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Determinacao dos niveis de radioatividade natural em aguas utilizadas para abastecimento publico no Estado de Sao Paulo .Vol. 2OLIVEIRA, JOSELENE de 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:43:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T14:08:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Tese (Doutoramento) - IPEN Apendices / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP
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Avaliação da radioatividade natural em mármores e granitos comerciais do estado do Espírito Santo / Assessment of natural radioactivity in commercial marble and granite of Espírito Santo stateAQUINO, REGINALDO R. de 22 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2016-06-22T13:47:28Z
No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-22T13:47:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Neste trabalho foram determinadas as concentrações dos radionuclídeos naturais 226Ra, 232Th e 40K em amostras de granitos e mármores, abrangendo as principais lavras de extração do estado do Espírito Santo, sudeste do Brasil. Para cada sítio de estudo, três amostras foram seladas em frascos de 100 ml de polietileno de alta densidade. Após espera de aproximadamente 4 semanas para atingir o equilíbrio secular das séries do 238U e 232Th, as amostras foram medidas por espectrometria gama de alta resolução e o espectro analisado com o software WinnerGamma. A correção da auto-absorção foi realizada para todas as amostras utilizando expressão e método desenvolvidos para este fim. A concentração do 226Ra foi determinada pela média ponderada das concentrações do 214Pb e 214Bi, a concentração de 232Th pela média ponderada das concentrações dos 228Ac, 212Pb e 212Bi e a concentração de 40K pela sua transição única de 1460 keV. O equivalente em rádio e o índice gama foram obtidos a partir das concentrações de 226Ra, 232Th e 40K. O radônio emanado foi medido em câmera de exalação usando a técnica de detectores passivos de estado sólido (SSNTD) sendo estes expostos em monitor NRPB/SSI-H. Na exposição foi utilizado um detector comercial CR-39® e um plástico de fabricação nacional denominado Durolon® sendo caracterizado para este fim pela técnica desenvolvida denominada dupla exposição e fator de sensibilidade intrínseca. O plástico caracterizado mostrou-se eficiente para a aplicação e o fator de calibração correspondendo a 1,6±0,1 traços cm²(kBq m³dia)¹ em relação ao fator para o CR-39 que equivale a 2,8±0,2 traços cm²(kBq m³dia)¹. O detector mostrou maior eficiência para doses mais elevadas. A atividade determinada por detecção passiva mostrou atividades variando de 100±10 Bq·m³ até 2400±300 Bq·m³, destacando-se a maior taxa de exalação para o granito Iberê Mombasa. Para os mármores foram determinados valores variando entre 80±10 Bq·m³ até 200±25 Bq·m³ destacando os mármores Cintilante e Branco com maiores valores determinados. Os valores determinados para a taxa de exalação superficial apresentam-se aproximadamente iguais com exceção dos granitos Iberê Mombasa e Iberê Prado que apresentaram valores acima de 1 Bqm-2h-1. As medidas por espectrometria gama mostraram que as concentrações de 226Ra variaram de 1,9 0,2 Bq.kg-1 a 483 55 Bq.kg-1, com o maior valor para o granito Iberê Mombasa. As concentrações de 232Th variaram de 3,2 0,4 Bq.kg-1 a 224 6 Bq.kg-1, com o maior valor determinado para o granito Cinza Corumbá. As concentrações de 40K variaram de 8,8 1,8 Bq.kg-1 a 1642 167 Bq.kg-1, com o maior valor determinado para o granito Iberê Vitara. O cálculo do equivalente em rádio mostrou que a maioria das amostras