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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Student support officers' perceptions of student support provision in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) colleges

Fryer, Lizelle 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEdPsych)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges (Formerly Further Education and Training [FET] Colleges) in South Africa have undergone many changes since 1994. The sector has been reformed with much policy change. There are currently 50 multi-campus sites spread across South Africa. Government has realized the plight of many jobless youth. The lack of trained workers with certain scarce skills has therefore come to light in the world of work. TVET Colleges have the potential to answer this need. In 2007, a new curriculum, National Certificate (Vocational) [NC(V)] was rolled out to replace the National Assembly Training and Education Department or NATED (N1-6) qualifications. This new curriculum was described as an equivalent to Grades 10 to 12, with students generally being between the ages of 16 and 18. Most of the students enrolled for these courses hold bursaries. Of concern for this study is the low throughput rate of roughly 40% of this age group per year, since roll-out in 2007. In this generic qualitative research study framed with a constructivist paradigm, I set out to explore the student support officers’ perceptions of providing support to these NC(V) students that did not pass their courses. I made use of semi-structured individual and telephonic interviews to gather data and the respondents were selected based on their role within the college. I developed thematic networks to organize the data before analyzing it into themes. Bronfenbrenner’s bio-ecological framework served as the theoretical framework underlying my research. Findings showed that the roles of the student supporters were not clearly defined. This lead to many challenges within the performance of their roles. Student supporters thus seemed to be in constant battle to support the students. In addition, working with adolescent students in the TVET College sector also presented unique challenges, since they are a new cohort of students entering the colleges. The student supporters shared recommendations that could be considered for the development of their roles within the college sector. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tegniese- en Beroepsonderwys- en- Opleidingskolleges (TVET Colleges) in Suid-Afrika het vanaf 1994 baie veranderinge ondergaan. Daar is beleide in plek gestel wat hierdie sektor herskep het (tot onlangs bekend as verdere Onderwys en Opleiding). Daar is huidiglik 50 TVET Kolleges regoor Suid-Afrika. Die regering het besef dat daar baie jongmense sonder werk is. Dit het aan die lig gekom dat daar ’n tekort aan opgeleide mense met sekere vaardighede is. Die TVET Kolleges is geïdentifiseer as die plek waar hierdie opleiding aangebied kan word. In 2007 is ’n nuwe kurrikulum by TVET Kolleges bekend gestel. Die doel was dat dit die ou NATED (N1-6) kursusse vervang en dat dit vir jonger studente opgestel is. Hierdie kurrikulum is die NCV (Nasionale beroepsgerigte Sertifikaat) genoem. Die studente is dan tipies besig om hul Graad10-12 by die Kollege te voltooi en is tussen die ouderdomme van 16-18. Die meeste studeer met ’n beurs. As daar nou teruggekyk word na die slaagsyfer van hierdie NVC kurrikulum vanaf 2007, is die gemiddeld 40%. Dit is iets waaroor die media gereeld rapporteer. In hierdie generiese kwalitatiewe navorsingstudie met ’n konstruktivistiese paradigma, het ek besluit om ondersoek in te stel oor die persepsies van die studenteondersteuners oor hul rol as ondersteuners vir hierdie groep jonger NCV studente wat sukkel om te slaag. Ek wou verstaan wat studentondersteuning binne die TVET Kolleges beteken. Ek het gebruik gemaak van semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met persone binne die rol van studenteondersteuners. Die resultate is volgens temas geanaliseer en georganiseer. Bronfenbrenner se bio-ekologiese raamwerk het gedien as die teoretiese raamwerk wat die navorsing rugsteun. Die resultate het aan die lig gebring dat die studenteondersteuners se rolle nie duidelik omskryf was nie en dat hulle konstant moet baklei om die student te kan ondersteun. Die nuwe adolessente wat nou deel uitmaak van die studentestelsel het ook unieke uitdagings, aangesien hulle ’n nuwe ouderdomsgroep is wat nou ondersteun moet word. Die resultate gee ook aanbevelings weer wat deur die studenteondersteuners gemaak is ten opsigte van die uitvoer van hul rol binne hul spesifieke TVET Kollege konteks.

