Spelling suggestions: "subject:"etheses -- bimechanical engineering"" "subject:"etheses -- bymechanical engineering""
191 |
A design programme for dilute phase pneumatic conveyorsWodrich, Karsten H. K. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 1997. / A computer programme for the simulation of dilute phase pneumatic conveying of solids is
presented. This includes positive pressure and vacuum pneumatic conveying. The characteristic
conveying parameters such as the conveying absolute pressure, conveying air density,
interstitial and average air velocity, particle velocity and voidage are calculated by integrating
five differential equations that govern two-phase flow. The two-phase flow is approximated as
one-dimensional along the pipe axis. Density and acceleration effects are accounted for. The
integration is carried out by means of the Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method yielding conveying
parameter traces along the length ofthe pipeline.
A new method is presented for the determination of the solids friction coefficient from the
solids motion equation. This allows for a more accurate determination of the solids velocity in
the pipeline when compared to currently used methods. The computer model results are
compared to experimental results for cement and ice conveying yielding good correlation for
the main output parameters.
The theory for the scaling and calculation of Roots blower performance characteristics is
presented. This is implemented in a Roots blower selection programme as an integral part of
determining the prime air mover for the design of a pneumatic conveyor.
The aim of providing a fast, user-friendly interface in terms of pipeline geometry input,
simulation and data visualisation has been achieved by using the advantages of object
orientated programming and the visual user interface of the DELPHI programming language.
192 |
The modelling and control of an automotive drivetrainNorthcote, Nicholas M. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Shunt and shuffle in a vehicle drivetrain are two driveability related phenomena responsible for driver discomfort. They are experienced as a sharp jerk (shunt) followed by a series of longitudinal oscillations (shuffle) and are induced by a rapid change in engine torque. The use of drive‐by‐wire throttles in modern day vehicles enables the onboard electronic control unit to manipulate the driver’s torque demand befoe sending a revised torque demand signal to the engine. In this way a feedback control system can be used to ensure that the drivetrain follows the driver’s torque demand as quickly s possible without inducing shunt or shuffle.
In this project a drivetrain model was derived and its parameters experimentally determined. The accuracy of the model was validated using test data from a vehicle, and the conclusion was made that the model was an accurate vehicle simulation tool. A drivetrain controller was then designed and its performance simulated using the vehicle model. The simulations showed that the controller significantly reduced the shunt and shuffle in the drivetrain thereby improving drier comfort.
193 |
Evaluation and performance prediction of a wind turbine bladePierce, Warrick Tait 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / The aerodynamic performance of an existing wind turbine blade optimised for low wind speed
conditions is investigated. The aerodynamic characteristics of four span locations are determined from
surface pressure measurements and wake surveys with a traversed five-hole probe performed in a low
speed wind tunnel for chord Reynolds numbers ranging from 360,000 - 640,000.
Two-dimensional modelling of the wind tunnel tests is performed with the commercial computational
fluid dynamics code FLUENT. The predictive accuracies of five eddy-viscosity turbulence models are
compared. The computational results are compared to each other and experimental data. It is found
that agreement between computational and experimental results varies with turbulence model. For
lower Reynolds numbers, the Transitional-SST turbulence model accurately predicted the presence of
laminar separation bubbles and was found to be superior to the fully turbulent models considered. This
highlighted the importance of transitional modelling at lower Reynolds numbers. With increasing angles
of attack the bubbles were found to move towards the leading edge and decrease in length. This was
validated with experimental data. For the tip blade section, computations implementing the k-ε
realizable turbulence model best predicted experimental data. The two-dimensional panel method
code, XFOIL, was found to be optimistic with significantly higher lift-to-drag ratios than measured.
