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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Coded Wireless Video Broadcast/Multicast

She, James 29 July 2009 (has links)
Advancements in video coding, compact media display, and communication devices, particularly in emerging broadband wireless access networks, have created many foreseeable and exciting applications of video broadcast/multicast over the wireless meidum. For efficient and robust wireless video broadcast/multicast under fading, this thesis presents and examines a novel cross-layer framework that exploits the interplay between applying protections on a successively refinable video source and transmitting through a layered broadcast/multicast channel. The framework is realistically achieved and evaluated by using multiple description coding (MDC) on a scalable video source and using superposition coding (SPC) for layered broadcast/multicast transmissions. An analytical model using the total received/recovered video bitstreams from each coded wireless broadcast/multicast signal is developed, which serves as a metric of video quality for the system analysis and optimization. An efficient methodology has demonstrated that optimal power allocations and modulation selections can be practically determined to improve the broadcast/multicast video quality. From the information-theoretical perspective, a general closed-form formula is derived for the end-to-end distortion analysis of the proposed framework, which is applicable to any (n, k) protection code applied on a successive refinable source with a Gaussian distribution over layered Gaussian broadcast channels. The results reveal the scenarios for the proposed framework to lead to a lower distortion than a legacy system without any protection. By analyzing the characteristics of the closed-form formula, an efficient O(n log n) algorithm is developed to determine optimal k values in the (n, k) protection codes that minimize the distortion under the framework. Finally, a cross-layer design of logical SPC modulation is introduced to achieve layered broadcast/multicast for scalable video. It serves as an alternative for practically implementing the proposed framework of coded wireless video broadcast/multicast, if the hardware-based SPC component is not available in a wireless system. In summary, the thesis presents comprehensive analyses, simulations, and experiments to understand, investigate, and justify the effectiveness of the proposed cross-layer framework of coded wireless video broadcast/multicast. More importantly, this thesis contributes to the advancement in the related fields of communication engineering and information theory by introducing a new design dimension in terms of protection. This is unique when compared to previously-reported layered approaches that are often manipulating conventional parameters alone such as power and modulation scheme. The impact of this dimension was unapparent in the past, but is now proven as an effective means to enable high-quality, efficient, and robust wireless video broadcast/multicast for promising media applications.

Pricing a Multi-Asset American Option in a Parallel Environment by a Finite Element Method Approach

Kaya, Deniz January 2011 (has links)
There is the need for applying numerical methods to problems that cannot be solved analytically and as the spatial dimension of the problem is increased the need for computational recourses increase exponentially, a phenomenon known as the “curse of dimensionality”. In the Black-Scholes-Merton framework the American option pricing problem has no closed form solution and a numerical procedure has to be employed for solving a PDE. The multi-asset American option introduces challenging computational problems, since for every added asset the dimension of the PDE is increased by one. One way to deal with the curse of dimensionality is threw parallelism. Here the finite element method-of-lines is used for pricing a multi-asset American option dependent on up to four assets in a parallel environment. The problem is also solved with the PSOR method giving a accurate benchmark used for comparison. In finance the put option is one of the most fundamental derivatives since it is basically asset-value insurance and a lot of research is done in the field of quantitative finance on accurate and fast pricing techniques for the multi-dimensional case. “What most experimenters take for granted before they begin their experiments is infinitely more interesting than any results to which their experiments lead.” Norbert Wiener “As soon as an Analytical Engine exists, it will necessarily guide the future course of the science. Whenever any result is sought by its aid, the question will then arise – by what course of calculation can these results be arrived at by the machine in the shortest time?” Charles Babbage

Design and Evaluation of an Ultra-Low Power Successive Approximation ADC

Zhang, Dai January 2009 (has links)
Analog-to-digital converters (ADC) targeted for use in medical implant devices serve an important role as the interface between analog signal and digital processing system. Usually, low power consumption is required for a long battery lifetime. In such application which requires low power consumption and moderate speed and resolution, one of the most prevalently used ADC architectures is the successive approximation register (SAR) ADC.This thesis presents a design of an ultra-low power 9-bit SAR ADC in 0.13μm CMOS technology. Based on a literature review of SAR ADC design, the proposed SAR ADC combines a capacitive DAC with S/H circuit, uses a binary-weighted capacitor array for the DAC and utilizes a dynamic latch comparator. Evaluation results show that at a supply voltage of 1.2V and an output rate of 1kS/s, the SAR ADC performs a total power consumption of 103nW and a signal-to-noise-and-distortion ratio of 54.4dB. Proper performance is achieved down to a supply voltage of 0.45V, with a power consumption of 16nW.

