Spelling suggestions: "subject:"burface tension"" "subject:"1surface tension""
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微小重力場での近臨界表面液ジェットの不安定性 (第2報, 理論的考察)梅村, 章, UMEMURA, Akira, 若島, 勇一郎, WAKASHIMA, Yuichiro 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Estudio experimental del proceso de calentamiento de medios porosos saturados hasta ebullición-"Dryout" de su fase líquidaCarbonell Ventura, Montserrat 04 February 2000 (has links)
La experimentación y posterior modelización de los procesos de transporte y transferencia de calor y de masa en medios poroso saturados encuentra un gran número de dificultades que se derivan fundamentalmente de la heterogeneidad del propio medio, de la metodología de su parametrización estructural y física para asimilarlo a un medio continuo.Los objetivos planteados en la presente tesis se han orientado hacia un mejor conocimiento de la influencia de diversos parámetros estructurales del medio poroso, así como de las propiedades de las substancias que constituyen la matriz sólida y la fase fluida saturante, en las características de ebullición de un medio poroso inicialmente saturado, calentado por su frontera inferior y limitado por una capa superior del mismo líquido saturante.A tal fin, se ha estudiado la influencia de la estructura del medio poroso (granular o fibrilar) y de la naturaleza de la sustancia que constituye la matriz sólida sobre la permeabilidad del medio poroso al agua y a una solución acuosa de tensioactivo, de baja concentración. Así mismo se ha estudiado la influencia respecto a la conductividad y difusividad térmicas efectivas en régimen no estacionario. Por último, utilizando la misma variedad de medios porosos saturados, se estudia el proceso de ebullición hasta que se alcanzan condiciones de "dryout", y se analizan las consecuencias que resultan de la variación de la estructura física del medio poroso, de la naturaleza de la sustancia que constituye su matriz sólida y de las propiedades del fluido saturante.En lo referente a las características fluidodinámicas y térmicas de los medios porosos estudiados se ha podido concluir:- La adición de un tensioactivo al agua saturante del medio poroso produce un comportamiento diferente según la naturaleza del sólido: en caso de inorgánica (arena) ocasiona un aumento de la permeabilidad intrínseca, mientras que en caso de orgánica (fibras de algodón) produce una reducción tanto mayor cuanto menor es la porosidad del medio poroso. Las causas de este diferente comportamiento, son las notables diferencias de absorción del tensioactivo según el tipo de sólido (orgánico o inorgánico) y la mejora substancial de la humectación de la superficie del sólido inorgánico por el fluido lo que activa la eficacia de desplazamiento de toda fase no acuosa adsorbida o retenida entre partículas.- La difusividad térmica efectiva promediada espacialmente tiende al valor de la difusividad del componente del medio poroso de menor difusividad térmica a medida que transcurre el tiempo de calentamiento.- La difusividad térmica efectiva de los medios porosos saturados en los que s / l < 1 se aproxima a la de la fase líquida; en los medios para los que s / l >> 1, dicha difusividad térmica efectiva es un grado de orden superior a la de la fase líquida.- La adición de tensioactivo a la fase líquida saturante provoca la disminución de la conductividad térmica efectiva de medio poroso saturado en aquellos en que la fase sólida es granular e inorgánica.En lo referente al proceso de calentamiento de un medio poroso saturado hasta ebullición-"dryout" de su fase líquida se ha descrito un modelo físico de comportamiento de los diferentes medios porosos que comporta las siguientes fases:i) Calentamiento del medio hasta la temperatura de saturación de su fase líquida, con evidente aumento de volumen de las fases sólida y líquida por dilatación térmica.ii) Proceso de evaporación con formación de una capa bifásica cuya frontera superior se desplaza a la velocidad del frente de vapor. Simultáneamente se produce una disminución de la presión fluidoestática en la frontera de la capa bifásica, lo que se traduce en una reducción del reflujo de líquido hacia la placa calefactora.iii) Total desaturación de la entrefase medio poroso-placa calefactora al recibir por reflujo menos líquido del que es capaz de evaporar la placa calefactora. Aparición del "dryout" y elevación progresiva de la temperatura de la placa.iv) Aparición, en algún caso, de un fenómeno de basculamiento de la fase líquida desde la capa subenfriada a la zona desaturada del medio poroso. / A large number of difficulties are found in the experimentation and later modelization of transport and transfer heat and mass process in saturated porous media, which basically derive from the heterogeneity of the medium, the methodology of structural and physic parameterization to assimilate it to a continuous medium.The raised aims in this doctoral thesis have been directed towards a better knowledge of the influence of several structural parameters of the porous medium, as well as of the properties of the solid matrix and the saturating fluid phase, in the characteristics of boiling of an initially saturated porous medium, heated by its lower boundary and limited by an upper layer of the same saturating liquid.For this, the influence of the structure of the porous medium (granular or fibrous) and the nature of the solid matrix on the permeability to water and to a surfactant solution of lower concentration have been studied. The influence in relation to effective thermal