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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effects of training on attitude of student-teachers towards integration

Law, Sin-yee, Angelina. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.)--University of Hong Kong, 1987. / Also available in print.

Ефекти екскурзије ученика основне школе као облик образовно-рекреативних и туристичких кретања у Војводини / Efekti ekskurzije učenika osnovne škole kao oblik obrazovno-rekreativnih i turističkih kretanja u Vojvodini / The effects of excursions of students in primary schools as a form of educational,recreational and touristic movement in Vojvodina

Ostojić Natalija 29 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Ђачки туризам заузима посебно место у Војводини захваљујући изузетним природним богатствима који пружају изванредне могућности за упражњавање образовно-рекреативних активности. Екскурзије имају незамењиву улогу место у систему васпитно-образовних активности, јер осим одмора, рекреације и забаве, представљају могућност задовољења жеља и потреба за упознавањем, информисањем и стицањем знања о друштвеним заједницама, културама и срединама. У овом раду бавили смо се испитивањем статистичких разлика између ученика седмих и осмих разреда основне школе и наставник у ставу према екскурзијама на територији Војводине. Као инструменти у истраживању су кориштени: УСДП (Упитник социо-демографских података) конструисан за ово истраживање, Упитник ставова према екскурзијама и упитник ставова наставника према екскурзијама. Ради испитивања утицаја старосне границе испитаници су били подељени на млађу (седми разред) и старију децу (осми разред основне школе), као и на спортисте и неспортисте. Наставници и ученици имају позитиван став према екскурзији као облику образовно-рекреативних и туристичких кретања. Старосна доб као независна варијабла није се показала релевантна, наиме старији и млађи ученици не разликују се статистички значајно ни у једној од зависних варијабли. Пол не утиче статистички значајно на формирање става. Резултати нам потврђују да разноврсност садржаја као елемената туристичке понуде Војводине позитивно утиче на квалитет те понуде туристичких путовања за ученике. Туристичка дестинација Војводине има велике туристичке потенцијале које нису у довољној мери искоришћене.</p> / <p>Đački turizam zauzima posebno mesto u Vojvodini zahvaljujući izuzetnim prirodnim bogatstvima koji pružaju izvanredne mogućnosti za upražnjavanje obrazovno-rekreativnih aktivnosti. Ekskurzije imaju nezamenjivu ulogu mesto u sistemu vaspitno-obrazovnih aktivnosti, jer osim odmora, rekreacije i zabave, predstavljaju mogućnost zadovoljenja želja i potreba za upoznavanjem, informisanjem i sticanjem znanja o društvenim zajednicama, kulturama i sredinama. U ovom radu bavili smo se ispitivanjem statističkih razlika između učenika sedmih i osmih razreda osnovne škole i nastavnik u stavu prema ekskurzijama na teritoriji Vojvodine. Kao instrumenti u istraživanju su korišteni: USDP (Upitnik socio-demografskih podataka) konstruisan za ovo istraživanje, Upitnik stavova prema ekskurzijama i upitnik stavova nastavnika prema ekskurzijama. Radi ispitivanja uticaja starosne granice ispitanici su bili podeljeni na mlađu (sedmi razred) i stariju decu (osmi razred osnovne škole), kao i na sportiste i nesportiste. Nastavnici i učenici imaju pozitivan stav prema ekskurziji kao obliku obrazovno-rekreativnih i turističkih kretanja. Starosna dob kao nezavisna varijabla nije se pokazala relevantna, naime stariji i mlađi učenici ne razlikuju se statistički značajno ni u jednoj od zavisnih varijabli. Pol ne utiče statistički značajno na formiranje stava. Rezultati nam potvrđuju da raznovrsnost sadržaja kao elemenata turističke ponude Vojvodine pozitivno utiče na kvalitet te ponude turističkih putovanja za učenike. Turistička destinacija Vojvodine ima velike turističke potencijale koje nisu u dovoljnoj meri iskorišćene.</p> / <p>Students&#39; tourism occupies a special place in Vojvodina, thanks to the extraordinary natural resources which provide excellent opportunities for the usage of educational and recreational activities. Excursions have an irreplaceable role and place in the system of educational activity, because, apart from the vacation, recreation and entertainment, they present the possibility for satisfying the desire and need for introducing, informaing and acquiring knowledge of communities, cultures and environments. In this paper, we dealt with the examination of the statistical differences between the seventh and eighth graders of primary school and teacher&rsquo;s attitudes towards excursions in teritory of Vojvodin. In this study we used instruments: USDP (Questionnaire for socio - demographic data ) designed for this study, questionnaire of the attitudes towards excursions and the questionnaire for teacher&rsquo;s attitudes towards the excursions. In order to examine the influence of age, subjects were divided into younger (seventh grade) and older children (eighth grade), as well as athletes and non-athletes. Teachers and students have a positive attitude towards the excursion as a form of educational, recreational and tourist movements. Age as an independent variable has not shown as relevant,namely older and younger students do not differ significantly in any of the dependent variables. Gender does not influence significantly in the formation of the attitude. The results confirm us that diversity of content as elements of Vojvodina&rsquo;s touristic offer possitively affects on the quality of the touristic trips offer for students. Vojvodina&rsquo;s tourist destinations has great touristic potentials that are not exploited enough.</p>

