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Developing critical thinkingMedved’, Jakub, Matisovskŷ, Tomáŝ, Suijkerbuijk, Maico January 2013 (has links)
1. Defining critical thinking
2. The importance of thinking critically about family values
3. How to teach critical thinking
4. Strategies as a means to develop critical thinking
5. Critical thinking in the EVE lessons
6. Conclusion
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Developing lessonsPovalačová, Diana, Leffers, Marjon, Scheepens, Evelien January 2013 (has links)
1. Structure of the assignment
2. Before the lesson
3. During the lesson
4. After the lesson
5. Conclusion
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Working in a multicultural groupKools, Hanneke, Oleksakova, Daniela, White, Róisín January 2013 (has links)
1. Motivations for joining the project
2. Working with students from foreign countries
3. Use English as a common language
4. Differences between cultures
5. Teaching in a Slovak school
6. Problems with working in a multicultural group
7. Teaching and learning about European Values
8. Conclusion
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Developing lessons on the basis of lesson plans/strategiesDemirci, Dadriye, Erdem, Didem Tuğçe, Kanera, Elisa January 2013 (has links)
1. Developing lesson plans and choosing strategies
2. The aims of the lesson plans in general
3. Strategies as a means to achieve theaims of the lesson plans
4. Evaluating the quality of lesson plans
5. Difficulties during lessons and adaptations afterwards
6. Student teachers’ overall feeling about their work
7. Using the strategies in future classes
8. Conclusion
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The EVE curriculum framework : developments on the second phaseBrooks, Clare January 2012 (has links)
1. Evaluations
2. Main changes to the curriculum Framework
3. Looking Forwards
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Slovak schoolsPažický, Michal January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Teaching about the family values of Europeans : critical reflections from the third student exchange of the EVE-projectJanuary 2013 (has links)
The European Values Education (EVE) project is a large-scale, cross-national, and longitudinal survey research programme on basic human values. The main topic of its second stage was family values in Europe. Student teachers of several universities in Europe worked together in multicultural exchange groups. Their results are presented in this issue.
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Teaching about the religious values of Europeans : critical reflections from the second student exchange of the EVE-projectJanuary 2012 (has links)
The European Values Education (EVE) project is a large-scale, cross-national, and longitudinal survey research programme on basic human values. The main topic of its second stage was religion in Europe. Student teachers of several universities in Europe worked together in multicultural exchange groups. Their results are presented in this issue.
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Estudo de conceitos da termodinâmica no ensino médio por meio de UEPSPradella, Marcos January 2014 (has links)
Esta dissertação é o relato da aplicação de quatro Unidades de Ensino Potencialmente Significativas (UEPS) voltadas ao ensino de conceitos de Termodinâmica em uma escola pública de Ensino Médio. Nas unidades de ensino são abordados conceitos de temperatura, sua relação com a estrutura da matéria, dilatação, energia interna, calor, comportamento dos gases e a Primeira Lei da Termodinâmica, enfatizando especialmente as relações entre estes conceitos. As situações-problema abordadas são contextualizadas no dia-a-dia do estudante, com situações e perguntas instigantes e cativantes para o estudo do conteúdo proposto. Nesta aplicação, são utilizadas estratégias didáticas como a utilização de simulações interativas pertinentes aos conceitos desenvolvidos, aulas expositivo-dialogadas, resolução de exercícios, realização de avaliações, construção e apresentação de mapas conceituais. Como embasamento teórico, são utilizadas a Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa de Ausubel e a Teoria dos Campos Conceituais de Vergnaud. / This dissertation is an account of the application of four Potentially Meaningful Teaching Units (PMTU) focused on the teaching of concepts of thermodynamics in a public high school. In the teaching units are approached the concepts of temperature and its relationship with the material structure, expansion, internal energy, heat, behavior of gases and the First Law of Thermodynamics, especially addressing the relationships between these concepts. Problem situations discussed are contextualized in the daily life of the student with situations and questions exciting and captivating for the proposed content study. In this application, didactic strategies such interactive simulations, relevant to the developed concepts, dialogued lectures, problem solving, learning evaluations, construction and presentations of concept maps are carried out. As theoretical basis, are used the Theory of Meaningful Learning of Ausubel and the Theory of Conceptual Fields of Vergnaud.
