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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A Novel Modeling Methodology And Performance Improvement Technique For Dmtl Phase Shifters

Istanbulluoglu, Ipek 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents distributed MEMS transmission line (DMTL) phase shifters, emphasizing the circuit modeling and design as well as the performance improvement. A novel modeling methodology is introduced for DMTL unit sections, with bridge widths larger than 50 &amp / #956 / m. The introduced model is compared with EM simulation results and the CLR modeling results. For structures with bridge widths larger than 50 &amp / #956 / m, the introduced model fits the simulation results much better than the CLR model. The simulated structures are fabricated in METU micro-electronics facilities on glass substrates using gold structural layers. 1-20 GHz S-parameter measurement results of various DMTL structures are compared with the introduced model. It is observed that the S-parameters match except for a scaling need in the insertion loss. The measurement results give 2 dB insertion and 15 dB isolation at 20 GHz. The ABCD parameters of the introduced model are converted into S-parameters. Loss and the phase shift of the DMTL structures are expressed in terms of these S-parameters. These expressions are re-written as MATLAB code, from which the phase shift/loss (degree/dB) performance is evaluated. Therefore degree/dB plots with respect to bridge widths and center CPW conductor widths are obtained. From these plots the optimum DMTL phase shifters, which give maximum phase shift for minimum loss are determined for a pre-defined DMTL structure. To increase the degree/dB performance of a DMTL phase shifter, a change in the geometry of the DMTL phase shifters is proposed. The geometry change is based on inserting an open-ended stub through the signal line and connecting one side of the stub to the bridge. By this way, the stub capacitance is added to the shunt capacitance of the bridge satisfying a larger phase shift. The simulations point out a performance of 217 degree/dB at 20 GHz with a 15 % change in the 25 &amp / #956 / m wide bridge height ratio.

On Optimal Resource Allocation In Phased Array Radar Systems

Irci, Ayhan 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, the problem of optimal resource allocation in real-time systems is studied. A recently proposed resource allocation approach called Q-RAM (Quality of Service based Resource Allocation Model) is investigated in detail. The goal of the Q-RAM based approaches is to minimize the execution speed in real-time systems while meeting resource constraints and maximizing total utility. Phased array radar system is an example of a system in which multiple tasks contend for multiple resources in order to satisfy their requirements. In this system, multiple targets are tracked (each a separate task) by the radar system simultaneously requiring processor and energy resources of the radar system. Phased array radar system is considered as an illustrative application area in order to comparatively evaluate the resource allocation approaches. For the problem of optimal resource allocation with single resource type, the Q-RAM algorithm appears incompletely specified, namely it does not have a termination criteria set that can terminate the algorithm in all possible cases. In the present study, first, the Q-RAM solution approach to the radar resource allocation problem with single resource type is extended to give a global optimal solution in all possible termination cases. For the case of multiple resource types, the Q-RAM approach can only generate near-optimal results. In this thesis, for the formulated radar resource allocation problem with multiple resource types, the Methods of Feasible Directions are considered as an alternative solution approach. For the multiple resource type case, the performances of both the Q-RAM approach and the Methods of Feasible Directions are investigated in terms of optimality and convergence speed with the help of Monte-Carlo simulations. It is observed from the results of the simulation experiments that the Gradient Projection Method produce results outperforming the Q-RAM approach in closeness to optimality with comparable execution times.

A Software Environment For Behavior-based Mobile Robot Control

Bekmen, Onur 01 January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Robotic science can be defined as a modern multi-disciplinary branch of science, which hosts many technological elements with a huge theoretic base. From electrical and electronics engineering point of view, construction of intelligent agents that produce and/or collects information by interacting the surrounding environment and that can achieve some goal via learning, is investigated in robotic science. In this scope, behavior-based robotic control has emerged in recent years, which can be defined as a hierarchically higher control mechanism over classical control theory and applications. In this thesis, software which is capable of producing behavior-based control over mobile robots is constructed. Research encapsulates an investigation on behavior-based robotic concept by comparison of different approaches. Although there are numerous commercial and freeware software products for robotics, the number of open source, detail documented software on behavior-based control concept together with easy usage is limited. Aimed to fulfill a necessity in this field, an open source software environment is implemented in which different algorithms and applications can be developed. In order to evaluate the effectiveness and the capabilities of the implemented software, a fully detailed simulation is conducted. This simulation covers multi-behavior coordination concept for a differential drive mobile robot navigating in a collision free path through a target point which is detected by sensors, in an unstructured environment, that robot has no priori information about, in which static and moving obstacles exists. Coordination is accomplished by artificial neural network with back-propagation training algorithm. Behaviors are constructed using fuzzy control concept. Mobile robot has no information about sizes, number of static and/or dynamic obstacles. All the information is gathered by its simulated sensors (proximity, range, vision sensors). Yielded results are given in detail.

