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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Impact of psychological wellbeing and perceived combat readiness on willingness to deploy in the SANDF : an exploratory study

Nkewu, Zingcwengile 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African National Defence Force (SANDF) is deploying locally, regionally and internationally for peacekeeping operations and tasks other than peacekeeping. It is imperative that it succeed in these missions in order for the country, region and the world to develop. However, in order for the SANDF to realize success those responsible for the task of peacekeeping have to be combat ready, and particularly perceive themselves to be combat ready, they have to measure high on psychological wellbeing and should have no psychosocial and/or psychological problems such as depression, anxiety and social dysfunction, but must have a high level of willingness to deploy. SANDF deployment in Africa is voluntary and depends on those members who are willing to deploy to extract Africa out of the mire of squalor and poverty and conflict. It is only when there is peace that development and proper governance can be achieved, hence the need to use the SANDF as a foreign policy tool to bring about peace in Africa. The aim of the study was to explore the impact of psychological wellbeing (PWB) general health (GH) and perceived combat readiness (PCR) on willingness to deploy (WD) in the SANDF. A non-experimental, exploratory study was employed this study. Participants were drawn from the Army (n=465) from the rank of private to colonel. Participants completed valid reliable instruments measuring PWB; PCR; GH; and WD. PWB was measured in terms of self-acceptance, positive relations with others, autonomy, purpose in life, environmental mastery, and personal growth. PCR was measured in terms of family support, confidence (in all its dimensions), morale, and cohesion and unit discipline. GH was measured in terms of somatic symptoms, anxiety/insomnia, social dysfunction and depression. WD was measured by using 12 questions with a sample question such as: “In the event of an invasion by an enemy force into the RSA, to what extent will you be willing to go into combat?” Correlation analysis was done to determine the relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variable. Multiple regression analysis was done to determine which of the independent variables contributed most to WD of members of the SANDF The results revealed a significant positive relationship between PWB (and its dimensions, except self-acceptance and positive relations with others) and WD, and PCR (and its dimensions, except unit disciple) and WD. GH was annulled for its potential not to explain any variance in the model because almost all participants scored zero on all subscales. The multiple regression analysis was in line with correlation results showing that total PCR (strongest predictor) made a significant contribution in explaining and predicting WD. PWB made a contribution in explaining and predicting WD, but not as strong as PCR. The PCR dimensions that individually contribute significantly in explaining and predicting WD are self-confidence, horizontal cohesion and confidence in the leader. The conclusion that is drawn from this study is that total PCR and total PWB contribute to willingness to deploy.

Developing emotional intelligence for sustained student success

Delport, Marthinus 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The dire educational situation in South Africa has urged researchers to investigate possible predictors of academic success. There seems to be an increasing emphasis on non–cognitive factors that might play a role in determining the academic performance of students. In this study various unique challenges first-year students face were underlined, followed by possible key psychological resources needed to overcome such challenges. These resources include self-regulatory skills (i.e. self-leadership and emotional regulation), psychological well-being and constructive self-efficacy beliefs that could all ultimately help determine an individual’s academic success. It was hypothesised that Emotional Intelligence (EI) are central to these psychological resources and play a crucial role in the adaption and performance of first-year students in higher educational institutions. In this study an EI development programme was therefore implemented in order to evaluate whether it is possible to provide students with a powerful resource reservoir (i.e. high EI capabilities) in order to empower them to acquire additional personal and psychological resource (i.e. academic self-leadership, academic self-efficacy and well-being) that are needed to attain academic success. The findings of this study revealed that the EI development programme succeeded in elevating students’ EI, which also led to moderate improvements in their psychological well-being (i.e. less perceived stress), as well as the enhancement of their academic self-leadership (ASL) and academic self-efficacy (ASE) skills and abilities. Institutes of higher education should therefore rethink the emphasis they place on cognitive abilities alone and consider the strategy of also providing opportunities to enhance non-cognitive predictors of academic success. For example, by implementing EI development programmes, such as the one tested in this research, students have a greater chance of developing the necessary self-direction and self-regulation skills necessary to reach academic greatness which, most probably, will also facilitate better employability and career success. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die teleurstellende opvoedkundige situasie in Suid-Afrika het navorsers genoodsaak om moontlike voorspellers aangaande akademiese prestasie te ondersoek. Dit blyk dat daar 'n toenemende klem op nie-kognitiewe faktore geplaas word, wat 'n rol mag speel in die bepaling van die akademiese prestasie van studente. In hierdie studie word verskeie unieke uitdagings wat eerstejaarstudente moontlik in die gesig mag staar geïdentifiseer. Daar word dan ook gekyk na moontlike sleutel sielkundige hulpbronne wat kan help om hierdie uitdagings te oorkom. Hierdie hulpbronne sluit selfregulerende vaardighede (bv. self-leierskap en emosionele regulering), sielkundige welstand en konstruktiewe self-doeltreffendheid in, wat almal uiteindelik ʼn bydrae kan lewer tot ʼn individu se akademiese sukses. Dit was veronderstel dat Emosionele Intelligensie (EI) die kern tot hierdie sielkundige hulpbronne is, en dat dit ʼn beslissende rol in die aanpassing en prestasie van eerstejaarstudente in Hoër Onderwys Instellings speel. In hierdie studie is 'n EI-ontwikkelingsprogram geïmplementeer ten einde te evalueer of dit moontlik is om studente te voorsien met ʼn sterk sielkundige hulpbron basis (bv. hoër EI vermoëns) wat hulle behoort te bemagtig om bykomende persoonlike en sielkundige hulpbronne te verkry (bv. beter self-leierskap, self-doeltreffendheid en sielkundige welstand), wat nodig is vir akademiese vooruitgang. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie het getoon dat die EI-ontwikkelingsprogram daarin geslaag het om studente se EI te verhoog, wat tot gematigde verbetering in hul sielkundige welstand (minder waargenome stres) gelei het, sowel as die verbetering van hul akademiese self-leierskap (ASL) en akademiese self-doeltreffendheid (ASE). Instellings van Hoër Onderwys moet dus die klem wat alleenlik op kognitiewe vermoëns geplaas word opnuut deurdink, en strategieë oorweeg om geleenthede te skep wat nie-kognitiewe voorspellers van akademiese sukses sou verhoog. Deur byvoorbeeld die implementering van ʼn EI ontwikkelingsprogram, soos wat getoets word in hierdie navorsing, te implementeer, sou studente 'n beter kans hê om die nodige self-gerigtheid en selfregulerende vaardighede te bekom, wat nodig is vir akademiese sukses en vordering. Hierdie vaardighede sal waarskynlik ook lei tot beter indiensneembaarheid sowel as loopbaansukses.

