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Exploring the Evolution of the TLS Certificate EcosystemFarhan, Syed Muhammad 01 June 2022 (has links)
A vast majority of popular communication protocols for the internet employ the use of TLS (Transport Layer Security) to secure communication. As a result, there have been numerous efforts including the introduction of Certificate Transparency logs and Free Automated CAs to improve the SSL certificate ecosystem. Our work highlights the effectiveness of these efforts using the Certificate Transparency dataset as well as certificates collected via full IPv4 scans. We show that a large proportion of invalid certificates still exists and outline reasons why these certificates are invalid and where they are hosted. Moreover, we show that the incorrect use of template certificates has led to incorrect SCTs being embedded in the certificates. Taken together, our results emphasize continued involvement for the research community to improve the web's PKI ecosystem. / Master of Science / Security and Privacy for communication over the internet is increasingly important. TLS (Transport Layer Security) is the most popular protocol used to secure communications over the internet today. This work explores how this protocol has evolved over the past 9 years and how effective the measures undertaken by the community have been to improve the adherence to best practices in the wild. TLS employs the use of certificates to initialize secure communication and make sure the other party is indeed who they say they are. We show that while security has improved over the years, a majority of certificates are invalid and outline reasons why. We also observe the growth of Certificate Transparency logs and show how the use of template certificates cause unexpected issues. Taken together, our results emphasize a continued involvement for the research community to improve the TLS certificate ecosystem.
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An automated tool for website security assessment : Demonstration on Swedish authorities’ websitesValdaserides Olofsson, Max, Stengård, Malte January 2024 (has links)
The evolution of internet has affected society in many ways. Organizations and authorities offer their services on their many corresponding websites. Consequently, secure connections to these websites are a necessity, in addition to continuously evaluate their security. Many studies exist on website security analysis of some set of websites and it is found that researchers often develop and utilize several toolsand scripts for their studies - one for collecting data, one for parsing the output, and one for visualizing the data. Undoubtedly, this whole process is labor intensive, and for this reason we in this thesis propose a tool that automates this whole process. Moreover, the Swedish authorities and their corresponding websites provide information and services regarding their specific areas of expertise that are essential for the functioning of the Swedish society. As such, this puts a high expectation of the usage of state-of-the-art security technology and best practice implementations on these websites in order to keep the Swedish society functioning and keep their websites’ visitors safe. For this reason, we in this thesis focus on mainly two things: 1. Design and develop a tool that will be easy to use to collect a set of websites’ security parameter implementations and best practices, and thereafter automatically and adequately visualize this data to assess the websites’ security readiness; and 2. Demonstrate the developed tool on the Swedish authorities’ websites to assess their website security readiness. The result shows a good overall security in the Swedish authorities’ websites, though there is room for improvement.
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Assessment of the Impact of Recreational Activities on Lakeshore Vegetation in Terms of Species Diversity, Spatial and Temporal PatternsMeyer, Nora 03 February 2025 (has links)
Die anhaltenden Trends des Klimawandels, der Intensivierung der Landnutzung und der Verschmutzung üben Druck auf Seen aus, die als wertvolle Hotspots für die biologische Vielfalt in der Landschaft dienen. Trotz ihres inhärenten Wertes sind Seen nach wie vor wenig erforschte Ökosysteme. Auch für den Menschen sind Seen als Quelle der Erfrischung und Entspannung von großer Attraktivität. In einer Welt, in der Hitzeereignisse bei fortschreitender Verstädterung immer häufiger werden, könnte dieser Wert zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnen. Während sich die Erholung in der Natur nachweislich positiv auf die geistige und körperliche Gesundheit des Menschen auswirkt, kann sie für die natürliche Umwelt und ihre Bewohner das Gegenteil bewirken. Studien zu diesem Thema haben gezeigt, dass die Erholung in Süßwasserökosystemen überwiegend negative Auswirkungen hat.
