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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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The relationship between HIF-1α and autophagy activity in the hypoxic environment of breast cancer

Mills, Justin 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction: Among the cancers that afflict females world-wide, neoplastic disease of breast tissue is the most frequently diagnosed form and the leading cause of cancer-related death. Conventional treatment entails the use of doxorubicin, an anticancer agent belonging to the anthracycline family of chemotherapeutic drugs. Cancer cells are becoming increasingly resistant to doxorubicin therapy. The existence of hypoxic zones, which is a common feature of solid tumours, has been shown to promote the selection of therapy resistant clones in proliferating cancer cells. By modifying cellular homeostasis, neoplastic cells are capable of tolerating the hypoxic insult and thriving within the hostile microenvironment of the tumour. This adaptation is known as ‘the hypoxic response’ and is mediated through the action of the transcriptional regulator, HIF-1. Its expression in cancer tissue has been associated with a dismal prognosis as it promotes the degree of malignancy to an advanced stage. Hypothesis & Aims: We hypothesized that the targeting of HIF-1α would circumvent the ‘protective’ hypoxic response conferred upon breast cancer and improve the cytotoxicity of doxorubicin treatment. In this study, the first aim was to identify the hypoxic conditions at which the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line manifests a doxorubicin-resistant phenotype. This was followed by examination of the molecular pathways contributing to the hypoxic resistance by elucidating the potential relationship with the hypoxic regulator HIF-1α. Once the involvement of HIF-1α was established, the next aim was to evaluate whether the attenuation of HIF-1α would terminate the resistant phenotype and sensitize the neoplastic MCF-7 cells to doxorubicin treatment. Finally, the reproducibility of the in vitro experiment and efficacy of treatments within an animal model was evaluated. 2-Methoxyestradiol is a naturally occurring metabolite originating from 17β-estradiol. It has recently been exploited as an anticancer agent due to its anti-proliferative and anti-angiogenic properties. Among its various mechanisms of action, this compound has been shown to inhibit the expression of HIF-1α. It is for this reason that this study employed 2-methoxyestradiol in the adjuvant therapeutic treatment, along with doxorubicin. Methods: The in vitro experimental model employed the use of the breast adenocarcinoma estrogen receptor (ER-positive cell line, MCF-7. These neoplastic cells were propagated under standard culture conditions until reaching ~70-80% confluency, after which treatment commenced. The treatment regime comprised a 12 hour exposure to the doxorubicin (1 μM) chemotherapeutic agent, either alone or in combination with HIF-1α inhibitors, 2-methoxyestradiol (10 μM) or siRNA duplex (400 nM), with parallel incubations under normoxic (21%) and hypoxic (~0.1%) conditions. To serve as a positive control for HIF-1α expression, cells were treated with CoCl2 (100 μM). Molecular techniques employed included the Caspase-Glo® 3/7 Assay, western blotting, and the bioreductive MTT Assay. Mitochondrial integrity was assessed by live cell imaging/fluorescent microscopy. Cellular viability was monitored at all times. The experiment was then translated into a pre-clinical in vivo model where C57BL/6 mice bearing E0771 xenografts (4 week growth) were allocated into the following treatment groups: (1) control (2) doxorubicin (5 mg.kg-1), (3) 2-methoxyestradiol (45 mg.kg-1), and (4) the combination of the two previously mentioned groups. Body weight and the rate of tumour growth were monitored throughout the experiment. Results: Treatment with CoCl2 effectively stabilized HIF-1α under normoxic conditions. 