podem ser definidas como categoria-I (aplicação civil) abaixo de 370 Bq.kg-1, exceto para os granitos Cinza Corumbá, Iberê Crema Bordeaux e Iberê Mombasa que podem ser classificados como categoria II (até 740 Bq.kg-1). A maioria dos granitos avaliados mostraram índices de exposição interno e externos abaixo de 1,0 mSv·ano¹, exceto os granitos Cinza Corumbá, Iberê Crema Bordeaux e Iberê Mombasa que superaram este valor entre 1,0 a 3,2 mSv·ano¹ deste índice. Para a exposição anual, apenas os granitos Cinza Corumbá, Iberê Crema Bordeaux e Iberê Mombasa superaram o limite de 1,5 mSv·ano¹. Para os índices de exposição alfa apenas os granito Iberê Crema Bordeaux e Iberê Mombasa são limitados a confecção de material de construção para aplicações superficiais. Entretanto, se considerando o índice de exposição gama, os granitos Cinza Corumbá, Cinza Andorinha, Amarelo Icarai, Cinza Ocre, Iberê Crema Bordeaux e Iberê Mombasa terão aplicação controlada. Conclui-se que os granitos em sua maioria e todos os mármores avaliados apresentam aplicações possíveis em diferentes setores de atividade e para diferentes finalidades e que os granitos que excedem os índices não devam ser aplicados em interiores de residências. / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP
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Dilatometrische Untersuchungen an den Schwere-Fermionen-Verbindungen (_UTh)Be13 und CeNi2Ge2Kromer, Frank 04 December 2000 (has links)
Es werden Fragestellungen aus zwei aktuellen Problemkreisen der elektronisch hochkorrelierten Materialien untersucht. Dem unkonventionellen supraleitenden Zustand sowie dessen Wechselspiel mit magnetischen Effekten gelten die Arbeiten am Schwere-Fermionen-System UBe13 sowie der Dotierungsreihe (UTh)Be13. Sogenanntes Nicht-Fermiflüssigkeits-Verhalten steht im Zentrum der Untersuchungen an der Schwere-Fermionen-Verbindung CeNi2Ge2. Der Schwere-Fermionen-Supraleiter U1-xThxBe13 zeigt neben einem nichtmonotonen Verlauf der Übergangstemperatur in den supraleitenden Zustand Tc(x) einen zweiten Phasenübergang Tc2 < Tc im Konzentrationsbereich 0,019 < x < 0,0455. Als Ursache dieses Übergangs werden sowohl eine mit dem supraleitenden Zustand koexistierende magnetische Ordnung (Spindichtewelle) als auch eine Änderung des supraleitenden Zustands selber diskutiert. Hier konnte mittels dilatometrischer Untersuchungen gezeigt werden, dass der Phasenübergang bei Tc2 eine Vorläuferstruktur im Bereich x < 0,019 besitzt. Die aus diesem Ergebnis folgende Zuordnung charakteristischer Linien im T-x-Diagramm von U1-xThxBe13 schließt gängige Szenarien, die sich für T < Tc2 ausschließlich auf die Änderung des supraleitenden Zustands beziehen, aus. Manche Schwere-Fermionen-Verbindungen zeigen bis zu tiefsten Temperaturen keinen Übergang in einen kohärenten Fermiflüssigkeits-Zustand. Als Ursache dieses Nicht-Fermi-flüssigkeits-Verhaltens wird u.a die Ausbildung kritischer Spinfluktuationen diskutiert. Diese magnetischen Fluktuationen werden in Nähe eines quantenkritischen Punkts (QKP) erwartet, für den bei T=0 als Funktion eines Kontrollparameters ein magnetischer Phasenübergang auftritt. Die Vorhersagen des Konzepts eines "nearly antiferromagnetic Fermi liquid", für die Temperaturabhängigkeiten verschiedener Messgrößen von Systemen nahe eines QKP können an der Verbindung CeNi2Ge2 überprüft werden. Während bei nicht allzu tiefen Temperaturen in der vorliegenden Arbeit eine Übereinstimmung mit den Vorhersagen gefunden wurde, muss die Anwendbarkeit des Konzepts für CeNi2Ge2 bei tiefsten Temperaturen in Frage gestellt werden.
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No description available.
