Spelling suggestions: "subject:"T& uml"" "subject:"T& uuml""
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Turkish Cypriots And Their Others: An Analysis Of Narratives About Greek Cypriots And TurkiyelilerHamit, Meltem 01 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis explores popular perception of ' / Turkish Cypriotness' / in relation to Greek Cypriots and Tü / rkiyeliler in the framework of struggling political discourses proposing conflicting identities to the population in the northern part of Cyprus. Purpose of the study is to understand dominant elements in self-representations of ' / native' / Turkish Cypriots in the context of relatively new reality, namely, the partition of the island and immigration from Turkey. In other words, this study focuses on images of ' / Turkish Cypriots' / and of their ' / Others' / - Greek Cypriots and Tü / rkiyeliler- in popular discourse.
For the purpose of understanding the self-perception of identity among ' / native' / Turkish Cypriots, in-depth interviews were conducted in different cities of the northern part of the island. As a result of analyses of these narratives, the relational and precarious nature of identificatory practice is pointed. Moreover, problems relating to dominant perception of ' / Turkish Cypriotness' / marked with hierarchical exclusion of Tü / rkiyeliler is stressed. It is concluded that popular perception of ' / Turkish Cypriotness' / signals the fact that, more than opening space for a transnational attachment, Cyprus-centered identity fosters exclusivist approach towards Tü / rkiyeli ' / Other' / .
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An Emergent Form Of Reactive Nationalism In Turkey: TurksoluErsahin, Direnc 01 June 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study is to position Tü / rkSolu (TurkishLeft), a weekly newspaper, and its accompanying organizations in Turkey&rsquo / s contemporary socio-political environment. Tü / rkSolu, which defines itself as secular/leftist nationalist, will be investigated as a form of reactive nationalism that becomes viable in 2000s. By this means, it will be argued that Tü / rkSolu&rsquo / s secular/leftist nationalism is a form of extensively &lsquo / exclusive&rsquo / &ndash / ethnicist &ndash / interpretation of nationalism.
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Attitudes Towards Allowance Of Headscarf In The Universities: A Terror Management Theory PerspectiveCamli, Seyda 01 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The present study tested the mortality salience (MS) hypothesis of Terror Management Theory (TMT) on attitudes towards allowance of headscarf in the universities. Sample of the current study consisted of 208 university students. Religious, secular and liberal views were evaluated by participants. The results of 2 (Attitude: Supporters, Opponents) X 2 (Condition: Mortality salience, Control) ANOVAs showed that despite the lack of significant main effect of condition and interaction effect, MS tended to lead supporters of headscarf to evaluate both religious and secular essay more favorably but the liberal essay less favorably. On the contrary, opponents of headscarf tended to become supportive of the secular essay but critical of the religious and liberal essay following MS. Findings were discussed considering past literature and alternative theoretical perspectives.
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Assessing Standard-compliance Of Public Institution Web Sites Of TurkeyYalcinkaya, Sinem 01 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Since 2003, almost every public institution has developed a web site through etransformation project (eDTr) in Turkey. When there are so many institutions and different web sites, a need for standard becomes inevitable. To address this need, a standard was published by TÜ / RKSAT A.S. in January 2009 which constitutes of the rules and recommendations for these web sites referencing international web standards as well.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the compatibility of public institutions&rsquo / web sites in Turkey with the TÜ / RKSAT standard. In this study, 32 rules are selected to be verified for 50 public institution web sites. 20 of the rules are verified with a tool named WSSCV which is developed in the context of this thesis, 5 of the rules are verified with a commercial tool named Total Validator, and 7 of the rules are verified manually.
Results show that, the standard prepared by TÜ / RKSAT is not used during the development of a public institution web application. Compliance of the checked web sites to the standard is very low. However, the standard also needs to be updated according to today&rsquo / s technology.
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The Ngos As Policy Actors: The Case Of Tusiad With Regard To TurkeyGundem, Sebnem 01 March 2004 (has links) (PDF)
GÜ / NDEM, Sebnem
Master of Science, Department of European Studies
Supervisor: Associate Prof. Dr. ihsan Dagi
January 2004, 130 pages
This study explores the effectiveness of NGOs within the policy process and
governments&rsquo / decisions based on the case of TÜ / SiAD&rsquo / s activities with regard
to Turkey&rsquo / s full membership process in the European Union. It firstly explains
the process by which NGOs&rsquo / have become &ldquo / actors&rdquo / in world politics. The
thesis, then, scrutinizes the role of NGOs in the policy process with regard to
pluralist and corporatist paradigms and the concept of power since policy
process can not be well understood without this theoretical background. After
examining the roles of NGOs, especially the lobbying one, the importance of
NGOs and strength of civil society for Turkey&rsquo / s integration to the European
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Genetic Structure Analysis Of Honeybee Populations Based On MicrosatellitesBodur, Cagri 01 September 2005 (has links) (PDF)
We analyzed the genetic structures of 11 honeybee (Apis mellifera) populations from
Tü / rkiye and one population from Cyprus using 9 microsatellite loci. Average gene
diversity levels were found to change between 0,542 and 0,681. Heterozygosity levels,
mean number of alleles per population, presence of diagnostic alleles and pairwise FST
values confirmed the mitochondrial DNA finding that Anatolian honeybees belong to north
Mediterranean (C) lineage. We detected a very high level of genetic divergence among
populations of Tü / rkiye and Cyprus based on pairwise FST levels (between 0,0 and 0,2). Out
of 66 population pairs 52 were found to be genetically different significantly. This level of
significant differentiation has not been reported yet in any other study conducted on
European and African honeybee populations. High allelic ranges, and high divergence
indicate that Anatolia is a genetic centre for C lineage honeybees.
