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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die evaluering van 'n nuutgeskepte luisterprogram vir postbeginner studente

Beukes, Vernita 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Afrikaans and Dutch))—University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / This study contributes to the growing field of CALL. The Authorware programme focus on postbeginner students’ listening skills in an attempt to increase the number of students that complete their studies at Stellenbosch University. The study investigates different types of listening, which forms the backbone for the accompanying programme.

Zur Konzeption eines einsprachigen deutschen Lernerworterbuchs : Vorschlage fur die lexikographische Textgestaltung aus benutzerorientierter Perspektive

Van der Colff, Adri 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DLitt (Modern Foreign Languages))--University of Stellenbosch, 1996. / Objective: This study presents a conception for compiling a monolingual German learner's dictionary. It is a theoretical blueprint which formulates guidelines regarding the choice and treatment ofinformation types suited for inclusion in such a dictionary. The conception is ''user oriented". In other words, its main focus is on the target users: nonnative speakers ofGerman who have reached an intermediate level of proficiency in their active and passive usage ofthe language. The deciding factor when suggestions are made regarding the selection, arrangement and typographical appearance of all lexicographical information is its relevance for this target group. In order for it to be an aid to foreign language learners while reading, writing and translating texts, information is presented in a simple and an easily retrievable way. The conception also aspires to help learners overcome their communicative problems and needs as well as to improve their linguistic competence. However, the ultimate aim ofthis dissertation is not only to provide a theoretical blueprint for a German learner's dictionary, but to have some practical significance as well. It is hoped that these recommendations will go some way towards stimulating the presently underdeveloped German pedagogical lexicographical practice. Contents: The study is structured to include all the vital aspects that are ofsignificance for the compilation of a learner's dictionary. It begins with a discussion of a number of pedagogical-lexicographical issues, such as the role of a learner's dictionary as a means of improving communicative proficiency in language teaching. The focus then moves on to the main objective, namely concrete proposals for the dictionary blueprint. While these proposals are based on up-to-date metalexicographical and linguistic theoretical conclusions, the deciding factor is that they must be practically applicable. First, the draft dictionary is typologically characterised by means of a precise and detailed description of the target user profile and potential usage situation~. Secondly, a discussion of general criteria, mainly aimed at improving the quick and easy retrieval of linguistic information, follows. Then, the contents and form ofthose texts that are not within the central alphabetical wordlist, such as the user's guide and grammar, as well as the internal reference structure ofthe dictionary (mediostructure) are highlighted. Subsequently, the selection of information in the draft dictionary is examined. This includes both the choice oflemmas (macrostructural selection) and the collection of linguistic information types suited for inclusion (microstructural selection). Not only does the conception recommend a relatively small number oflemmas (15 000), exclusively retrieved from the most common and frequently used standardised High German, but the number of information types is also restricted. This results is a low information density which in tum allows for a low text density and a high degree of accessiblity. Although decisions regarding the presentation ofvarious lexicographical information categories are linguistically motivated, linguistic comprehensiveness must occasionally bow the knee before pragmatic considerations. These improve the reception and retrievablitiy of data and enhance the user's chances of a sound understanding. A favourable visual presentation, including a low information density and transparent typographical layout, are also emphasised throughout. Finally, suggestions for the organisation and presentation oflemmas on the one hand and individual information types within the dictionary article on the other are presented. Sample entries provide a clear demonstration of all suggestions. In conclusion, the wider aspects ofhow the dictionary conceptualised in this thesis can be adapted to compile specialist pedagogical dictionaries, such as a production dictionary and a bilingual learner's dictionary which incorporates mother-tongue elements, are presented.

Die Rolle der Mehrsprachigkeit bei der Identitatsbildung von deutschsprachigen Migranten in Sudafrika

Mineur, Tanya Renee 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / The purpose of this paper is to examine the role that multilingualism plays in the identity formation of German-speaking emigrants in South Africa. In the era of globalization society multilingualism has gained greater value, to such an extent that multilingualism can be seen as the norm, whereas monolingualism is the exception. The importance of multilingualism and its effect on an individual‟s social and language identity has been debated by leading German academics such as Esser, Dirim and Krumm. In the South African context multilingualism is part of daily life, therefore it is not questioned how this multicultural world influences the way South Africans see themselves and interact with the world around them. Here the question comes to mind in what way this language-cultural diversity effects the identity formation of emigrants, who speak a language that is not part of the 11 official languages of South Africa. Therefore it is important to determine in what way the language and the social environment influence the development of their individual and social identities as well as determine in what way they contribute to the active integration into the community. With the help of different theories as well as through an empirical study of German immigrants in South Africa this paper will focus on their social and language identity and what effect, if any, multilingualism has on their identity formation. The paper attempts to explain theoretically the connection between language and identity and then through empirical research demonstrate the influence of language on identity and integration.