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Reactivity Coefficients In A Thorium Oxide Fuelled, Heavy Water Moderated And Cooled Reactor (Part A); Validity of Bragg Stopping Cross-Section Additivity Rule For SiC (Part B)Ghoniem, Nasr. M. 08 1900 (has links)
<p> Part A Abstract </p> <p> Temperature coefficients of reactivity for an 37-element reference design of a thorium oxide fuelled, heavy water moderated and cooled reactor, are calculated. The physical processes which determine magnitude and sign of the coefficients are identified and discussed. Results are given for fresh fuel containing equilibrium concentrations of the fission product Xe-135 and with boron control in the moderator. Results are. also -given for fresh fuel with the equilibrium concentration of Xe-135 but without boron contorl for fuel with an exposue of 1.513 n/k barn and for fuel with an exposure of 3.13 n/k barn; each containing appropriate concentrations of 50 separate nuclides and one-pseudo fission product. The fuel temperature coefficient of reactivity is negative for all the cases studied, while the coolant temperature coefficient of reactivity is positive for all the cases studied. The void effect is an increase in reactivity for all cases studied. </p> ////////////////////// <p> Part B Abstract </p> <p> This work has been done with the purpose of studying the validity of Bragg Kleeman rule which states that for combinations of elements, the atomic stopping cross-sections are additive. The validity of Bragg Kleeman rule for low energy He ions has not been conclusively tested for solids. In this work, the comparison with the experimental stopping power of SiC with the additive stopping powers of Si and C has been made experimentally. </p> <p> A thick target technique in the experimental evaluation of the stopping powers is used. This method has some simplicity over the thin target techniques. </p> <p> A calibration of the McMaster University Van-de Graff accelerator was done. Experiments were conducted later using the calibration curves produced. </p> <p> The report contains a brief account on different sources of errors due to the Van-de-Graff accelerator calibration and due to stopping power experiments. </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Experimental Investigation of Physical and Mechanical Properties of (U,Zr), (U,Th), and (U,Th,Zr) Metallic and Nitride Fuels / Experimentell undersökning av Fysiska och mekaniska Egenskaper för (U,Zr), (U,Th) och (U,Th,Zr) Metallic och Nitride BränsleBullock, Kaitlyn January 2024 (has links)
Metallic fuels were produced through arc-melting. As-cast phases, microstructuresand selected mechanical properties were investigated for UZr,U-Th, and U-Th-Zr systems. For each system, two compositions wereinvestigated, with approximately 5 at. % and 20 at. % solute material, for atotal of six alloys. As-cast alloy microstructures were assessed in the contextof their equilibrium systems and compared to relevant published works whereapplicable. Mechanical testing revealed increased hardness with increasingsolute concentration, compared to the reference materials. The results supportthe conclusion that solid solution strengthening is the primary mechanismenabling this change in each binary system.Additionally, (U,Zr)N fuel was synthesized. This work exemplified aprocess to produce fuel with a homogeneous distribution of zirconium in thefuel matrix, thus representing a simulated burn-up distribution of zirconium.Refinements can be made to further improve this process in future work. Thesefindings will support a broader separate effects testing campaign underway bythe SUNRISE centre / Metalliska bränslen framställdes genom bågsmältning. Som gjutna faser,mikrostrukturer och utvalda mekaniska egenskaper undersöktes för U-Zr-, UTh-och U-Th-Zr-system. För varje system undersöktes två sammansättningar,med cirka 5 at. % och 20 at. % löst material, för totalt sex legeringar.Mikrostrukturer av gjutna legeringar diskuterades i samband med derasjämviktssystem och jämfördes med literattur. Mekanisk testning visadeökad hårdhet med ökad halt lösta atomer, jämfört med råvarorna. Denprimära mekanismen som möjliggör denna förändring föreslogs vara solidlösningsförstärkning.Vidare syntetiserades (U,Zr)N-bränsle. Detta arbete exemplifierade enprocess för att producera bränsle med en homogen fördelning av zirkoniumi bränslematrisen, vilket representerar en simulerad utbränningsfördelning avzirkonium. Denna process kan förbättras. Resultaten stödjer en bredare separateffekttestningskampanj som SUNRISE-centret arbetar med.
