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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Understanding the Post-landfall Evolution of Tropical Cyclone Wind Field in an Idealized World

Jie Chen (10579454) 07 May 2021 (has links)
<p>Landfalling tropical cyclones bring tremendous coastal and inland hazard, which depends strongly on the evolution of the wind field after the landfall. This work investigates the inland evolution of the tropical cyclone wind field via idealized numerical simulation experiments and existing theories explaining the physics of storms over the ocean. The complicated landfall process is idealized as a transient response of a mature axisymmetric tropical cyclone to instantaneous surface forcings associated with landfall.</p><p><br></p><p>First, idealized landfall experiments are performed in the f-plane Bryan Cloud Model (CM1), where surface drag coefficient and evaporative fraction are individually or simultaneously modified systematically beneath an axisymmetric mature storm. Surface drying stabilizes the eyewall and consequently weakens the overturning circulation, thereby reducing inward angular momentum transport that slowly decays the low-level wind field only within the inner-core. In contrast, surface roughening first weakens the entire low-level wind field rapidly and enhances the overturning circulation dynamically despite the concurrent thermodynamic stabilization of the eyewall; thereafter, the storm gradually decays in a manner similar to drying. As a result, total precipitation temporarily increases with roughening but uniformly decreases with drying. Storm inner size and outer size decrease monotonically and rapidly with surface roughening, while the radius of maximum wind can increase with moderate surface drying.</p><p><br></p><p>Second, the extent to which existing intensity theory formed for tropical cyclones over the ocean can explain the intensity response to idealized landfall is explored in this work. Existing theoretical predictions for the equilibrium response and transient response of storm intensity are compared against the simulated response found in previous idealized simulations. The equilibrium and transient response of storm intensity to combined surface forcings can be reproduced by the product of their individual responses, in line with traditional potential intensity theory. The intensification theory of Emanuel (2012) is generalized for predicting the weakening process and found capable of reproducing the transient intensity decay. Specifically, the rapid initial decay of near-surface wind can be captured by how kinetic energy is instantaneously reduced by surface friction, where the decay is a function of surface roughness.</p><p><br></p><p>Third, existing structural theory and TC radial length scale formed or identified for storms over the ocean are tested against the idealized landfall experiment where surface is individually dried or roughened. The equilibrium storm radial length scale can predict the transient response of storm size to surface roughening throughout the decay evolution. For surface drying experiments, TC size scales with the intensity after around 12h. The E04 wind field model can generally capture the transient response of TC low-level wind field to individual surface drying and roughening, from radius of maximum wind speed to the outer region. The E04 prediction for these two types of experiments exhibits limited dependence on the subsidence cooling rate applied in the model.</p><p><br></p><p>Overall, though results are insufficient to explain the complicated wind field evolution of every real-world landfalling storm, it provides a fundamental understanding of how storm low-level wind fields respond to inland surface properties. This work also indicates the potential for existing theory to predict how tropical cyclone intensity evolves after landfall in the real world, which is essential for improving the forecasts on any timescale and the risk assessments.</p>

Spectroscopie Raman du supraconducteur FeSe / Raman spectroscopy of the superconductor FeSe

