Spelling suggestions: "subject:"3dimension dember"" "subject:"3dimension cember""
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Validation of the deck behaviour due to post-tension loading of Ashton arch bridgeVan Wijk, Heinrich 06 May 2020 (has links)
The new Ashton Bridge is a concrete tied-arch structure with a cable-supported deck, which spans 110 metres below the arching ribs. The tie-beam members, connecting the arch ribs, each have six longitudinal tendons that have primarily straight profiles. The author set out to validate the structural behaviour of the tie-beams, after the post-tensioning construction stage. This objective was achieved by validating selected finite element model parameters with field conducted tests. The input parameter, which is the prestress loading onto the structure, was validated with tendon elongation measurements and tendon lift-off tests. The output parameter, which is the strain and displacement response of the structure, was verified by measuring the elastic deck shortening and the strain gauge readings. Lower tendon extensions were encountered during tensioning. This required calibration of the friction coefficients and model updating. Lift-off tests and deck shortening measurements provided and order size estimation of the structural behaviour, but was not adequate for model validation. The strain gauge readings showed a close correlation with the expected strain state of the structure and offered insight into the behaviour of the structure during post-tensioning. The methods described in this dissertation may be used for validating the structural behaviour of concrete bridges subject to post-tensioning. Suggestions for improving tendon lift-off tests and deck shortening measurements are also presented.
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A Novel Tension-Member Follower Train for a Generic Cam-Driven MechanismLaPierre, Jeffrey A 13 June 2008 (has links)
"Many assembly machines for consumer products suffer from the fact that the mechanisms used to impart the necessary assembly motions to the product are orders of magnitude more massive than the product payloads that they carry. This characteristic subsequently limits the operating speed of the machine. If the follower train could be made less massive without sacrificing accuracy and control, it would therefore allow higher speeds. It is well-known that structures that carry only tensile loads can be much less massive than those that must also carry compressive loads. This concept is demonstrated in many structures, such as the suspension bridge. This master’s project set out to investigate the feasibility of a tension-member follower train for a generic cam-driven pick and place mechanism. This system was first dynamically simulated using a computer model, and then tested by constructing a proof of concept prototype. A cam-driven, low-mass tension member (in this case a spring steel strip over pulleys) under spring preload was used to replace the bellcranks and connecting rods typical of a conventional follower train. The system was determined to be feasible and will allow for increased operating speeds at potentially lower costs as an additional benefit."
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AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Saurav Shrestha, for the Masters of Science degree in CIVIL ENGINEERING, presented on November 22, 2016, at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. TITLE: VERIFICATION OF SHEAR LAG IN LONGITUDINALLY WELDED TENSION MEMBERS. MAJOR PROFESSOR: Dr. J. Kent Hsiao, Ph.D., P.E. (CA), S.E. (UT) Tension members are used broadly as bracing members in buildings and truss. When double channels or double tees are welded to a gusset plate, stresses are distributed non-uniformly in connected members since only a part of its cross-section is connected. Shear lag factor describes this phenomenon. The main objective of this study is to verify shear lag factor of tension steel members with welded connections using the finite element computer analysis and the current design Specification for Structural Steel Buildings (AISC 2010). The provision for calculating shear lag factor, U, is given by AISC Specification as 1-x ̅/L for angles, tees, channels and wide flange tension members. Weld size and length of the weld are the main parameters studied here. The current AISC design provision over-estimates the design tensile strength of double channel shapes. While, for WT Shapes it under-estimates one. The increase in weld size and decrease in weld length shows slight change in shear lag factor. Comparison is also made with the equation proposed by Fortney and Thornton (2012). The equation under-estimates the design tensile strength of both sections.
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Shear Lag Factor for Longitudinally Welded Tension Members using Finite Element MethodDhungana, Utsab 19 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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A Comparative Study Of Aisc-360 And Eurocode 3 Strength Limit StatesSahin, Serkan 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Nowadays / design, fabrication and erection of steel structures can be taken place at different locations as a result of rapid globalization / owners may require the use of widely accepted steel design codes. Therefore, engineers are faced with the challenge of being competent with several design specifications for a particular material type. AISC-360 and EC3 are widely accepted steel structure design specifications that utilize limit state principles with some similarities and differences in application. Hereby a study has been undertaken to put together the nominal strength expressions presented in both AISC-360 and EC3 codes in a single document, to identify the similarities and the differences in calculated strengths and to facilitate rapid learning of either of the specifications with prior knowledge of the other. Because of the wide scope of specifications, only fundamental failure modes are considered in this thesis. Resistance equations are directly compared with each other wherever possible. For cases where the treatment of specifications is entirely different, representative members were considered for comparison purposes.
