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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An exploration of talented performance: a case study of Chinese teachers' perceptions

Wu, H., Echo., 吳鴻雁. January 2006 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Education / Master / Master of Philosophy

Professional identity formation : a case study of three English teachers in mainland China

Liu, Zhaoyang, Amanda, 刘朝阳 January 2013 (has links)
Recent studies reveal that language teacher identity makes the difference in classroom teaching and has increasingly become a valuable focus in the field of language teaching research. However, a review of the research literature shows that there have been limited studies about the professional identity formation and even fewer studies involving teachers of English as a foreign language (EFL) in the context of mainland China. English language teaching (ELT) has increasingly gained attention in mainland China, with the curriculum reforms, which promoted communicative language teaching (CLT) and later task-based approach (TBA), have been initiated since 1970s, yet the professional identities of English teachers acting as the key players of the curriculum reforms have not been given due attention. This is particularly true for those teachers in the Northwestern Hinterland areas with relatively limited resources and a challenging environment. In order to fill the diverse gaps, this study provides valuable information and knowledge not only for teacher professional identity research area but also for Chinese ELT, CLT and TBA reforms, By exploring three experienced secondary EFL teachers’ professional identity formation in Lanzhou city, in Gansu province, a whole heretofore unresearched area has been brought into view. With a case study approach, the study collected the teachers’ personal life experiences from their childhood to current teaching experiences. By building up a theoretical framework based on the features of professional identity formation proposed by Beijaard et al. (2004), the study has examined the teachers’ personal life experiences, school contexts and agency and achieved rich understandings about their professional identity formation. This study shows that the teachers’ biographies, particularly their fathers and pre-service teacher education acted as important components of and exerted an enduring influence on their professional identity formation of the three teachers. Findings highlight that teachers’ three levels of professional contexts had an important impact on their professional identity formation; among the three levels of contexts, the macro context of the College Entrance Examination and the meso context of school leaders were the most influential. The findings of this study extend the understanding of the complexity of teachers’ professional identity formation, and shed light on how to develop a more effective professional learning mode for pre-service teachers. This study also gives a voice to life history and offers the possibility of helping pre-service teachers to effectively understand the teaching profession in new ways in the teacher education programs. / published_or_final_version / Education / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

Teacher identity reconstruction in response to China's curriculum reform : a case study of six English language teachers

Rong, Xiaoyan, 戎晓燕 January 2014 (has links)
Educational reforms have been widely discussed across the world in the 21st century, and recent research suggests that teachers are the mediating agents in implementing educational reforms, particularly curriculum reforms. The eighth curriculum reform in China, which requires a paradigm shift from the teacher-dominated, knowledge-based transmission mode of teaching to the student-centered, experience-based inquiry mode of teaching, has greatly challenged teachers. Notwithstanding the great importance of teachers’ responses to China’s new curriculum reform, there is a little qualitative research that examines teachers’ responses to the new curriculum reform. The present study sets out to examine teachers’ responses to the new curriculum within the particular social, cultural and institutional context, and to explore the factors that might influence teachers’ responses through a qualitative multiple case study. Three dyads of mentor-mentee senior secondary English teachers in three schools at different levels in Beijing, China were selected as the main research participants. Data were collected over a period of time in each school through interviews, observations and analysis of documents such as teaching logs and students’ homework. Data were analyzed following a grounded approach in an iterative process to provide insights into the process of teachers’ implementation of the new curriculum and to ascertain the mediating factors impacting teachers’ responses. Findings from case studies reveal that secondary English teachers in China responded to the new curriculum reform at both cognitive and behavioral levels. These responses altogether triggered changes in teachers’ professional world, which constituted teachers’ professional growth. Grounded in Wenger’s theory of identity formation, this study suggests that the changes in teachers’ professional world mediated teachers’ professional identity reconstruction through the participative and reificative dual process of identification and negotiation of meanings, in which teachers’ competences, trajectories, and participation in the new curriculum implementation were negotiated. During this process, secondary English teachers reappropriated the meaning of secondary EFL teaching in China as a student-centered, individually selective, pedagogically integrating communicative and traditional methods, Chinese context-adapted, but still exam-oriented teaching process in relation to the curriculum reform, and also reclaimed that secondary EFL teachers need to be equipped with updated knowledge pool, be aware of individual needs, make compromises to seek a balance between the prescribed curriculum and teaching reality, and allow an interactive teacher-student relationship in response to the curriculum reform. Findings suggest that the process of teacher identity reconstruction was mediated through three-level factors, socially and culturally: national policies, institutional powers, and teachers’ personal factors. This study contributes to an understanding of teachers’ cognitive and behavioral actions and the interplay between the two in response to a paradigm-shift curriculum reform from a sociocultural perspective. It provides a theoretical lens, namely teacher identity formation to interpret teachers’ responses to the curriculum reform. Situated in a Chinese context where Confucius largely impacted the culture of teaching and learning, this study provides a fresh perspective on Chinese culture of teaching and learning, and raises positive voices from frontline teachers, suggesting that teachers’ responses to the curriculum are not simply mass resistant, but rather complex and dynamic. / published_or_final_version / Education / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