2-Methoxyestradiol was capable of attenuating HIF-1α expression under both normoxia and hypoxia as compared with siRNA transfection, which was only effective under normoxia. HIF-1α stabilization was accompanied by an increase in autophagy along with the morphological transformation of mitochondria from an elongated network to shorter disc-like forms. On the other hand, HIF-1α attenuation caused an induction in the expression of the apoptotic markers, cleaved caspase 3 and cleaved PARP, as well as the restoration of the normoxic morphology. The exposure of MCF-7 cells to 1 μM doxorubicin for 12 hours produced a differential effect in the bioreductive MTT assay between normoxic and hypoxic conditions (42.97 ± 3.095% vs. normoxic dox, p<0.01), while stimulating the apoptotic and autophagic pathways. Compared to the control, a significant expression of phospho-AMPK became evident at 21% O2, while the levels remained stable at ~0.1% O2 after doxorubicin exposure. Furthermore, chemotherapeutic treatment caused the morphology of the mitochondria to appear dot-like. Although the combination of the two drugs removed the differential effect witnessed in the MTT assay, there was no significant change when compared to doxorubicin. Levels of apoptotic cell death decreased under both oxygen conditions. While HIF-1α and autophagy decreased under normoxia, they remained elevated under hypoxia. In the in vivo component of the study, the administration of doxorubicin and 2-methoxyestradiol, alone or in combination, did not affect the rate of tumour growth or induce systematic toxicity in any of the experimental mice. When drugs were administered separately, a decrease in apoptosis along with a concomitant increase in autophagy and p-AMPK expression became noticeable while neither treatment had any significant effect on the expression of HIF-1α. Adjuvant administration, however, was capable of attenuating HIF-1α along with autophagy. Discussion: By inducing (CoCl2) and inhibiting (2-methoxyestradiol; siRNA duplex) HIF-1α, it was established that the autophagic pathway in the in vitro experimental setting of this study was dependent on the expression of HIF-1α. The bioreductive MTT assay measures the metabolic state of a cell, which is an indirect indication of cellular viability. Based on this, hypoxia was shown to confer survival to neoplastic MCF-7 cells based on the differential effect witnessed after doxorubicin treatment. Apart from the induction of apoptosis and its associated mitochondrial fragmentation, the chemotherapeutic drug increased the activation of the metabolic sensor, AMPK, which upregulated autophagy during normoxia. While this autophagic process may assist in the killing mechanism, we speculate that the autophagy upregulated under hypoxia may be responsible for the survival effect and is most likely dependent on HIF-1α. In contrast to eliciting a synergistic cytotoxic effect, the combination of doxorubicin with 2-methoxyestradiol produced an antagonistic effect on cellular viability instead. We propose that under normoxia, the combined treatment may stimulate the MCF-7 neoplastic cells to enter a state of growth arrest, or senescence, since the results indicate that the decrease in HIF-1α-dependent autophagy did not significantly affect cellular viability. Under hypoxia, despite the incorporation of the pharmacological HIF-1α inhibitor (2-methoxyestradiol), the expression levels of HIF-1α remained unaffected. We speculate that this could be the result of a potentiated stabilization of HIF-1α caused by the build-up of ROS and TCA intermediates which may be the outcome of mitochondrial dysfunction inflicted upon adjuvant therapy under hypoxia. Furthermore, it is also likely that the slight mitogenic effect observed within the MTT assay may be caused by the conversion of 2-methoxyestradiol to a chemically-reactive estrogen derivative, possibly by the action of doxorubicin, and the fact that an ER-positive cancer cell line was employed in this study. With regards to the in vivo experimental model, we speculated that the failure of the molecular changes to manipulate the growth of the tumour could have been the result of an ineffective time- and/or dose regime. Conclusion: We therefore reject our hypothesis based on the fact that an antagonistic rather than synergistic effect was witnessed when the tumorigenic MCF-7 cell line was treated with adjuvant therapy. The results warrant the need for extensive testing on the pharmacodynamics of 2-methoxyestradiol, and more informative techniques to compliment the study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding: Borskanker is die mees algemeen gediagnoseerde kanker asook die hoof oorsaak van kanker-verwante sterftes in vrouens wêreldwyd. Konvensionele behandeling behels die toediening van doxorubicin, ‘n anti-kankermiddel wat aan die antrasiklien-familie van chemoterapeutiese middels behoort. Kankerselle begin egter toenemend weerstandbiedend raak teen doxorubicin behandeling. Daar is al bewys dat die voorkoms van hipoksiese sones, wat ‘n algemene eienskap van soliede tumore is, die seleksie