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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die effek van musiek op die immuunsisteem, emosies en longfunksie tydens die standaard fisioterapeutiese behandeling van spesifieke longpatologie

Le Roux, Frances Hendriehetta 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Pathology. Medical Microbiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / There has recently been a significant transformation in the medical world, in particular regarding the relation between the mind/health and mind/illnesses. The changes are briefly a revolution whereby the new approach sees the development of an illness as an interaction between the psychological, biochemical and physiological factors. Music, which is used as a clinical intervention, is perceived first through the brain, affirms this interaction between the body systems, as well as having the capacity to modify the mind and thus the biochemistry of the body. The aim of this study was essentially to supply empirical data by measuring selective parameters while the patients were receiving music intervention during the physiotherapeutic treatment for pneumonia and bronchitis. Forty adult patients who were divided into an experimental and control group, according to a random scale, participated in the research. The dependant variables that had shown significant changes amongst the experimental group after three days of physiotherapeutic treatment were as follows: the cortisol, the cortisol: DHEA ratio plasma levels, the POMS scale (that measures different moods), the peak flow measurements of the lung functions and the immune parameters, namely, CD4+ : CD8+ ratio and B-cells. The results showed that the experimental group that was exposed to the acoustic stimuli of the Magnificat in D, BWV 243 of JS Bach, experienced a more positive mood and lower cortisol levels, while the immune markers as well as the peak flow of the lungs had improved. The results of the control group showed significant implications, in that its cortisol levels increased and the POMS subscale of anger and depression showed no significant change, while the tension decreased significantly. This research provided sufficient scientific evidence to confirm the concept of a bidirectional communication between the brain and the immune system. It also showed clearly that music had the capacity to modify emotional conditions, which again influenced the endocrine and autonomic nervous system and modulated the immune systems.

Determination of the permeability of biological membranes to various chemical markers, including anti-HIV drugs