师范生信念的发展: 一所师范大学英语专业及学前教育专业的个案研究 = The development of student teachers' beliefs : a case study of the English and early childhood education teacher training programmes in a normal university. / Development of student teachers' beliefs: a case study of the English and early childhood education teacher training programmes in a normal university / Shi fan sheng xin nian de fa zhan: yi suo shi fan da xue Ying yu zhuan ye ji xue qian jiao yu zhuan ye de ge an yan jiu = The development of student teachers' beliefs : a case study of the English and early childhood education teacher training programmes in a normal university.

January 2015 (has links)
随着教师研究关注点从教师行为发展到教师认知,教师信念成为重要的研究议题。职前教师教育政策性文本也开始关注教师信念等问题,促进师范生信念的改变成为职前教育的目标。在教师信念研究中,基于中国大陆职前教育背景的师范生信念的动态研究相对比较少。 / 本研究采用质性研究取向、个案研究策略,选取了P师范大学英语专业和学前教育专业共8位师范生为研究对象。通过深度访谈、文件分析等方法搜集田野研究数据,探究在职前教育阶段师范生信念的发展变化,并分析影响师范生信念发展变化的因素。 / 研究发现,在专业课后,学前教育专业师范生都转向幼儿中心的信念取向;实习后,学前教育专业师范生信念出现回归倾向。英语专业师范生在专业课后信念发展变化有一些多样性。师范生信念的转变可以分为两组,专业课学习之后,EFL-X、EFL-Q这两位师范生信念呈现整合的特点,实习后,两位师范生信念转向以传统教师中心取向为主。而另外两个英语专业师范生则呈现另一类型。专业课后,EFL-Z、EFL-R两位师范生持有学生中心的信念取向,实习后,他们的信念呈现整合的特点。师范生信念的发展是一个动态的过程,师范生信念由基于个人经验的信念发展初期,发展到基于理论的信念发展阶段,再发展到基于情境的、经验的信念发展阶段,这一阶段师范生信念出现具体化,回归传统两种发展变化形态。 / 在不同的阶段中,影响师范生信念的因素具有差异性。在专业课学习阶段,学前教育教育专业师范生信念受职前教育课程影响比较明显。师范生接受专业理论课程时,师范生进行一致性检验,新习得的信息与原有的基于个人经历形成的信念不一致,出现认知冲突,认知冲突是信念改变的开始。专业课传递的理念处于比较强势的地位,同化了之前基于社会文化及个人因素形成的信念,基于专业课形成的信念还要反复地通过实践环节进行一致性的检验。学前教育专业主干课程的课程内容强调儿童中心,理论课程的学习阶段有见习环节,见习的重要作用在于及时强化师范生在专业课程中习得的信念。大学教师在教学中注重学生参与、注重实践性,课程组织以及大学教师的教学方式都符合情境学习理论所强调的通过即时的情境、注重学习材料的真实性,在参与实践的过程中学习的理念。结合真实的情境进行学习,容易引起师范生的认知冲突,因此,学前教育专业师范生信念改变比较明显。英语专业职前教育课程理论课程与实践课程相分离,在专业课形成理念得不到及时的强化,不利于师范生信念的改变。英语知识课程理念和教师职业教育类课程所强调的理念有一些不一致,是导致专业课后英语专业师范生信念出现差异性的原因之一。 / 实习过程中,师范生信念主要受情境性因素、基于实践的反思、社会性互动影响。师范生在实习过程中教学实践与信念的一致性强化专业课习得的信念,信念的发展形态为具体化。如果实践和师范生持有的信念不一致,出现认知冲突,伴随比较消极的情绪,师范信念开始动摇,出现回归的倾向,出现信念的重新整合或回归教师中心的信念取向。 / 个人、社会方面的因素对师范生信念有所影响,高中学习经历是影响大一英语专业师范生信念形成的因素。实习阶段,受考试文化因素的影响,师范生信念发生回归传统的倾向。另外,师范生的个人性格、个人性别、其他学习经历制约职前教育课程对个人信念影响的大小。 / With the shift of focus in teacher research from teachers’ behavior to teachers’ cognition, teachers’ beliefs have become an important research issue. Recently, pre-service teacher education policies have begun to pay attention to teachers’ beliefs. Promoting changes in the beliefs of pre-service teachers should be one of the central tasks of pre-service teacher education. However, few studies of pre-service teachers’ beliefs have been conducted in the context of mainland Chinese pre-service teacher training programs. / The present research followed a qualitative research approach and employed the case study method. Eight students of a normal university, four pre-service teachers majoring in English and four majoring in preschool education, participated in the study. The researcher collected data through in-depth interviews and document analysis to address the following questions. How do pre-service teachers’ beliefs develop during pre-service teacher education? What factors would effect changes in the beliefs of pre-service teachers? / The results show that before their teaching practicum the preschool education majors tended to hold child-centered beliefs, whereas after it their beliefs tended to reflect a traditional teacher-centered orientation. The changes in the beliefs of the English majors exhibited greater variety, although two general types of belief-changes were observed. Two of the English majors showed an integration of teacher-and student-centered beliefs before the teaching practicum, and reverted to teacher-centered beliefs after it. The other two originally held student-centered beliefs, and then moved toward an integration of teacher-and student-centered beliefs after the teaching practicum. / The influential factors in changing the participating pre-service teachers’ beliefs differed at different stages of the research. The preschool education majors were affected by the university curriculum in significant ways, and then tried to reconcile their experience in the teaching practicum with a theoretical perspective. Cognitive conflict arose when there was a discrepancy between teaching experience and earlier held beliefs, leading to a change in beliefs. Beliefs based on formal education tend to be influential and to assimilate pre-existing beliefs based on personal experience and the prevailing culture, but need to be consolidated by practice. The preschool education curriculum emphasizes child-centered beliefs, which are to be strengthened by internship experience. Normal universities emphasize the full participation of pre-service teachers, and preschool education majors have many opportunities to learn through practice. The organization of the curriculum and teaching methods are in line with situated learning theory, which emphasizes the situated nature of the learning process in the immediate context and the use of authentic learning materials. For English majors, in contrast, the curriculum and practice are separated. Beliefs shaped by the courses taken are not immediately strengthened by practice, and are thus more resistant to change. What is more, there are inconsistences between English subject courses and educational theory courses. That discrepancy appears to be the main reason for the diversity in pre-service teachers’ beliefs observed in this research. / During the teaching practicum, participants’ beliefs were affected by the context, reflection on practices, and social interaction. Consistency between practice and beliefs reinforced their beliefs, whereas discrepancies led to negative emotions and belief-regression. / Personal factors and the assessment-centered culture that prevails in mainland China also affected the participating pre-service teachers’ beliefs. The main influence on those beliefs was the participants’ own educational experience, which was largely characterized by an emphasis on assessment. During the teaching practicum, this assessment-centered culture prompted the English majors to resort to a traditional teacher-centered orientation. Also, personal factors such as personality, sex, and additional learning experiences, influenced the effectiveness of the teacher training program in shifting the beliefs of all participating pre-service teachers. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 李玲. / Parallel title from added title page. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 238-261). / Abstracts also in English. / Li Ling.

