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企業電子化下協同作業發展之研究 / A study of e-business collaboration

陳曉屏 Unknown Date (has links)
網際網路影響的層面大至政府的政策、法令、企業的經營策略、作業細節,小至個別消費者的喜好。在網際網路逐漸成為全球網路通用標準後,各種企業應用系統以及企業與交易夥伴間互動關係逐漸產生變化。 全球化讓企業暴露在高度競爭環境之下,迫使企業必須不斷翻新事業經營方式。企業正朝向流程委外的方向努力,委外的潮流建立了虛擬企業的基礎。於是企業與交易夥伴形成所謂的「虛擬延伸企業」,並建立一個牢不可破的價值鏈,以便在市場上和競爭對手競爭。這種虛擬團隊,需要將彼此的商業流程和訊息緊密地整合,從產品設計到與客戶交易,甚至於維修的過程毫無間隙地貫穿。 隨著網際網路在商業環境的應用越來越廣泛,架構在網際網路環境下的協同作業成為企業迎戰未來的一項重要利器。企業電子化下之協同作業,就是利用一些軟體系統,將企業的應用軟體、套裝軟體及傳統資訊系統等,在企業之間整合起來,這是一種新價值鏈的經營模式,也是競爭時代企業的新趨勢。 在協同作業下,企業對交易夥伴(上游供應商及下游客戶)在流程與資訊上整合,並根據企業資源的現況(包含內部與外部),做最佳化安排,以快速回應客戶、市場以及競爭者。企業電子化的重心,不再只是透過網際網路從事大量交易,而是利用網際網路提升價值鏈上資訊的透明度,促進企業問整合活動的進行,以進入協同作業的新紀元。 筆記型電腦一直是我國資訊產業非常重要的一環,本研究以國內筆記型電腦製造業為研究範圍,探究其與供應商協同作業之發展現況。 本研究以「TEMPLET評估工具」對企業之於未來虛擬延伸企業的準備程度做一個完整的評估;另外以「IBM e-business Collaboration Tool/供應商協同作業評估模組」對企業間協同作業之現況及發展方向做全面性評估。再輔以文件的收集、分析、個案訪談,以及在實務界多年的觀察,整理出協同作業發展的現況以及國內企業界目前發展所遭遇的瓶頸。 從TEMPLET評比的四大項目,資訊技術能力、資料管理能力、流程管理能力、組織管理能力,分析個案公司對虛擬企業發展的準備程度,可得知個案公司的準備程度頗高,而且彼此間的差異並不大。由於長期與國際大廠的合作,使得個案公司逐漸從區域性的製造工廠轉型為國際性的製造及服務公司。不論在經營管理能力或是資訊技術能力,個案公司都繼續不斷的調整其發展方向,試圖為全球的經營佈局而努力。 透過IBM e-business Collaboration Evaluation Tool/供應商協同作業評估模組,發現個案公司在供應鏈規劃及採購協同作業的推動不遺餘力,其相關的協同作業應用較為普及。設計協同作業雖然在萌芽階段,但也受到普遍的重視。協同作業雖然已經對個案公司的作業效率有相當程度的提升,但是,現今的協同作業方式,多屬於前端資料交換,而非企業內部與供應商之間應用系統的整合。本研究將個案公司發展的瓶頸歸納為以下幾個原因: 1. 供應商資訊技術的配合條件不同 2. 標準平台尚未成熟 3. 內部作業仍有相當程度的人工介入 4. 對商業機密或敏感資訊的分享顧慮 5. 工作流程和商業規則的定義極其繁瑣 6. 政府政策尚未成熟 7. 設計協同環境的尚未成熟 面對知識經濟時代的來臨,從提高產品的附加價值角度來看,台灣資訊製造業如何整合品牌優勢(代工品牌人自有品牌)、創新實力、軟體、服務等應是努力的重點。近年來,台灣資訊製造業在交易導向的實行系統建立了很好的基礎,未來則將往企業外部關係層次的整合方向而努力。 企業可藉由網際網路的協同作業把產品設計、製造、採購、業務、行銷、人事系統、現場服務以及客戶服務等,緊密地聯繫在一起,形成一個環球知識網。藉此追求策略定位,建構一個特別的價值鏈,讓企業能夠傳遞某種獨特的價值。而且為了對抗競爭,價值鏈必須借助協同作業的高度整合,讓企業所有活動都能緊密配合,甚至不斷強化。 全面性的協同作業雖然可幫助企業增加營運效益以及追求策略定位,但是協同作業的成功須仰賴多方面條件的配合。協同作業的發展是個連續性、階段性發展的過程,並非一蹴可及。雖然現今的協同作業處於推廣、萌芽的階段,但是協同作業將會繼續的推行,朝向交易雙方的後端系統即時且完全整合的目標前進。企業應按部就班完成階段性協同作業的計畫,待環境成熟、相關條件可配合的時候,則可領先取得競爭優勢。 關鍵詞:企業電子化、協同作業、筆記型電腦產業。 / The Internet is arguably the most powerful tool today, the influence of Internet is extremely comprehensive, covering governments' policies and regulations, companies' strategies and detailed operations, as far as consumers' individual preference. While the Internet comes to full development, the enterprise information system and the nature of business relationship have to change along. In today's rapidly changing business environment, firms not only compete on product but on business models. To succeed in globally competitive environment, companies are pursuing a strategy of focus, offloading part of activities to trading partners. The Internet technologies have made outsourcing easier for companies to coordinate with their suppliers, giving widespread currency to the notion of the "virtual extended enterprise". Companies communicate and collaborate electronically with partners around the world, they join together to achieve a shared business goal, where each operating unit contributes according to its core competency. Fully achieving the advantages of a virtual extended enterprise requires comprehensive collaboration, which enables tight business-to-business connection. By applying Internet technology to integrate information system and process across companies, collaboration creates a new business model to achieve a competitive edge. This research is concerning the collaborative progression upon Taiwan notebook computer manufactures, with the framework of "TEMPLET