Massat, Pierre 07 April 2017 (has links)
La découverte en 2008 des supraconducteurs à base de fer a ouvert un nouveau champ d'investigation de la supraconductivité à haute température critique. En particulier, la phase nématique de ces matériaux pourrait jouer un rôle prépondérant dans le mécanisme de la supraconductivité. Nous avons étudié le composé FeSe par spectroscopie Raman, à pression ambiante et sous pression hydrostatique. Celui-ci ne possède pas d'ordre magnétique statique à pression ambiante, ce qui en fait un composé de choix pour l'étude de l'ordre nématique. Nous avons observé les fluctuations nématiques de charge. Leur évolution dans la phase tétragonale prouve l'existence d'une instabilité nématique d'origine électronique, qui gouverne la transition structurale. Dans la phase orthorhombique, le comportement des phonons souligne le rôle du couplage spin-phonon dans la transition nématique. Par ailleurs, la forme de la réponse Raman supraconductrice est compatible avec l'existence de deux gaps de symétrie s, dont un est anisotrope. Sous pression hydrostatique, les fluctuations nématiques s'atténuent rapidement. Le point critique quantique électronique associé se situe à très basse pression, peu avant l'apparition de l'ordre magnétique. Les fluctuations nématiques disparaissent complètement vers 2 GPa, quand la transition structurale passe de second ordre à premier ordre. C'est également proche de cette pression que se produit une anomalie dans le comportement des phonons, qui indique une modification de la structure électronique du système. Nos mesures révèlent en outre l'existence d'un pseudogap. Sa température d'apparition chute simultanément à la disparition de la phase magnétique, quand la température critique de supraconductivité atteint son maximum. Enfin, la réponse Raman de l'état supraconducteur à 7.8 GPa montre une signature claire d'un gap plein. / The discovery in 2008 of the iron-based superconductors opened a new field of investigation of high-temperature superconductivity. In particular, the nematic phase of these materials may play a major role in the mecanism of superconductivity. We studied the FeSe compound using Raman spectroscopy, at ambient pressure and under hydrostatic pressure. This material does not display any static magnetic order at ambient pressure and is therefore an excellent choice to study the nematic order. We observed the charge nematic fluctuations. Their evolution in the tetragonal phase proves the existence of an electronic nematic instability, which drives the structural transition. In the orthorhombic phase, the behaviour of the phonons underlines the role of the spin-phonon coupling in the nematic transition. Besides, the shape of the superconducting Raman response is compatible with the existence of two s-wave gaps, one of which is anisotropic. Under hydrostatic pressure, the nematic fluctuations reduce rapidly. The associated electronic quantum critical point is situated at very low pressure, just before the appearance of magnetic order. The nematic fluctuations completely disappear around 2 GPa, when the structural transition changes from second order to first order. An anomaly of the phonons also occurs close to this pressure, which indicates a modification of the electronic structure of the system. Our measurements additionally reveal the existence of a pseudogap. Its temperature of appearance reduces significantly simultaneously to the disappearance of magnetic order, when the critical temperature of superconductivity reaches its maximum. Finally, the Raman response in the superconducting state at 7.8 GPa shows a clear signature of a full gap.

Improving performance of sequential code through automatic parallelization / Prestandaförbättring av sekventiell kod genom automatisk parallellisering

