Spelling suggestions: "subject:"4he rights off ownership"" "subject:"4he rights oof ownership""
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The legal regime of urban land and housing in China : reform through privatization and commercializationPei, Cao January 1995 (has links)
No description available.
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Vlastnické bydlení v České republice / Owner occupied housing in the Czech RepublicVašák, Michal January 2010 (has links)
My diploma thesis deals with the issue of owner occupied housing in the Czech Republic. Attention is paid to the general importance of the provision of housing with emphasis on the social, economic and especially the legal aspects with respect to the rights that are granted by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It describes in brief the development of flat ownership since the 60's and the role of the state in the housing policy, particularly with the aim to bring attention to the existing legal regulation of this area -- the Flat Ownership Act. The main part of the thesis focuses on the legal regulation of flat ownership which draws on the dualistic concept of house co-ownership and the related ownership of a housing unit (apartment or non-residential area). Emphasis is put on the legal status of flat owners, the summary of rights and obligations that arise from ownership of a flat as a specific subject of property ownership. The ways in which flat ownership rights are formed are presented with regard to the consequences of the ownership rights being entered in the Land Registry. The creation, operation and the position of a Home Owners Association, a body corporate, which is established by law to manage dwelling houses, is presented particularly in relation to a specific flat owner. In this respect, as well as in other sections, the thesis follows the practice of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court that has considerable effect on the interpretation of law and the protection of rights and obligations pertaining to particular owners in exercising their property rights.
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Women and land privatisation, gender relations, and social change in Truku society, TaiwanLin, Ching-Hsiu January 2010 (has links)
This research is based upon fieldwork carried out in 2005 and 2006 among Truku people, a Taiwanese indigenous group living in eastern Taiwan. It examines the transformation of the relationship between women and land, and explores meanings related to women’s ownership of land since the government introduced the privatisation of land ownership and cash cropping into Truku society in the 1960s. However, the imposition of these programmes of land reform and capitalisation has generated various types of conflict over land in Truku society. Since the 1960s, Truku people have suffered from loss of lands, arising from various governmental policies on economic development. Hence, many land reclamation movements have arisen, organised by Truku people in order to reclaim their land rights. Furthermore, the transformation of property relations has generated many conflicts over land and inheritance between different households and has created tensions between women and men in terms of land ownership in contemporary society. Most importantly, I reflect on the prevalent idea that women’s right to own land is not sanctioned by ‘traditional’ Truku culture, an argument which, I argue, is problematic, because the idea does not (neatly) fit into actual Truku practices of property transaction. Truku people strategically make use of this narrative of ‘tradition’ in order to strengthen their own tactical position in land disputes which arise between different households. Furthermore, I am critical of the emphasis placed on masculine or male Truku culture in this narrative, which is constructed by Truku activists in land reclamation movements in contemporary Truku society. Through investigation of the processes by which women obtain land in Truku society, I argue that women’s ownership of land cannot simply be regarded as a consequence of the implications of privatisation, but is also a result of kinship practices and their work in cultivating land and maintaining the economic well-being of the household in contemporary society. This research attempts to contribute to anthropological perspectives on property relations, economic anthropology, gender studies, kinship studies and studies of indigenous movements in Taiwan.
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Nuosavybės teisių atkūrimas į miško žemę Alytaus apskrityje / Restitution of Forest Land in Alytus CountyJakubauskaitė, Vita 03 June 2009 (has links)
Esminė žemės santykių pertvarka pradėta tik priėmus 1991 m. liepos 25 d. Žemės reformos įstatymą ir 1991 m. rugpjūčio 18 d. Įstatymą “Dėl piliečių nuosavybės teisių į išlikusį nekilnojamąjį turtą atstatymo tvarkos ir sąlygų.