Three-dimensional modelling of the rotating wind turbine rotor is performed with the commercial
computational fluid dynamics code NUMECA. The Coefficient of Power (Cp) predicted varies from 0.440
to 0.565 depending on the turbulence model. Sectional airfoil characteristics are extracted from these
computations and compared to two-dimensional airfoil characteristics. Separation was found to be
suppressed for the rotating case. A lower limit of 0.481 for Cp is proposed based on the experimental
data. / Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies
194 |
A numerical investigation into the heave, sway and roll motions of typical ship like hull sections using RANS numerical methodsHenning, H. L. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The hydrodynamic characteristics of three typical ship-like hull sections, in
different motions, are numerically investigated using FLUENT, 2009. These
simple shapes, namely a v-bottom (triangle) hull, a at-bottom (square) hull
and a round-bottom (semi-circle) hull, are investigated in uncoupled heave,
sway and roll. The problem is described in two dimensions. A combination of
numerical methods and models, found in literature, are used to conduct this
investigation. Hull characterisation is achieved through the use of hull mass
and damping coe cients. These numerically determined coe cients are compared
to experimental work conducted by Vugts (1968). A good correlation
between the numerical and experimental results exists for the heave and sway
cases. By normalising the coe cients, different hulls are comparable to one
another. The numerical models used are validated and veri ed. Roll motion
remains largely unsolved for very large angles of roll (in excess of 11°). Different
uid ow phenomena occurring around the hull sections have varying
degrees of in uence on the motions of a hull. It is found that not one of the
turbulence models investigated can be employed to globally solve each type
of hull-motion case. Also, forced oscillations in computational simulations require
considerably more computational time than free-decay oscillating hull
simulations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die hidrodinamiese karakteristieke van verskillende skeepsrompvorms, in verskeie
bewegingswieë, is numeries ondersoek met behulp van FLUENT, 2009.
Drie eenvoudige vorms ('n v-bodem (driehoek), plat-bodem (reghoek) en rondebodem
(semi-sirkel) romp) is onderskeidelik ondersoek in opwieg, dwarswieg en
rol. Die probleem is twee-dimensioneel. Daar is gebruik gemaak van 'n kombinasie
van numeriese metodes en modelle, uit die literatuur, om die ondersoek
uit te voer. Die rompe is gekarakteriseer met behulp van massa- en dempingskoëffi siënte. Hierdie numeries bepaalde koë ffisiënte is vergelyk met die
eksperimentele werk van Vugts (1968). Daar bestaan 'n goeie korrelasie tussen
die numeriese en eksperimentele resultate vir die opwieg en dwarswieg gevalle.
Die koë ffisiënte is genormaliseer om die verskeie rompvorms te vergelyk. Die
numeriese modelle is geverifi eer en valideer. Rolbewegings is onopgelos vir
groot rolhoeke (groter as 11°). Die mate waartoe die romp se beweging beïnvloed
word deur die verskillende vloei verskynsels wat om die rompe ontstaan,
verskil. Daar is bevind dat geen van die turbulensie modelle gebruik kan word
om alle skeepsbeweging-gevalle op te los nie. Gedwonge-ossilasie numeriese
simulasies benodig meer berekeningstyd as vrye-verval ossilasie gevalle.
195 |
A passive suspension system for a hydrofoil supported catamaranKopke, Markus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / This study investigates practical passive methods to improve the seakeeping of a
Hydrofoil Supported Catamaran (Hysucat). The Hysucat is a hybrid vessel combining
hydrofoil efficiency with the stability of catamarans.
The seakeeping of the Hysucat was initially investigated experimentally to determine
what seakeeping improvements are inherent to the Hysucat design. The results
showed that the seakeeping is improved by 5-30%.
A passive suspension system for the main hydrofoil of the Hysucat was designed and
tested. A concept development strategy was followed for the design of the suspension
system as such a system had never been investigated previously. Detailed
specifications for the design were developed and concepts that could satisfy the
customer and engineering requirements were generated.
Numerical simulation models for the Hysucat and the final concepts were derived
assuming a simplified 2nd order system to describe the seakeeping dynamics of the
demi-hulls. Unknown parameters were determined using parameter estimation
techniques. Representative parameter values were calculated from multiple towing
tank experiments. Theory describing the motion of a hydrofoil in an orbital velocity
wave field was combined with the hull model to simulate the Hysucat as well as the
suspension system concepts.
