Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe career system"" "subject:"hhe career system""
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Návrh efektivnějšího zabezpečování lidského potenciálu v organizaci / Proposal of effective human capital resourcing in an organizationVrabec, Peter January 2008 (has links)
This master thesis is about human capital resourcing. The goal of this thesis is to make process of resourcing human capital in the company Red Hat Czech more effective. In the analysis part of the work the current status of the company process is evaluated from three perspectives: strategic aspects, recruitment and adaptation. New solutions based on investigated information and theoretical knowledge are designed. These solutions should help the company to hire desired number of employees with expected qualities in qualified time.
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Komparace rozvoje učitelů na pracovišti a mimo pracoviště / Comparison of Teacher's Professional Development inside and outside the WorkplacePřibáňová, Žaneta January 2014 (has links)
The master's thesis is focused on teachers' professional development. It is based on the Theoretical Knowledge Gained from literature, electronic resources and current research. It describes the historical progress of the concept of teachers' education, program and legislative documents, the significance of teachers' professional development and career system. Provides an overview of teachers' development activities in the workplace and outside the workplace. The aim of the work is to determine trends in education by monitoring opportunities of teachers' development in the workplace and outside the workplace. Questionnaire survey is focused on the preferences of directors in the field of teachers' professional development, their training needs, effectiveness and defining the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. The result of the thesis is to map areas and compare activities of teachers' development that can be used for further study or be an inspiration for the involved stakeholders. KEYWORDS: teacher, professional development, comparison, career system
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Kariérní růst a další vzdělávání ředitelů mateřských škol / Career Development and Continuous Education for Kindergarten HeadmastersGabrielová, Šárka January 2012 (has links)
Among the circumstances that have an impact on the lifelong growth, career development and professional prestige of headmasters is their continuous education and specialized studies. This thesis deals with regulations concerning headmaster performance and further education details, and analyses key statistics as well as provides information on the bulk of previous research related to the subject. The theoretical part also treats the development of a headmasters' professional career and motivation for self-study, and touches upon the new upcoming career system. The empirical section includes a data-based research which assesses the experiences of headmasters at the beginning of their headmaster careers. It also includes their views on personal motivation, time in office and career system, and also types and forms of preferred study and education programs. The analyses outline relations between the length of experience, a degree of education and a motivation for further studies. The attention is also paid to the acquired experience and willingness of headmasters to become actively involved in the future mentoring especially of their junior colleagues. The conclusions bring some information and recommendations in connection with periodical evaluations of headmasters in terms of their time in office.
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Kariérní systémy v zemích OECD / Career Systems in Countries OECDFaměrová, Martina January 2020 (has links)
The present time brings new jobs, new job roles, different job expectations, different perspectives on traditional and current career concepts, the importance of motivation in an individual's career, and the importance of job quality. In the environment of educational organizations, the quality of work of teaching staff is considered to be one the most important aspects affecting pupil performance. The current problems faced by regional education in the international context include the low attractiveness of the teaching profession, mainly due to lower average salaries. The situation is not supported either by limited career opportunities and by the widespread belief that the profession does not offer sufficient opportunities for self-realization and adequate social recognition. Therefore, the aim is to link the quality of professional performance of the teacher with the principle of professional standards, elaborated into several levels of generality up to a level that allows to assess reliably and decide whether the teacher achieves a certain required level on the basis of established criteria. The aim is to motivate, educate and fairly reward those teachers who share in the prestige the school builds towards its clients and the public and who contribute to the results of the educational system...