High Performance Mems Gyroscopes

Azgin, Kivanc 01 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis reports development of three different high performance, low g-sensitive micromachined gyroscopes having single, double, and quadruple masses. The single mass gyroscope (SMG) is developed for comparison of its performance with the double mass gyroscope (DMG) and quadruple mass gyroscope (QMG). DMG is a tuning fork gyroscope, diminishing the effects of unpredictable g-loadings during regular operation, while QMG is a twin tuning fork gyroscope, developed for a uniform and minimized g-sensitivity. DMG and QMG use novel ring spring connections for merging the masses in drive modes, providing uniform and anti-phase drive mode vibrations that minimize the cross-coupling and the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic accelerations on the scale factor and bias levels of the gyroscopes. The sense mode of each mass of the multi-mass gyroscopes is designed to have higher resonance frequencies than that of the drive mode for possible matching requirements, and these sense modes have dedicated frequency tuning electrodes for frequency matching or tuning. Detailed performance simulations are performed with a very sophisticated computer model using the ARCHITECT software. These gyroscopes are fabricated using a standard SOIMUMPs process of MEMSCAP Inc., which provides capacitive gaps of 2 &micro / m and structural layer thickness of 25 &micro / m. Die sizes of the fabricated gyroscope chips are 4.1 mm x 4.1 mm for the single mass, 4.1 mm x 8.9 mm for the double mass, and 8.9 mm x 8.9 mm for the quadruple mass gyroscope. Fabricated gyroscopes are tested with dedicated differential readout electronics constructed with discrete components. Drive mode resonance frequencies of these gyroscopes are in a range of 3.4 kHz to 5.1 kHz. Depending on the drive mode mechanics, the drive mode quality (Q) factors of the fabricated gyroscopes are about 300 at atmospheric pressure and reaches to a value of 2500 at a vacuum ambient of 50 mTorr. Resolvable rates of the fabricated gyroscopes at atmospheric pressure are measured to be 0.109 deg/sec, 0.055 deg/sec, and 1.80 deg/sec for SMG, DMG, and QMG, respectively. At vacuum, the respective resolutions of these gyroscopes improve significantly, reaching to 106 deg/hr with the SMG and 780 deg/hr with the QMG, even though discrete readout electronics are used. Acceleration sensitivity measurements at atmosphere reveal that QMG has the lowest bias g-sensitivity and the scale factor g sensitivity of 1.02deg/sec/g and 1.59(mV/(deg/sec))/g, respectively. The performance levels of these multi-mass gyroscopes can be even further improved with high performance integrated capacitive readout electronics and precise sense mode phase matching.

A Video Tracker System For Traffic Monitoring And Analysis

Ocakli, Mehmet 01 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, a video tracker system for traffic monitoring and analysis is developed. This system is able to detect and track vehicles as they move through the camera&rsquo / s field of view. This provides to perform traffic analysis about the scene, which can be used to optimize traffic flows and identify potential accidents. The scene inspected in this study is assumed stationary to achieve high performance solution to the problem. This assumption provides to detect moving objects more accurately, as well as ability of collecting a-priori information about the scene. A new algorithm is proposed to solve the multi-vehicle tracking problem that can deal with problems such as occlusion, short period object lost or inaccurate object detection. Two different tracking methods are used together in the developed tracking system, namely, the multi-model Kalman tracker and the Markov scene partition tracker. By the combination of these vehicle trackers with the developed occlusion reasoning approach, the continuity of the track is achieved for situations such as target loss and occlusion. The developed system is a system that collects a-priori information about the junction and then used it for scene modeling in order to increase the performance of the tracking system. The proposed system is implemented on real-world image sequences. The simulation results demonstrates that, the proposed multi-vehicle tracking system is capable of tracking a target in a complex environment and able to overcome occlusion and inaccurate detection problems as well as abrupt changes in its trajectory.