The models indicated that the concept where the main hydrofoil was attached to a
spring loaded arm, that was free to pivot in response to orbital waves, was the most
feasible in damping out vertical transmitted accelerations. Experimental tests indicated
that little improvement was achieved with the suspension system at low frequencies. At
resonance the suspension system was effective in decreasing the heave of the vessel
by up to 27%. The pitch and acceleration response results showed improvements at
the higher encounter frequencies of up to 50%. The calm water resistance of the vessel
increased by 10% over the Hysucat with rigidly attached hydrofoils; however was still
24% less than the hull without foils.
196 |
The calibration of material properties for use in discrete element modelsHorn, Etienne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: One of the main challenges in using the Discrete Element Method (DEM) is to
specify the correct input parameter values. In general, the models are sensitive to
the input parameter values and accurate results can only be achieved if the correct
values are specified. For the linear contact model, micro parameters such as the
particle density, stiffness, coefficient of friction, as well as the particle size and
shape distributions are required. Thus, there is a need for a procedure to
accurately calibrate these parameters before any attempt can be made to
accurately model a complete bulk materials handling system.
Since the DEM is often used to model applications in the mining and quarrying
industries, a calibration procedure was developed for materials that consist of
relatively large (up to 40 mm in size) particles. A coarse crushed aggregate was
used as the test material. Using a specially designed large scale shear box, the
confined Young’s Modulus and internal friction angle of the material were
measured by means of the confined compression test and the direct shear test
respectively. The bulk (macro) density and porosity were also measured. The
particle size distribution was measured while visual inspection was used to
identify the different particle shapes.
DEM models of the experimental set-up were developed and the input parameter
values were varied iteratively until a close correlation between the experimental
and numerical results was achieved. The resulting set of input parameter values
were then verified through a series of anchor pull-out and angle of repose
experiments and simulations. A good correlation between the experimental and
numerical results was observed.
In a study, independent of the calibration process, a half fraction factorial design
was implemented to quantify the effect of the input parameter values on the bulk
properties and to construct multiple linear regression models that relate the
parameters to the bulk properties. The results were found to be in accordance with
expected bulk behaviour, and can be used to develop advanced DEM calibration
Based on the project outcomes, it was concluded that the developed calibration
procedure performed satisfactorily and that the calibrated input parameters allow
for the accurate modelling of the coarse aggregate. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Een van die groot uitdagings in die gebruik van die Diskreet Element Metode
(DEM) is om die korrekte invoer parameterwaardes te spesifiseer. Die modelle is
in die algemeen sensitief vir die invoer parameterwaardes, en akkurate resultate
kan slegs verkry word indien die korrekte waardes gespesifiseer word. Mikroparameters
soos partikeldigtheid, styfheid, wrywingskoëffisiënt, die
partikelgrootte verspreiding asook die partikelvorm verspreiding, word benodig
vir die lineêre kontakmodel. ’n Prosedure word dus benodig om hierdie
parameters akkuraat te kalibreer alvorens ’n volledige korrelagte materiaalhanteringstelsel
akkuraat gemodelleer kan word.
Aangesien die DEM gereeld in die modellering van myn- en gruisgroefbedryf
toepassings gebruik word, is ’n kalibrasieprosedure ontwikkel vir materiaal wat
bestaan uit relatief groot (tot 40 mm in grootte) partikels. Grofgebreekte klippe is
as toetsmateriaal gebruik. Deur gebruik te maak van ’n spesiaal ontwerpte
grootskaal-skuifboks is die ingeperkte Young se Modulus en die interne
wrywingshoek van die materiaal gemeet deur middel van die ingeperkte
kompressietoets en die direkte skuiftoets onderskeidelik. Die makro-digtheid en
poreusheid is ook gemeet. Die partikelgrootte verspreiding is gemeet terwyl
visuele inspeksie gebruik is om die verskillende partikelvorms te identifiseer.
DEM modelle van die eksperimentele opstelling is ontwikkel en die invoer
parameterwaardes is herhaaldelik gewysig totdat ’n goeie korrelasie verkry is
tussen die eksperimentele en numeriese resultate. Die gevolglike stel invoer
parameterwaardes is daarna geverifieer deur ’n reeks ankeruittrek- en natuurlike
helling eksperimente en simulasies.