Die Seeufer stellen einen ökologisch wertvollen Übergangsbereich mit mehreren Lebensräumen und einem hohen Diversitätspotenzial dar. Die Vegetation spielt in diesem Ökosystem eine wesentliche Rolle als Lebensraum, Nahrungsquelle, Schutz, Struktur und Stabilität des Ufers. Die vorliegende Dissertation untersucht die Auswirkungen von Freizeitaktivitäten wie Schwimmen und Sonnenbaden auf die Ufervegetation. Die potenziellen Folgen dieser Aktivitäten könnten nachteilig sein, da die Störung der Vegetation das Funktionieren des gesamten Ökosystems „Seeufer” beeinträchtigen könnte.
Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage wurden drei Studien mit unterschiedlichen Gesichtspunkten und unterschiedlichem Detaillierungsgrad durchgeführt. Der erste Schritt umfasste eine standardisierte Literaturrecherche, um ein Verständnis für die vorhandene Literatur zu schaffen. Die darauf basierende Literaturanalyse umfasste Studien, die einen eindeutigen Zusammenhang zwischen einer Freizeitaktivität und den Auswirkungen auf den Organismus im Zusammenhang mit Süßwasser aufzeigten. Im Anschluss wurden zwei Feldstudien über die Ufervegetation von Seen mit Badenutzung durchgeführt. Dabei wurden unterschiedliche Methoden angewandt und verschiedene Aspekte der Vegetation erfasst. Die neun untersuchten Seen befinden sich im Naturpark Dahme-Heideseen, einem seenreichen Gebiet in unmittelbarer Nähe der deutschen Hauptstadt Berlin.
Im Rahmen der ersten Feldstudie wurden konventionelle, relevante Vegetationserhebungen an Badestellen und ungenutzten Kontrollabschnitten durchgeführt, um die Auswirkungen der Badegäste auf die Artenvielfalt und die Zusammensetzung der Lebensgemeinschaften zu ermitteln. In der zweiten Studie wurde die moderne Technik des terrestrischen Laserscannings (TLS) eingesetzt, um die räumlichen und zeitlichen Auswirkungen von Freizeitaktivitäten auf die Vegetation zu ermitteln. Laserscans von Badestellen wurden vor und nach den Wochenenden im Laufe der Badesaison 2020 durchgeführt, um Veränderungen in der Belegung von Pflanzenflächen zu ermitteln, die sich aus dem in diesem Gebiet üblichen Wochenendtourismus ergeben. Zusätzlich zu den oben genannten Aufzeichnungen wurde auch die Anzahl der Besucher an jedem Wochenende und an jedem Standort dokumentiert und mit den Datensätzen korreliert.
Obgleich die Erholungsökologie ein aktives Forschungsfeld darstellt, sind die Auswirkungen der Freizeitgestaltung auf Seen nach wie vor nur unzureichend bekannt. In der vorhandenen Literatur sind bestimmte Aktivitäten, insbesondere das Spazierengehen, und bestimmte Organismengruppen, insbesondere Vögel, intensiver untersucht worden als andere. Säugetiere, Amphibien, Reptilien und Pflanzen sind nur in geringem Maße vertreten. In dieser Arbeit wurde der Versuch unternommen, die bestehende Wissenslücke bezüglich der Auswirkungen des Schwimmens auf die wichtige und schützenswerte Ufervegetation zu schließen. Die beiden empirischen Studien wurden an etablierten Badestellen durchgeführt, was einen Faktor darstellt, der die geringe Schwere der beobachteten Auswirkungen erklärt. Die Artenzusammensetzung der Vegetation wies Anzeichen einer Anpassung an die menschliche Nutzung auf, und die Untersuchung der TLS-Daten ergab keine signifikanten negativen Auswirkungen der Wochenendnutzung. Die Badestellen und die Kontrollstellen wiesen vergleichbare Veränderungen des Schilfvolumens auf, während die Vegetation des Sonnenbadebereichs nur minimale Veränderungen aufwies. Die TLS-Methode hat gezeigt, dass sie für Vegetationsanalysen geeignet ist, jedoch ist eine weitere Entwicklung geeigneter Analysemethoden erforderlich. Ein weiterer Faktor, der das Ausbleiben offensichtlicher Auswirkungen erklären könnte, sind die relativ geringen Besucherzahlen. Die derzeitige Besucherfrequenz scheint ein erträgliches Niveau darzustellen, und die Vegetation, die sich an die jahrzehntelange Nutzung angepasst hat, ist nicht in offensichtlicher Weise beeinträchtigt. Dies lässt den Schluss zu, dass keine sofortigen Maßnahmen erforderlich sind. Dennoch ist ein kontinuierliches Monitoring unabdingbar, da höhere Besucherzahlen schwerwiegende Auswirkungen haben könnten, die es zu beobachten und gegebenenfalls Maßnahmen zu ergreifen gilt. / The ongoing trends in climate change, land use intensification and pollution exert