A further modification, elaboration

Herselman, Trevor Dwayne 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South African organisations within both the private and public sectors of the economy are investing heavily into their talented employees, in an attempt to derive a sustainable competitive advantage. This competitive advantage is threatened when employees engage in turnover behaviours. This study is directed at understanding those factors that contribute to employees’ intention to quit following employees’ perceptions of training and development initiatives. Empirical support has been found that certain line management talent management competencies would result in the retention of talented employees. This study investigated an existing talent management competency structural model, with a specific focus on two talent management competencies related to employee development, namely: Talent Management Mindset and Develops Others. Furthermore, this study investigated the inclusion of additional latent variables (Organisational Trust, Perceived Organisational Support, and Felt Obligation) that may potentially explain additional variance in various organisational outcome variables (i.e. Job Satisfaction, Affective Commitment, Normative Commitment, and Intention to Quit). Through understanding how line managers’ competence on talent management competencies influence employees’ perceptions of organisational development initiatives and how these employee perceptions are causally related to Intention to Quit, organisations will be in the prime position to effectively address the issue of employee turnover, through structured talent management retention programmes. The results of the current study showed that the original structural model displayed good fit. Based on the modification index values calculated for the G and B matrices, a number of modifications were made to the structural model. Following the modifications to the original model, the fit of the model improved, and support was derived for numerous causal relationships proposed in the model, whist others were not supported. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid - Afrikaanse organisasies in beide die privaat – en openbare sektor maak beduidende beleggings in hul talentvolle werknemers in ‘n poging om ‘n volhoubare mededingende voordeel te bewerkstellig. Hierdie mededingende voordeel word egter bedreig wanneer werknemers die organisasie verlaat. Die studie het ten doel gehad om die faktore te verstaan wat bydra tot werknemers se diensverlatingsvoorneme gegee hul persepsie van opleiding en ontwikkelings - inisiatiewe. Die empiriese bevindinge toon dat sekere lynbestuur - talentbestuurbevoegdhede lei tot die behoud van talent. Die studie het ‘n bestaande talentbestuur bevoegdheids model ondersoek, met ‘n spesifieke fokus op twee talentbestuur bevoegdhede wat verband hou met werknemer ontwikkeling, naamlik: Talentbestuur – ingesteldheiden Ontwikkeling van Ander. Die studie het voorts ook die insluiting van addisionale latent veranderlikes (Organisatoriese Vertroue, Waargenome Organisatoriese Ondersteuning, en Verpligting Ervaar) ondersoek wat moontlik addisionele variansie in verskeie organisatoriese uitkoms veranderlikes kan verklaar (i.e. Werkstevredenheid, Affektiewe Verbintenis, Normatiewe Verbintenis, en Diensverlatingsvoornemes). Deur te verstaan hoe lynbestuurders se bevoegdheid op talentbestuur bevoegdhede werknemers se persepsies van organisatoriese ontwikkelings-inisiatiewe beïnvloed en hoe hierdie persepsie oorsaaklik verband hou met Diensverlatingsvoorneme, sal organisasies in ‘n gunstige posisie wees om diensverlating op ‘n effektiewe wyse aan te spreek deur middel van gestruktureerde talentbestuur behoud programme. Die resultate van die huidige studie toon dat die oorspronklike strukturele model goeie pasgehalte behaal het. Na aanleiding van die modifikasie–indekswaardes wat bereken is vir die G en B matryse , is ‘n aantal veranderinge aan die strukturele model gemaak. Nadat die veranderinge aan die oorspronklike model aangebring is, het die pasgehalte van die model verbeter en steun is verkry vir verskeie oorsaaklike verwantskappe wat voor gehou is in die model, terwyl ander nie steun verkry het nie.

The sense of coherence and resilience of HIV-positive students in the support group of a university in the Eastern Cape

Hoho, Veliswa Nomfundu 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Most research in South Africa with regard to HIV/AIDS focuses on the HIV counseling and testing of university students while little attention has been paid to how HIV-positive students cope in the support groups within the institutions of higher learning. The study aimed at determining and describing the sense of coherence and the resilience of HIVpositive students in a university in the Eastern Cape Province and exploring the differences between the demographics, using the subscale of the sense of coherence (SOC-29) and the resilience assessment questionnaire (RAQ). The students who were registered with the university were chosen as participants by means of non-probability purposive sampling technique. The sample consisted of 40 students (Males = 10; Females = 30). A t-test analysis revealed statistically significant differences between demographics (language) and comprehensibility subscale of the sense of coherence (SOC). Furthermore, statistically significant differences between languages, interaction and problem-solving scales of RAQ were noted. The Cronbach‟s Alpha for SOC and RAQ yielded 0.74 and 0.94 respectively in this study. The results show that the participants were coping fairly well with a chronic disease like HIV/AIDS and that their resilience was also average. The main recommendation is that the university should increase HIV/AIDS coping be done on a larger scale in an institution that has different race groups. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die meeste navorsing oor MIV/Vigs in Suid-Afrika fokus op MIV-voorligting en toetsing. Baie min aandag word egter gegee aan die mate waartoe MIV-positiewe student waarde vind binne die ondersteuningsgroepe wat binne Suid-Afrikaaanse Universiteite bestaan. Hierdie navorsingsprojek poog om 'n beskrywing te gee van twee konstrukte naamlik “sense of coherence” en “resilience” en te beskryf hoe dit manifesteer binne 'n groep MIVpositiewe studente aan 'n Universiteit in die Oos-Kaap. 'n Steekproef van 40 student ( 20 manlik en 20 vroulik) is vir die studie gebruik en die SOC-29 en Rao vraelyste is by hulle geadministreer ten einde onderskeidelik “sense of coherence” en “resilience” te meet. Die t-toets is in die analise van data gebruik . Resultate toon aan dat deelnemers oor die algemeen goed vaar in hulle die hantering van kroniese siektes soos MIV/Vigs en dat hulle vermoë om hulle lewe te normaliseer ( resilience) redelik goed is. Die aanbeveling wat uit die studie gemaak word is dat universiteite MIV/Vigs hanteringsprogramme moet verbeter en dat daar gepoog moet word on beter ondersteuningsmeganismes vir studente met MIV/Vigs daar te stel.

