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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Principles for understanding, encouraging, and rewarding voluntary tax compliance

28 September 2015 (has links)
D.Phil. (Taxation) / Any modern economy depends largely on taxation as a source of revenue and governments therefore realise the importance of having a willing taxpayer base. Many tax authorities use a compliance model to engage with taxpayers, in terms of which different strategies are used to encourage compliance, ranging from enforcement strategies on the one hand, to strategies of assisting taxpayers to comply, on the other. It is widely recognised in the literature that the majority of taxpayers are voluntarily tax compliant, but it appears that tax authorities place more emphasis on how they can enforce compliance than on how they can recognise those who are voluntarily compliant. The concept of voluntary compliance is not well defined in the literature and is commonly used in the sense of “compliance in the absence of an external enforcement action.” By means of an in-depth review of the literature from a socio-economic viewpoint, the present thesis aimed to define principles and also construct a framework for understanding voluntary tax compliance. It was found that voluntary tax compliance means the acceptance of a tax obligation by a taxpayer without having to be forced, driven by personal and internalised social norms, within a climate of trust between the taxpayer and tax authority. The framework for voluntary compliance was shown to consist of three dimensions: strong personal norms; internalised social norms; and a climate of high trust. Each dimension encompasses its own variables that also influence one another. Strategies used by tax authorities to encourage voluntary tax compliance were analysed with the aim of identifying strategies based on a power orientation, a service orientation, or a norm orientation. It was shown that different strategies influence different variables of the voluntary ii compliance framework, such as tax knowledge, fairness, trust, and ethical values. Through this analysis, principles for building a voluntary tax climate could be identified...

’n Kritiese ondersoek na die betekenis en omvang van die term “opvoedkundige dienste” soos in artikel 12(h) van die Wet op Belasting op Toegevoegde Waarde No.89 van 1991 bedoel en die gevolglike invloed daarvan op die BTW-hantering van sekere navorsingsaktiwiteite deur ’n universiteit uitgevoer