数学教师的专业知识和信念及其对教学的影乡. / Mathematics teachers' professional knowledge, beliefs and their implications on their teaching / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Shu xue jiao shi de zhuan ye zhi shi he xin nian ji qi dui jiao xue de ying xiang.

January 2010 (has links)
Based on the classification from quantitative studies, total six teachers, two in each category, were interviewed to construct six individual qualitative case studies. The results suggested that teacher professional knowledge about function and beliefs about mathematics had impacts on their teaching approaches. The teaching approaches can be classified into three categories, i.e, content-centered with performance focus, contentcentered with understanding focus and student-centered with cognitive focus, which constituted traditional content-centered and student-centered perspectives on teaching approaches. Emphasizing process or product is still dichotomy for teachers. / In conclusion, this study showed the significance of subject matter knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and beliefs about mathematics to teaching approaches of mathematics teachers, which pave the way for future education researches in this field. This study has also provided some valuable experiences in applying hypothetical situations to education researches. In the future, further explorations can be conducted in finding the effect of contextual factors to teaching approaches and how teaching approaches influenced student learning. / In past 30 years, under the global trend of curriculum reform, new requirements on teacher professional knowledge and belief were put on teachers. Accordingly, the focus of research on teaching was shifted from finding effective teaching behavior to in search for teacher professional knowledge, beliefs and cognitions behinds their behaviors. Before, the literatures on teacher professional knowledge were mainly focused on what professional knowledge that teachers have and/or should have. Only few literatures were interested in the effect of teacher professional knowledge and beliefs to teaching approaches. / The main objective of this study is to fill in the missing pieces and investigate the effect of teacher professional knowledge and mathematics beliefs on teaching for inservices mathematics teachers. Mixed method was applied in this study in order to build up some comprehensive understandings to the effects. In quantitative part, this study has surveyed ninety one high school mathematics teachers in M city to find out the deepness of professional knowledge and mathematical beliefs that teachers held. For professional knowledge, the results showed that teachers had different levels of subject matter knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge. For beliefs about mathematics, the results echoed with Ernest's (1989) classification of teacher mathematical beliefs, i.e. instrumentalist, Platonist, and problem-solver. / 張侨平. / Adviser: Ngai-Ying Wong. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 73-03, Section: A, page: . / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 184-209). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [201-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Zhang Qiaoping.