In ’n studie, onafhanklik van die kalibrasieproses, is die half-fraksie
faktoriaalontwerp geïmplementeer om die invoer parameterwaardes se effek op
die makro eienskappe te kwantifiseer en om meervoudige lineêre
regressiemodelle te ontwikkel wat die parameters met die makro eienskappe
verbind. Die resultate was in ooreenstemming met die verwagte makro gedrag en
kan gebruik word om gevorderde DEM kalibrasie-strategieë te ontwikkel.
Daar is tot die gevolg gekom dat, gebaseer op die projekresultate, die ontwikkelde
kalibrasieprosedure bevredigend presteer en dat die gekalibreerde invoer
parameters die akkurate modellering van die grofgebreekte klippe toelaat.
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Experimental and numerical evaluation of anisotropic fill performance characteristics in cross- and counterflowGrobbelaar, Pieter Jacobus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The confidence level of modeling cooling towers, where oblique air flow within anisotropic fills takes place, is higher when the change in fill‟s performance cha-racteristics, dependent on the way that air flows through the fill, is better unders-tood.
A trickle fill‟s performance characteristics in crossflow are compared to its per-formance characteristics in counterflow by doing crossflow fill tests that are per-formance comparable to counterflow tests with the same fill. In order to do these tests, an existing crossflow fill test facility is critically evaluated and improved.
The difference between crossflow and counterflow trickle fill performance charac-teristics is found to depend on air mass velocity (Ga) and water mass velocity (Gw) and to be between 0 and 35% for the Merkel number (Me) and up to almost 200% for the loss coefficient.
Additionally, the validity of a recently developed 2-dimensional evaporative cool-ing model is investigated by comparing its predictions to experimental results. The following conclusions are made:
- For trickle fill and rain zone tests, the model, with the present assumptions, predicts the average temperature of the outlet air to within approximately 0.4 °C.
- Currently, temperature profiles that are experimentally measured at the air and water outlets are subject to significant edge effects, which prevent a fair com-parison to model predictions.
- The model predictions can be improved if local variations in Me and the redi-stribution of water by the fill are taken into account. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die betroubaarheid van die modellering van koeltorings, waar lug skuins deur anisitropiese pakking (of “fill” in Engels) vloei, is hoër indien die verandering in die pakking se verrigtingseienskappe, wat afhang van die manier waarop die lug deur die pakking vloei, beter verstaan word.
„n Drup pakking (of “trickle fill” in Engels) se verrigtingseienskappe in kruisvloei word vergelyk met dié in teenvloei deur kruisvloei pakking toetse, wat direk vergelykbaar is met teenvloei toetse vir dieselfde pakking, te doen. Ten einde hieredie toetse te doen, word ʼn bestaande kruisvloei toets fasiliteit krities ondersoek en verbeter.
Dit word bevind dat die verskil tussen die drup pakking se kruisvloei en teenvloei verrigtingseienskappe afhang van lug massa snelheid (Ga) en water massa snelheid (Gw) en 0 tot 35% is vir die Merkel getal (Me) en so groot as 200% is vir die verlies koëffisiënt.
Verder word die geldigheid van ʼn 2-dimensionele nat-verkoelingsmodel wat onlangs ontwikkel is ondersoek deur die model se voorspellings te vergelyk met eksperimentele resultate. Die volgende gevolgtrekkings word gemaak:
- Die model, met huidige aannames, voorspel die gemiddelde uitlaat lug temperatuur met ʼn afwyking van ongeveer 0.4°C.
- Die temperatuur profiele wat eksperimenteel gemeet word by die lug en water uitlate is onderworpe aan noemenswaardige rand effekte, wat ʼn behoorlike vergelyk met model voorspellings verhoed.
- Die model se voorspelling van die profiele kan verbeter word indien die lokale variasies in Me en die herverdeling van die water deur die pakking in ag geneem kan word.
198 |
Application of commingled thermoplastic composites on an airline seat backrestMattheyse, Richard 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Thermoplastic composites (TPCs) have shown significant advantages over thermosetting
composites. They have only been put into use recently and global knowledge in TPCs is
often proprietary, therefore a study into the application, processing and properties is of
importance. The aim of the study is to contribute knowledge in TPCs for South African
industry and academic institutions.