Pretorius, Erina 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Pathology. Medical Microbiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Due to modern high-throughput technologies, large numbers of compounds are produced by parallel synthesis and combinatorial chemistry. The pharmaceutical industry therefore requires rapid and accurate methods to screen new drugs leads for membrane permeability potential in the early stages of drug discovery. Around 50 % of all investigational new drugs fail in pre-clinical and clinical phases of development due to inadequate absorption/permeation, distribution, metabolism, excretion and/or unacceptable toxicity. This may be decreased by applying in vitro screening methods early in the discovery process. Reliable in vitro models can be applied to determine permeation of the test compounds, which will help avoid the wasting of valuable resources for the development of drugs that are destined to fail in preclinical and clinical phases due to insufficient permeability properties. It is important to decide as early as possible on the most promising compound and physical formulation for the intended route of administration. With awareness of the increasing importance of in vitro models in the investigations of the permeability properties of drug compounds, this research project was specifically devoted to determine the suitability of our in vitro model to evaluate and predict drug permeability. A continuous flow-through diffusion system was employed to evaluate the permeability of nine different compounds/drugs with different chemical properties, across three biological membranes. The biological membranes chosen for the present study were human vaginal mucosa, human skin tissue and human small intestine mucosa. The continuous flow-through diffusion system was furthermore utilised to investigate the effects of de-epithelialisation of mucosal surfaces, chemical enhancers, temperature, permeant concentration and formulation on the permeability of the test compounds/drugs. The in vitro permeability information and data from the flow-through diffusion model were compared to in vitro and in vivo literature studies and drug profile. An in vitro model that is able to reliably predict in vivo data will shorten the drug development period, economise resources and may potentially lead to improved product quality. In this thesis research results are reported on the permeability of the mentioned biological membranes to the various chemical markers, including anti-HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) drugs. The permeability studies will be discussed in three sections: vaginal mucosa, skin tissue, small intestine mucosa. The results of the vaginal permeability studies showed that the three peptides (MEA- 5, MDY-19 and PCI) readily penetrated the vaginal mucosa. MDY-19 had a higher flux rate than MEA-5, commensurate with its smaller molecular size (weight). The surfactant enhanced the flux rate of MDY-19 approximately 1.3 times and decreased the lag time of the peptide. Removal of the vaginal epithelium increased the flux rates of the peptides across the mucosa and may have implications for a more rapid uptake of these and other microbicides in vivo. The permeability of 1 mM MDY-19 and PCI at 37 °C were significantly (p<0.05) higher than at 20 °C. At 37 °C the AUCs of the overall mean flux values of MDY-19 and PCI increased with concentration according to well-established diffusion theory. The experiments on the permeability of different terbinafine hydrochloride formulations through human skin demonstrated that the terbinafine hydrochloride formulations used in this study, readily diffused into the skin tissue. However, no flux values for any of the terbinafine hydrochloride formulations through the skin into the acceptor fluid were found. The mean terbinafine concentrations in the skin after 24 h exposure to the three commercial, terbinafine hydrochloride formulations were 3.589, 1.590 and 4.219 μg/ml respectively. The mean terbinafine concentration in the skin exposed to the 10 mg/ml PBS/Methanol solution was higher than those from the three commercial formulations. The results of the temperature study demonstrated that an increase of 5 ºC caused a significant increase in flux values of tritiated water across skin. The flux values for tritiated water across skin at 37 ºC were on average double those at a temperature of 32 ºC. The permeability of excised human small intestine mucosa to different oral dosage drugs was investigated over a 24 h period. The four drugs selected were zidovudine, propranolol hydrochloride, didanosine and enalapril maleate. They were selected as representative model compounds of drug classes 1 (high solubility, high permeability) and 3 (high solubility, low permeability) according to the Biopharmaceutics Classification System. The flux rates of the four chosen test drugs were influenced by the length of the experiment. Between the time periods 2-4 h and 4-6 h, zidovudine’s mean flux values across small intestine tissue were respectively 1.8 and 2.0 times higher than didanosine and 2.3 and 2.2 times higher than enalapril. Propranolol’s mean flux values were respectively 1.2 and 1.4 times higher than didanosine and 1.6 higher than enalapril during both the 2-4 and 4-6 h time periods. Between both the time periods 2-4 and 4-6 h AZT’s mean flux values were 1.4 times higher than propranolol and didanosine’s mean flux values were respectively 1.3 and 1.1 times higher than enalapril during the mentioned time periods. Class 1 drugs showed a significantly higher flux rate across the jejunal mucosa compared to the class 3 drugs and these results are in line with their Biopharmaceutics Classification System classification. The in vitro model has proved to be reliable to predict permeability of class 1 and 3 drugs and also showed correlation with human in vivo data. It seems that the in vitro flow-through diffusion model used in the present study have the potential to overcome some of the problems and limitations demonstrated by other in vitro techniques and may potentially serve as a future tool for pharmaceutical companies to predict the diffusion characteristics of new drugs and different formulations, across different biological membranes. Furthermore, it may serve as a prospective method for assessing the bioequivalence of alternative (generic) vehicles or formulations containing the same drug/compound. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: As gevolg van moderne hoë spoed tegnologie kan groot hoeveelhede middels vervaardig word deur ooreenkomende sintese en kombinasieleer chemie. Die farmaseutiese industrie benodig dus vinnige en akkurate metodes om nuwe geneesmiddels te evalueer t.o.v. membraan deurlaatbaarheid. Hierdie evaluasie moet verkieslik so vroeg moontlik in die geneesmiddel se ontwikkelingsproses geskied. Ongeveer 50 % van alle potensiële geneesmiddels misluk in pre-kliniese en kliniese fases van geneesmiddelontwikkeling. Die mislukte pogings kan toegskryf word aan onvoldoende absorbsie/deurlaatbaarheid, distribusie, metabolisme, ekskresie en/of onaanvaarbare middel toksisiteit. Dit is daarom belangrik om so vroeg moontlik in die geneesmiddelontwikkelingsproses te besluit op die mees belowende middel, asook die geskikte formulasie vir die spesifieke roete van toediening van die middel. Die farmaseutiese industrie benodig tans in vitro modelle met die potensiaal om die deurlaatbaarheid van geneesmiddels te bepaal en te voorspel. Betroubare in vitro modelle kan aangewend word om die deurlaatbaarheid van potensiële geneesmiddels te toets. Sodoende sal die onnodige uitgawes op die ontwikkkeling van geneesmiddels wat in elk geval later gaan faal in pre-kliniese en kliniese fases van geneesmiddelproewe a.g.v. deurlaatbaarheidseienskappe, vermy word. Hierdie navorsingsprojek was dus spesifiek onderneem om die waarde en toepaslikheid van ‘n in vitro deurlopende-vloei perfusie model te ondersoek. Die model se potensiaal om geneesmiddels se deurlaatbaarheid en absorpsie te voorspel was geëvalueer. Die deurlopende-vloei perfusie apparaat was gebruik om die deurlaatbaarheidsvloede van drie verskillende biologiese membrane t.o.v. nege chemiese stowwe (MEA-5, MDY-19, PCI, terbinafien hidrochloried, getritieerde water, zidovudien, propranolol, hidrochloried, didanosien, enalapril maleaat) te bepaal. Die drie biologiese membrane wat gebruik was, was vaginale weefsel, vel en klein intestinale weefsel. Al drie weefsel tipes was van menslike oorsprong. Die deurlopende-vloei perfusie apparaat was ook gebruik om die effek wat verwydering van die mukosa se epiteellaag op deurlaatbaarheidsvloede het, te ondersoek. Verder was navorsing gedoen op die effek van temperatuur en die konsentrasie en formulasie van die toetsmiddels op hulle diffusie vloedwaardes. Daar was ook gekyk na die invloed van ander chemiese stowwe op die toetsmiddels se diffusie vloedwaardes. Die in vitro deurlaatbaarheidsinformasie en -gegewens was vergelyk met ander in vitro en in vivo literatuurstudies en geneesmiddel databasisse. ‘n In vitro model wat in staat is om in vivo resultate betroubaar te voorspel, het die potensiaal om die tyd wat dit neem om geneesmiddels te ontwikkel, te verkort, finansiële uitgawes te besnoei en om geneesmiddelkwaliteit te verseker. In die tesis word dan die resultate gerapporteer van die deurlaatbaarheidsvloede van die verskillende tipes weefsel ten op sigte van verskeie chemiese stowwe, insluitende anti-MIV (menslike immuniteitsgebreksvirus) middels. Die deurlaatbaarheidstudies word bespreek in drie afdelings: vaginale mukosa, vel en klein intestinale mukosa. Die resultate van die deurlaatbaarheidstudies op die vaginale weefsel dui daarop dat die drie peptiede (MEA-5, MDY-19 and PCI) die vaginale mukosa goed penetreer. Soos verwag, het MDY-19 hoër diffusie vloedwaardes as MEA-5 gehad. Dit kan toegeskryf word aan MDY-19 se kleiner molekulere grootte (gewig). Surfaktant het die diffusie vloedwaardes van MDY-19 1.3 keer vergroot en het ook die tyd na vaste vlak verminder. Die verwydering van die vaginale epiteel het die diffusie vloedwaardes van die peptiede verhoog en mag dus dui op die vinniger opname van peptiede en moontlike ander mikrobisiede in vivo, wanneer die belyning van die epiteel onderbreek. Die deurlaatbaarheid van 1 mM MDY-19 en PCI by 37 °C was satisties beduidend (p<0.05) hoer as teem 20 °C. Die area onder die kurwe (AOK) van die gemiddelde vloedwaardes van MDY-19 en PCI by 37 °C, het toegeneem met ‘n toename in die konsentrasie van hierdie peptiede. Die toename vloedwaardes ondersteun dus die alombekende diffusie teorie. Die transdermale diffusie eksperimente van verskillende terbinafien formulasies het getoon dat terbinafien geredelik vrygestel word vanuit hierdie formulasies na die vel. Geen terbinafien vloedwaardes, van enige van die formulasies, was egter gevind in die ontvangselle van die deurlopende-vloei perfusie apparaat nie. Die gemiddelde terbinafien konsentrasies in die vel na 24 h se blootstelling aan drie kommersiële terbinafien hidrochloried formulasies was onderskeidelik 3.589, 1.590 en 4.219 μg/ml. Die gemiddelde terbinafien konsentrasie in die vel wat aan 10 mg/ml PBS/metanol blootgestel was, was hoër as die konsentrasies in die vel wat aan die drie kommersiële formulasies blootgestel was. Die resultate van die temperatuurstudie op vel het aangetoon dat ‘n temperatuur toename van 5 ºC ‘n statisties beduidende toename in vloedwaardes van getritieerde water oor vel veroorsaak. Die vloedwaardes van die getritieerde water oor vel teen ‘n temperatuur van 37 ºC was gemiddeld dubbeld so veel as teen 32 ºC. Die deurlaatbaarheidsvloede van klein intestinale mukosa ten opsigte van verskillende geneesmiddels (wat oraal toegedien word) was ondersoek gedurende ‘n 24 h eksperiment. Die vier geneesmiddels wat gebruik was, was zidovudine, propranolol hidrochloried, didanosien en enalapril maleaat. Hierdie geneesmiddels is verteenwoordigers van die Biofarmaseutiese Klassifikasie Sisteem se klas 1 (hoë oplosbaarheid, hoë deurlaatbaarheid) en klas 3 (hoë oplosbaarheid, lae deurlaatbaarheid) geneesmiddels. Die vloedwaardes van die vier geneesmiddels het gewissel na aanleiding van die tydsverloop in die eksperiment. Zidovudien se gemiddelde vloedwaardes tussen 2-4 en 4-6 h was onderskeidelik 1.8 en 2.0 keer hoër as didanosien se gemiddelde vloedwaardes vir hierdie tyd periodes en onderskeidelik 2.3 en 2.2 keer hoër as enalapril se gemiddelde vloedwaardes. Tydens hierdie selfde periodes was propranolol se gemiddelde vloedwaardes 1.2 en 1.4 keer hoër as didanosien en vir beide periods 1.6 keer hoër as enalapril se gemiddelde vloedwaardes. Gedurende beide genoemde tyd periodes was zidovudien se gemiddelde vloedwaardes 1.4 keer hoer as propranolol en didanosien se gemiddelde vloedwaardes was onderskeidelik 1.3 en 1.1 keer hoër as enalapril tydens 2-4 en 4-6 h. Die klas 1 geneesmiddels het statisties beduidende hoër vloedwaardes gehad as die klas 3 geneesmiddels. Hierdie resultate stem ooreen met die geneesmiddels se Biofarmaseutiese Klassifikasie Sisteem klassifikasie. Dit wil dus voorkom asof die in vitro model wat gebruik was in die studie, gebruik kan word om die deurlaatbaarheidsvloede van klas 1 en 3 te voorspel. Die resultate van hierdie studie stem ooreen met ander in vivo studies. Dit wil voorkom asof die in vitro deurlopende-vloei perfusie apparaat die potensiaal het om sommige van die probleme en tekortkominge van ander in vitro modelle te oorkom en dat dit moontlik die potensiaal het om die diffusie-eienskappe van nuwe geneesmiddels en verskillende formulasies oor verskillende biologiese membrane te voorspel. Die model kan verder moontlik dien as ‘n potensiële toestel om biogelykbaarheid van alternatiewe (generiese) formulasies, wat dieselfde geneesmiddel/chemiese stof bevat, te bepaal.

Molecular investigation of the chlorine and antibiotic resistance mechanisms of Escherichia coli isolated from natural water sources in the Western Cape