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Velodrom / VelodromHorký, Rostislav January 2019 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with desing and static assessment of supporting steel roof structure of velodrom. Climatic load is determined for location of city Znojmo. The thesis consists of technical report with comparison of 2 options solution, technical report of chosen variant, static report of main supporting parts and chosen connections, bill of materials quantities and drawing documentation. Computational model for evaluation of internal forces is realized in SCIA ENGINEER 17.01 software. Static report is created manually according to valid European standards.
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Hokejový stadion / Ice Hockey StadiumČech, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Work deals with variant design of steel structure of ice hockey stadium located in Opava. It is a three-aisled hall with shape consists of intersection of ellipse and rectangle with dimensions 70 x 82m. The roof has cylindrical shape with approx. 50 m radius. The building is about 14 m high. Object is divided to three parts – main aisle and two side aisles. The main aisle contains of a rectangle of dimensions 40 x 42 m and two semicircles of radius approx. 20 m. Frames of main aisle are made of arc roof truss connected to steel plate columns. The side aisles with rectangular shape with dimensions 15 x 42 m are connected to main aisle. The structure of side aisle is made of a sloped roof truss. Longitudinal bracing and cross bracing are used to obtain spatial rigidity of the structure. Roof and wall cladding is made of Kingspan sandwich panels.
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Serviceability Behaviour of Reinforced UHPFRC Tensile ElementsKhorami, Majid 03 April 2023 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] Todas estructuras, especialmente las conformadas con hormigón armado, no solo deben cumplir con la seguridad necesaria bajo los Estados Límites Últimos (ULS), además es imprescindible que garanticen un comportamiento adecuado frente a condiciones de servicio. En general, los requisitos fundamentales de servicio que debe cumplir este tipo de estructuras son: la funcionalidad, comodidad para el usuario y la apariencia. Sin embargo, estos no se pueden verificar de forma directa; por lo tanto, ha sido necesario definir criterios de desempeño tales como control de deflexión, control de vibración y control de agrietamiento para dar cumplimiento a lo indicado anteriormente.
Además, se dificulta el cálculo de la capacidad de servicio debido al fenómeno de agrietamiento, el efecto de rigidez por tensión, la contracción y los efectos de fluencia. Por lo tanto, el control de la fisuración en estructuras de hormigón armado generalmente se logra limitando la tensión en el refuerzo de acero y la matriz de hormigón. Siendo así que, en los diseños incluidos en códigos relevantes a hormigón, especifican la tensión máxima del refuerzo de acero después de la fisuración y el ancho máximo de fisura para los miembros estructurales de CR o FRC, no obstante los aspectos de capacidad de servicio del diseño para el hormigón reforzado con fibras de ultra alto rendimiento reforzado (R-UHPFRC), no han sido incluidos en los códigos o recomendaciones de UHPFRC.
A pesar de que se han realizado muchos esfuerzos en la investigación tanto experimental como teórica sobre el comportamiento de servicio de los elementos estructurales de CR o FRC durante las últimas décadas, para el R-UHPFRC se debe desarrollar aún más su conocimiento relacionado con los requisitos para el diseño de capacidad de servicio, incluyendo su comportamiento de tensión y agrietamiento.
En este marco, el objetivo principal de la presente tesis doctoral es evaluar el comportamiento de servicio de R-UHPFRC. Por tal razón, es fundamental realizar la evaluación del comportamiento de deformación y fisuración de los elementos de tracción R-UHPFRC. Para ello, se abordaron y cumplieron adecuadamente dos puntos principales. El primero, diseñar una metodología de prueba innovadora y adecuada para ejecutar los experimentos requeridos para este proyecto de doctorado. En segundo lugar, se llevó a cabo la evaluación de la respuesta de rigidez a la tensión y el comportamiento de agrietamiento del R-UHPFCR, que son parámetros primordiales para el diseño de capacidad de servicio. Para estudiar estos dos parámetros, se consideraron algunos parámetros importantes tales como: el efecto del volumen del contenido de fibra, el tipo de fibra, el efecto del tamaño, el efecto de la relación de refuerzo y el efecto de la contracción.
