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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die ontstaans- en vestigingsgeskiedenis van Potgietersrus, 1852-1904 / Janetta du Plooy

Du Plooy, Janetta January 1990 (has links)
Potgietersrus is one of the oldest towns in the Transvaal and at present no scientific study on the history of the town exists. It was therefore the aim of this study to obtain as much information as possible on the cultural and socio-economic lifestyle of the pioneers and to describe the events surrounding the foundation and establishment of the early white settlements in the Makapanspoort within a broader Transvaal milieu. Mutual differences between white and white and white and black led to the decision to found a town in the Makapanspoort but before the actual establishment could take place 28 whites were murdered in the Makapanspoort by the Ndebele. The founding of Potgietersrus is actually intertwined with the murders of 1854, the siege of Makapan's caves, the death of Piet Potgieter and the decision to name the proposed town Pieterpotgietersrust. The establishment of Potgietersrus as a town was gradual. Six years passed after the decision to found a town in the Makapanspoort (1852) and the actual occupation of Pieterpotgietersrust in 1859 because the Langa of Mankopane were only subjugated by the whites after various campaigns. The expected peace did not materialize and before the town could be permanently established it was burnt down by die Langa (1867) and in 1870 completely evacuated as a result of a serious malaria epidemic. After the evacuation of the town there was as period during which its history is obscure until the re-establishment of the town in 1890, that was followed by systematic development. The founding of Potgietersrus was finalized with the allotment of stands (1891-1894) and the provision of specific public services. Potgietersrus was still sparesely populated till late in the twentieth century. The hostile and aggressive attitude of the surrounding blacks; the unsuccessful attempts to subjugate the blacks to the ZAR; the regular threat of malaria, which strengthened the opinion that the area was more suitable for hunting, were possibly the most important factors which led to the drawn out establishment phase and also the slow growth of the town. In addition, the ruling social conditions, long distances and lack of efficient transport, and a self-providing economic system helped to slow down the establishment and occupation of Potgietersrus so that only minor signs of town development were discernible. Only after 1904 did actual town development start after the village council started paying attention to domestic matters in a more organized way. The general lifestyle of the inhabitants was poor. Church and spiritual work was made more difficult by die extended areas and formal school education only really began toward the end of the nineteenth century. In spite of this the people did grow spiritually. Hard work, perseverance and faith contributed to the establishment and development of Potgietersrus. / Thesis (MA)--PU vir CHO, 1990

Die ontstaans- en vestigingsgeskiedenis van Potgietersrus, 1852-1904 / Janetta du Plooy

Du Plooy, Janetta January 1990 (has links)
Potgietersrus is one of the oldest towns in the Transvaal and at present no scientific study on the history of the town exists. It was therefore the aim of this study to obtain as much information as possible on the cultural and socio-economic lifestyle of the pioneers and to describe the events surrounding the foundation and establishment of the early white settlements in the Makapanspoort within a broader Transvaal milieu. Mutual differences between white and white and white and black led to the decision to found a town in the Makapanspoort but before the actual establishment could take place 28 whites were murdered in the Makapanspoort by the Ndebele. The founding of Potgietersrus is actually intertwined with the murders of 1854, the siege of Makapan's caves, the death of Piet Potgieter and the decision to name the proposed town Pieterpotgietersrust. The establishment of Potgietersrus as a town was gradual. Six years passed after the decision to found a town in the Makapanspoort (1852) and the actual occupation of Pieterpotgietersrust in 1859 because the Langa of Mankopane were only subjugated by the whites after various campaigns. The expected peace did not materialize and before the town could be permanently established it was burnt down by die Langa (1867) and in 1870 completely evacuated as a result of a serious malaria epidemic. After the evacuation of the town there was as period during which its history is obscure until the re-establishment of the town in 1890, that was followed by systematic development. The founding of Potgietersrus was finalized with the allotment of stands (1891-1894) and the provision of specific public services. Potgietersrus was still sparesely populated till late in the twentieth century. The hostile and aggressive attitude of the surrounding blacks; the unsuccessful attempts to subjugate the blacks to the ZAR; the regular threat of malaria, which strengthened the opinion that the area was more suitable for hunting, were possibly the most important factors which led to the drawn out establishment phase and also the slow growth of the town. In addition, the ruling social conditions, long distances and lack of efficient transport, and a self-providing economic system helped to slow down the establishment and occupation of Potgietersrus so that only minor signs of town development were discernible. Only after 1904 did actual town development start after the village council started paying attention to domestic matters in a more organized way. The general lifestyle of the inhabitants was poor. Church and spiritual work was made more difficult by die extended areas and formal school education only really began toward the end of the nineteenth century. In spite of this the people did grow spiritually. Hard work, perseverance and faith contributed to the establishment and development of Potgietersrus. / Thesis (MA)--PU vir CHO, 1990

Kabaret in Suid-Afrika : kabarett of cabaret?

