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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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The development of an innovation leadership questionnaire

Swart, Diederick Bernard 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The ability of organisations to be successful in the current global business environment will ultimately be dependent on their ability to be innovative. However, creativity and innovation will not take place spontaneously in any team setting and will be the result of meticulous planning and implementation efforts on the part of the team’s members. The current global business environment is characterised by constant change and this makes leadership more important than ever before as leaders are considered the drivers of change and ultimately responsible for organisational success. Leaders within organisational team settings have an essential role to fulfil in stimulating and facilitating innovative behaviour in their subordinates. The fact that some leaders manage to successfully stimulate and facilitate innovative behaviour in their subordinates, while others fail to do so, might well be contributed by some to a number of simplistic variables– but this is not the case. The fact that some leaders manage to successfully stimulate and facilitate innovative behaviour in their subordinates can be attributed to the fact that these leaders possess specific competencies based on different sets of knowledge, skills and attitudes. The innovation process consists of four distinct phases (idea generation, idea screening, feasibility and commercialisation) and innovative outcomes for a team will only result if team members successfully progress through each of these four phases. The reality, however, is that the innovation process itself is filled with challenges that will need to be overcome by team members if innovation is to flourish. Accordingly leaders should apply specific sets of knowledge, skills and attitudes during each of the phases in the innovation process to help guide subordinates successfully through the innovation process. It should hence be clear that being aware of the specific leadership competencies that will stimulate and facilitate innovative behaviour in subordinates will be of immense value to any organisation who wishes to act more innovatively. The primary purpose of this study was consequently to design a psychological measurement instrument that would provide a measure of the specific competencies leaders should possess to stimulate and facilitate innovative behaviour in subordinates. This instrument would enable management to customise training and development programmes to meet the specific needs of leaders and hence develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitudes on their part. A pilot study was conducted with the experimental version of the ILQ to obtain information regarding the psychometric properties of the instrument. Results obtained from the pilot study provided evidence that the ILQ instrument possesses high levels of internal reliability and satisfactory levels of concurrent validity. It can therefore be claimed that the ILQ instrument would serve as a valuable diagnostic tool for organisations who wish to improve their innovative capabilities. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die mate waartoe organisasies suksesvol sal wees in die huidige globale besigheidsomgewing sal bepaal word deur hul vermoë om innoverend op te tree. Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat kreatiwiteit en innovasie nie spontaan sal plaasvind binne ‘n spankonteks nie, maar eerder die resultaat sal wees van doelbewuste praktyke en gedrag deur spanlede. Die huidige globale besigheidsomgewing word gekenmerk deur konstante verandering en lei daartoe dat leierskap belangriker as ooit geag word vanweë die feit dat leiers beskou word as die dryfkrag vir verandering en verantwoordelik is vir organisasie sukses. Spanleiers in organisasies moet ‘n essensiële rol vervul met betrekking tot die stimulering en fasilitering van innoverende gedrag in hul ondergeskiktes. Die feit dat sommige leiers dit regkry om suksesvol innoverende gedrag in hul ondergeskiktes te stimuleer en te fasiliteer, terwyl ander leiers misluk om dit reg te kry, word deur sommige individue aan ‘n klein aantal eenvoudige veranderlikes toegeskryf – dit is egter nie die geval nie. Die feit dat sommige leiers dit regkry om suksesvol innoverende gedrag in hul ondergeskiktes te stimuleer en te fasiliteer, kan toegeskryf word aan die feit dat hierdie leiers oor sekere bevoegdhede beskik gebaseer op spesifieke stelle kennis, vaardighede en houdings. Die innovasieproses bestaan uit vier onderskeie fases (idee-generering, idee-evaluering, bepaling van uitvoerbaarheid en kommersialisering) en werkspanne sal slegs innoverende uitkomstes behaal indien hulle suksesvol vorder deur elkeen van hierdie vier fases. Die realiteit is egter dat die innovasieproses inherent gevul is met uitdagings wat oorkom sal moet word deur spanlede indien innovasie enigsins sal floreer in die spanne. Dit is dus noodsaaklik dat leiers ‘n spesifieke versameling kennis, vaardighede en houdings sal aanwend om die pogings van ondergeskiktes suksesvol te bestuur deur die verskeie fases van die innovasieproses. Om kennis te dra omtrent die spesifieke leierskap-bevoegdhede – gebaseer op kennis, vaardighede en houdings – wat innoverende gedrag in ondergeskiktes sal stimuleer en fasiliteer, sal van onskatbare waarde wees vir organisasies. Die doel van hierdie studie was gevolglik om ‘n meetinstrument te ontwerp wat die bevoegdhede sal meet waaroor leiers moet beskik indien hulle beoog om suksesvol innoverende gedrag in hul ondergeskiktes te stimuleer en te fasiliteer. ‘n Meetinstrument van hierdie aard sal organisasies en hul bestuur in staat stel om opleiding en ontwikkeling programme nommerpas te maak en sodoende spesifieke bevoegdhede in hul leiers te ontwikkel. ‘n Loodsstudie is vervolgens uitgevoer om inligting rakende die psigometriese eienskappe van die instrument te verkry. Die resultate het getoon dat die ILQ oor hoë vlakke van interne betroubaarheid beskik, asook bevredigende vlakke van samevallende geldigheid. Die aanspraak kan gevolglik gemaak word dat die ILQ as ‘n waardevolle diagnostiese instrument vir enige organisasie sal dien wat beoog om hul innoverende vermoë uit te brei.