This thesis studies continuous fibre reinforced thermoplastics (CFRTPs), focussing on the
autoclave processing of commingled CFRTPs. A literature study provided background
knowledge to CFRTPs regarding processing techniques and mechanics.
Flexural testing and impact testing were performed on a variety of CFRTPs and
thermosetting composites (TSCs). These tests were performed to further understand
CFRTPs as well as to compare CFRTPs and TSCs. The flexural testing revealed that
CFRTPs have comparable strength and stiffness to the TSCs that were tested. They also
revealed that pre-consolidated sheets showed better and more consistent properties than
sheets made from commingled fabric. The impact testing revealed that the tested CFRTPs
and TSCs had similar impact resistance even though thermoplastic composites are
supposed to be more impact resistant. The tests also showed that thick unreinforced
thermoplastics had much higher impact resistance than the reinforced materials.
Manufacturing experiments were performed to establish sound processing methods of
CFRTPs. It was realised here that the high temperatures required to process the materials
require specific processing consumables and tooling. The experiments began by
processing flat panels in a convection oven with vacuum bagging techniques. They then
progressed to autoclave processing of parts with complex geometry.
An airline seat backrest was chosen as the case study in the application of CFRTPs. This
application requires structural strength and stiffness and also has strict fire, smoke, toxicity
and heat release (FSTH) requirements. Its geometry was sufficiently complex to
demonstrate the use of commingled CFRTP material. Backrests were made from both
CFRTPs and TSCs so that a comparison could be made between the two types.
The backrest was modelled using finite element methods (FEM) to determine an adequate
lay-up. This lay-up was then used for both the CFRTP and TSC backrests to ensure
similarity between the backrests of both materials. LPET (modified polyethylene
terephthalate) was the chosen thermoplastic matrix as it was more attainable than PPS
(polyphenylene sulphide) CFRTPs. The backrests of both materials were manufactured in
an autoclave with a vacuum bag method and then assembled using adhesives and bonding
jigs. Testing revealed that the stiffness and mass of the CFRTP backrests were very similar
to the epoxy backrests. This implies that commingled CFRTPs can replace the use of
TSCs in similar applications.
A basic cost comparison was also performed to compare the manufacture of CFRTP
backrests to TSC backrests.
Further work is needed to optimise processing time of these materials to make them more
competitive with TSCs. The processing time of commingled materials will probably never
be as quick as that of press formed pre-consolidated sheets. Their ability to be formed into
more complex parts does however make their use advantageous. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Termoplastiese saamgestelde materiale (Engels: thermoplastic composites (TPCs)) toon
beduidende voordele bo termoverhardbare saamgestelde materiale. Hulle word eers sedert
onlangs benut en algemene kennis in TPCs is dikwels patentregtelik, dus is ’n studie van
die aanwending, prosessering en eienskappe daarvan van belang. Die doel van hierdie
studie is om ’n bydrae te lewer tot die kennis van TPCs vir die Suid-Afrikaanse industrie
en akademiese instellings.
Hierdie tesis ondersoek kontinue veselversterkte termoplastieke (Engels: continuous fibre
reinforced thermoplastics (CFRTPs)) en fokus op die outoklaafprosessering van vermengde
(Engels: commingled) CFRTPs. ’n Literatuurstudie het die agtergrondkennis rakende die
prosesseringstegnieke en meganika van CFRTPs verskaf.
Buigtoetsing en impaktoetsing is op ’n verskeidenheid CFRTPs en termoverhardbare
saamgestelde materiale (Engels: thermosetting composites (TSCs)) uitgevoer. Hierdie
toetse is uitgevoer om CFRTPs beter te verstaan asook om CFRTPs en TSCs te vergelyk.
Die buigtoetsing het onthul dat CFRTPs ooreenstemmende sterkte en styfheid het as die
TSCs wat getoets is. Dit het ook getoon dat vooraf-gekonsolideerde plate beter en meer
konsekwente eienskappe getoon het as plate wat van vermengde materiaal gemaak is. Die
impaktoetsing het onthul dat die CFRTPs en TSCs wat getoets is soortgelyke
impakweerstand gehad het, selfs al is termoplastiese saamgestelde materiale veronderstel
om meer impakweerstand te toon. Die toetse het ook getoon dat dik onversterkte
termoplastieke veel hoër impakweerstand gehad het as die versterkte materiale.
