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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis Of Issues Related To Education Of Pre-service Physics Teachers In Turkey

Tam, Mehtap 01 August 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this survey is to analyse the issues related to education of pre-service physics teachers in Turkey. After reviewing the related literature, the problems were grouped in three categories / (1) Problems occurred before entering Physics Teacher Education Program, (2) Problems occurred during Physics Teacher Education Program, and (3) Problems occurred after graduation from Physics Teacher Education Program. Three questionnaires / Pre-service Physics Teacher Questionnaire-1 (PPTQ-1), Pre-service Physics Teacher Questionnaire-2 (PPTQ-2), and Lecturers Questionnaire (LQ) were developed to get information about opinions of the pre-service physics teachers and the lecturers on problems of physics teacher education. The research was conducted on 245 the pre-service physics teachers in 5 years, 297 the pre-service physics teachers in 4+1.5 years, and 85 lecturers in Physics Teacher Education Programs in 2005-2006 spring semesters. The data obtained from the administration of the measuring instruments were analysed by using Ms-Excel and SPSS programs. Results of the statistical analyses indicated that the pre-service physics teachers and the lecturers think that / the pre-service physics teachers do not come to 5 years Physics Teacher Education Program willingly and consciously / characteristics which are important and necessary to be a good physics teacher can not be measured with university entrance exam / Physics Teacher Education Programs can not cause the pre-service teachers to gain the efficiencies in physics subject matter knowledge, general pedagogical knowledge, and general knowledge which are determined by Ministry of National Education completely / increasing the period of Physics Teacher Education Program do not supplement better qualified physics teachers in Turkey / quantity and quality of the lecturers in Physics Teacher Education Program are not sufficient / and Public Personnel Selection Exam can not measure whether the pre-service physics teachers have characteristics of a good physics teacher or not.

Professional Development Of Preservice Biology Teachers Through Reflective Thinking

Savran Gencer, Ayse 01 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF PRESERVICE BIOLOGY TEACHERS THROUGH REFLECTIVE THINKING Savran Gencer, AySe Ph.D., Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education Supervisor : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jale &Ccedil / akiroglu Co-Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ceren Tekkaya January 2008, 230 pages The study aims to explore preservice biology teachers&rsquo / reflective thinking content and levels by examining the use of a reflective framework integrated into one semester Practice Teaching course. More specifically, this study focused on the development of reflective thinking skills of preservice teachers and their metaphorical images about learning and teaching process. Data were collected through both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The written documents and audiotaped debriefings taken during the activities of reflective autobiography and journal writing, metaphor using, peer coaching, microteaching, and problem discussion along with the summative interview were the main data sources of the qualitative data. The written and transcribed data collected through these sources were then utilized through the selected three case studies in order to reach a deep understanding on their reflective thinking skills and content. The quantitative data were collected through the instruments of Reflective Thinking to evaluate the development of the preservice biology tecahers&rsquo / reflectivity and Metaphorical Images to explore their beliefs about learning and teaching process. Results indicated that the reflective activities offered opportunities preservice biology teachers to reflect on their experiences and strive for a conscious awareness of their professional development through experience, collaboration, guidance, and modeling. All of the participants were able to reflect mostly at the technical level, followed by contextual and dialectical levels of reflective thinking among the content categories of teacher characteristics, instructional processes, classroom management, students, and teaching profession. Results of reflective thinking instrument indicated that all participants individually perceived a developmental reflective thinking skill. Keywords: Reflective Thinking, Reflective Journal, Peer Coaching, Professional Development, Preservice Biology Teacher

