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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fringe benefits tax on HIV/AIDS disease management of employees in the world of work

Bokelman, Elizabeth Johanna 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: HIV-positive employees that receive treatment for HIV/AIDS by having their employers pay for the treatment are being taxed on their lifesaving HIV benefits paid by their employer. This comes after the Commissioner of Inland Revenue (CIR) or South African Revenue Service (SARS) identified the provision of treatment by employers as a “fringe benefit” in terms of paragraphs 2(e), 2(h) and 2(i) of the Seventh Schedule to the Income Tax Act1 and as such is taxable if the treatment is given from the work place. The treatment contribution is included in an employee’s remuneration package as a fringe benefit. Pay-as-you-earn (PAYE) and other assessed taxes are calculated from that. The taxable benefit is included on the employees’ annual IRP5 certificates. In order for the employer’s Human Resources department to affect this on the IRP 5 certificates the affected employee has to disclose his HIV/AIDS status and accordingly pay the PAYE on the fringe benefit. In terms of paragraph 2(e) of the Seventh Schedule to the Income Tax Act No. 58 of 1962, any service rendered at the expense of the employer to the employee, whether by the employer or by some other person, which has been utilised by the employee for private or domestic use, such value of the service must be included in the employee’s consideration for remuneration. Paragraph 2(h)2 taxes the employees on debts paid by the employer on behalf of the employees and paragraph 2(i)3 taxes a one third contribution benefit back in the hand of an employee for contributions to medical aids. If the employee were to receive chronic medication from a medical aid for HIV/AIDS treatment this will be included in the fringe benefit tax as a medical contribution.The Employment Equity Act No. 55 of 19984 promotes the elimination of unfair discrimination in the work place and ensures the implementation of Employment Equity to redress the effects of discrimination. Above all it also promotes the constitutional right to equality. In terms of confidentiality of the employees HIV/AIDS status; the Income Tax Act No. 58 of 1962 (Income Tax Act)5 as interpreted seems to be in conflict with the Employment Equity Act No. 55 of 1998. A solution therefore has to be sought where: - The anonymity of an employee in terms of his/her HIV/AIDS status is protected as envisaged by the Employment Equity Act6. - It is also necessary to understand whether there is in fact conflict between the Income Tax Act7 and the Employment Equity Act8. - It is also necessary to establish whether there are any misconceptions in the interpretation of the legislation and - Try to find the best possible solution to minimise the impact of Income Tax and yet protect the confidentiality of the employees concerned. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: MIV-positiewe werknemers wat behandeling vir MIV/VIGS ontvang by hul werkgewers word belas op hul lewensreddende MIV voordele wat deur hul werkgewers betaal word. Hierdie word bepaal nadat die Kommisaris van Binnelandse Inkomste (KBI) of die Suid- Afrikaanse Belastingsdiens (SAB) die voorsiening van behandeling deur werkgewers ag as ‘n belastingbyvoordeel in terme van paragrawe 2(e), 2(h) en 2(i) van die Sewende Skedule van die Inkomste belastingwet9 indien die diens gelewer word buite die werksplek. Die bydrae tot behandeling word ingesluit in die werknemer se vergoedingspakket as ‘n belasbare byvoordeel. Werknemersbelasting of LBS en ander aangeslaande belastings word hiervandaan bereken. Die byvoordeel word op die werknemer se IRP5 sertifikaat aangedui. Om hierdie aan te dui op die IRP5 sertifikaat van die geaffekteerde werknemer moet die werknemer se MIV status aan die werkgewer se Menslike Hulpbron departement bekend wees om die nodige byvoordeel te bereken. In terme van paragraaf 2(e)10 van die Sewende Skedule van die Inkomste Belastingwet nr. 58 van 1962, word enige diens gelewer deur die werkgewer namens die werknemer, of deur die werkgewer of deur sekere ander persone, wat gebruik word deur die werknemer vir privaat en huishoudelike gebruik geag as vergoeding te wees en die diens moet ingesluit wees in die vergoedingspakket. Paragraaf 2(h)11 belas die werknemers op skuld betaal namens die werknemer deur die werkgewer en paragraaf 2(i)12 belas een derde van die bydrae terug in die hand van die werknemer vir bydraes betaal deur die werkgewer aan mediese fondse. Indien die werknemer kroniese medikasie ontvang van die mediese fonds vir MIV/VIGS behandeling sal dié belas word as ‘n belasbare byvoordeel. Die Gelyke Indiensnemingwet nr 55 van 199813 bevorder die eliminasie van ongeregmatige diskriminasie in die werksplek en verseker dat die implementasie van die wetgewing die impak van diskrimasie reg aanspreek. Die wetgewing bevorder die konstitisionele reg tot gelykheid. In terme van die vertroulikheid van die MIV/VIGS status van werknemers bleik die Inkomstebelastingwet in konflik te wees met die Gelyke Indiensnemingswetgewing. ‘n Oplossing moet dus gevind word, waar: - Die anonimiteit van die werknemers in terme van hul MIV/VIGS status beskerm word soos veronderstel word in die Indiensnemingsekwiteitswetgewing - Dit is ook nodig om te verstaan of daar inderdaad konflik is tussen die onderskeie wetgewings, naamlik die Inkomstebelastingwet en die Indiensnemingsekwiteitswetgewing. - Dit is ook belangrik om te bepaal of daar enige miskonspesies in die interpretasie van die wetgewing is en - Om te probeer om die bes moontlike oplossing te vind om die impak van Inkomstebelasting te verminder en terselfdertyd die konfidensialiteit van die werknemers te verseker.