Vervaardigingseksperimente is uitgevoer om betroubare prosesseringsmetodes vir CFRTPs
vas te stel. Daar is besef dat die hoër temperature wat vereis word om die materiale te
prosesseer ook spesifieke prosesseringsverbruiksware en -gereedskap benodig. Die
eksperimente het begin met die prosessering van reguit panele in ’n konveksie-oond met
vakuumsaktegnieke. Daar is toe aanbeweeg na die outoklaafprosessering van onderdele
met komplekse geometrie.
Die rugleuning van ’n vliegtuigsitplek is gekies as die gevallestudie in die gebruik van
CFRTPs. Hierdie toepassing vereis strukturele sterkte en styfheid en is ook onderhewig
aan streng vereistes t.o.v. brand, rook, toksisiteit en hittevrystellimg (Engels FSTH). Die
geometrie daarvan was kompleks genoeg om die gebruik van vermengde CFRTP-materiaal
te demonstreer. Rugleunings is gemaak van beide CFRTPs en TSCs sodat ’n vergelyking
tussen die twee tipes gemaak kon word.
Die rugleuning is gemodelleer deur eindige element metodes (EEM) te gebruik om ’n
aanvaarbare oplegging te bepaal. Hierdie oplegging is toe gebruik vir beide die CFRTP en
TSC rugleunings om die gelykvormigheid tussen die rugleunings van beide materiale te
verseker. LPET (Engels: modified polyethylene terephthalate) was die gekose
termoplastiese matriks aangesien dit meer verkrygbaar was as PPS (Engels: polyphenylene
sulphide) CFRTPs. Die rugleunings van beide materiale is vervaardig in ’n outoklaaf met
’n vakuumsakmetode en toe geintegreer deur die gebruik van kleefstowwe en setmate.
Toetsing het getoon dat die styfheid en massa van die CFRTP rugleunings baie soortgelyk
was aan die epoksie rugleunings. Dit impliseer dat vermengde CFRTP die plek van TSCs
in soortgelyke gebruike kan inneem.
’n Basiese kostevergelyking is ook gedoen om die vervaardiging van CFRTP-rugleunings
teenoor TSC-rugleunings te vergelyk.
199 |
Particle deflection and plate-out dynamics in a helium streamSteyn, Hermanus Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the primary circuit components of high temperature reactors, various unwanted
particles have been found. These particles include, for example, graphite and silver-
110 (110mAg). The silver-110 (110mAg) particles are radioactive, with a half-life of 253
days. The presence of radioactive particles in the primary circuit components constitutes
an unwanted maintenance problem from a radiation hazard point of view. The
development of a method to remove these particles from the helium stream is therefore
needed. This thesis consideres two possible methods of removing silver from the
helium stream, namely laser ablation of microparticles and electrostatic precipitation.
These methods require the generation of silver ions or charged particles, the deflection
of these particles in a helium gas stream passing through an electric field and the
subsequent plate-out of these particles onto deflection electrodes.
To find a suitable method of generating ions, various methods to generate the silver
ions were investigated and evaluated. These methods include existing ion sources,
thermionic, field and photoelectric emission and laser ablation of microparticles. No
existing ion sources could be found which could be utilised in helium at high pressure.
From calculations it was concluded that thermionic, field and photoelectric emission
could also not be used to raise the energy of the emitted electrons sufficiently to ionize
silver in a helium flight path. These methods were found not to be feasible ion sources
in helium at high pressures. However, laser ablation of microparticles was found to
constitute a feasible technology.
Laser ablation was successfully utilised by Nichols et al. (2000) to deflect silver nanoparticles
in an electric field across a two bar helium stream. An apparatus, similar to the
one developed by Nichols et al. (2000), was designed and built. The apparatus included
a silver insertion mechanism and tests with this apparatus were called the microparticle
tests. To determine the efficacy of the silver insertion mechanism, the microparticle
tests were done without the use of a laser. It was found that a laser was not necessary
as microparticles collected on both the deflection electrodes. Dielectrophoresis
was proposed as a possible explanation for the deflection and the plate-out of the mcroparticles.