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Laser de rubi : uma abordagem em Unidades de Ensino Potencialmente Significativas (UEPS)Schittler, Daniela January 2015 (has links)
A Tese em Ensino de Física, “Laser de Rubi: uma abordagem baseada em Unidades de Ensino Potencialmente Significativas (UEPS)”, possui como referencial teórico principalmente a Teoria da Assimilação e da Retenção Significativas de Ausubel sendo complementada com viéses da Teoria de Educação de Novak, do Modelo de Ensino de Gowin, da Teoria dos Campos Conceituais de Vergnaud e da Teoria dos Modelos Mentais de Johnson-Laird. Ao considerar a área e o tema abordado na tese foi escolhida a metodologia de Pesquisa Qualitativa considerando suas características principais, como por exemplo, interpretativa, detalhada, que constrói suposições e não visa generalizações. A escolha da metodologia de ensino, Unidades de Ensino Potencialmente Significativas (UEPS), ocorreu por conjugar do mesmo referencial teórico escolhido para a tese. O trabalho é uma pesquisa aplicada com o tema Laser de Rubi no primeiro ano do Ensino Médio. Para que se concretizasse esta pretensão foi elaborada a Unidade de Ensino Potencialmente Significativa com o tema Laser de Rubi que contemplou o total de 16 horas aula. Entende-se que a Física Moderna e Contemporânea deve pertencer ao currículo dos três anos do Ensino Médio. É claro que o desafio é maior no 1º ano comparado com o 3º ano, porém, o reconhecimento e a motivação dos alunos também são maiores. A UEPS foi aplicada no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Farroupilha - Câmpus Júlio de Castilhos, RS, Brasil, em dois momentos: em 2012 em duas turmas do Curso Técnico em Informática Integrado e, em 2013, em duas turmas do Curso Técnico em Informática Integrado e três turmas do Curso Técnico em Agropecuária Integrado, totalizando o público-alvo da pesquisa em 120 alunos. De acordo com a Teoria de Ausubel, existem duas condições que favorecem a aprendizagem significativa, o material ser potencialmente significativo e a predisposição do aprendiz em aprender significativamente. Para tornar o material potencialmente significativo utilizou-se a UEPS e de acordo com os resultados obtidos, as metodologias e abordagens diversificadas utilizadas na UEPS promoveram essa predisposição. Os resultados da aplicação refletem a característica da pesquisa qualitativa de não obter generalizações, pois mesmo envolvendo 7 turmas de 1º ano do Ensino Médio, em períodos diferentes e em turmas com diferentes perfis, as conclusões diferem e são apresentadas no decorrer do trabalho. / This doctoral dissertation on the Teaching of Physics, “Ruby Laser: An approach based on the Potentially Meaningful Teaching Units (PMTUs)”, has as theoretical framework Ausubel’s Assimilation and Retention Theory, complemented with biases from Novak’s Theory of Education, Gowin’s Teaching Model, Vergnaud’s Theory of Conceptual Fields, and Johnson-Laird’s Theory of Mental Models. Considering the area and the theme approached here, Qualitative Research became the chosen methodology because of its basic features, such as, for example, that it is interpretative and detailed, it encourages assumption construction, it does not aim at generalizing. The choise of the PMTUs as the methodological teaching support occurred due to the fact that it agrees with the same referential framework of this dissertation. The work is an applied research with Ruby Laser theme in the first year of high school. In order to materialize this claim a Potentially Meaningful Teaching Unit was elaborated with the Ruby Laser theme involving a total of 16 class hours. It is understood here that Modern and Contemporary Physics should be part of the three-year high school curriculum and that this challenge is bigger at the first year than at the third year of high school though students’ recognition and motivation are also bigger. This PMTU was applied in the Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Farroupilha – Campus Júlio de Castilhos, RS, Brasil, at two different instances: in 2012 with two different classes/groups of the Curso Técnico em Informática Integrado and in 2013, in two different classes/groups of the Curso Técnico em Informática Integrado and in three different classes/groups of the Curso Técnico em Agropecuária Integrado, with a total amounting to 120 the number of students that constituted the target audience of this research. According to Ausubel’s theory, there are two conditions that favor meaningful learning, the instructional material must be potentially meaningful and the student predisposition to meaningfully learn. PMTUs were used to make materials potentially meaningful and, according to the learning outcomes, it seems possible to say that the varied methodologies and approaches used in the PMTUs promoted such a predisposition. Research findings reflect a characteristic of qualitative research according to which generalizations do not occur since, even in a research involving 7 (seven) first year high school classes/groups, in different instances and with groups with a different profile, conclusions differ and they are presented along this work.
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