Logical Superposition Coded Modulation for Wireless Video Multicasting

Ho, James Ching-Chih January 2009 (has links)
This thesis documents the design of logical superposition coded (SPC) modulation for implementation in wireless video multicast systems, to tackle the issues caused by multi-user channel diversity, one of the legacy problems due to the nature of wireless video multicasting. The framework generates a logical SPC modulated signal by mapping successively refinable information bits into a single signal constellation with modifications in the MAC-layer software. The transmitted logical SPC signals not only manipulatively mimic SPC signals generated by the superposition of multiple modulated signals in the conventional hardware-based SPC modulation, but also yield comparable performance gains when provided with the knowledge of information bits dependencies and receiver channel distributions. At the receiving end, the proposed approach only requires simple modifications in the MAC layer software, which demonstrates full decoding compatibility with the conventional multi-stage signal-interference cancellation (SIC) approach involving additional hardware devices. Generalized formulations for symbol error rate (SER) are derived for performance evaluations and comparisons with the conventional hardware-based approach.

Coded Wireless Video Broadcast/Multicast

She, James 29 July 2009 (has links)
Advancements in video coding, compact media display, and communication devices, particularly in emerging broadband wireless access networks, have created many foreseeable and exciting applications of video broadcast/multicast over the wireless meidum. For efficient and robust wireless video broadcast/multicast under fading, this thesis presents and examines a novel cross-layer framework that exploits the interplay between applying protections on a successively refinable video source and transmitting through a layered broadcast/multicast channel. The framework is realistically achieved and evaluated by using multiple description coding (MDC) on a scalable video source and using superposition coding (SPC) for layered broadcast/multicast transmissions. An analytical model using the total received/recovered video bitstreams from each coded wireless broadcast/multicast signal is developed, which serves as a metric of video quality for the system analysis and optimization. An efficient methodology has demonstrated that optimal power allocations and modulation selections can be practically determined to improve the broadcast/multicast video quality. From the information-theoretical perspective, a general closed-form formula is derived for the end-to-end distortion analysis of the proposed framework, which is applicable to any (n, k) protection code applied on a successive refinable source with a Gaussian distribution over layered Gaussian broadcast channels. The results reveal the scenarios for the proposed framework to lead to a lower distortion than a legacy system without any protection. By analyzing the characteristics of the closed-form formula, an efficient O(n log n) algorithm is developed to determine optimal k values in the (n, k) protection codes that minimize the distortion under the framework. Finally, a cross-layer design of logical SPC modulation is introduced to achieve layered broadcast/multicast for scalable video. It serves as an alternative for practically implementing the proposed framework of coded wireless video broadcast/multicast, if the hardware-based SPC component is not available in a wireless system. In summary, the thesis presents comprehensive analyses, simulations, and experiments to understand, investigate, and justify the effectiveness of the proposed cross-layer framework of coded wireless video broadcast/multicast. More importantly, this thesis contributes to the advancement in the related fields of communication engineering and information theory by introducing a new design dimension in terms of protection. This is unique when compared to previously-reported layered approaches that are often manipulating conventional parameters alone such as power and modulation scheme. The impact of this dimension was unapparent in the past, but is now proven as an effective means to enable high-quality, efficient, and robust wireless video broadcast/multicast for promising media applications.

Multi-frequency Contactless Electrical Impedance Imaging Using Realistic Head Models: Single Coil Simulations

Gursoy, Doga 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Contactless electrical impedance imaging technique is based upon the measurement of secondary electromagnetic fields caused by induced currents inside the body. In this study, a circular single-coil is used as a transmitter and a receiver. The purpose of this study is twofold: (1) to solve the induced current density distribution inside the realistic head model resulting from a sinusoidal excitation, (2) to calculate the impedance change of the same coil from the induced current distribution inside the head model. The Finite Difference Method is used to solve the induced current density in the head. The realistic head model is formed by seven tissues with a 1 mm resolution. The electrical properties of the model are assigned as a function of frequency. The quasi-stationary assumptions, especially for head tissues, are explored. It is shown that, numerical solution of only the scalar potential is sufficient to obtain the induced current density in the head below 10 MHz operating frequency. This simplification not only reduce the excessive size of the solution domain, but also reduces the number of unknowns by a factor of 4. For higher frequencies (depending on the application) induction and propagation effects become important. Additionally it is observed that dynamic monitoring of hemorrhage at any frequency seems feasible. It is concluded that the methodology provides useful information about the electrical properties of the human head via contactless measurements and has a potent as a new imaging modality for different clinical applications.