Prospective English Teachers

Eret, Esra 01 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT PROSPECTIVE ENGLISH TEACHERS&rsquo / VIEWS ON THE PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT, HUMAN RESOURCES, AND PROGRAM OF THEIR DEPARTMENTS ERET, Esra M.S., Department of Educational Sciences Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ahmet OK June 2008, 137 Pages The purpose of the present study is to investigate the prospective English teachers&rsquo / views on the physical environment, human resources, and program of their departments. Participants of the study were 278 fourth year prospective English teachers (senior students) from three public universities in Ankara. A fifty-six-item questionnaire, developed by the researcher and subjected to factor and reliability analysis, was used for data collection. Data were collected from all fourth year prospective teachers. Statistical program, SPSS, was utilized to carry out the descriptive statistical analyses. Responses to open-ended question were qualitatively analyzed. The results of the study revealed that the prospective English teachers agreed on the views that the instructors in their departments were qualified and competent / the physical environment as regards to meeting their basic needs, such as heating and safety, was satisfying / and the program and courses were generally adequate. On the other hand, from the students&rsquo / viewpoints, the institutions had common problems on the three dimensions, especially on the physical environment and resources. The students disagreed on the presence of language laboratory, the existence of social areas, guidance provided by the instructors, and the administration&rsquo / s support and attitude to the preparation of prospective English teachers. In conclusion, the results of this study can contribute to efforts on displaying the current status of the departments and evaluating the quality of the English language teacher education.

Preservice Science Teachers

Topcu, Mustafa Sami 01 September 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The main purpose of this study was to explore Preservice Science Teachers&rsquo / (PSTs) informal reasoning regarding socioscientific issues (SSI). The study first investigated PSTs&rsquo / informal reasoning patterns / second, explored the relationship between informal reasoning patterns and quality / third, examined the variation of informal reasoning quality with SSI / at last, focused on the factors influencing PSTs&rsquo / informal reasoning in the context of SSI. Totally, 39 PSTs voluntarily participated in the study. Senior elementary PSTs from a public university, in Ankara constituted the sample of this study. Seven SSI were used to explore informal reasoning and influencing factors. Three SSI dealt with gene therapy and, the other three issues dealt with cloning. The last issue dealt with global warming. PSTs&rsquo / informal reasoning and the factors influencing the participants&rsquo / informal reasoning in the context of SSI were analyzed by using constant comparative data analysis method (Glaser &amp / Strauss, 1967). Two interview protocols were used in the present study. Informal Reasoning Interview protocol focused on the investigation of informal reasoning, and Moral Decision-Making Interview protocol was used to identify informal reasoning and the factors influencing informal reasoning. Emergent informal reasoning patterns from the present study were: rationalistic, emotive, and intuitive informal reasoning patterns. Regarding informal reasoning quality, across each SSI, the participants easily revealed claim with or without justification but they hardly developed counter-position and rebuttal. Emergent frequency of informal reasoning quality types followed the same order across each SSI. Thus, informal reasoning quality was not context-dependent across all SSI. Main factors influencing participants&rsquo / informal reasoning were accumulated under four main categories / personal experiences, social considerations, moral-ethical considerations, and technological concerns.

Preservice And Inservice Basic Education Computer Teachers&amp / #8217 / Professional Growth In Terms Of Their Perceptions Of Teaching, Pedagogical Competencies And Subject Matter Knowledge

Cakir, Recep 01 August 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the professional growth of the preservice and inservice Basic Education computer teachers. To understand their professional growth in terms of perception of teaching and competencies about pedagogic and subject matter knowledge, questionnaires were administered to 1,568 preservice teachers and 104 inservice teachers in Turkey. In order to seek answers to this broad purpose, mixed research method including both quantitative and qualitative traditions was used in this study. The researcher employed the questionnaires as the primary data collection tool but since questionnaires were limited in the representation of the whole picture, this study was complemented by interviews, observations and document analysis, which were the qualitative data collection tools. To that end, 33 preservice computer teachers and 12 inservice teachers were interviewed. Besides these, 8 preservice and 4 inservice classroom observations were conducted. Additionally, their lesson plans were analyzed throughout the data collection process. Regarding data collecting procedure, the data collection and analysis procedure includes two phases / the first one is the quantitative phase, in which the research questions focus on basic education computer teachers&amp / #8217 / perceptions about teaching, their pedagogical and subject matter competencies and their views about technology integration into schools. In order to answer the research questions, the researchers developed new questionnaires and adapted from existing instruments by utilizing the literature review and taking expert opinions. After this phase, pilot studies were conducted in order to ensure reliability and validity of the questionnaires. In the second part, which is the qualitative phase, the research questions were addressed for in-depth understanding of preservice and inservice computer teachers&amp / #8217 / perceptions toward teaching, their competencies and their opinions about technology integrations. For this purpose, interviews and observation schedules were prepared under the guidance of experts and with the support of the related literature. Results revealed that preservice and inservice teachers&amp / #8217 / perceptions of teaching were generally positive about computer education. Moreover, their competencies increased throughout years. However, results indicated some negative points in their perceptions and competencies. Pertaining to the measured variables, there significant differences were found among preservice teachers based on their year in the program. Interviews and observations that were conducted to gain in-depth understanding of teachers&amp / #8217 / progress in their professional growth supported the survey results. This study elicited important results for preservice and inservice computer teachers and teacher educators to understand the whole picture of the Basic Education computer teaching. Results of this study, particularly those related to the problems they encounter in the profession, could provide new directions for the Ministry of National Education, the Higher Education Council, and universities.