vir weerstandbiedende klone van prolifererende kankerselle, veroorsaak. Neoplastiese selle kan hierdie hipoksiese toestande weerstaan en in hierdie ongunstige mikro-omgewing floreer deur sellulêre homeostase te modifiseer. Hierdie aanpassing staan bekend as die ‘hipoksiese respons’ en word bemiddel deur die aksies van die transkripsiefaktor reguleerder, HIF-1. Die verhoogde uitdrukking van HIF-1 in kankerweefsel word oor die algemeen geassosieer met ‘n swak prognose omdat dit die maligniteit vehoog. Hipotese en Doelwitte: Die hipotese van hierdie studie behels dus die volgende: Deur HIF-1α te inhibeer, sal die ‘beskermende’ hipoksiese respons wat in borskankerselle voorkom omseil kan word en sodoende die sitotoksisiteit van doxorubicin terapie verhoog. Die eerste doelwit van hierdie studie was dus om die hipoksiese kondisies te identifiseer waar MCF-7 selle ‘n doxorubicin-weerstandbiedende fenotipe vertoon. Daarna is die molekulêre paaie wat bydrae tot hierdie hipoksiese weerstand ondersoek asook hul moontlike verwantskap met die hipoksiese reguleerder, HIF-1α. Nadat die rol van HIF-1α bevestig is, was die volgende doelwit om te bepaal of die inhibisie van HIF-1α die weerstandbiedende fenotipe sal onderdruk en neoplastiese MCF-7 selle sal sensitiseer vir doxorubicin behandeling. Laastens is die herhaalbaarheid en effektiwiteit van behandeling in die in vitro eksperimente ook in ‘n diermodel getoets. 2-Methoxyestradiol is ‘n metaboliet van 17β-estradiol wat natuurlik in die liggaam voorkom. Dit is ook onlangs as ‘n anti-kanker middel geïdentifiseer as gevolg van die anti-verdelende en anti-angiogeniese eienskappe. Een van die eienskappe van 2-methoxyestradiol is dat dit ook die uitdrukking van HIF-1α kan onderdruk. Dit is dan ook vir hierdie rede dat 2-methoxyestradiol in hierdie studie as bykomende terapie saam met doxorubicin gebruik is. Metodes: Die in vitro eksperimentele model behels die gebruik van ‘n borsadenokarsinoom, estrogeenreseptor (ER)- positiewe sellyn, MCF-7. Hierdie neoplastiese selle is onder standaard weefselkultuur omstandighede gekweek totdat konfluensie van ~70-80% bereik is, waarna behandeling begin het. Die behandelingsprosedure behels ‘n 12 uur blootstelling aan doxorubicin (1 µM) chemoterapeutiese middel alleen of in kombinasie met die HIF-1α inhibitore, 2-methoxyestradiol (10 µM) of siRNA duplex (400 nM) in normoksiese (21% O2) en hipoksiese (~0.1% O2) toestande. Die selle is ook met CoCl2 behandel wat gedien het as ‘n positiewe kontrole vir HIF-1α uitdrukking. Molekulêre tegnieke wat tydens hierdie studie gebruik is, sluit die “Caspase-Glo® 3/7” bepaling in, asook die westelike kladtegniek en die MTT bepaling. Mitochondriale integriteit is bepaal deur middel van lewende sel afbeeldings/fluoresensie mikroskopie. Sellewensvatbaarheid is ten alle tye gemonitor. Hierdie eksperment is verder ook in ‘n pre-kliniese in vivo model uitgevoer waar C57BL/6 muise met E0771 xenografte (4 weke groei) geïnduseer is en in die volgende behandelingsgroepe verdeel is: (1) kontrole; (2) doxorubicin (5 mg.kg-1); (3) 2-methoxyestradiol (45 mg.kg-1); en (4) die kombinasie van laasgenoemde twee groepe. Die liggaamsgewig en die tempo van tumorgroei is tydens die hele eksperiment gemonitor. Resultate: CoCl2 behandeling het HIF-1α effektief gestabiliseer tydens normoksiese omstandighede. 2-Methoxyestradiol het HIF-1α uitdrukking tydens normoksiese en hipoksiese toestande onderdruk wanneer dit vergelyk is met siRNA transfeksie wat slegs tydens normoksiese toestande effektief was. HIF-1α stabilisering het gepaardgegaan met ‘n toename in autofagie asook morfologiese veranderinge in die mitochondria vanaf ‘n verlengde netwerk tot korter skyfagtige vorme. Aan die ander kant het HIF-1α onderdrukking ‘n toename in die apoptotiese merkers, nl kliewing in caspase-3 and PARP veroorsaak wat gepaard gegaan het met die herstel van die tubulêre mitochondriale netwerk. Die blootstelling van die MCF-7 selle aan 1 µM doxorubicin vir 12 ure het ‘n differensiële effek in die bioreduktiewe MTT bepaling tot gevolg gehad tussen normoksiese en hipoksiese toestande (42.97 ± 3.095%, p<0.1), terwyl die apoptotiese- en autofagiese paaie in beide toestande gestimuleer is. ‘n Insiggewende toename in fosfo-AMPK uitdrukking was sigbaar tydens normoksiese toestande van 21% O2, terwyl dit onveranderd gebly het tydens hipoksiese toestande van 0.1% ~O2 na doxorubicin behandeling. Die morfologie van die mitochondria het ‘n ‘kollerige’ voorkoms tydens doxorubicin behandeling gehad. Alhoewel die behandeling van die selle met beide middels gelyktydig, die