Toekomstige rol van tegniese kolleges in die RSA : 'n onderwysbestuursperpektief

Williamson, James 06 1900 (has links)
Met die implementering van die Wet op Tegniese Kolleges, 1981 (Wet 104 van 1981) het 'n nuwe tydvak vir hierdie inrigtings begin. Indien die kort tydperk waarin tegniese kolleges in hulle huidige vorm bestaan in ag geneem word, kan aanvaar word dat daar nog verskeie probleme op hierdie terrein le. In hierdie werk is daar gepoog om enkele relevante probleme aan te spreek. Met die toekomstige rol van tegniese kolleges in die RSA in gedagte is veral drie belangrike knelpunte ondersoek, naamlik: * die werkterrein van tegniese kolleges; * bestuurstrukture vir tegniese kolleges binne dieAfrikaanse onderwysstelsel; en * die outonomie van kollegerade. Ten einde hierdie probleme te kon deurskou, is die huidige posisie van naskoolse beroepsonderwys aan tegniese kolleges, en die bestuurstrukture van hierdie kolleges binne die Suid­ Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel, nagegaan. Uit die literatuurondersoek, wat ook die situasie van soortgelyke onderwysinrigtings in 'n paar oorsese lande insluit, het dit geblyk dat sekere aanpassings aan die bestaande stelsel gemaak sal moet word ten einde tegniese kolleges in staat te stel om hulle toekomstige rol in die RSA te kan vervul. Om die menings van kundiges op die gebied van tegniese kolleges en naskoolse beroepsonderwys oor genoemde knelpunte te bekom, is 'n kwalitatiewe studie uitgevoer. Tydens ongestruktureerde onderhoude met tien informante is beskrywende data ingewin. Om 'n meer volledige siening oor die aspekte te verkry is resente uitsprake in toesprake, referate en skrywes bygewerk. Nadat alle data geanaliseer en bespreek is, is tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die wyse waarop tegniese kolleges huidiglik funksioneer aangepas sal moet word sodat hierdie inrigtings hulle toekomstige rol in die RSA sal kan vervul. Die vernaamste aanpas­sings wat aanbeveel word is: * die werkterrein van tegniese kolleges moet so wees dat hulle onderrigprogramme inpas by die van technikons; * die ideale bestuurstruktuur sal wees as alle tegniese kolleges onder 'n sentrale onderwysdepartement ressorteer; * die outonomie van kollegerade moet uitgebrei word; maar * ten einde dit te kan doen sal kolleges gerasionaliseer moet word. / The implementation of the Technical Colleges Act, 1981 (Act 104 of 1981) introduced a new era for these institutions. If the short period of time in which technical colleges have been in existence in their present form is considered, it can be accepted that many problems still exist in this field. The researcher has endeavoured to address certain relevant problems. With the future role of technical colleges in the RSA in mind, three important aspects came under close scrutiny, namely: * the fields of study of technical colleges; * management structures for technical colleges in the South African education system; and * the autonomy of college councils. In order to deal with these matters, the present position of post-school vocational education at technical colleges and the management structures of these colleges in the South African education system were examined. The study of literature, which included the study of educational systems of similar institutions in several overseas countries, revealed that certain adjustments would have to be made to the existing system in order to enable technical colleges to fulfil their future role in the RSA. A qualitative study was conducted in order to acquire the opinions of knowledgeable persons in the field of technical colleges and post-school vocational education on the above-mentioned aspects. During unstructured interviews with ten informants descriptive data was elicited. In order to obtain a more comprehensive view of these aspects, recent statements in speeches, papers and articles were also taken into consideration. After all the data was analysed and discussed, the conclusion was reached that the way in which technical colleges are functioning at present will have to be modified to enable these institutions to fulfil their future role in the RSA. The most important modifications which are recommended are: * the fields of study of technical colleges should be such that their instructional programmes fit in with those of the technikons; * the ideal management structure would be for all technical colleges to fall under a central education department; * the autonomy of college councils should be extended; but * in order for this to take place, colleges will have rationalised. / Educational Leadership and Management / D. Ed. (Onderwysbestuur)