Alytaus apskritis yra pati miškingiausia apskritis Lietuvoje t. p. ši teritorija išsiskiria saugomų teritorijų gausa. Miškų ūkio paskirties žemę Alytaus apskrityje 2008 m. sausio 1 d. duomenimis valdė: 42,83 proc. privatūs miškų savininkai, Nacionalinių parkų valdomos žemės nėra, 55,88 proc. visų apskrities miškų valdė miškų urėdijos, 1,29 proc. valstybinės žemės valdė kiti fiziniai ir juridiniai naudotojai. Per 2004 – 2008 m. laikotarpį privačių miškų ūkio paskirties žemės plotas Lietuvoje kasmet didėjo vidutiniškai po 22713 ha, t.y. 90850 ha per 4 metų laikotarpį, Alytaus apskrityje – po 4548 ha, t.y 18191 ha padidėjo privačių miškų. 2008 m. privatūs miškai sudarė atitinkamai 32 proc. Lietuvoje ir 43 proc. Alytaus apskrityje nuo visų miškų. Skirtingas miškų privatizavimo procentas yra dėl to, kad Alytaus apskrityje didesnius plotus užima valstybiniai parkai ir draustiniai, yra santykinai daugiau valstybinės reikšmės miškų. Atsižvelgiant į Žemės reformos įstatymu sudarytas sąlygas miškų privatizavimui, taip pat į galimybes žemės ūkiui netinkamas naudoti žemes apsodinti mišku bei esant svaiminiam apžėlimui (kas dešimt metų vykdant inventorizaciją yra randama apie 50-70 ha savaime apaugusių miškų),iki žemės reformos pabaigos išliks privačių miškų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Adoption of the Law on Land Reform on July 25, 1991 and the Law on the Restoration of the Rights of Ownership of Citizens to the Existing Real Property on August 18, 1991 initiated the beginning of the fundamental reformation of the land relations.
Alytus District is the most forested area in Lithuania. Moreover, this territory is famous for its numerous protected areas. The data available on January 1, 2008 show that 42.83 percent of the forest areas belong to private forest owners. Pursuant to this information, the are no any territories owned by the National Parks; 55.88 % and 1.29 % of all forest lands are forestry-owned and belong to other natural persons and legal entities respectively. Within 2004-2008, the area of privately owned forests showed annual increase by 22713 ha or 90850 ha altogether. Within the period of 4 years, Alytus District expanded its territory by 4548 ha annually (or 18191 ha of privately owned forests). In 2008, the privately owned forests accounted for 32 % and 43% of all forests in Lithuania and Alytus District respectively. These forest privatization results differ because Alytus District is mostly covered by state-owned parks and sanctuaries or state forests. With reference to the forest privatization conditions following the Law on Land Reform and the possibilities to use the non-agricultural lands for forests and in the background of self-vegetation of the areas (valuation surveys carried out every 10 years show that there are about 50-70... [to full text]
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By what right do we own things? : a justification of property ownership from an Augustinian traditionChi, Young-hae January 2011 (has links)
The justification of property ownership based on individual subjective rights is tightly bound to humanist moral perspectives. God is left out as irrelevant to the just grounds of ownership, which is established primarily on the basis of human self-referential, moral capacity. This thesis aims at developing an alternative justification, both for property as an institution and as a private holding, with a view to bringing God back into the centre stage and thereby placing property ownership on the objective concept of right. A tradition hitherto generally left unnoticed, yet uncovered here as the source of inspiration, vests the whole project with a moral-teleological tone. The tradition, enunciated by St. Augustine and developed by St. Bonaventure and John Wyclif, invites us to see property from the perspective of a moral end: it ought to be used for the love of God and neighbours, and as such it can be owned only by the just. In spite of important insights into the moral nature of property, the Augustinian thesis not only fails to spell out what ‘use for love’ means but also suffers from elitism. Nor does it offer an adequate justification of private property. Such weaknesses call for revision. When we reinterpret the Augustinian thesis through the concept of the divine imperative of service coupled with a proper understanding of human work, property acquires a distinctive justification. Property, as an institution, is justified as a requisite for carrying out God’s redemptive work towards the world. From this general justification ensues the particular justification. We hold property as specifically ‘mine,’ since each person’s ordained mission to participate in God’s work requires a uniquely personal material means, although the recognition and fulfilment of individual mission still demands communal efforts. The duty to carry out the God-commanded mission at first allows us to possess private property only in a non-proprietorial and non-exclusive manner. Yet in the prevailing condition of economic scarcity and human greed, civil jurisdiction must provide a structure of rights to enforce property institution. As God’s invitation for the transformation of the world is a universal command, everybody should have a minimum of property, and yet in differentiation of the scope and kinds commensurate with the particularities of individual mission.