English Language Teachers

Koc, Serdar Engin 01 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions of teacher trainers and trainees about a web-support system and its components developed and implemented as an integral part of the in-service teacher training program entitled &ldquo / Certificate for Teaching English&rdquo / (CTE) program for the newly hired teachers in the two departments of the School of Foreign Languages at Middle East Technical University (METU). The overall design of this study was a case study which was conducted as action research within the qualitative research paradigm. Some participants&rsquo / perceived the file system as usable, reachable, and beneficial because the file types used in the web-support were in congruence with the CTE program. Some participants had difficulty finding files that they were looking for. The participants were not able to use the forum frequently enough because they did not have enough time and they were always in contact with each other during their work hours. However, they suggested the usage of compulsory activities that are separated to be used within the forum. The participants perceived the online tasks as beneficial in terms of retention and revision of sessions and showing examples of how to use video in class. The participants thought that the presence of the curriculum information on the web was essential as information. The participants perceived that the integration of web support and sessions was partial and they wanted to do some sessions online in the future. The participants perceived news section as beneficial in directing them but they thought it should be updated more often.

Contributions And Challenges Of Cognitive Tools And Microteaching For Preservice Teachers&#039 / Instructional Planning And Teaching Skills

Sahinkayasi, Hamide 01 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This study aimed to investigate the potentials of two cognitive tools for instructional planning (Instructional Planning Self-reflective Tool, IPSRT, and Constructivist Planning Self-reflective Tool, CPSRT) and microteaching in gaining instructional planning and teaching skills for preservice teachers. The participants were 51 fourth year students in Computer Education and Instructional Technology program. The study is an action research with three main foci. The first focus of this study aimed at investigating contributions and challenges involved in the use of the cognitive tools for instructional planning with tutoring from the instructor. More specifically, to what extent the preservice teachers followed these tools during this process, the effects of these tools on preservice teachers&rsquo / self-efficacy, the perceived instrumentality regarding instructional planning, and the perceived contributions and challenges presented by these tools were focused. Both tools were introduced to the two sections, in different orders within four weeks. The data for this focus were collected by means of questionnaires, interviews and documents (lesson plans). This focus revealed that / expect for writing objectives, the participants could make instructional plans according to the IPSRT. They could also follow the CPSRT to design the instructional goal, required characteristics of learning activities and the assessment. Both tools were found to significantly increase their initial self-efficacy beliefs. They found CPSRT more flexible, while IPSRT easier and more helpful. This focus indicated that IPSRT and CPSRT can be used as supportive tools in preservice teachers&rsquo / gaining instructional planning skills. If both tools were used, it would be better to introduce IPSRT at first and then CPSRT. The second focus of this study was to explore the contributions and challenges of microteaching activities regarding preservice teachers&rsquo / instructional planning and teaching skills. The microteaching activities took eight weeks. Throughout this phase, each student planned a 20-minute microteaching with tutoring from the instructor and performed it in the classroom. The performers were formatively evaluated through a microteaching assessment form by the instructor, the teaching assistants and some preservice teachers. Then the performers made a self-reflection assignment about their microteaching performance, considering those evaluations. In the following semester, 15 participants&rsquo / perceptions about the contributions and challenges posed by microteaching activities for their instructional planning and teaching skills were obtained through interviews. More specifically, their perceptions about the microteaching planning process with tutoring, performing microteaching, formatively assessing peers&rsquo / microteaching performances, being assessed by peers, and doing self-reflection assignment were analyzed. This focus revealed that although preservice teachers perceive microteaching activities as valuable experiences, microteaching would be more beneficial if the pupils were real ones, not their class-mates. The third focus was to investigate the effects of the cognitive tools and microteaching activities on preservice teachers&rsquo / lesson planning and teaching skills in their field teaching. For this aim, 12 participants&rsquo / field teaching lesson plans and their performance assessments were analyzed. It was found that many of them preferred using the Microteaching Planning Guide and they had no difficulty in their lesson planning. As to field teaching performance, the analyses of the assessment forms showed that a majority of them performed successfully. Besides, most of them were observed not to have anxiety during field teaching. This focus showed that these cognitive tools and microteaching activities could improve preservice teachers&rsquo / self-confidence in lesson planning and teaching skills in real class environment. Considering to meeting the need for better qualified teachers, this study promised that applying these cognitive tools and microteaching model in schools of teacher education is likely to contribute to the instructional planning and teaching skills of preservice computer teachers. This study also offers suggestive implications for how to improve teaching methods courses with the two cognitive tools and microteaching, as well.

