Spelling suggestions: "subject:"technicolor"" "subject:"technicolour""
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Dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking on the latticeKeegan, Liam Roger George January 2011 (has links)
The LHC is expected to fid new physics beyond the Standard Model (BSM). Technicolor models are a class of BSM models which involve a new strongly interacting sector responsible for electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB). The phenomenological viability of these models depends on features such as the existence of an infrared fixed point (IRFP) at strong coupling, and the size of the mass anomalous dimension at this fixed point. As these features are at strong coupling they are not accessible to perturbative methods, and so need to be investigated non-perturbatively using lattice methods. In this thesis, two candidate Technicolor theories are investigated using two independent and complementary lattice methods, the Schrodinger Functional (SF) and the Monte Carlo Renormalisation Group (MCRG), to measure the running of the coupling and the anomalous mass dimension in these theories.
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Lattice phenomenology of minimal walking technicolorKerrane, Eoin January 2012 (has links)
As results from the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) begin to shed light on the physics of the electroweak scale, which has been of primary interest to theorists for many years, we have entered a phase where critical judgement of the many models of electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB) that have been developed in recent years will be possible. As this process continues, those models which are not additionally constrained by emerging data attract increased scrutiny and interest. In this respect, technicolor models, in which EWSB occurs dynamically through the spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in a new strongly coupled sector, are the subject of growing research activity. The focus of this work is a program of investigation of Minimal Walking Technicolor (MWT), a candidate theory for the new strongly coupled sector of a model of dynamical EWSB using Lattice Gauge Theory (LGT) techniques. We have performed an improved comprehensive study of mesonic spectral observables within MWT, with emphasis on nite volume e ects arising from nite temporal and spatial boundaries. Our results clarify the role of nite volume e ects in such studies, while con rming the near-conformal behaviour of the theory in the infra-red, and indicating a relatively small value of the mass anomalous dimension, in agreement with other studies. We also describe a calculation of the leading order hadronic vacuum polarisation contribution to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon from a lattice simulation of 2+1 avour lattice QCD using Domain Wall Fermions (DWF). We investigate in detail a number of systematic uncertainties involved in this calculation, determining how to e ectively bring them under control, and obtain a result in close agreement with previous determinations from LGT studies, from calculations based on independent experimental data, and from experimental measurements. We present a preliminary calculation of the contribution to the electroweak S parameter from MWT, using a mixed-action simulation involving the DWF action used for the valence sector combined with gauge con gurations generated using the Wilson fermion action for sea quarks.
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Aspects of Higgs physicsPritchett, Lukas Tueller 05 February 2019 (has links)
The Higgs sector is the collection of fields and particles responsible for the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the electroweak symmetry. It is the keystone of the Standard Model of particle physics. While the Standard Model Higgs sector is in agreement with current experiments alternative models often arise to explain experimental anomalies, or to answer puzzles about the Higgs model itself. In this dissertation I explore two such alternative models of the Higgs sector. The first is a model of a composite Higgs boson that is designed to be "minimally fine-tuned." I demonstrate how it generates a light Higgs boson with one fine-tuned parameter. The most accessible expected phenomenological signatures of such a model are heavy resonances decaying into weak vector bosons. I compare the predicted behavior of these resonances to recent experiments at the Large Hadron Collider. The second is alternative model attempts to use multiple Higgs to explain a possible 30 GeV resonant excess in dimuon production arising from Z boson decays. I show that the simplest such model cannot explain the excess, and then argue that all such multiple-doublet models also fail.
