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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

新文化運動時期的靑年與社團組織: 以"少年中國學會"、"新民學會"、"新潮社"為例. / Xin wen hua yun dong shi qi de qing nian yu she tuan zu zhi: yi "Shao nein Zhongguo xue hui", "Xin min xue hui", "Xin chao she" wei li.

January 1983 (has links)
劉明偉. / 手稿本(copies 2&3 複印本) / Thesis (M.A.)--香港中文大學硏究院. / Shou gao ben (copies 2&3 fu yin ben) / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 376-387). / Liu Mingwei. / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue. / Chapter 一 --- 導言 --- p.4 / Chapter 二 --- 中國現代社團的先驅 --- p.20 / Chapter 三 --- 社團典型之一:新潮社 / Chapter 四 --- 社團典型之二:新民學會 / Chapter 五 --- 社團典型之三:少年中國學會 / Chapter 六 --- 其他類型團體 / Chapter 甲 --- 平民教育團體 / Chapter 乙 --- 新村主義與二讀互助團體 / Chapter 丙 --- 合作主義團體 / Chapter 丁 --- 無政府主義團體 / Chapter 戊 --- 學生聯合會 / Chapter 七 --- 結語

當代重點大學大學生政黨認同與政治參與研究: 以廣州中山大學為例. / Dang dai zhong dian da xue da xue sheng zheng dang ren tong yu zheng zhi can yu yan jiu: yi Guangzhou Zhongshan da xue wei li.

January 2014 (has links)
當下對於中國政治轉型的討論甚囂塵上。民主憲政固然是現代國家良政善治的基石,但對於當下的中國來說,實現轉型的可能性無疑是更現實的問題。而轉型的動力有多大,在很大程度上就意味著轉型成功的可能性有多大。然而轉型的動力究竟在哪,各家眾說紛紜。本研究著眼於中國當代重點大學的大學生,認為他們是形塑中國社會面貌的重要有生力量,而他們的對中共的認知與參與,無疑對於以後中國的民主、憲政進程是有不可小覷的影響的。本研究採用定性訪談的方法,旨在瞭解以廣州中山大學為代表的當代中國重點大學大學生的政黨認同的情況以及相應的政治參與,順帶分析政黨認同的影響因素以及他們的政治參與行為對中國當下政治環境的影響,並討論了當下精英大學生與中國傳統知識人對政治的認知與參與的差異。通過對20名大四及以上年級的學生訪談,筆者初步瞭解到受訪者對於共產黨的執政績效與執政價值普遍持一種低度的認同,或者就是冷漠與無知。而與認知上的消極與冷漠形成對照的,卻是高度的體制內政治參與(即入黨、考公務員)與極其貧乏的體制外參與(公民活動)。而且,所有受訪者均了生計而進行體制內政治參與(即謀求一份穩定與舒適),並沒有在政治道路上向上流動的打算。筆者期望通過這個研究能夠體現出一種現實:這樣一種"工具理性"與"消極自由"的政治參與在事實上有助於加強共產黨的組織力量、鞏固既得利益團裡的利益;在"頂層設計"與"底層訴求"之外,至少在"中層"的精英青年這個層面,中國走民主憲政之路的動力是值得懷疑的。 / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 祝粲. / Thesis (M.Phil.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 47-49). / Zhu Can.

Student environmentalism in Beijing, China

Mangoldt, Charlotte von January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation explores student environmentalism in Beijing, China. It traces students' political norms and values, explains their activism and experience of pollution, and investigates the role of environmental non-governmental organisation (ENGOs) in forming youth environmentalism. To serve these objectives, the work takes forward theories on youth activism and agency and recent debates on environmental health, environmentalism and ENGOs. This study was designed as a qualitative research project based primarily on interviews and complemented by ethnographic methods, content analysis, pictorial evidence and survey results provided by the Jane Goodall Institute China. Research findings and methodology are presented in four papers and a framing document. My work challenges labels of agency and activism as either protest and resistance or 'quiescence' and questions the influence of globalisation on activists' norms and values. I put forward 'fragmented activism' as a new concept to capture the nature of youth environmental activism in Beijing. I contribute to environmental health literature by tracing how young people develop discursive mechanisms to mitigate the fear of air pollution and argue that their response offers invaluable insights into the interplay between space and the body in polluted environments. This thesis further shows that the repertoire of student environmental associations in Beijing represents a type of 'place based environmentalism' (Smith, 2001) but argues that, whilst this may be a contradictory response to contemporary environmental issues, it is not usefully assessed against abstract and normative notions of what environmentalism should be. I also challenge scholarly assessments of ENGO action. By exploring ENGO strategies in China that rely on extant societal and governmental narratives about good citizenship and moral values - instead of radical alternatives to mainstream development models or political processes - I argue for new research paradigms guiding the study of environmental movements.