conductivity and diffusivity in unstationary regime has also been studied. Finally, the boiling process until to achieve dryout conditions has been studied, and the consequences result from the variation of the physical structure of the porous medium, the nature of the solid matrix and the properties of the saturating fluid have been analyzed.About the fluid dynamic and thermal characteristics of the porous media studied, the thesis concludes that:- The addition of a surfactant to the saturating water of the porous medium produces a different behaviour depending on the nature of the solid: in inorganic matrix (sand) occasions an increase in the intrinsic permeability, whereas in organic matrix (cotton fibres) produces a decrease as greater as smaller is the porosity of the porous medium. The reasons of this different behaviour are the notable differences of absorption of the surfactant depending on the sort of solid matrix (organic or inorganic) and the important increase of the wetting of the inorganic solid's surface by the fluid activating the displacement of all adsorbed or retained not watery phase between particles.- The spatially averaged effective thermal diffusivity tends to the value of the diffusivity of the component of the porous medium with lower thermal diffusivity throughout the boiling process.- The effective thermal diffusivity of the saturated porous media which have s / l < 1 approaches to of the liquid phase; in the media with s / l >> 1, the effective thermal diffusivity is a grade of upper order to the of liquid phase.- The addition of surfactant to the saturating liquid phase gives rise to the decrease of the effective thermal conductivity of the saturated porous medium with granular and inorganic solid phase. A physical model of behaviour of the different saturated porous media concerning heating process until to achieve dryout conditions has been described considering the next phases:i) Heating of the medium until the saturation temperature of its liquid phase, with evident increase of volume of the solid and liquid phases by thermal dilatation.ii) Evaporation process with creation of a biphasic layer whose upper boundary displaces to the velocity of the vapour front. Simultaneously a decrease of the fluid static pressure in the boundary of the biphasic layer is produced, what result in a reduction of the reflux of liquid towards the heating plate.iii) Total unsaturation of the porous medium-heating plate interphase caused by to receive less liquid by reflux that the heating plate is capable of evaporating.iv) Appearance, in some case, of a fast phenomenon of turn upside down of the liquid phase from subcooled layer to the unsaturated zone of the porous medium.
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Fabrication of mDMFC and Effect of Methanol Modification on its PerformanceLu, Chang-Wei 21 August 2012 (has links)
Direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) were characterized with low operation temperature, high energy density, rapid activation, easy to obtain, easy to carry, safety, stability and low pollution. Therefore, DMFCs were thought as the next generation of power suppliers to replace lithium battery in the future. In order to meet the miniaturization demand of portable electronic devices, this research tried to fabricate a £gDMFC, simplify component, and lower cost by using MEMS technique. This research used TMAH etching, PEACE, and KOH etching, CNT growth technique to fabricate the hill-like diffusion layer (HDL) electrode which combined the channel structure and through-hole silicon (THS) electrode.
Another emphasis of this research was to improve the bubble cover problem for £gDMFCs. The bubble cover problem resulted from the CO2 bubble generated in methanol oxidation reaction difficultly removed and resulted in adverse effect for reaction. This research tried to use the surfactants which used in electroforming to improve the bubble cover problem by improvement surface tension of fuel.
Experiments show that using the HDL electrode in anode and the THS electrode in cathode would get the maximum power density (0.186 mW/cm2). The powder density of the design £gDMFC is 10 and 2.5 times larger than the one with pure carbon paper electrodes and the HDL electrodes. Surfactant MA was suitable as a wetting of methanol. Bubble size could reduce 1/2 to 1/3 and bubble cover area could reduce 20% by adding MA. Add MA in the fuel cell could help the bubbles remove to avoid the bubble cover problem. Though MA addition would have the adverse effect for methanol reaction, could get the stabile voltage and extend the discharge time.
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Prediction of lubrication starvation and its effect on the lubricating characteristicsHsieh, Min-Chun 12 September 2012 (has links)
Excess lubricant can be found as reservoirs on the sides of the rolling tracks when the oil flows through the Hertzian contact and the side leakage. Uniform lubricant layers adhered to both rolling surfaces can flow into the supply region by the action of surface tension. Uniform lubricant layers are separated by air so that they move with the surfaces the surface tension of the liquid-air interface and the velocity of the roller. Hence, it can be considered as the fixed flow rate conditions. Under the lubricant starvation and the fixed flow rate conditions, the meniscus in the film inlet is formed due to the action of the surface tension of the oil-air interface, where the fluid pressure in the oil layer is smaller than the ambient pressure.