pressure on lakes, which serve as valuable biodiversity hotspots in the landscape. Despite their intrinsic value, lakes remain understudied ecosystems. Lakes are also highly attractive for humans as a source of refreshment and recreation. This value may become increasingly important in a world where heat events are becoming more frequent as urbanization continues unabated. While recreation in nature has been shown to be beneficial for people's mental and physical health, it can have the opposite effect on the natural environment and its inhabitants. Indeed, studies on this subject have indicated that recreation in freshwater ecosystems has predominantly negative impacts. Lakeshores represent a valuable ecotone with multiple habitats and a high potential for diversity. The vegetation plays a vital role in this ecosystem by providing habitat, food, shelter and structure for many organisms and stability to the shoreline. This dissertation focuses on the overall question of how recreational activities such as swimming and associated sunbathing affect the shoreline vegetation. The potential consequences of these activities could be detrimental, as disturbance of the vegetation could affect the functioning of the entire lakeshore ecosystem.
In order to answer this question, three studies with different viewpoints and varying levels of detail have been conducted. The initial step was a standardized literature review, creating an understanding of the existing body of literature on the relationship between recreational activities and the impact on organisms in the context of freshwaters. Subsequently, two field studies on lakeshore vegetation were conducted on nine lakes in the Nature Park Dahme-Heideseen, employing different methods and recording various aspects of the vegetation. This study region was selected because it encompasses an area rich in lakes in the immediate vicinity of the German capital Berlin.
The first field study employed conventional, relevé-based vegetation sampling of bathing sites and unused control sites with the objective of detecting the impact of bathers on plant species cover, diversity and community composition. The second study utilized the modern technique of terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) to determine the spatial and temporal effects of recreational activities on vegetation. Laser scans of bathing sites were conducted before and after weekends over the course of the 2020 bathing season to identify changes in plant space occupation resulting from weekend recreational use common in the area. In addition to the aforementioned recordings, the number of visitors on each weekend and at each site was also documented and correlated with the data sets.
Although recreation ecology is an active field of research, the effects of recreational activities on lakes remain poorly understood. In the existing literature, certain activities, particularly walking, and certain groups of organisms, particularly birds, have been studied more thoroughly than others. The representation of mammals, amphibia, reptiles and plants is notably limited. This thesis attempts to fill the existing the knowledge gap regarding the effects of swimming on vital shoreline vegetation. The two empirical studies were conducted at established bathing sites, which is one factor explaining the low severity of the observed effects. The plant species composition showed signs of adaptation to human use, and the analyses of the TLS data revealed no significant negative effects of this kind of weekend usage. The bathing and control sites exhibited comparable changes in reed volume, while the vegetation of the sunbathing areas showed minimal changes. The TLS method has been found to be suitable for vegetation analysis; however, further development of suitable analyzing methods is required. Another factor that may explain the lack of obvious effects is the relatively low number of visitors. The current visitor density appears to be at an acceptable level and the vegetation, which has adapted to decades of use, is not obviously affected in the short term, suggesting that no immediate management action is required. Nevertheless, continued monitoring is essential as higher visitor numbers could have serious consequences that need to be monitored and measures taken if necessary.