Modification, elaboration and empirical evaluation of the De Goede learning potential structure model : rising above adversity

Pretorius, Dirk J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The current study is an attempt to acknowledge the existing inequalities South Africa faces, while presenting a solution to reach the ideal of equal opportunities so many South Africans strive for each day. The catalyst for the current study is the observed shortage in skills, knowledge and general abilities among those South Africans who were previously denied developmental and equal educational opportunities. Through addressing the challenges faced by those most at risk of not achieving learning performance success, an attempt is launched to uncover the factors that should be considered when evaluating learning potential. The study is directly aimed at addressing the failures of previous affirmative development attempts. The core belief of the author remains in line with the current government‟s view, namely that successful affirmative development is the most effective way to correct the injustices of the South Africa‟s past. Through scientific assistance to the corporate sector, Industrial Psychologists can play a leading role by using the practice of selection as a vehicle to drive the process of affirmative development in a responsible manner through selective developmental opportunities. The author has attempted to identify cognitive and non-cognitive learning performance variables that are to be considered when considering learning performance success. The current study is an elaboration of previous research presented by De Goede (2007) that was based on the findings of Terry Taylor (1989, 1992, 1994, 1997). The current learning potential structural model is an elaboration of the De Goede (2007) learning potential structural model. The author has proposed additional non-cognitive variables as an attempt to gain a more thorough understand with respect to what constitutes success in learning performance. By adding more variables to the existing nomological network that constitute learning performance, the author attempted to uncover a more holistic insight into the construct of learning performance success. The research was conducted using a sample of 395 grade 9 school learners from previously disadvantaged communities in the Cape Town area, including Bonteheuwel, Mannenberg and Goodwood. All the learners in the sample group successfully completed term 1 and 2 passing English first language, Afrikaans second Language, Mathematics and Science. The proposed hypothesised expanded learning potential structural model was empirically evaluated. The fit of the measurement model achieved exact fit. The researcher extended the investigation by considering the full range of fit indices, standardised residuals, modification indices and parameter estimate. From the results obtained the researcher modified the structural model, by removing one of the interaction effects. The results of the final revised structural model achieved good fit. Only five of the paths in the final model were empirically corroborated. Support was found, indicating that a statistical significant positive relationship exist between Learning Motivation and Tenacity, Conscientiousness and Resilience, Parental Quality and Learning Motivation, Grit and Cognitive Engagement as well as Grit and Learning Motivation. In addition to these findings, the researcher also presented some limitation to the research methodology, practical implications as well as recommendations for future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die huidige studie verteenwoordig „n poging om erkenning te gee aan die heersende ongelykhede wat Suid-Afrika in die gesig staar, terwyl „n oplossing gesoek word om die ideaal van gelyke ontwikkeling, waarna soveel Suid-Afrikaners elke dag streef. Die katalisator vir die huidige studie is die waargenome ongelykhede in vaardighede, kennis en algemene vermoëns onder daardie Suid-Afrikaners van wie ontwikkeling- en gelyke opvoedingsgeleenthede weerhou is. Deur die huidige uitdagings aan te spreek, wat die individue in die gesig staar met die grootste risiko om nie leerprestasie-sukses te behaal nie, word „n poging geloods om die faktore te identifiseer wat oorweeg behoort te word wanneer leer potensiaal geëvalueer word. Hierdie studie is direk daarop gemik om die mislukkings van vorige regstellende aksie pogings aan te spreek. Die outeur se kernoortuiging is in lyn met die huidige regering se sienswyse, naamlik dat „n suksesvolle regstellende ontwikkelingspoging die mees effetiewe manier is om die ongeregtelikhede van Suid-Afrika se verlede te korrigeer. Deur wetenskaplike ondersteuning aan die korporatiewe sektor, kan Bedryfsielkundiges „n leidende rol vervul deur die gebruik van seleksiepraktyke wat daarop afgestem is om die proses van regstellende aksie aan te dryf op „n verantwoordelike manier, deur selektiewe ontwikkelingsgeleenthede. Die outeur het gepoog om kognitiewe en nie-kognitiewe leerprestasie-veranderlikes te identifiseer wat oorweeg moet word ten einde leerprestasie-sukses te bevorder. Die huidige studie is ‟n uitbreiding van vorige navorsing deur De Goede (2007) gebaseer op die bevindinge van Terry Taylor (1989, 1992, 1994, 1997). Die huidige leerpotensiaal strukturele model is „n uitbreiding van De Goede (2007) se leerpotensiaal strukturele model. Die outeur het addisionele nie-kognitiewe veranderlikes voorgestel in „n poging om dieper insig te verkry in dit wat leerprestasie-sukses konstitueer. Deur die toevoeging van meer veranderlikes tot die bestaande nomologiese netwerk wat leerprestasie konstitueer, poog die outeur om „n meer holistiese insig te openbaar in die konstruk van leerprestasie-sukses. Die navorsingstudie was toegepas om n groep van 395 graad 9 skooliere van voorheen benadeelde gemeenskappe in die Kaapstad omgewing, insluitend Bonteheuwel, Mannenberg en Goodwood. Al die leerlinge in die steekproef het kwartaal 1 en 2 suksesvol geslaag met die vakke Engels eerste taal, Afrikaans tweede taal, Wiskunde en Wetenskap. Die voorgestelde leerpotensiaal strukturele model was empiries ge-ëvalueer. Die passing van die metingsmodel het n presiese passing getoon. Die navorser se ondersoek is uitgebrei deur die volle spektrum pasgehaltemaatstawwe, gestandaardiseerde residue, modifikasie-indekse en parameter skattings te oorweeg. Die resultate het daartoe gelei dat die navorser besluit het om „n wysiging te maak deur een van die interaksie- effekte te verwyder. Die resultate van die finaal-gewysigde strukturele model het n goeie passing getoon. Slegs vyf van die bane in die finale model kon empiries bevestig word. Ondersteuning is gevind wat aantoon dat a statisties beduidende positiewe verhouding bestaan tussen Leer Motivering en Volharding, Pligsgetrouhied en Veerkragtigheid, Ouer Ingesteltheid en Leer Motivering, Volharding en Kognitiewe Inspanning, so wel as Volharding en Leer Motivering. Die navorser het addisioneel tot hierdie bevindinge, ook sekere beperkinge van die navorsings metodiek, praktiese implikasies van die studie, asook toekomstige navorsing bepreek.