The search for harmony: study of political socialization in China during the "Decade of reform" (1978-1989).

January 1996 (has links)
Woo, Chun Kit. / Thesis (M. Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1996. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 79-86). / Chapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction page --- p.1 / Chapter Chapter 2 --- Political Socialization: Concept and its Application --- p.4 / Chapter 2.1 --- Political Culture --- p.5 / Chapter 2.2 --- Political Socialization --- p.9 / Chapter 2.3 --- Application --- p.14 / Chapter Chapter 3 --- Education and Modernization: Review on the Development of Chinese Higher Education since1949 / Chapter 3.1 --- Prologue --- p.18 / Chapter 3.2 --- Higher Education Policy since1978 --- p.21 / Chapter 3.3 --- Educational Reform: 1985 Reform Document --- p.28 / Chapter Chapter 4 --- The Search for Harmony ( I ): Understanding University Students / Chapter 4.1 --- Prologue: The Rise of Survey Research in Post-Mao China --- p.33 / Chapter 4.2 --- Value Change among University Students: The Evidence from Survey Research --- p.40 / Chapter Chapter 5 --- The Search for Harmony (II): Reforming the Ideological-Political Education --- p.60 / Chapter 5.1 --- Criticism on the Current Ideological-Political Education --- p.61 / Chapter 5.2 --- Reform of the Political Education --- p.68 / Chapter Chapter 6 --- Conclusion --- p.75 / Bibliography --- p.79

Assessing the impacts of social media use and online news seeking on political knowledge, efficacy, trust, and participation among university students in China.