The impact of HIV/AIDS among different organizations in Lesotho and how they respond to the challenge : a Lesotho study

Sekhibane, Veronica Mabohle 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University,2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this research is to investigate the impact of HIV/AIDS among different organizations in Lesotho and how they respond to the challenge; and to determine whether these organizations respond positively/effectively to the challenge of the pandemic in their respective organizations and whether they have developed workplace programmes and policies which address the issue, and if they do exist, whether they are effective. Lesotho is one of the countries in the world with a very severe HIV/AIDS infection rate. It is estimated that 28.9% of the entire population was living with HIV/AIDS as of December 2003 (UNAIDS, 2004). The increasing number of HIV/AIDS infectees in the country is affecting the entire labour force; therefore to effectively respond to the pandemic, the government of Lesotho and its development partners and civil society organizations are doing everything within their means to control it. Therefore, work place programmes that deal with HIV/AIDS on the work environment should be an answer to the social capital issue; the most valuable resource being human capital, since the programmes would promote prevention, information, education and training. It would also promote the rights of staff members and their dependants living with and/or affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. The population where the investigation was done is made up of corporate places of work stratified into five types of organizations found in Maseru, the capital of Lesotho: o Non-governmental organizations o Private sector o Development partners ( Diplomatic Missions/Donors) o Parastatals o Government The results of the study indicated that the majority of these organizations have workplace programmes and policies which are effective and appreciated by the employees, while others are in the process of drawing up their policies or already have them in draft form. Despite all the efforts being put in place, the feeling among some of the organizations is that HIV infection in Africa will continue to increase because of the way it is being addressed; what they call ‘The Western way’. They feel that if it is addressed situationally, not academically, there will be a slight difference. For example, they claim that Africans do not feel comfortable about bringing their private behaviours in the open; for instance, speaking about sex and sexuality. The belief systems of the Basotho are also identified as great influencers in the pandemic. These include the culture/traditions, relations with the family and pressure from peers, people whom we trust and the fulfilment of women's sexual desires. The conclusion reached is that the different organizations in Lesotho address the challenge of HIV/AIDS positively and in others effectively, and with more effort the pandemic could be brought under control in the near future. The recommendation after viewing the findings, is that the issue of care and support, stigma and discrimination are still issues that need to be worked on, since employees are scared to know their status due to fear of being stigmatized. Therefore, the above cannot be addressed properly unless they are seen in practice. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie is 'n ondersoek na die impak van MIV/Vigs op, en reaksie van verskillende ondernemings in Lesotho. Volgens beraming is die infeksiekoers van Lesotho 28.9% en is die invloed daarvan op die werkersmag beduidend; dit kan selfs katastofies raak indien dit nie doeltreffend aangespreek en bestuur word nie.. Data is versamel by by vyf kategorië van ondernemings in Maseru ten einde te verseker dat al die belangrikste sektore deur die studie betrek word.. Resultate toon aan dat die meeste ondernemings wel werksplekprogramme en MIV/Vigs-beleid in plek het. Die persepsie van werkers binne die ondernemings wat in die ondersoek gebruik is toon egter 'n negatiewe prognose ten opsigte van die doelteffende bestuur van die pandemie. Die gevoel is dat die benadering te reglynig en "Westers" is en dat die metafore en tradisies van Afrika meer effektief in voorkomingsprogramme sal wees. Voorstelle in hierdie verband word gemaak. Voorstelle vir meer doeltreffende voorkomingsprogramme word gemaak en voorstelle vir verdere studies in Lesotho word aan die hand gedoen.