Sundlöf, Claudius January 2018 (has links)
Automatic parallelization is the conversion of sequential code into multi-threaded code with little or no supervision. An ideal implementation of automatic parallelization would allow programmers to fully utilize available hardware resources to deliver optimal performance when writing code. Automatic parallelization has been studied for a long time, with one result being that modern compilers support vectorization without any input. In the study, contemporary parallelizing compilers are studied in order to determine whether or not they can easily be used in modern software development, and how code generated by them compares to manually parallelized code. Five compilers, ICC, Cetus, autoPar, PLUTO, and TC Optimizing Compiler are included in the study. Benchmarks are used to measure speedup of parallelized code, these benchmarks are executed on three different sets of hardware. The NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB) suite is used for ICC, Cetus, and autoPar, and PolyBench for the previously mentioned compilers in addition to PLUTO and TC Optimizing Compiler. Results show that parallelizing compilers outperform serial code in most cases, with certain coding styles hindering the capability of them to parallelize code. In the NPB suite, manually parallelized code is outperformed by Cetus and ICC for one benchmark. In the PolyBench suite, PLUTO outperforms the other compilers to a great extent, producing code not only optimized for parallel execution, but also for vectorization. Limitations in code generated by Cetus and autoPar prevent them from being used in legacy projects, while PLUTO and TC do not offer fully automated parallelization. ICC was found to offer the most complete automatic parallelization solution, although offered speedups were not as great as ones offered by other tools. / Automatisk parallellisering innebär konvertering av sekventiell kod till multitrådad kod med liten eller ingen tillsyn. En idealisk implementering av automatisk parallellisering skulle låta programmerare utnyttja tillgänglig hårdvara till fullo för att uppnå optimal prestanda när de skriver kod. Automatisk parallellisering har varit ett forskningsområde under en längre tid, och har resulterat i att moderna kompilatorer stöder vektorisering utan någon insats från programmerarens sida. I denna studie studeras samtida parallelliserande kompilatorer för att avgöra huruvida de lätt kan integreras i modern mjukvaruutveckling, samt hur kod som dessa kompilatorer genererar skiljer sig från manuellt parallelliserad kod. Fem kompilatorer, ICC, Cetus, autoPar, PLUTO, och TC Optimizing Compiler inkluderas i studien. Benchmarks används för att mäta speedup av paralleliserad kod. Dessa benchmarks exekveras på tre skiljda hårdvaruuppsättningar. NAS Parallel Benchmarks (NPB) används som benchmark för ICC, Cetus, och autoPar, och PolyBench för samtliga kompilatorer i studien. Resultat visar att parallelliserande kompilatorer genererar kod som presterar bättre än sekventiell kod i de flesta fallen, samt att vissa kodstilar begränsar deras möjlighet att parallellisera kod. I NPB så presterar kod parallelliserad av Cetus och ICC bättre än manuellt parallelliserad kod för en benchmark. I PolyBench så presterar PLUTO mycket bättre än de andra kompilatorerna och producerar kod som inte endast är optimerad för parallell exekvering, utan också för vektorisering. Begränsningar i kod genererad av Cetus och autoPar förhindrar användningen av dessa redskap i etablerade projekt, medan PLUTO och TC inte är kapabla till fullt automatisk parallellisering. Det framkom att ICC erbjuder den mest kompletta lösningen för automatisk parallellisering, men möjliga speedups var ej på samma nivå som för de andra kompilatorerna.

Adsorption Behaviour of Se(-II) and Tc(IV) onto Granite, Shale, Limestone, Illite, and MX-80 Bentonite in Ca-Na-Cl and Na-Ca-Cl Solutions / Adsorption of Se(-II) and Tc(IV)

Racette, Joshua January 2023 (has links)
Canada is in the process of implementing a Deep Geologic Repository (DGR) to dispose of used nuclear waste. Adsorption behaviour of both Se(-II) and Tc(IV) onto granite, shale, limestone, illite, and MX-80 bentonite has been elucidated. Se(-II) adsorption onto granite and MX-80 bentonite displays a decrease in Rd with an increase in solution pH. Se(-II) adsorption onto granite decreases with an increase in solution ionic strength. Se(-II) adsorption onto MX-80 bentonite does not return evidence which supports an apparent effect due to the ionic strength. Tc(IV) adsorption onto shale, limestone, illite, and MX-80 bentonite remains constant as the solution pH increases. Ionic strength does not affect the magnitude of Tc(IV) adsorption across the adsorbents, however an increase in ionic strength accelerates Tc(IV) adsorption. Se(-II) surface complexation models are best simulated with the following surface complexes: ≡Feldspar_sSe-, ≡Biotite_sOH2HSe, ≡Albite_sSe-, ≡Montmorillonite_sSe-, and ≡Montmorillonite_sOH2HSe. Tc(IV) adsorption is best simulated with: ≡Biotite_sOTcO(OH), ≡Quartz_sOTcO(OH), (≡Feldspar_sOH)2TcO(OH)-, ≡Montmorillonite_sOTcO(OH), (≡Albite_sOH)2TcO(OH)-, ≡Illite_sOTcO(OH), and ≡Chlorite_sOTcO(OH). Se(-II) adsorption onto granite and MX-80 bentonite in CR-10 solution returns Rd values of (1.80 ± 0.10) m3∙kg-1 and (0.47 ± 0.38) m3∙kg-1, respectively. Tc(IV) adsorption onto granite and MX-80 bentonite in CR-10 solution returned Rd values of (1.47 ± 0.25) m3∙kg-1 and (2.19 ± 0.33) m3∙kg-1, respectively. Tc(IV) adsorption onto shale, limestone, illite, and MX-80 bentonite in SR-270-PW solution returned Rd values of (0.16 ± 0.10) m3∙kg-1, (0.44 ± 0.21) m3∙kg-1, (1.86 ± 0.44) m3∙kg-1, and (0.23 ± 0.10) m3∙kg-1, respectively. This thesis will further deepen the understanding of Se(-II) and Tc(IV) adsorption. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Determining the adsorption of Se(-II) and Tc(IV) onto granite, shale, limestone, illite, and MX-80 bentonite is beneficial to choosing a location within Canada to locate a used nuclear fuel repository. This thesis aims to quantify the adsorption behaviour of Se(-II) and Tc(IV) in Ca-Na-Cl and Na-Ca-Cl solutions with respect to a varying solution ionic strength and pH. Quantification of the adsorption was accomplished with adsorption experiments used in conjunction with geochemical simulations. New simulated surfaces specific to granite, shale, and MX-80 bentonite have been developed to complete these simulations. A final achievement was quantifying the adsorption of Se(-II) and Tc(IV) in groundwater representative solutions specific to locations considered for the used nuclear fuel repository.