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Architectures de réseaux pour la délivrance de services à domicile / Network architectures for home service deliveryWerapun, Warodom 27 September 2012 (has links)
Avec l’omniprésence au quotidien du numérique et de l’informatique, de plus en plus d’utilisateurs souhaitent avoir accès à Internet et à leurs applications via n’importe quel périphérique, de n’importe où et n’importe quand. Les appareils domestiques intelligents se développant, les besoins d’échanger des données au domicile même se font de plus en plus sentir. C’est dans ce contexte, celui des services à domicile avec besoin d’interconnexion que se situe notre étude. Ce type de service est qualifié de Home Service (HS) alors que le réseau à domicile est nommé Home Network (HN). La problématique pour les opérateurs est alors de concevoir des architectures appropriées à l’interconnexion des HN de manière sécurisée tout en permettant un déploiement facile et à grande échelle. Dans la première étape, nous considérons la livraison de services sécurisés à travers un réseau de nouvelle génération (NGN) : IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem). IMS étant l’architecture de référence pour son caractère réseau NGN des opérateurs, diverses architectures peuvent être développées comme support aux HS. Nous avons choisi d'analyser et de mettre en place une architecture P2P centralisée et de le comparer à l’architecture de référence. Plusieurs mécanismes d'authentification sont mis en place autour du P2P centralisé afin de sécuriser la prestation de services. La modélisation et l’évaluation de notre proposition ont permis d’identifier sa relation à l’IMS mais aussi des problèmes inhérents aux solutions centralisées : la protection des données personnelles, l’impact de la taille sur réseau sur les performances, l’existence d’un point de faiblesse unique face aux attaques et la congestion au niveau du serveur centralisé. Par conséquent, nous nous sommes tournés vers les solutions distribuées pour résoudre ces problèmes. Dans la deuxième étape, nous considérons l’architecture P2P non-structurée, qualifiée de pur P2P. La cryptographie basée sur l'identité (IBC) est ajoutée au P2P pur afin d’authentifier les utilisateurs et de protéger leurs communications. Pour chacune des solutions une analyse du coût de signalisation est effectuée révélant une faiblesse en ce qui concerne l’étape de recherche. Dans un déploiement à grande échelle, le coût de cette phase est trop élevé. Aussi, nous examinons le P2P structuré basé sur les Dynamic Hash Tables, une autre solution distribuée. Cette architecture est étudiée par l'IETF en tant qu’une des dernières générations de P2P: REsource LOcation And Discovery (RELOAD) Base Protocol. Nous proposons son utilisation dans le cadre des HSs. Comme preuve du concept, cette solution a été implantée et déployée sur un petit réseau en utilisant TLS/SSL comme mécanisme de sécurité. Cette plateforme nous a permis d’étudier les délais et les coûts de cette solution. Pour terminer, un bilan est établi sur toutes les solutions proposées En outre, nous introduisons d’autres types de HS et leurs possibilités de déploiement futur. / With digital life enhancement, more users would like to get seamless Internet and information with any devices, at any time and from anywhere. More and more home devices need to exchange data or to control other devices. The type of services is labelled Home Service (HS) and it is deployed though a Home Network (HN). Some users need to use their HS outside their HN, some others need to interconnect other HN. Operators have to provide suitable network architectures to ensure this interconnection and to provide at the same time, scalability, remote access, easy deployment and security. Here is the topic of our work. In the fist step, we consider a practical illustration around the Next-Generation Network (NGN) and the secured services. It is the IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) approach for the management of services that is generally supported by the NGN network operators. However, various network operator architectures can be developed to support these services. An alternative way is the P2P architectures. We choose to analyze and implement a centralized P2P and we compare it with the IMS solution. Several authentication mechanisms are introduced to secure the centralized P2P. An evaluation of these architectures is conducted. Since the previous solutions present some issues due to their centralized feature, we consider distributed solutions in a second step. The non-structured P2P, called pure P2P, can also support HS. Identity Based Crytography (IBC) is added to these architectures in order to offer authentication and protection to user communications. The different solutions are compared through their signaling and transmission cost. The study shows that searching step in this architecture is really costly, facing a scalability problem. Thus, we propose to use a structured P2P (called Dynamic Hash Table) for delivering HS between HN. This type of architecture is studied by IETF with the REsource Location And Discovery (RELOAD) Base Protocol. This solution is implanted and deployed here to be a proof of the concept. This test-bed enables the study of delay and security overhead in a real system. Eventually, the presented solutions are recaptured in order to see their advantages/ disadvantages. In addition, we introduce other perspectives in terms of HSs and network interconnection.