differensiële effek soos weerspieël in die MTT bepaling ophef, is daar geen insiggewende verandering wanneer met doxorubicin behandeling vergelyk word nie. Apoptotiese seldood verminder met gelyktydige behandeling van biede middels tydens normoksiese en hipoksiese toestande. HIF1-α en autofagie het afgeneem tydens normoksiese toestande, maar bly vehoog tydens hipoksie. In die in vivo model, het die toediening van doxorubicin en 2-methoxyestradiol alleen en in kombinasie nie tumorgroei geaffekteer nie en ook nie sistemiese toksisiteit in enige van die eksperimentele muise tot gevolg gehad nie. Die afsonderlike toediening van die middels het ‘n afname in apoptose in ‘n toename in autofagie en p-AMPK uitdrukking tot gevolg gehad, terwyl afsonderlike toediening van die middels nie ‘n effek op HIF-1α uitdrukking gehad het nie. Die gelyktydige toediening van biede middels het egter ‘n onderdrukking van HIF1-α teweeggebring. Bespreking: Deur HIF-1α te induseer (CoCl2) en te inhibeer (2-methoxyestradiol en siRNA) in hierdie in vitro eksperimentele omstandighede, bevestig hierdie resultate dat autofagie afhanklik is van die uitdrukking van HIF-1α. Die bioreduktiewe MTT bepaling meet die metaboliese staat van die sel wat indirek sellewensvatbaarheid bepaal. Gebasseer op hierdie bepaling is bewys dat hipoksie ‘n weerstandbiedende fenotipe veroorsaak teen doxorubicin behandeling in neoplastiese MCF-7 selle. Doxorubicin veroorsaak ‘n toename in apoptose met geassosieerde mitochondriale fragmentering asook ‘n aktivering van die metaboliese sensor, AMPK, wat autofagie stimuleer in normoksiese omstandighede. Alhoewel ‘n toename in autofagie seldood kan stimuleer, spekuleer ons dat ‘n toename in autofagie tydens hipoksie verantwoordelik kan wees vir seloorlewing wat heel moontlik ook afhanklik van HIF-1α is. In kontras met die verwagting dat die kombinasie behandeling ‘n sinergistiese sitotoksiese effek sou teweegbring, dui ons resultate dat daar ‘n antagonistiese effek op sellewensvatbaarheid was. Ons stel voor dat die gekombineerde behandeling tydens normoksiese toestande MCF-7 neoplastiese selle stimuleer om in ‘n toestand van groeistaking in te gaan aangesien die resultate daarop dui dat ‘n afname in HIF-1α afhanklike autofagie nie sellulêre lewensvatbaarheid beïnvloed het nie. Tydens hipoksie, ten spyte van die bykomdende behandeling met die HIF-1α inhibitor (2-methoxyestradiol), het die vlakke van HIF-1α onveranderd gebly. Ons spekuleer dat dat dit die gevolg kan wees van die stabilisering van HIF-1α as gevolg van ‘n toename in ROS en TCA intermediate wat die gevolg van mitochondriale wanfunksie kan wees tydens bykomende terapie onder hipoksiese toestande. Dit is ook moontlik dat die mitogeniese effek wat waargeneem is met die MTT bepaling die gevolg kan wees van die omsetting van 2-methoxyestradiol na ‘n chemiese-reaktiewe estrogeen derivaat; moontlik as gevolg van die aksie van doxorubicin en die feit dat die sellyn wat in hierdie studie gebruik is, ‘n ER-positiewe kankersellyn is. Met verwysing na die in vivo eksperimentele model, spekuleer ons dat die molekulêre veranderinge wat nie in die tumorgroei weerspieël word nie, die resultaat van oneffektiewe tyds- en dosis behandelingswyses is, of foutiewe toediening van die middel kan wees. Gevolgtrekking: Ons verwerp dus ons hipotese gebaseer op die feit dat bykomende (adjuvante) behandeling eerder ‘n antogonistiese effek as ‘n sinergistiese effek op seldood in MCF-7 selle het. Hierdie resultate regverdig die nodigheid van intensiewe toetsing op die farmakodinamika van 2-methoxyestradiol asook die gebruik van meer informatiewe tegnieke om hierdie studie te komplimenteer. / CANSA and Marie Stander

Investigation of myostatin and relevant regulators during muscle regeneration after an acute bout of eccentric exercise

Conradie, Johannes David 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to investigate the powerful muscle regulator, myostatin, and its regulators in response to an acute bout of plyometric training. The participants were recruited and screened by characterization by means of isometric force production tests, baseline blood creatine kinase levels and VO2 max results. The selected individuals (n=15) were subjected to a baseline muscle biopsy for comparative purposes. The study made use of plyometric jumping, as source of eccentric exercise, to serve as an exercise intervention after which muscle biopsies (4 hours post and 24 hours post) and blood draw (4 hours post, 24 hours post and 48 hours post) samples were taken. Maximal voluntary isometric