The notion of teaching excellence in the People's Republic of China: the case of Chinese language teachers

Ko, Po-yuk, 高寶玉 January 2002 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Curriculum and Educational Studies / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

The influence of selected factors on the knowledge, perceptions, and academic practices of faculty of schools of public health in China about the increasing sex ratio as a priority social issue : implications for professional education

Holaday, Stephanie D January 1996 (has links)
Thesis (D.P.H.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1996. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 150-163). / Microfiche. / xiv, 163 leaves, bound ill. 29 cm

小學教師使用教科書的情況及影響因素研究. / Patterns of and factors influencing use of textbooks by primary school teachers / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Xiao xue jiao shi shi yong jiao ke shu de qing kuang ji ying xiang yin su yan jiu.

January 2008 (has links)
Based on these research findings, policy implications for education bureau, school leaders and teachers, and suggestions for further research were addressed. / Textbooks have played an important role in teachers' work. Most of the teachers in mainland China used textbooks adopted by the local district authority, but there has been a huge research gap in empirical study on textbook use in mainland China. This study was guided by three major research questions: How do teachers use textbooks? How do teachers use textbooks in planning and making decisions about classroom teaching? How do different factors influence the use of textbooks? Adopting a qualitative approach of inquiry, this study involved seventeen teachers from three primary schools. Data was generated from participant observation, in-depth interview, and document analysis. / The discussion chapter uses theories of teachers' habitus. Teachers followed a certain set of routines when using textbook, gradually these routines had become a kind of habitus. Habitus became part of school context where primary education was characterized by exam-oriented tradition, trivialization of work, low status of teachers and conservatism. / The research findings suggested that teachers could be grouped into three different categories: dependent-type, adaptive-type and flexible-type. Teachers of different subjects exhibit different levels of dependence on textbooks, with the highest level of dependence among Chinese language teachers who follow closely an instruction routine of recitation. Mathematics teachers came next and then moral education teachers whose flexible teaching style was attributed to the fact that moral education was not an examination subject on a district wide level. Teachers of different age cohorts exhibit different levels of dependence on textbooks. Novice teachers depended on textbooks, while experienced teachers did not fall into a single category of dependence or adaptation. Those Chinese and Mathematics teachers who demonstrated the highest level of flexibility in using textbooks belonged to the intermediate stage between novice teacher and experienced teacher. / Why did teachers use textbooks in this manner? First, examination was a major factor which shaped the pattern of using textbooks. It was a deeply rooted factor because it was internalized as part of teachers' beliefs. Teachers of dependent-type and adaptive-type thought highly of examination, while teachers of flexible-type regarded examination merely as baseline of instruction. The latter had built their teaching styles on what they learned from educational research. School principals played the role of a "gate-keeper" during the process of teacher development and educational research. Another major factor that affected all teachers was the pre-existing condition and emergent behavior of their students. Comparatively speaking, teachers of flexible-type were more responsive to students' needs, and were more concerned about emergent behavior of their students. / 王世偉. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 70-06, Section: A, page: 1912. / Thesis (doctoral)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 278-297). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / School code: 1307. / Wang Shiwei.

中国大陆高考的回冲效应研究: 语文教师的信念与教学. / Washback effects of national college entrance examination: Chinese language teachers' beliefs and practices / 語文教師的信念與教學 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Zhongguo da lu gao kao de hui chong xiao ying yan jiu: yu wen jiao shi de xin nian yu jiao xue. / Yu wen jiao shi de xin nian yu jiao xue

January 2011 (has links)
黃显涵. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2011. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 304-340) / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Huang Xianhan.

Beliefs of tertiary-level teachers of English in the People's Republicof China about medium of instruction

Song, Yanan., 宋亞南. January 2005 (has links)
published_or_final_version / abstract / Education / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy

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