Spelling suggestions: "subject:"enteoretisk kein"" "subject:"avteoretisk kein""
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Computational Methods for Calculation of Ligand-Receptor Binding Affinities Involving Protein and Nucleic Acid ComplexesAlmlöf, Martin January 2007 (has links)
The ability to accurately predict binding free energies from computer simulations is an invaluable resource in understanding biochemical processes and drug action. Several methods based on microscopic molecular dynamics simulations exist, and in this thesis the validation, application, and development of the linear interaction energy (LIE) method is presented. For a test case of several hydrophobic ligands binding to P450cam it is found that the LIE parameters do not change when simulations are performed with three different force fields. The nonpolar contribution to binding of these ligands is best reproduced with a constant offset and a previously determined scaling of the van der Waals interactions. A new methodology for prediction of binding free energies of protein-protein complexes is investigated and found to give excellent agreement with experimental results. In order to reproduce the nonpolar contribution to binding, a different scaling of the van der Waals interactions is neccesary (compared to small ligand binding) and found to be, in part, due to an electrostatic preorganization effect not present when binding small ligands. A new treatment of the electrostatic contribution to binding is also proposed. In this new scheme, the chemical makeup of the ligand determines the scaling of the electrostatic ligand interaction energies. These scaling factors are calibrated using the electrostatic contribution to hydration free energies and proposed to be applicable to ligand binding. The issue of codon-anticodon recognition on the ribosome is adressed using LIE. The calculated binding free energies are in excellent agreement with experimental results, and further predict that the Leu2 anticodon stem loop is about 10 times more stable than the Ser stem loop in complex with a ribosome loaded with the Phe UUU codon. The simulations also support the previously suggested roles of A1492, A1493, and G530 in the codon-anticodon recognition process.
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Matrix Algebra for Quantum ChemistryRubensson, Emanuel H. January 2008 (has links)
This thesis concerns methods of reduced complexity for electronic structure calculations. When quantum chemistry methods are applied to large systems, it is important to optimally use computer resources and only store data and perform operations that contribute to the overall accuracy. At the same time, precarious approximations could jeopardize the reliability of the whole calculation. In this thesis, the self-consistent field method is seen as a sequence of rotations of the occupied subspace. Errors coming from computational approximations are characterized as erroneous rotations of this subspace. This viewpoint is optimal in the sense that the occupied subspace uniquely defines the electron density. Errors should be measured by their impact on the overall accuracy instead of by their constituent parts. With this point of view, a mathematical framework for control of errors in Hartree-Fock/Kohn-Sham calculations is proposed. A unifying framework is of particular importance when computational approximations are introduced to efficiently handle large systems. An important operation in Hartree-Fock/Kohn-Sham calculations is the calculation of the density matrix for a given Fock/Kohn-Sham matrix. In this thesis, density matrix purification is used to compute the density matrix with time and memory usage increasing only linearly with system size. The forward error of purification is analyzed and schemes to control the forward error are proposed. The presented purification methods are coupled with effective methods to compute interior eigenvalues of the Fock/Kohn-Sham matrix also proposed in this thesis.New methods for inverse factorizations of Hermitian positive definite matrices that can be used for congruence transformations of the Fock/Kohn-Sham and density matrices are suggested as well. Most of the methods above have been implemented in the Ergo quantum chemistry program. This program uses a hierarchic sparse matrix library, also presented in this thesis, which is parallelized for shared memory computer architectures. It is demonstrated that the Ergo program is able to perform linear scaling Hartree-Fock calculations. / QC 20100908
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Derivation and application of response functions for nonlinear absorption and dichroismsFahleson, Tobias January 2017 (has links)
This thesis explores and expands upon theoretical means of quantifying a number of nonlinear spectroscopies, including two-photon absorption, resonant-inelastic x-ray scattering, Jones birefringence, and magnetic circular dichroism. On top of that, detailed information is given for the derivation and program implementation of damped cubic response functions. Complex-valued cubic response functions have been implemented in the quantum chemistry package DALTON, based on working equations formulated for an approximate-state wave function. An assessment of the implementation, such that for small frequencies the second-order hyperpolarizability should behave according to an analytic function that depends quadratically on the optical frequencies. It is demonstrated how two-photon absorption (TPA) can be described either through second-order transition moments or via the damped cubic response function. A few calculated TPA profiles are produced for a set of smaller molecules, in order to display the capability of the cubic response function in the x-ray frequency region. Resonance-inelastic x-ray scattering (RIXS) is explored in a similar manner as two-photon absorption. It is shown how the second-order hyperpolarizability can represent RIXS in the limit of intermediate-state and final-state resonances. Complications emerging from the complex dispersion of the hyperpolarizability are discussed. Moreover, linear birefringences, with focus on the Jones birefringence, are investigated for noble gases, monosubstituted benzenes, furan homologues, and a pure acetonitrile liquid. A linear relation between the Jones birefringence and the empirical para-Hammett constant as well as the permanent electric dipole moment is presented. Estimations of three linear birefringences --- Kerr, Cotton--Mouton, and Jones ---are obtained by averaging over a set of liquid snapshots. The Jones effect for acetonitrile turns out to be unusually large inmparison to the other two investigated linear birefringences. The final chapter of the thesis investigates magnetically induced circular dichroism (MCD). A question regarding relative stability of the first set of excited states for DNA-related molecular systems is resolved through MCD by exploiting the signed nature of circular dichroisms. Furthermore, to what extent solvent contributions affect MCD spectra is explored. The effect on uracil MCD spectrum due to thionation is studied, for which the degree of redshifting for systems 2-thiouracil and 4-thiouracil can be seen to be addative as compared to the 2,4-dithiouracil system. / <p>QC 20171129</p>