Turnover intention and employee engagement : exploring eliciting factors in South African audit firms

Van der Westhuizen, Nicola 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In response to globalisation and competition, today’s organisations are changing at an accelerating and radical pace. A review of the literature revealed that the demanding and often repetitive nature of work increases employees’ turnover intention. This is generally attributed to a lack of employee engagement. This trend is especially evident within the South African financial services industry. Without a functional workforce, no organisation can survive. Therefore organisations within this sector need to establish a balance between the provision of meaningful work, and profitability. The primary objective of this research study was to develop and empirically test a structural model that elucidates the antecedents of variance in turnover intention and employee engagement among employees employed by audit firms operating in the South African financial services industry. In addition, this research study investigated whether employees employed by these audit firms engage in job crafting to modify their work environment (i.e. job resources, personal resources and job demands, as illustrated in the Job Demands-Resources model) (Demerouti, Bakker, Nachreiner & Schaufeli, 2001) to cultivate meaningful work that decreases turnover intentions while increasing employee engagement. In this research study, an ex post facto correlational design was used to test the formulated hypotheses. Quantitative data was collected from 391 employees employed by audit firms operating in the South African financial services industry. Data was collected specifically for the purpose of this research study. Participation was voluntary. A self-administered web-based survey was distributed electronically to the participants. The data collected was strictly confidential and anonymous. The survey comprised seven sections. The first two sections measured the participants’ biographical and employment information. Subsequent sections measured specific latent variables using valid and reliable measuring instruments. These instruments include the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9) (Schaufeli, Bakker & Salanova, 2006), the Turnover Intention Scale (Moore, 2000), the Psychological Meaningfulness Scale (May, Gilson & Harter, 2004), the Job Crafting Scale (Tims, Bakker & Derks, 2012), and the six-item Proactive Personality Scale (Claes, Beheydt & Lemmens, 2005). Data was subjected to a range of statistical analyses. The findings shed light on the seriousness of turnover intention and the lack of employee engagement among employees employed by audit firms operating in the South African financial services industry. It provides South African industrial psychologists with much needed insight into the presenting problem. With reference to the highlighted managerial implications of the research findings and the recommended interventions, industrial psychologists can ensure the retention and engagement of employees. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Globalisering en mededinging veroorsaak dat hedendaagse organisasies al hoe vinniger en ook ingrypend verander. ’n Oorsig van die literatuur het getoon dat werknemers se voorneme om van werkplek te verander al hoe meer toeneem weens die veeleisende en dikwels herhalende aard van die werk wat hulle doen. Hierdie voorneme is veral in die Suid-Afrikaanse finansiële diensbedryf sigbaar en kan toegeskryf word aan ’n gebrek aan werknemerbegeestering. Geen organisasie kan egter sonder ’n funksionele werksmag oorleef nie. Gevolglik moet organisasies in hierdie bedryf sorg dat hulle ’n balans tussen betekenisvolle werk en winsgewendheid skep. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om ’n strukturele model te ontwikkel en empiries te toets wat lig werp op die voorkoms van verskille in die voorneme om van werkplek te verander en werknemerbegeestering onder werknemers in diens van ouditeursfirmas in die Suid-Afrikaanse finansiële diensbedryf. Daarbenewens het hierdie studie ook ondersoek of werknemers in hierdie ouditeursfirmas betrokke is by werksfatsoenering om hulle werkomgewing aan te pas (m.a.w. werkshulpbronne, persoonlike hulpbronne en taakeise, soos in die Job Demands-Resources model aangedui) (Demerouti, Bakker, Nachreiner & Schaufeli, 2001) om betekenisvolle werk te skep wat hulle voorneme om van werk te verander, kan verminder en terselfdertyd werknemerbegeestering kan aanvul. ‘n Ex post facto korrelasie-ontwerp is gebruik om die geformuleerde hipoteses te toets. Kwantitatiewe data is by 391 werknemers in diens van ouditeursfirmas in die Suid-Afrikaanse finansiële diensbedryf ingesamel. Die data is spesifiek vir hierdie studie ingesamel. Deelname was vrywillig. ’n Selftoegepaste webgebaseerde opname is elektronies onder die deelnemers versprei. Die dataversameling was streng vertroulik en anoniem. Die opname het uit sewe afdelings bestaan. Die eerste twee afdelings het die biografiese en werksinligtiging van die deelnemers ingesamel. Die daaropvolgende afdelings het spesifieke latente veranderlikes met behulp van geldige en betroubare instrumente gemeet. Hierdie instrumente was die Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, UWES-9 (Schaufeli, Bakker & Salanova, 2006), die Turnover Intention Scale (Moore, 2000), die Psychological Meaningfulness Scale (May, Gilson & Harter, 2004), die Job Crafting Scale (Tims, Bakker & Derks, 2012), en die ses-item Proactive Personality Scale (Claes, Beheydt & Lemmens, 2005). Die data is aan ’n reeks statistiese analises onderwerp. Die bevindinge werp lig op die erns van voorneme om van werkplek te verander en die gebrek aan werkenemerbetrokkenheid onder werknemers in diens van ouditeursfirmas in die Suid-Afrikaanse finansiële diensbedryf. Dit bied aan Suid-Afrikaanse bedryfsielkundiges belangrike insae in die tersaaklike probleem. Bedryfsielkundiges kan, met verwysing na die aangeduide bestuursimplikasies van die bevindinge en aanbevelings van hierdie studie, die behoud en begeestering van werknemers verseker.

