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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Layering As An Architectural Operation: Peter Eisenman&#039 / s House Ii

Tuntas Karaman, Duygu 01 September 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis suggests the concept of layering as a &ldquo / generative&rdquo / operation in architectural design process. To understand generation of architectural forms and trace their transformations in this process, this study proposes layering as an integrative and intellectual operation embracing analysis, design and representation phases of architecture. In order to do that, the operation of layering is discussed under three titles: Layering as an analytical tool, as a design tool and as a representational tool. This means that, &ldquo / layering&rdquo / can operate to understand complex forms (to analyze), to generate space (to design), and to communicate in design process (to represent). In this context, for a deeper inquiry into the operation of layering, House II designed by Peter Eisenman is analyzed. The complex and layered form of House II addresses an extensive formal analysis that attempts to reveal the formations and transformations of layers constituting the building. Considering the building as a formal system, &ldquo / layers&rdquo / are defined as the fragments of the whole, and &ldquo / layering&rdquo / is conceptualized as the main operation that organizes relationships between these fragments. These analyses reveal the multi-layered formation of House II. Creating an architectural system, the operation of layering has the capacity to organize varied architectural elements by defining relationships in-between them.

Interaccions moleculars: correcció de l'error de superposició de base i propietat de les funcions flotants

Simon i Rabasseda, Sílvia 24 July 1998 (has links)
A primary interest of this thesis is to obtain a powerful tool for determining structural properties, electrical and reactivity of molecules. A second interest is the study of fundamental error based on complex overlay of bridge hydrogen. One way to correct this error, using Counterpoise correction proposed by Boys and Bernardi. Usually the Counterpoise correction is applied promptly on the geometries previously optimized. Our goal was to find areas of potential which had all the points fixed with CP. These surfaces have a minimum corresponding to a surface other than corrected, ie, the geometric parameters will be different. The curvature of this minimum will also be different, therefore the vibrational frequency will also change when they are corrected with BSSE. Once constructed these surfaces have been studied various complex. It has also been investigated as the method for calculating the error influenced on the basis superposition. / Un primer interés de la tesi és poder obtenir una eina potent de determinació de propietats estrucutrals, elèctriques i de reactivitat de les molècules. Un segon interés fonamental és l’estudi de l’error de superposició de base en complexes de pont d’hidrogen. Una forma de corregir aquest error, és mitjançant la correcció de Counterpoise proposada per Boys i Bernardi. Normalment la correcció de Counterpoise s’aplica puntualment sobre les geometries prèviament optimitzades. El nostre objectiu era trobar superfícies de potencial les quals tinguessin tots els punts corregits amb CP. Aquestes superfícies tenen un mínim diferent del corresponent a una superfície corregida, és a dir, els paràmetres geomètric seran diferents. La curvatura d’aquest mínim també serà diferent, per tant les freqüencies de vibració també canviarà quan aquestes es corregeixen amb BSSE. Un cop construïdes aquestes superfícies, s’han estudiat diferents complexes. També s’ha investigat com el mètode de càlcul influïa sobre l’error de superposició de base.

Basis set superposition error effects, excited-state potential energy surface and photodynamics of thymine

Asturiol Bofill, David 05 February 2010 (has links)
En aquesta tesi he estudiat l'efecte de l'error de superposició de base (BSSE) en la planaritat d'algunes molècules. He observat que l'ús d'alguns mètodes de càlcul amb determinades funcions de base descriuen mínims d'energia no planars per les bases nitrogenades de l'ADN. He demostrat que aquests problemes es poden arreglar utilitzant el mètode Counterpoise per corregir el BSSE en els càlculs. En aquesta tesi també he estudiat la fotofísica de la timina i els resultats mostren que existeixen dos camins de relaxació des de l'estat excitat que permeten la regeneració de l'estructura inicial de forma ultraràpida. / The effect of the basis set superposition error (BSSE) on the planarity of some molecules has been studied in this thesis. I have observed that the use of some correlated methods with certain basis sets lead to non-planar minima structures of nucleobases. I have shown that the use of the Counterpoise method fixes these pitfalls in all cases. I have also studied the photophysics of thymine in this thesis and my results show that there exist two decay paths that can regenerate the initial structure of thymine in less than tenths of picoseconds upon photon absorption.

Logical Superposition Coded Modulation for Wireless Video Multicasting

Ho, James Ching-Chih January 2009 (has links)
This thesis documents the design of logical superposition coded (SPC) modulation for implementation in wireless video multicast systems, to tackle the issues caused by multi-user channel diversity, one of the legacy problems due to the nature of wireless video multicasting. The framework generates a logical SPC modulated signal by mapping successively refinable information bits into a single signal constellation with modifications in the MAC-layer software. The transmitted logical SPC signals not only manipulatively mimic SPC signals generated by the superposition of multiple modulated signals in the conventional hardware-based SPC modulation, but also yield comparable performance gains when provided with the knowledge of information bits dependencies and receiver channel distributions. At the receiving end, the proposed approach only requires simple modifications in the MAC layer software, which demonstrates full decoding compatibility with the conventional multi-stage signal-interference cancellation (SIC) approach involving additional hardware devices. Generalized formulations for symbol error rate (SER) are derived for performance evaluations and comparisons with the conventional hardware-based approach.