Van der Merwe, Grethe Elizabeth 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDram (Drama))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Various theoretists and artists have tried to describe, to define and categorise the form of art that we roughly refer to as ‘cabaret’ in an attempt to answer the question: “What exactly is ‘cabaret’”? Many are of the opinion that cabaret cannot be defined; others feel that to define cabaret, is to limit this free-form genre, and by doing so will turn it into something it is not. This debate unavoidably leads to confusion or a misconception of what cabaret is and leads to the genre being moulded into a fixed form contrary to its nature. Since its conception in France in the late nineteenth century, cabaret has acquired many faces, and today in South Africa, many kilometres from its cradle, it is still in a process of development. For the purpose of this study I want to make use of the two basic terms used to refer to cabaret: ‘cabaret’ and ‘kabarett’. These terms refer respectively to cabaret as a form of literary entertainment or one of socio-political commentary. These categories were introduced by Kurt Tucholsky in its formatory years in Germany. By applying these terms, I want to establish whether cabaret in South Africa is alive and well, which form it has adopted, and whether one can speak of ‘pure’ cabaret. In Chapter 2 I will explore the roots of cabaret as a form of art, offer reasons for its rise and trace its development in countries such as France, Germany, the Netherlands, the USA and England. With this as background, I will in Chapter 3 attempt to indicate some guidelines for the genre without restricting it in any way, in order to explore the origin and development of what can be labelled as cabaret in South Africa in Chapter 4 and trace its development as well as evaluate current productions. Finally, I will attempt to answer the question as to whether cabaret in South Africa can be viewed as ‘cabaret’ or ‘kabarett’. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verskeie teoretici en kunstenaars het al gepoog om die genre, kabaret, te omskryf, te definieer en in verskeie kategorieë te plaas in ’n poging om die vraag: “Wat is kabaret?” te beantwoord. Baie is van mening dat kabaret nie gedefinieer kan word nie, ander sien kabaret weer as ’n vry-veranderende genre en voel dus dat ’n definisie dit sal inperk en dwing om iets te wees wat dit nie is nie. Uiteraard veroorsaak hierdie sienswyses baie verwarring en word kabaret dan tog soms verkeerdelik omskryf en in boksies waar dit nie hoort nie, geplaas. Kabaret is ’n kunsvorm wat sedert sy vormingsjare aan die einde van die negentiende eeu in Frankryk al vele vorme aangeneem het en vandag, hier te lande, baie kilometers van sy beginpunt af, steeds aan die ontwikkel is. Ek wil dus in hierdie studie gebruik maak van die twee eenvoudigste terme waarmee daar na kabaret verwys word: ‘cabaret’ en ‘kabarett’. Hierdie terme verwys onderskeidelik na kabaret enersyds as ‘n literêre vorm van vermaak of, andersyds, as ‘n medium vir die lewering van sosio-politiese kommentaar. Hierdie kategorieë is deur Kurt Tucholsky gebruik om die verskillende vorms van kabaret te omskryf reeds in die vroeë vormingsjare daarvan as kunsvorm in Duitsland. Só wil ek poog om vas te stel of kabaret wel in Suid-Afrika ‘lewend’ is, watter vorm dit aanneem en hoe suiwer dit is. In Hoofstuk 2 ondersoek ek die wortels van kabaret en probeer ek vasstel hoe die kunsvorm sedert sy ontstaan ontwikkel het in Frankryk, Duitsland, Nederland, Amerika en Engeland. Met die kennis van waar kabaret vandaan kom, hoekom dit ontstaan het en wat die vorme is wat dit al aangeneem het as agtergrond, poog ek dan in Hoofstuk 3 om min of meer riglyne aan die genre te gee, sonder om dit in te perk, ten einde my bespreking in Hoofstuk 4 te kan voltooi waarin ek kyk na die geskiedenis van kabaret in Suid-Afrika, asook die ontwikkeling daarvan tot en met die aanbieding van produksies waarna ons vandag as ‘kabaret’ verwys. Ten slotte wil ek bepaal of dit wat ons in Suid-Afrika ‘kabaret’ noem, in der waarheid kabarett of cabaret is.