Lack of a support system for people infected and affected by HIV and AIDS in the workplace : can emotional and psychosocial support assist them to cope better with their problems?

Twalo, Lindelwa Princess 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / This research paper investigates the need for emotional and psychosocial support for people infected and affected by HIV and AIDS in the workplace. Most employees infected and affected by HIV and AIDS, as well as their families, often need assistance to cope with stigma, rejection, and discrimination, as well as having to adjust to the diagnosis, to confront the fear of losing independence, and to prepare themselves for the changes that might happen to their lives. Hence, through counseling and support, they can have more knowledge about HIV and AIDS and reduced fears and misconceptions about living with HIV and AIDS. Some research organizations, such as the Perinatal HIV Research Unit, do provide emotional and psychosocial support, and advice for people infected and affected by HIV and AIDS. An attitude survey was conducted with about 400 employees at the Unilever Company in Boksburg, Johannesburg, in September and October 2005 to determine whether emotional and psychosocial support could play a role in motivating people infected and affected by HIV and AIDS to live positively with the virus, in eliminating related stigma and fears. Employees from this organization were chosen as the population for this survey as a prevalence study and VCT was carried out with them in August and September 2005, so they knew and trusted the councilors who were giving results to them and they had established a relationship with them. I booked appointments for follow-up counseling sessions of 45 minutes after VCT (Voluntary Counseling and Testing) and then told them about the support group at their workplace. The findings indicate that there is indeed a need for emotional and psychosocial support for people infected and affected by HIV and AIDS in the workplace. Among other findings, respondents, especially those infected, reported that they had learned that being HIV positive is not the end of the world but the beginning as long as you look after yourself you can live a normal and productive life for many years, as long as you take extra care of yourself. Most of the affected respondents reported that they had never done an HIV test before due to their own fear of the prognosis. Having acquired more facts about HIV and AIDS, those that had not been tested stated that they now planned to do so. Both groups – those who tested negative and those who tested positive – reported that they also learned about the importance of disclosing your one’s status as a means of getting support.

Evaluating the referral system between Cecelia Makhiwane Hospital ART unit and its feeder sites, (Zone 2, 8 and 13 clinics)