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Weak and strong authentication in computer networksChoi, Taehwan 22 February 2013 (has links)
In this dissertation, we design and analyze five authentication protocols that answer
to the a firmative the following fi ve questions associated with the authentication
functions in computer networks.
1. The transport protocol HTTP is intended to be lightweight. In particular,
the execution of applications on top of HTTP is intended to be relatively
inexpensive and to take full advantage of the middle boxes in the Internet. To
achieve this goal, HTTP does not provide any security guarantees, including
any authentication of a server by its clients. This situation raises the following
question. Is it possible to design a version of HTTP that is still lightweight and
yet provides some security guarantees including the authentication of servers
by their clients?
2. The authentication protocol in HTTPS, called TLS, allows a client to authenti-
cate the server with which it is communicating. Unfortunately, this protocol is
known to be vulnerable to human mistakes and Phishing attacks and Pharm-
ing attacks. Is it possible to design a version of TLS that can successfully
defend against human mistakes and Phishing attacks and Pharming attacks?
3. In both HTTP and HTTPS, a server can authenticate a client, with which
it is communicating, using a standard password protocol. However, standard
password protocols are vulnerable to the mistake of a client that uses the same
password with multiple servers and to Phishing and Pharming attacks. Is it
possible to design a password protocol that is resilient to client mistakes (of
using the same password with multiple servers) and to Phishing and Pharming
4. Each sensor in a sensor network needs to store n - 1 symmetric keys for
secure communication if the sensor network has n sensor nodes. The storage
is constrained in the sensor network and the earlier approaches succeeded to
reduce the number of keys, but failed to achieve secure communications in the
face of eavesdropping, impersonation, and collusion. Is it possible to design
a secure keying protocol for sensor networks, which is e fficient in terms of
computation and storage?
5. Most authentication protocols, where one user authenticates a second user,
are based on the assumption that the second user has an "identity", i.e. has
a name that is (1) fi xed for a relatively long time, (2) unique, and (3) ap-
proved by a central authority. Unfortunately, the adoption of user identities
in a network does create some security holes in that network, most notably
anonymity loss, identity theft, and misplaced trust. This situation raises the
following question. Is it possible to design an authentication protocol where
the protocol users have no identities? / text
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Critical evaluation of the theory of constraints lean six sigma continuous improvement management approach / Rojanette van Tonder.Van Tonder, Rojanette January 2011 (has links)
Three methodologies are associated with production optimisation, namely, Theory of Constraints
(TOC), Lean and Six Sigma – and each boasts with a number of success stories. This dissertation
addresses the possibility of implementing all three these methodologies in a specific sequence at
an organisation and also sets out to determine the impact of this implementation.
A literature survey was conducted on all three stand-alone methodologies as well as on the
combined methodology, which is called the Theory of Constrains Lean Six Sigma (TLS). TLS
literature suggests that TOC should be implemented first with a view to identify the constraint in
an organisation. Lean implementation should follow in order to eliminate any waste in the
organisation. Lastly, Six Sigma should be implemented to optimise the process variability.
TOC literature explains that The Goal of any organisation is to make money. All other objectives
are only the means of achieving The Goal. The literature further indicates that the constraint in
any organisation determines the drumbeat, and that this constraint should be managed by means
of the Drum-Buffer-Rope methodology.
Lean literature points towards 14 Management Principles by means of which an organisation
should be managed in order to become a Lean organisation, while Six Sigma literature is
concerned with the DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyse-Improve-Control) methodology used for
improvement projects and the belt system that is used to manage these improvement projects.