Barriers in teaching LSE in the Leribe District among teachers

Moorosi, Refiloe Mathakamphasa 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Zero new infections, zero AIDS related death and an HIV free generation is an attainable reality. But it is an attainable reality that requires the involvement of every member of the society. This is because the pandemic is touching every sector of human life. Without cure thirty years later, this calls for the world to identify their strong areas and utilize it to reach to the ultimate goal. Young people, have the power in their hands to take the world to the next level of an HIV free world. All they need is proper guidance, accurate information, enhancement of their skills for manage the pandemic. Life skills education (LSE) is an adult-led, educational platform created for young minds to get them involved in the management of the disease. LSE, focus mainly on HIV education and skills development. Some of the major skills are communication skills, negotiation skills, self esteem and interpersonal skills. These skills and others are necessary for young people in postponing the age their first sexual debut. They also come handy when negotiating safe sex, assessing their vulnerability and most importantly in decision making. Other skills such as empathy, anger management and other focus more addressing issues such as discrimination and stigmatization. Despite all the merits of this program LSE there has been a decline in the number of schools offering the approach. Most schools have been removing it from the school curriculum. This is where the research problem identified: What are the barriers of teaching LSE among teachers in the Leribe District? The research establishes the causes that have led to the exclusion of LSE. It looked into attitudes and opinions, the influence of the community on LSE. Based on the nature of the study, the mixed approach was used. This method, a combination of the qualitative and quantitative method has an advantage over the two as it has a combined effect of their strengths. Simple random selection was used for the research. The study found that lack of training and others were the major challenge faced by the LSE teachers. Recommendations were made which would help in successful re-implementation of the program. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Geen nuwe infeksies, geen vigsverwante sterftes en ’n MIV-vrye generasie is ’n haalbare realiteit. Dit is egter ’n haalbare realiteit wat die betrokkenheid van elke lid van die samelewing verg, aangesien die pandemie elke sektor van menslike lewe raak.By gebrek aan ’n middel teen dié siekte 30 jaar sedert dit die eerste keer aan die lig gekom het, rus die verantwoordelikheid nou op die internasionale gemeenskap om hul sterkpunte te bepaal en aan te wend om die einddoel te bereik. Jongmense hét wat dit verg om ons na die volgende vlak van ’n MIV-vrye wêreld te neem. Ál wat kortkom, is behoorlike leiding, akkurate inligting en die versterking van hul vaardighede om die pandemie te bestuur. Lewensvaardigheidsopvoeding (LVO) is ’n opvoedkundige platform onder volwasse leiding wat geskep is om jongmense by die bestuur van die siekte te betrek. LVO konsentreer hoofsaaklik op MIV-opvoeding en vaardigheidsontwikkeling. Van die belangrikste vaardighede is kommunikasie, onderhandeling, selfvertroue en interpersoonlike skakeling. Met hierdie én ander vaardighede kan jongmense hul eerste seksuele ervaring tot ’n latere ouderdom uitstel. Dit is ook nuttig in die onderhandeling van veilige sekspraktyke, die bepaling van hul eie kwesbaarheid en, bowenal, besluitneming. Ander vaardighede, soos empatie, woedebestuur, ensovoorts, konsentreer weer op kwessies soos diskriminasie en stigmatisasie. Ondanks die meriete van die LVO-program, is daar egter ’n afname in die aantal skole wat dit aanbied. Trouens, die meeste skole skrap dit uit die skoolkurrikulum. Vandaar die navorsingsprobleem wat in hierdie tesis aan bod kom: Wat verhinder onderwysers in die Leribe-distrik om LVO te onderrig? Die navorsing bepaal die oorsake vir die uitsluiting van LVO. Dit verken houdings en menings sowel as die invloed van die gemeenskap op LVO. As gevolg van die aard van die studie is ’n gemengde navorsingsbenadering gevolg. Hierdie benadering hou die voordeel in dat dit oor die sterkpunte van sowel die kwalitatiewe as kwantitatiewe metode beskik. Eenvoudige ewekansige seleksie is vir die navorsing gebruik. Die studie bevind dat ’n gebrek aan opleiding een van die hoofuitdagings is waarvoor die LVO-onderwysers te staan kom. Aanbevelings word gedoen wat sal help om die program met welslae weer in te stel.