The profile of HIV and AIDS-related stigma and discrimination within a company in Maputo

Barradas, Ricardo da Costa 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The present article is a research study aimed at providing an accurate picture of the problem of HIV and Aids-related stigma and discrimination within a company, by identifying the possible factors that help fuelling it, and describing the relationships among them. On the basis of these findings, I propose initiatives that may help to overcome the main barriers for stigma mitigation within the company, and provide suggestions for inclusion in the company’s HIV and Aids policy of strategies and positions that may thwart stigma among the workforce. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om ‘n akkurate beskrywing te gee van stigma en diskriminasie wat romdon MIV/Vigs bestaan. Die studie is in ‘n maatskappy in Maputo, Mosambiek, uitgevoer. Moontlike faktore wat hierdie stigma en diskriminasie aanwakker is gegee en ook die verhouding tussen die faktore. Voorstelle word gegee om stigma binne die maatskappy te verminder en ook om dit by die maatskappy se MIV/Vigs beleid in te sluit.

Factors influencing HIV positive individuals attending anti-retroviral therapy (ARV) clinic at Katutura Hospital (Windhoek, Namibia) to disclose or not to disclose their HIV status to their sexual partners

Samatanga, Fortune 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There have been new infections of HIV despite campaigns aimed at arresting the further spread of the epidemic particularly the new infections. This study sought to investigate whether HIV positive individuals disclose their status to their sexual partners. The study looked at both longtime partners and casual partners. The overall aim was to find the factors that contribute to non-disclosure or to disclosure to sexual partners by HIV positive individuals. The specific objectives were to identify prevailing levels of HIV sero-status disclosure among people living with HIV who were attending the ARV clinic; to identify people living with HIV’s attitude towards HIV status disclosure; to establish factors contributing to disclosure or non-disclosure among people living with HIV; to establish if there is a difference between disclosure rates between ‘long time’ sex partners and casual/’once-off’ sex partners and to provide guidelines to counsellors on how to educate HIV positive people on disclosure. The objectives were achieved by using a quantitative research design through the use of questionnaires targeting 50 HIV positive individuals attending the ARV clinic at Katutura Hospital in Windhoek Namibia. The questionnaire was self-administered and consisted of close-ended questions and one open-ended question which helped collect the quantitative data. The quantitative data was then analyzed using statistical tools (graphs, tables and charts). Results showed that HIV positive individuals are aware of the importance of disclosure. The results showed that majority of the participants did not disclose for fear of abandonment. Some did not disclose because they thought that their partner was also already infected. As for casual sex partners, some did not disclose because they wanted ‘to infect someone since they were also infected by someone’. Some said that they were drunk and hence did not disclose. Participants disclosed because they wanted moral support, they did not want to infect their partners and that they wanted their partners to get tested as well. One of the recommendations was that there is a need to encourage couple counselling in cases of married couples or ‘live-in’ couples to reduce the need for disclosure. It was also recommended that HIV/AIDS health workers need special training to enhance their skills on how to educate HIV positive individuals about disclosure. The link between risky sexual behavior and alcohol abuse was highlighted and it was recommended that there is a need to educate people, particular teenagers, the link between the two. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was die bepaling van die mate waartoe persone wat MIV-positief is en klinieke bywoon hulle MIV-status bekendmaak. Die studie is by die Katutura hospitaal in Windhoek, Namibië gedoen en 50 MIV-positiewe pasiënte is as steekproef gebruik. ‘n Vraelys wat die pasiënte self ingevul het is in die studie gebruik en data is op ‘n beskrywende wyse ontleed. Resultate het aangetoon dat MIV-positiewe pasiënte wel bewus is van die belangrikheid om hulle MIV-status bekend te maak. Laasgenoemde pasiënte doen dit egter nie, hoofsaaklik uit vrees vir stigma, diskriminasie en verwerping. Sommige pasiënte maak ook nie hulle status bekend nie omdat hulle bloot aanvaar dat die persoon met wie hulle saambly ook MIV-positief is en die bekendmaking van status dus onbelangrik is. Een van die belangrikste aanbevelings wat in die studie gemaak word is dat getroude paartjies aangemoedig moet word om MIV-voorligting by te woon, hulle te laat toets en hulle status bekend te maak. Dit word ook verder aanbeveel dat MIV/Vigs-gesondheidswerkers spesiale opleiding moet kry in hoe om persone wat MIV-positief is te oorreed om hulle MIV-status bekend te maak. Die studie sluit af deur te wys op die belangrike verwantskap tussen seksuele risikogedrag en die misbruik van alkohol. Daar word sterk gepleit dat die gemeenskap, en veral tienderjariges, bewus gemaak moet word van hierdie gevaar.