An empirical formula to predict the thickness of the oil layer is derived based on the theoretical analysis and the experimental results of Cann et al. [10]. Results show that this thickness increases the amount of oil in the track and the surface tension of the liquid-air interface, but it decreases with the surface velocity and the oil viscosity. Moreover, the starved, fully flooded, over-flooded regimes are established based on the theoretical analysis. Under the lubricant starvation and the fixed flow rate conditions, the central film thickness in the pressure region increases with increasing the supply flow rate, so that the location of the meniscus moves to upstream. When the supply flow rate is more than 98% flow rate of fully flooded condition, the central film thickness achieves a saturated value. Hence, when the supply flow rate is between 98% and 100% flow rate of fully flooded condition, it is called the fully flooded regime. When the supply flow rate is more than the flow rate of fully flooded condition, the central film thickness remains constant, and the excess oil accumulates in the inlet region, so that the film thickness in the inlet region increases with time. When the supply flow rate is larger than the flow rate of fully flooded condition, it is called the over-flooded region.
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A new approach to the modeling and analysis of fracture through an extension of continuum mechanics to the nanoscaleSendova, Tsvetanka Bozhidarova 15 May 2009 (has links)
The dissertation focuses on the analysis, through combined analytical and numerical
techniques, of the partial differential equations arising from a new approach to modeling brittle fracture, based on extension of continuum mechanics to the nanoscale.
The main part of this work deals with the analysis of several fracture models. Integral transform methods are used to reduce the problem to a Cauchy singular, linear
integro-differential equation. It is shown that ascribing constant surface tension to
the fracture surfaces and using the appropriate crack surface boundary condition,
given by the jump momentum balance, leads to a sharp crack opening profile at the
crack tip, in contrast to the classical theory of brittle fracture. However, such a model
still predicts singular crack tip stress. For this reason a modified model is studied,
where the surface excess property is responsive to the curvature of the fracture surfaces. It is shown that curvature-dependent surface tension, together with boundary
conditions in the form of the jump momentum balance, leads to bounded stresses and
a cusp-like opening profile at the crack tip. Further, an alternative approach, based
on asymptotic analysis, which is suitable to apply in cases when the model includes
a mutual body force correction term, is considered. The nonlinear nonlocal problem,
resulting from the proposed model, is simplified which allows us to approximate the
crack opening profile and derive asymptotic forms for the cleavage stress in a neighborhood of the crack tip. Finally, two possible fracture criteria, in the context of the new theory, are discussed. The first one is an energy based fracture criterion.
Classically the energy release rate arises due to singular fields, whereas in the case of
the modeling approach adopted here, a notion analogous to the energy release rate
arises through a different mechanism, associated to the rate of working of the surface
excess properties at the crack tip. Due to the fact that the proposed modeling approach allows us to fully resolve the stress in a neighborhood of the crack tip, without
the customary singularity, a second fracture criterion, based on crack tip stress, is
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Polymer Adsorption on the Air/Solution Interface Probed by Dynamic Surface Light ScatteringChang, Ai-Li 19 June 2002 (has links)
Surface Laser Light Scattering (SLLS) is a heterodyne detection technique used to probe the surface properties of fluid interfaces. These interfaces are either liquid/liquid or vapor/liquid, and they may include insoluble monolayers or polymer films deposited on liquid surfaces as well as microemulsions in solution at low concentration. This technique provides one with a nonperturbative way to obtain surface tension and viscosity. A diffraction grating is employed to provide a stable local oscillatior, hence selecting an accurate ripplon wave vector . This thesis deals with the investigation of the interface between air and solution consisting of the methanol and water mixture and poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) or PNIPAM which is one of the fascinating polymeric materials. The polymer PNIPAM shows distinct responses to variations in the surrounding environment (such as thermal gradient, change in pH, etc.). The surface tension extracted from the SLLS data using the Kelvin equation is found to agree well with that obtained by using the Wilhelmy plate method. For the range of wave vectors cm-1, the power spectrum detected in frequency domain can be fit to a Lorentzian profile. Our experiments show that when the volume percentage of methanol increases, the interfacial property becomes insensitive to the presence of PNIPAM.
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Effect of Active Elements on Surface Ripple during Electron-Beam WeldChen, Yu-Hung 03 July 2002 (has links)
The occurrence of ripples on the workpiece surface after solidification in electron-beam weld or melting is experimentally and analytically investigated. The maximum accelerating voltage and welding current of electron-beam welder are 60kV and 50mA, respectively, while the workpieces are four different materials containing different quantities of sulfur. Using a scale analysis to account for heat transfer and fluid flow induced by different quantities of surface active element in the molten pool. The result predicted results show good agreement with experimental data.
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Yarı iletken malzemeler için termokapiller konveksiyon üzerine deneysel bir çalışma /Katı, Ela. Selver, Ramazan. January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Tez (Yüksek Lisans) - Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Makine Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı, 2009. / Kaynakça var.
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A study of dynamic wettability on a hydrophobic surfaceMcIntyre, David E., January 1969 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Institute of Paper Chemistry, 1969. / Bibliography: leaves 115-117.
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The effect of autoxidation on the wettability of a linoleic acid monolayerTrice, William H., January 1963 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--Institute of Paper Chemistry, 1963. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 126-131).
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