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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation into the principles of purchasing and materials management of Metal Box in the Durban area, with special reference to practice and techniques of purchasing and materials management.

Naidoo, Dasabalan Arumugam. 08 November 2013 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.Com.)-University of Durban-Westville, 1988.

An overview of asset allocation processes and their importance in portfolio management

Gantz, Frederick Albrecht 04 1900 (has links)
Assignment (MComm)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Rapid development of asset pricing models, asset return prediction models, information technologies, and the integration and globalisation of world economic markets, require the investor to have a fundamental understanding of the role of asset allocation (diversification) and the various strategies available in achieving investor's risk and return objectives. Assets are allocated across different asset classes in an attempt to optimise the combination of investment returns and investment risk. In this way your investment will not be subject to the volatility of anyone asset class alone. It is important to note that the movements of one class of assets (stocks, bonds or cash) may be somewhat offset by the non-correlated movement of a different class of assets. The intent of asset allocation is not necessarily to increase return as much as it is to fmd the accepted rate of return, while simultaneously reducing risk or maintaining it at a predefined level. This study explores the underlying theories concerning the relative importance of asset allocation in determining portfolio performance, and the three primary asset allocation strategies available. It also discusses relevant theory of how the predictability of asset returns and the investment horizon of a portfolio can have an impact on which asset allocation strategy to utilize in achieving the necessary risk and return objectives of the investor. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die toenemende ontwikkeling van bate prys modelle, modelle wat die opbrengs van bates vooruitskat, informasie tegnologie, asook die integrasie en globalisering van internasionale ekonomiese markte, vereis dat die investeerder 'n omvangryke kennis moet beskik oor die rol van bate allokasie (diversifisering) en die verskillende strategië beskikbaar tot die bereiking van investeerder risiko en opbrengs doelwitte. Bates word geallokeer tussen verskillende bate kategorieë (aandele, effekte of kontant) in die poging om die kombinasie tussen belegging opbrengste en belegging risiko te optimaliseer. Sodoende word die belegging nie blootgestel aan die onbestendigheid van slegs een bate kategorie nie. Daar moet gelet word dat die beweging van een kategorie van bates (aandele, effekte of kontant) teengewerk kan word deur die nie-korrelerende beweging van 'n ander kategorie van bates. Die voorneming van bate allokasie is nie noodwendig die toename van opbrengste nie. Daar word gestreef na die bereiking van 'n aanvaarbare opbrengskoers, terwyl risiko verminder word of volhou word op 'n voorafbepaalde vlak. Hierdie studie ondersoek die onderliggende teorieë rakende die relatiewe belangrikheid van bate allokasie om portefuelje opbrengste te kan bepaal, asook die drie primêre bate allokasie strategieë beskikbaar. Relevante teorie word bespreek, betreffende die vooruitskatting van bate opbrengste en die horison van 'n portefuelje, asook die impak wat beide het op die keuse van 'n geskikte bate allokasie strategie, om sodoende aan die nodige risiko en opbrengs doelwitte van die investeerder te kan voldoen.

The importance of branding in the low cost retail industry

Jäckel, Michelle 03 1900 (has links)
Assignment (MEcon)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The field study reported here examined the importance of branding in the low cost retail industry. Two low cost retailers were identified, who sell boys grey school trousers. The one retailer sells the trousers with a brand name, while the other doesn't sell the grey school trousers with a brand name. Sales volumes of both retailers were drawn for a certain period and questionnaires were developed and sent to the different shops to be completed by the customers to determine how important brands were to them. The results of the research indicated that the retailer selling grey school trousers with a brand name sold more units than the retailer selling the grey school trousers without a brand name. Furthermore, the customers indicated that they would buy grey school trousers with a brand name rather than buying grey school trousers without a brand name, / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsing wat hier gerapporteer word, ondersoek die belangrikheid van handelsmerke in die lae-koste kleinhandel industrie. Twee lae-koste kleinhandelaars is geidentifiseer wat grys skool langbroeke vir seuns verkoop. Die een kleinhandelaar verkoop die grys skoollangbroek met 'n handelsnaam, terwyl die ander kleinhandelaar nie die broek met 'n handelsnaam verkoop nie. Verkoopsvolume data vir 'n sekere periode is van beide kleinhandelaars getrek en vraelyste is ontwikkel en na die winkels gestuur. Die klient moes die vraelys voltooi om te bepaal hoe belangrik handelsmerke vir die klient is. Die resultate van die studie het daarop gedui dat die kleinhandelaar wat die grys skool langbroek met die handelsmerk verkoop, meer eenhede verkoop het as die kleinhandelaar wat die grys skool langbroek sonder handelsmerk verkoop. Verder het die klient aangedui dat die grys skool langbroek met 'n handelsnaam eerder gekoop sal word as 'n grys skoollangbroek sonder handelsmerk.