Knowledge,attitudes and practices on HIV/AIDS among peer educators in Limpopo Department of Agriculture

Shipalana, Pearl Nkhensani 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Industrial Psychology. African Centre for HIV/AIDS Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: HIV/AIDS is a world wide pandemic and has caused threat in many organizations. Organizations are trying to put in place programmes to fight the spread of HIV/AIDS as it affects the productivity and profits due to increased absenteeism and turnover. The Joint United Nations programme on HIV/AIDS [UNAIDS] estimated that there are 40 million people living with HIV/AIDS world wide, 25 million has died and 15 millions are orphans due to HIV/AIDS. The Department of Agriculture [Limpopo] has recruited Peer Educators to assist in providing education, awareness and prevention programmes on HIV/AIDS to employees and stakeholders. However, it is essential to assess the knowledge, attitudes and perception of this Peer Educators in order to develop intervention measures to improve the effectiveness of the programme. The Department of Public Service Administration guideline on managing HIV/AIDS in the workplace (2002) requires departments to conduct KAP (knowledge, attitudes and perception) in order to have baseline data for responsive, relevant intervention strategies in the workplace. “HIV/AIDS workplace programmes can only be successful if the employees needs regarding knowledge, attitudes and practices have been thoroughly researched” (Family Health International, 2000). The aim of the study was to identify the knowledge, attitudes and practices of Peer Educators in the Limpopo Department of Agriculture. This will also assist to measure the impact of training provided to them. All Peer Educators were be given an opportunity to participate in the study. Self-administered questionnaire was be used to collect data and confidentiality was emphasized. Data was analysed using the SSP programme and Microsoft excel. The findings revealed an average knowledge of Peer Educators on HIV/AIDS, positive attitudes and safe sexual practice by using condoms. There is need for in service training for Peer Educators. The results also indicated the strong need of support from supervisors and management in the implementation of Peer Educators programme. The findings of the study will also assist the Limpopo Department of Agriculture to redesign the Peer Education Programme in order to minimize the risks and reduce the infection rate on HIV. Peer Educators are considered as key informants, it is significant to understand their level of knowledge, and what is their perception of risk to HIV/AIDS. / ARFIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was die bepaling van die kennisvlakke, houdings en persepsies van eweknie-opleiers in die Limpopo provinsie. Die resultate van die studie dui op sterk behoeftes aan verdere opleidng aan veral toesighouers en bestuurders van die Departement van Landbou van Limpopo provinsie. Voorstelle word aan die hand gedoen oor die wyse waarop hierdie opleidingsprogramme saamgestel behoort te word en riglyne word gegee vir die implementering daarvan.

The relationship of SOC to well-being and its effect on the perception of a selected number of work characteristics

