Spelling suggestions: "subject:"supercharging"" "subject:"overcharging""
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Laser Electrospray Mass Spectrometry for Structural Analysis of BiomoleculesKarki, Santosh January 2017 (has links)
This dissertation elucidates a greater understanding of protein folding and unfolding processes during the lifetimes of electrospray and nano-spray droplets in laser electrospray mass spectrometry (LEMS) and nano-laser electrospray mass spectrometry (nano-LEMS) measurements, respectively. The similarity in mass spectral features obtained from conventional electrospray measurements for supercharged proteins with those of LEMS measurements suggested that supercharging phenomena occurs in the electrospray droplets during the droplet desolvation process. It was observed that the laser vaporization of protein from condensed phase into the electrospray droplets containing denaturing electrospray solution and a supercharging reagent resulted in the increase in ion abundance of higher charge states in comparison with electrospray measurements. Conversely, the addition of solution additives with varying gas phase basicity in the electrospray solvent resulted in charge reduction for unfolded protein upon laser vaporization from condensed phase into the charged electrospray droplets. The extent of charge reduction and the fraction of folded protein within the electrospray droplets was found to be dependent upon both the extent of protein denaturation in the solution prior to laser vaporization and the gas phase basicity of solution additives. The ability of the LEMS technique to analyze molecules from solution with high matrix effects was established by the successful detection of protein molecules from solution with high salt concentration. Experiments with LEMS enabled the detection of a protonated protein feature as the dominating peak in the mass spectra for up to 250 mM sodium chloride while conventional electrospray resulted in predominantly salt-adducted features, with suppression of the protonated protein ions for the salt concentration of 5 mM. This dissertation also expanded upon the use of a reaction system to measure the lifetimes of laser vaporized liquid droplets coupled with electrospray and nano-spray postionization mass spectrometry. Electrospray and nanospray droplet lifetimes were measured to be 4.5±0.6 ms and 1.4±0.3 ms using LEMS and nano-LEMS measurements, respectively. Time dependent protein folding measurements using LEMS revealed intermediate states during protein folding processes which are often limited in conventional electrospray measurements where bulk solution in manipulated (change in pH) to achieve protein folding. / Chemistry
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Supercharge Your Journey : Mikrointeraktioner till er tjänst / Supercharge Your Journey : Microinteractions at Your ServiceNordenson, Anette, Nordqvist, Sofia January 2022 (has links)
För att klara Parisavtalets mål om att begränsa den globala uppvärmningen till 1,5 grader är transportsektorn en viktig faktor då den svarar för nära en fjärdedel av Europas växthusgasutsläpp. Användningen av energi från förnybara energikällor inom transport har ökat de senaste åren, med Sverige som bäst inom EU. Ökningen av elbilar i Sverige medför dock en belastning på nuvarande laddinfrastruktur. För att hitta laddplats kan bilens inbyggda navigator eller en navigeringstjänst som integreras med bilen via smartphone användas. Dessa alternativ fungerar dock först när resenären sitter i bilen, vilket gör att reseplanering i förväg försvåras. Denna studie undersöker hur planering och långresa med elbil kan underlättas via en tjänst som optimerar alternativa resvägar med stopp för snabbladdning. Studien genomfördes med mixade metoder och lades upp som en adaption av processen i Design Thinking. Genom funktionsanalys av fyra mobiltjänster nåddes insikt om att användare behöver ha god kännedom om fordonstekniska specifikationer för att tjänsterna ska fungera tillförlitligt. Med fokus på en aktivitets minsta beståndsdelar, beskrivna i Activity-centered design, formulerades ett lösningsförslag enligt principer funna i design av mikrointeraktioner. Den föreslagna lösningen i form av en digital prototyp utvärderades av sex deltagare genom en SUS (System Usability Scale)-enkät. Resultatet excellent är inte generaliserbart med tanke på det relativt sett låga deltagarantalet, men kan ändå antyda att elbilsresande kan förenklas via en mikrointeraktion där fordonets registreringsnummer anges för att automatiskt hämta fordonsdata. Sammantaget kan resultaten från studien bidra vid utveckling av tjänster för långresande med elbil riktade till en bredare allmänhet. Flera iterationer av designprocessen med observationer av användare, kvalitativa intervjuer och formativa utvärderingar skulle kunna ge bättre förståelse för användbarheten. / To reach the objectives of the Paris agreement, to limit global warming to 1,5 degrees, the transport sector is a key means by owing responsibility for nearly a quarter of Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions. The use of sustainable sources of energy has increased significantly in the transport sector over the recent years, where Sweden places itself in the lead. Though, the increase of battery electrical vehicles (BEV) in Sweden causes a considerable strain on the present charging infrastructure. To find charging stations; the traveler might use the built-in navigation system in the car, or by integrating a navigation system via a smartphone. Nevertheless, these possibilities are limited to in-car use thus making beforehand route planning difficult. This thesis investigates how planning and conducting a long journey with a BEV could be simplified by a service that optimizes alternative routes with fast charging breaks. The study was conducted using mixed methods and built on an adaptation of the process in Design Thinking. By examining four mobile services via functional analysis, insight was given on the need for the traveler to have thorough knowledge of vehicle specific technical data for the services to perform trustworthy. With focus on an activity’s smallest components, described in Activity-centered design, a solution proposal was formulated according to principles found in design of microinteractions. The suggested solution in the shape of an interactive prototype was evaluated by six participants via a SUS (System Usability Scale)-survey. The result excellent cannot be generalized due to the limited numbers of participants, though it clearly suggests that travel by BEV could be simplified and facilitated by a microinteraction that uses the license plate number to retrieve vehicle specific data. The overall results from the study could support development of services for traveling with BEV, aimed for a broader public. Several iterations of the design process with observation of users, qualitative interviews and formative evaluations could bring deeper understanding for the usability.
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Návrh a posouzení alternativ přeplňování vznětového motoru s recirkulací / Proposal and Examination of Supercharging Alternatives of CI-engine with RecirculationPrášek, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
The object of this thesis was Proposal and Examination of Supercharging Alternatives of CI-engine with Exhaust Gas Recirculation according required engine power parameters. This goal was meet by use of Turbocharger with Variable Nozzles and Air-Air intercooler.
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