Finalmente, para evaluar los parámetros mencionados, se presentan cuatro campañas experimentales. Cada una de ellas, representa un nivel diferente de estudio. El primero corresponde a la validación de la metodología de ensayo de tracción propuesta y examinar los datos experimentales obtenidos, para emplearlos en futuros estudios de este proyecto. El segundo nivel consistió en establecer y realizar experimentos completos con dos tipos de fibra de acero, modificando además su cantidad, es así como se utilizaron diferentes proporciones de refuerzo y sección transversal para evaluar el efecto tanto del tamaño como del contenido de fibra, respectivamente. También, en un estudio experimental específico se indagó sobre el efecto de la combinación de micro y microfibras de acero en la deformación y el comportamiento de agrietamiento de los elementos R-UHPFRC de tracción. El tercer nivel corresponde a una prueba de contracción intensiva, necesaria para obtener el valor de contracción del UHPFRC utilizado en esta investigación. El último nivel comprende la modificación de la geometría de la probeta y el uso de probetas en forma de hueso de perro para evaluar el ancho medio y máximo de fisura (valor / [CA] Totes les estructures, especialment les conformades amb formigó armat, no només han de complir amb la seguretat necessària sota els Estats Límits Últims (ULS), a més és imprescindible que garanteixin un comportament adequat davant de condicions de servei. En general, els requisits fonamentals de servei que ha de complir aquest tipus d'estructures són: la funcionalitat, la comoditat per a l'usuari i l'aparença. Això no obstant, aquests no es poden verificar de forma directa; per tant, ha calgut definir criteris d'acompliment com ara control de deflexió, control de vibració i control d'esquerdament per a donar compliment al que s'ha indicat anteriorment.
A més, es dificulta el càlcul de la capacitat de servei a causa del fenomen d'esquerdament, l'efecte de rigidesa per tensió, la contracció i els efectes de fluència. Per tant, el control de la fissuració en estructures de formigó armat generalment s'aconsegueix limitant la tensió al reforç d'acer i la matriu de formigó. És així que en els dissenys inclosos en codis rellevants a formigó, especifiquen la tensió màxima del reforç d'acer després de la fissuració i l'amplada màxima de fissura per als membres estructurals de CR o FRC, no obstant els aspectes de capacitat de servei del disseny per al formigó reforçat amb fibres d'ultra alt rendiment reforçat (R-UHPFRC), no han estat inclosos als codis o recomanacions d'UHPFRC.
Tot i que s'han realitzat molts esforços en la investigació tant experimental com teòrica sobre el comportament de servei dels elements estructurals de CR o FRC durant les últimes dècades, per al R-UHPFRC s'ha de desenvolupar encara més el seu coneixement relacionat amb els requisits per al disseny de capacitat de servei, incloent el comportament de tensió i esquerdament.
En aquest marc, l'bjectiu principal de la present tesi doctoral és avaluar el comportament de servei de R-UHPFRC. Per aquesta raó, és fonamental fer l'avaluació del comportament de deformació i fissuració dels elements de tracció R-UHPFRC. Per això, es van abordar i van complir adequadament dos punts principals. El primer, dissenyar una metodologia de prova innovadora i adequada per executar els experiments requerits per a aquest projecte de doctorat. En segon lloc, es va fer l'avaluació de la resposta de rigidesa a la tensió i el comportament d'esquerdament del R-UHPFCR, que són paràmetres primordials per al disseny de capacitat de servei. Per estudiar aquests dos paràmetres, es van considerar alguns paràmetres importants com ara l'efecte del volum del contingut de fibra, el tipus de fibra, l'efecte de la mida, l'efecte de la relació de reforç i l'efecte de la contracció.