'n Histories-kritiese studie van die Smutsonderwyswet van 1907 / Johannes Jurie Snyman

Snyman, Johannes Jurie January 1951 (has links)
Proefskrif--PU vir CHO

Plaaslike beheer in die onderwys van Transvaal, 1902-1910 / Jacobus Theodorus van Wyk

Van Wyk, Jacobus Theodorus January 1958 (has links)
Thesis (MEd)--PU vir CHO

'n Genealogiese en historiese perspektief op 'n gedeelte van die familie Swanepoel in Suid-Afrika (1698-1905) / James Andrew Cooks

Cooks, James Andrew January 2013 (has links)
The goal of this dissertation is to determine the genealogical and historical perspective of a selected part of the Swanepoel family in South Africa (1698-1906). It includes historical tendencies such as conflicts, wars, determination of the role and influence of the church and the impact on their Christian orientation, miscegenation, cultural integration and exposure to the South African landscape during the said period. Sources: Primary, secondary and archives sources, electronic genealogical information, periodic publications, websites and church registers. A personal archive containing letters, photo’s, information from graveyards, national and other archive documents and interviews with family members, published articles from accredited publications, published and unpublished dissertations. Marriages between Indian slaves and Free Burghers and inter-marriages between family members were identified. Family-registers are attached as addenda. The study covered the effect of the South African War and the “scorched earth policy” on the family. This dissertation contributed to the existing researched information available regarding the role and lifestyle of “Afrikaner families”. The study has shown the influence as a result of the continuous movement of borders from the Cape to North Western Region. / MA (History), North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2013

'n Waardering van die Opvoedkundige Hulpdiens van die T.O.D. / Albertus Brand

Brand, Albertus January 1990 (has links)
The main purpose of this investigation, namely an appreciation of the Education Aid Service of the TED, was briefly formulated in Chapter 1. Central concepts as used in the study, were broadly defined. Chapter 2 is mainly a review of relevant literature and deals with the aim and functioning of Guidance Services I Education Aid Services in general, with specific reference to the organization and administration of such services and the nature of guidance programmes in the United States of America, Britain and West Germany. Different approaches to Guidance and the principles of Guidance Services were reviewed. The training and qualifications of Guidance personnel in the • above-mentioned countries were also investigated. The aim of this review was to set criterion on which the Education Aid Service of the TED could be judged in chapter 5. The origin and development of the Education Aid Service of the TED since its modest inception in 1914 is described in chapter 3. This was outlined in four clearly distinguishable stages, viz. the origin and development of the Psychological Service, the development of the Vocational Guidance Service, the amalgamation of these two services in 1955 and the inception of the present Education Aid Service in 1983. The aims and policy, organization and administration as well as personnel aspects of the Transvaal Education Aid Service of the present day were investigated in chapter 4. A distinction was drawn between the general guidance program in schools and the activities of the specialised field of the Education Aid Centres and Child Guidance Clinics. The Education Aid Service was evaluated in chapter 5 and general conclusions derived from the study were summarized. A few recommendations based on these conclusions were finally made. They include an empirical investigation into the aims of the present guidance programmes of the Education Aid Service, a change in approach by the Educational Aid Centre, understaffing at Child Guidance Clinics and Education Aid Centres, physical facilities for guidance in schools and training and qualifications of guidance personnel. / Skripsie (MEd)--PU vir CHO, 1990

Die bevoegdheidsgerigte opleiding van bedryfskennisonderwysers / Petrus Casparus Stephanus Benade