contractions of the knee extensors were also measured immediately after the exercise protocol and after 1 week recovery. Creatine kinase (CK) analysis on the serum samples was used to conclude muscle damage. The muscle biopsy samples were used for protein quantification (Western blot) and gene expression assessment (semi-quantitative and real-time PCR). The results showed decreased force production immediately after eccentric exercise (p < 0.05), while returning back to baseline values at 1 week post exercise and CK results showed a significant increases at 4 hours (p<0.05), 24 hours (p<0.001) and 48 hours (p<0.01) after exercise. There were no significant differences in myostatin precursor protein (43 kDa), phosphorylated Smad2,3, Smad7 or activin receptor IIb in response to eccentric exercise. However, the follistatin protein was increased at both 4 hours and 24 hours after exercise (p<0.01). RNA analysis of the extracellular matrix (ECM) protein, decorin, revealed the existence of the splice variants A1 and A2 in human skeletal muscle. The RT-PCR analysis (n=4) of these variants showed no significant difference when comparing pre- to post-exercise. The decorin core protein was also investigated by means of antibody probing and results revealed the need for ABC chondroitinase enzyme treatment before immunoblotting of human skeletal muscle samples. The results concerning knee extensor force reduction and circulating creatine kinase showed the effectiveness of plyometric jumping in producing skeletal muscle damage in the lower limbs of unfit individuals, unaccustomed to eccentric exercise. In conclusion, myostatin, and its associated signalling cascade, are not activated in early muscle regeneration, but follistatin is increased during this phase possibly aiding and initiating the muscle repair process. Future studies: Variants of decorin are expressed in human skeletal muscle, increasing the complexity that should be taken into account in studies concerning the regulation of decorin in a human model. Investigation into myostatin protein at different post-translational levels needs more clarification. Published methods and materials used in different laboratories are not consistent and investigators should attempt to standardise protocols in order to compare results between studies more effectively. Of importance, these results show that the myostatin at protein level report different results compared to mRNA analysis and that more investigation into myostatin regulatory factors, with special reference to follistatin and decorin, is needed in future human models. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die kragtige spiere reguleerder, miostatin, en sy reguleerders in reaksie op 'n akute aanval van pliometriese spronge te ondersoek. Die deelnemers is gewerf en gekeur deur karakterisering deur middel van isometriese krag produksie toetse, basislyn bloed kreatien kinase vlakke en VO2maks resultate. Die geselekteerde individue (N = 15) is onderhewig aan 'n basislyn spierbiopsie vir vergelykende doeleindes. Die studie het gebruik gemaak van pliometriese spronge (essentriese spier aksie) as die oefening intervensie waarna spierbiopsie (4 uur na en 24 uur na) en bloed (4 uur na, 24 uur na en 48 uur na) monsters geneem is. Isometriese kontraksies van die knieverlengers is ook gemeet onmiddellik na die oefening protokol en na 1 week se herstel. Kreatine kinase (KK) ontleding van die serum monsters is gebruik om spierskade aftelei. Die spierbiopsie monsters was gebruik vir proteïen kwantifisering (Western klad) en die assessering van geen uitdrukking (semi-kwantitatiewe en real-time PCR). Die resultate het gewys dat krag produksie afgeneem het onmiddellik na essentriese oefening (p <0.05), terwyl dit terugkeer na die oorspronklike waardes 1 week na oefening en KK resultate toon 'n beduidende toename by 4 uur (p <0,05), 24 uur (p <0,001) en 48 uur (p <0,01) na oefening. Daar was geen betekenisvolle verskille in Miostatien voorloper proteïen (43 kDa), gefosforileerde Smad2,3, Smad7 of Activin reseptoor IIb in reaksie op essentriese oefening. Dit is egter die follistatien proteïen wat verhoog by beide 4 uur en 24 uur na oefening (p <0,01). RNS ontleding van die ekstrasellulêre matriks (ESM) proteïen, decorin, het die bestaan van die splitsing variante A1 en A2 in menslike skeletspier, aan die lig gebring. Die RT-PCR analise (n = 4) van hierdie variante het geen betekenisvolle verskille getoon wanneer voor met na-oefening vergelyk is. Die decorin kern proteïen is ook ondersoek deur middel van teenliggaam afhanklike