Krige, Marilyn 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc (Pathology. Medical Microbiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / Water is used for various purposes and contamination can have severe implications if untreated. One of the most common and cost effective water disinfectants, especially used in developing countries, is chlorine. However, microorganisms have developed different mechanisms in response to environmental stress conditions, such as the viable but nonculturable (VBNC) effects possibly displayed in this study, enabling them to survive. Chlorine may also exert several effects on microorganisms, such as the expression of multi-substrate efflux pumps, decreased membrane permeability and transport inhibition that may lead to chlorine tolerance and antimicrobial resistance. In a descriptive and comparative study, the molecular characteristics of E. coli strains isolated from environmental waters in the Western Cape and the possible relationship between chlorination and antimicrobial resistance were investigated. Water and biofilm samples were exposed to chlorine, as well as efflux pump inhibitor (EPI) concentrations, and surviving E. coli strains were tested for their phenotypic characteristics including antimicrobial susceptibility profiles and morphological types. Candidate genes possibly involved in resistance to antimicrobials, disinfection and efflux pumps were detected with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and sequenced. Sequencing analysis and homology searches were done and E. coli strains were typed as either Enteropathogenic E. coli strains (EPEC) or Enterotoxigenic E. coli strains (ETEC) on the presence of virulence genes. All water and biofilm sources examined were heavily polluted with E. coli, and a high enumeration level of this indicator organism of faecal contamination was recorded. Chlorine tolerance was found to be associated with antimicrobial resistance. Addition of EPI with exposure to chlorine decreased enumeration levels of these organisms, suggesting that efflux pumps may play a role in tolerance to chlorine. Several morphological patterns were described amongst the E. coli strains and a change in this was recorded after exposure to chlorine. Highly resistant antibiograms displayed by the isolated strains included ampC β-lactamase producing E. coli strains and extended spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs). Amplification of the candidate genes selected for heatshock, oxidative stress genes and efflux pump were most frequently detected while the structural genes involved in fluoroquinolones (FQs) resistance were detected less frequently in the selected strains. Sequencing of these amplified candidate genes demonstrated various changes in amino acid sequences, including one common mutational pathway taken by E. coli when exposed to stress conditions. Further homology searches of the sequenced candidate genes illustrated similarities in 19 pathogenic and 14 non-pathogenic E. coli as well as 3 Shigella strains. Detection of virulence genes found three EPEC strains (bfpA, eaeA), two EPEC (eaeA), ten EPEC (bfpA) and one ETEC strain (st) amongst the isolates. This study underlines the need for monitoring our water sources, which poses a public health risk due to incomplete chlorination, antimicrobial resistance and the spread of clinically relevant pathogenic strains.

In Vitro antimicrobial synergy testing of Acinetobachter Baumannii

Martin, Siseko 12 1900 (has links)
Bibliography / Thesis (MMed (Pathology. Medical Microbiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Acinetobacter baumannii has emerged as one of the most troublesome nosocomial pathogens globally. This organism causes infections that are often extremely difficult to treat because of the widespread resistance to the major antibiotic groups. Colonization or infection with multidrugresistant A. baumannii is associated with the following risk factors: prolonged hospital stay, admission to an intensive care unit (ICU), mechanical ventilation, and exposure to broad spectrum antibiotics, recent surgery, invasive procedures, and severe underlying disease. A. baumannii has been isolated as part of the skin flora, mostly in moist regions such as axillae, groin and toe webs. It has also been isolated from the oral cavity and respiratory tract of healthy adults. Debilitated hospitalized patients have a high rate of colonization, especially during nosocomial Acinetobacter outbreaks. This organism is an opportunistic pathogen as it contains few virulence factors. Clinical manifestations of A. baumannii include nosocomial pneumonia, nosocomial bloodstream infections, traumatic battlefield and other wound infections, urinary tract infections, and post-neurological surgery meningitis. Fulminant community-acquired pneumonia has recently been reported, indicating that this organism can be highly pathogenic. The number of multidrug-resistant A. baumannii strains has been increasing worldwide in the past few years. Therefore the selection of empirical antibiotic treatment is very challenging. Antibiotic combinations are used mostly as empirical therapy in critically ill patients. One rationale for the use of combination therapy is to achieve synergy between agents. The checkerboard and time-kill methods are two traditional methods that have been used for synergy testing. These methods are labor intensive, cumbersome, costly, and time consuming. The E-test overlay method is a modification of the E-test method to determine synergy between the different antibiotics. This method is easy to perform, flexible and time efficient. The aim of this study was to assess the in vitro activity of different combinations of colistin, rifampicin, imipenem, and tobramycin against selected clinical strains of A. baumannii using the checkerboard and the E-test synergy methods. The MICs obtained with the E-test and broth microdilution method were compared. The results of the disk diffusion for imipenem and tobramycin as tested in the routine microbiology laboratory were presented for comparison. Overall good reproducibility was obtained with all three methods of sensitivity testing. The agreement of MICs between the broth dilution and E-test methods was good with not more than two dilution differences in MIC values for all isolates, except one in which the rifampicin E-test MIC differed with three dilutions from the MIC obtained with the microdilution method. However, the categorical agreement between the methods for rifampicin was poor. Although MICs did not differ with more than two dilutions in most cases, many major errors occurred because the MICs clustered around the breakpoints. The combinations of colistin + rifampicin, colistin + imipenem, colistin + tobramycin, rifampicin + tobramycin, and imipenem + tobramycin all showed indifferent or additive results by the E-test method. No results indicating synergy were obtained for all the above-mentioned combinations. There was one result indicating antagonistic effect for the combination of colistin + tobramycin. The results of the checkerboard method showed results indicating synergy in four of the six isolates for which the combination of colistin and rifampicin was tested. The other two isolates showed indifferent/additive results. All the other combinations showed indifferent/additive results for all isolates except isolate 30 (col + tob) and isolate 25 (rif + tob) which showed synergism. No antagonistic results were observed by the checkerboard method. When the results obtained with the E-test and checkerboard methods were compared, it was noted that for most antibiotic combinations an indifferent/additive result was obtained. However, for the colistin + rifampicin combination, the checkerboard method showed synergism for 4 of 6 isolates, whereas the E-test method showed indifference and an additive result in one. For the rifampicin + tobramycin, and colistin + tobramycin combinations, synergism was also shown with the checkerboard method in one isolate for each combination. The E-test method however showed an indifferent and additive result respectively. . The E-test method was found to be a rapid, reproducible, easy-to-perform, and flexible method to determine synergistic antibiotic activity. This study was however limited by low numbers of isolates. This might explain why no synergistic results were obtained with the E-test method and few synergistic results with the checkerboard method. Genotypic analysis using pulse-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) may be considered in future studies to determine relatedness of the isolates which will facilitate the selection of different strains for synergy testing. Furthermore, clinical studies are needed to establish whether in vitro synergy testing is useful in the clinical setting and whether the results of synergy testing will have any bearing on the clinical outcome of patients infected with multidrug resistant A. baumannii. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Acinetobacter baumannii het wêreldwyd as een van die mees problematiese nosokomiale patogene verskyn. Hierdie organisme veroorsaak infeksies wat dikwels baie moeilik is om te behandel weens wydverspreide weerstandigheid teen major antibiotikagroepe. Kolonisasie of infeksie met multi-weerstandige A. baumannii word geassosieer met die volgende riskofaktore: verlengde hospitaalverblyf, toelating tot ‘n intensiewe sorgeenheid (ICU), meganiese ventilasie, blootstelling aan breëspektrum antibiotika, onlangse chirurgie, indringende prosedures en ernstige onderliggende siekte. A. baumannii kan deel vorm van die normale velflora, veral in die axillae, inguinale area en tussen die tone. Dit is ook al vanuit die mondholte en die respiratoriese traktus van gesonde volwassenes geïsoleer. Verswakte gehospitaliseerde pasiënte word veral gekoloniseer gedurende nosokomiale Acinetobacter uitbrake. Hierdie organisme is ‘n opportunistiese patogeen en bevat min virulensie faktore. Kliniese manifestasies van A. baumannii sluit nosokomiale pneumonie, nosokomiale bloedstroom infeksies, troumatiese slagveld- en ander wondinfeksies, urienweginfeksies en meningitis wat volg op neurologiese chirurgie in. Fulminerende gemeenskapsverworwe pneumonie is onlangs beskryf en dui aan dat hierdie organisme hoogs patogenies kan wees. Die aantal multi-weerstandige A. baumannii stamme het wêreldwyd toegeneem oor die laaste paar jare. Daarom is die seleksie van empiriese antibiotiese behandeling ‘n uitdaging. Antibiotika kombinasies word meestal as empiriese behandeling in ernstige siek pasiënte gebruik. Die beginsel hiervan is om sinergistiese werking tussen agente te verkry. Die “checkerboard” en “time-kill” metodes is twee tradisionele metodes van sinergisme toetsing. Hierdie metodes is werksintensief, duur en tydrowend. Die E-toets sinergisme metode is gebaseer op die E-toets metode. Hierdie metode is maklik, buigbaar en tydseffektief. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die in vitro aktiwiteit tussen verskillende antibiotika kombinasies van colistin, rifampisien, imipenem, en tobramisien teen geselekteerde kliniese A. baumannii isolate te toets met die “checkerboard” en E-toets sinergisme toetsing metodes. Die minimum inhibitoriese konsentrasies (MIKs) verkry met die E-toets en “broth microdilution” metode is ook vergelyk. Die resultate van die skyfie diffusie metode (die metode wat in die roetiene mikrobiologie laboratorium gebruik word) vir imipenem en tobramisien word ook verskaf vir vergelyking van die resultate van verskillende sensitiwiteitsmetodes. In oorsig is goeie herhaalbaarheid van resultate verkry met al drie metodes van sensitiwiteitstoetsing. Die ooreenstemming van MIKs tussen die “broth dilution” en E-toets metodes was goed en resultate het met nie meer as twee verdunnings in MIK waardes verskil nie. Daar is een uitsondering waar die rifampisien E-toets MIK waarde met drie verdunnings van die MIK waarde verkry met die “microdilution” metode verskil. Die ooreenstemming tussen die sensitiwiteitskategorie resultate tussen die twee metodes was egter swak vir rifampisien. Alhoewel die MIKs in die meeste gevalle met nie meer as twee verdunnings in waarde verskil het nie, was daar baie major foute aangetoon omdat die MIKs rondom die breekpunte geval het. Die kombinasies van colistin + rifampisien, colistin + imipenem, colistin + tobramisien, rifampisien + tobramisien, en imipenem + tobramisien het oorwegend slegs matige interaksie met die E-toets metode getoon. Geen sinergisme is verkry met enige van die antibiotika kombinasies met hierdie metode nie. Daar was egter een resultaat wat antagonisme getoon het vir die kombinasie van colistin + tobramycin. Die resultate van die “checkerboard” metode het sinergisme getoon in vier van die ses isolate wat vir die kombinasie van colistin en rifampisien getoets was. Die ander twee isolate het slegs matige interaksie getoon. Al die ander kombinasies het ook slegs matige interaksie getoon, behalwe in isolaat 30 (col + tob) en isolaat 25 (rif + tob) waar die spesifieke kombinasies sinergisme getoon het. Geen antagonisme is waargeneem met die “checkerboard” metode nie. Met vergelyking van die E-toets en “checkerboard” metodes, is dit opmerklik dat vir die meeste van die antibiotika kombinasies slegs matige interaksie verkry is. Vir die colistin + rifampisien kombinasie toon die “checkerboard” metode egter sinergisme vir 4 uit 6 isolate, terwyl die E-toets metode slegs matige interaksie toon. Vir rifampisien + tobramisien, en colistin + tobramisien kombinasies is sinergisme getoon met die “checkerboard” metode in een isolaat vir elke kombinasie. Die E-toets metode het slegs matige interaksie getoon. Die E-toets sinergisme metode was vinnig, herhaalbaar en maklik om uit te voer. Hierdie studie word egter beperk deur lae getalle van isolate. Dit mag verklaar waarom geen sinergistiese resultate met die E-toets metode verkry is nie en die min sinergistiese resultate met die “checkerboard” metode. Genotipiese analiese met “pulse-field gel electrophoresis” mag in aanmerking geneem word in toekomstige studies om die verwantskap tussen isolate te bepaal wat die seleksie van verskillende stamme vir sinergisme toetsing sal vergemaklik. Verder, kliniese studies is nodig om te bepaal of in vitro sinergisme toetsing van waarde is en of die resultate van sinergisme toetsing ‘n rol speel in die kliniese uitkoms van pasënte geïnfekteer met multiweerstandige A. baumannii. / The National Health Laboratory Serivice