To theoretically model the deflection of the silver particles, two models were proposed,
namely the deterministic and the stochastic deflection models. The latter describes the
deflection of atoms, ions and polarized particles by using probability theory. From this
model it was found that the Brownian motion force is far larger that the force created
by the polarizibility of the atom due to an electric field. The deterministic deflection
model describes the deflection of larger particles in a continuum. From this model it
was found that a silver microparticle with a radius of 3 mm in a helium stream with
bulk velocity of 0.0198 m/s would deflect 4.6 mm per helium flight path length of 140
mm. From these calculation it was found that the apparatus which had been built was
not long enough to deflect and plate-out all the silver microparticles.
The dielectrophoresis force on nanoparticles cannot be calculated, as the theory of dielectrophoresis
is only valid for particles with diameter larger than 1 mm. Changes
were therefore made to the apparatus to generate nanoparticles as their mobility is
larger than that of microparticles. The nanoparticles were created by means of an arc
discharge in helium; therefore tests with this modified apparatus were called the arc
discharge test. The nanoparticles so created, deflected and deposited on both deflection
electrodes. With the use of an atomic force microscope some of the particles could
be classified as microparticles. According to the deterministic deflection model they
should not have deflected. Combined with the fact that oxygen was in the plasma,
due to the oxidation of the electrodes, a hypothesis of bipolar charging was thus proposed.
The deterministic deflection model was used and supplemented with field and
diffusion charging calculations, to support this hypothesis. A reasonable correlation
between the theoretical model and this experimental results was obtained.
Based on the arc discharge test, electrostatic precipitation was proposed as the indicated
means of scrubbing silver and other particles such as graphite from a helium
stream. It is recommended that a new apparatus be built and that the deterministic
deflection model be used to predict the deflection of the particles. With this apparatus
the uncertainties of breakdown voltage, the effect of thermionic emission and the size
of the particles, all of which have been identified as being important, can then also be
determined. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die primêre komponente van die kringloop van hoë temperatuurreaktors, was verskillende
ongewenste partikels soos grafiet en silwer-110 (110mAg) teenwoordg. Silwer-
110 (110mAg) is radioaktief met ’n halfleeftyd van 253 dae. Vanuit ’n radiasie-risiko
oogpunt word daar onderhoudsimplikasies geskep deur die teenwoordigheid van radioaktiewe
partikels in die primêre komponente. Die ontwikkeling van ’n metode
om hierdie partikels uit die heliumstroom the verwyder was dus nodig. Hierdie tesis
ondersoek twee moontlike metodes van verwydering van silwer uit die heliumstroom,
naamlik laser-ablasie van mikropartikels en elektrostatiese presipitasie. Hierdie metodes
benodig die generasie van silwer ione of gelaaide partikels, die defleksie daarvan in ’n
heliumstroom wat deur ’n elektriese veld vloei en die platering van die partikels op
defleksie elektrodes.
Om ’n geskikte metode the vind wat ione genereer was, verskillende metodes om die
silwer ione te verkry, ondersoek en geëvalueer. Hierdie metodes sluit in bestaande
ioonbronne, termioniese, veld en fotoëlektriese emissie en laser-ablasie van mikropartikels.
Geen ioonbronne was gevind wat gebruik kan word in helium by hoë druk nie.
Die gevolgtrekking is gemaak vanaf berekeninge dat termioniese, veld en fotoëlektriese
emissie ook nie gebruik kan word om die energie van die voortgebronge elektrone
genoeg te verhoog om silwer in ’n heliumstroom te ioniseer nie. Daar was gevind
dat hierdie metodes nie geskik is as ioonbronne in helium by hoë druk nie. Daarenteen
was laser-ablasie van mikropartikels gevind om ’n geskikte tegnologie voor te stel.
Laser-ablasie van mikropartikels was suksesvol deur Nichols et al. (2000) gebruik om
silwer nanopartikels te deflekteer in ’n elektriese veld oor helium van twee bar. ’n Apparaat
soortgelyk aan Nichols et al. (2000) se eksperiment, was dus ontwerp en gebou.