Zum Einsatz und Nutzen suggestopadischer Unterrichtselemente in Integrationskursen am Beispiel des Handlungsfeldes medizinische Versorgung / The application and use of suggestopaedic teaching elements in integration courses using the example of health care provision / Die toepassing en gebruik van onderrig-elemente uit die suggestopedagogiek in in-tegrasieprogramme met die tema gesondheidsorg as voorbeeld

Kulesza, Daniel 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The following study focuses on communication problems which arise during medical consultation in Germany between immigrants with an inadequate language proficiency level and physicians, and on the negative effects of such miscommunication on the quality of health care. The study proposes the application of alternative teaching methods in integration courses – in particular suggestopaedia – to resolve these problems. As immigrants often suffer from acculturative stress suggestopaedic methods seem particularly appropriate because they help reducing negative mental attitudes (negative “suggestions”) by a multi-sensory preparation of learning materials. A didactised concept aiming to improve the overall ability of immigrants lacking language proficiency to interact in “Physician-Patient-Communication” is put forward in this study for the use in integration courses. It is assumed that enhancing the ability to ex-press oneself in the field of healthcare provision will reduce communication hindrances by reducing the fear of speaking during medical consultation and thus will lead to a better overall state of health among immigrants with an inadequate language proficiency level. The sug-gestopaedic methods implemented in the didactisation range from a suggestopaedic language text to a wide variety of exercises, which take into account the different channels of learning. A critical examination of the “can do” statements developed by the German “Goethe-Institut”, within the Framework “Curriculum for Integration Courses – German as a Second Language”, forms an important background for the didactisation presented in this study. The section on “Physician-Patient-Conversation” and its practical application in the textbook “Menschen” published by Hueber Verlag and used in integration courses are also closely considered. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie fokus op kommunikasieprobleme wat tydens mediese konsultasies in Duitsland ontstaan tussen immigrante met ontoereikende taalvaardigheid in Duits en doktors, en op die negatiewe gevolge van sulke wankommunikasie op die kwaliteit van gesondheidsorg. Die studie stel voor dat alternatiew onderrigmetodes in integrasiekursusse ingespan word, veral suggestopedagogiek, om dié problem die hoof te bied. Aangsien immigrante dikwels aan akkulturasiestres lei, word metodes wat op die suggesopedagogiek basseer as uiters toepaslik gesien deurdat negatiewe ingesteldhede met `n multisensoriese toepassing van leermateriaal bekamp kan word. `n Gedidaktiseerde konsep wat daarop gemik is om immigrante se algemene taalvaardighede te verbeter met betrekking tot dokter-pasient-kommunikasie word voorgestel vir gebruik in integrasiekursusse. Dit word veronderstel dat as die uitdrukvermoeë op die gebied van gesondheidsorg verbeter word, sal kommunikasiestruikelblokke verminder terwyl die die vrees om tydens `n mediese ondersoek te praat tot `n algemene verbetering in die gesondheidstoestand van immigrante met onvoldoiende taalvaardighede sal lei. Die metodes uit die suggestopedagogiek wat geïmplementeer word, strek van `n suggestopediese teks tot `n wye verskeidenheid oefeninge wat met verskillende leerstyle rekening hou. `n Kritiese ondersoek van die "kan“ beskrywings wat vir die "Kurrikulum vir Integrasiekursusse – Duits as Tweede Taal“ deur die Goethe Instituut ontwikkel is, maak deel uit van die belangrike agtergrond vir die didaktiese implementeringsvoorstelle van hierdie studie. Die afdeling "Dokter-Pasient-Gesprek“ en die praktiese toepassing daarvan in die teksboek "Menschen" wat deur die Hueber Verlag uitgegee is en in integrasiekursusse gebruik word, is ook onder die loep geneem.

