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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Nie, Zipan 15 June 2018 (has links)
The past few decades have seen a rapid sales increase and technological development of electric vehicles (EVs). As the key part of the electrical powertrain systems, the traction machine drive systems in modern EVs are composed of voltage source inverters (VSI) and electric machines. In this thesis, multiphase VSIs are studied and designed to achieve volume reductions when compared with existing 3-phase benchmark VSIs. Different existing switching strategies for arbitrary phase number multiphase VSIs are investigated resulting in an understanding of best practice and a newly proposed switching strategy. Thus, the first contribution of this thesis is switching strategies that support subsequent investigations and experimental validation. DC-link capacitor and heat sink are two bulkiest components in VSIs and hence it is more efficient to decrease their volumes to achieve the compactness improvement. The investigation methodology and procedure for arbitrary phase number VSI DC-link capacitor requirements, i.e. capacitance and RMS current ratings, are firstly developed. Increased phase number decreases the DC-link capacitor requirements and hence the VSI volume significantly. Throughout this analysis, the connected multiphase machine is considered appropriately, though no electric machine design is described in the thesis. While other authors have studied DC-link current ripple, this thesis qualifies and quantifies the system benefits. This is the second contribution. Multiphase VSIs thermal models are built and their respective thermal performances studied and evaluated against a reference 3-phase benchmark VSI. The power loss deviation among different semiconductor dies is lower or even eliminated in the multiphase VSIs. Furthermore, the multiphase integrated design VSIs have a significant heat sink volume reduction when compared to the 3-phase benchmark VSI. This study and concluding benefits are the third contribution. Finally, comparative test validations are made on an experimental set-up designed to illustrate the benefits of a 9-phase against a reference 3-phase system. Here, the test hardware and implementation are carefully designed to representatively illustrate performance benefits. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Estudo térmico para estimativa de temperatura de transformadores de potência a seco utilizando o método de elementos finitos

Torin, Lucas Ribeiro January 2017 (has links)
Orientador: Prof. Dr. Thales Sousa / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do ABC, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica, 2017. / Os transformadores de potência são elementos essenciais de um sistema elétrico de potência. Há anos, os transformadores de potência a seco vêm sendo amplamente utilizados, uma vez que este tipo de transformador, comparados aos transformadores a óleo, possuem menores dimensões, necessitam de menos manutenção e são recomendados para instalações internas que exigem segurança e confiabilidade, além de agredirem menos o meio ambiente. Um dos principais parâmetros de interesse no projeto e operação de transformadores é a temperatura, uma vez que ela interfere no envelhecimento da isolação do enrolamento e, consequentemente, na sua vida útil. Portanto, a medida de temperatura em um transformador é de particular interesse dos fabricantes e clientes com o objetivo de prolongar a expectativa de vida dos transformadores. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho utilizou um termovisor, sensores de temperatura e um analisador trifásico de energia para realizar medidas em campo e coletar os valores de temperatura e de grandezas elétricas de um transformador de potência trifásico a seco de 500 kVA, que está em uso na Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC). Com as medidas obtidas, assim como dados aproximados das características dos materiais empregados e dimensões do transformador, foi proposto, através da utilização da equação de difusão de calor, tendo como condições de contorno as equações de convecção e radiação, a obtenção da distribuição de temperatura de transformadores por meio da realização de um estudo térmico utilizando o método dos elementos finitos. O estudo foi realizado utilizando o software livre FEMM (Finite Element Method Magnetics) que utiliza um espaço cartesiano de duas dimensões (2D), no qual foi possível descrever a geometria da estrutura a ser simulada e aplicar a análise por elementos finitos. Com isso, comparou-se as medidas realizadas em campo com os valores obtidos no modelo proposto. Os resultados das simulações numéricas apresentaram concordância com os valores obtidos em campo. / Power transformers are essential elements of an electric power system. For years, dry-type power transformers are widely used, since this type of transformer, compared to oil transformers, are smaller in size, require less maintenance and are recommended for indoor installations that require safety and reliability, and less damage to the environment. One of the main parameters of interest in the design and operation of transformers is the temperature, since it interferes in the aging of the insulation of the winding and, consequently, its useful life. Therefore, the temperature measurement in a transformer is of particular interest to manufacturers and customers, to prolong the life expectancy of transformers. Thus, with the use of a thermal imager, temperature sensors and a three-phase power analyzer, measurements were made on site and the temperature and electrical values of a three-phase dry-type power transformer of 500 kVA, in use were collected At the Federal University of ABC (UFABC). With the data of the measurements, such as approximate data of the characteristics of the materials used and dimensions of the transformer, it was possible to propose, through the use of the heat diffusion equation, having as boundary conditions the convection and radiation equations, obtaining the temperature distribution of transformers by conducting a thermal study using the finite element method. Such study was performed using FEMM (Finite Element Method Magnetics) software that uses a two dimensional cartesian space (2D), in which it was possible to design the structure to be simulated and to apply the finite element analysis. Thus, the measurements performed on site were compared with the values obtained in the proposed model. The results of the numerical simulations presented agreement with the values obtained on site.