Examining Prospective Elementary Mathematics Teachers&#039 / Knowledge About Students&#039 / Mistakes Related To Fractions

Eroglu, Deniz 01 February 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the prospective teachers&rsquo / knowledge of mistakes held by elementary students in fractions and their proposed strategies to overcome those mistakes. The data were collected from 149 prospective elementary mathematics teachers enrolled in the elementary mathematics education programs from a public university in Central Anatolian Region. Fraction Knowledge Questionnaire was used to accomplish the purpose of the study. The data collection tool included nine open ended questions, and each question had two sub-tasks. In this study, the items in the &ldquo / Fraction Knowledge Questionnaire&rdquo / were analyzed in-depth in order to reach a detailed description of prospective teachers&rsquo / knowledge about students&rsquo / mistakes on fractions. The results of this study revealed that prospective elementary mathematics teachers mostly could identify the students&rsquo / mistakes. However, although prospective teachers could notice the students&rsquo / mistakes, they could give superficial reasons for these mistakes. Furthermore, verbal explanations, using area representation, using real life model, reviewing prior knowledge, teaching standard algorithm, asking guided questions, using simple examples, using counter examples, using drill and practice, making students aware of their mistakes, and increasing students&rsquo / motivation were the suggested strategies by prospective teachers in order to overcome students&rsquo / mistakes in fractions.

A case study examining the collaboration between general education and special education teachers in inclusive classrooms

Atkins, Tina January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Mississippi State University. Department of Leadership and Foundations. / Title from title screen. Includes bibliographical references.

Konvolut geometrických objektů, jako forma didaktické pomůcky (teoreticko-praktická práce) / Set of geometric objects as a form of teaching aids

VLKOVÁ, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
In the theoretical part of the thesis it is explained the requirements of teaching aids. These tools are designed for children in grammar art schools and high schools of art. The work deals with the methods of teaching that are closely connected with teaching aids, e. g. senses of perception, description and examples of tools, mediation curriculum, teaching lessons a logical construction, etc. The result is a set of variable methodological tools following learned.

Models for harnessing the Internet in mathematics education

Kissane, Barry 02 May 2012 (has links)
In recent years, the Internet has increasingly been used to provide significant resources for student to learn mathematics and to learn about mathematics, as well as significant resources for teachers to support these. Effective access to and use of these has been hampered in practice by limited facilities in schools and the limited experience of many mathematics teachers with the Internet for mathematical purposes. This paper offers models for understanding the effective use of Internet resources, based on typologies of resources for learning and teaching mathematics. Six categories of Internet resources for mathematics student use are identified: (i) Interactive resources; (ii) Reading interesting materials; (iii) Reference information; (iv) Communication; (v) Problem solving; and (vi) Webquests. Similarly, five categories of Internet resources for mathematics teacher use are identified: (i) Lesson preparation; (ii) Official advice and support; (iii) Professional engagement; (iv) Commercial activity and support; and (v) Local school web sites. The paper recognises that web resources can be used in a range of ways, including supporting both teaching and learning. The prospects for sound use of the Internet are briefly described in terms of these models of use.