Technical skills for technoeconomic development

Renecke, Sean Godfrey 28 August 2012 (has links)
M.Ing. / The low level of living standard of South Africa's black population is a characteristic of its history. The economic growth and development of any country rely on its factors of production. The main factor of production that can not be neglected is its labour force. The labour force of South Africa is plagued by its history, where the strategy of the past government of that era was to ensure that the black population remains uneducated. South Africa has however moved beyond its past and is looking into the future where its people can live in harmony. The majority of the population fall between the ages of 15-35 classified as youth. Unfortunately the highest unemployment rate occurs amongst the black youth of South Africa. The challenge South Africa faces is to alleviate poverty and the high rate of unemployment. The focus is to boost the work force by changing the skills profile of the people, which is currently enforced by the government through the Skills Development Act. The study undertaken indicated that to achieve a better life for all a paradigm shift in the educational system of the country must be initiated. A much needed technical skills development is required. However the long term remedy could be to ensure that the schools provide quality learners who will be able to be utilised in the work place. Another important factor of production is technology innovation, the only set-back is that there is a small community of engineers in the country and the enrolment figures for this field of study are not promising. One of the root causes of this is the low percentage of mathematics and physical science learners completing school. As a result there are a low percentage of learners moving into a technical field of study especially engineering. One of ways to unlock South Africa's economic growth is an investment in its people and engineers are the most suitable custodians. The engineer can drive technology which is one of the portals to techno-economic growth. While humanity shares one planet, it is the planet on which there are two worlds, the world of the rich and the world of the poor. Raanan Weitz, 1986. We cannot rebuild our society at the expense and standard of living of ordinary men and women. We cannot develop at the expense of social justice. We cannot compete without a floor of basic human standards. Nelson Mandela The school in many underdeveloped countries is a reflection and a fruit of the surrounding underdevelopment, from which arises its deficiency, its quantitative and qualitative poverty. But little by little, and there lies the really serious risk, the school in these underdeveloped countries risks becoming in turn a factor of underdevelopment. Joseph Kizerbo, former Minister of Education, Burkino Faso

'n Modulêrgestruktureerde indiensopleidingsprogram vir tegniese onderwysers

Heath, Jan Hendrik 02 June 2014 (has links)
M.Ed. (Education and Curriculum Studies) / In future, the twentieth century will be remembered as the century in which an unparalleled explosion 'occurred in knowledge, population, expectations and technology. Wherever people and progress are present, needs arise which may escalate out of proportion if there is not a certain measure of restraint or control over the tempo of augmentation and/or progress. As a result of certain critical deficiencies, the Southern African community finds itself battling with the challenges and problematic nature of the twentieth century. An area in which one of these deficiencies has reached alarming proportions is the area of skilled manpower, especially in terms of technology provisioning. To cope with this deficiency, more people had to be trained. This resulted in an acute shortage of appropriately qualified trainers and teachers. In an attempt to address" this further, underqualified and even unqualified teachers were appointed to meet the original need. Now, however, the formal training of prospective teachers is receiving urgent attention. The nature of formal training programmes is such that the growing number of under- or unqualified teachers cannot be accommodated. Even the formal groups who have received a more theoretical training and who have completed training, prove that there is an urgent need for practice directed training in particular. While this group of under- and unqualified teachers cannot be dispensed with, nor replaced on account of shortages and moral considerations, and, in most instances, do not comply with the minimum admission requirements for formal training, they are conveying knowledge in a "hit-ormiss" way and are acquiring experience (Kruger, 1980:4-5).

'n Gerasionaliseerde modulêre kurrikulum vir tegniese vakke met verwysing na die elektriese studierigting

Human, Marthinus Cornelius 25 February 2015 (has links)
D.Ed. / The school is an institution that came into being on demand of the community and as such is also responsible to the community for all its activities. This entails that the teaching provided by the school should be directed, amongst other things, to the interests and needs of the learners and the community. To ensure that the teaching is systematic, purposeful and progresses according to specified contents, all school activities are organized by a programme, known as a curriculum. This research was directed at a definite aspect of formal teaching provision, viz. vocationally-oriented education and more specifically to technical education at secondary school level. Observation and commentary from various sources indicate that the relevance of technical education at school level is questioned by post-school "users of technical education". This is particularly pertinent if it is considered against the background of, inter alia, the appeal for a greater shift in emphasis of vocationally-oriented and vocational education, the revision of the broad curriculum for pre-tertiary education that is currently being undertaken and the economic, social and political climate that prevails in the RSA at present. The problem for the present research was defined against this background as the search for measures to ensure that the curricula for the technical field of study at school level comply with the needs and demands of the community with specific reference to the post-school "users of technical education". The purpose of the study centres around the development of a curriculum for technical education. As a result of restrictions imposed on the extent of the study the developmental activities were curtailed to the design of a part-theory that comprises a situation and goal analysis followed by the setting of guidelines for a structure whereby the contents for the electrical field of study (as exemplar for the technical field of study) can be selected and organized. In achieving this aim, brief consideration was initially given to the didactic-pedagogic founding of the school curriculum and curriculum development as a process. An extensive literature study was subsequently undertaken regarding technical education at school level (as a form of vocationally - oriented and vocational education). This literature investigation mainly covered two fields, viz. the historical development of technical education at school level in the RSA and definite aspects directly related to the provision of vocationally-oriented vocational education and specifically technical education at school level. Regarding the latter, consideration was given, amongst others, to relevance and differentiation as principles of educational provision, the task of the school with reference to the provision of generally-oriented and specialized education (vocationally-oriented and vocational education), the status of technical education as well as the rationalization of technical subjects at school level...