The effectiveness of coordination in the fight against HIV and AIDS in Malawi :a case study of Salima District Council

Luhanga, Aaron Andrew 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: With the existence of many HIV and AIDS service providers especially at Local Authority Level which is government closer to the people, multi sector coordination of service provision becomes crucial. Therefore, this study undertook to assess the effectiveness of coordination of HIV and AIDS service provision in Salima District Council in Malawi. The researcher used the following methods to collect data: qualitative method, through a questionnaire where data was collected from the District AIDS Coordinating Committee (DACC) responsible for multi sector coordination at district level; and qualitative method, through focus Group Discussions that enabled collection of data from targeted sector heads from government, non- governmental organisations, Faith Based Organisations and Private Sector. The research found that Salima District Council has the necessary structural set-up to coordinate HIV and AIDS Response. In keeping with the three – one principle, Salima District Council has managed to develop one coordination body, one action framework and one M&E framework. The availability of the one action framework and one M&E framework (LAHARF) and that these are annually replicable, shows a level of coordination is available and it is working. Lack of adequate funding for HIV interventions and lack of involvement of DACC in planning process by most service providers are major challenges. It is thus recommended that Salima District Council should put in place a deliberate policy that makes it mandatory for all organizations working in the district to participate in planning and or share their plans with the district council. The Council should also ensure that strategic policy and guidelines documents are readily available to service providers for use when planning HIV and AIDS interventions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wanneer daar baie diensverskaffers op Plaaslike bestuursvlak is word die koördinering van MIV/Vigsdienste baie belangrik. Die doel van hierdie studie was die bepaling van die doeltreffendheid van die koördinering van MIV/Vigsdienste in die Salima Distriksraad in Malawi. Data in ingewin deur gebruik te maak van kwantitatiew metodes en „n gestruktureerde vraelys is vir dataversameling gebruik. Ten einde nog eer data in te samel is fokusgroepe gebruik binne die Regeringsorganisasies, Nie-regeringsorganisasies, die privaatsektor en geloofsgeörienteerde organisasies. Die studie het bevind dat die nodige strukturele opset wel binne die Salima Distriksraad bestaan. Die Salima Distriksraad het ook daarin geslaag om „n enkele koördineringsliggaam te vestig en die studie het bevestig dat hierdie koördineringsliggaam inderdaar funksioneel is. Daar is egter nog steeds „n gebrek aan voldoende fondse en die nie-betrokkendheid van sekere van die diensverskaffers is steeds „n uitdaging. Voorstelle vir die verbetering van die betrokkendheid van al die diensverskaffers word in die studie aan die hand gedoen.

Factors preventing the uptake of HIV counseling and testing (HCT) programmes : the case of the Industrial Development Corporation in Johannesburg, South Africa