Fe(III) reduction in clay minerals and its application to technetium immobilization

Jaisi, Deb Prasad 24 May 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Effect of Weak Inhomogeneities in High Temperature Superconductivity

Doluweera, D. G. Sumith Pradeepa January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Novel quantum phases accompanied by rotational symmetry breaking in strongly correlated electron systems / 強相関電子系における回転対称性の破れを伴う新奇量子相の研究

Murayama, Hinako 23 March 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(理学) / 甲第23696号 / 理博第4786号 / 新制||理||1685(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院理学研究科物理学・宇宙物理学専攻 / (主査)教授 松田 祐司, 教授 柳瀬 陽一, 教授 石田 憲二 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Science / Kyoto University / DFAM


Lopes, Cristiano Santos 19 November 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T19:26:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Cristiano Santos Lopes.pdf: 13551286 bytes, checksum: 1ba67329a96370d271e71e39f117ec62 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-11-19 / In this work we report on conductivity fluctuation measurements in polycrystalline samples of the Er1xPrxBa2Cu3O7 and Gd1xPrxBa2Cu3O7superconductor. Pr contents are 0.00, 0.05 and 0.10. Samples were prepared by the standard solid-state reaction technique and characterized by SEM, X-ray diffraction and electrical transport experiments. The samples were granular and homogeneous. The results were analyzed in terms of the temperature derivative of the resistivity and of the logarithmic temperature derivative of the conductivity, what allowed identifying power-law divergences of the conductivity. For Er1−xPrxBa2Cu3O7 samples, the results show that the transition proceeds in two stages: pairing and coherence transition. Also, our results, from the critical exponent analysis, show a two-peak splitting at pairing transition, indicating possibly a phase separation. On approaching the zero resistance state, our results show a power-law behavior that corresponds to a phase transition from paracoherent to a coherent state of the granular array. For Gd1−xPrxBa2Cu3O7 samples, it was observed that the critical temperature decreases and that the transition width increases with increasing Pr doping. Systematic measurements of fluctuation conductivity are reported and special attention is taken above the critical temperature, where Gaussian and critical regimes are observed. Below the critical temperature, on approaching the zero resistance state, our results show a power-law behavior consistent with a phase transition from a paracoherent to a coherent state of the granular array. / Neste trabalho foram estudados os efeitos das flutuações térmicas na condutividade elétrica de amostras policristalinas com base nos supercondutores Er1xPrxBa2Cu3O7 e Gd1xPrx Ba2Cu3O7. A quantidade de Pr considerada foi x = 0, 00, 0, 05 e 0, 10. As amostras foram preparadas pela técnica padrão de reação de estado sólido e caracterizadas por microscopia eletrônica de varredura, difração de raios-X e medidas de transporte eletrônico. As amostras são homogêneas e granulares. Para a obtenção dos expoentes críticos, os dados foram analisados em termos da derivada da resistividade em função da temperatura e da derivada logarítmica da resistividade em função da temperatura. Essa análise permitiu identificar regimes em lei de potência na paracondutividade durante a transição normal-supercondutora. Para a amostra de Er1−xPrxBa2Cu3O7, os resultados mostraram que a transição ocorre em dois estágios: transição de pareamento e transição de coerência. Contudo, os resultados obtidos através da análise dos expoentes críticos mostraram o desdobramento em dois picos da transição de pareamento, indicando uma possível separação de fase. Na aproximação do estado de resistência nula, os resultados mostraram um comportamento em lei de potência que corresponde à transição de fase paracoerente-coerente, típica de sistemas granulares. Para a amostra de Gd1−xPrxBa2Cu3O7, foi observado que a temperatura crítica diminuiu e que a largura da transição aumentou com o acréscimo da dopagem de Pr. Medidas sistemáticas na condutividade são apresentadas e é dada atenção especial em temperaturas ligeiramente acima da temperatura crítica, região na qual regimes Gaussianos e críticos são observados. Abaixo da temperatura crítica, na aproximação ao estado de resistência nula, os resultados mostram claramente regimes em lei de potência consistentes com a transição de fase paracoerente-coerente.