Ncana, Lundi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Industrial Psychology. Africa Centre for HIV/AIDS Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Purpose of the study. The primary purpose of the study was to evaluate the referral system between CMH ART unit and its feeder sites, and assess the staff perception and patient.s satisfaction about the latter with the intention of improving and shaping it. Research design A non-experimental descriptive type of quantitative research was used in conducting a cross sectional survey to evaluate the referral system between CMH ART unit and its feeder sites. Data was collected through open and closed ended questionnaires handed to the respondents to fill and return back to the researcher. Findings The results revealed lack of management support and supervision of the system; absence of standard operative procedure to follow when down referring patients; insufficient staffing; congested waiting rooms and long waiting hours. Conclusion The down referral process began without the completion of planning with all involved stakeholders because of the pressure to implement the decision to down refer, staff at the feeder clinics although trained on ART care, but not experienced enough to manage the large influx of patients on ART were left alone to manage patients on HAART. Simple measures like communication between facility staff and patient education should be adopted to improve the system. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Doel van die studie Die primêre doel van die studie was om die verwysing stelsel tussen die CMH ART eenheid en sy voeder werwe te evalueer, asook om die personeel se persepsie en pasiënte se tevredenheid oor die laasgenoemde te evalueer met die voorneme om dit te verbeter en verwerk. Navorsingsontwerp 'n Nie-eksperimentele beskrywende aard van kwantitatiewe navorsing is gebruik in die uitvoering van' n kruis deursnee-opname om die verwysing stelsel tussen CMH ART eenheid en sy voeder werwe te evalueer Data is ingesamel deur middel van oop en geslote geëindig vraelyste uitgedeel aan die respondente om in te vul en terug te keer na die navorser. Bevindings Die resultate blyk 'n gebrek aan ondersteuning van die bestuur en beheer van die stelsel; die afwesigheid van standaard operatiewe prosedure om te volg wanneer pasiënte af verwys word; „n tekort aan personeel; oorgelaaide wagkamers en lang wag ure. Gevolgtrekking Die af verwysing proses het sonder die voltooiing van die beplanning met alle betrokke belanghebbendes begin as gevolg van die druk om die uitvoering van die besluit om af te verwys te implementeer. Personeel by die voeder klinieke, alhoewel opgelei in ART sorg, maar sonder die nodige onderving om die groot instroming van ART pasiënte te behandel, was alleen gelos om die pasiënte op HAART te behandel. Eenvoudige maatreëls soos die kommunikasie tussen die fasiliteit personeel en die opvoeding van pasiente sal moet goedgekeur word om die stelsel te verbeter.

Implementation of workplace HIV/AIDS policies and programmes by small and medium enterprises in Masery

Nthinya, Bojoalo Cynthia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: An alarming rate of HIV/AIDS in the country has compelled the Government of Lesotho to make changes in the labour act; to accommodate HIV/AIDS in the workplace. In order to assist businesses in complying with the labour Act requirements, the Government put in place guidelines, aimed at assisting businesses in the development and implementation of workplace HIV/AIDS policies and programmes. However, it has been observed SMEs have not been utilising these guidelines. The purpose of the study therefore is to establish the level of knowledge SMEs have about the Government guidelines; to determine whether they have existing workplace HIV/AIDS policies; and establish the challenges SMEs face in using the guidelines to implement workplace HIV/AIDS policies and programmes; with the purpose of providing guidelines for support in the implementation of workplace HIV/AIDS policies. The results show 46.7% and 46% of employers and employees respectively is not aware of the guidelines. There were only five managers who indicated they have policy in place. Only 21 employees were aware of the existence of HIV/AIDS workplace policies at their work. There were various challenges that were stipulated by the SMEs. Some businesses pointed out they did have the expertise and financial strength to develop and implement HIV/AIDS workplace policies. Further it was stated the guidelines were not clear, therefore could not be put in practice. It is therefore essential to ensure training is provided to SMEs and their employees; to ensure they do understand what is required of them. It is also imperative to make sure those who are in financial need are also assisted. The other important aspect that needs to be addressed during training is why HIV/AIDS should be treated as a workplace issue. This will enlighten SMEs on the importance of developing and implementing workplace policies and programmes. Thus they will understand the benefits of effective management of HIV/AIDS in the workplace; which can be brought about by effective HIV/AIDS policies and programmes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ‘n Kommerwekkende koers van MIV/VIGS in die land het die Lesotho regering gedwing om veranderinge in die Arbeids wet aan te bring, om sodoende MIV/VIGS in die werkplek te akkomodeer. Om besighede te help om die Arbeids wet se riglyne na te kom, het die regering sekere riglyne in plek gestel wat daarop gemik is om MIV/VIGS programme te ontwikkel en implementeer in die werkplek. Dit is egter opgemerk dat KMG ondernemings nie die riglyne toe pas nie. Die doel van die studie is dus om vas te stel wat die vlak van kennis die KMG’s het in verband met die regering se riglyne; of hulle enige bestaande MIV/VIGS beleide in plek het en om die eise wat die implementering van die riglyne om ‘n MIV/VIGS beleid in die werkplek stel. Die doel is dus om die riglyne te voorsien wat die implementering van werkplek MIV/VIGS beleid ondersteun. Die resultate toon dat 46.7% en 46% van werkgewers en werknemers onderskeidelik, nie bewus is van die riglyne nie. Daar was slegs 5 bestuurders wat aangedui het dat daar wel ‘n beleid in plek is. Net 21 werknemers was bewus van die MIV/VIGS beleid by hul werk. Verskeie uitdagings is deur die KMG’s uitgewys. Sommige besighede het aangedui dat hulle wel die kennis en finansies om die MIV/VIGS beleid te ontwikkel en te implementer. Verder is ook aangedui dat die riglyne nie duidelik is nie en daarom nie geimplementeer kon word nie. Dit is daarom noodsaaklik om te verseker dat opleiding verskaf word aan die KMG’s en hul werknemers, om te verseker dat hulle verstaan wat van hulle verwag word. Ook is dit noodsaaklik dat persone wat finansiele hulp benodig ondersteun moet word. ‘n Ander belangrike aspek wat aangespreek moet word tydens opleiding is hoe MIV/VIGS behandel moet word in die werkplek. Dit sal vir KMG’s verlig hoe belangrik die ontwikkeling en implementeering van werkplak beleid en programme is. Sodoende sal hulle die voordele van effektiewe bestuur van MIV/VIGS in die werkplek, wat deur effektiewe MIV/VIGS beleid en programme te weeg gebring kan word, beter verstaan.

