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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nation branding and the representation of a nation’s identity: the case of the Study in Sweden Facebook page

Jeong, Heena January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study is to explore the Study in Sweden Facebook page, particularly about the use of nation branding identity and its representation on the social media channel during the period for application promotion for Swedish higher education institutions for Autumn semester 2018. Facebook page has been used as a centre for international marketing activities. With the purpose of promoting brand identity and the brand products, Facebook page has a significance as an online brand platform. Despite the importance of nation branding on online channel, few studies focusing on online channels for nation branding were conducted. Study in Sweden. The Study in Sweden Facebook page is used to promote Swedish higher education and Sweden, which also aims to imprint a positive image of Swedish education and Sweden as a country. Applying nation branding theoretical approach with qualitative content analysis, how nation branding identity is represented on the Study in Sweden Facebook page was investigated. In accordance with cultural approaches to nation branding, nation branding identity was labelled as binders of the imagined community further values of the nation. The study brought a focus on the relations between national identity and Swedishness concerning the core values of the nation. Facebook was investigated as communicator of the nation branding for representing the core values of Sweden.

Exploring Swedish Values : A Comparative Study of Perspectives among International and Swedish Students in Sweden / Svenska värderingar ur internationella och svenska studenters perspektiv : En jämförande studie av perspektiv bland internationella och svenska studenter i Sverige

Johansson, Elise January 2023 (has links)
This thesis examines Swedish values from the perspectives of international and Swedish students residing in Sweden, with the collaboration of the Swedish Institute—a public agency focused on enhancing Sweden’s global image and attractiveness to researchers, students, and talents. The research explores the field of nation branding, public diplomacy, and soft power. The study aims to analyze the interpretation and understanding of Swedish values among individuals with international backgrounds and compare it to the perspective of local students. Drawing upon the framework of Joseph Nye’s concepts of public diplomacy and soft power, the paper emphasizes the importance of understanding how international students perceive Swedish values and how these perceptions are influenced by their experiences. The research questions address the values associated with Sweden before and after students’ arrival, the valence attributed to these values, and the opinions and perceptions of international students regarding the values promoted through studyinsweden.se channels, particularly the concept of "The Swedish Way." A qualitative study employing thematic analysis was conducted, including two focus groups and a survey. Five main themes emerged from the analysis: (1) The Democratic way of Sweden, (2) The Image of Swedes, (3) Conflicting values in Swedish society, (4) Differences in values across regions and over time, and (5) The Idealization of Sweden. Notably, values strongly associated with Sweden were connected to democracy, including Equality, Freedom, Socialism, Individualism, and Collectivism. Other values perceived as Swedish encompassed sustainability, Jante Law, Lagom, calmness, diplomacy, conflict-avoidance, friendship, understanding, politeness, tolerance, and open-mindedness. The findings reveal that international students often hold an idealized view of Sweden, leading to a shift in their perspective upon arrival. Swedish students, on the other hand, note changes in Swedish values over time, with increased perceptions of bigotry and racism and decreased emphasis on inclusivity and openness. While participants generally held positive perspectives on Swedish values, there were also indications of negative perceptions, such as bigotry and racism. Participants expressed some agreement with the values promoted by the Swedish Institute but also pointed out instances where the promotion did not align with the reality of Sweden. This research contributes to understanding how international students perceive Swedish values both before and after their arrival, filling a gap in international students’ perceptions of Sweden. The findings highlight the importance of balancing the promotion of Sweden’s attractive aspects with a realistic portrayal, utilizing milder expressions and focusing on factual evidence of sustainability and equality. By actively examining and addressing perceptions, Sweden can enhance its nation branding efforts and attract a diverse pool of talented individuals. / Den här uppsatsen undersöker svenska värderingar ur perspektivet hos internationella och svenska studenter som vistas i Sverige, i samarbete med det Svenska Institutet - en offentlig myndighet inriktad på att förbättra Sveriges globala bild och attraktivitet för forskare, studenter och talanger. Forskningen utforskar området nation branding, offentlig diplomati, och mjuk makt. Studien syftar till att analysera tolkningen och förståelsen av svenska värderingar hos studenter med internationella bakgrunder och jämföra detta med perspektivet hos lokala studenter. Med utgångspunkt i Joseph Nyes ramverk för public diplomacy och soft power betonar avhandlingen vikten av att förstå hur internationella studenter uppfattar svenska värderingar och hur dessa uppfattningar påverkas av deras erfarenheter. Forskningsfrågorna behandlar de värderingar som associeras med Sverige före och efter studenternas ankomst, valensen som tillskrivs dessa värderingar, samt internationella studenters åsikter och uppfattningar om värderingarna som främjas genom studyinsweden.se kanalerna, med fokus på konceptet "The Swedish Way". En kvalitativ studie med tematisk analys genomfördes, inklusive två fokusgrupper och en enkätundersökning. Fem huvudteman framkom genom analysen: (1) Den Svenska Demokratiska Vägen, (2) Bilden av svenskar, (3) Värderingskonflikter i det svenska samhället, (4) Skillnader i värderingar mellan olika regioner och över tid, samt (5) Idealiseringen av Sverige. De värderingar som var starkt förknippade med Sverige var kopplat till demokrati, till exempel, Jämlikhet, Frihet, Socialism, Individualism och Kollektivism. Andra värderingar som uppfattades som svenska var hållbarhet, Jantelagen, Lagom, lugn, diplomati, undvikande av konflikter, vänskap, förståelse, artighet, tolerans och öppenhet. Resultaten visar att många internationella studenter har en idealiserad syn på Sverige, vilket leder till en förändring i deras perspektiv vid ankomsten. Svenska studenter noterar däremot förändringar i svenska värderingar över tid, med ökad uppfattning om fördomar och rasism samt minskad betoning på inkludering och öppenhet. Även om deltagarna generellt hade positiva perspektiv på svenska värderingar fanns det även indikationer på negativa uppfattningar som fördomar och rasism. Deltagarna uttryckte viss samstämmighet med de värderingar som främjas av det Svenska Institutet men påpekade också situationer där främjandet inte överensstämde med verkligheten i Sverige. Denna forskning bidrar till förståelsen av hur internationella studenter uppfattar svenska värderingar både före och efter deras ankomst och fyller en kunskapslucka kring internationella studenters syn på Sverige. Resultaten understryker vikten av att balansera främjandet av Sveriges attraktiva sidor med en realistisk framställning, genom att använda mildare uttryck och fokusera på konkreta bevis för hållbarhet och jämlikhet. Genom att aktivt undersöka uppfattningarna kan Sverige förbättra sina ansträngningar inom nation branding och locka till sig en mångfald av talangfulla individer.

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