Suggestopaedie als alternative Methode in der aktuellen Diskussion zu Fremdsprachenmethoden : Theorie und Praxis im sudafrikanischen DaF-Kontext

Britz, Lize 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The following thesis aims to contribute to the field of teaching German as a foreign language. It investigates the evolutionary history of Suggestopaedia, an alternative teaching method which originated during the late 1970s. The Bulgarian psychiatrist, Dr. Georgi Lozanov, discovered that relaxation and a stress-free environment promote both accelerated learning and memory retention. Further research proves that the combined elements and techniques of this method play a significant role to positively manipulate brain activity as well as individual perceptions, which could eventually result in the development of the personality. The author of this study analyses both the contributions and shortcomings of Suggestopaedia, reporting from personal experience gathered while teaching at a university in South Africa, and subsequently suggests an altered version of the suggestopaedic teaching ways. Various foreign language teaching methodologies are examined and evaluated while the main focus remains on Suggestopaedia and its principle of holistic learning. By exploiting the eclectic aspects of the suggestopaedic teaching method, this thesis investigates to what extent selected elements of different conventional methods can be integrated into Suggestopaedic teaching. Thereby the author ultimately proposes a holistic, enriched and modernized variant of Lozanovs Suggestopaedia for the teaching of German at schools in South Africa, by demonstrating practical examples executed at a private school. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis poog om ʼn bydrae te lewer tot die gebied in die onderrig van Duits as ʼn vreemdetaal. Dit ondersoek die evolusionêre geskiedenis van Suggestopedie wat as „n onderrigmetode in die laat 1970‟s ontstaan het. Die Bulgaarse psigiater, dr. Georgi Lozanov, het bevind dat „n ontspanne en stresvrye omgewing beide versnelde leer en geheue retensie bevorder. Verdere navorsing toon dat die gekombineerde elemente en tegnieke van hierdie metode „n betekenisvolle rol speel om brein-aktiwiteit positief te manipuleer en individuele persepsies positief te beïnvloed, wat ten slotte ʼn persoonlikheidsontwikkeling tot gevolg kan hê. Die skrywer van hierdie studie analiseer sowel die bydrae asook die tekortkominge van Suggestopedie aan die hand van persoonlike ervaring wat versamel is tydens onderrig aan „n Suid-Afrikaanse universiteit. Hieruit word dan „n gewysigde weergawe van suggestopediese onderrig voorgestel. Verskeie vreemdetaal-onderrigmetodes word ondersoek en geassesseer, terwyl die fokus steeds op Suggestopedie en die beginsel van holistiese leer bly. Deur gebruik te maak van die eklektiese aspek van die suggestopediese leermetode, ondersoek die skrywer tot watter mate geselekteerde elemente van verskillende konvensionele metodes geintegreer kan word met Suggestopedie. Met bogenoemde navorsing inaggeneem, stel die skrywer gevolglik „n holistiese, verrykte en gemoderniseerde weergawe van Lozanov se Suggestopedie voor, aan die hand van praktiese voorbeelde wat by „n privaatskool toegepas is.

Zur Rolle von Metaphern im Unterricht Deutsch als Fremdsprache auf A1 Niveau : eine Untersuchung am Beispiel des Lehrwerks Menschen

Engelbrecht, Natasha 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts (German) in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Stellenbosch University and for the degree of Master of Arts (Deutsch als Fremdsprache im deutsch-afrikanischen Kontext) in the Faculty of Philology at Leipzig University in terms of a double degree agreement. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis aims to make a contribution to the field of teaching German as a foreign language. It investigates the role of metaphors in language and more specifically in foreign language learning. Firstly it advocates the inherent, although often invisible, presence of metaphors in all types of language by exploring the cognitive linguistic theories of Lakoff and Johnson, among others. Secondly it explores the necessity of integrating metaphor-awareness raising by looking at the current situation of German at South-African universities, as well as referring to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. In addition it is argued that by experiencing the metaphorical nature of language from the onset of language learning (A1-level), learners can develop and improve their linguistic-, literary- and cultural competencies, as well as developing the ability to independently reflect on language. To demonstrate how metaphor-awareness raising can be integrated into language teaching by using existing textbooks, two conceptual lessons are developed for adult learners at university level by using two sections from the textbook Menschen A1. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis poog om n bydrae te lewer tot die onderrig van Duits as n vreemdetaal. Dit ondersoek die rol van metafore in taal en meer spesifiek die aanleer van n vreemdetaal. Eerstens berus dit op die beginsel van o.a. Lakoff en Johnson dat metafore inherent is tot taal, alhoewel dit nie altyd sigbaar is nie. Tweedens word die noodsaaklikheid om metafoorbewusmaking in vreemdetaal-onderrig te integreer ondersoek, deur te kyk na die huidige duitse aanbod aan suidafrikaanse universiteite en deur te kyk na die ”Common European Framework of References of Languages“. Daarop word geargumenteer dat leerders hulle linguistise-, letterkundige-, en kulturele vermoëns kan verbeter, asook om onafhanklik oor taal te reflekteer, deur die metaforiese natuur van taal alreeds vanaf beginnersvlak (A1) te ervaar. Om te demonstreer hoe metafoor-bewusmaking met vreemdetaal-onderrig geintegreer kan word deur die gebruik van bestaande handboeke, word twee konseptuele lesse vir volwasse leerders op tersiëre vlak ontwikkel deur twee afdelings in die Menschen A1 handboek aan te pas.