metodes en resultate het die behoefte aan ABC chondroitinase ensiem behandeling voor immunokladding van menslike skeletspier monsters gesteun. Die resultate aangaande knieverlenger krag vermindering en sirkuleerende kreatien kinase het die doeltreffendheid van pliometriese spronge in die vervaardiging van skeletspier skade in die onderste ledemate van individue ongewoond aan essentriese oefening verseker. Ten slotte, Miostatien, en sy verwante sein kaskade, is nie geaktiveer vroeg in spier herstelling, maar follistatien is tydens hierdie fase verhoog en help moontlik met die aanvang van die spier herstel. Toekomstige studies: variante van decorin word uitgedruk in menslike skeletspier, wat die kompleksiteit aangaande decorin verhoog en dit is iets wat in ag geneem moet word in studies wat handel oor die regulering van decorin in mens modelle. Ondersoek na miostatien proteïen op verskillende na-translasie vlakke moet meer duidelikheid verkry. Gepubliseer metodes en materiaal wat gebruik word in verskillende laboratoriums is nie konsekwent en ondersoekbeamptes moet probeer om protokolle te standaardiseer sodat resultate van studies meer effektief kan vergelyk word. Van belang is, die resultate wys dat miostatien op proteïen vlak verskillende resultate vertoon in vergelyking met boodskapper-RNS ontleding en dat meer ondersoek na miostatien regulerende faktore, met spesiale verwysing na follistatien en decorin, nodig is in toekomstige menslike modelle.

The (un)SAFE and RISK(y) sides of doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity

Goldswain, Toni Leigh 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction The discovery of Doxorubicin in the 1960s has drastically improved the survival rates of cancer patients, however, its success is limited by dose-dependent cardiotoxicity. While much of the literature has focused on acute cardiotoxicity which is minor and generally reversible, chronic cardiotoxicity poses a serious threat to cancer survivors since it can lead to dilative cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure and even death. The mechanisms that contribute to cardiotoxicity are still a matter of controversy, however, oxidative stress-induced myocardial damage and apoptosis are thought to be the major role players. Reperfusion injury, also characterized by oxidative stress and apoptosis, occurs as a result of restoring blood flow to an ischemic heart. Fortunately, pre- and post-conditioning are techniques employed to minimize this damage and are thought to do so by activating the reperfusion injury salvage kinase (RISK) and survivor activating factor enhancement (SAFE) pathways. The RISK pathway involves the pro-survival kinases, Erk1/2 and Akt, while the SAFE pathway, triggered by TNF-α, involves Jak2 and STAT3. Since both reperfusion injury and Doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity share similar characteristics, this study aimed to determine whether the RISK and SAFE pathways are activated in response to long-term Doxorubicin treatment. Furthermore, this study aimed to determine whether TNF-α is produced during treatment, since its role in Doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity is still relatively unknown. Methods H9c2 cardiomyocytes and differentiated C2C12 myotubes were treated daily with increasing concentrations of Doxorubicin for a total of 120 hours. Cell viability, apoptosis and necrosis were assessed using the MTT, Caspase-Glo® 3/7 and lactate dehydrogenase assays respectively. TNF-α production was measured using Quantikine® ELISA kits and various assays were used to assess oxidative stress, anti-oxidant capacity and anti-oxidant status. The protein expression of the RISK and SAFE pathways were analysed by western blotting using both phospho-specific and total antibodies. Results and Discussion Treatment with Doxorubicin caused a time- and dose-dependent decrease in cell viability in both cell lines and this was accompanied by an increase in apoptosis. In the H9c2 cardiomyocytes, treatment with 0.2 μM Doxorubicin yielded significant levels of TNF-α after 120 hours and we can speculate that these low levels partially protected the cells from the toxic effects of Doxorubicin by activating the SAFE pathway, since both Jak2 and STAT3 were phosphorylated at this concentration. Treatment with 1 μM Doxorubicin caused a larger and biphasic pattern of TNF-α release, which may have then contributed to the decrease in cell viability, since the SAFE pathway was not activated at this concentration. Akt was phosphorylated during the first 72 