Nachweis der adaptiven Antwort nach Bestrahlung von Schilddrüsenzellen mit offenen Radionukliden

Wendisch, Maria 10 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Biologische Systeme sind in der Lage sich an eine Niedrig-Dosis-Bestrahlung anzupassen und eine geringere Sensitivität gegenüber einer nachfolgenden Hoch-Dosis-Bestrahlung zu entwickeln. Dieses Phänomen wird als adaptive Antwort bezeichnet und wurde nach der Bestrahlung mit externen Strahlungsquellen wiederholt in vivo und in vitro untersucht. Im Gegensatz dazu gibt es für die Bestrahlung mit offenen Radionukliden keine systematischen und vergleichenden Untersuchungen. Im Mittelpunkt dieser Arbeit standen der Nachweis sowie die Analyse der adaptiven Antwort an PC Cl3-Zellen nach Bestrahlung mit den offenen Radionukliden Re-188 und Tc-99m. Die Zellschädigung wurde mit dem alkalischen Komet-Assay, zur Bestimmung des initialen DNA-Schadens und dem Koloniebildungstest, zur Ermittlung des klonogenen Überlebens, untersucht. Zur Aufklärung von möglichen Regulationsmechanismen der adaptiven Antwort wurde die Induktion und Reparatur von DSB mit dem gamma-H2AX-Immunfluoreszenz-Assay und die intrazelluläre Radionuklidaufnahme betrachtet. In dieser Arbeit erfolgte erstmals eine systematische Untersuchung der adaptiven Antwort nach Bestrahlung mit offenen Radionukliden in vitro. Insgesamt zeigen diese Ergebnisse, dass nach Bestrahlung mit offenen Radionukliden eine adaptive Antwort ausgebildet wird. Diese ist von der Strahlenqualität während Vor- und Folgebestrahlung sowie der Art der DNA-Schädigung und den initiierten Reparaturprozessen abhängig. Weiter Einflussfaktoren sind die Erholungszeit, die Vorbestrahlung (Dosis, Strahlenqualität) und die Art des Schadensnachweises. Neben den bekannten Regulationsmechanismen wurde erstmals die Reduktion der intrazellulären Radionuklidaufnahme als weitere mögliche adaptive Antwort beschrieben.

Die Wirkung von Tinospora cordifolia, 20-Hydroxyecdyson und STX im Vergleich zu 17β-Östradiol in der Tibia ovarektomierter Sprague-Dawley-Ratten als mögliche Therapie der postmenopausalen Osteoporose der Frau / The effect of Tinospora cordifolia, 20-hydroxyecdysone and STX compared to 17β-estradiol in the tibia ovariectomized Sprague-Dawley rats as a possible treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis in women

Steinmark, Maria 22 May 2013 (has links)
No description available.

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