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La simulazione negoziale nel processo civileSilvestri, Kevin 07 June 2022 (has links)
The thesis aims to reconstruct the procedural rules that apply whenever the simulation of contract becomes an issue within a civil proceeding.To this end, a different method is followed from that commonly used by the courts and in the scholarly literature, which have mostly deduced the content of these rules assuming, as a starting point, a certain solution to the problem of the nature of simulated contracts. The courts, that still adhere to the traditional doctrine of nullity of the simulated contract, state that the rules of the civil code dedicated to the action and the objection of nullity shall also apply to the action and objection of simulation. Part of the scholars, rejecting such premises, uphold interpretative solutions that are at odds with those supported by the courts. On the contrary, in this thesis, the legal notion of simulation is assumed as a starting point. Such a legal notion describes the set of facts that lead to a simulation of a contract and to the legal consequences set forth in articles 1414 and ff of the civil code; these facts are thus material to the process in which the simulation is an issue. Hence, the first part of the thesis (chapters 1 to 4) aims at framing the legal notion of simulation within the main categories of civil procedure, and starts from the definition of the legal notion of simulation by critically assessing the two main conceptions of the simulation phenomenon that emerge from the conspicuous literature on the subject: a “negative” conception, which sees the simulation as the lack of an essential element of the contract, and a “positive” conception, which sees the simulation as an agreement between the parties with the aim of excluding the legal effects of a contract between them (simulation agreement). The arguments in support of this last conception are set forth; after that, the question of the structure of the so-called “concealed contract” and the role of the simulation agreement on its formation and effectiveness is examined. The framing of the simulation in the fundamental categories of the process is then carried out through the observation of the legal effects that the simulation activity produces with regard to third parties, and the procedural classification of the substantial categories referred to in Articles 1415 and 1416 of the Italian Civil Code (in particular, unopposability). Finally, the objective scope of the process in which the ascertainment of the simulation of a contract is requested (action of simulation) is defined by critically examining the prevailing doctrine, according to which the said action aims at ascertaining the lack of a “contractual relationship”. Another doctrine is then examined, according to which simulation and nullity may be described as authonomous legal effects capable of being ascertained within a judgment having the force of res judicata. The second part (chapters 5 and 6) is dedicated to the discussion of selected issues of “procedural dynamics”, namely: a) the objection of absolute simulation, and the problem wether the judge may decide upon it ex officio in both the processes aimed at enforcing a simulated contract, and in those that aim, on the contrary, at the declaration of nullity, or at the annulment, rescission or termination of the same contract; b) the multiple facets that the issue of absolute simulation presents in the course of a forced expropriation proceeding undertaken against an “apparent owner”; c) the form of the concealed contract and the extent to which the simulants may prove a relative simulation by witnesses, particularly in the event that the relative simulation of the price of a sale contract is alleged as an objection to an avoidance action promoted by the bankruptcy trustee; d) the stading to an action of simulation; e) the objective scope of the res judicata in the same action. / La tesi mira a ricostruire la disciplina processuale della simulazione negoziale, ossia le regole concernenti l'attività compiuta nel processo dalle parti e