Analysis Of Coupled Lines In Microwave Printed Circuit Elements

Ozkal Piroglu, Sefika 01 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Full wave analysis of microstrip lines at microwave frequencies is performed by using method of moments in conjunction with closed-form spatial domain Green&rsquo / s functions. The Green&rsquo / s functions are in general Sommerfeld-type integrals which are computationally expensive. To improve the efficiency of the technique, Green&rsquo / s functions are approximated by their closed-forms. Microstrip lines are excited by arbitrarily located current sources and are terminated by complex loads at both ends. Current distributions over microstrip lines are represented by rooftop basis functions. At first step, the current distribution over a single microstrip line is calculated. Next, the calculation of the current distributions over coupled microstrip lines is performed. The technique is then, applied to directional couplers. Using the current distributions obtained by the analysis, the scattering parameters of the structures are evaluated by using Prony&rsquo / s method. The results are compared with the ones gathered by using simulation software tools, CNL/2&trade / and Agilent Advanced Design System&trade / (ADS).

Capacitive Cmos Readout Circuits For High Performance Mems Accelerometers

Kepenek, Reha 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents the development of high resolution, wide dynamic range sigma-delta type readout circuits for capacitive MEMS accelerometers. Designed readout circuit employs fully differential closed loop structure with digital output, achieving high oversampling ratio and high resolution. The simulations of the readout circuit together with the accelerometer sensor are performed using the models constructed in Cadence and Matlab Simulink environments. The simulations verified the stability and proper operation of the accelerometer system. The sigma-delta readout circuit is implemented using XFab 0.6 &micro / m CMOS process. Readout circuit is combined with Silicon-On-Glass (SOG) and Dissolved Wafer Process (DWP) accelerometers. Both open loop and closed loop tests of the accelerometer system are performed. Open loop test results showed high sensitivity up to 8.1 V/g and low noise level of 4.8 &micro / g/&amp / #61654 / Hz. Closed loop circuit is implemented on a PCB together with the external filtering and decimation electronics, providing 16-bit digital output at 800 Hz sampling rate. High acceleration tests showed &plusmn / 18.5 g of linear acceleration range with high linearity, using DWP accelerometers. The noise tests in closed loop mode are performed using Allan variance technique, by acquiring the digital data. Allan variance tests provided 86 &micro / g/&amp / #61654 / Hz of noise level and 74 &micro / g of bias drift. Temperature sensitivity tests of the readout circuit in closed loop mode is also performed, which resulted in 44 mg/&ordm / C of temperature dependency. Two different types of new adaptive sigma-delta readout circuits are designed in order to improve the resolution of the systems by higher frequency operation. The two circuits both change the acceleration range of operation of the system, according to the level of acceleration. One of the adaptive circuits uses variation of feedback time, while the other circuit uses multi-bit feedback method. The simulation results showed micro-g level noise in closed loop mode without the addition of the mechanical noise of the sensor.

Investigation Of The Significance Of Periodicity Information In Speaker Identification

Gursoy, Secil 01 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis / general feature selection methods and especially the use of periodicity and aperiodicity information in speaker verification task is searched. A software system is constructed to obtain periodicity and aperiodicity information from speech. Periodicity and aperiodicity information is obtained by using a 16 channel filterbank and analyzing channel outputs frame by frame according to the pitch of that frame. Pitch value of a frame is also found by using periodicity algorithms. Parzen window (kernel density estimation) is used to represent each person&rsquo / s selected phoneme. Constructed method is tested for different phonemes in order to find out its usability in different phonemes. Periodicity features are also used with MFCC features to find out their contribution to speaker identification problem.