We suggest that certain precautions should be taken to limit or forbid introduction and trade
of Italian and Carniolan honeybees to Tü / rkiye and Cyprus in order to preserve genetic
resources formed in these territories in thousands of years. Effectivity at previously isolated
regions in Artvin, Ardahan and Kirklareli was confirmed by the high genetic differentiation
in honeybees of these regions. Genetically differentiated Karaburun and Cyprus honeybees
and geographical positions of the regions make these zones first candidates as new isolation
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The Liberalization Of Downstream Oil Industry In TurkeyOguz, Ender 01 November 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This study attempts to analyze the deregulation process of downstream oil industry in Turkey and to develop policies concerning Turkish downstream oil industry. Privatization of Petrol Ofisi and TÜ / PRAS and the enactment of the Petroleum Market Law in 2003 were the main implementations of radical deregulation process of downstream oil industry. The main goal of deregulation process has been to create a competitive market. However, establishment of a competitive downstream oil industry has not been achieved, yet. Despite the price liberalization, price competition between distribution companies has not been realized, so far. TÜ / PRAS was transformed to a private monopoly through the privatization. Moreover, price liberalization has increased both the refining margins of TÜ / PRAS and distribution margins of distribution companies at the expense of consumers. A comprehensive competition policy about downstream oil industry should be developed immediately. Furthermore, due to its poor performance since 2003, Energy Market Regulatory Authority&rsquo / s (EMRA) responsibilities in downstream oil industry should be removed and a new regulatory authority which will solely interest with petroleum sector should be established.
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Trade Unionism In Turkey: The Self-understanding Of Turk-is And Its Role In Society And Politics (1950-1982)Yirmibesoglu, Gozde 01 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The arguments concerning the trade unionism and working class movement in Turkey as well as the largest confederation, Tü / rk-iS, in relation to the involvement in the political arena is debated in this thesis by underlining the lack of class identity among the workers. The main argument is that Tü / rk-iS was not established by the will and efforts of the workers. Another major discussion point of the thesis is the nonpartisanship
policy of Tü / rk-iS. It has been found that Tü / rk-iS participated
quite actively in the political sphere until the 1980 military intervention.
However, the limits of this participation were widely drawn by the major political parties of the country. The thesis defends that there are problems stemming from the lack of class consciousness among the Tü / rk-iS workers, the hierarchal structure of Tü / rk-iS and the profit oriented approaches of the political parties towards Tü / rk-iS.
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Application Of Total Quality Management In Teacher Unions From The Perspectives Of Union MembersBagci, Abdullah 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Bagci, Abdullah
M.S., Department of Educational Administration and Planning
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Hasan SimSek
September 2009, 123 pages
The purpose of this study is to contribute to the understanding of the functioning of teacher unions and provide feedback to union managements, members of the unions, teachers, academics and education officials concerning TQM applications in teacher unions by investigating the implementation degree of TQM principles in teacher unions in Ankara. Several studies have been done on the implementation of TQM in the field of education mainly for state/private schools and state/private universities / nevertheless, no researches have been carried out regarding TQM applications in teacher unions which is an important stakeholder in Turkish education system with more than 400.000 members. A Total Quality Management Questionnaire was developed by the researcher based on the existing literature on basic TQM principles to be applied to union members in state schools in Ankara. Descriptive statistics and Mann-Whitney U test were used to analyze the data obtained. The results revealed no difference between Egitim-Sen and Tü / rk Egitim-Sen members&rsquo / perceptions concerning the application of 38 TQM proposals in their unions. However, Mann-Whitney U results yielded significant differences on the application of 16 TQM proposals included in the questionnaire. Descriptive statistics results also revealed that more than half of the union members were not aware whether the TQM proposals were applied in their unions or not and about 40% of the members participated in the study perceive that TQM principles are implemented in their unions.
Keywords: Total Quality Management, Teacher Unions, Egitim-Sen and Tü / rk Egitim-Sen
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State Tradition And Business In Turkey: The Case Of TusiadDogangun, Gokten 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis attempts to make an analysis of the state tradition perspective by particularly focusing on the relations between the state and big bourgeoisie represented by TÜ / SiAD in the post-1980 period. As this perspective has been hegemonic in discourse in examining state-society relations in Turkey in recent decades, thereby dominating the political, academic, and business circles, it becomes very important for Turkish politics students to understand what is implied by this phrase in order to conceive the political developments in Turkey. This thesis aims to explore the adequacy of this perspective in accounting for the state-society relations. The focus on TÜ / SiAD is derived from the fact that its organizational evolution allows us to evaluate the adequacy of theoretical premises and main arguments of the state tradition perspective.
In this study, it is concluded that the state tradition perspective offers a reductionist framework in favor of the state / neglects the impact of the social dynamics and international institutions and actors / and reproduces the strong state at any historical moment. Depending on these findings, it is claimed that the state tradition perspective does not provide an appropriate methodological and conceptual framework especially in examining the state-big business relations within the context of the changing domestic and international contexts.
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