / Chapter 4.4 --- Perceived future lives --- p.359 / Chapter 4.4.1 --- Expected lives after graduation and the related contributory factors --- p.359 / Chapter --- Area 1: Work --- p.359 / Chapter --- Area 2: Life style --- p.369 / Chapter --- Area 3: Economic circumstances --- p.372 / Chapter --- Area 4: Marriage --- p.380 / Chapter --- Area 5: Spouse --- p.383 / Chapter --- Area 6: Quality of relationship in future family --- p.389 / Chapter --- Marital relationship --- p.389 / Chapter --- Parent-child relationship --- p.392 / Chapter --- Summary --- p.396 / Chapter 4.4.2 --- Feelings about their future lives --- p.397 / Chapter 4.4.3 --- Overall summary of Section 4.4 --- p.403 / Chapter 4.5 --- Summary of the findings and findings deserving special attention --- p.404 / Chapter Chapter 5 --- Discussion and Recommendation --- p.423 / Chapter 5.1 --- Discussion of nine aspects of findings --- p.423 / Chapter 5.1.1 --- Aspect 1 -- Role of education in life --- p.423 / Chapter 5.1.2 --- Aspect 2 -- Absence of father as the main cause of economic hardship --- p.425 / Chapter 5.1.3 --- "Aspect 3 -- Being a ""good child""" --- p.427 / Chapter 5.1.4 --- Aspect 4 -- Difficult growth trajectory --- p.430 / Chapter 5.1.5 --- Aspect 5 -- Poverty: Blessing in disguise --- p.434 / Chapter 5.1.6 --- Aspect 6 -- Family of origin's influence on expectations of future life --- p.437 / Chapter 5.1.7 --- Aspect 7 -- Five protective factors in development --- p.440 / Chapter 5.1.8 --- Aspect 8 -- Mothers experiencing economic disadvantage: Long-suffering women guarding their children --- p.443 / Chapter 5.1.9 --- Aspect 9 -- Balanced view of the CSSA scheme --- p.446 / Chapter 5.1.10 --- Summary --- p.452 / Chapter 5.2 --- Theoretical contributions and implications of the present findings --- p.455 / Chapter 5.3 --- Practical implications and recommendations of the present findings --- p.459 / Chapter 5.4 --- Limitations of this study --- p.461 / Chapter Chapter Six --- Conclusion --- p.463 / Chapter 6.1 --- Summary of findings --- p.463 / Chapter 6.2 --- Evaluation of the quality of this qualitative study --- p.468 / Chapter 6.3 --- Directions for further study --- p.470 / Bibliography --- p.473 / Appendix I: Written Consent Form --- p.494 / Appendix II: Interview Guide --- p.495
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Closing participation gaps: exploring the factors influencing Hispanic students' participation in a dual enrollment program / Exploring the factors influencing Hispanic students' participation in a dual enrollment programGreen, Oralia 28 August 2008 (has links)
The study examined factors that influenced high school students' participation in a college dual enrollment program. The purpose was to determine why more students from a large high school with a predominately Hispanic enrollment did not participate in a dual enrollment program. The sample design included college-bound high school juniors and seniors participating and not participating in a dual enrollment program. Family and teacher influences emerged as salient predictors of participation, while factors such as a lack of information, academic un-preparedness and a lack of qualified teachers to teach dual enrollment were associated with internal barriers to participation. / text
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Students' perception of the NET (native English speaking teacher) in motivating students to learn English: a casestudy in a band 5 schoolLaw, Wai-king., 羅慧瓊. January 1999 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Linguistics / Master / Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics
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