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A Quantum Chemical Investigation of Chemical Vapour Deposition of Fe using Ferrocene and Plasma ElectronsAndersson, Felicia January 2023 (has links)
Thin films provide a remarkable asset, as depositing a thin surface layer can completely alter a material’s characteristics and provide new, inexpensive, and valuable properties. In 2020, a new Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) approach was developed at Linköping University, using plasma electrons as reducing agents for the deposition of metallic thin films. To understand the CVD approach, comprehension of the deposition chemistry is crucial. In this thesis, I have performed a theoretical examination of the gas phase and surface chemistry of ferrocene in the recently developed CVD method to form metallic iron thin films, using plasma electrons as reducing agents. Results show that ferrocene anion formation and dissociation are probable in the gas phase, depending on the energy of the plasma electrons. It gets successively easier to dissociate the complex after gaining electrons. The most probable gas phase species leading to film formation was determined as FeCp2-, FeCp, and Cp− under the normal deposition parameters. An electron energy above 220 kJ/mol would suffice for ion formation and dissociation to form FeCp and Cp− fragments. On the surface, ferrocene’s vertical and horizontal adsorption is equally probable, with energies around -72 kJ/mol. Cp, Fe, and FeCp with Fe facing towards the surface interacts stronger with the surface than ferrocene, with adsorption energies of -179, -279 kJ/mol, and -284 kJ/mol. FeCp with Fe facing up from the surface had adsorption energy of -23 kJ/mol. As the surface bonding of Fe and FeCp with Fe facing the surface is stronger than for the other species, this poses a possible way of tuning the CVD method to limit carbon impurities. By providing above 180 kJ/mol energy, for example in the form of heating the substrate, the unwanted species FeCp2, Cp, and FeCp with the ring facing downwards would desorb from the surface, leaving the Fe and FeCp fragments with iron facing towards the surface still adsorbed. This poses a possible way of reducing carbon impurities.
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Computational Studies of Chemical Interactions: Molecules, Surfaces and Copper CorrosionHalldin Stenlid, Joakim January 2017 (has links)
The chemical bond – a corner stone in science and a prerequisite for life – is the focus of this thesis. Fundamental and applied aspects of chemical bonding are covered including the development of new computational methods for the characterization and rationalization of chemical interactions. The thesis also covers the study of corrosion of copper-based materials. The latter is motivated by the proposed use of copper as encapsulating material for spent nuclear fuel in Sweden. In close collaboration with experimental groups, state-of-the-art computational methods were employed for the study of chemistry at the atomic scale. First, oxidation of nanoparticulate copper was examined in anoxic aqueous media in order to better understand the copper-water thermodynamics in relation to the corrosion of copper material under oxygen free conditions. With a similar ambition, the water-cuprite interface was investigated with regards to its chemical composition and reactivity. This was compared to the behavior of methanol and hydrogen sulfide at the cuprite surface. An overall ambition during the development of computational methods for the analysis of chemical bonding was to bridge the gap between molecular and materials chemistry. Theory and results are thus presented and applied in both a molecular and a solid-state framework. A new property, the local electron attachment energy, for the characterization of a compound’s local electrophilicity was introduced. Together with the surface electrostatic potential, the new property predicts and rationalizes regioselectivity and trends of molecular reactions, and interactions on metal and oxide nanoparticles and extended surfaces. Detailed atomistic understanding of chemical processes is a prerequisite for the efficient development of chemistry. We therefore envisage that the results of this thesis will find widespread use in areas such as heterogeneous catalysis, drug discovery, and nanotechnology. / Den kemiska bindningen – en hörnsten inom naturvetenskapen och oumbärlig för allt liv – är det centrala temat i den här avhandlingen. Både grundläggande och tillämpade aspekter behandlas. Detta inkluderar utvecklingen av nya beräkningsmetoder för förståelse och karaktärisering av kemiska interaktioner. Dessutom behandlas korrosion av kopparbaserade material. Det sistnämnda är motiverat av förslaget att använda koppar som inkapslingsmaterial för hanteringen av kärnavfall i Sverige. Kvantkemiska beräkningsmetoder enligt state-of-the-art har använts för att studera kemi på atomnivå, detta i nära sammabete med experimentella grupper. Initialt studerades oxidation av kopparnanopartiklar under syrgasfria och vattenrika förhållanden. Detta för att bättre kartlägga koppar-vattensystemets termodynamik. Av samma orsak detaljstuderades även gränsskiktet mellan vatten och kuprit med fokus på dess kemiska sammansättning och reaktivitet. Resultaten har jämförts med metanols och vätesulfids kemiska beteende på ytan av kuprit. En övergripande målsättningen under arbetet med att utveckla nya beräkningsbaserade analysverktyg för kemiska bindningar har varit att överbrygga gapet mellan molekylär- och materialkemi. Därför presenteras teoretiska aspekter samt tillämpningar från både ett molekylärt samt ett fast-fas perspektiv. En ny deskriptor för karaktärisering av föreningars lokala elektrofilicitet har introducerats – den lokala elektronadditionsenergin. Tillsammans med den elektrostatiska potentialen uppvisar den nya deskriptorn förmåga att förutsäga samt förklara regioselektivitet och trender för molekylära reaktioner, och för interaktioner på metal- och oxidbaserade nanopartiklar och ytor. En detaljerad förståelse av kemiska processer på atomnivå är en nödvändighet för ett effektivt utvecklande av kemivetenskapen. Vi förutspår därför att resultaten från den här avhandlingen kommer att få omfattande användning inom områden som heterogen katalys, läkemedelsdesign och nanoteknologi. / <p>QC 20170829</p>
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