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The search for low scale technicolor in the Z + γ channel in 7 TeV ATLAS dataFisher, Matthew J. 24 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Le Technicolor trichrome : histoire d'un procédé et enjeux de sa restauration / The three-color Technicolor : the history and the restoration challenges of a color processRuivo, Céline 14 January 2016 (has links)
La compagnie Technicolor est née en novembre 1915 et vientde fêter ses cent ans d’existence. Le procédé de reproductionnaturelle de couleurs Technicolor fut d’abord un procédébichrome, qui connut trois évolutions, avant de devenir un procédétrichrome, autrement désigné procédé n° 4.Le procédé trichrome était techniquement révolutionnairepuisqu’il nécessitait l’utilisation d’une caméra à trois négatifsséparant les trois couleurs primaires rouge, vert, bleu. Latechnique de tirage par imbibition a aussi permis de créer descopies aux qualités intrinsèques équivalentes à celles deslithographies et dont les couleurs ne se modifient pas avec letemps. L’équipement complexe nécessaire aux tournages enTechnicolor a exigé de nouveaux protocoles de travail, ainsi que laformation des équipes des plateaux habituées au noir et blanc.Technicolor a également proposé les services du color consultingafin d’aider à mieux contrôler le rendu des couleurs à l’écran.Cette thèse se propose d’aborder les dimensions historique ettechnique du Technicolor trichrome et d’interroger les techniquesutilisées jusqu’à aujourd’hui afin de restaurer les films tournésavec ce procédé. En raison de l’obsolescence des outils quipermettaient de produire un film en Technicolor, des questions seposent aujourd’hui sur les procédures de restauration des filmstournés entre 1932 et 1955, à l’ère de la technologie ditetrichrome. Il s’agit de la première étude approfondie, en français,portant sur le procédé Technicolor trichrome, ouvrant sur uneréflexion plus élargie sur l’importance de la restauration descouleurs d’origine d’un film. / The Technicolor Company has celebrated its hundredyears of existence, since it was born in November 1915.Technicolor was, at first, a two-color natural color processthat has been modified three times before becoming a threecolorprocess, also known as the process number four.The three-color process was revolutionary since it impliedthe construction of a three-strip camera, which separated theprimary colors red, blue and green with three negatives. Thelaboratory created also dye transfer printing, a technic thatwas able to create projection prints with visual qualitiesequivalent to lithography. Consequently, the dyes of theTechnicolor prints haven’t fade throughout the years. Inaddition, the three-color equipment included a newworkflow during the film shooting. The crew working onthe film set, used to black and white shooting, had to betrained to work with this medium. Technicolor created aswell the color consulting in order to help the crew tomanage better the color composition.This dissertation is an in depth analysis of the historicaland technical issues of the three-color Technicolor processand interrogates the technical devices that have been used torestore the films. In this way, different questions about theprocedures of restoration of the films, shot between 1932and 1955, are addressed throughout the study. Due to theobsolete status of the three color Technicolor process, thequestion of its reproduction can be problematic. This is thefirst thorough study, written in French, dedicated to thethree-color Technicolor process with an opening to theimportance of restoring the original colors of a film.
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Potentiel d'observation de la technicouleur à l'aide de l'expérience ATLASFerland, Jonathan January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Potentiel d'observation de la technicouleur à l'aide de l'expérience ATLASFerland, Jonathan January 2009 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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A search for technicolor at the Large Hadron ColliderLove, Jeremy R January 2012 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston University / PLEASE NOTE: Boston University Libraries did not receive an Authorization To Manage form for this thesis or dissertation. It is therefore not openly accessible, though it may be available by request. If you are the author or principal advisor of this work and would like to request open access for it, please contact us at open-help@bu.edu. Thank you. / The Standard Model of particle physics provides an accurate description of all experimental data to date. The only unobserved piece of the Standard Model is the Higgs boson, a consequence of the spontaneous breaking of electroweak symmetry by the Higgs mechanism. An alternative to the Higgs mechanism is proposed by Technicolor theories which break electroweak symmetry dynamically through a new force. Technicolor predicts many new particles, called Technihadrons, that could be observed by experiments at hadron colliders. This thesis presents a search for two of the lightest Technihadrons, the ρT and ωT .