The perceptions of teachers at Kylemore High School regarding the teaching of HIV/AIDS education to learners

Jordaan, Carmen Denise 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The national Department of Education prioritised their HIV/AIDS response; implementing HIV/AIDS education within the subject Life Orientation for all phases. The study focuses on establishing how teachers perceive HIV/AIDS education since their perceptions affect effective implementation of related content. A qualitative research approach was use for data collection from a sample of 16 teachers at Kylemore High School; convenience sampling technique was used. The data collection method was semi-structured individual interviews together with qualitative content analysis. Discussions of the findings was based on the following themes: The research environment, demographic profile of the participants, career and education background of participants, the school environment and HIV/AIDS, the HIV/AIDS knowledge of participants and the concept of HIV/AIDS education. Findings indicate the different perceptions of teachers, which are impacted by various factors. Teachers were unanimous regarding the importance and needfulness of HIV/AIDS education. Recommendations were subsequently made that will influence how teachers perceive this content. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die nasionale Departement van Onderwys het hul MIV/VIGS reaksie geprioritiseer; implimentering van MIV/VIGS onderwys binne die vak Lewensorientering vir alle fases. Die studie is gefokus daarop om vas te stel hoe onderwysers MIV/VIGS onderwys bespeur, siende dat hul persepsies effektiewe implimentering van verwante inhoud affekteer. `n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering was gebruik vir data invordering van `n steekproef van 16 onderwysers by Kylemore Hoërskool, gerieflikheidsteekproefneming tegniek was gebruik. Die data invorderingsmetode was semi-gestruktureerde individuele onderhoude tesame met kwalitatiewe inhoud analise. Besprekings van die bevindinge sal gebaseer wees op die volgende temas: die navorsingsomgewing, demografiese profiel van die deelnemers, loopbaan en opvoeding agtergrond van deelnemers, die skoolomgwewing en MIV/VIGS, die MIV/VIGS kennis van deelnemers en die konsep MIV/VIGS onderwys. Bevindinge dui aan die verskillende persepsies van onderwysers, wat geimpakteer word deur verskeie faktore. Onderwysers was eenparig rakende die belangrikheid en nodigheid van MIV/VIGS onderwys. Aanbevelings was gevolglik gemaak wat `n invloed sal hê hoe onderwysers die inhoud bespeur.

The relationship between socio-economic status and the practice of HIV self-protective/preventive behaviours among the residents of Maruapula, Gaborone

Mberengo, Sarah 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The incidence of HIV/AIDS in Botswana is one of the largest in the world taking its toll on many lives and posing developmental challenges to the nation. Nearly 25% of the population is living with HIV and 14% are newly infected; AIDS is acknowledged as the major cause of death. Most HIV and AIDS studies have been dominated by surveillance, biomedical and ethical methodologies. These approaches failed to stem the tide of HIV infection because they did not follow-up with the tracking of risky behaviours and the underlying causes of the behaviours. This research scrutinized socio-economic factors in relation to the spread of the epidemic. Available literature showed that little or no attention has been paid to the socio-economic backgrounds in which individuals exist in connection with understanding HIV and AIDS. This study used an economic model of risky sexual behaviour to explore the link between socio-economic status and the practice of HIV self-protective/preventive behaviours in Maruapula, Gaborone, Botswana. The research is vital as it goes beyond surveillance in an effort to establish why the community of the study is susceptible to HIV infection. This research l used both collected data and that from BAIS II. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsing is oor die verhouding tussen sosio-ekonomiese status en die praktyk van MIV self-protective/preventive gedrag binne Maruapula distrik. Die doel van die studie is om vas te stel of daar 'n verband tussen sosio-ekonomiese status en die praktyk van MIV-voorkomende gedrag onder die inwoners, van Maruapula, Gaborone, Botswana. Data is ingesamel deur die gebruik van vraelyste en die ontleding van die statistiek het getoon dat die is geen verwantskap tussen sosio-ekonomiese status en die praktyk van MIV self-protective/preventive gedrag onder die inwoners. Aanbevelings gebaseer op die bevindinge is gemaak met betrekking tot MIV-voorkoming in die woongebied in die besonder en in die land in die algemeen.