Développement et optimisation de réacteurs structurés à base de mousses cellulaires pour l'intensification de la valorisation de CO2 en méthane / Development and optimization of open cell foam-based platelet milli-reactor for the intensification and the valorisation of CO2 methanation

Frey, Myriam 03 May 2016 (has links)
En réponse aux divers accords internationaux pour réduire l’émission de gaz à effet de serre et limiter leur impact sur le réchauffement climatique, une transition énergétique visant à augmenter la part des énergies renouvelables est en cours. Le concept du Power-to-Gas l’une des solutions permettant un stockage/déstockage adapté à cette énergie intermittente. Cependant, la réaction de méthanation, fortement exothermique, nécessite un procédé performant pour l’évacuation de la chaleur générée au cours de la réaction. Au cours de cette thèse, un milli-réacteur structuré, rempli avec une mousse cellulaire recouverte par un catalyseur (Ni/Cérine-Zircone), a été développé pour répondre à cette problématique. Le réacteur a été caractérisé par une étude hydrodynamique et une étude thermique, la seconde permis de visualiser la formation de points chauds. L’ajout de nanofibres de carbone a permis une meilleure gestion de la chaleur générée, limitant ainsi la désactivation du catalyseur (frittage). Des tests catalytiques réalisés à plus grande échelle ont montré l’intérêt des lits structurés vis-à-vis des lits fixes, classiquement utilisés dans les procédés, avec une élévation de température modérée d’environ 25°C. / In response to the different international agreements to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and limit their impact on global warming, an energy transition is in progress to increase the share of renewable energies. The Power-to-Gas concept is one of many solutions proposed to answer the need to charge and discharge this intermittent energy source. However, the methanation reaction, highly exothermal, needs a process able to efficiently evacuate the heat produced by the reaction. During this thesis, a structure milli-reactor, filled with an open cell foam coated with a catalyst (Ni/Ceria-Zirconia), was developed as an answer to this issue. The reactor was hydrodynamically and thermally characterized. The second one allowed us to evidence hot spots formation. The presence of nanofibres allowed better control of the heat generated, limiting the deactivation of the catalyst (sintering). Catalytic tests, performed on a small scale pilot, clearly showed the advantage of structured beds compared to fixed bed, classically used in processes, with a moderate heat elevation around 25°C.

Etude des échanges thermiques et conception d’un système de refroidissement pour le système de lecture du trajectographe SciFi de LHCb / Study of thermal exchanges and design of a cooling system for the LHCb SciFi tracker reading system