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Kariérový systém pedagogických pracovníků na Slovensku / Career system of teachers in the Slovak RepublicLiška, Roman January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to assess the contribution of the career system of Slovak teachers from the perspective of school principals. The theoretical part deals with the definition of the career system based on a literature research. Firstly, preconditions of the career system are defined. Secondly, the career system is described in detail, followed by its evaluation and comparison with the upcoming Czech career system. The practical part describes the used qualitative methods and approaches and includes findings from the field research. A multiple conn-Dove study was used to solve the research problem, in which the case is represented by ten principals from various schools. Semi-structured interviews with school principals, observing their interactions and document analysis were used for data collection. The result of the research was to create ten idiographic reports reflecting school principals' practical experience with the career system. Findings show significant dissatisfaction among school principals with the conception and implementation of the career system due to the administrative complexity of the system, its formalism, the lack of resources in the system and the lack of provided methodological support to school principals. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Komparace českého a slovenského kariérního systému pedagogických pracovníků / Comparison of Czech and Slovak career system of pedagogical staffValent, Marián January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the work is to find out differences and consistent solutions in the field of professional development in the Czech and Slovak career system. Basic method used in the thesis is content analysis and comparative research of the Slovak law with the proposal of the Czech law and their relevant norms. In the first two chapters, which are theoretical part, basic terms are defined: teacher and their professional development, career system and its parts. Results of the comparative research of both laws and other relevant documents are presented in the third chapter. The subchapter 3.7 includes findings from the comparative research summed up in the answers on research questions. The results of the findings prove that career systems of both countries coincide in many areas, which might be caused by common historical background. The most important coincidences include - application of "multi-level career structure", seeing professional development as a way to reach competences, and performing attestation as a way of proving competences for the higher career level. Main differences were found in the focus groups of pedagogical staff, which can perform attestation, in the options to gain functional education and in the obligation of specialist teachers to undergo the training for specialists before...
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Kariéra učitele mateřské školy a její podpora z úrovně managementu školy / Career of the kindergarten teacher and its support from the school management levelPopovičová Lyra, Aneta January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic of career in teaching, which has many specific characteristics compared to the classical concept of career. The thesis focuses on the group of kindergarten teachers who stand at the beginning of the education system as important influencers on the life-long educational journey of each of us. The aim of the thesis is to analyse the view of the kindergarten teacher career by teachers and principals and to look for support from the school management level. The theoretical part deals with three basic areas, which are professional development, professional career and career system. The first chapter shows the connection between the professional development of teachers and their career, it also focuses on its individual components, especially continual education of teachers. The second chapter is devoted to the career itself and compares the theoretical background of the career with its specifics in the teaching career. It looks at the teaching profession in terms of its attractiveness and individual stages of the teachers' career. The third chapter reflects the need for a career system, characterizes its benefits and presents the current state of its setting in the Czech Republic and abroad. The research part uses a questionnaire survey to find out how teachers...
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Vliv ředitelů škol na vzdělávání a profesní rozvoj pedagogických pracovníků / Influence of Headmasters on the Education and Professional Development of Educational StaffŠevčíková, Eva January 2014 (has links)
This work focuses on personal management in education and circumstances relating to it, respectively on one of the basic personal activities, that is education and development of employees. Personal development of staff and their further education should be ongoing. The premise is that school management plays vital role in further staff education. This work is to find out, whether or not this really is true, that teachers perceive director as the key person who influences their professional growth. Data is analysed with combination of quantitative and qualitative research. Research analysis shows, that in selected primary schools, teachers perceive their directors as adequately competent and well motivating on their quest to professional development. Teachers are aware of various forms of further education. The ways they use this knowledge vary. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Lietuvos ir Vokietijos valstybės tarnyba: karjeros sistemos ypatumai / The civil service in Lithuania and Germany: the specific features of the career system / Der öffentliche Dienst in Litauen und Deutschland: die Besonderheiten des KarrieresystemsUrbonaitė, Justina 22 January 2009 (has links)
Valstybės tarnybos karjeros sistema atlieka svarbų vaidmenį tenkinant valstybės tarnautojų profesinio tobulėjimo poreikius. Ji yra pagrindas pritraukti ir išlaikyti kvalifikuotus specialistus ir tokiu būdu garantuoti profesionalios valstybės tarnybos egzistavimą bei efektyvų viešojo administravimo funkcijų vykdymą.
Magistro baigiamojo darbo tikslas yra išnagrinėti svarbiausius ir aktualiausius karjeros sistemos valstybės tarnyboje Lietuvoje ir Vokietijoje aspektus, išsiaiškinti, kokią įtaka karjeros sistema daro pasirenkant darbą valstybės tarnyboje ir, ar ji užtikrina asmeninio bei visuotinio profesinio tobulėjimo procesus, kurie lemia kvalifikuotos valstybės tarnybos buvimą bei kokią įtaką karjeros sistema daro valstybės tarnautojų motyvacijai.