assessment checklist" and "IBM e-business Collaboration Tool/supplier collaboration module". Enriching with papers analysis, case study, and industry observation from years of experience, this study aims at exploring current development status quo, further, examining thoroughly the difficulties industry has encountered. Assessing the preparedness for virtual enterprise by TEMPLET'S four evaluation criteria "information, people, process and technology", we learn that companies in study have accomplished substantial readiness. Having the long-term cooperation with international leading enterprises, the companies have been transforming themselves from local manufactures to service-oriented global manufactures. Evaluating readiness for e-business and collaboration with suppliers by IBM e-business Collaboration Tool/supplier collaboration module, we find that both supply chain management and e-procurement have been applied pervasively in association with the companies' dedication to supply collaboration for years. Although design collaboration is still in its infancy, its relevant applications are attracting attention nowadays. The companies have benefited from collaboration at certain degree, nevertheless, the existing collaboration are only limited in front-end data exchange, instead of back-end system integration. This research concludes the major difficulties the companies facing are as below: 1. The readiness of suppliers' information technology is quite different. 2. The platform standard is not mature yet. 3. The companies' internal operations involve considerable human intervention. 4. Sharing concern exists upon business confidentiality and sensitive information. 5. The definition ofworkflow and business rule is too onerous to get through. 6. Government's policy is not ready yet. 7. The circumstances for design collaboration is not in prepared state. Towards knowledge-based economy, Taiwan's IT (information technology) industry is exploring how to integrate the advantage of brand (contracted manufacture brand/own brand), innovation, software, services in order to outperform the average competitors. In these years, the industry has set a solid foundation at transactional interconnection system. In the coming years, the industry will move to cross- enterprise relationship integration, such as customer database, marketing information, product design information and so forth. By fully deploying collaboration, companies are able to tight the operations of product design, manufacturing, purchase, sales activities, marketing, humor resources, and customer services together to optimize both internal and external resources. The series of collaboration enables the entire value chain highly integrated as a self- reinforcing system, and it helps companies deliver a unique value proposition. Collaboration contributes operational effectiveness and strategic positioning, but its success depends on various conditions. The evolution of collaboration is a continuous process. Though collaboration is in initial stage up to date, its development must be going on constantly, heading to real-time, end-to-end integration. Companies have to make sophisticated plan for each stage, carrying out the plan step by step for pursuing distinctive advantage. Keywords: e-business, collaboration, and Taiwan notebook computer industry.

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