A Statewide Survey of Climate Literacy: Measuring Indiana Secondary Science Teachers', Students', and Parents' Behavioral Intentions towards Teaching and Learning about Climate Change

Israt Ferdous (12091157) 27 June 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p>Prior research on Indiana secondary science teachers’, students’, and parents’ behavioral intentions towards teaching and learning about climate change is inadequate. Therefore, this study investigated the following four research questions: RQ1. What are secondary science teachers’, students’, and parents’ perspectives on teaching and learning about climate change based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) components of climate literacy that may influence their behavioral intentions? RQ2. Is there a difference in the mean climate literacy between Indiana science teachers, students, and parents? RQ3. How do the TPB components of climate literacy influence Indiana secondary science teachers’ and students’ “behavioral intentions” to teach about climate change and its impact on Indiana? RQ4. Does the TPB model demonstrate the impact of climate literacy components on Indiana secondary science teachers’ behavioral intentions to teach about climate change and its impact on Indiana? To investigate participants’ climate literacy, a Qualtrics survey was developed that measured the five determinants of climate literacy based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB): attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control (PBC), knowledge, and behavioral intentions of teaching and learning about climate change. The survey contained both quantitative and qualitative components (QUAN + qual), with closed-ended (QUAN) items serving as primary data sources and open-ended (qual) items serving as secondary data sources. A total of 115 secondary science teachers, 39 secondary science students (6th to 12th grades), and 12 parents were sampled. Survey results indicated that teachers, students, and parents had gaps in their scientific knowledge and held disbelief about climate change and its impact on Indiana, indicating a lack of climate literacy. Regression and path analysis of teachers’ responses found that both attitudes and PBC have a significant (<em>p</em> <.001) influence on teachers’ behavioral intentions towards teaching about climate change. Students’ regression analysis results showed that attitude is the only significant (<em>p</em> <.001) predictor of their behavioral intention to learn about climate change. The ANOVA results revealed a statistically significant (<em>p</em> < .001) difference in the mean climate literacy between groups (teachers, students, and parents). Differences among Indiana secondary science teachers, students, and parents regarding their behavioral intentions towards climate change teaching and learning suggest that they lack climate literacy. Based on the survey results, it is proposed that the science curriculum be revised to reflect scientific knowledge about climate change and its impacts on Indiana. Furthermore, recommendations are provided for improving teachers’, students’, and parents’ scientific knowledge, as well as the instructional approaches for teaching and learning about climate change and its impact on Indiana.</p>

A historical investigation into school governing structures in Limpopo Province of South Africa

Mahomole, Mahlodi Johannes 06 1900 (has links)
The school effectiveness, the school's ability to deliver (produce results), and the improvement of the matriculation (Grade 12) results in the Limpopo Province has been a priority ever since the new democratic government took over in 1994. The Limpopo Province has always scored lower than all the other nine provinces in the country in the matriculation (Grade 12) results. Among the reasons given as contributing to this state of affairs, was the ineffective way of governing and administering schools. This research investigated the development of the school governing structures in the Limpopo Province. The focus was mainly on revealing the nature of the school governing structures that existed in the province and how those governing structures influenced the overall performance of the schools. The researcher found that the most suitable school governing structures for the Limpopo Province schools are those that will provide parents with more meaningful participation in the education of their children and will inculcate democracy in the governance of schools. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (History of Education)

A historical investigation into school governing structures in Limpopo Province of South Africa

Mahomole, Mahlodi Johannes 06 1900 (has links)
The school effectiveness, the school's ability to deliver (produce results), and the improvement of the matriculation (Grade 12) results in the Limpopo Province has been a priority ever since the new democratic government took over in 1994. The Limpopo Province has always scored lower than all the other nine provinces in the country in the matriculation (Grade 12) results. Among the reasons given as contributing to this state of affairs, was the ineffective way of governing and administering schools. This research investigated the development of the school governing structures in the Limpopo Province. The focus was mainly on revealing the nature of the school governing structures that existed in the province and how those governing structures influenced the overall performance of the schools. The researcher found that the most suitable school governing structures for the Limpopo Province schools are those that will provide parents with more meaningful participation in the education of their children and will inculcate democracy in the governance of schools. / Educational Studies / M.Ed. (History of Education)

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