Assessment of knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) on HIV/AIDS among peer educators and students at the Tshwane University of Technology

Basini, Dixie Thomas 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction: The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of peer educators and university students, on whether the Peer Education-HIV/AIDS Prevention Programme has made an impact on the behavioural change of the recipients of the module as compared to the non-recipients. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted using stratified sampling design among peer educators and students to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of peer educators and students. Participants were selected from Tshwane University of Technology campuses in Pretoria, Soshanguve and Ga-rankuwa. The study was conducted among 300 participants; 150 peer educators and 150 students. Informed consent was provided with each structured questionnaire. Findings and Discussion: Three quarters of the respondents in this study were females. This is consistent with many other studies of HIV/AIDS among students. The response rate in this study was 68% and was higher than the 45% of the Namibian Polytechnic students who participated in the KAP surveys of HIV/AIDS (De Beer et al., 2012). Mean knowledge levels of HIV/AIDS in this study were slightly higher among peer educators (92%) than among students (90%). Peer educators had more positive attitudes towards HIV/AIDS than students in knowing someone who is HIV+ (78% vs. 67%) and sharing a desk with a PLHIV (97% vs. 95%). On whether HIV+ children should mix with others, attitude levels were the same (92% vs. 92%). Better practices were observed on peer educators vs. students - more peer educators (87%) than students (75%) said they always used a condom when they have sex. Conclusion and Recommendations: Knowledge, attitudes and practices of HIV/AIDS are high among peer educators and students at Tshwane University of Technology and it is recommended that the Peer Education-HIV/AIDS Prevention Programme at TUT should continue giving attention to changing attitudes and practices among peer educators and other learners. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding: Die doel van die studie is om die kennis, houding en praktyke van Portuur Voorligters te assesseer, oor die vraag of die eweknie-opvoedkundige MIV/VIGS Voorkoming program 'n impak het op die gedrags verandering van die ontvangers van die module in vergelyking met die nie-ontvangers Metodes: 'n Deursnee-opname is uitgevoer deur gebruik te maak van gestratifiseerde steekproefneming ontwerp onder eweknie-opvoeders en studente om die kennis, houding en praktyke van eweknie-opvoeders en studente te assesseer. Deelnemers is gekies uit die Tshwane Universiteit van Tegnologie kampusse in Pretoria, Soshanguve en Ga-Rankuwa. Die studie is gedoen onder 300 deelnemers, 150 portuuropvoeders en 150 studente. Ingeligte toestemming is voorsien met elke gestruktureerde vraelys. Bevindings en bespreking: Driekwart van die respondente in hierdie studie was vroulik. Dit is in ooreenstemming met baie ander studies van MIV/VIGS onder studente. Die reaksie in hierdie studie was 68% en hoër as die 45% van die Namibiese Polytechnic studente wat deelgeneem het aan die KAP opnames van MIV/VIGS (De Beer et al, 2012). Middel kennis vlakke van MIV/VIGS in hierdie studie was effens hoër onder eweknie-opvoeders (92%) as onder studente (90%). Eweknie-opvoeders in hierdie studie het meer positiewe houdings teenoor MIV/VIGS as studente in die kennis van iemand wat MIV + is (78% vs. 67%), die deel van 'n lessenaar met 'n PLHIV (97% vs. 95%) en of HIV + kinders moet meng met ander (92% vs. 92%). Beter praktyke is waargeneem op portuuropvoeders teen oor studente, meer portuuropvoeders (87%) as studente (75%) het gesê hulle het altyd 'n kondoom gebruik wanneer jy seks het. Gevolgtrekking en aanbevelings: Bewustheid, kennis, positiewe houdings en praktyke van MIV/VIGS is hoog onder eweknie-opvoeders en studente by die Tshwane Universiteit van Tegnologie en aanbevelings sal aangespreek word aan die einde van die studie.