Regimųjų vaizdų pasukimo mintyse tyrimas, pateikiant juos vienu metu ir nuosekliai / Investigation of mental rotation of simultaneously and successively presented visual images

Šerkšnas, Juozas 25 November 2010 (has links)
Darbo tikslas – atskleisti figūrų, pateikiamų vienu metu ir nuosekliai, sukimo mintyse ypatumus naudojant tapatumo įvertinimo užduotį. Tiriamieji (32 studentai) atliko tapatumo vertinimo užduotį, kur jiems vienu metu bei nuosekliai (arba atvirkštine tvarka) buvo pateikiamos vienodų arba skirtingų netaisyklingų daugiakampių poros. Stimulai buvo rodomi 100ms vienalaikio pateikimo atveju, esant nuosekliam pateikimui 50ms ir 50ms. Tiriamieji turėjo atsakyti, ar figūros vienodos (nepaisant pasukimo kampo), ar skirtingos. Buvo matuojamas reakcijos laikas bei teisingų atsakymų skaičius. Nustatyta, kad nepasuktos viena kitos atžvilgiu vienodos figūros atpažįstamos tiksliau bei greičiau nei pasuktos bet kokiu kampu. Tiek vienalaikio, tiek nuoseklaus figūrų pateikimo atveju tiesinė reakcijos laiko priklausomybė nuo figūrų tarpusavio pasukimo kampo nenustatyta. Tiek vienodos, tiek skirtingos figūros nuoseklaus pateikimo atveju atpažįstamos tiksliau nei vienalaikio, o reakcijos laikas, vertinant tiek vienodas, tiek skirtingas figūras, trumpesnis vienalaikio pateikimo atveju nei nuoseklaus. Vyrų ir moterų vienodų figūrų atpažinimo tikslumas nesiskiria, bet vyrų reakcijos laikas trumpesnis nei moterų. / The purpose of this study was to examine mental rotation of simultaneously and successively presented figures. 32 students performed same – different task in which the pairs of the same or different irregular polygons were presented simultaneously and successively or vice versa. Stimuli were presented briefly – for 100 ms when presented simultaneously and 50 ms and 50 ms when presented successively. The subjects had to answer whether the two figures were the same or different. Response time and performance accuracy were recorded. The results of the experiment showed that not rotated figures were identified faster and more accurately than those rotated at any angle. The increase in reaction time as a linear function of the angle of rotation was not found (either under simultaneous presentation or under successive one).The same figures as well as the different ones were identified more accurately when presented successively than simultaneously and the response time was shorter under simultaneous presentation than under successive one. The accuracy of men and women did not differ, but men outperformed women by response time.

Die boedelbelastingimplikasies van die aanwending van opeenvolgende beperkte regte / deur Gert Petrus Schlebusch Albertse