Šiame darbe buvo naudotasi teoriniais tyrimo metodais: valstybės tarnybą reglamentuojančių dokumentų analize, metodinės literatūros analize bei statistine analize ir empiriniu tyrimo metodu – anketine apklausa.
Magistro baigiamąjį darbą sudaro keturios dalys. Pirmojoje dalyje apibūdinama karjeros samprata ir supažindinama su Valstybės tarnautojų karjera Europos Sąjungos šalyse. Antrojoje dalyje apibrėžiamos Lietuvos valstybės tarnybos, valstybės tarnautojo sąvokos, apibūdinamas Lietuvos valstybės tarnybos modelis, nagrinėjama Lietuvos valstybės tarnybos karjeros sistema apžvelgiant priėmimo į valstybės tarnybą tvarką, valstybės tarnautojų karjeros eigą, karjeros sistemos įtaką valstybės tarnautojų motyvacijai. Trečioji dalis skirta... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The career system of the civil service plays an important role while fulfilling the needs of the professional Etwicklung of the officials. It protects the raising of the certified Mitabeiter and her remaining and at the same time existence of the professional civil service as well as actual fulfilling of his duties. The aim of the MA thesis is to investigate the most important and most topical aspects of the career system of the civil service in Lithuania and Germany and to ascertain which influence the career system on the decision has for the work in the civil service and whether it protects the personal and general professional processes of development which influence the existence of the certified civil service and how the existing career system influences the motivation of the officials. In this final work are applied the following theoretical research method: the analysis of the legal bases, the analysis of the methodical material, the statistical analysis and the empiric research method – the survey with the help of the questionnaire. The present MA thesis exists of four parts. In the first part of the work the concept of the career is defined and the career of the officials is introduced in the countries of the EU. In the second part the concepts of the Lithuanian civil service, the official and the career model are defined and the career system of the Lithuanian civil service is analysed while one the conditions of the entry into the civil service, the course of the... [to full text] / Das Karrieresystem des öffentlichen Dienstes spielt eine wichtige Rolle beim Erfüllen der Bedürfnisse der beruflichen Etwicklung der Beamten. Es sichert die Heranziehung der qualifizierten Mitabeiter und ihr Verbleiben und gleichzeitig Bestehen des professionellen öffentlichen Dienstes sowie das effektive Erfüllen seiner Aufgaben.
Das Ziel der Magisterarbeit ist, die wichtigsten und aktuellsten Aspekte des Karrieresystems des öffentlichen Dienstes in Litauen und Deutschland zu erforschen und festzustellen, welchen Einfluss das Karrieresystem auf die Entscheidung für die Arbeit im öffentlichen Dienst hat und ob es die persönlichen und allgemeinen beruflichen Entwicklungsprozesse sichert, die das Bestehen des qualifizierten öffentlichen Dienstes beeinflussen und wie das bestehende Karrieresystem die Motivation der Beamten beeinflusst.
In dieser Abschlussarbeit werden folgende theoretischen Forschungsmethode angewandt: die Analyse der gesetzlichen Grundlagen, die Analyse des methodischen Materials, die statistische Analyse und die empirische Forschungsmethode – die Umfrage mit Hilfe des Fragebogens.
Die vorliegende Magisterarbeit besteht aus vier Teilen. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wird der Begriff der Karriere definiert und die Karriere der Beamten in den Ländern der EU vorgestellt. Im zweiten Teil werden die Begriffe des litauischen öffentlichen Dienstes, des Beamten und des Karrieremodells definiert und das Karrieresystem des litauischen öffentlichen Dienstes analysiert indem... [der volle Text, siehe weiter]
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Specifika vzdělávání pedagogických pracovníků / The specifics of teacher's educationShánilová, Ivana January 2013 (has links)
(in English): Dissertation is focused on the continuing education of teachers in terms of the current legislation of the European Union and the Czech Republic as one of the key adaptive mechanisms that ensure the ability of the education system to adequately respond to the ever changing social conditions in today's globalized world. The theoretical part through the analysis of different theoretical approaches to further education, defines and describes the issue of further education of teachers , the system - specific conditions , areas and its financing. It deals with the areas of the teacher's profession, their competences , career structure and professional standards. The empirical part of this dissertation, based on empirical research, describes the system of further education of teachers both in terms of school leadership , and from the perspective of teachers and it maps specific factors affecting the quality of the current further education of teachers.
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