Benadé, Petrus Casparus Stephanus January 1982 (has links)
During the early twenties of this century the necessity for the standardization of management activities and related affairs such as the desirability, reliability and validity of merit-assessments in businesses and industries in the U.S.A. reached a peak. The educational system participated in this movement end began extensive research on the evaluation of teachers. Especially the interest of the teachers' training institutes was aroused. These institutions pursued the viewpoint that more clarity should be obtained regarding the identification and evaluation of desirable education performance, and that this should furthermore be utilised as guidelines for the creation of educational objectives. The result wes a substantial shift in emphasis in the professional training of teachers from quantity to quality. The determination to raise the quality of education probably contributed largely to the sharp focus on a clearly specified goal determination and on a specific target formulation. From this a competency-based educational training originated. The approach of competency-baaed educational training requires that the training task should be based on pre-identified abilities which have to be acquired with a view to effective education. The purpose of this research is to make a penetrating analysis of competency-based education in the field of the Industrial Arts and the Technical teachers. The phenomenal development and advance in the technological sphere once again subjected the training of the Industrial Arts and Technical teachers to closer scrutiny. It has become imperative for the training of teachers in the technical domains to keep pace with progress in the technological world. By means of a proper task analysis of the competency- based training of Industrial Arts teachers, certain deficiencies and problem areas can be identified and solved. Subservient to the cause of competency-based teacher education responsible research has led the way through an intensive study of available literature, covering every aspect. After the literature study an empirical investigation was undertaken, involving 162 respondents (Industrial Arts teachers). During analysis of the collected data, many important deficiencies and problems regarding education as well as the practice of Industrial Arts teachers were identified. One of the most important conclusions was that only a few Industrial Arts teachers took their degree, The most important reason for this results from the lack of a degree course. It is also noteworthy to take cognisance of the fact that most of the respondents regarded the opportunity for promotion in this field as totally inadequate. Other important conclusions are the lack of funds, insufficient facilities, limited opportunities for advanced studies in the specific fields, the ineffective teaching of educational principles, so necessary for the successful presentation of the subject. Based on these conclusions a competency-based training model for Industrial Arts end Technical teachers was designed in the hope that its implementation may lead to the solving of problems and the elimination of deficiencies. Lastly a few recommendations were made with regard to the teaching of the Industrial Arts end Technical subjects, at secondary school level as well as the training of teachers and further research which could be undertaken in future. / Proefskrif (DEd)--PU vir CHO, 1983

Liggaamlike opvoeding in junior primêre opleiding aan Blanke onderwyskolleges / Mercia Coetzee

Coetzee, Mercia January 1988 (has links)
It was the purpose of this study to evaluate teacher training in physical education in the Junior Primary course in the various teachers training colleges in the Republic of South Africa and South West Africa. Such a study required descriptive research. A literature study of the development of the child in the junior primary school classes (between the the ages of six and nine years) was conducted. This developmental scheme is discussed under the headings of the physical, perceptual-motor, emotional, social and cognitive development of the child. Many researchers have pointed out that the importance of movement in the child's early learning experiences cannot be over emphasized. Lack of a movement repertoire during childhood can have serious ramifications, for it is through participation in locomotor skills that much of the social and emotional development of childhood is shaped. The preliminary stages of all fundamental motor skills are commonly established before the sixth year. It has been determined that the progression from level to level in these patterns depends on ample opportunity for practice under guidance. A survey was conducted in which the questionnaire method was mainly used. This produced the following results. Physical education is presented as a subject in the junior primary curriculum by all the teachers training colleges. The syllabuses of physical education as a subject in the junior primary course vary widely. Also, in some cases it is a compulsory and in others a specialisation subject. This lack of uniformity among the various teachers training colleges also applies to the duration of training, amount of periods allocated, as well as the content of the course. It is recommended that physical education be implied as a compulsory subject of the junior primary course of all teacher training colleges in the Republic of South Africa and South West Africa. The duration of training should be three years, with a minimum of forty training hours per year. A model is proposed of the theoretical and practical contents of physical education as a compulsory subject of the junior primary course. It is recommended that institutions which train teachers should provide opportunities for the understanding of motor development, if perspective teachers are to utilize this knowledge in their teaching. / Thesis (MA (Menslike Bewegingskunde))--PU vir CHO, 1988

Die motoriese ontwikkeling van en prestasiestandaarde vir dogters van 11 tot 16 jaar / Johannes Petrus le Roux