January 2012 (has links)
現代信息技術,以其多元、快速的優勢使人們對中國的民主抱以樂觀的態度。公民參與是一個健康的民主制度的核心要素,如何促進公民的政治參與一直是政治參與研究領域的焦點問題。在互聯網時代,尤其是社交媒體的出現,其廉價、方便、互動性的技術優勢大大增加了政治參與的可行性。大學學生是“互聯網一代“和中國知識分子的代表。因此,了解他們的社會媒體使用行為如何影響其政治知識、政治感知和政治行為、對於認識未來中國的政治變革是重要的。本研究提出“社交媒體使用“及“在線新聞使用“兩個概念,並以此視作政治參與和民主實踐研究範疇下的新討論焦點。 / 本研究主要探討以下問題:(1)大學生通過何種渠道在線獲取新聞;(2)大學生使用不同的媒體平台獲取新聞的情況如何;(3)在線新聞使用同傳統新聞媒體使用之間的關係如何;(4)計算機能力,互聯網自我效能感,在線和離線新聞使用,社交媒體使用,政治知識,政治效能,政治信任和政治參與等核心變量之間的關係; 以及(5)計算機能力,互聯網自我效能感,在線和離線新聞使用,社交媒體使用之於政治知識、政治感知和政治參與的相對重要性。 / 本研究採用定量的研究方法。研究的主體是對中國大陸在校大學本科及研究生進行問卷調查;調查前,焦點小組輔助研究結構建立與問卷設計。問卷調查採用多階層整群抽樣的方法,在北京抽取了兩所“elite工程“大學,在長春及杭州各抽取一所非“elite工程“大學的學生參與,樣本數量為624人。研究結果顯示,當中97.4% 的受訪者均使用互聯網獲取新聞。因子分析結果顯示,中國內地大學生主要經由三種信息渠道在線獲取新聞,分別是海外新聞渠道、社交媒體渠道,以及官方新聞渠道。不同信息渠道的使用者其政治常識、政治效能和政治信任亦有所區別。同時,本研究還發現傳統新聞同網絡新聞的使用之間存在互補的關係。 / 研究結果顯示,人口學變量超越社交媒體和在線新聞使用兩個變量對中國內地大學生的政治認知及政治知識的形成發揮最重要的作用。研究還發現社交媒體和在線新聞在促進線上和線下政治參與方面具有很大潛力。結論部分將詳述本研究的貢獻與實踐意義。 / Citizen participation is a core element of a healthy democracy, and what facilitates citizens’ political activities has long been a central interest in political participation research. In the age of the Internet, especially with the appearance of social media, political participation is greatly facilitated by technology that makes information inexpensive, accessible, and interactive. Modern information technology, with its pluralism and fast speed, has made people optimistic about democracy. University students represent the Net generation and intellectuals in China; therefore, understanding how their social media use affects political knowledge, perception, and participation is valuable, to bring political change to China in the future. / Expanding the line of previous research, this study aims to address the question of the democratic implications of social media use and online news seeking from the vantage point of how individuals seek news online and how such use may be related to several key indications of individuals’ engagement in political life as citizens. Specifically, this study examines (a) the sources through which university students seek news online; (b) to what degree university students in China use different media platforms to seek news; (c) how online news seeking is related to its offline counterpart; (d) the relationships among computer competence, Internet efficacy, online and offline news seeking, social media use, political knowledge, political efficacy, political trust, and political participation; and (e) the relative influence of technological attributes, social media use, and online and offline news seeking on political attributes and political participation. / In this study, we used quantitative questionnaire surveys among university students. The questionnaire surveys were based on a stratified cluster sampling of two elite universities in Beijing and two ordinary universities in Changchun and Hangzhou. The final sample consisted of 624 university students, of whom 97.2% had used online news. Factor analysis identified three major sources of online news seeking among university students: official sources, overseas sources, and social media sources. Adopting these sources seems to affect students’ political knowledge, perception, and participation differently. Also, the supplement effect was found between online and offline news seeking. / Results also showed that demographics, rather than social media use and online news seeking, have the most power to predict political perception and knowledge among Chinese university students, and online news seeking and social media use have great potential in facilitating political engagement online and offline. How the social media use and online news seeking change the mode of state-society interactions and expands forms of political engagement are also discussed. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Zheng, Pei. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references. / Abstracts also in Chinese. / Abstract --- p.i / 摘要 --- p.iii / 致謝 --- p.iv / List of Tables and Figures --- p.4 / Chapter Chapter 1 --- : Introduction --- p.1 / Research Methods --- p.9 / Main Contents of Each Chapter --- p.10 / Chapter Chapter 2 --- : Literature Review --- p.12 / Internet as a Public Sphere --- p.13 / Technology between State and Society --- p.15 / History of Technology Empowerment Since Modern China --- p.15 / Political Control over the Internet --- p.16 / Internet Empowerment of Society --- p.20 / Political Participation --- p.23 / Offline Political Participation --- p.24 / Online Political Participation --- p.25 / Social Media Use, and Offline and Online News Seeking --- p.27 / Social Media Use and Political Participation --- p.27 / Online News Seeking --- p.29 / Offline News Seeking vs. Online News Seeking --- p.32 / Computer Competence and Internet Efficacy --- p.33 / Computer Competence --- p.33 / Internet Efficacy --- p.35 / Political Knowledge --- p.37 / Political Efficacy --- p.38 / Political Trust --- p.42 / Chapter Chapter 3 --- : Research Methods --- p.57 / Questionnaire Survey --- p.57 / Sampling procedure and survey participants --- p.57 / Final sample profiles --- p.62 / Pilot tests --- p.64 / Measures --- p.64 / Internet efficacy. --- p.64 / Computer competence. --- p.65 / Social media use. --- p.65 / Online news seeking. --- p.66 / Offline news seeking. --- p.67 / Political efficacy. --- p.68 / Political knowledge. --- p.69 / Political trust. --- p.70 / Political participation. --- p.70 / Demographics. --- p.71 / Analytical Procedure --- p.72 / Chapter Chapter 4 --- : News Seeking Behaviors --- p.73 / Online News Seeking --- p.73 / News Consumption Online vs. Offline --- p.76 / Relationship Between Online and Offline News Seeking --- p.76 / Chapter Chapter 5 --- : Assessing Factors Influencing Political Participation --- p.79 / Linking Social Media Use and Online News Seeking to Political Attributes. --- p.79 / Linking Computer Competence, and Internet Efficacy to Social Media Use 1.1 and Online News Seeking --- p.84 / Computer competence --- p.84 / Internet efficacy --- p.85 / Linking Online News Seeking, Political Knowledge, Political Efficacy, 1.1 Political Trust and Political Participation --- p.87 / Political knowledge --- p.87 / Political efficacy --- p.88 / Political trust --- p.89 / Research questions --- p.90 / Predicting Political Knowledge, Efficacy and Trust --- p.91 / Predicting Political Participation --- p.97 / Chapter Chapter 6 --- : Discussion and Conclusion --- p.102 / Contributions of This Study --- p.102 / Complementary effect of offline and online news --- p.102 / Three sources of online news seeking --- p.104 / Potential of social media use and online news seeking to promote 1.1.1 online political participation --- p.107 / Political attributes: Demographic determined. --- p.108 / Offline political participation: After the Internet, before democracy --- p.110 / Limitation and Suggestions for Future Research --- p.114 / Reference --- p.117 / Glossary --- p.135

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