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Développement d'un dispositif expérimental dédié à la mesure des sections efficaces de capture et de fission de l'233u dans le domaine des résonances résoluesCompanis, Iulia 09 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
233U is the fissile nucleus produced in 232T h/233U fuel cycle which has been proposed as asafer and cleaner alternative to the 238U/239P u cycle. The accurate knowledge of the neutroncapture cross-section of this isotope is needed with high-precision for design and developmentof this fuel cycle. The only two reliable experimental data for the capture cross-section of233U show discrepancies up to 10%. These differences may be due to systematic uncertaintiesassociated with the detector efficiency, dead-time effects, background subtraction and signalpile-up caused by the α-activity of the sample. A special experimental set-up for simultaneousmeasurement of fission and capture cross sections of radioactive fissile nuclei was designed,assembled and optimized at CENBG in the frame of this work. The measurement will be per-formed at the Gelina neutron time-of-flight facility at IRMM, where neutron cross sectionscan be measured over a wide energy range with high energy resolution. The fission detectorconsists of a multi-plate high-efficiency ionization chamber (IC). The γ-rays produced in cap-ture reactions are detected by an array of six C6 D6 scintillators surrounding the IC. In thesemeasurements the radiative capture γ-rays are hidden in large background of fission γ-rays thatrepresents a challenging issue. The latter has then to be subtracted by detecting fission eventswith a very well known efficiency (VETO method). An accurate determination of this efficiencyis rather difficult. In this work we have thoroughly investigated the prompt-fission-neutronsmethod for the IC efficiency measurement, providing new insights on this method. Thanks tothis study the IC efficiency was determined with a very low uncertainty. Using a 252Cf source,several parameters (gas pressure, high voltage and the distance between the electrodes) havebeen studied to determine the behaviour of the IC in order to find the ideal operation point:a good energy separation between α-particles and fission fragments (FF) and a good timingresolution. A good α-FF separation has been obtained with a highly radioactive 233U target.Also, the pulse-shape discrimination between γ-rays and neutrons in the C6D6 detectors wasobserved at Gelina under realistic experimental conditions. To conclude, the experimentalset-up and the VETO method have been carefully checked and validated, opening the way tofuture measurements of the capture and fission cross sections of 233U.
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Defect Clustering in Irradiated Thorium Dioxide and alpha-UraniumSanjoy Kumar Mazumder (16634130) 07 August 2023 (has links)
<p>Thorium dioxide (ThO<sub>2</sub>) and metallic uranium (alpha-U) represent important alternative nuclear fuels. Investigating the behavior of defects introduced into these materials in an irradiation environment is critical for understanding microstructure evolution and property changes. The objective of this dissertation is to investigate the clustering of point defects in ThO<sub>2</sub> and alpha-U under irradiation, into voids and prismatic dislocation loops as a function of irradiation dose rate and temperature. To achieve this, we have developed a mean-field cluster dynamics (CD) model based on reaction rate theory to predict the evolution of self-interstitial atom (SIA) and vacancy loops in neutron-irradiated alpha-U. Detailed atomistic simulations have been carried out using molecular dynamics (MD) to study the configuration of such loops and compute their energetics, which are essential parameters of the CD model. Bond-boost hyper-MD simulations have been performed to compute the diffusivity of uranium SIA and vacancies, which govern the kinetics of the clustering phenomenon. Another CD model has been demonstrated for proton-irradiated ThO<sub>2</sub>, considering the clustering of Th and O SIA and vacancies into SIA loops and voids, respectively, with varying sizes and stoichiometry. The compositions of all SIA loops and voids dictated by crystallography of ThO<sub>2</sub> in its fluorite structure have been presented in their respective cluster composition space (CCS). The CD model solves the density evolution of off-stoichiometric loops and voids, with irradiation, in their respective CCS. MD simulations have been performed to compute the energetics of different clusters in their CCS, as parameters of the CD model. Temperature-accelerated MD simulations have been performed to compute the diffusivity of Th and O point defects, that dictates the kinetics of defect clustering on irradiation. In alpha-U, the CD predictions show an accumulation of small sized vacancy loops and the growth of SIA loops with irradiation dose, which closely fits the reported size distribution of loops in neutron-irradiated alpha-U by Hudson and coworkers. The CD predicted density of defect clusters in proton-irradiated ThO<sub>2</sub>, shows the evolution of near-stoichiometric SIA loops in their CCS. The size distribution of SIA loops at high irradiation doses closely corresponds to the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations reported in the literature. Also, the CD model did not predict the growth of voids and vacancy clusters, which is consistent with findings in literature. The model was further used to predict the density of sub-nanometric defect clusters and point defects, on low-dose irradiation, that significantly impairs the thermal conductivity of ThO<sub>2</sub>. An extensive TEM and CD investigation has also been carried out to study the growth and coarsening of SIA loop and voids during post-irradiation isochronal annealing of ThO<sub>2</sub> at high temperatures.</p>
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