Herron, Andrea 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MAcc)-- Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Section 12 of the Value-Added Tax Act No. 89 of 1991 (hereafter referred to as the VAT Act) determines that the supply of certain goods and/or services are exempt from value-added tax (hereafter referred to as VAT) levied by section 7(1)(a). One such exempt supply is the supply of educational services by certain institutions (listed in section 12(h)(i)(aa)-(cc)). Section 12(h)(i)(bb) determines that the supply of educational services by an higher institution are specifically exempt from VAT. The term “educational services” is not defined in the VAT Act. Uncertainty exists in practice about what exactly educational services comprise and what the scope of it is. Since the supply of educational services is an exempt supply in terms of section 12(h)(i)(bb), a clear and irrefutable definition of “educational services” should exist. Two of the main purposes of an university is to deliver education of exceptional quality and good research outputs. The primary question that originates is whether the research performed by an university qualifies as an exempt supply with the result that the performance of research is an exempt supply. The term “research” was investigated in several sources and it was found that research can be generically be defined as the systematic investigation of existing knowledge and the creation of, amongst others, new knowledge and inventions. Furthermore, it was found that research can be divided into two categories, namely research performed at no consideration and research performed at consideration. Research performed at consideration is further divided into two subcategories, namely commercial research (where the purpose is to generate income) and non-commercial research (where the purpose is research). The definition of “educational” and other bent forms of the term “educate”, amongst others, “education” and “educator” were investigated in relevant South African legislation, case law and international legislation and case law. Commercial research is considered to be a supply of a business activity of a university with the main objective of generating income and is considered as a taxable supply in the case law of the United Kingdom and Canada. Non-commercial research is considered as supplies in the course or furtherance of an enterprise, but the main purpose of the enterprise is not to generate income. Non-commercial research is considered as an “educational service” since it meets the requirements of systematic instruction of education and learning. This type of research is exempt from VAT levied. The input tax of any costs incurred with regards to this type of research will not be claimable. It is suggested that the principles highlighted in this study might clear up the confusion surrounding whether research performed by an university qualifies as an exempt supply or not. SARS could possibly establish guidelines to determine when research is considered exempt or taxable. This information could be useful for role players in the South African tax environment if the matter arises. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Artikel 12 van die Wet op Belasting op Toegevoegde Waarde No. 89 van 1991 (hierna verwys as die BTW-wet) bepaal dat die lewering van sekere goed en/of dienste van die heffing van belasting op toegevoegde waarde (hierna verwys as BTW) wat deur artikel 7(1)(a) opgelê is, vrygestel is. Een sodanige vrygestelde lewering is die lewering van opvoedkundige dienste deur sekere instellings (gelys in artikel 12(h)(i)(aa)-(cc)). Artikel 12(h)(i)(bb) bepaal dat die lewering van opvoedkundige dienste deur ’n inrigting wat hoër onderwys verskaf, spesifiek van BTW vrygestel is. Die term “opvoedkundige dienste” word egter nêrens in die BTW-wet gedefinieer nie. Daar bestaan dus onsekerheid in die praktyk oor wat presies opvoedkundige dienste behels en wat die omvang daarvan is. Aangesien die lewering van ’n opvoedkundige diens ’n vrygestelde lewering ingevolge artikel 12(h)(i)(bb) is, moet daar dus ’n duidelike en onweerlegbare omskrywing van “opvoedkundige dienste” bestaan. Om onderrig van uitmuntende gehalte en goeie navorsinguitsette te lewer is twee van ’n universiteit se hoofdoelwitte. Die primêre vraag wat gevolglik ontstaan is of die uitvoer van spesifiek navorsing, deur ’n universiteit kwalifiseer as die lewering van opvoedkundige dienste met die gevolg dat die uitvoer van navorsing ’n vrygestelde lewering is. Die term “navorsing” is in verskeie bronne ondersoek en daar is bevind dat navorsing generies gedefinieer kan word as die sistematiese ondersoek van reedsbestaande kennis en die skep van, onder andere, nuwe kennis en uitvindings. Daar is ook verder bevind dat navorsing in twee kategorieë verdeel kan word, naamlik navorsing uitgevoer teen geen vergoeding en navorsing uitgevoer teen vergoeding. Navorsing uitgevoer teen vergoeding word verder in twee subkategorieë onderverdeel in kommersiële navorsing (waar die generering van inkomste die hoofdoel is) en nie-kommersiële navorsing (waar navorsing die hoofdoel is). Die definisie van “opvoedkundige” en ander verbuigde vorme van die term “opvoed”, onder andere, “opvoeding” en “opvoeder”, is ook in relevante Suid-Afrikaanse wetgewing, regspraak en internasionale wetgewing en regspraak ondersoek. Kommersiële navorsing word as deel van die besigheidsaktiwiteite van ’n universiteit met die hoofdoel as generering van inkomste en dus as ’n belasbare lewering in die regspraak van die Verenigde Koninkryk en Kanada beskou. Nie-kommersiële navorsing word ook beskou as lewerings wat in die loop of ter bevordering van die onderneming gelewer word, maar die hoofdoel van hierdie onderneming is nie die generering van inkomste nie. Nie-kommersiële navorsing word dus beskou as ’n “opvoedkundige diens”, aangesien dit voldoen aan die vereiste van sistematiese instruksie van onderrig en leer. Hierdie tipe navorsing is dus vrygestel van die heffing van BTW. Enige onkoste aangegaan met betrekking tot hierdie tipe navorsing se insetbelasting sal dus ook nie eisbaar wees nie. Dit word aan die hand gedoen dat hierdie studie beginsels uitlig wat die verwarring rondom of navorsing gelewer deur ’n universiteit ’n vrygestelde lewering is of nie, moontlik kan opklaar. Die SAID kan moontlike riglyne daarstel van wanneer navorsing beskou word as vrygestel of belasbaar. Hierdie inligting kan moontlik van nut wees vir rolspelers in die Suid-Afrikaanse belastingomgewing indien die kwessie na vore tree.

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