The recontextualisation of the technical vocational education and training in the Limpopo Province

Mthanji, Albert Mpotla January 2019 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D. (Education) -- University of Limpopo, 2019 / Refer to the document

Organisational culture and external quality assurance

Naidoo, Dhanasagran 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Curriculum Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Organisational culture and external quality assurance in higher education have both drawn significant attention to their promise of greater organisational effectiveness and efficiency and enhanced, improved higher education respectively. In recent years, these constructs have been linked by an assumption that an organisational culture that is amenable to change would be more receptive to the introduction of formal external quality‐assurance structures, systems and instruments, as these are aimed at effective and efficient higher education practices, processes and outcomes. However, this assumption has not been sufficiently tested given that there are significant philosophical, conceptual and methodological controversies and contestations surrounding both constructs. While the organisational culture literature has been littered with a proliferation of paradigms and, albeit, fragmented theories, there has been a paucity of theory building in the corresponding literature on quality in higher education in general and on the impact of external quality assurance on institutions specifically. A qualitative case study was conducted at a newly merged university of technology to investigate two taken‐for‐granted assumptions: first, that organisational cultures are homogenous, unitary and centred around shared values and could therefore easily be manipulated (usually from the top by management), and second, that the introduction of external quality assurance is an unproblematic technology that will be accepted without question by higher education institutions as it was premised upon the laudable aim of improving the quality of those institutions. A conceptual four‐perspective framework was developed to critically evaluate the literature and provide the basis for the threedimensional model used in analysing the findings. The research generated several key conclusions that appear to challenge commonly held and articulated positions with regard to organisational culture and external quality assurance. First, organisational culture should be considered as being more ephemeral than concrete, multidimensional than singular, characterised simultaneously by conflict, consensus and indifference and in a constant state of flux. Second, external quality assurance is not necessarily a value‐free and neutral exercise aimed at improving the quality of teaching and learning, as promised in its early conceptualisation and implementation. Third, multiple cultures may exist simultaneously, interact with and influence each other constantly and of course determine interactions within the organisation and the nature of engagement with externally originated initiatives. Fourth, external quality assurance has purposes that go beyond its often morally just and public‐good motives as it tacitly and overtly acts as an agent of control, empowerment and transformation and simultaneously as an agent of the state, though not necessarily to the same extent. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisatoriese kultuur en eksterne gehalteversekering in hoër onderwys het albei die aandag in groot mate gevestig op hulle belofte van groter organisatoriese doeltreffendheid en doelmatigheid en gevorderde, verbeterde hoër onderwys onderskeidelik. In die afgelope paar jaar is hierdie konstrukte byeengebring deur ʼn veronderstelling dat ʼn organisatoriese kultuur wat vatbaar is vir verandering, meer ontvanklik sal wees vir die invoer van formele eksterne strukture, stelsels en instrumente vir gehalteversekering, aangesien dit op doeltreffende en doelmatige praktyke, prosesse en uitkomste vir en van hoër onderwys gerig is. Hierdie aanname is egter nie voldoende getoets nie gegee die feit dat daar aansienlike filosofiese, konseptuele en metodologiese strydvrae en twispunte ten opsigte van albei konstrukte bestaan. Terwyl literatuur oor organisatoriese kultuur deur ʼn magdom paradigmas en weliswaar gefragmenteerde teorieë oorweldig is, was teoriebou in die ooreenstemmende literatuur oor gehalte in hoër onderwys in die algemeen en oor die impak van eksterne gehalteversekering op instellings in die besonder redelik skaars. ʼn Kwalitatiewe gevallestudie is onderneem by ʼn universiteit van tegnologie wat onlangs saamgesmelt het om twee aannames wat as vanselfsprekend aanvaar is, te ondersoek: eerstens, dat organisatoriese kulture homogeen, unitêr en óm gedeelde waardes gesentreer is en dat dit dus maklik gemanipuleer kan word (gewoonlik van bo af deur die bestuur), en tweedens, dat die invoer van eksterne gehalteversekering ʼn onproblematiese tegnologie is wat sonder teenspraak deur hoëronderwysinstellings aanvaar sal word, aangesien dit op die prysenswaardige oogmerk van verbetering van die gehalte van daardie instellings gegrond is. ʼn Konseptuele raamwerk bestaande uit vier perspektiewe is ontwikkel vir die kritiese evaluering van die literatuur en dit verskaf die grondslag vir die driedimensionele model wat vir die analise van die bevindings gebruik is. Die navorsing het verskeie belangrike gevolgtrekkings na vore laat kom wat algemeen geldende en duidelik bepaalde posisies ten opsigte van organisatoriese kultuur en eksterne gehalteversekering blyk uit te daag. Eerstens moet organisatoriese kultuur beskou word as efemeries eerder as konkreet, multidimensioneel eerder as enkelvoudig, terwyl dit gelyktydig deur konflik, konsensus en onverskilligheid gekenmerk word en in ʼn gedurige toestand van wisseling verkeer. Tweedens is eksterne gehalteversekering nie noodwendig, soos in die vroeë konseptualisering en implementering belowe, ʼn waardevrye en neutrale oefening gemik op verbetering van die gehalte van onderrig en leer nie. Derdens kan veelvuldige kulture gelyktydig bestaan, met mekaar in interaksie tree en mekaar voortdurend beïnvloed en natuurlik interaksies binne die organisasie en die aard van betrokkenheid by inisiatiewe wat ekstern ontstaan, bepaal. Vierdens het eksterne gehalteversekering oogmerke wat veel verder strek as die motiewe daarvan wat dikwels moreel geregverdig en vir die openbare beswil is aangesien dit stilswyend en op overte wyse optree as ʼn agent vir beheer, bemagtiging en transformasie en tegelyk as ʼn agent van die regering, alhoewel nie noodwendig tot dieselfde mate nie.