Patient and practitioner perceptions of promoters and inhibitors of health seeking behaviour among African men accessing HIV health services in Kwa-Zulu Natal

Moodley, Neermala 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Men might benefit from opportunities specific to their needs in improving access to HIV care. This is a group vulnerable to higher morbidity and mortality than their female counterparts, due not only to poor or delayed health seeking behaviour and the culture of blame for the transmission of HIV, but probably due to neglect, inadequate or poor support by the current policies, by a gender biased research agenda, by the international research community and global health funders. Objectives: The objectives of this current study were: - to explore the reasons for poor health seeking behaviour amongst African men seeking HIV care in KZN; - to establish the health care practitioners’ views about the reasons for the perceived poor health seeking behaviour amongst African men accessing HIV services in KZN; - to inform guidelines in improving access to HIV services by African men Methodology In-depth interviews were employed as the method of obtaining lived experiences, perspectives and opinions of men living with HIV and that of their health care practitioners. Results It was found that men still feared the diagnosis of being HIV positive, even with the advent of highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART) and the advances in managing this disease. Several reasons for this fear emerged with the common theme being the doom of impending death, social stigma and fear of abandonment as well as social marginalization. Conclusions We cannot expect to attract men to predominantly female orientated settings within health faculties. Special attempts need to be made to reach out to men in places they are comfortable being in. Messages should be clear and concise about the effectiveness of low cost, available treatment for HIV; and that early diagnosis improves health outcomes. Cultural sensitive interventions are needed that are suitable, in generating a clearer understanding of health management options and motives. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Mans kan voordeel trek uit geleenthede wat spesifiek op hul behoeftes in die verbetering van toegang tot MIV-sorg. Dit is 'n groep kwesbaar vir hoër morbiditeit en mortaliteit as hul vroulike eweknieë, nie net die gevolg swak of vertraagde gesondheid gedrag en die kultuur van die blaam vir die oordrag van MIV, maar waarskynlik as gevolg van verwaarlosing, onvoldoende of swak ondersteuning deur die huidige beleid , deur 'n geslag bevooroordeeld navorsing agenda, deur die internasionale navorsing gemeenskap en globale gesondheid-befondsers. Doelstellings: Die doelwitte van die huidige studie was: - die gesondheidsorg-praktisyns se siening oor die redes vir die waargenome swak gesondheid gedrag onder-Afrikaanse mans toegang tot MIV-dienste in KZN tot stand te bring; - die redes vir swak gesondheid gedrag onder-Afrikaanse mans wat MIV-sorg in KZN te verken en - riglyne te stel in die verbetering van toegang tot MIV-dienste deur swart mans Metodes In-diepte onderhoude is gebruik as die metode van die verkryging van geleefde ervarings, perspektiewe en menings van mense wat met MIV en dié van hul gesondheidsorg praktisyns. Bevindings Daar is bevind dat mans nog bang was vir die diagnose van MIV-positief is, selfs met die koms van hoogs aktiewe antiretrovirale terapie (HAART) en die vooruitgang in die bestuur van hierdie siekte. Verskeie redes vir hierdie vrees na vore gekom met die gemeenskaplike tema synde die straf van die naderende dood, sosiale stigma en vrees vir verlating, sowel as sosiale negatief. Gevolgtrekkings Ons kan nie verwag om mense te lok om oorwegend vroulike georiënteerde instellings in gesondheid fakulteite. Spesiale pogings moet aangewend word om uit te reik na die mans in plekke waar hulle gemaklik is. Boodskappe moet duidelik en bondig oor die doeltreffendheid van lae koste, beskikbare behandeling vir MIV, en dat die vroeë diagnose verbeter gesondheid uitkomste. Kulturele sensitiewe intervensies word benodig wat geskik is, in die skep van 'n beter begrip van gesondheid opsies en motiewe.

Factors affecting HIV counselling and testing (HCT) in the provision of prevention of mother to child transmission (PMTCT) services among pregnant women in Kabwe, Central Province of Zambie