Mooketsi, Mapule Linah 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: HIV counseling and testing (HCT) is a cornerstone of both HIV prevention and care in South Africa, but only one in five South Africans who are aware of HCT services have been tested for HIV and hence the uptake is reportedly low. This study investigated factors that prevent the uptake of HCT programme in the workplace. Specific factors that were looked at include: fear of learning about one‟s HIV status, HIV-stigma and discrimination and knowledge of and attitudes towards HCT. The study employed descriptive survey design; anonymous questionnaires were randomly distributed irrespective of age, gender, marital status, race, educational level, work position and experience. Closed and open-ended easy- to- answer questions which were written in English were asked; and they required fewer instructions. Ethical issues were considered and university guidelines followed. The results of this study showed that a great proportion of participants (93.8%) tested for HIV as compared to (6.2%) who had never tested. Of these, 59.4 % tested because they wanted to know their HIV status and, 43.8% of participants preferred using the workplace HCT programme for convenience; while 50% used private facilities for privacy and confidentiality. The study further established that fear of knowing one‟s HIV status, workplace discrimination, knowledge of and attitudes towards HCT were not associated with workplace HCT programme uptake. The results did however show that both participants who had tested and those who had not tested (68.8%) demonstrated significantly greater AIDS-related stigma. Supportive and collaborative efforts are necessary to create and promote an enabling and conducive environment in order to dispel workplace HIV-related stigma. In addition, it is imperative to develop and implement workplace stigma mitigation strategy putting in place interventions that aim to reduce all forms of stigma, as well as emphasizing on the benefits of testing. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: MIV/Vigs-voorligting en toetsing is die hoeksteen vir beide die voorkoming en versorging van MIV-pasiënte in Suid-Afrika. Ongelukkig is net ongeveer een uit elke vyf mense bewus van hulle MIV-status. Die doel van hierdie studie is 'n poging om vas te stel waarom so min mense gebruik maak van gratis toetsingsdienste in die werksplek. 'n Beskrywende studie-ontwerp is in hierdie navorsing gebruik met anonieme vraelyste wat ewekansig versprei is onder 'n steekproef waarin geen onderskeid ten opsigte van ras, geslag. opvoedkundige vlak, posisie in die werk en ervaring gemaak is nie. Geslote en oop-einde vrae is gebruik en Engels is as kommunikasiemedium gebruik omdat al die proefpersone dit verstaan het. Resultate van die studie het aangetoon dat beduidend meer mense hulle wel laat toets het teenoor die wat hulle nie laat toets het nie. Die studie het verder bevind dat faktore soos die vrees om status te weet; diskriminasie in die werksplek, kennis van en houding teenoor MIV/Vigs nie geassosieer kan word met die lae opname van vrywillige toetsing in die werksplek nie. Die studie het wel bevind dat diegene wat hulle . laat toets het, beduidend meer stigma in die werksplek ondervind. Ondersteunende dienste is uiters nodig ten einde stigma suksesvol in die werksplek te bestuur. Daar word voorgestel dat daar 'n volledige opleidingsprogram ,in die werksplek van die organisasie wat in die studie gebruik is, ontwikkel moet word ten einde die invloed van stigma tot 'n minimum te beperk.

The knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) of correctional officers relating to HIV and AIDS in Johannesburg Management Area: Gauteng Region: Republic of South Africa