Epidemiology and antibiotic susceptibility patterns of mycoplasma sp. and ureaplasma urealyticum

Govender, Sharlene 12 1900 (has links)
Bibliography / Thesis (PhD (Pathology. Medical Microbiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Overview: Mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas are not routinely diagnosed and are under researched in South Africa. Prevalence, population shifts especially concerning genital flora and implications in infection or other conditions are unknown. Information pertaining to Mycoplasma pneumoniae in respiratory disease is similarly lacking. There is little information on antimicrobial susceptibilities and resistance development against Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI) syndromic management approaches. Aims: a) Elucidate mycoplasmal and ureaplasmal prevalence and contributing factors concerning cervical colonisation or preterm delivery in conjunction with HIV and Chlamydia trachomatis b) Investigate prevalence of M. pneumoniae in respiratory infections in conjunction with HIV, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Pneumocystis jiroveci. c) Determine antimicrobial susceptibilities of mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas and analyse resistance genes. d) Assess the inter-generic transfer potential of resistance gene (tetM) between Ureaplasma spp. and Neisseria gonorrhea. Genital setting: The prevalence of genital mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas and Chlamydia on women attending their first prenatal visit, in conjunction with preterm labour or HIV status was investigated. For preterm labour (2003), 199 women were monitored for preterm delivery (<37 weeks); for colonisation and HIV (2005), 219 women were screened. Microbial detection was performed on DNA extracted from endocervical swabs employing PCR techniques. Colonisation was seen to be highest in the 14-20 year group from 2003. In women aged ±21 years, co-colonisation was 13% although there was a shift from co-colonisation with Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma spp. in 2003 to other dual/triple combinations in 2005. Overall major trends from both collection periods were that the prevalence of Ureaplasma spp. tended to be higher in women ±26 years, whilst prevalence of C. trachomatis and M. hominis were lower. No association was evident between colonisation with M. hominis, U. urealyticum, Ureaplasma parvum and labour outcome. HIV status had no effect on the prevalence/co-colonisation of M. hominis, Ureaplasma spp. or C. trachomatis. Respiratory setting: Studies were conducted to determine the prevalence of community acquired atypical pneumonias in adults (M. pneumoniae and P. jiroveci) and neonates (mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas and Chlamydia trachomatis) in order to improve treatment management programmes in the Port Elizabeth region. Sputum specimens from 102 adult patients presenting with pneumonia/symptoms of pneumonia admitted to hospitals were assessed by PCR. Details of patient’s gender, age, HIV and Mycobacterium tuberculosis status were provided by the hospitals. Women were seen to be at high risk for community-acquired P. jiroveci colonisation. Overall, prevalence of P. jiroveci was 52.9% (54/102 patients). P. jiroveci was mainly associated with HIV (25/74) (P. jiroveci and HIV positive patients in patient sample for which clinical data and HIV status was available) and co-infection with M. tuberculosis was observed in 12 HIV cases and one HIV negative patient. No DHPS (20) or DHFR (17) resistance associated mutations were found in P. jiroveci. M. pneumoniae was detected in one patient. For prevalence studies (2007-2008) on atypical pneumonia in neonates, 69 endotracheal aspirates were obtained. PCR detection of M. hominis, U. urealyticum and C. trachomatis was performed and U. parvum detected in two specimens. Antibiotic susceptibilities and resistance genes: The following investigations on clinical isolates of U. parvum and U. urealyticum were conducted (i) antibiotic susceptibility profiles, (ii) detection of drug target gene mutations, or gene acquisitions and (iii) inter-generic resistance gene transfer potential to Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Culture techniques applied to 132 endocervical specimens provided 66 Ureaplasma cultures (35 U. parvum, 9 U. urealyticum, 22 U. parvum + U. urealyticum). MIC determinations to ofloxacin, erythromycin, tetracycline, doxycycline, azithromycin and josamycin were performed. Thirty-seven ureaplasma cultures were fully susceptible to all antibiotics tested; 21 showed intermediate resistance to erythromycin, azithromycin and ofloxacin; while seven were resistant to tetracycline, three of which were also resistant to doxycycline and one also resistant to azithromycin. Concerning ofloxacin resistance directed at quinolone resistance determining regions, a substitution of Ser83Leu in ParC was demonstrated in one intermediately-resistant Ureaplasma (MIC 4 µg/ml) while a triple substitution of Asp112Glu in GyrA along with Ala125Thr and Ala136Thr in ParC was found in six further intermediately-resistant strains. No mutations were found in strains with MICs 1 µg/ml. No mutations were detected in 23S rRNA operons, L4 or L22 proteins. TetM and int-Tn genes were found in seven tetracycline-resistant strains. On screening 59 tetracycline-susceptible and -intermediate strains, eleven whilst possessing an int-Tn gene lacked a large region of tetM and 48 only contained small regions of tetM. The tetM genes of the seven tetracycline-resistant strains were sequenced and comparisons performed against GenBank sequences of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Streptococcus pneumoniae and U. urealyticum. For five strains tetM was seen to be highly mosaic in structure containing regions that were similar to those of the GenBank strains and others that were unique. In the tetM leader region, four hot spot recombination sites were identified that could certainly influence the formation of the mosaic structures, upstream insertion sequences/open reading frames and transposon regions that regulate expression. On characterising the int-Tn genes of the seven tetracycline-resistant strains, three types were present indicating transposons from different origins had integrated into ureaplasma genomes. Reciprocal tetracycline resistance gene transfer between ureaplasmas and N. gonorrhoeae were unsuccessful. However, low-level tetracycline resistance (MICs 4-8 µg/ml) was transferred to a U. parvum recipient from one U. urealyticum and three U. parvum donors that carried tetM with MICs 16-64 µg/ml. On tetM PCR analysis, tetM was not detected in the transformants. Conclusions: The importance of genital mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas and C. trachomatis in long term aetiologies requires further investigations, certainly in relation with syndromic management regimens that fail to reduce colonisation rates. The high prevalence of P. jiroveci, the presence of M. pneumoniae in cases of pneumonia and detection of U. parvum in two cases of neonatal pneumonia investigated emphasises that in the absence of definitive diagnoses, it is crucial to monitor treatment responses carefully, especially when first line antibiotic preferences are ß-lactams, in order to ensure adequate and informed delivery of medical care. The finding of transposon and/or tetM regions in all ureaplasmas investigated with or without full expression of tetracycline resistance, in conjunction with tetM gene diversity, certainly places ureaplasmas strongly in the picture for intra- and inter-generic exchange of antibiotic resistance genes. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Oorsig: Mikoplasma en ureaplasma word nie roetineweg gediagnoseer nie en in Suid Afrika is nog min navorsing daaroor gedoen. Prevalensie, populasie verskuiwings, veral in genital flora, en die impliksies van infeksie en ander toestande is onbekend. Inligting rakende Mycoplasma pneumoniae in respiratoriese siekte is ook gebrekkig. Daar is min inligting beskikbaar rakende die antimikrobiale vatbaarheid en die ontwikkeling van weerstandigheid gesien teen die benadering tot sindromiese hantering van seksueel oordraagbare siektes. Doelwitte: a) Om inligting te verskaf oor die prevalensie van mikoplasma en ureaplasma en bydraende faktore betreffende voortydige kraam tesame met MIV en Chlamydia trachomatis. b) Ondersoek van die prevalensie van M. pneumoniae in respiratoriese infeksies tesame met MIV, Mycobacterium tuberculosis en Pneumocystis jiroveci. c) Bepaling van die antimikrobiale vatbaarheid van mikoplasma en ureaplasma en analisevan weerstandigheids gene. d) Bereken die inter-genetiese oordrag potensiaal van weerstandigheids gene (tetM) tussen Ureaplasma spp. en Naisseria gonorrhoeae. Genitale omgewing: Die prevalensie van genitale mikoplasma, ureaplasma en Chlamydia in vroue tydens hul eerste prenatale besoek, tesame met vroegtydige kraam en MIV status is ondersoek. In voortydige kraam (2003), is 199 vroue gemonitor vir voortydige kraam (<37 weke); vir kolonisasie en MIV (2005), is 219 vroue getoets. Mikrobiale toetsing is gedoen deur DNS te win vanaf endoservikale deppers met PKR tegnieke. Kolonisasie was die hoogste in die ouderdomsgroep 14.20 jaar, in 2003. In vroue van ±21 jaar was medekolonisasie 13% alhoewel daar en verskuiwing was van mede-kolonisasie met Mycoplasma hominis en Ureaplasma spp. in 2003 tot ander dubbel/trippel kombinasies in 2005. Die oorkoepelende tendens in altwee die tydperke van waarneming was dat die prevalensie van Ureoplasma spp. geneig was om hoër te wees in vroue ±26 jaar, terwyl prevalensie van C. trachomatis en M. hominis laer was. Geen assosiasie kon getoon word tussen koloniesasie met M. hominis, U. urealyticum, Ureaplasma parvum en uitkoms van kraam nie. MIV status het geen effek gehad op die prevalensie/mede-kolonisasie van M. hominis, Ureaplasma spp. of C. Trachomatis nie. Respiratories: Studies is gedoen om die prevalensie van gemeenskaps verworwe atipiese pneumonie in volwassenes (M. pneumoniae en P. jiroveci) en neonate (mikoplasma, ureaplasma en Chlamydia trachomatis) te bepaal om behandeling en hantering programme in die Port Elizabeth area te verbeter. Sputum monsters van 102 volwasse pasiënte wat presenteer het met pneumonie of simptome van pneumonie en wat tot hospitale toegelaat was, is ontleed. Besonderhede van die pasiënte se geslag, ouderdom, MIV en Mycobacterium tuberculosis status is deur die hospitale verskaf. PKR is gedoen met inleiers gerig teen die volgende gene: P. jiroveci vir die aantoning van mitokondriale groot subeenheid RNS en vir die analise van mutasies vir ko-trimoksasool weerstandigheid dihydropteroaat sintetase (DHPS) en dihydrofolaat reduktase (DHFR); M. pneumoniae vir die aantoning van P1 adhesien en 16S rRNS. Vroue het ‘n hoë risiko vir gemeenskapsverworwe P. jiroveci kolonisasie gehad. In die algemeen was die prevalensie van P. jiroveci 52.9% (54/102 pasiënte). P. jiroveci was hoofsaaklik geassosieerd met MIV (25/74) (P. jiroveci en MIV positiewe pasiënte in die pasiënt monster waarvoor daar kliniese data en MIV status bekend was) en mede-infeksie met M. tuberculosis is gesien in 12 MIV gevalle en een MIV negatiewe pasiënt. Geen DHPS (20) of DHFR (17) weerstandigheids geassosieerde mutasies is gevind in P. Jiroveci nie. M. pneumoniae was aangetoon in een pasiënt. Vir prevalensie studies (2007-2008) op atipiese pneumonie in neonate is 69 endotrageale aspirate verkry. PKR toetsing vir M. hominis, U. urealyticum en C. trachomatis is gedoen met ‘primers’ soos voorheen gepubliseer. Ureaplasma parvum is aangetoon in twee neonate met PKR met negatiewe kultuur resultate. Antibiotika sensitiwiteite en weerstandigheids gene: Die volgende toetse is gedoen op kliniese isolate van U. parvum en U. urealyticum (i) antibiotika sensitiwiteits profiele, (ii) aantoning van teiken geen mutasies, of geen aanwinste en (iii) potensiaal vir inter-generiese weerstandigheids geen oordrag na Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Kultuur tegnieke toegepas op 132 endoservikale monsters het 66 Ureaplasma kulture gelewer (35 U. parvum, 9 U. urealyticum, 22 U. parvum + U. urealyticum). MIK bepaling vir ofloksasien, eritromisien, tetrasiklien, doksisiklien, azitromisien en josamisien is gedoen. Sewe-en-dertig kulture was ten volle sensitief vir alle antibiotika wat getoets is; een-en twintig het intermediere weerstandigheid teenoor eritromisien, azitromisien en ofloksasien getoon, terwyl sewe weerstandig was vir tetrasiklien, drie daarvan was ook weerstandig vir doksisiklien. Wat betref ofloksasien weerstandigheid gemik teen kwinoloon weerstandigheids bepalende gebiede, is vervanging van Ser83Leu in ParC gedemonstreer in een intermedier weerstandige Ureaplasma (MIK 4 µml) terwyl en trippel vervanging van Asp112Glu in GyrA saam met Ala125Thr en Ala136Thr in ParC gevind is in ses ander intermedier weerstandige stamme. Geen mutasies is gevind in stamme met MIKs van MICs 1 µg/ml nie. Geeneen van die ureaplasma was weerstandig vir eritromisien/azitromisien nie en geen mutasies is gevind in 23S rRNA operons , L4 of L22 proteine nie. TetM en int- Tn gene is gevind in sewe tetrasiklien weerstandige stamme. 58 Tetrasiklien sensitiewe en .intermediere stamme is getoets, waarvan elf en int-Tn geen gekort het sowel as en groot deel van tetM, terwyl 48 slegs klein dele van TetM bevat het. Die tetM gene van die sewe tetrasiklein-werstandige stamme se geenvolgorde is bepaal en vergelykings is getref teenoor die GenBank volgordes van Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Streptococcus pneumoniae en U. urealyticum. In vyf stamme is gevind dat die tetM geen hoogs mosaiek in struktuur was met areas wat ooreenstem met die in GenBank stamme, en ander areas wat uniek is. In die tetM leier area, is vier ehot spot f herkombinasie areas geidentifiseer wat sekerlik die vorming van die mosaiiek strukture kon beinvloed, asook transposon areas wat geenuitdrukking bepaal. Met karakterisering van die int-Tn gene van die sewe tetrasikleinweerstandlige stamme, was drie tipes teenwoordig waarin transposons vanaf verskillende oorsprong aangedui was, geintegreerd met die ureaplama genome. Resiprokale tetrasiklien weerstandigheids geen oordrag tussen ureaplasma en n. gonorrhoea was nie suksesvol nie. Lae-vlak tetrasiklien weerstandigheid (MIK fs van 4 . 8 µg/ml) is wel suksesvol oorgedra na en U. parvum ontvanger vanaf een U. urealyticum en drie U. parvum ontvangers wat tetM gedra het met MIKs van 16-64 µg/ml. Met die analise van tetM met PKR, kon tetM nie aangetoon word in die transformante nie. Gevolgtrekkings: Die belang van genitale mykoplasma, ureaplasma en C. trachomatis in langtermyn etologie benodig verdere ondersoek, veral in die lig van die sindromiese behandeling regimes wat nie kolonisasie verminder nie. Die hoe prevalensie van P. jiroveci, die teenwoordigheid van M. pneumoniae in gevalle van pneumonie en die aantoning van U. parvum in twee gevalle van neonatale pneumonie benadruk dat, in die afwesigheid van en definitiewe diagnose, dit noodsaaklik is om respons tot behandeling sorgvuldig te moniteer, veral indien die eerste lyn antibiotika keuse ß-laktam antimikrobiale middels of kefalosporiene is, sodat behoorlike en ingeligde gesondheidsorg gelewer kan word. Die bevinding van transposon en/of tetM gebiede in alle ureaplasma wat ondersoek is met of sonder volle uitdrukking van tetrasiklien weerstandigheid, in samehang met tetM diversiteit, plaas verseker ureaplasma sterk in die prentjie vir intra- en inter-generiese uitruiling van antibiotika weerstandigheids gene. / Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University / National Research Foundation (NRF Thuthuka) / Medical Research Council