Belelie, Cindylou January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Many Black nurses who originally come from previously disadvantaged communities find themselves at present in relatively senior positions. The reality is, however, that many of these employees are still residing in residential areas where transformation and changes are still very limited and progress hardly noticeable. Such employees experience the stressful world of nursing on the one hand while on the other hand they also have to battle with the realities of the legacy of Apartheid. These may include aspects such as financial burdens, long distances from work, poor public transport, high crime rates in their communities and schools that are yet to improve standards. There are still Black South Africans, amongst them Black nursing sisters, who have to battle with these problems daily, in addition to having to cope with occupational stressors. One would assume then that they may be experiencing a large degree of strain and burnout. This research was therefore concerned with those nurses who remain productive and efficient in their work by overcoming constant occupational and non-occupational demands and stressors. Not all nurses, however, experience ill health due to stressors. There are nurses who do cope well. Two research questions were investigated with reference to the above: (a) Why some Black nursing sisters appear to cope better than others; and (b) What the role of Sense of Coherence (SOC) is as a coping resource. The study therefore investigated the statistical relationship between (a) SOC and well-being and (b) the effect that SOC has on the perception of a selected number of work characteristics. Significant Pearson Correlations were found between SOC and psychosomatic strain symptoms and burnout frequency. No significant relationship was found between SOC and burnout intensity. A significant relationship was found between SOC and work demands, as well as SOC and career rewards. Findings further indicate that no significant relationship was found between organisational climate, leadership relations, influence at work, time pressures and adverse factors in the work environment. Two-way ANOVAs indicate that no significant main effect exists in respect of SOC on psychosomatic strain symptoms. The study also indicates that a significant main effect exists for SOC on burnout frequency, whereas no significant main effect exists for SOC on burnout intensity. No significant interaction effect exists between SOC and age on psychosomatic strain symptoms, burnout frequency and burnout intensity. A significant interaction effect exists between SOC and education level on burnout intensity, while there is no significant interaction effect between SOC and educational level on psychosomatic strain symptoms and burnout frequency. A significant main effect exists for SOC on the perception of leadership relations, influence at work and career rewards. Findings further indicate that no significant main effect exists for SOC on the perception of: orgnisational climate, time pressures, work demands and adverse factors in the work environment. No significant interaction effect exists between SOC and age on the perception of organisational climate, influence at work, work demands, time pressures, career rewards, leadership relations and adverse factors in the work environment. Results indicate that no significant interaction effect exists between SOC and educational level on the perception of organisational climate, influence at work, work demands, time pressures, career rewards, leadership relations and adverse factors in the work environment. The results thus indicate that a positive correlation exists between SOC and wellbeing. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Talle verpleegters uit voorheen benadeelde gebiede, bevind hulself huidiglik in relatiewe senior posisies. Die werklikheid is egter dat hierdie werknemers nog steeds onder andere in woongebiede bly waar transformasie en verandering gering is en algemene vordering nie waarneembaar is nie. Hierdie werknemers ondervind die stresvolle omstandighede van verpleging eendersyds en andersyds voer hulle 'n stryd teen die nalatenskap van apartheid. Dit kan aspekte soos finansiele probleme, lang afstande van hul werkplek, publieke vervoer, hoë misdaadsyfers in hul gemeenskappe asook skole waar die opvoedkundige standaarde nog aangespreek moet word, insluit. Daar is nog talle Swart Suid-Afrikaners, Swart verpleegsusters onder andere wat daagliks met hierdie probleme die stryd voer met 'n langsame veranderingsproses, terwyl hulle ook met talle stressors in hul beroepe te make het. Dit kan dus aanvaar word dat hierdie persone 'n groot mate van stres en uitbranding ondervind. Hierdie navorsing het te make met daardie groep verpleegsters wat produktief en bekwaam in hul werk bly funksioneer het, weens die feit dat hulle hierdie voordurende beroeps-en nie-beroeps vereistes en stressors suksesvol die hoof kan bied. Nie al die verpleegsters se geestegesondheid word dus deur genoemde stresfaktore benadeel nie en kan deurgaans effektief funksioneer. Twee navorsings-vraagstukke is met betrekking tot bogenoemde Suid-Afrikaanse realiteit ondersoek: (a) Waarom sommige Swart verpleegsusters die stressors in hul beroeps-en lewensomstandighede beter as ander hanteer en (b) Watter rol speel koherensiebelewing ("SOC") as enstreshantering meganisme. Die studie het (a) die verhouding tussen koherensiebelewing en werknemer welsyn en (b) die rol van koherensiebelewing ("SOC") as enmeganisme vir die hantering van stres, nagevors. Beduidende Pearson Korrelasies tussen koherensiebelewing, psigosomatiese stressimptome en die frekwensie van uitbranding is gevind. Geen beduidende verband is tussen koherensiebelewing, werkseise en loopbaanbelonings gevind nie. Die resultate dui verder aan dat daar geen beduidende verband tussen organisatoriese klimaat, leierskap verhoudings, invloed by die werk, tydsdruk, en nadelige faktore in die werksomgewing bestaan nie. Twee-rigting variansie ontledings dui egter aan dat daar geen beduidende hoof effek tussen koherensiebelewing en psigosomatiese stressimptome bestaan nie. Die studie dui ook op 'n beduidende hoof effek tussen koherensiebelewing en die frekwensie van uitbranding. Geen beduidende hoof effek is tussen koherensiebelewing en uitbranding intensiteit gevind. Geen beduidende interaksie effek bestaan tussen koherensiebelewing en ouderdom op psigomatiese stressimptome, frekwensie van uitbrandiqg en uitbrandings intensiteit nie. 'n Beduidende interaksie effek bestaan tussen koherensiebelewing en opvoedkundige kwalifikasie op uitbranding intensiteit, terwyl daar geen interaksie effek bestaan tussen psigomatiese stressimptome en frekwensie van uitbranding nie. 'n Beduidende hoof effek ten opsigte van koherensiebelewing op die persepsie van leierskap-verhoudings, invloede by die werk, en loopbaanbelonings is gevind. Die navorsing dui verder daarop dat geen betekenisvolle hoof effek bestaan ten opsigte van koherensiebelewing op die persepsie van organisatoriese klimaat, tydsdruk, werksvereistes en nadelige faktore in die werksomgewing nie. 'n Statisties beduidende hoof effek ten opsigte van koherensiebelewing op die persepsie van leierskap-verhoudings, invloede by die werk, en loopbaanbelonings, bestaan. Geen beduidende interaksie effek bestaan tussen koherensiebelewing en ouderdom op die persepsie van organisatoriese klimaat, invloed by die werk, werkseise, tydsdruk, loopbaanbelonings, leierskap-verhoudings en nadelige faktore in die werksomgewing nie. Resultate toon geen statisties beduidende interaksie effek tussen koherensiebelewing en opvoedkundige kwalifikasie op die persepsie van organisatoriese klimaat, invloede by die werk, werkseise, tydsdruk, loopbaanbelonings, leierskap-verhoudings en nadelige faktore by die werk nie. Die resultate dui derhalwe op 'n positiewe verband tussen koheresensiebelewing en werknemerwelstand.

Female apparel shopping behaviour within a multi-cultural consumer society : variables, market segments, profiles and implications