hours of treatment with the low dose of Doxorubicin, but chronic treatment prevented this phosphorylation. While Erk1/2 was not phosphorylated at all at the low dose of Doxorubicin, neither Akt nor Erk1/2 was phosphorylated at the high dose and their inhibition may contribute to the cardiotoxic effects of Doxorubicin. In the C2C12 myotubes, a significant amount of TNF-α was produced after 120 hours of treatment with the low dose of Doxorubicin. Treatment with the high dose of Doxorubicin induced significant TNF-α production at every time point. While STAT3 was phosphorylated at the serine residue after treatment with the low dose of Doxorubicin, treatment with the high dose induced phosphorylation at the tyrosine residue in a time-dependent manner. p-Jak2 expression was significantly down-regulated at both concentrations of Doxorubicin, suggesting that STAT3 proteins can by-pass activation by Jak2. The Erk1/2 leg of the RISK pathway was also not activated for the majority of the treatment period, however, p-Akt expression was increased at the low concentration of Doxorubicin relative to total Akt expression. Conclusion These observations indicate that treatment with Doxorubicin causes a severe, dose-dependent loss in viability which is likely to mediated by high concentrations of TNF-α (induced by high concentrations of Doxorubicin) and down-regulation of protective signaling pathways. TNF-α may confer partial protection at low concentrations by activating the SAFE pathway. However, activation of the SAFE pathway could not provide sufficient protection from Doxorubicin, most probably because the RISK pathway was not simultaneously activated. Our results also clearly highlight the differences between acute and chronic treatment since a single high dose of Doxorubicin produced vastly different responses to cumulative treatment with a low dose. Before one can extrapolate these results into the clinical setting, further research is required to provide a better understanding of the RISK and SAFE pathways and whether stimulation thereof will provide a protective effect. In addition, although our study has shown that TNF-α is produced in response to Doxorubicin treatment, its true role, whether beneficial or detrimental, remains to be determined. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding Die ontdekking van Doksorubisien (DOKS) in die 1960’s het die oorlewingsyfer van kankerpasiënte drasties verhoog, maar DOKS-gebruik gaan egter ook gepaard met dosis-afhanklike kardiotoksisiteit. Terwyl die literatuur grootliks fokus op akute kardiotoksisiteit, wat minimaal en algemeen omkeerbaar is, hou kroniese kardiotoksisiteit ‘n ernistige bedreiging vir kankeroorlewendes in, aangesien dit kan lei tot dilatiewe kardiomiopatie, kongestiewe hartversaking, en selfs dood. Die spesfikieke meganismes wat bydrae tot kardiotoksisiteit is tans steeds onbekend, maar oksidatiewe stres-geinduseerde miokardiale skade en apoptose word beskou as hoof bydraende faktore. Reperfussie skade, ook gekaraktiseer deur die teenwoordigheid van oksidatiewe stres en apoptose, kom voor as gevolg van die herstel van bloedtoevoer na ‘n isgemiese hart. Om die skade te minimaliseer word voor- en nakondisionerings tegnieke geïmplimenteer wat die RSHK (Reperfussie Skade Herwinnings Kinase) en OAFV (Oorlewerings Aktiverings Faktor Versterkings)-weë aktiveer. Die RSHK weg maak gebruik van pro-oorlewings kinases Erk1/2 en Akt, terwyl die TNF-α geaktiveerde OAFV weg Jak2 en STAT3 betrek. Aangesien beide reperfussie skade en DOKS-geinduseerde kardiotoksisiteit soortgelyke eienskappe deel, is die doel van hierdie studie om vas te stel of die RSHK en OAFV-weë geaktiveer word in langtermyn DOKS behandeling. Boonop is nog ‘n doel van hierdie studie om vas te stel of TNF-α geproduseer word tydens behandeling, aangesien die rol daarvan in DOKS-geinduseerde kardiotoksisiteit steeds onbekend is. Metodes H9c2 kardiomiosiet en gedifferensieerde C2C12 miobuise was daagliks behandel met toenemende konsentrasies van Dox vir 120 ure. Die effekte van DOKS op sel lewensvatbaarheid, apoptose en nekrose is onderskeidelik ondersoek deur middel van die MTT, Caspase-Glo® 3/7 en LDH toetse. TNF-α produksie is bepaal deur van die Quantikine® toets gebruik te maak, en verskeie metodes is gebuik om die oksidatiewe stres, anti-oksidantkapasiteit en anti-oksidantstatus te bepaal. Die proteïenuitdrukking van die RSHK (Erk1/2 en Akt) en OAFV (Jak2 en STAT3) weë was ontleed deur middel van westerse afklattingstegniek deur van beide fosfospesifieke en totale teenliggaampies gebruik te