Romantik in der Postmoderne : Christian Krachts Faserland

Crous, Emile David 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis investigates Romantic motifs in Postmodernism, especially Romantic motifs in Christian Kracht’s postmodern pop novel Faserland. Although in many aspects the era of German Romanticism (ca. 1798 – 1835) in literary history is seen as completed, Romanticism, as demonstrated in this thesis, still plays a significant role in today's postmodern literature. Even though discussions on this subject already exist, by theorists such as Blanning, Safranski and Lüthe, whose views provide the theoretical foundations for this hypothesis, concrete text investigations were yet still absent until now. Based on a comparison between themes and motifs of well-known Romantic texts, such as Heinrich von Ofterdingen (Novalis) , Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts (Joseph von Eichendorff) as well as Der Sandmann (E.T.A. Hoffmann), and Christian Kracht’s postmodern Faserland, the continuity of Romanticism is illustrated in this study. The study not only provides an in depth analysis of the mentioned texts, but also, by means of comparison, clearly illustrates and evaluates to which extent Romantic thought has altered in a postmodern context. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek Romantiese motiewe in Postmodernisme, veral Romantiese motiewe in Christian Kracht se postmoderne poproman Faserland. Alhoewel in baie aspekte die tydperk van die Duitse Romantiek (ongeveer 1798 – 1835) in die literêre geskiedenis as afgehandel beskou word, speel die Romantiek, soos gedemonstreer in hierdie tesis, steeds 'n belangrike rol in vandag se postmoderne literatuur. Hoewel daar reeds besprekings oor hierdie onderwerp bestaan, deur teoretici soos Blanning, Safranski en Lüthe, wie se sienings die teoretiese basis vir hierdie hiptese bied, was konkrete teksondersoeke egter tot nou toe afwesig. Gebaseer op 'n vergelyking tussen die temas en motiewe van bekende Romantiese tekste, soos Heinrich von Ofterdingen (Novalis), Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts (Joseph von Eichendorff) sowel as Der Sandmann (E.T.A. Hoffmann), en Christian Kracht se postmoderne Faserland, word die kontinuïteit van die Romantiek in hierdie studie geïllustreer. Die tesis bied nie net 'n in diepte ontleding van die genoemde tekste nie, maar illustreer en evalueer ook duidelik, deur middel van vergelyking, tot watter mate Romantiese motiewe in 'n postmoderne konteks verander het. / GERMAN ABSTRACT: Zusammenfassung: In dieser Arbeit wird auf romantische Motive in der Postmoderne, im Besonderen aber auf romantische Motive in dem postmodernen popliterarischen Roman Christian Krachts Faserland eingegangen. Obwohl in der Literaturgeschichte die Epoche der deutschen Romantik (ca. 1798 – 1835) als abgeschlossen gesehen wird, spielt die Romantik, wie in dieser Arbeit gezeigt wird, eine bedeutende Rolle in der heutigen postmodernen Literatur. Auch wenn es bereits Diskussionen zu diesem Thema gibt, von Theoretikern wie Blanning, Safranski und Lüthe, deren Ansichten die theoretischen Grundlagen für diese Hypothese liefern, sind konkrete Textuntersuchungen bisweilen dennoch ausgeblieben. Anhand eines Vergleichs zwischen Themen und Motiven von bekannten romantischen Texten, wie Heinrich von Ofterdingen (Novalis), Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts (Joseph von Eichendorff) sowie auch Der Sandmann (E.T.A. Hoffmann), und Christian Krachts postmodernen Faserland , wird die Kontinuität der Romantik in dieser Arbeit dargestellt. Die These liefert nicht nur eine eingehende Analyse der genannten Texte, sondern illustriert und bewertet auch deutlich, mit Hilfe von einem Vergleich, inwiefern sich der romantischen Geist sich in einem postmodernen Kontext verändert hat.