Finalment, per avaluar els paràmetres mencionats, es presenten quatre campanyes experimentals. Cadascuna representa un nivell diferent d'estudi. El primer correspon a la validació de la metodologia dassaig de tracció proposada i examinar les dades experimentals obtingudes, per a emprar-les en futurs estudis daquest projecte. El segon nivell va consistir a establir i realitzar experiments complets amb dos tipus de fibra d'acer, modificant-ne a més la quantitat, és així com es van utilitzar diferents proporcions de reforç i secció transversal per avaluar l'efecte tant de la mesura com del contingut de fibra, respectivament. També, en un estudi experimental específic, es va indagar sobre l'efecte de la combinació de micro i macrofibres d'acer en la deformació i el comportament d'esquerdament dels elements R-UHPFRC de tracció. El tercer nivell correspon a una prova de contracció intensiva, necessària per obtenir el valor de contracció de l'UHPFRC utilitzat en aquesta investigació. L'últim nivell comprèn la modificació de la geometria de la proveta i l'ús de provetes en forma d'os de gos per avaluar l'amplada mitjana i màxima de fissura (valor real detectat) provocat per esforços de tracció en els elements de tracció R-UHPFRC . És important esmentar que es van fer diferents anàlisis per a cada investigació experimental i es van ac / [EN] All structures, particularly reinforcement concrete structures, apart from meeting necessary security against Ultimate Limit States (ULS), must exhibit appropriate behaviour under service conditions. Generally, the fundamental serviceability requirements that concrete structures should meet are functionality, user comfort and appearance. These requirements cannot, however, be directly checked. Therefore, performance criteria, such as deflection control, vibration control and cracking control, are defined to meet these requirements.
Serviceability calculation is complicated because of the cracking phenomenon, the tension stiffening effect, shrinkage, and creep effects. Cracking control in reinforced concrete (RC) structures is generally achieved by limiting stress in steel reinforcement and the concrete matrix. Many concrete code designs specify a maximum steel reinforcement stress after cracking and a maximum crack width for RC or fibre-RC (FRC) structural members, while the design serviceability aspects for Reinforced Ultra-High Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete (R-UHPFRC) are poorly considered in UHPFRC codes or recommendations.
Many efforts have been made in experimental and theoretical research into the serviceability behaviour of RC or FRC structural elements in the last few decades. However, for R-UHPFRC, knowledge about tension and cracking behaviour must improve and serviceability design requirements have to be further studied.
Within this framework, the main purpose of the present PhD thesis is to evaluate the serviceability behaviour of R-UHPFRC. For this purpose, the evaluation of the deformation and cracking behaviour of R-UHPFRC tensile elements is essential. To that end, two main items were addressed and adequately met. The first one was to design an innovative and adequate test methodology to carry out the experiments required for this PhD project. The second involved evaluating the tension stiffening response and cracking behaviour of R-UHPFRC, which are fundamental parameters for R-UHPFRC structures' serviceability design. To study these two parameters, important parameters were considered, such as fibre content, fibre type, size effect, reinforcement ratio and shrinkage effect.
In order to evaluate the aforementioned parameters, four experimental campaigns are presented. Each campaign represents a different study level. The first corresponds to the validation of the proposed tensile test methodology and to the examination of the obtained experimental data for future studies required for this PhD project. The second experimental study level corresponds to establishing and undertaking comprehensive experimental programmes with two different steel fibre types and fibre contents. Different cross-section and reinforcement ratios were used to evaluate the size effect and fibre content effect, respectively. The effect of the micro- and macro-steel fibres combination on the deformation and cracking behaviour of tensile R-UHPFRC elements was investigated in a specific experimental study. The third level corresponds to an intensive shrinkage test, which was conducted to obtain the shrinkage value of the UHPFRC used in this PhD study. The final level corresponds to a specific experimental study, done by modifying the specimen's geometry and using the dog bone-shaped specimens to evaluate the average and maximum crack width (real detected value) caused by tensile stresses in R-UHPFRC tensile elements. It is worth mentioning that different analyses were performed for each experimental research and appropriate results were achieved to fulfil the thesis aims.
Keywords: cracking behaviour, design criteria, durability, fragility curve, post-cracking tensile stiffness, serviceability behaviour, shrinkage, SLS requirements, structural design, tensile elements, tension stiffening, test method, tie, UHPFRC. / This work is part of Project “BIA2016-78460-C3-1-R” supported by the State Research Agency of Spain / Khorami, M. (2023). Serviceability Behaviour of Reinforced UHPFRC Tensile Elements [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/192683 / Compendio
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