Le Roux, Johannes Petrus January 1970 (has links)
Research in connection with the female is nothing new in Physical Education. It is a generally accepted fact that the female need not play second fiddle to the male. Misconceptions with regard to the place of the female in society as well as her place in sport have long since disappeared. It is thus? logical that the education of the female in all its ramifications should enjoy the same degree of attention as that of the male. In older European countries and especially in the U.S.A. much research has been done in connection with the Physical Education of the female. In South Africa research in this connection has not lagged behind. Various problems have already been satisfactorily solved, some have had less satisfactory results while others have not been touched. The necessity for an investigation into the performance of white South Africans has partly been satisfied by the researches of Van der Merwe and Van Zyl (Chapter 3). Research projects in this field have already been done overseas. It is, however, known that the tests and their results based on a specific group of people are only applicable to that group, except if the opposite can be scientifically proved. Another important investigation into Physical Education of white South African girls has been done by De Jager. (Chapter 3). In this research work he studied the influence of chronological age upon the motor-performance of white school girls. This research must in the first instance be considered as supplementary to the researches of the aforementioned people. Seen in this light it is a modest attempt to contribute to the development of the Physical Education of white South African girls. In this investigation performance scales for white schoolgirls in the Transvaal were compiled in for activities. An attempt was also made to study the motor development of white schoolgirls in the four activities mentioned. The performance scales were compiled with the purpose of: 1. To provide a measure for determining the girls aptitude and progress; 2. To improve and supplement the methods of Physical Education; 3. To diagnose the physical capabilities and thus to show and eliminate possible short-comings; 4. To provide a stimulus for self-exercise; 5. To provide standards (norms) of performance that satisfy the requirements of the metric system; 6. To study the motor development of white South African girls as indicated by their performances; 7. To compare age grouping, as now applied to athletics and swimming for competitions purposes, with the performance curve derived from the data of the investigation. On the grounds of the literature as discussed in Chapter 3, it appears justified to confine it to the grouping of girls based on chronological age only. The scales are, consequently, simple to apply and can even be used by pupils themselves, The activities of this investigation had been chosen with an eye to fundamental components, namely speed, strength, stamina and co-ordination. The prevalence in the Republic of South Africa of the "fitness concept" and the activities of the Nation2l Fitness Scheme were additional considerations for the choice of exercises and their uses and values. For the compilation of performance scales from the results of this study use has been made of the Sigmascale method as well as the cumulative frequency method in swimming. In order to simplify the discussion of the findings and for the sake of clarity all processed data have been tabulated and graphically presented. For the purpose of this study 2 1 422 tests have been made. In addition the height of 718 persons and the bodyweight of 706 persons have been taken. The results of this study show that in the development in performance of girls of 11 to 16 years two peaks especially are reached - at 13 and at 14 years. In the 100 metre sprint performance reached its maximum at 13 years. In the 300 metre the peak was at 14 years. In the push-ups from a 12 inch high bench the peak was again at 13 years. In the 25 metre crawl the maximum was again at 14 years. It is thus clear that the findings of DcCloy (Chapter 2), namely that, in the case of American girls, age has an influence on performance only up to 13t years, cannot as such be accepted in South Africa. De Jager carne to the same conclusion in his investigation. From the results it is evident that maximum performance is reached at 13- or 14 years. This again corroborates the findings of Johnson and his colleagues. These researchers have found that maximum athletic performance occurs at 13- or 14 years. (Chapter 7). The results have also indicated that the age of 12 is a "weak” period. The increase in performance is small between 11 and 12 in two out of every four cases, namely the 100 metres and the swirnrnin3 event. In the push-ups the performance of twelve year olds is even weaker than that of eleven year olds. From the results of this study it appears that fifteen year olds give weaker performances than 13-, 14- and 16 year olds. In three of the four events, namely the 100 metres sprint; the 300 metres flatrace and the swimming event, fifteen year olds gave weaker performances than 13-, 14- and 16 year olds. In the push-ups even eleven- and twelve year olds fared better than the fifteen year olds. For the pattern of development of the performance ability with the increase in age and for the question as to why certain age-groups do worse than others; no satisfactory explanation has yet been found. It is clear that there are factors which can possibly influence this development pattern and performance. On the strength of these findings it seems justified to consider the eleven- and twelve year olds as a homogene group for the purpose of classification. Furthermore thirteen-, fourteen-, fifteen- and sixteen year olds can be taken as a homogene group. In the push-ups, however, it is evident that the thirteen year olds should compete separately as is highly evident from the difference between thirteen und fourteen, between thirteen and fifteen and between thirteen and sixteen - in all cases to the advantage of the thirteen year olds. With regard to age-grouping of girls in athletics and swimming it is clear that many changes can be brought about. This study has been conducted with the purpose of contributing to the Physical Education of the female. In Physical Education, especially with regard to the female there is still a large field that has to be covered. The lack of female researchers naturally curbs the development of Physical Education in the case of the female. FURTHER STUDIES. Further scientific research in connection with the female sex is an absolute necessity. This study was confined to schoolgirls in the Transvaal. The results draws the attention to many problems which can only be solved by general and thorough investigation. From the foregoing it follows that: 1. The scales compiled in this study are only applicable to schoolgirls in the Transvaal. Before these scales can be accepted as national, their validity, trustworthiness and objectivity “’till first have to be proved for the other provinces. 2. The compilation of performance scales in activities of Physical Education for white girls under 11 years, is very necessary. 3. The question of the development of performance ability according to age increase up to university age has to be investigated. 4. Factors such as physiological, psychological and economic circumstances which can possibly influence performance of girls, should be studied. 5. The performance ability of non-white girls, especially Bantu, Coloured and Indian, needs research. It will give us the opportunity to compare the performance of white girls with that of other races. 6. Performance scales in activities of Physical Education, especially those that answer to the requirements of the metric system, should be amplified. / Thesis (MA)--PU vir CHO

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