Albertse, Gert Petrus Schlebusch January 2003 (has links)
The bequest of a usufruct to one or more interim usufructuaries for a limited period after the decease of the first usufructuary is often utilised by estate planners to reduce the value of the ceasing limited interest and thus to effect a saving in respect of estate duty. The saving in respect of estate duty is effected due to the fact that - the value of the ceasing limited interest in the estate of the first usufructuary is calculated only over the duration of the period during which the interim usufructuary is entitled to the limited interest and not also over the life expectancy of the ultimate beneficiary, and - that, on the cessation of the interim usufruct due to the efflux of time. no estate duty is payable. The very first reference to this method appeared in an article published in The Taxpayer during 1965. Other authors like Meyerowitz, Silke and Stein and Davis, Beneke and Jooste also referred to this method without analysing it or investigating the legality thereof. All the aforementioned authors relied to a certain extent for their views on a judgment of acting judge Warner in Bassett v Commissioner for Inland Revenue (1 961 4 SA 769 (D)). This dissertation is therefore aimed at investigating the legality of the method and to focus on a few practical aspects regarding the application thereof as an estate planning instrument. An analysis of the wording of the charging clause (section II (a )(1) of the Estate Duty Act and the valuation clause (section 5(1) of the act) has led to the belief that, in considering the validity of the method, it is extremely important to bear in mind the principles applicable to the vesting of testamentary rights. In terms of the valuation clause of the Estate Duty Ad the value of a ceasing limited interest for estate duty purposes is determined by capitalising the annual value of the right of enjoyment of the properly in which the deceased held any such limited interest to the extent to which the person who, upon the cessation of the said interest of the deceased in consequence of the death of the deceased, becomes entitled to any right of enjoyment of such properly. In terms of the charging clause "the person to whom any advantage accrues by the death of the deceased" is liable for the payment of estate duty in respect of the cessation of a limited right. In order to calculate the value of a ceasing limited interest and to determine the liability for payment of estate duty in respect thereof it is necessary to determine (a) the extent to which a successor in title of a deceased in consequence of the death of the deceased has become entitled to any right of enjoyment, and (b) to which person any advantage has accrued by the death of the deceased. After analysing the wording of section 5(1)(b) and section 11(a)(1) the writer has come to the following conclusions: (a) In the case of an interim usufruct the right of enjoyment of the first usufructury has to be capitalised only over the period of currency of the interim usufruct and not also over the life expectancy of the owner of the nuda proprietas. (b) Subsection 5(l)(b) does not make provision for the valuation of an interim usufruct at the termination them due to the efflux of time. (c) Upon the decease of the first usufructuary an advantage as contemplated in section 11(a)(1) accrues to the interim usufructury but not to the owner of the nuda proprietas. (d) On the cessation of an interim usufruct due to the efflux of time there is no person to whom any advantage accrues by the death of a deceased as contemplated in subsection 11 (a)(1), and consequently the owner of the nuda proprietas does not at that stage incur any liability for estate duty. In view of the aforegoing considerations the writer has come to the conclusion that the utilisation of this method does not constitute a contravention the provisions of the Estate Duty Ad. The artificiality of the valuation method prescribed in terms of subsection 5(1)(b) lends itself to reducing the value of a limited interest by interposing a successor for a short period between the deceased and the ultimate beneficiary. It follows therefore that the utilisation of this method does not constitute tax evasion. Where the main consideration for the appointment of an intermediary usufructuary is not so much the possible benefit that may acme to the intermediary as the limitation of estate duty, the application of the method may constitute an avoidance of estate duty. The Estate Duty Act, however, does not contain any general anti-avoidance provision similar to section 103 of the lncome Tax Act. In utilising this method estate planners should therefore bear in mind the possibility that the fiscus may sooner or later introduce an amendment to the Estate Duty Act to close this loophole. / Thesis (LL.M. (Estate Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.

Die boedelbelastingimplikasies van die aanwending van opeenvolgende beperkte regte / deur Gert Petrus Schlebusch Albertse