Baloyi, Risimati Solidify 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African prevalence is estimated at just over 17.1%, but efforts to reduce the number of HIV and AIDS deaths have dramatically changed. What is disturbing is that HIV prevalence rate in South African correctional facilities is higher than in general population. At 44%, HIV prevalence rate in South African correctional facilities are more than double of the just over 17.1% HIV prevalence rate in general population at the end of 2012 (UNAIDS, 2013). South African department of correctional services should regard these as a serious challenge given the increased number of sexual assaults and rape in correctional facilities as the Minister of correctional services Sbu Ndebele recently stated in Prison Brief. These could be worsening if the DCS does not come up with proactive strategies to reduce this prevalence in our Correctional facilities. These come back to the very same correctional officers who are not even aware of this state of HIV prevalence in their correctional facilities. This is because the findings of this study illustrate that majority of the correctional officers stationed in Johannesburg management area have limited knowledge about HIV and AIDS general information and they do not trust their management and their employee assistant staff when it comes to HIV and AIDS and this deny them necessary support and care from their employer. As the global HIV and AIDS epidemic enters its fourth decade, we are confronted by new challenges. In recent years, research related to HIV and AIDS has abounded as scholars continue to seek insight into the reciprocal influence of the pandemic on the one hand and various social systems on the other (Ebersohn, 2008). The purpose of this study was to explore the knowledge, attitudes and sexual practices of correctional officers relating to HIV in Johannesburg management area, Gauteng Region: South Africa. In this study the emerging findings are that Johannesburg management area are implementing their workplace HIV and AIDS programmes without a KAP study conducted to establish the baseline information about their employees, let alone conducting the KAP study on the regular basis to establish the effect of their workplace HIV and AIDS programmes. This was evident when majority of the respondents in this study had a limited knowledge about HIV in general and HIV prevalence in their country and their correctional facilities. Furthermore, there were also a poor monitoring and evaluation of such programmes. Another disturbing finding was that correctional officers in this management area did not have trust on their employee assistant staff and this was evident when 56% of the respondents responded that they would not use their internal EAP in HIV/AIDS related matters. This was the same when it comes to correctional officers attitudes towards management of this management area. This is evident when 71% of the respondents responded that if tested positive for HIV, they would not inform their immediate supervisors, managers, EAP and let alone their chaplain. This implies that there is a lack of trust between the management and their employees and between the employees and the employee assistant programme staff. However, correctional officers attitudes towards offenders living with HIV and AIDS is very good and encouraging and if correctional officers of this management area are given enough HIV information, they may pass it easily to all offenders as they interact with them on a daily basis. Given correctional officers‟ response on HIV testing and the use of EAP it is recommended that external service providers unknown to correctional officers should be used instead if management is unable to conduct a successful capacity building within the management area. Majority of the correctional officers according to this study had a limited knowledge about HIV treatment, cure and vaccine as they are unable to differentiate between the three and this is should be a serious concern for the department of correctional services. Although correctional officers sexual practices in this study findings indicated that correctional officers are well equipped when it comes to safe sexual practices, workplace HIV and AIDS programmes should include cultural beliefs, religion, tradition and myths to fight the spread of this epidemic. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die kennisvlakke asook die houdings en seksuele praktyke van korrektiewe offisiere binne die Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste in die Gauteng Streek in Suid-Afrika te ondersoek. Indien die korrektiewe offisier nie die nodige kennis en vaardighede besit om die verspreiding van die MIV-virus te beperk nie, kan hulle nie 'n doeltreffende rol speel in die Suid-Afrikaanse tronke nie. 'n Vraelys is vir die inwin van data gebruik en 'n steekproef van korrektiewe offisiere is vir die studie gebruik. Die data is op 'n beskrywende vlak ontleed en gevolgtrekkings is gemaak. Die studie bevind dat 'n minderheid van korrektiewe offisiere oor 'n voldoende kennisvlak van MIV beskik. Daar is verder bevind dat daar nie voldoende opleidingsfasiliteite vir hierdie korrektiewe amptenare bestaan nie en dat die programme wat wel aangebied word, nie behoorlik gemonitor en ge-evalueer word nie. Daar is egter bevind dat korrektiewe amptenare wel 'n positiewe houding het teenoor oortreders wat wel MIV-positief is en dat hulle wel die beperkte kennis waaroor hulle beskik na die beste van hulle vermoë oordra aan die oortreders gesurende hulle daaglikse interaksie. Voorstelle word in die studie gemaak vir die ontwikkeling en aanbieding van doeltreffende opleidingsprogramme vir korrektiewe offisiere. Daar word ook voorgestel dat korrektiewe offisiere op 'n veel groter skaal bewus gemaak word van die komplekse interaksie tussen tradisie, vooroordele en mites wat rondom suksesvolle MIV/Vigs-bekamping bestaan.

An assessment of the knowledge, attitudes and practices of caregivers of HIV positive children on treatment in Pretoria, South Africa : a case study of out-patients in Kalafong Hospital, Pretoria