Jonker Sailplanes, a sailplanes manufacturer in Potchefstroom, South Africa, was used as a case
study for the implementation of TLS. A description is given of the processes and procedures that
were followed before and after the implementation of TLS. The TLS methodology had to be adapted in order to meet the specific needs of Jonker Sailplanes
into an adapted 14-step TLS implementation plan. After implementing TOC and Lean at Jonker
Sailplanes, it was found that the organisation was not ready for the transition from Lean projects
to Six Sigma projects. The implementation of Six Sigma was therefore referred for future
One of the most significant findings of the current study was the very positive impact that the
implementation of TLS had on the organisation: the production tempo (throughput) of the
organisation has increased while the operating expenses per aircraft have decreased. This
confirms that the profit per aircraft has increased. A critical evaluation of the implementation of
the TLS methodology can therefore maintain that the implementation of TLS at Jonker Sailplanes
was a success since the production tempo (throughput) and the organisational profit were
increased and the implementation of the methodology was done with relative ease.
In terms of interpreting results it was also necessary to set out how Jonker Sailplanes proceeded
from a prototyping environment to a production setup, and how specifically identifying the
constraint helped to achieve this transition. Furthermore, is it argued that when Lean is
implemented before TOC, this could move the organisation away from The Goal, which is to make
money. The interpretation of findings suggests that the procedure followed at Jonker Sailplanes
was the most appropriate one.
Finally, recommendations are made for future studies in terms of how to further improve the
impact of the TLS implementation at Jonker Sailplanes. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Critical evaluation of the theory of constraints lean six sigma continuous improvement management approach / Rojanette van Tonder.Van Tonder, Rojanette January 2011 (has links)
Three methodologies are associated with production optimisation, namely, Theory of Constraints
(TOC), Lean and Six Sigma – and each boasts with a number of success stories. This dissertation
addresses the possibility of implementing all three these methodologies in a specific sequence at
an organisation and also sets out to determine the impact of this implementation.
A literature survey was conducted on all three stand-alone methodologies as well as on the
combined methodology, which is called the Theory of Constrains Lean Six Sigma (TLS). TLS
literature suggests that TOC should be implemented first with a view to identify the constraint in
an organisation. Lean implementation should follow in order to eliminate any waste in the
organisation. Lastly, Six Sigma should be implemented to optimise the process variability.
TOC literature explains that The Goal of any organisation is to make money. All other objectives
are only the means of achieving The Goal. The literature further indicates that the constraint in
any organisation determines the drumbeat, and that this constraint should be managed by means
of the Drum-Buffer-Rope methodology.
Lean literature points towards 14 Management Principles by means of which an organisation
should be managed in order to become a Lean organisation, while Six Sigma literature is
concerned with the DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyse-Improve-Control) methodology used for
improvement projects and the belt system that is used to manage these improvement projects.
Jonker Sailplanes, a sailplanes manufacturer in Potchefstroom, South Africa, was used as a case
study for the implementation of TLS. A description is given of the processes and procedures that
were followed before and after the implementation of TLS. The TLS methodology had to be adapted in order to meet the specific needs of Jonker Sailplanes
into an adapted 14-step TLS implementation plan. After implementing TOC and Lean at Jonker
Sailplanes, it was found that the organisation was not ready for the transition from Lean projects
to Six Sigma projects. The implementation of Six Sigma was therefore referred for future
One of the most significant findings of the current study was the very positive impact that the
implementation of TLS had on the organisation: the production tempo (throughput) of the
organisation has increased while the operating expenses per aircraft have decreased. This
confirms that the profit per aircraft has increased. A critical evaluation of the implementation of
the TLS methodology can therefore maintain that the implementation of TLS at Jonker Sailplanes
was a success since the production tempo (throughput) and the organisational profit were
increased and the implementation of the methodology was done with relative ease.
In terms of interpreting results it was also necessary to set out how Jonker Sailplanes proceeded
from a prototyping environment to a production setup, and how specifically identifying the
constraint helped to achieve this transition. Furthermore, is it argued that when Lean is
implemented before TOC, this could move the organisation away from The Goal, which is to make
money. The interpretation of findings suggests that the procedure followed at Jonker Sailplanes
was the most appropriate one.