An Investigation On The Relationship Between Empathy-related Constructs Of English Instructors At Atilim University Preparatory School Within The Framework Of Peace Education

Ozdemir, Esra 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This study aimed to examine the relationship between empathy-related constructs of English instructors at Atilim University Preparatory School and certain demographic features such as age, gender, educational background, and experience. The scale which consists of a demographic inventory, a questionnaire, and a semi-structured interview were developed by the researchers. The scale consists of &quot / Interpersonel Reactivity Index (IRI)&quot / . The results of the questionnaire were analyzed through SPSS 15.0. This data gathering instrument was implemented on 90 English instructors working at Atilim University Preparatory School. The results of the interviews were analyzed tghrough content analysis. The result of the study revealed that there is a relationship between perspective-taking and empathic concern tendencies of English instructors and their age and experience.

Exploring The Development Of Pre-service Science Teachers

Ozgelen, Sinan 01 January 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The purposes of this study were to explore understanding of preservice science teachers&rsquo / (PSTs) nature of science (NOS) views during the explicit-reflective and inquiry-based laboratory instruction and investigate PSTs&rsquo / perspectives and experiences related to learning NOS aspects in the science laboratory course. This study was carried out during the Laboratory Application in Science II course. A total of 45 PSTs participated to the study. The design of the study was qualitative and exploratory in nature. In the initial phase of the study, the researcher collected qualitative data with open-ended questionnaire to explore PSTs&rsquo / NOS views. Then, during the semester, reflection papers were collected to understand PSTs&rsquo / experiences with the intervention and to detect development about each NOS aspect. At the end of the semester, qualitative questionnaire and semi-structured interviews were conducted to determine the impact of the explicit-reflective and inquiry-based laboratory instruction. The results showed that all of the PSTs were able to make appropriate connections among the laboratory activities and the targeted NOS aspects at the end of the instruction. In addition, many PSTs developed their understanding levels of each aspect of nature of science. Moreover, findings revealed that some of the PSTs made connections among NOS aspects. Three main factors / discussions and presentations, using inquiry skills, and doing inquiry-based laboratory activities were determined as provide to PSTs to develop their NOS understanding. Furthermore, at the end PSTs developed their perspectives about teaching NOS.

Pre-service Science Teachers

Senler, Burcu 01 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study was to examine the relationships among pre-service science teachers&rsquo / personality, self-regulation, and teaching self-efficacy by proposing and testing a comprehensive conceptual model. In the model, it was hypothesized that personality traits are directly linked to pre-service science teachers&rsquo / self-efficacy and academic self-regulation, and pre-service science teachers&rsquo / academic self-regulation is directly related to their self-efficacy. A total of 1794 pre-service science teachers (876 males and 905 females) from 27 education faculty partic ipated in the study. Self-efficacy (i.e. self-efficacy for student engagement, for instructional strategies, and for classroom management), academic self-regulation (i.e. achievement goals, task value, control of learning beliefs, test anxiety, metacognitive self-regulation, effort regulation, and peer learning), and personality trait (i.e. Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness) were assessed by self-report instruments. The results of the path analysis revealed that agreeableness, neuroticism, performance approach goals, and use of metacognitive strategies were positively linked to different dimensions of self-efficacy, namely self-efficacy for student engagement, instructional strategies, and classroom management. In general, while agreeableness and neuroticism were found to be positively associated with different facets of academic self-regulation and self-efficacy, openness was found to be negatively linked to these adaptive outcomes.

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