Du Preez, R. Ronel) 12 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Female apparel shopping behaviour in a multi-cultural consumer society is a complex phenomenon. This study set out to identify the variables that influence female apparel shopping behaviour in a multi-cultural consumer society and to determine whether distinct clusters of female apparel shoppers could be identified. Three theoretical models from the two study disciplines, Consumer Behaviour and Clothing and Textiles, were investigated, i.e. the Sproles Model of Fashion Adoption, the Engel-Blackwell-Miniard Model of Consumer Decision-Process Behaviour and De Klerk's Clothing Consumer Decision-making Model. These models were synthesised and developed further into a new conceptual theoretical model of variables influencing female apparel shopping behaviour in a multi-cultural consumer society. The Macro conceptual theoretical model presented the variables under market dominated variables, market and consumer interaction variables and consumer dominated variables. The scope of the study was delimited by the choice of two primary variables under each classification, for further investigation. The variables investigated were: the place of distribution, the apparel product, shopping orientation, patronage behaviour, socio-cultural influences (family, lifestyle and culture) and demographics. An overview of the South African apparel industry was provided and future trends in retailing were highlighted. Literature on shopping orientation as a variable was extensively studied, resulting in a proposed new classification system. Lifestyle and cultural consciousness, i.e. the individualist and collectivist orientation, and the impact thereof on female apparel shopping behaviour were investigated. Data for this exploratory study were generated by means of a store-intercept research method. A questionnaire was developed and trained fieldworkers undertook in-store interviews with approximately eight hundred female apparel shoppers representative of three population groups, African/black, coloured and white. The data analysis yielded acceptable questionnaire reliability and multivariate statistics showed shopping orientation and lifestyle to be multi-dimensional constructs with three components each. The three shopping orientation components were labelled shopping selfconfidence and enjoyment; credit-prone, brand-conscious and fashion innovator and local store patronage. A Yuppie lifestyle, apparel-orientated lifestyle and a traditional lifestyle were the three labels ascribed to the lifestyle components. Three clusters of female apparel shoppers were formed by means of cluster analysis, according to the three components of lifestyle and shopping orientation respectively, the two cultural consciousness scales and eleven patronage behaviour items. A demographic profile of each cluster completed the typology of the three female apparel shopper groups. Group one was the largest (49%) and was labelled Actualisers. Group two (28%) was labelled Strugglers and group three (22%) Aspirationals. The female apparel shopper could therefore be successfully segmented into distinct market segments with statistically significant differences in profiles. The profiles showed similarities to international and South African typology research. The results are presented in a conceptual model. The following main implications for manufacturers, marketers, retailers, researchers, educators and students can be stated: .:. Knowledge regarding consumers will be of paramount importance for survival in the competitive and more globally orientated 21st century . •:. The female apparel market is not homogeneous. Different groups of consumers require different types of products and will evaluate them differently. Modern technology such as CAD, EDI, QR and CIM should be implemented to assist stakeholders in this regard. Fashion changes rapidly and if the window of opportunity is not seized, it is lost . •:. Different advertising and marketing strategies are necessary to reach the various female apparel shopper groups. Special attention should be given to advertising approaches and media vehicles that will gain the attention of the various groups . •:. Electronic retailing and marketing will form a large part of future retailing and marketing activities. Stakeholders should be geared towards seizing these opportunities for growth. .:. Researchers, educators and students will benefit from the application of the Conceptual Theoretical Model - a Macro perspective. It could provide a conceptual framework for curriculum development, be used as an evaluation tool and assist in the understanding of the complexities of variables impacting on female apparel shopping behaviour in a multi-cultural consumer society. Recommendations for future research were made in order to encourage researchers to research the complex nature of female apparel shopping behaviour in a multi-cultural consumer society scientifically. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vroueklere aankoopgedrag in 'n multi-kulturele verbruikersgemeenskap is 'n komplekse fenomeen. Hierdie studie poog om die veranderlikes wat vroueklere aankoopgedrag in 'n multi-kulturele verbruikersgemeenskap beïnvloed, te identifiseer en om te bepaal of onderskeibare groepe vroulike verbruikers geïdentifiseer kan word. Drie teoretiese modelle vanuit die twee dissiplines, naamlik Verbruikersgedrag en Kleding en Tekstiele, is ondersoek, naamlik: die Sproles Model van Modeaanvaarding (Sproles Model of Fashion Adoption), die Engel-Blackwell-Miniard model van Verbruikersbesluitnemingsproses-gedrag (Engel-Blackwell-Miniard Model of Consumer Decision-Process Behaviour) asook De Klerk se Kledingverbruikerbesluitnemingsmodel. (De Klerk's Clothing Consumer Decision-making Model). Hierdie modelle is gesintetiseer en verder ontwikkel tot 'n nuwe konseptueie teoretiese model van veranderlikes wat vroueklere-aankoopgedrag in 'n multi-kulturele verbruikersgemeenskap beïnvloed. Die Makro konseptueie teoretiese model orden veranderlikes onder mark-gedomineerde veranderlikes, mark- en verbruiker-interaksie-veranderlikes en verbruiker-gedomineerde veranderlikes. Die omvang van die studie is begrens deur die keuse van twee primêre veranderlikes onder elke groepering vir verdere studie. Die bestudeerde veranderlikes sluit die volgende in: plek van distribusie, die klereproduk, aankooporiëntasie, winkelvoorkeurgedrag, sosio-kulturele invloede (familie, lewenstyl en kultuur) asook demografie. 'n Oorsig van die Suid-Afrikaanse kledingindustrie word gegee en toekomstige tendense in die kleinhandel word uitgelig. Literatuur rakende aankooporiëntasie as veranderlike is breedvoerig bestudeer en resulteer in 'n nuwe klassifikasie stelsel. Lewenstyl en kulturele bewustheid, nl. die individualistiese versus kollektivistiese oriëntasie, en die impak daarvan op vroue se klere-aankoopgedrag is ondersoek. Data vir hierdie verkennende navorsing is verkry deur respondente in winkels te nader (store-intercept research method). Vir hierdie eksploratiewe studie is 'n vraelys ontwikkel en opgeleide veldwerkers het onderhoude (binne winkels) met ongeveer aghonderd vroue klereverbruikers, verteenwoordigend van drie populasie groepe, nl. Swart, Kleurling en Blank gevoer. Die data ontleding dui op aanvaarbare vraelys betroubaarheid. Die meervoudige veranderlike statistiek resultate toon aan dat aankooporiëntasie en lewenstyl multi-dimensionele konstrukte is, met onderskeidelik drie komponente elk. Die drie aankooporiëntasie komponente is benoem as aankoop selfvertroue en genot (shopping self-confidence and enjoyment); krediet geneigdheid, handelsmerk bewustheid sowel as mode innoveerder (credit prone, brand conscious and fashion innovator) en plaaslike winkelvoorkeur (local store patronage). Die Yuppie lewenstyl (Yuppie lifestyle); klere georienteerde lewenstyl (apparel orientated lifestyle) en tradisionele lewenstyl (traditional lifestyle) was die drie name wat aan die lewenstyle komponente toegeskryf is. Drie groepe vroulike klere aankopers is gevorm met behulp van trosanalise. Die trosanalise is gedoen op grond van die drie komponente van lewenstyl en aankooporiëntasie onderskeidelik, die twee kulturele bewustheid skale en die elf winkelvoorkeur gedrag items. Die tipering van die drie groepe is aangevul deur 'n demografiese profiel. Groep een was die grootste (49%) en is genoem Aktualiseerders (Actualisers). Groep twee (28%) is genoem Sukkelaars (StruggIers) en groep drie (22%) Aspireerders (Aspirationals). Die vroulike klere aankoper kon derhalwe suksesvol gesegmenteer word in duidelik onderskeibare segmente met statisties beduidende verskille in die profiele. Die profiele toon ooreenkomste met internasionale en Suid-Afrikaanse tipologie navorsing. konseptueie model. Die resultate word aangetoon in 'n Die volgende hoof implikasies vir vervaardigers, bemarkers, kleinhandelaars, navorsers, opvoedkundiges en studente kan gestel word: .:. Kennis rakende verbruikers sal krities wees vir oorlewing in die kompeterende en globaal georiënteerde 21ste eeu. •:. Die vroue klere mark is nie homogeen nie. Verskillende groepe verbruikers vereis verskillende tipes produkte en sal dit derhalwe verskillende evalueer. Moderne tegnologie soos rekenaar gesteunde ontwerp, elektroniese data interaksie, vinnige respons en rekenaar geintegreerde vervaardiging moet geïmplimenteer word ten einde alle belanghebbendes te ondersteun in hierdie verband. Mode verander vinnig en indien geleenthede nie aangegryp word nie, is dit verlore . •:. Verskillende bemarking en reklame strategieë is nodig ten einde die verskillende groepe vroue klere verbruikers te bereik. Spesifieke aandag moet geskenk word aan die advertensie aanslag en media voertuie wat die aandag van die onderskeie groepe sal trek . •:. Elektroniese kleinhandel en bemarking sal 'n groot komponent van die toekomstige kleinhandel en bemarkingsaktiwiteite beslaan. Belanghebbendes moet ingestel wees om hierdie geleenthede vir groei aan te gryp . •:. Navorsers, opvoeders en studente sal voordeel trek uit die toepassing van die Konseptueie Teoretiese Model - 'n Makro Perspektief. Hierdie model kan dien as 'n konseptueie raamwerk waarbinne kurrikulering kan plaasvind, asook aangewend word as evaluasie instrument. Die model kan ook hulp verleen ten einde die komplekse aard van die veranderlikes wat vroue klere aankoopgedrag beïnvloed in 'n multi-kulturele verbruikergemeenskap, te verstaan. Aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing word gemaak ten einde toekomstige navorsers aan te moedig om op 'n wetenskaplik verantwoordbare wyse die komplekse aard van vroueklere-aankoopgedrag binne 'n multi-kulturele verbruikersgemeenskap, na te vors.