Ofunne, Ifeanyichukwu 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study examines the level of HIV and AIDS knowledge, attitudes, as well as practices amongst caregivers of HIV infected children in Pretoria, using Kalafong hospital as a case study. The study uses a questionnaire as survey instrument. A total of 30 respondents participated in the study, which took place in October of 2013. The respondents were selected via simple random sampling and the results were analyzed. The results showed a remarkably high level of HIV and AIDS knowledge amongst the respondents, from which it was evident, that: A significant number of caregivers were aware of and able to take care of existing medical conditions arising from HIV in children. Most of the home-based care of children living with HIV was carried out by women in a very disproportionate ratio to men. In this regard, the study offers a range of suggestions and recommendations as well as existing best practices, such as the UNAIDS booklet on caregiving within the context of HIV and AIDS. The study was undertaken with the realization that generalizations cannot be made through extrapolation to the larger society because of limitations, such as the sample size of this study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:Hierdie studie ondersoek die vlak van MIV/VIGS kennis, houdings teenoor dieselfde, sowel as praktyke onder versorgers van MIV-besmette kinders in Pretoria, met behulp van Kalafonghospitaal as 'n gevallestudie. Die studie maak gebruik van 'n vraelys as opname instrument. 'n Totaal van 30 respondente het deelgeneem aan die studie, wat in Oktober 2013 plaasgevind het. Die respondente is gekies deur 'n eenvoudige ewekansige steekproefneming en die resultate is ontleed. Die resultate toon 'n merkwaardig hoë vlak van MIV en VIGS kennis onder die respondente. Hierdie kennis, houdings en praktyke opgedoen was voldoende om daarop te let: • 'n beduidende aantal van die versorgers is bewus van en in staat om bestaande toestande in MIV-sorg in kinders te versorg. • Die meeste van die tuisversorging van kinders wat met MIV leef is uitgevoer deur vroue in 'n baie oneweredige verhouding met mans. In hierdie verband bied die studie 'n verskeidenheid van voorstelle en aanbevelings sowel as die bestaande beste praktyke soos die UNAIDS boekie oor versorging binne die konteks van MIV en VIGS. Die studie is gedoen onder die besef dat veralgemenings nie gemaak kan word deur ekstrapolasie na die groter samelewing nie, as gevolg van beperkings soos die monster grootte van hierdie studie

A training needs analysis into map use in a military context

Philander, Elisca S. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The primary objective of the South African National Defence force is the protection of its citizens against external threats. The nature of the work, especially in operational situations, very often causes members of the SANDF to work in remote and unknown territory. The SANDF is composed of different units such as the army, air force and navy. All of these units typically control a specific aspect of the environment, especially in operational situations, and is very often also geographically spread over a large area. The battle commander would typically be in charge of all these units and must direct and control them efficiently towards achieving their assigned mission. In order to be an effective battle commander, the commander must thus be able to understand the terrain that his/her units are operating in, and maps are often the only information to base such understanding on. Map use is thus a critical success factor in effective battle command, and also for every member of the units navigating the often unknown terrain. The aim of the study is to conduct an investigation into the status quo of map use proficiency in the military, and specifically the South African National Army. The investigation comprises the following: • To conducting a detailed task analysis into map use in a military context, in order to establish specific map use functions and related skills regarded as critical in the military context. • The development of a proficiency test, taking the form of a questionnaire, based on the skills identified in the task analysis. Comparing the results of the questionnaire with map use skills identified in the task analysis, to determine the level of map use proficiency in military context. The secondary aims of the study comprise the following: • To investigate the level of map use training and determine if a need exists in term of additional map use training in the military, based on subjective opinions. • To investigate the level of computer literacy and the need for formal computer training in the military context. The key conclusions of the study are the following: • A gap between optimal and actual performance has been identified in terms of map use in the military context. • This gap can largely be attributed to insufficient structures and processes within the military context to facilitate effective map use. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die primêre doel van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag is om die burgers van die land te beskerm teen eksterne gevare. Die aard van die werk veroorsaak dat soldate, tydens operasionele toestande, dikwels na onbekende en vreemde areas verplaas ten einde bogenoemde primêre doel te bereik. Die weermag bestaan tipies uit verskillende eenhede, wat elk gefokus is op die verrigting van spesifieke funksies, en dikwels geografies wyd versprei is. In gesamentlike operasies, is die operasie bevelvoerder tipies in beheer van die verskillende eenhede en moet hy toesien dat hul bewegings gekoordineer is ter bereiking van hul doel. Die operasie bevelvoerder, ten einde die doelwit effektief te bereik, moet in staat wees om die terrein waar die verskillende eenhede beweeg te ontleed, en effektief tot doelbereiking kan benut. Kaarte is een van die primêre bronne van inligting, ten einde die terrein te ontleed om dit sodoende tot voordeel te kan gebruik. Effektiewe gebruik van kaarte is dus 'n kritieke faktor wat bydra tot die sukses van die operasie bevelvoerder, asook vir feitlik elke lid binne die verskillende eenhede wat deur dikwels onbekende terrein moet navigeer. Die doelwitte van die studie is om 'n ondersoek in te stel na die status quo met betrekking tot kaart-gebruiksvaardigheid in die Suid Afrikaanse Nasionale Weermag. Die studie behels die volgende: • 'n Omvattende taak-analise ten opsigte van die gebruik van kaarte in die militêre konteks, om sodoende spesifieke funksies en verwante vaardighede te identifiseer wat as kritiek vir die militêr beskou word. • Om 'n vaardigheidstoets in 'n vraelys te inkorporeer, gebaseer op bogenoemde geïdentifiseerde kaart-gebruiksvaardighede. • Om die resultate van die vaardigheids-toets te vergelyk met dié geïdentifiseer in die taak-analise, om sodoende die vlak van kaartgebruiksvaardighede te bepaal in die militêre konteks. Die sekondêre doelwitte behels die volgende: • 'n Ondersoek na die vlak van kaart-gebruiksopleiding en om te bepaal of 'n behoefte bestaan na verdere kaart-gebruiksopleiding, gebaseer op subjektiewe opinies. • 'n Ondersoek na die vlak van rekenaargeletterdheid, en die behoefte aan rekenaar-opleiding. Die afleidings wat uit die studie gemaak kan word is die volgende: • daar bestaan 'n prestasie-gaping tussen optimale and werklike prestasie met betrekking tot die gebruik van kaarte in die militêre konteks, en • hierdie gaping kan grootliks toegeskryf word aan onvoldoende strukture binne die miliêre konteks, wat nie kaart-gebruiksvaardighede fasiliteer nie.