Sequence-based molecular diagnosis of X-linked agammaglobulinemia in South African individuals

Leo, Melanie Joy 04 March 2011 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH SUMMARY: Background: Primary immunodeficiency disorders (PID) disrupt the proper functioning of the immune system. The prototypic PID is X-linked Agammaglobulinemia (XLA). This disorder is caused by mutations in the Bruton tyrosine kinase (Btk) gene and results in an arrest in B cell development which leads to a profound reduction of all classes of serum immunoglobulins (i.e antibodies). Patients with a lack of antibodies experience recurring bacterial infections during early childhood that can be fatal if not treated. Intravenous gammaglobulin replacement therapy (IVIg) is the standard treatment for XLA. It provides passive immunity thereby reducing the number and severity of infections as well as limiting many of the infectious complications. Early detection and treatment of XLA allows affected individuals to live a relatively normal life. Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the molecular basis of XLA in South Africa using a direct sequence-based method to detect abnormalities in the Btk gene to aid clinical diagnosis of the disease. Methods : Male patients with a clinical diagnosis of XLA were included in this study. Genetic analysis was used to explore the exonic region of the Btk gene of 5 unrelated male patients and compared to 10 healthy controls. Family members were followed up to determine carrier status, where possible. Results: Mutational analysis revealed Btk abnormalities in 4 of the 5 patients leading to a definitive diagnosis of XLA. Two of the three mutations found in this study have been previously described while one mutation appears to be novel. The novel mutation is a one base pair deletion in exon 16 which leads to the truncation of the Btk protein. Despite the clinical findings suggestive of XLA, no mutation was identified in the exonic region of the Btk gene of the remaining patient, indicating that this patient might have a different form of PID. Maternal follow-up confirmed the maternal inheritance pattern as all mothers screened were carriers of the Btk mutation present in the affected individual. Discussion : Using a direct sequence-based method abnormalities were identified in the Btk gene of three patients. Molecular diagnosis coupled to clinical history of the patient provides a definitive XLA diagnosis. This study supports the use of molecular techniques in the diagnosis of PID and underlines the synergy that could be possible in a clinical setting. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond: Primêre immuungebrek siektes (PIGS) word gekenmerk aan ‘n gebrek aan teenliggame in die immuunsisteem wat lei tot herhaalde infeksies in jong kinders wat fataal kan wees indien dit nie vroegtydig behandel word nie. Die prototype van die bekende PIGS is X-gekoppelde Agammaglobulinemia (XGA). Die siekte word veroorsaak deur mutasies in die Bruton Tirosien kinase (Btk) geen en lei tot ʼn stilstand in B sel ontwikkeling en gevolglik ʼn vermindering van alle klasse van serum immuunoglobulins (teenliggaam). Intraveneuse gammaglobulien vervangingsterapie(IVIg) is die standaard behandeling vir XGA. Dit voorsien passiewe immunitiet en gevolglik verminder dit die getal en erns van infeksies en beperk baie van die aansteeklike komplikasies. Vroeë diagnose en behandeling van XGA laat toe dat geaffekteerde individue ʼn relatiewe normale lewe ly. Doel: Die doel van hierdie studie is om die molekulêre basis van XGA in Suid Afrika te ondersoek, deur gebruik te maak van direkte volgorde bepaling van die Btk geen in die hoop om die kliniese diagnose van die siekte aan te help. Metode : Manlike pasiente met ‘n kliniese diagnose wan XGA was by die studie ingesluit. Genetiese analise was gebruik om die “exonic” omgewing van die Btk geen te ondersoek van 5 onverwante manlike pasiente en vergelyk teenoor 10 gesonde kontrole. Waar moontlik was familie lede ogevolg om draers te bepaal. Resultaat: Mutasies in die Btk geen is geidentifiseer in 3 van die 4 pasiente, klinies gediagnoseer meet XGA. Die mutasies sluit 2 reeds beskryfde variante in en een nuwe mutasie, ‘n een basis paar delesie in ekson 16 van die Btk geen, Ten spyte van die kliniese profiel suggestief van XGA in die 5de pasient, was geen mutasies geidentifiseer in die “exconic” omgewing van die Btk geen nie, dit kan moontlik toegeskryf word aan die teenwoordigheid van ‘n ander vorm van PIGS in hierdie pasient. Opvolg analise op die DNA van die moeders van die pasiente het die moederlike oorerwings patroon van die siekte bevestig aangesien al die moeders draers van die geidentifiseerde mutasie in die Btk geen van die gaffekteerde individu was. Gevolgtrekking: Genetiese analise van die Btk geen blyk ʼn sensitiewe en spesefieke metode te wees om individue met XGA te diagnoseer. Hierdie studie ondersteun die gebruik van molekulêre metodes in die diagnose van PIGS en beklemtoon die moontlike sinergie wat kan bestaan tussen hierdie tipe benadering in die kliniese omgewing. / National Research Foundation / National Health Laboratory Services : Pathology Research Development Grant of NHLS Research Trust Grants

Analysis of a multidrug resistant acinetobacter SPP. outbreak in the intensive care unit of King Edward VIII Hospital.

Deedat, Fathima. January 2000 (has links)
The study arose out of a need to investigate and control a nosocomial outbreak caused by multidrug resistant Acinetobacter spp in the fifteen-bed intensive care unit of King Edward VIII Hospital. Following the discovery of the index case, four other patients were found to have a similar strain of Acinetobacter spp. All fifteen patients in the ward were subsequently screened for the organism. Forty-seven isolates were obtained from 12 patients. Eight of the patients were infected with the organism and six of these eight patients subsequently died. Swabs from the ward environment were also screened for the organism, which was found in patients' baths, suction water and urine collection jars. The outbreak was aborted by the use of strict infection control techniques. Minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of 20 of the 47 isolates were determined for the following antimicrobials: imipenem, ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, amikacin, netilmycin,cefotaxime, ceftazidime and tetracycline. The same 20 isolates were further typed using ribotyping. Seven different antibiogram patterns were obtained using the MIC data. The majority of isolates (11) fit into a Single type, and showed resistance to all drugs tested, except for susceptibility to tetracycline and netilmycin only. Ribotyping revealed 5 different types. There were 9 isolates of ribotype a, 2 of ribotype b, 3 of ribotype c, 5 of ribotype d and 1 of ribotype e. In conclusion, this study describes a nosocomial outbreak with a multidrug resistant Acinetobacter spp. in an intensive care unit. The results showed that there was no correlation between the two typing methods used, ribotyping was more discriminatory than antibiogram types, with the majority of strains belonging to two different ribotypes. / Thesis (M.Med.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2000.