Die apparaat het ’n silwer insitmeganisme bevat en toetse met hierdie apparaat was die
mikropartikel toetse genoem. Om die effektiwiteit van die insitmeganisme te bepaal,
was toetse gedoen sonder opstelling van die laser. Daar was eksperimenteel gevind
dat die laser nie nodig was nie, omdat mikropartikels op beide defleksie elektrodes
geplateer het. Dielektroforese was voorgestel as ’n moontlike verduideliking vir deflektering en platering vir die silwer mikropartikels.
Om die defleksie van silwer partikels teoreties te moduleer was twee modelle voorgestel,
naamlik deterministiese en stogastiese defleksiemodelle. Laasgenoemde beskryf
die defleksie van atome, ione en gepolariseerde partikels deur gebruik te maak van
waarskynlikheidsteorie. Die stogastiese defleksiemodel dui aan dat die Brownian bewegingskrag
veel groter is as die krag wat geskep word deur die polarisasie van ’n
atoom as gevolg van ’n elektriese veld. Die deterministiese defleksiemodel beskryf die
defleksie van groter partikels in ’n kontiuum. Met hierdie model was gevind dat silwer
mikropartikels met ’n radius van 3 mmin ’n heliumstroom van snelheid van 0.0198
m/s, 4.6 mm sal deflekteer per 140 mm van heliumstroom lengte. Dit bewys dat die
apparaat wat gebou was, se lengte onvoldoende was om al die silwer mikropartikels
te deflekteer en te laat neerslaan.
Die dielektroforese krag van nanopartikels kan nie uitgewerk word nie, omdat die
dielektroforese model slegs geldig is vir partikels groter as 1 mm. Veranderings was dus
aan die apparaat gemaak om nanopartikels te genereer omdat hul mobiliteit hoër is as
die van mikropartikels. Die nanopartikels was geskep deur gebruik van ’n boogontlading
in helium; daarom was toetse met hierdie gemodifiseerde apparaat die boogontladingstoets
genoem. Die nanopartikels wat so geskep was, het gedeflekteer en het op
beide elektrodes neergeslaan. Met die gebruik van ’n atomiese krag mikroskoop was
dit gevind dat sommige van hierdie partikels mikropartikels was. Volgens die deterministiese
defleksiemodel moes hul nie gedeflekteer het nie. Gekombineerd met die
feit dat daar, weens oksidasie van die elektrodes, suurstof in die plasma was, was ’n
hipotese van bipolêre lading voorgestel. Die deterministiese defleksiemodel is saam
met die veld- en diffusielading gebruik om hierdie hipotese te staaf. ’n Redelike korrelasie
tussen die teoretiese en eksperimentele data was gevind.
Gebaseer op die boogontladingstoets, was elektrostatiese presipitasie voorgestel as ’n
metode om silwer en ander partikels soos grafiet uit ’n heliumstroom te verwyder.
Daar word voorgestel dat ’n nuwe apparaat gebou word en dat die deterministiese
defleksiemodel gebruik word vir die bepaling van defleksie van die partikels. Deur
die nuwe apparaat te gebruik kan die onsekerhede van deurslagspanning, effek van
termioniese emissie en grootte van die partikels wat geidentifiseer is as belangrik, ook
bepaal word.
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Evaluation and performance prediction of cooling tower rain zonesPierce, Darren John 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / Cooling tower rain zone performance characteristics such as the loss coefficient
and the Merkel number are evaluated and simulated. To this end the influence of
drop diameter and drop deformation on the velocity, path length and cooling of
single water drops are investigated. Experimental drop size and pressure drop data
over a counterflow rain zone are presented and the effect of drop deformation on
the pressure drop is investigated using the experimental data and CFD. Using the
experimental drop size data and CFD, the performance uncertainty produced by
using the Rosin-Rammler drop distribution function as opposed to the discrete
drop distribution data is investigated. CFD models are developed to investigate
the feasibility of modelling rain zones by assuming a constant drop diameter and
to establish which diameter definition is the most representative of a particular
polydisperse drop distribution. These models were used to validate the
correlations for the rain zone performance characteristics proposed in literature.
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