Logical Superposition Coded Modulation for Wireless Video Multicasting

Ho, James Ching-Chih January 2009 (has links)
This thesis documents the design of logical superposition coded (SPC) modulation for implementation in wireless video multicast systems, to tackle the issues caused by multi-user channel diversity, one of the legacy problems due to the nature of wireless video multicasting. The framework generates a logical SPC modulated signal by mapping successively refinable information bits into a single signal constellation with modifications in the MAC-layer software. The transmitted logical SPC signals not only manipulatively mimic SPC signals generated by the superposition of multiple modulated signals in the conventional hardware-based SPC modulation, but also yield comparable performance gains when provided with the knowledge of information bits dependencies and receiver channel distributions. At the receiving end, the proposed approach only requires simple modifications in the MAC layer software, which demonstrates full decoding compatibility with the conventional multi-stage signal-interference cancellation (SIC) approach involving additional hardware devices. Generalized formulations for symbol error rate (SER) are derived for performance evaluations and comparisons with the conventional hardware-based approach.

Ordnungsreduktion von elektrostatisch-mechanischen Finite Elemente Modellen für die Mikrosystemtechnik

Bennini, Fouad 07 October 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird eine Prozedur zur Ordnungsreduktion von Finite Elemente Modellen mikromechanischer Struktur mit elektrostatischem Wirkprinzip entwickelt und analysiert. Hintergrund der Ordnungsreduktion ist eine Koordinatentransformation von lokalen Finite Elemente Koordinaten in globale Koordinaten. Die globalen Koordinaten des reduzierten Modells werden durch einige wenige Formfunktionen beschrieben. Damit wird das Makromodell nicht mehr durch lokale Knotenverschiebungen beschrieben, sondern durch globale Formfunktionen, welche die gesamte Deformation der Struktur beeinflussen. Es wird gezeigt, dass Eigenvektoren der linearisierten mechanischen Struktur einfache und effiziente Formfunktionen darstellen. Weiterhin kann diese Methode für bestimmte Nichtlinearitäten und für verschiedene in Mikrosystemen auftretende Lasten angewendet werden. Das Ergebnis sind Makromodelle, die über Klemmen in Systemsimulatoren eingebunden werden können, die Genauigkeiten einer Finite Elemente Analyse erreichen und für Systemsimulationen typische Laufzeitverhalten besitzen.

Monte Carlo Electromagnetic Cross Section Production Method for Low Energy Charged Particle Transport Through Single Molecules

Madsen, Jonathan R 16 December 2013 (has links)
The present state of modeling radio-induced effects at the cellular level neglects to account for the microscopic inhomogeneity of the nucleus from the non-aqueous contents by approximating the entire cellular nucleus as a homogenous medium of water. Charged particle track-structure calculations utilizing this principle of superposition are thereby neglecting to account for approximately 30% of the molecular variation within the nucleus. To truly understand what happens when biological matter is irradiated, charged particle track-structure calculations need detailed knowledge of the secondary electron cascade, resulting from interactions with not only the primary biological component – water – but also the non-aqueous contents, down to very low energies. This paper presents developments for a novel approach, which to our knowledge has never been done before, to reducing the homogenous water approximation. The purpose of our work is to develop of a completely self-consistent computational method for predicting molecule-specific ionization, excitation, and scattering cross sections in the very low energy regime that can be applied in a condensed history Monte Carlo track-structure code. The present methodology begins with the calculation of a solution to the many-body Schrödinger equation and proceeds to use Monte Carlo methods to calculate the perturbations in the internal electron field to determine the aforementioned processes. Results are computed for molecular water in the form of linear energy loss, secondary electron energies, and ionization-to-excitation ratios and compared against the low energy predictions of the GEANT4-DNA physics package of the Geant4 simulation toolkit.

Nouvelles méthodes de traitement de signaux multidimensionnels par décomposition suivant le théorème de Superposition de Kolmogorov