Longitudinal investigation of vaccine specific antibody levels and cellular markers of adaptive immune responses in HIV Exposed Uninfected (HEU) and Unexposed (UE) infants

Naidoo, Shalena 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background: In South Africa alone, 30% of women of child-bearing age are infected with HIV. With the increasing focus and success of prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) programmes, an estimated 300 000 infants are born exposed to HIV every year. The underlying impact of in utero HIV exposure on infant immune health has not been extensively characterised. Clinical follow-up of these HIV-exposed uninfected (HEU) infants reveals increased infectious morbidity and mortality compared to their unexposed (UE) counterparts. Objectives: (i) To evaluate and characterise adaptive immune properties by measuring vaccine-specific antibody levels in children from 2 weeks to 2 years of age in the presence and absence of maternal HIV infection. (ii) To investigate specific cellular markers of immune activation, immune regulation, apoptosis and B cell memory on T and B cell populations in HEU and UE children measured at 18 and 24 months of age. Methods: This sub-investigation formed part of a collaborative pilot study between the universities of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada) and Stellenbosch. A total of 95 HIV-positive and HIV-negative mothers were recruited after delivery at Tygerberg Hospital, and signed informed consent for their infants to be included in the study. Of these infants, only 27 HEU and 30 UE infants were eventually enrolled and followed up at various time points, starting at two weeks of age. Four of these infants were confirmed to be HIV-positive at 2 weeks and clinically followed up according to the protocol, but were excluded from statistical data analyses. Blood was collected at 2, 6 and 12 weeks and again at 6, 12, 18 and 24 months of age. Quantitative IgG-specific antibodies to Haemophilus influenzae B (Hib), Bordetella pertussis, tetanus and pneumococcus were measured at each time point, using commercially available ELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent) kits. Cellular markers of immune activation, immune regulation, apoptosis and memory were measured in various populations of T and B cells at 18 and 24 months only, by using four-colour flow cytometry and validated whole-blood staining methods. In addition, a functional assay was developed to evaluate cell susceptibility to apoptosis (spontaneously) by measuring the expression of Annexin V on both CD4+ T and CD20+ B cells after 16 and 24-hour incubation periods. The statistical analysis of the antibody data was conducted by repeated-measures ANOVA (i.e. analysis of variance), using a mixed-model approach. Differences in the expression of the two groups’ cellular markers were compared by employing one-way ANOVA. An F test p value (which assumes normality) was reported, while the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test served as confirmatory tool. Repeated-measures ANOVA was used for the evaluation of the functional spontaneous apoptosis assay at three time points (ex vivo, 16 and 24 hours) on the 18-month samples, while one-way ANOVA was used for the 24-month samples. Results: The HEU group (n = 23) displayed significantly lower levels of antibodies to pertussis (20.80 vs 28.01 Food and Drug Administration [FDA] U/ml; p = 0.0237), tetanus (0.08 vs 0.53 IU/ml; p < 0.001) and pneumococcus (31.67 vs 80.77 mg/l; p = 0.003) than the UE group (n = 23) at 2 weeks of age. No statistical differences were noted for Hib antibody levels between the two groups at this time point. At 6 weeks of age, HEU infants displayed lower mean levels of all antibodies measured; however, these differences did not reach statistical significance. Following vaccination, compared to UE controls, the HEU group presented with statistically significantly higher antibody levels to pertussis at 6 months (155.49 vs 63.729 FDA U/ml; p = 0.0013), 12 months (26.54 vs 8.50 FDA U/ml; p < 0.001) and 18 months of age (1658.94 vs 793.03 FDA U/ml; p = 0.0362). A significant difference in tetanus antibody levels between the two groups was only evident at 24 months, with the HEU group displaying higher levels (3.28 vs 1.70 IU/ml; p = 0.018) than the UE group. No differences were observed between the two groups following vaccination for Hib. At 18 and 24 months, the HEU group showed increased expression of cellular markers of immune activation (CD69 and CD40L) on CD4+ T cells compared to UE controls. The two groups showed similar expression of the cellular marker of activation CD38 on CD8+ T cells. The HEU group displayed significantly higher levels of CD127, the interleukin (IL) 7 receptor, on CD4+ T cells compared to UE controls at 18 months of age. The HEU group also showed increased expression of cellular markers of apoptosis on both CD4+ T and CD8+ T cells. No statistical significance was noted for the expression of Fas on CD4+ T cells at 18 and 24 months of age. However, at 24 months, the HEU group showed significantly increased expression of FasL on both CD4+ T and CD8+ T cells. During cell culture experiments, the HEU group displayed increased susceptibility to spontaneous apoptosis shown by increased Annexin V expression on CD4+ T cells after a 16-hour incubation period at both 18 and 24 months. At 18 and 24 months, no difference was noted in the two groups’ immune regulation as measured by the expression of CTLA-4. The HEU group displayed increased levels of the cellular markers of immune activation CD80 on CD20+ B cells at 18 and 24 months of age. The HEU group also showed significantly increased levels of CD69 on CD19+ B cells at 24 months. No statistical significance was reached for the expression of CD62L and CD10 at either 18 or 24 months. Although the HEU group displayed increased levels of apoptosis (Fas) on CD20+ B cells, no statistical significance was reached at 18 or 24 months of age. In addition, the HEU group showed no difference in the expression of programmed death 1 (PD-1) at 18 and 24 months. HEU and UE groups showed similar expression of Annexin V after 16 hours of incubation in the 18 and 24-month samples. The expression of the biomarker of B cell memory CD27 on CD20+ B and CD19+ B cells was comparable between the two groups at both time points. Conclusion: At 2 and 6 weeks, lower mean antibody responses in HEU infants suggest poor placental transfer due to maternal HIV infection, while increased responses to specific antibodies may reflect an exaggerated immune response to immunisation. These robust responses may be due to the lack of competition with maternal antibodies, or may be ascribed to indirect stimulation of B cells via the activation of T cells. A hyper-inflammatory state is an imminent danger, with increased expression of cellular markers of immune activation and apoptosis that may be consistent with early HIV exposure that persists following infancy. These observations may serve as contributing factors to the extensively documented increased susceptibility to infections in the HEU population. Although these findings are consistent with a primed immune system, larger studies are required to confirm these observations in relation to clinical outcomes and to assess further whether these differences persist in later years. / AFRIKAANSE OPSMOMMING: Agtergrond: In Suid-Afrika alleen het 30% van vroue van ʼn vrugbare leeftyd MIV. Met die toenemende fokus en sukses van programme vir die voorkoming van moeder-na-kind-oordrag (sogenaamde PMTCT-programme) word ongeveer 300 000 babas jaarliks aan MIV blootgestel. Die onderliggende impak van intra-uteriene MIV-blootstelling op ʼn baba se immuunstelsel is nog nie omvattend beskryf nie. Kliniese opvolgondersoeke van hierdie MIV-blootgestelde dog onbesmette babas (sogenaamde HEU’s) dui op ʼn hoër siekte- en sterftesyfer weens infeksies as hul nieblootgestelde eweknieë (sogenaamde UE’s). Doelstellings: (i) Om kinders met MIV-positiewe en MIV-negatiewe moeders se aangepaste (verworwe) immuuneienskappe