Kredietverwerwing deur leerders in tegniese hoerskole met spesiale verwysing na uitkomsgebaseerde modulere onderrig en akkreditering

Punt, Hendrik Pieter 12 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In terms of the latest education legislation, there is a shift of emphasis in the approach to teaching. In particular, there is a move from contents-based learning to outcomes-based learning. It has been shown that technical education is becoming more and more expensive. Manual skills and the teaching of these at school is therefore still of cardinal importance. In the technical school the learner receives specialised training. Following the successful completion of the Senior Certificate examinations, the learner receives a matric certificate. This certificate does not give an indication of specific skills, however. If the learner could receive some accreditation for the skills which he/she has already mastered, it would count in his/her favour. The purpose of this study is to investigate the degree to which the learner can transfer his/her acquired technical knowledge and skills to other training institutions or employers in the form of credits. In the first chapter, the historical background of an outcomes-based learning approach in South Africa, as well as the implications of legislation for technical high schools is researched. A number of necessary concepts are also explained in this chapter. In chapter two, the structure of a modular approach in technical education is looked at in more detail. Different types of modules, the advantages and disadvantages of a modular system, as well as different models for modular curriculum design is discussed. The already tested competence-based modular approach, as well as the newly proposed outcomes-based learning approach is discussed in detail in chapter three. Since it is the competence-based modular approach which is largely used in technical education, it is important to investiqate the shift to an outcomesbased approach in technical education. In the fourth chapter, specific modular points of intersection between the training of apprentices and secondary school education are looked at. The feasibility of acquiring credits in the technical high school is discussed on the basis of an empirical study in chapter five. The possible applications of the implementation of an outcomes-based learning approach in technical high schools are set out in chapter six and the findings of this research are summarised in chapter seven. The subject of this research is currently very topical and if the findings contained therein are applied in practice, many of the modern challenges faced by the education system could be addressed. Learners should receive education and training which prepare them practically for their roles as citizens, while also enabling them to enter the job market or create work for themselves. The importance of an education system which continually determines the needs of both the national and international markets, investigates technological and other relevant tendencies and develops current curriculums in such a way that learners will always be competitive cannot be emphasised enough. An outcomes-based approach places much less emphasis on content-based syllabuses and merely exposes learners to balanced learning programmes in which the acquisition of relevant knowledge, skills, attitudes and values carries equal weight. Because of the changes in education and training, the teaching approach in the technical high school is extremely important. To some degree, technical education is already specialised education. Although learning takes place at school, the acquired knowledge is not currently transferable to other training institutions in the form of credits. This situation is contradictory to the National Qualifications Framework, in which an outcomes-based approach to education is proposed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Volgens die nuutste onderwyswetgewing is daar in die onderwys 'n klemverskuiwing ten opsigte van onderrigbenadering. Daar word vanaf 'n inhoudsgerigte na 'n uitkomsgebaseerde onderrigbenadering beweeg. Afdoende bewyse bestaan dat tegniese opleiding al hoe duurder raak. Die noodsaaklikheid van die ontwikkeling van handvaardighede daarin op skool is daarom steeds van kardinale belang. In die tegniese skoolontvang die leerder bepaalde gespesialiseerde opleiding. Na die suksesvolle aflegging van die Senior Sertifikaateksamen, ontvang die leerder 'n matrieksertifikaat. Hierdie sertifikaat dui egter nie spesifieke bevoegdhede aan nie. Indien die leerder krediet sou kon ontvang vir die bevoegdhede wat hy/sy reeds suksesvol bemeester het, sou dit in sy/haar guns tel. Die doel van hierdie studie is 'n ondersoek na die mate waarin die leerder sy/haar verworwe tegniese kennis en vaardighede na ander opleidingsinstansies of werkverskaffers kan oordra in die vorm van krediete. In die eerste hoofstuk word die historiese agtergrond van 'n uitkomsgebaseerde onderrigbenadering in Suid-Afrika nagevors, asook die implikasies van wetgewing vir tegniese hoërskole nagegaan. Bepaalde tersaaklike begrippe word ook in hierdie hoofstuk verduidelik. In hoofstuk twee word die struktuur van 'n modulêre benadering binne tegniese onderwys van nader beskou. Verskillende soorte modules, die voor- en nadele van 'n modulêre stelsel, asook verskeie modelle vir 'n modulêre kurrikulumontwerp, word bespreek. Die reeds beproefde bevoegdheidsgebaseerde modulêre benadering asook die nuutvoorgestelde uitkomsgebaseerde onderrigbenadering, word breedvoerig in hoofstuk drie bespreek. Aangesien hoofsaaklik die bevoegdheidsgebaseerde modulêre benadering in tegniese onderwys toegepas word, is dit belangrik om die noodsaaklikheid van 'n klemverskuiwing na 'n uitkomsgebaseerde benadering in tegniese onderwys te ondersoek. In die vierde hoofstuk word daar spesifiek gekyk na bepaalde modulêre raakpunte tussen vakleerlingopleiding en sekondêreskoolopleiding. Die haalbaarheid van kredietverwerwing in die tegniese hoërskool word in hoofstuk vyf na aanleiding van 'n empiriese ondersoek bespreek. Die toepassingsmoontlikhede vir die implementering van 'n uitkomsgebaseerde onderrigbenadering in die tegniese hoërskool word daarna in hoofstuk ses uiteengesit en die bevindinge van die navorsing in hoofstuk sewe saamgevat. Die onderwerp van hierdie navorsing is tans baie aktueel en indien die bevindinge daarin vervat in die praktyk toegepas sou word, sal heelwat van die moderne uitdagings wat aan die onderwys gestel word, aangespreek word. Leerders behoort onderwys en opleiding te ontvang wat hulle prakties op hul rolle as landsburgers voorberei en hulle ook bekwaam maak om tot die arbeidsmark toe te tree of vir hulleself werk te skep. Die belangrikheid van 'n onderrigstelsel wat voortdurend behoeftes in nasionale en internasionale markte bepaal, tegnologiese en ander relevante tendense naspeur en huidige kurrikulums só ontwikkel dat leerders altyd kompeterend is, kan nie genoeg beklemtoon word nie. 'n Uitkomsgebaseerde benadering plaas minder klem op inhoudsgebaseerde sillabusse en stel leerders bloot aan gebalanseerde leerprogramme waarin die verwerwing van relevante kennis, vaardighede, houdings en waardes ewe veel gewig dra. As gevolg van die klemverskuiwings in onderwys en opleiding is die leerbenadering wat in die tegniese hoërskool gevolg word van kardinale belang. Tegniese onderrig is in 'n sekere mate reeds gespesialiseerde onderrig. Alhoewel leer op skool plaasgevind het, is die verworwe kennis tans nie oordraagbaar na ander opleidingsinstansies in die vorm van krediete vir die leerders nie. Hierdie situasie is in stryd met die bedoeling van die Nasionale Kwalifikasieraamwerk wat 'n uitkomsgebaseerde onderwysbenadering voorstaan

Mentoring and the development of educators in South African Technical and Vocational Education