Finally, recommendations are made for future studies in terms of how to further improve the
impact of the TLS implementation at Jonker Sailplanes. / Thesis (M.Ing. (Development and Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Abordagem experimental no ensino de física com materiais de baixo custo e reciclados / Experimental approach in the teaching of physics with low-cost and recyclable materialsCupaioli, Marcos Eder [UNESP] 22 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by MARCOS EDER CUPAIOLI (marcoscupaioli@hotmail.com) on 2016-12-02T01:24:31Z
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Dissertação ME Cupaioli pdf2.pdf: 1786404 bytes, checksum: db704a54f33dc6b28331ff0bbb07a982 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Felipe Augusto Arakaki (arakaki@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-12-05T13:25:38Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-09-22 / O presente trabalho aborda um conjunto de atividades experimentais com materiais de fácil manuseio, recicláveis e de baixo custo, baseados em uma abordagem de Teaching-Learning Sequence (TLS) ou Sequência de Ensino-Aprendizagem com enfoque intervencionista inspirada na investigação educacional. Utilizando para isso metodologias problematizadoras, visando o entrelaçamento científico e a perspectivas dos alunos sendo estes os protagonistas do seu conhecimento, fazendo a montagem e realizando as atividades experimentais, tendo o professor como mediador, orientando e explicando aos alunos em todo o processo. Além de abordar algumas atividades experimentais, mostrando como são realizadas as montagens dos experimentos e os objetivos a serem atingidos, trazemos um roteiro e uma sequência de como acreditamos que devemos abordá-las em sala de aula. Após a finalização dos experimentos, a análise dos resultados e a validação da aprendizagem, verificou-se, claramente, os progressos obtidos na aprendizagem da Física, com resultados bastante satisfatórios. As atividades aqui propostas podem ser utilizadas e redesenhadas pelo professor, de acordo com o nível de ensino e do conhecimento de seus alunos. / This study approaches a set of experimental activities with easy-handling, recyclable, low-cost materials, based on a Teaching-Learning Sequence (TLS) approach, with interventionist focus inspired by educational investigation. Using problematizing methodologies, aiming scientific intertwining and also the students’ perspective, with the students being the protagonists regarding their own knowledge creating and performing experimental activities, the teacher being a mediator, guiding and detailing with the whole process. Besides approaching some experimental activities, showing the way the experiments are prepared and the goals to be met, we bring guidelines and a sequence indicating how these activities should be approached in the classroom. After completion of the experiments, the analysis of the results and verification of learning, it was clearly verified progress acquired in learning physics with very satisfactory results. The activities proposed here can be used and adapted by teachers, according to the education level and knowledge of their students.
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Utvärdering av Leicas multistations och laserskanners mätosäkerheterAbdi, Shorash, Stedt, Fredrik January 2014 (has links)
I nuläget finns det ingen standard för utvärdering av mätosäkerheter för terrester laserskanner (TLS), detta trots att instrumentet funnits på marknaden och använts länge. Eftersom tillverkarens specifikationer inte alltid överensstämmer, är det viktigt att ha kunskap om hur bra instrumentet presterar. Ett flertal studier har under det senaste decenniet tillämpat olika metoder för att undersöka mätosäkerheten på olika TLS. Syftet med denna studie var att utvärdera och jämföra mätosäkerheterna mellan Leica ScanStation C10, som är en renodlad TLS, och Leica Nova MS50, som är en totalstation med skanningsfunktion, under två olika väderförhållanden. Osäkerheterna togs fram genom att använda ISO 17123-5:2012, som egentligen är en internationell standard för framtagande av totalstationers mätosäkerheter, för att undersöka om denna standard även kan appliceras på TLS. Undersökningen, som skedde utomhus vid Högskolan i Gävle, genomfördes genom att skanna signaler som ställts upp i en triangelformation från tre stationer. Vid skanning med TLS användes både sfär- och HDS-signaler medan MS50 endast skannade sfärer. Signalerna skannades in fyra gånger från varje instrumentuppställning. Mittpunktskoordinaterna på signalerna togs fram med programvaran Cyclone och därefter beräknades mätosäkerheterna med härledning från