The role of sponsorship marketing in the integrated marketing communication programme with reference to the German insurance company Cosmos Direkt

Jantzen, Elke Simone 12 1900 (has links)
Assignment (MComm)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sponsorship marketing, as part of the integrated marketing communication programme, is a relatively new field of application. There is still a lack of research in many areas of this field, especially in respect of the measurement of the effectiveness of this communication instrument. Although its roots could be traced back to ancient Greece, substantial growth and development in the field of sponsorship marketing have taken place over the past three decades. More recently the concentration of sponsored events has moved away from sports and has been divided between a number of other areas, notably art and entertainment and also charity events. With the increase in sponsorships, an increase in literary research has also been detected. The analysis of the sponsorship strategy of a German insurance company - Cosmos Direkt - has shown that in practice many companies are still not fully exploiting the potential of their sponsorships. This became even more obvious when it was compared to the approach to sponsorships of some of South Africa's largest insurance companies. The comparison indicated that some of the insurance companies had achieved satisfaction with their sponsorship, while others were still battling to establish the right formula for success. The inconsistency of the success of sponsorships could often be ascribed to a large number of companies being uncertain about sponsorships and reluctant to fully integrate these into their marketing strategies. Sponsorships could only be effective when they are supported by other marketing communication tools, rather than being viewed as a completely separate activity. Sponsorships should be used in synergy with the other communication instruments, so that the company may project a uniform message to its customers and the public. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Borgskappe, as deel van 'n geïntegreerde bemarkingskommunikasie, is 'n redelike nuwe veld van aanwending. Navorsing in baie gebiede van hierdie veld is nog uitstaande, veral waar die meting van hierdie kommunikasie-instrument van belang is. Oor die afgelope drie dekades het wesenlike groei en ontwikkelinge op die gebied van borgskappe plaasgevind, alhoewel die oorsprong teruggevolg kan word tot na die antieke Grieke. Meer onlangs het die fokus van geborgde gebeurtenisse wegbeweeg van sport af en is nou meer versprei oor 'n aantal ander gebiede, byvoorbeeld kuns en vermaak, asook liefdadigheidsorganisasies. Met die toename van borgskappe het daar ook 'n toename in literêre navorsing plaasgevind. Die analise van die borgskapstrategie deur 'n Duitse versekeringsmaatskappy - Cosmos Direkt - het aangetoon dat baie maatskappye in die praktyk nog nie die volle potensiaal van hul borgskappe benut nie. Hierdie bevinding is bevestig nadat dit met die benadering tot borgskappe van verskeie Suid-Afrikaanse versekeringsmaatskappye vergelyk is. Die vergelyking het aangetoon dat sommige versekeringsmaatskappye tevredenheid met hulle borgskappe bereik het, terwyl ander nog steeds op soek was na die regte formule vir sukses. Die teenstrydigheid ten opsigte van die sukses van borgskappe is dikwels die gevolg van maatskappye w~t onseker is oor hulle borgskappe en huiwerig is om dit ten volle met hulle bemarkingstrategieë te integreer. Borgskappe kan egter net effektief wees wanneer hulle ondersteun word deur ander bemarkingskommunikasie-instrumente, en nie as iets heeltemal afsonderliks beskou word nie. Borgskappe behoort in sinergie met die ander bemarkingskommunikasie-instrumente gebruik te word sodat 'n maatskappy 'n eenvormige boodskap aan sy klante en die publiek sal stuur.

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