Gedachtnis und Genozid im zeitgenossischen historischen Afrika-Roman

Ikobwa, James Meja Lusava 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Remembrance and Genocide in the Contemporary German historical Africa-Novel In view of the role that literature plays in the remembrance of the Holocaust and in consideration of postcolonial approaches to interpreting the present in relation to the past, this study investigates the questions of remembrance and genocide in the contemporary German historical novel set in Africa. For this purpose, five historical novels will be analyzed. Three of them portray the colonial extermination of the Herero and Nama in German South-West Africa (1904-1907). These are: Gerhard Seyfried’s Herero (2003), Jürgen Leskien’s Einsam in Südwest (1991) and Uwe Timm’s Morenga (1978). The other two novels, Lukas Bärfuss’ Hundert Tage (2008) and Hans Christoph Buch’s Kain und Abel in Afrika (2001) deal with the Rwanda genocide of 1994 and its aftermath. Except for Jürgen Leskien’s Einsam in Südwest, the other novels have been analyzed before, but not from the perspective of ‘literary witnessing to genocide’, as this study will show. Using theoretical approaches of cultural and social memory studies as conceptualized by Jan and Aleida Assmann and adapted by other theorists, the study aims to assess the capacity of the novels as sites of memory. The textual analysis separately explores the question of genocide and that of remembrance and then links the two in a threefold manner. Firstly, it will be shown that genocide results in a myriad of memory constellations which correspond to the different participants’ need to come to terms with their actions and situations e.g. trauma on the part of the victims, guilt on the part of the aggressors and bystanders etc. Secondly, in this study the two genocides in Rwanda and Namibia open up the question of their relation to the Holocaust. It will be shown how the three genocides could be connected by investigating structural aspects, continuities and participants’ constellations. Generally, the fictionalized history this study explores is written from the perspective of guilt and trauma memory. The third aspect of this study will take into consideration recent debates about the German memory culture, including discussions about colonial history, focussed on the institutionalized atrocities committed against inhabitants of colonized territories in Southwest Africa and their claim for compensation. These discussions bring into focus the need to come to terms with an unresolved past, and the possible role of literature in this regard. By analyzing the selected novels, this study will explore the above considerations against the interpretations of historical occurrences as (re)constructed in the narrations. This study’s point of departure is that the historical Africa-Novel functions as an archive of memories of historical events that inspired their writing. The texts will be analysed as performing memory, incorporating memory, interpreting memory and revitalising historical consciousness. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Herinnering en Volksmoord in die kontemporêre Duitse historiese Afrika-roman In die lig van die rol wat letterkunde speel in die herinnering aan die Holocaust en met inagneming van postkoloniale benaderings tot die interpretasie van die hede in verhouding tot die verlede, stel hierdie studie ondersoek in na die vrae rondom herinnering en volksmoord in die kontemporêre Duitse historiese roman wat in Afrika afspeel. Vir hierdie doel sal vyf historiese romans geanaliseer word. Drie daarvan beeld die koloniale uitdelging van die Herero en die Nama in Duits-Suidwes-Afrika (1904-1907) uit. Hierdie romans is Gerhard Seyfried se Herero (2003), Jürgen Leskien se Einsam in Südwest (1991) en Uwe Timm se Morenga (1978). Die ander twee romans, Lukas Bärfuss se Hundert Tage (2008) en Hans Christoph Buch se Kain und Abel in Afrika (2001) handel oor die 1994 Rwanda volksmoord en die nasleep daarvan. Met die uitsondering van Jürgen Leskien se Einsam in Südwest is al die ander romans reeds voorheen geanaliseer, maar nie vanuit die perspektief van ‘letterkunde as getuie tot volksmoord’ nie, soos wat in hierdie studie aangetoon sal word. Deur die toepassing van kulturele en sosiale herinneringstudies soos gekonseptualiseer deur Jan en Aleida Assmann en aangepas deur ander teoretici, is dit die doel van hierdie studie om vas te stel tot watter mate hierdie romans optree as plekke van herinnering. Die tekstuele analise ondersoek die kwessies van volksmoord en herinnering afsonderlik en voeg dit dan saam op ’n drievoudige manier. Eerstens sal daar getoon word dat volksmoord lei tot tallose herinneringskonstellasies wat ooreenstem met die verskillende deelnemers se behoefte om hulle te berus by hulle aksies en situasies, byvoorbeeld trauma aan die kant van die slagoffers en skuld aan die kant van die aanvallers en omstanders, ens. Tweedens, in hierdie studie oor die volksmoorde in Rwanda en Namibië, kom die vraag na die Joodse volkslagting na vore. Daar sal getoon word hoe hierdie drie volksmoorde verbind kan word deur ondersoek in te stel na strukturele aspekte, kontinuïteit en deelnemers se konstellasies. Die gefiksionaliseerde geskiedenis wat in hierdie studie ondersoek word is oor die algemeen geskryf vanuit die perspektief van skuld- en traumaherinnering. Die derde aspek van hierdie studie neem onlangse debat in ag wat handel oor die Duitse herinneringskultuur. Dit sluit in besprekings oor koloniale geskiedenis wat fokus op die geïnstitusionaliseerde gruweldade gepleeg teen inwoners van gekoloniseerde grondgebiede in Suidwes-Afrika en hulle eis vir vergoeding. Hierdie besprekings neem die behoefte om die onopgeloste verlede te aanvaar onder die loep, asook die moontlike rol wat letterkunde kan speel in hierdie verband. Deur die analise van die gekose romans sal hierdie studie bogenoemde oorwegings ondersoek in die lig van verskillende interpretasies van historiese gebeure soos ge(re)konstrueer in die vertellings. Die vertrekpunt van hierdie studie is dat die historiese Afrika-roman funksioneer as ‘n argief vir herinneringe aan die historiese gebeure wat die skryf daarvan geïnspireer het. Die tekste sal geanaliseer word as uitvoering van herinnering, inkorporasie van herinnering, interpretasie van herinnering en die proses om nuwe lewe te blaas in historiese bewustheid.