Van der Bijl, Andre James 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A perennial challenge facing public technical and vocational education and training (TVET) colleges in South Africa is that the majority of staff, while technically qualified to do the work that forms the contents of what they teach, are either not professionally qualified educators, or are professionally qualified as educators in other educational sectors. For TVET lecturers, the development of their teaching skills, like their professional identity, relies primarily on informal development by line managers, other members of staff or themselves. This study examines how professionally underqualified lecturers employed at TVET colleges in the Western Cape develop their teaching skills, inter alia, by being mentored by managers, experienced members of staff or themselves by asking the question: in what ways do mentoring processes within a college contribute to the incorporation of staff into a college?. Flowing from the primary research question this study sought to identify the nature and forms of institutional level mentoring, as well as the related use of language and power. This study is framed within the critical paradigm, applying a methodological framework developed by Fairclough (2010) and a combination of methods of analysis. At a micro level a form of analysis designed by Fairclough (1989; 2001) is used. The results are classified by means of a Foucauldian-based methodological framework developed by Keevy (2005). Mentoring has become popular as a term to describe informal learning in a wide variety of settings, including business and education. As a result of the popularity of the term, publications on a wide array of aspects related to informal learning have been produced. Periodically, however, criticisms of mentoring have surfaced, which fundamentally challenge its standing as an academic discipline. Such critique prompted this research project: to question whether or not mentoring was, what Fairclough calls a social wrong. Challenging the assumption that mentoring is a social wrong forms a point of departure for this study. A broad analysis of literature about mentoring is presented with the aim of identifying what Foucault calls, its ethical substance. The established ethical substance of mentoring is extrapolated into a schema indicating various broad descriptions of mentoring. The broad descriptions are used in an analysis of mentoring practices in a professional work environment suited to the application of current mentoring practices, one in which has not yet been formally applied in staff induction programmes: namely, public technical and vocational education and training (TVET) colleges. In addition to challenging the assumption that mentoring is a social wrong, the study, significantly, the neo-liberal notion that mentees are passive recipients of knowledge. Findings from this study indicate, significantly, that new lecturers develop themselves as lecturers by unconsciously using mentoring methodologies, in the absence of formal mentoring programmes. In contrast to many international institutions, where mentoring programmes are mandatory, the lecturers interviewed in this study were not constrained by the managerialist ideology of neo-liberalism and were empowered by the mentoring with which they were involved. This study provides insights into how professional mentees learn, who they learn from and how they use what they have learnt in their own development, and how this contributes towards an understanding of the nature of adult learning in the workplace. Literature reviewed in this study includes a wide range of publications on the topic of mentoring, including education publications, business management publication and translations of the two original texts on the subject, namely Homer’s Odyssey and Fenelon’s Adventures of Telemachus. Key educational publications consulted include the translated works of Plato and Freire. Publications on social critique include the works of Fairclough and Foucault. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die kwessie rakende personeel wat tegnies gekwalifiseerd is om die werk, wat die vakinhoud van hulle lesings vorm, te doen, maar wat nie professionele onderwysopleiding het nie of in ander opvoedingsvelde gekwalifiseer is, is ’n uitdaging waarmee tegnies en beroepsgerigte onderwys en opleiding (TVET/TBOO) colleges voortdurend te kampe het. Hierdie dosente steun grotendeels op hulself, lyn bestuurders of ander personeellede om hulle onderwysvaardighede op ’n informele wyse te ontwikkel. Hierdie studie ondersoek die maniere waarop dosente met onvoldoende professionele kwalifikasies by (TVET/TBOO) colleges in die Wes-Kaap hulle eie vaardighede ontwikkel deur onder meer die mentorskap van bestuurders en ervare personeellede. Dit word gedoen aan die hand van die volgende vraag: “Op watter wyses dra prosesse van mentorskap binne ’n kollege by tot die inkoporering van personeel.” Hierdie studie poog om, na aanleiding van die primêre navorsingsvraag, die aard en vorm van mentorskap op die institusionele vlak te identifiseer sowel as die meegaande gebruik van taal en gesag. Hierdie studie is benader vanuit die kritiese paradigma met die toepassing van ’n metodologiese raamwerk soos ontwikkel deur Fairclough (2010) tesame met ’n kombinasie van analitiese metodes. ’n Metode van analise wat Fairclough (1989; 2001) ontwikkel het, is op ’n mikrovlak toegepas en die resultate is daarna geklassifiseer met Keevy (2005) se Foucault-gebasseerde metodologiese raamwerk. Mentorskap word wyd gebruik as ’n omvattende begrip om informele leer in diverse kontekste aan te dui. Dit sluit die sakewêreld en onderwys in. Die gewildheid van die begrip het ’n wye verskeidenheid publikasies betreffende informele leer tot gevolg gehad. Daar is egter deurentyd kritiek op mentorskap wat die fundamentele waarde daarvan bevraagteken. Dit is hierdie kritiek wat die navorser genoop het om te vra of mentorskap wel ’n “maatskaplike wandaad” is soos wat Fairclough dit noem. Die vertrekpunt van hierdie studie is die veronderstelling dat dit wel so is. ’n Oorsigtelike analise van literatuur betreffende mentorskap word voorgelê met die doel om dit wat Foucault die “etiese substans” noem, te identifiseer. Die bepaalde etiese substans van mentorskap word geëkstrapoleer tot ’n skema wat verskeie breë definisies van mentorskap aandui. Hierdie breë definisies word dan gebruik in ’n ontleding van mentorskap in ’n professionele werksomgewing, wat geskik is vir die toepassing van bestaande mentorpraktyke, maar waar dit nog nie formeel in personeelinduksieprogramme ingesluit is nie: naamlik (TVET/TBOO) colleges. Hierdie studie bevraagteken nie net die aanname dat mentorskap ’n maatskaplike wandaad is nie, maar ook die neo-liberale siening dat diegene wat gementor word die ontvangers van kennis is en dui daarop dat nuwe dosente hulself ontwikkel, weens ’n gebrek aan formele mentorprogramme, deur die onbewuste gebruik van mentormetodes. In teenstelling met baie internasionale instellings waar mentorprogramme verpligtend is, is die dosente met wie daar onderhoude gevoer is nie aan bande gelê deur neo-liberale bestuursideologieë nie en is bemagtig deur die mentorskap waarin hulle betrokke was. Die studie gee insigte in hoe professionele persone wat mentorskap ontvang, leer, van wie hulle leer, hoe hulle dit wat hulle leer in hulle eie ontwikkeling toepas en hoe dit bydra tot ’n begrip van die aard van volwasse leer in die werkplek. Die literatuur wat in hierdie studie geraadpleeg word, sluit ’n wye spektrum van publikasies oor die vakgebied van mentorskap in. Dit is onder meer onderwys- en sakebestuurpublikasies sowel as vertalings van twee oorspronklike geskrifte rakende die onderwerp, by name Homeros se Odusseia en Fénelon se Avonture van Telemachus. Die vertaalde werke van Plato en Freire is onder die opvoedkundige sleutelbronne wat geraadpleeg is en bronne oor maatskaplike kritiek sluit die werke van Fairclough en Foucault in.