dal giudice, ogniqualvolta la simulazione di un negozio giuridico sia oggetto di allegazione, prova e decisione (nella forma della mera cognizione o dell'accertamento). Si segue, a tal fine, un metodo diverso da quello comunemente impiegato dalla giurisprudenza e dalla dottrina, le quali hanno perlopiù dedotto il contenuto di tali regole a partire dalla soluzione di volta in volta prescelta al problema della qualificazione del contratto simulato. La giurisprudenza, muovendo dalla tesi della nullità del contratto simulato, conclude per la diretta applicabilità delle norme del codice civile dedicate all'azione e all'eccezione di nullità. Parte della dottrina, discostandosi da quella premessa, propone soluzioni applicative di segno opposto. Al contrario, nel presente lavoro, la centralità solitamente assegnata al contratto simulato, è occupata dalla simulazione, ossia dalla fattispecie degli effetti che gli artt. 1414 e seguenti designano quali “effetti della simulazione”. Detta fattispecie è infatti quanto forma oggetto dell'attività dei soggetti del processo (l'allegazione, la prova, la cognizione e l'accertamento). La ricostruzione della disciplina processuale della simulazione muove pertanto dalla collocazione della fattispecie simulatoria entro le categorie che informano il contenuto di quella disciplina, e cioè la qualificazione della simulazione come tema di prova, come questione di merito oggetto di mera cognizione, nonché, infine, come oggetto del processo e dell'accertamento munito di autorità di cosa giudicata.
La prima parte della tesi (capitoli da 1 a 4) si occupa esattamente di tale inquadramento, prendendo le mosse dalla definizione della fattispecie simulatoria e dalla discussione critica delle due opposte concezioni del fenomeno simulatorio che emergono dalla cospicua letteratura sul tema: una concezione “negativa”, che vede nella simulazione una forma qualificata di difetto della fattispecie negoziale, e una concezione “positiva”, che ravvisa la fattispecie simulatoria in un negozio distinto da quello simulato (il c.d. accordo simulatorio). Enunciate le ragioni a sostegno di quest'ultima concezione, si prende in esame la questione della struttura del contratto dissimulato e del ruolo dell'accordo simulatorio sulla formazione e l'efficacia del medesimo. L'inquadramento della simulazione nelle categorie fondamentali del processo prosegue mediante l'osservazione degli effetti giuridici che l'attività simulatoria produce riguardo ai terzi, e l'inquadramento processuale delle categorie sostanziali richiamate negli artt. 1415 e 1416 c.c. (segnatamente, l'inopponibilità). Infine, si definisce l'oggetto dell'azione di simulazione, mettendo di fronte la prevalente tesi che detto oggetto fa coincidere con il rapporto fondamentale contrattuale, e quella minoritaria che addita le azioni di simulazione e nullità quali esempi di processi di accertamento di situazioni giuridiche preliminari. Si sottopone quindi a critica la tesi del rapporto fondamentale.
La seconda parte (capitoli 5 e 6) è dedicata alla discussione di profili scelti di dinamica processuale, segnatamente: l'eccezione di simulazione assoluta, e il problema della sua rilevabilità d'ufficio nei processi diretti all'esecuzione del contratto simulato, nonché in quelli che mirano, al contrario, alla dichiarazione della nullità, ovvero all'annullamento, alla rescissione o alla risoluzione dello stesso contratto; le molteplici sfaccettature che presenta la cognizione della simulazione assoluta nel corso (o a lato) dell'espropriazione forzata intrapresa contro il titolare apparente; la forma del contratto dissimulato e l'ampiezza dei poteri istruttori dei simulanti che intendano dar prova della simulazione relativa, e per suo tramite del contratto dissimulato, particolarmente nel caso in cui la simulazione relativa del prezzo venga addotta per contrastare l'azione revocatoria promossa dal curatore fallimentare contro una compravendita immobiliare “a prezzo vile”; la legittimazione ad agire nell'azione di simulazione; i limiti oggettivi del giudicato di accertamento della simulazione.
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