Literature of impasse : a comparative analysis of Joseph Roth’s Radetzkymarsch, Giorgio Bassani’s Gli Occhiali d’Oro and Henri Fauconnier’s Malaisie

Snyman, Jacobus Wilhelmus Otto 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation sets out from the assumption that there is a phenomenon one can call literature of impasse. By this is meant that there is a body of literature that can be defined as a literature of impasse because of the specific time of writing or of its setting. The definition used in this exploration is based upon the historical, social, political and psychological forces that shape literature of impasse. Broadly speaking the term refers to works of literature of which the authors are considered to be fully aware that what they were describing, analysing and exploring was the impasse which the Western individual had to navigate in order to arrive at any coherent sense of self. The authors in this study – Joseph Roth (1894-1939), Giorgio Bassani (1916-2000) and Henri Fauconnier (1879-1973) – can be regarded as three such authors, and the aim of this dissertation is to demonstrate in what way they are indeed authors of impasse in the works under discussion and what the devices are that they have employed to convey their vision. Far from being a vision that (myopically) sees no resolution, the authors demonstrate a need to identify the impasse itself and its causes and consequences in a narrative style. As part of the acknowledgement of impasse, the description of the ontological impasse of the protagonists is also explored as is the central discussion of modernity and Modernism and how modernity appears to exacerbate the sense of impasse. The position of the protagonists in these works leads in turn to the exploration of individual attempts to overcome the impasse and, in so doing, the study inevitably has to explore the philosophical attributes reflected in each of the works. The comparative nature of this analysis, straddling three languages and literary traditions, and the complex contexts of “impasse”, necessitates studies in other disciplines. The works of Ernest Gellner (1925-1995) seemed particularly suited to this exploration as an analytical springboard inasmuch as his works examine the anthropological and philosophical aspects which have determined the historical forces and milieux with which the three novelists have to contend in the formulation of their respective visions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie proefskrif berus op die veronderstelling dat daar ‘n fenomeen bestaan wat letterkunde van impasse oftewel van die dooie punt genoem kan word. Dit beteken dat daar ‘n korpus van letterkundige werke is wat gedefinieer kan word as letterkunde van impasse op grond van die spesifieke tydperk waarin dit tot stand gekom het of die narratiewe agtergrond daarvan. Die definisie wat in hierdie studie gebruik word is gegrond op die geskiedkundige, sosiale, politiese en sielkundige kragte waardeur letterkunde van impasse gevorm word. Die term verwys in die breë na werke wat geskep word deur skrywers wat ten volle daarvan bewus is dat dit wat hulle beskryf, ontleed en verken die dooie punt is waardeur die Westerse individu moet beweeg om enige koherente sin van die self te bereik. Die skrywers in hierdie studie – Joseph Roth (1894-1939), Giorgio Bassani (1916-2000) en Henri Fauconnier (1879-1973) – kan beskou word as drie sodanige skrywers en die doel van hierdie proefskrif is om aan te toon waarom hulle inderdaad skrywers van impasse is in die werke wat bespreek word en op