te beoordeel en te beskryf deur hulle vaksienspesifieke teenliggaamvlakke vanaf die ouderdom van twee weke tot twee jaar te meet. (ii) Om ondersoek in te stel na bepaalde sellulêre merkers van immuunaktivering, immuunregulering, apoptose en B-selgeheue by die T- en B-selgroepe van sowel HEU’s as UE’s op die ouderdom van 18 en 24 maande. Metodes: Hierdie subondersoek het deel uitgemaak van ʼn samewerkende loodsondersoek tussen die universiteite van Brits-Columbië (Vancouver, Kanada) en Stellenbosch. Altesaam 95 MIV-positiewe en MIV-negatiewe moeders is gewerf nadat hulle by Tygerberghospitaal geboorte geskenk het, en het ingeligte toestemming verleen dat hul babas by die studie ingesluit kon word. Van dié babas is slegs 27 HEU’s en 30 UE’s uiteindelik in die studie opgeneem en in verskillende stadia vanaf die ouderdom van twee weke opgevolg. Vier van die babas is op twee weke as MIV-positief bevestig en volgens die protokol klinies opgevolg, maar is van die statistiese dataontleding uitgesluit. Bloedmonsters is op twee, ses en 12 weke en weer op ses, 12, 18 en 24 maande geneem. Kwantitatiewe IgG-spesifieke teenliggame teen Haemophilus influenzae B (Hib), Bordetella pertussis, tetanus en pneumokokkus is telkens met behulp van kommersieel verkrygbare ELISA- (“Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent”-)stelle bepaal. Sellulêre merkers van immuunaktivering, immuunregulering, apoptose en geheue is op slegs 18 en 24 maande by verskillende populasies T- en B-selle deur middel van ʼn vierkleurvloeisitometrie en geldig verklaarde volbloedkleuringsmetodes bepaal. Voorts is ʼn funksionele toets ontwikkel om selvatbaarheid vir apoptose te bepaal deur die ekspressie van Annexin V op sowel CD4+ T- as CD20+ B-selle ná 16 en 24 uur van inkubasie te meet. Die statistiese ontleding van die teenliggaamdata is met behulp van herhaaldemetings-ANOVA (d.w.s. afwykingsontleding) volgens ʼn gemengdemodel-benadering gedoen. Verskille in die twee groepe se sellulêre merkervlakke is deur middel van eenrigting-ANOVA vergelyk. ʼn F-toets-p-waarde (wat normaliteit veronderstel) is bereken, terwyl die nieparametriese Mann-Whitney-U-toets as bevestigende instrument gedien het. Vir die 18 maande-monsters is herhaaldemetings-ANOVA gebruik om die funksionele toets vir spontane apoptose in drie stadia (ex vivo, op 16 uur en op 24 uur) te beoordeel. Vir die 24 maande-monsters is eenrigting-ANOVA gebruik. Resultate: Op die ouderdom van twee weke het die groep HEU’s (n = 23) aansienlik laer teenliggaamvlakke teen kinkhoes (20.80 vs 28.01 Food and Drug Administration [FDA] U/ml; p = 0.0237), tetanus (0.08 vs 0.53 U/ml; p < 0.001) en pneumokokkus (31.67 vs 80.77 mg/l, p = 0.003) as die UE-groep (n = 23) getoon. In dié stadium is geen statistiese verskille in Hib-teenliggaamvlakke tussen die twee groepe opgemerk nie. Op ses weke het die groep HEU’s laer gemiddelde vlakke van ál die betrokke teenliggame getoon, hoewel hierdie verskille nie statisties beduidend was nie. In vergelyking met die UE-kontrolegroep het die groep HEU’s ná inenting statisties beduidend hoër teenliggaamvlakke teen kinkhoes getoon op ses maande (155.49 vs 63.729 FDA U/ml; p = 0.0013), 12 maande (26.54 vs 8.50 FDA U/ml; p < 0.001) én 18 maande (1658.94 vs 793.03 FDA U/ml; p = 0.0362). ʼn Beduidende verskil in die twee groepe se tetanus-teenliggaamvlakke het eers op 24 maande geblyk, met die groep HEU’s s’n hoër (3.28 vs 1.70 IE/ml; p = 0.018) as die UE’s s’n. Ná inenting teen Hib is geen verskille tussen die twee groepe waargeneem nie. Op 18 en 24 maande het die HEU’s verhoogde ekspressie van sellulêre merkers van immuunaktivering (CD69 en CD40L) op CD4+ T-selle getoon in vergelyking met die UE-kontrolegroep. Soortgelyke vlakke van die sellulêre merker van aktivering CD38 is ook op die CD8+ T-selle van die twee groepe opgemerk. Op 18 maande het die HEU-groep ʼn beduidend verhoogde ekspressie van CD127, die IL-7-reseptor, op CD4+ T-selle getoon in vergelyking met die UE-kontrolegroep. Die HEU groep het ook verhoogde ekspressie van sellulêre merkers van apoptose op sowel CD4+ T- as CD8+ T-selle getoon. FAS-ekspressie op CD4+ T-selle op 18 en 24 maande was nie statisties beduidend nie, hoewel die HEU-groep op 24 maande beduidend verhoogde ekspressie van FasL op CD4+ T- sowel as CD8+ T-selle getoon het. In selkwekingseksperimente het die HEU-groep ʼn verhoogde vatbaarheid vir apoptose getoon na aanleiding van die ekspressie van Annexin V op CD4+ T-selle ná 16 uur van inkubasie op sowel 18 as 24 maande. Op 18 en 24 maande was immuunregulering, aan die hand van die ekspressie van CTLA-4, bykans dieselfde by albei groepe. Op sowel 18 as 24 maande toon die HEU’s verhoogde ekspressie van die sellulêre merker van immuunaktivering CD80 op CD20+ B-selle. Op 24 maande het die HEU’s ook aansienlik hoër vlakke van CD69 by CD19+ B selle getoon. Op nóg 18 nóg 24 maande was die ekspressie van CD62L en CD10 statisties beduidend. Hoewel verhoogde vlakke van apoptose (Fas) by CD20+ B-selle by die HEU-groep opgemerk is, was dit nie statisties beduidend op 18 óf 24 maande nie. Daarbenewens was daar ook geen verskil in die ekspressie van geprogrammeerde seldood 1 (PD-1) op 18 en 24 maande nie. Op 18 en 24 maande het die HEU’s en UE’s ʼn soortgelyke ekspressie van Annexin V ná 16 uur van inkubasie getoon. Op sowel 18 as 24 maande was die twee groepe se ekspressie van die biomerker van B-selgeheue CD27 op CD20+ B- en CD19+ B-selle vergelykbaar. Gevolgtrekking: Op twee en ses weke dui laer gemiddelde teenliggaamreaksies by HEU’s op swak plasentale oordrag weens die moeder se MIV-infeksie, terwyl verhoogde reaksies op bepaalde teenliggame weer op oordrewe immuunreaksie op inenting dui. Hierdie robuuste reaksie kan toegeskryf word aan die gebrek aan mededinging met die moeder se teenliggame, of kan deur indirekte stimulasie van die B-selle via die aktivering van die T-selle veroorsaak word. ʼn Hiperinflammatoriese toestand is ʼn dreigende gevaar, met verhoogde ekspressie van sellulêre merkers van immuunaktivering en apoptose wat met vroeë MIV-blootstelling met ʼn latere nawerking verbind kan word. Hierdie waarnemings kan bydraende faktore wees tot HEU’s se goed gedokumenteerde verhoogde vatbaarheid vir infeksies. Hoewel hierdie bevindings met ʼn geaktiveerde immuunstelsel strook, moet groter studies dit aan die hand van kliniese uitkomste bevestig en ook bepaal of hierdie verskille in later jare voortduur. / The Harry Crossley Foundation, Poliomyelitis Research Foundation (PRF) / NHLS Research Grant Trust

Molecular epidemiology of mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 in children at Tygerberg Hospital

Korsman, Stephen Nicolaas Jacques 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMed (Medical Microbiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / One of the major routes of transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the developing world is vertical transmission from mother to infant – pre-, intra-, or post-partum. In the Western Cape, HIV-1 subtype C is the predominant subtype in the heterosexual population, and this trend was expected to be seen amongst cases of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. The aim of this study was to perform genetic characterisation and phylogenetic analysis of the HIV-1 genome in positive serum/plasma samples obtained from children (age 0 to 18 months) from 2000-2002, and temporally related specimens from their mothers. We obtained 27 suitable pairs of samples taken within 6 months of delivery. From this pool, we obtained 21 infant DNA sequences and 17 maternal sequences, resulting in 16 mother-infant pairs. All patient sequences were identified as HIV-1 subtype C, and, as expected, mother and infant viral sequences clustered together. In some cases where a mother was suspected to have two dominant quasispecies based on the electropherogram, only one sequence was detectable in the infant. Single or multiple amino acid deletions were consistent between mothers and infants, and some pairs showed the same amino acid deletions seen in other pairs.

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