Work dysfunctions and their consequences as experienced by call centre agents

Werner, Ann 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Overview of previous work: Previous research on call centres has identified the inherent stressful nature of the call centre agent job. In fact researchers have gone so far as to name call centres ‘sweatshops of the new millennium’, (Crome, 1998; Fernie, 1998). Comparative studies between human service work and burnout have often featured in current literature as have studies concerning the correlations between call centre work and job satisfaction, the effects of shift work, and stress in the call centre environment. Purpose: However, the purpose of this study, avoiding a comparative approach, is to focus on one organisation in particular, in order to assess the varied work dysfunctions present in its call centre. The study is particularly important in the light of the proposed development of the call centre industry in South Africa at this time. A more comprehensive understanding therefore, of the pitfalls of call centre work, would be beneficial to those currently running call centres as well as those planning their implementation. At the outset, stress was considered a pivotal dysfunction within the call centre, from which other maladies often ensued such as substance abuse, depression and eating pattern disruptions. Work challenges too, manifest in the field data, namely insufficient training and managerial / system problems. The research therefore includes the exploration of these factors serving to highlight both the more socio-cultural and emotional issues, as well as on-the-job grievances encountered by call centre agents. Design / methodology / approach: Owing to the exploratory nature of the study, a focus group methodology was used, allowing for in-depth qualitative research which catered for a far reaching and comprehensive understanding of current work issues. As the study concerns only call centre agents, the roles of supervisors and managers were not included. The sample comprised four different groups, of randomly selected call centre agents, with a total of 27 participants. Demographics revealed male and female participants of differing marital status, educational qualifications, but with tenure at a call centre between 2 and 6 years, and aged between 20 and 40 years. Findings: Support was found for the following dysfunctions in the process, with stress as primary harbinger of other dysfunctions, many exacerbated by the stressful nature of shift work, and the resultant work-life imbalance. Stresses encountered due to ineffective systems, training processes, and call centre management were also significant. On a positive note, of interest was the unanimous agreement that within this particular field study, workspace ergonomic considerations were thought not to add to call centre dysfunction. Research limitations / implications: Even though four groups from two different call centres were observed, they were part of the same organisation, in Cape Town in the Western Cape. In this way commonalities in terms of reactions to systems, policies etc were thought likely to be similar, however owing to the shift work nature of call centres through out South Africa, it is believed that significant correlations could be determined, in any organisation. A comparative study across various differing organisations and locations therefore could be investigated. Originality / value: Owing to the very stressful nature of call centre work, the focus groups revealed themselves to be cathartic in nature as participants thoroughly embraced the process, and personal experiences were often disclosed by participants which facilitated realistic discussions. In this way, meaningful qualitative data was collected, and can be used to ameliorate current call centre conditions, and to allow better planning for future implementation. Furthermore, the research has exposed a number of further study options, as e.g. owing to their significance, each dysfunction could be investigated further and covered individually in separate research papers, as could the role in management, and training within the call centre milieu.

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