Chitambala, Cecilia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research study looked at the factors that affect HCT in provision of PMTCT services. It explored the socio cultural and personal factors that affect HCT. It also established the knowledge level about HIV/AIDS and PMTCT among pregnant women in Kabwe. The transmission of HIV from mother to child contributes largely to HIV prevalence among children. Efforts to reduce this mode of transmission include increasing number of women who know their HIV status and increasing the number of HIV positive women who when pregnant take instructions and act on them to protect their children from the possibility of infection (Bartlett et al. 2004). Individuals can only know their HIV status once they are tested for HIV. However, there are socio cultural and personal factors among other factors that affect the access of HCT. The aim of this study was to identify socio cultural and personal factors that affect HIV counseling and testing in provision of PMTCT services among pregnant women in Kabwe, in order to make recommendations for the development of an intervention program to help improve uptake of HIV counseling and testing for PMTCT services. Both quantitative and qualitative methodologies were used to conduct this study. Focus Group Discussions were conducted with groups of pregnant women that have never been tested for HIV before and Key Informant Interviews with health care workers (midwives or nurses) to ask them about factors affecting HCT in provision of PMTCT services among pregnant women were used. A retrospective statistical report review was also used to ascertain the accessibility rate for the HIV counseling and testing for PMTCT services. In this light, statistical report review was used to collect the number of pregnant women attending ANC and number of pregnant women receiving HIV testing. The findings of this study revealed that the pregnant women had excellent knowledge about HIV/AIDS and the update of HCT was as good as 91% among pregnant women. The research also revealed domestic violence, accusation of promiscuity by partner, abandonment by partner, and stigma & discrimination as socio factors that affect HCT in provision of PMTCT. Religion, fear disbelief of test results was revealed as personal factors affecting HCT in provision of PMTCT. The research revealed decision making, tradition medicines, and practices as cultural factors affecting HCT in provision of PMTCT. The conclusion was made that fear of abandonment by partner, fear of being accused of being promiscuous by partner, and fear of domestic violence were the main factors why some pregnant women did not accept to take an HIV test during their pregnancies. It is also concluded that most men make decisions for their families. Women in homes have no powers to make decisions, so if the husband refuses her to take a test, the wife just has to comply. It is also concluded that a person’s ability to access health related services is shaped by socio cultural and personal factors among others factors. These findings fit well with the Anderson behavioral model which describes the individual factors as having three elements that relate to the individual’s ability to access and utilize health care services. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsingstudie het gekyk na die faktore wat 'n invloed HCT in die voorsiening van VMTKO dienste. Dit ondersoek die sosio-kulturele en persoonlike faktore wat HCT. Dit het ook die kennis oor MIV / VIGS en VMNKO onder swanger vroue in Kabwe. Die oordrag van MIV van moeder na kind dra grootliks by tot die voorkoms van MIV onder kinders (Bartlett et al. 2004). Pogings om hierdie wyse van oordrag te verminder sluit in toenemende aantal vroue wat hul MIV-status ken en die verhoging van die aantal MIV-positiewe vroue wat toe swanger neem instruksies en reageer op hulle om hul kinders te beskerm teen die moontlikheid van infeksie. Individue kan slegs weet wat hul MIV-status wanneer hulle getoets word vir MIV. Egter, is daar sosiaal-kulturele en persoonlike faktore onder ander faktore wees wat die toegang van HCT. Die doel van hierdie studie was om sosiaal-kulturele en persoonlike faktore wat die MIV-berading en toetsing in die voorsiening van VMTKO dienste onder swanger vroue in Kabwe te identifiseer, ten einde aanbevelings te maak vir die ontwikkeling van 'n intervensie program te help opname van MIV-berading en toetsing vir VMNKO dienste te verbeter. Beide kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe metodes is gebruik om hierdie studie uit te voer. Fokusgroepbesprekings is gevoer met groepe van swanger vroue wat nog nooit vir MIV getoets is voor en onderhoude met sleutelinformante met gesondheidsorgwerkersVroedvroue of verpleegsters) is gebruik om hulle te vra oor die faktore wat HCT in voorsiening van PMTCT dienste onder swanger vroue. 'n Retrospektiewe statistiese verslag review is ook gebruik om die toeganklikheid koers vir die MIV-berading en om vas te stel toetsing vir VMNKO dienste. In hierdie lig, is statistiese verslag hersiening gebruik word om die aantal swanger vroue wat die ANC en die aantal swanger vroue MIV-toetsing in te samel. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie het aan die lig gebring dat die swanger vroue het uitstekende kennis oor MIV / VIGS en die update van HCT was so goed as 91% onder swanger vroue. Die navorsing het ook aan die lig gebring huishoudelike geweld, beskuldiging van losbandigheid deur vennoot, verlating deur vennoot, en stigma diskriminasie as sosio faktore wat 'n invloed HCT in die bepaling van die PMTCT. Godsdiens, vrees ongeloof van toetsresultate is geopenbaar as persoonlike faktore wat HCT in die voorsiening van PMTCT. Die navorsing het aan die lig gebring besluitneming, tradisie medisyne, en praktyke as kulturele faktore wat HCT in die voorsiening van PMTCT. Die gevolgtrekking is gemaak dat vrees vir verlating deur vennoot, vrees daarvan beskuldig dat hy van promisku deur vennoot, en die vrees van huishoudelike geweld was die belangrikste faktore waarom sommige swanger vroue nie aanvaar het nie 'n MIV-toets te neem tydens hul swangerskappe. Dit is ook die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die meeste mense besluite neem vir hul families. Vroue in huise het geen magte om besluite te neem, so as die man weier om vir haar 'n toets te neem, die vrou net om daaraan te voldoen. Dit is ook die gevolgtrekking gekom dat 'n persoon se vermoë om gesondheid verwante dienste om toegang te verkry tot gevorm word deur die sosiaal-kulturele en persoonlike faktore onder andere faktore. Hierdie bevindings pas goed met die Anderson gedrags-model wat die individuele faktore beskryf met drie elemente wat betrekking het op die individu se vermoë om toegang te verkry tot en gebruik van gesondheidsorgdienste.

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