Leni, Pierre-Emmanuel 23 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Le traitement de signaux multidimensionnels reste un problème délicat lorsqu'il s'agit d'utiliser des méthodes conçues pour traiter des signaux monodimensionnels. Il faut alors étendre les méthodes monodimensionnelles à plusieurs dimensions, ce qui n'est pas toujours possible, ou bien convertir les signaux multidimensionnels en signaux 1D. Dans ce cas, l'objectif est de conserver le maximum des propriétés du signal original. Dans ce contexte, le théorème de superposition de Kolmogorov fournit un cadre théorique prometteur pour la conversion de signaux multidimensionnels. En effet, en 1957, Kolmogorov a démontré que toute fonction multivariée pouvait s'écrire comme sommes et compositions de fonctions monovariées. Notre travail s'est focalisé sur la décomposition d'images suivant le schéma proposé par le théorème de superposition, afin d''etudier les applications possibles de cette d'ecomposition au traitement d'image. Pour cela, nous avons tout d'abord 'etudi'e la construction des fonctions monovari'ees. Ce probl'eme a fait l'objet de nombreuses 'etudes, et r'ecemment, deux algorithmes ont 'et'e propos'es. Sprecher a propos'e dans [Sprecher, 1996; Sprecher, 1997] un algorithme dans lequel il d'ecrit explicitement la m'ethode pour construire exactement les fonctions monovari'ees, tout en introduisant des notions fondamentales 'a la compr'ehension du th'eor'eme. Par ailleurs, Igelnik et Parikh ont propos'e dans [Igelnik and Parikh, 2003; Igelnik, 2009] un algorithme pour approximer les fonctions monovariéees par un réseau de splines. Nous avons appliqué ces deux algorithmes à la décomposition d'images. Nous nous sommes ensuite focalisés sur l'étude de l'algorithme d'Igelnik, qui est plus facilement modifiable et offre une repréesentation analytique des fonctions, pour proposer deux applications originales répondant à des problématiques classiques de traitement de l'image : pour la compression : nous avons étudié la qualité de l'image reconstruite par un réseau de splines généré avec seulement une partie des pixels de l'image originale. Pour améliorer cette reconstruction, nous avons proposé d'effectuer cette décomposition sur des images de détails issues d'une transformée en ondelettes. Nous avons ensuite combiné cette méthode à JPEG 2000, et nous montrons que nous améliorons ainsi le schéma de compression JPEG 2000, même à bas bitrates. Pour la transmission progressive : en modifiant la génération du réseau de splines, l'image peut être décomposée en une seule fonction monovariée. Cette fonction peut être transmise progressivement, ce qui permet de reconstruire l'image en augmentant progressivement sa résolution. De plus, nous montrons qu'une telle transmission est résistante à la perte d'information.

Momentum transfer between semidiurnal internal waves and subinertial flow at a dissipating surface reflection

Jenkyns, Reyna L. 31 August 2009 (has links)
Full-depth profile data reveal semidiurnal internal waves radiating from Mendocino Escarpment. Energy- and momentum-fluxes are lost between stations bracketing the first surface reflection to the north. A plausible interpretation is that wave energy is dissipated as a consequence of superposition of incident and reflected waves. Because there are no profiler data in the superposition region, a theoretical approach is used to bridge the gap. Assuming zonal independence, constant stratification and linear decay in the dissipation region, the forcing on the mean equations is evaluated with parameters consistent with Mendocino Escarpment data. Both superposition and dissipation cause momentum-flux divergence forcing. An Ekman-like balance is anticipated with predicted mean zonal flows u~O(1-2 cm/s), comparable to surface wind-forced Ekman currents.

Analise dinamica linear de porticos planos pelo metodo dos elementos finitos / Linear dynamic analysis of plane framework with use of the finite element method

Gatti, Anderson Carlos 29 June 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Aloisio Ernesto Assan / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-07T10:17:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Gatti_AndersonCarlos_M.pdf: 1799347 bytes, checksum: c5db751be8130693e5a2966d279bc22e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Neste trabalho estuda-se o comportamento de pórticos planos submetidos a ações dinâmicas. Apresenta-se, inicialmente, a Equação de Movimento de Lagrange através das variações das energias cinética, potencial mais o trabalho das forças não conservativas. Em seguida, pelo emprego do Método dos Elementos Finitos são desenvolvidas as matrizes de rigidez, massa e amortecimento para o elemento de pórtico plano. O amortecimento introduzido é o de Rayleigh. Estudam-se dois métodos para a realização da análise dinâmica: o método de Newmark e o Método da Superposição Modal, também sendo realizado um estudo do problema de autovalor e autovetor pelo emprego do Método das Potências e o Método da Deflação de Wielandt. Os autovalores e autovetores fornecerão as freqüências naturais e os modos de vibração da estrutura. Finalmente, são mostrados exemplos numéricos para a análise do comportamento dos pórticos planos / Abstract: In this work, it is studied the behavior of plane frames submitted to dynamic loads. First of all Lagrange¿s Equations of Motion is presented by the kinetic and potential energy variation plus the work of the nonconservative forces. Next, the stiffness, mass and damping matrices for the plane frame element are developed with the use of the Finite Element Method. Damping is introduced from the Rayleigh damping. Both Newmark Method and Modal Superposition Method are studied to carry out the dynamic analysis. It is also carried out a study of the eigenvalue problem by Power Method and Wielandt Deflation Method. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors will provide the natural frequencies and normal modes of the structure, respectively. Finally, numerical examples are related to the analysis of the plane frameworks behavior / Mestrado / Estruturas / Mestre em Engenharia Civil

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