The Low-Scale Technicolor model predicts the phenomenology of these new states. The ρT and ωT are produced through qq annihilation and couple to Standard Model fermions through the Drell-Yan process, which can result in the dimuon final state. The ρT and ω T preferentially decay to the πT and a Standard Model gauge boson if kinematically allowed. Changing the mass of the πT relative to that of the ρT and ωT affects the cross section times branching fraction to dimuons. The ρT and ωT are expected to have masses below about 1 TeV.
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN outside of Geneva, Switzerland, produces proton-proton collisions with a center of mass energy of 7 TeV. A general purpose high energy physics detector ATLAS has been used in this analysis to search for Technihadrons decaying to two muons. We use the ATLAS detector to reconstruct the tracks of muons with high transverse momentum coming from these proton-proton collisions.
The dimuon invariant mass spectrum is analyzed above 130 GeV to test the consistency of the observed data with the Standard Model prediction. We observe excellent agreement between our data and the background only hypothesis, and proceed to set limits on the cross section times branching ratio of the ρT and ωT as a function of their mass using the Low-Scale Technicolor model. We combine the dielectron and dimuon channels to exclude masses of the ρT and ωT between 130 GeV - 480 GeV at 95% Confidence Level for masses of the πT between 50 GeV - 480 GeV. In addition for the parameter choice of m(π T ) = m(ρT /ω T )- 100 GeV, 95% Confidence Level limits are set excluding masses of the ρT and ωT below 470 GeV. This analysis represents the current world's best limit on this model. / 2999-01-01
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Från svartvit till färg : en studie av färg i Michelangelo Antonionis film Den röda öknen / From black and white to color : a study of color in Michelangelo Antonioni´s film The red desertEricsson, Calina January 2012 (has links)
Michelangelo Antonioni (1912-2007) belonged to a generation of filmmakers that breathed new life into cinematic expression in the annals of modern-day European film history. By employing his background as a documentary filmmaker, Antonioni used these skills to help establish his own particular style. There was a distinct evolution of style which progressed during his triology L´Avventura, La Notte and L´Eclisse, 1959-1962. This theises presents a comperative study between his earlier films in black and white and his first color film - Il deserto roso, from 1964. By observing color in relation to narrative, dialouge, acting and elements of mise-en-scène, I suggest different answers than those previously discussed among critics concerning this interrelationship. I also discuss how camera technique has presented new possibilities in this area. Concerning references from the texts and books by influential critics, I add my own visions and interpretations concerning this subject. Moreover, I have looked at other filmmakers and their productions´use of colors. One of the crucial themes of this text is how these two formats - black and white and color - bring different modes of meaning and affect their specific films´narratives.
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Investigating the conformal window of SU(N) gauge theoriesPickup, Thomas January 2011 (has links)
In this thesis we are concerned with the existence of infrared fixed points and the conformal window for gauge theories with fermions. We are particularly interested in those theories that are candidates for walking technicolor. We discuss the background of technicolor and the techniques relevant to a theoretical understanding of the conformal window. Following this we extend the ideas of metric confinement and causal analyticity to theories with fermions in non-fundamental representations. We use these techniques to, respectively, provide a lower bound on the lower end of the conformal window and to provide a measure of perturbativity. As well as analytic calculations we use lattice techniques to investigate two particular candidate theories for walking technicolor - SU(2) with two adjoint fermions and with six fundamental fermions. We use Schrodinger Functional techniques to investigate the running of the theory across a wide range of scales. We measure both the running of the coupling and an estimator for the fermion mass anomalous dimension, $gamma$. We find that both theories are consistent with an infrared fixed-point. However, paying particular attention to our error estimates, we are unable to absolutely confirm their existence. This is a not unexpected result for SU(2) with two adjoint fermions but is rather surprising for SU(2) with only six fundamental fermions. In the region where we are consistent with a fixed point we find $0.05<gamma<0.56$ for $SU(2)$ with two adjoint fermions and $0.135<gamma<1.03$ for $SU(2)$ with six fundamental fermions. The measurement of $gamma$ for $SU(2)$ with two adjoint fermions is the first determination of $gamma$ for any candidate theory of walking technicolor.
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