watter maniere hulle hierdie persepsie oordra. Dit handel hoegenaamd nie oor ‘n persepsie wat stiksienig geen uitkoms sien nie en die skrywers toon veral ‘n behoefte om die impasse, sowel as die oorsake en gevolge daarvan, in ‘n narratiewe styl te identifiseer. As deel van die erkenning van impasse, word die beskrywing van die ontologiese impasse van die protagoniste ook ondersoek sowel as die sentrale bespreking van moderniteit en Modernisme en die wyse waarop moderniteit die gevoel van impasse blyk te vererger. Die posisie van die protagoniste in hierdie werke lei weer na die verkenning van individuele pogings om die dooie punt te oorkom en gevolglik moet die studie noodwendig ook die filosofiese standpunte ondersoek wat in die werke gereflekteer word. Die vergelykende aard van hierdie ontleding wat strek oor drie tale en literêre tradisies en die komplekse konteks van “impasse” maak verwysing na ander dissiplines noodsaaklik. Die werke van Ernest Gellner (1925-1995) het besonder geskik voorgekom vir hierdie verkenning as analitiese wegspringplek aangesien sy werk die antropologiese en filosofiese aspekte ondersoek van die geskiedkundige kragte en omgewings waarmee hierdie drie romanskrywers te kampe gehad het in die formulering van hulle onderskeie sienings.

Literatur im DaF-Unterricht Zur Didaktik der Literarizitat auf A1 und A2 Niveau unter Berucksichtigung des Einsatzes von Handys im Unterricht.

Maree, Christine Cecilia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis aims to make a contribution to the field of literature study in foreign language teaching. It investigates the practical implications of theories such as Michael Dobstadt‟s Didaktik der Literarizität and Claire Kramsch‟s symbolic competence. It specifically looks at how these approaches to literature can be implemented in the elementary levels (A1 and A2) of foreign language teaching. Furthermore, the range of possibilities that mobile phones offer for the foreign language learning environment are explored. Suggestions are proffered as to how the inclusion of mobile phones, as educational tools, can support the successful implementation of Dobstadt and Kramsch‟s theories in the foreign language classroom. On the basis of the theory, two sets of lesson plans are developed for high school beginner level German classes in South Africa; the lesson plans serve as examples of how the theories of Dobstadt and Kramsch can, on beginner level and in conjunction with the use of mobile phones, be implemented in practice. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis poog om ʼn bydrae te maak tot die literatuur van vreemdetaal-onderrig. Die praktiese implikasies van teorieë soos dié van Michael Dobstadt se Didaktik der Literarizität en Claire Kramsch se symbolic competence word ondersoek. Daar word spesifiek gekyk na hoe sulke benaderings tot literatuur op beginnervlak (A1 en A2) van vreemdetaal-onderrig geïmplementeer kan word. Verder word die trefwydte van moontlikhede wat selfone vir vreemdetaal-onderrig bied, ondersoek. Voorstelle word gemaak oor hoe die gebruik va n selfone, as opvoedkundige hulpmiddels, die implementering van Dobstadt en Kramsch se teorieë in die vreemdetaal-klaskamer kan ondersteun. Vanuit „n teoretiese uitgangspunt word twee stelle lesplanne vir Duitse klasse op hoërskool-beginnervlak in Suid-Afrika ontwikkel as voorbeelde van hoe die teorieë van Dobstadt en Kramsch, op beginnervlak en in samewerking met die gebruik van selfone, in die praktyk geïmplementeer kan word.

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