Hamrat, Sonia 13 December 2017 (has links)
Dans le cadre de l’évolution du plus grand accélérateur circulaire de particules « LHC », un important programme de mise à niveau sur l’ensemble des détecteurs qui le constitue a été lancé. Parmi eux, on retrouve la mise à niveau du détecteur LHCb qui comprend le remplacement complet de plusieurs sous-détecteurs. La fréquence de lecture élevée de 40MHz, sans précédent dans une expérience de physique des particules, et l’environnement de rayonnement sévère lié à l’augmentation de l’intensité du LHC, sont les principaux défis à relever par les nouveaux sous-détecteurs. Le travail présenté dans ce manuscrit, décrit une petite partie de l’évolution du détecteur LHCb. Le développement et la construction d’un nouveau trajectographe à grande échelle, basé sur une nouvelle technologie à fibres scintillantes «SciFi», lues avec des photomultiplicateurs au silicium «SiPM», est l’un des projets clés du programme de mise à niveau de LHCb. La première partie, consiste à étudier les échanges thermiques et à concevoir un système de refroidissement pour chaque Read-Out Box « ROB » qui contient deux cartes électroniques frontales « FE », et qui permettent de lire les données du détecteur. Ces dernières possèdent une dissipation thermique d’environ 110W.Pour assurer le bon fonctionnement des composants électroniques, il est obligatoire de mettre en place un refroidisseur. Des contraintes importantes sont prisent en compte dans cette étude, la première représente l’espace limité en regard du besoin du système de refroidissement, des interfaces électroniques et mécanique, la seconde concerne les SiPM. Reliés à l’électronique par des câbles flexibles, elles sont situées à proximité de l’électronique « FE » et leur température de fonctionnement doit être parfaitement réglée autour des -40°C. Des travaux de simulations numériques sur les logiciels FloTHERM et ANSYS ont été menés sur le banc expérimental réalisé au sein du laboratoire, et qui nous ont permis de déterminer la solution de refroidissement la mieux adaptée. Cette étude nous a aussi montré qu’il est plus que nécessaire d’intégrer des interfaces thermiques « IT» telles que des pâtes thermiques afin d’assurer un meilleur transfert de chaleur entre les composants électroniques et le refroidisseur. La deuxième partie, représente une étude approfondie sur les interfaces thermiques qui sont un point délicat de transfert de chaleur, car elles peuvent avoir plusieurs dizaines de pour cent de la résistance thermique globale. Pour garantir une utilisation adéquate et durable de ces matériaux, plusieurs paramètres ont été vérifiés, en particulier la dureté, la consistance (pas de production de graisse ou d’huile) et la conductivité thermique, grâce à un banc de mesures adapté d’après la méthode normalisé ASTM D5470, grâce auquel on a pu mesurer le flux de chaleur qui traverse l’échantillon d’interface thermique testé et qui est généré par une source chaude et un source froide qui sont montées aux extrémités de notre banc.Grâce à l’installation CHARME (CERN) et à la plate-forme PAVIRMA (Campus des Cézeaux), une série de mesure d’irradiations aux neutrons et aux rayons X sont également effectuées, correspondant à l’environnement dans lequel elles seront exposées dans l’expérience, d’un côté pour identifier les dégradations et changements possibles sur les résistances thermiques par l’analyse de l’impédance thermique, de l’autre pour identifier l’interface thermique qui convient le mieux à notre application et qui permet d’assurer un excellent échange thermique et donc un bon refroidissement de l’électronique frontale au sein du trajectographe du détecteur LHCb. / In the context of the evolution of the biggest circular accelerator of particles «LHC», an important program of upgrade on all the detectors which establishes itself was thrown. Among them, we find the upgrade of the detector LHCb which includes the complete replacement of several sub-detectors. The frequency of high reading of 40MHz, an unprecedented in an experiment of physical appearance of particles, and the environment of severe radiation bound to the increase of the intensity of the LHC, are the main challenges by the new sub-detectors. The work presented in this manuscript, described as a small part of the evolution of the LHCb detector. The development and the construction of a new wide-scale tracker, based on a new technology with scintillating fiber «SciFi», read with photomultipliers to the silicon «SiPM», is one of the key projects of the LHCb upgrade program. The first part, consists in studying the thermal exchanges and designing a cooling system for every Read-Out Box «ROB» which contains two electronic front-end « FE », and which allow to read the data of the detector. The latter has a thermal dissipation about 110W. To ensure the smooth running of electronic components, it is compulsory to set up a cooler. Important constraints are taken into account in this study, the first one represents the space limited compared to the need for the cooling system, the electronic interfaces and mechanical, the second concerns the SiPM. Connected with the electronics by flexible cables, they are located near the electronics «FE» and their temperature of operation is perfectly settled around -40 ° C. Works of digital simulations on the software FloTHERM and ANSYS were led on the experimental bench realized within the laboratory, and which allowed us to determine the best adapted solution of cooling. This study also showed to us that he is more than necessity to integrate thermal interfaces «IT» such as thermal pastas to assure a better transfer of heat between electronic components and cooler. The second part, represents an in-depth study on the thermal interfaces which are a delicate point of transfer of heat, because they can have dozens percent of the global thermal resistance. To guarantee an adequate and sustainable use of these materials, several parameters were verified, in particular hardness, consistency (no production of fat or oil) and the thermal conductivity, thanks to a bench of measures adapted according to the method normalized ASTM D5470, with this bench we could measure the flow of heat through the tested thermal interface sample and which is generated by a hot source and a cold source that are mounted at the ends of our bench.With the installation CHARME (CERN) and PAVIRMA (Cézeaux), a series of measure of irradiations at the neutrons and the X-rays are also made, correspond-ing to the environment in which they will be exposed in the experience, on one side to identify the damages and the possible changes on the thermal resistances by the analysis of the thermal impedance, the other one to identify the thermal interface which suits best our application and which allows to assure an excellent thermal exchange and thus a good cooling of the frontal electronics within the trajectographe of the detector LHCb.

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