Albertse, Gert Petrus Schlebusch January 2003 (has links)
The bequest of a usufruct to one or more interim usufructuaries for a limited period after the decease of the first usufructuary is often utilised by estate planners to reduce the value of the ceasing limited interest and thus to effect a saving in respect of estate duty. The saving in respect of estate duty is effected due to the fact that - the value of the ceasing limited interest in the estate of the first usufructuary is calculated only over the duration of the period during which the interim usufructuary is entitled to the limited interest and not also over the life expectancy of the ultimate beneficiary, and - that, on the cessation of the interim usufruct due to the efflux of time. no estate duty is payable. The very first reference to this method appeared in an article published in The Taxpayer during 1965. Other authors like Meyerowitz, Silke and Stein and Davis, Beneke and Jooste also referred to this method without analysing it or investigating the legality thereof. All the aforementioned authors relied to a certain extent for their views on a judgment of acting judge Warner in Bassett v Commissioner for Inland Revenue (1 961 4 SA 769 (D)). This dissertation is therefore aimed at investigating the legality of the method and to focus on a few practical aspects regarding the application thereof as an estate planning instrument. An analysis of the wording of the charging clause (section II (a )(1) of the Estate Duty Act and the valuation clause (section 5(1) of the act) has led to the belief that, in considering the validity of the method, it is extremely important to bear in mind the principles applicable to the vesting of testamentary rights. In terms of the valuation clause of the Estate Duty Ad the value of a ceasing limited interest for estate duty purposes is determined by capitalising the annual value of the right of enjoyment of the properly in which the deceased held any such limited interest to the extent to which the person who, upon the cessation of the said interest of the deceased in consequence of the death of the deceased, becomes entitled to any right of enjoyment of such properly. In terms of the charging clause "the person to whom any advantage accrues by the death of the deceased" is liable for the payment of estate duty in respect of the cessation of a limited right. In order to calculate the value of a ceasing limited interest and to determine the liability for payment of estate duty in respect thereof it is necessary to determine (a) the extent to which a successor in title of a deceased in consequence of the death of the deceased has become entitled to any right of enjoyment, and (b) to which person any advantage has accrued by the death of the deceased. After analysing the wording of section 5(1)(b) and section 11(a)(1) the writer has come to the following conclusions: (a) In the case of an interim usufruct the right of enjoyment of the first usufructury has to be capitalised only over the period of currency of the interim usufruct and not also over the life expectancy of the owner of the nuda proprietas. (b) Subsection 5(l)(b) does not make provision for the valuation of an interim usufruct at the termination them due to the efflux of time. (c) Upon the decease of the first usufructuary an advantage as contemplated in section 11(a)(1) accrues to the interim usufructury but not to the owner of the nuda proprietas. (d) On the cessation of an interim usufruct due to the efflux of time there is no person to whom any advantage accrues by the death of a deceased as contemplated in subsection 11 (a)(1), and consequently the owner of the nuda proprietas does not at that stage incur any liability for estate duty. In view of the aforegoing considerations the writer has come to the conclusion that the utilisation of this method does not constitute a contravention the provisions of the Estate Duty Ad. The artificiality of the valuation method prescribed in terms of subsection 5(1)(b) lends itself to reducing the value of a limited interest by interposing a successor for a short period between the deceased and the ultimate beneficiary. It follows therefore that the utilisation of this method does not constitute tax evasion. Where the main consideration for the appointment of an intermediary usufructuary is not so much the possible benefit that may acme to the intermediary as the limitation of estate duty, the application of the method may constitute an avoidance of estate duty. The Estate Duty Act, however, does not contain any general anti-avoidance provision similar to section 103 of the lncome Tax Act. In utilising this method estate planners should therefore bear in mind the possibility that the fiscus may sooner or later introduce an amendment to the Estate Duty Act to close this loophole. / Thesis (LL.M. (Estate Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.

A bayesian solution for the law of categorical judgment with category boundary variability and examination of robustness to model violations

King, David R. 12 January 2015 (has links)
Previous solutions for the the Law of Categorical Judgment with category boundary variability have either constrained the standard deviations of the category boundaries in some way or have violated the assumptions of the scaling model. In the current work, a fully Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo solution for the Law of Categorical Judgment is given that estimates all model parameters (i.e. scale values, category boundaries, and the associated standard deviations). The importance of measuring category boundary standard deviations is discussed in the context of previous research in signal detection theory, which gives evidence of interindividual variability in how respondents perceive category boundaries and even intraindividual variability in how a respondent perceives category boundaries across trials. Although the measurement of category boundary standard deviations appears to be important for describing the way respondents perceive category boundaries on the latent scale, the inclusion of category boundary standard deviations in the scaling model exposes an inconsistency between the model and the rating method. Namely, with category boundary variability, the scaling model suggests that a respondent could experience disordinal category boundaries on a given trial. However, the idea that a respondent actually experiences disordinal category boundaries seems unlikely. The discrepancy between the assumptions of the scaling model and the way responses are made at the individual level indicates that the assumptions of the model will likely not be met. Therefore, the current work examined how well model parameters could be estimated when the assumptions of the model were violated in various ways as a consequence of disordinal category boundary perceptions. A parameter recovery study examined the effect of model violations on estimation accuracy by comparing estimates obtained from three response processes that violated the assumptions of the model with estimates obtained from a novel response process that did not violate the assumptions of the model. Results suggest all parameters in the Law of Categorical Judgment can be estimated reasonably well when these particular model violations occur, albeit to a lesser degree of accuracy than when the assumptions of the model are met.

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