A case study of Metropolitan Holdings Limited to assess the usefulness of the Global Business Coalition guidelines in relation to workplace HIV/AIDS programmes and a brief examination of the possible impact of the HIV/AIDS disclosure requirements, as recommended by the King II report

Ferreira, Clive Joaquim 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Metropolitan Holdings Limited is a life insurance and investment company with a well-recognised brand, operating in a competitive environment. The Metropolitan Doyle model that the company developed in the 1980s was the first of its kind and is used to predict the course and impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Metropolitan has since been actively engaged in developing insurance products, designed to take HIV/AIDS into account. It has, moreover been active in advocating action on a wide range of issue relating to the disease, not least through its RedRibbon website, the publication of the respected journal, AIDS Analysis Africa, and through various community initiatives, particularly involving HIV/AIDS education. The company’s external work on the issue of HIV/AIDS is therefore well recognised. Although it has had an internal programme for several years, it has only seriously addressed the HIV/AIDS in the workplace since 2003 and in so doing, has not found the necessity of using any existing models of best practice. This case study examines the guidelines of a comprehensive HIV/AIDS programme, as set out by the Global Business Coalition on HIV/AIDS, with a view to finding out whether and to what extent a company such as Metropolitan might have implemented its recommendations and what impact it might have in the fight against HIV/AIDS in the workplace. The case study further examines the likely impact of the King II recommendations relating to the disclosure requirements on HIV/AIDS (in conjunction with the Global Reporting Initiative Guidelines) with a view to assessing whether these can enable a company such as Metropolitan, to have regard to the impact of the disease on the sustainability of their business and the steps that might be taken to mitigate the impact. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Metropolitan Holdings Beperk is ‘n lewensversekerings – en beleggingsmaatskappy, met ‘n alombekende handelsmerk, wat in ‘n kompeterende omgewing funksioneer. Die Metropolitan-Doyle model wat deur die maatskappy in die 1980’s ontwikkel is, was die eerste in sy soort, en word gebruik om die verloop en impak van die MIV/VIGS pandemie te voorspel. Metropolitan is sedertdien aktief betrokke in die ontwikkeling van versekeringsprodukte, was spesifiek ook MIV/VIGS as oogmerk het. Die maatskappy is boonop besig om betrokkenheid oor ‘n wye spektrum van uitkomste verwant aan die siekte te propageer, veral deur die RedRibbonwebtuiste, die publikasie van die hoogaangeskrewe joernaal, AIDS Analysis Africa, en deur verskeie gemeenskapsinisiatiewe wat spesifiek die opvoeding aangaande MIV/VIGS insluit. Die maatskappy se eksterne werk op die aangeleentheid van MIV/VIGS word dus wyd erken. Alhoewel dit ook al verskeie jare oor ‘n interne program beskik, is dit eers sedert 2003 dat MIV/VIGS in die werkplek ernstig aangespreek word. Deur dit so te doen, is daar nie die nodigheid gesien om enige bestaande modelle wat die beste werk, te gebruik nie. Hierdie gevallestudie ondersoek die riglyne van ‘n omvattende MIV/VIGS program, soos uiteengesit deur die Global Business Coalition oor MIV/VIGS, met die oogmerk om uit te vind tot watter mate ‘n maatskappy soos Metropolitan sy aanbevelings mag implementeer en watter impak dit mag hê op die bestryding van MIV/VIGS in die werkplek. Die gevallestudie ondersoek verder die waarskynlike impak van die King IIaanbevelings rakende die openbaarmakende vereistes oor MIV/VIGS (in samehang met die Global Reporting Initiative Riglyne) met die oogmerk om te bepaal of bogenoemde ‘n maatskappy soos Metropolitan in staat kan stel om geleentheid te hê tot die impak van die siekte op die volhoubaarheid van hul besigheid en die stappe wat geneem mag word om die impak te beheer.

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