ISO-standarden. Resultatet på 3D-osäkerheten för C10 med HDS-signal och sfär blev 2,9 mm respektive 3,5 mm vid soliga förhållanden samt 1,1 mm respektive 1,4 mm i molniga förhållanden. I MS50:s fall blev osäkerheten i sol 3,0 mm och 3,7 i moln. Den höga 3D-osäkerhet som MS50 påvisade under båda väderförhållandena berodde på hög osäkerhet i höjdled. Dessutom genomfördes en hypotesprövning i form av ett chi-två-test på C10 som visade att den beräknade osäkerheten i plan och höjd inte avvek signifikant från tillverkarens specificerade osäkerhet vid användning av HDS-signaler i molnigt väder. Vidare konstaterades det genom ett F-test att det fanns en signifikant skillnad mellan C10 osäkerhet i plan och höjd vid användning av samma signaltyp under olika väderförhållanden medan. I MS50:s fall påvisades ingen signifikant skillnad alls. Av resultatet att döma, blev det en markant förbättring vid skanning under molniga förhållanden. Vår slutsats var att det går att tillämpa standarden som användes i denna studie för att beräkna mätosäkerheter på TLS och ISO bör överväga att använda samma standard för TLS som för totalstation. / Presently there is no standard for the evaluation of measurement uncertainties for terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) despite the fact that the instrument has been on the market and used for a long time. Since the manufacturer's specifications do not always correspond with reality, it is important to have knowledge about how well the instrument performs. Numerous studies over the past decade have applied different approaches to estimate the measurement uncertainties on various TLS. The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the measurement uncertainties of the TLS Leica ScanStation C10 with the multi station Leica Nova MS50 under two different weather conditions. The uncertainty was calculated using ISO 17123-5:2012, which is an international standard developed for acquiring measurement uncertainties of total stations, to investigate whether this standard could also be applicable for TLS. The survey, which took place outdoor at the University of Gävle, was carried out by scanning targets that were set up in a triangle formation from three stations. Both spheres and HDS-targets were scanned with the TLS while the MS50 only scanned spheres. The targets were scanned four times from each instrument setup. Cyclone was used to find the coordinates on the center of the targets which were used to calculate the uncertainties according to the ISO-standard. The results showed that the 3D-uncertainty of C10 with HDS-target and spheres were 2.9 mm and 3.5 mm during sunny conditions and 1.1 mm and 1.4 mm during cloudy conditions, respectively. In the case of the MS50, the uncertainty was 3.0 mm during sunny and 3.7 mm during cloudy conditions. MS50 demonstrated a higher 3D-uncertainty in both weather conditions due to high uncertainty in the vertical direction. In addition, a chi-two-test carried out on the TLS showed that the calculated uncertainty in plane and height did not significantly deviate from the manufacturer's specified uncertainty when using HDS-targets during cloudy conditions. Furthermore, it was found in the F-test that there was a significant difference in plane and height between two scans with the same instrument and target type in different weather conditions. MS50 did not show any significant difference at all. The results of this study showed that there will be a significantly lower uncertainty when scanning in cloudy conditions. Our conclusion is that it is possible to apply the standard to calculate the measurement uncertainties on TLS and ISO should consider using the same standard for TLS as the total station.
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Aplikace pro Android na bezpečnostní monitorování komunikace / Android App for Security Monitoring of CommunicationKlepáčková, Karolína January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on implementation of application for security monitoring of network communication of other applications in mobile device with Android platform. Provides users information about security risks that may harm his/her privacy or device. It uses a local VPN to tunnel all data sent to the wireless network. These can be linked to an application that has sent them because the Android kernel is derived from the Linux kernel and can be used to retrieve information about established network connections and the application identifier associated with the connection. This mapping allows to get more information about an app that is potentially dangerous for your mobile device.
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