A Wide-bandwidth High-sensitivity Mems Gyroscope

Sahin, Korhan 01 July 2008 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis reports the development of a wide-bandwidth high-sensitivity mode-decoupled MEMS gyroscope showing robustness against ambient pressure variations. The designed gyroscope is based on a novel 2 degrees of freedom (DoF) sense mode oscillator, which allows increasing the operation bandwidth to the amount required by tactical-grade and inertial-grade operations while reaching the mechanical sensitivity of near matched-mode vibratory gyroscopes. Thorough theoretical study and finite element simulations verify the high performance operation of the proposed 2 DoF sense mode oscillator design. The designed gyroscope is fabricated using the in-house developed silicon-on-glass (SOG) micromachining technology at METU Microelectronics (METU-MET) facilities. The fabricated gyroscope measures only 5.1 x 4.6 mm square. The drive mode oscillator of the gyroscope reaches quality factor of 8760 under 25 mTorr vacuum environment, owing to high quality single crystal silicon structural layer. The sense mode bandwidth is measured to reach 2.5 kHz at 40 V proof mass voltage. When the fabricated gyroscope is operated with a relatively wide bandwidth of 1kHz, measurements show a relatively high raw mechanical sensitivity of 131 uV/(deg/s). Fabricated gyroscope is hybrid connected to external closed-loop drive mode amplitude control and open-loop sense mode readout electronics developed at METU-MEMS research group, to form a complete angular rate measurement system (ARMS). The scale factor of the ARMS is measured to be 13.1 mV/(deg/s) with a maximum R square nonlinearity of 0.0006 % and a maximum percent deviation nonlinearity of 0.141 %, while the maximum deviation of the scale factor for large vacuum level variations between 40 mTorr to 500 mTorr is measured to be only 0.38 %. The bias stability and angle random walk of the gyroscope are measured to be 131 deg/h and 1.15 deg/ rooth, respectively. It is concluded that, the mechanical structure can be optimized to show its theoretical limits of sensitivity with improvements in fabrication tolerances. The proposed 2 DoF sense mode oscillator design shows the potential of tactical-grade operation, while demonstrating extreme immunity to ambient pressure variations, by utilizing an optimized mechanical structure and connecting the gyroscope to dedicated low-noise electronics.

Production Of Hydrogenated Nanocrystalline Silicon Based Thinfilm Transistor

Aliyeva, Tamila 01 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The instability under bias voltage stress and low mobility of hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) thin film transistor (TFT), produced by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) technique, are the main problems impeding the implementation of active matrix arrays for light emitting diode display panels and their peripheral circuitry. Replacing a-Si:H by hydrogenated nanocrystalline silicon film (nc-Si:H) seems a solution due to its higher mobility and better stability. Therefore nc-Si:H TFT was produced and investigated in this thesis. All TFT layers (doped nc-Si:H, intrinsic nc-Si:H and insulator films) were produced separately, characterized by optical (UV-visible and FTIR spectroscopies, XRD) and electrical (current-voltage, I-V) methods, and optimized for TFT application. Afterwards the non self-aligned bottom-gate TFT structure was fabricated by the photolithographic method using 2-mask set. The n+ nc-Si:H films, used for TFT drain/source ohmic contacts, were produced at high H2 dilution and at several RF power densities (PRF). The change of their lateral resistivity (rho) was measured by reducing the film thickness via reactive ion etching. The rho values rise below a critical film thickness, indicating the presence of the disordered and less conductive incubation layer. The optimum PRF for the lowest incubation layer was determined. Among the deposition parameters only increased NH3/SiH4 flow rate ratio improved the insulating properties of the amorphous silicon nitride (a-SiNx:H) films, chosen as the TFT gate dielectric. The electrical characteristics of two TFTs with a-SiNx:H having low leakage current, fabricated at different NH3/SiH4 ratios (~19 and ~28) were compared and discussed. The properties (such as crystallinity, large area uniformity, etc.) of the nc-Si:H film as TFT channel layer, were found to depend on PRF. For the films deposited at the center of the PECVD electrode the change from an amorphous dominant structure to a nanocrystalline phase took place with increasing PRF, whereas those at the edge had always nanocrystalline nature, independent of PRF. The two different TFTs produced at the center of the electrode with a-Si:H and nc-Si:H grown at low and high PRF, respectively, were compared through their I-V characteristics and electrical stability under the gate bias voltage stress. Finally, nc-Si:H TFT structure, produced and optimized in this work, was analyzed through gate-insulator-drain/source capacitor by capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements within 106-10-2 Hz frequency (F) range. The inversion regime was detected at low F without any external charge injection. Besides, ac hopping conductivity in the nc-Si:H bulk was extracted from the fitting results of the C-F curves.

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