An awareness programme to improve participation of young women in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields in South African universities

Toolo, Lineo Lynnette 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to develop the i-STEM programme, an awareness initiative that would improve the participation of young women in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields in South African universities. That would serve as an intervention measure to young women’s significantly low numbers in the STEM fields, causing a gender disparity in those fields. Young women are said to be overrepresented in the fields that are at a lower level, the so-called soft disciplines and of short-term duration at tertiary level. The STEM fields, on the other hand, are well-remunerated and high-status careers, perceived as the main solution for the unprecedented socioeconomic challenges that the world is experiencing, as a result of, mainly, climate change and lack of food security. The literature reviewed was focused on the participation of young women in the STEM fields in South Africa, Africa and globally, assisting the study to investigate the reasons for low numbers of young women in the STEM fields. The mixed method approach was of benefit to the nature of this study, a quantitative and qualitative enquiry. The study was conducted at two universities with completely different profiles, contact sessions and modes of content delivery. The third institution was the government department relating to higher education. For research design, data was collected from 111 participants who were involved with the STEM fields and/or university education. Two (2) lecturers, two (2) government officials and two (2) young female students were interviewed and 105 other participants completed the questionnaires. Some data were collected from participating institutions’ documents. Interpretation and analysis of such data, was done through concurrent, triangulation design, where data collection was done concurrently, i.e. in the same phase, in both the quantitative and qualitative manner. The main findings blamed the different ways in which boys and girls were socialised in their communities. Girls were more exposed to matters pertaining to food and caring while boys were more exposed to cars and machines, resulting in girls preferring socially orientated careers and the boys, mechanical ones. Those findings were used as the impetus to construct Phases 1, 2 and 3 of the developed awareness programme, i.e. ‘Identification’, ‘Induction’ and ‘Implementation’, whereby the departments of Basic Education and Higher Education and Training, together with universities, would identify learners and students as mentees and mentors, who will become the advocates for breaking the above stereotypes. Another discovery was that there is an element of cultural stereotyping in society, that the STEM fields were difficult and therefore meant for men, since they are supposed to be more demanding and not for women as soft targets; hence the environment was unsupportive of women. It also related to the classification of certain jobs as men’s and others as women’s territory. That theory was further extended through the finding that the STEM fields were more-costly than the social sciences and that most of them require a longer study period. As a result, young women who anticipate becoming mothers and wives, avoid them as careers, in consideration of their future cultural roles. Those findings influenced the last four phases of the i-STEM programme, i.e. ‘Impression’, ‘Integration’, ‘Intensification’ and ‘Ignition’, whereby cultural and classist stereotypes would be determined through baseline information and rooted out by synergy in terms of resources, research and effort by local, national and international stakeholders, as guided by the programme. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

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