maak. Resultate en Bespreking Behandeling met DOKS het ‘n tyd en dosis-afhanklike afname in sel lewensvatbaarheid in beide sellyne veroorsaak, wat gepaard gegaan het met ‘n toename in apoptose. In die H9c2 kardiomiosiete, het ‘n lae DOKS dosisbehandeling (0.2 μM) betekenisvolle vlakke van TNF-α na 120 uur opgelewer en ons kan spekuleer dat hierdie lae vlakke gedeeltelik die selle van die toksiese effekte van DOKS deur die aktivering van die OAFV weg beskerm het omrede beide Jak2 en STAT3 by hierdie konsentrasie gefosforileer is. Die hoë DOKS dosis (1 μM) het ‘n groter en bifasiese patroon van TNF-α vrystelling vertoon, wat kon bydra tot die DOKS-geinduseerde afname in sel lewensvatbaarheid. Akt is gedurende die eerste 72 uur van behandeling gefosforileer met die lae DOKS dosis, maar kroniese behandeling het hierdie fosforilering verhoed. Terwyl Erk1/2 glad nie gefosforileer is by die lae DOKS dosis nie, is nie Akt of Erk1/2 by die hoë dosis gefosforileer nie, en kan hierdie inhibering bydrae tot die kardiotoksiese effekte van DOKS. In die C2C12 miobuise, is ‘n betekenisvolle hoeveelheid TNF-α na 120 uur van behandeling geproduseer by die lae DOKS dosis. Behandeling met die hoë DOKS dosis het betekenisvolle TNF-α produksie geinduseer by elke tydspunt. Terwyl STAT3 gefosforileer is by die serienresidu na behandeling met die lae DOKS dosis, het behandeling met die hoë dosis fosforilering by die tirosienresidu op ’n tydsafhanklike wyse plaasgevind. p-Jak2 uitdrukking was betekenisvol verminder by beide DOKS konsentrasies, wat aanduidend is dat die STAT3 proteïene nie geaktiveer hoef te word deur Jak2 nie. Die Erk1/2 been van die RSHK weg is ook nie geaktiveer gedurende die oorhoofse behandelingstydperk nie, alhoewel, p-Akt wel uitgedruk is by die lae konsentrasie van DOKS relatief tot die totale Akt uitdrukking. Gevolgtrekkings Die resultate van hierdie studie toon dat DOKS-behandeling tot ‘n dosis-afhanklike verlies in sel lewensvatbaarheid lei. Hierdie effek word waarskynlik bemiddel deur die teenwoordigheid van hoë konsentrasies TNF-α, en ook die afregulering van die beskermende seinweë. TNF-α kan moontlik gedeeltelike beskerming bied by lae konsentrasies deur aktivering van die OAFV weg. Die aktivering van die OAFV weg kon egter nie voldoende beskerming teen DOKS bied nie; moontlik as gevolg van die afwesigheid van die gelyktydige RSHK weg aktivering. Ons resultate vertoon die verskille tussen die akute en kronies behandeling aangesien ‘n enkele hoë-dosis van DOKS, in vergelyking met ‘n kumulatiewe lae-dosis, grootliks verskillende resultate opgelewer het. Voordat hierdie resultate klinies verder ondersoek kan word is verdere navorsing nodig om TNF-α en die RSHK en OAFV-weë beter te verstaan, en om vas te stel of stimulering van hierdie seinoordragpaaie ‘n beskermende effek teweeg sal bring.

Elucidating the role of WDR47 in regulating neuronal migration, autophagy and tubulin dynamics

Roos, Marna 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction Normal cerebral cortex development depends on extensive neuronal migration during embryogenesis, permitting the formation of accurate synaptic circuits and a highly ordered laminar neocortex. The motility of a migrating neuron is achieved by a dynamic microtubule cytoskeleton that alternates between states of stabilization/lengthening and destabilization/shortening. This dynamic instability of the microtubule cytoskeleton is controlled by numerous microtubule-stabilizing and -destabilising proteins that bind directly to microtubules. Autophagy (“self-eating”), a major bulk intracellular degradation system, involves the fusion of autophagosomes with lysosomes, followed by proteolysis and recycling of cellular constituents. Like neuronal migration, autophagy is a microtubule-dependent process. The dynamic microtubule network serves as a track for autophagosomes to be transported to the lysosomes. WDR47 is a protein that is expressed in the brain during development, but of which the function is largely unknown. Novel interactions have recently been identified between Reelin and WDR47 and between the microtubule-destabilising protein superior cervical ganglion 10 (SCG10) and WDR47. These findings suggest that WDR47 may be regulating microtubule-dependent processes such as neuronal migration and autophagy. We hypothesize that WDR47 may play a role in regulating neuronal migration and/or autophagy, and that this regulation may be mediated by a tubulin stability-regulating role of WDR47. Aims and Methods Our aims are to assess the cellular localization of WDR47 in GT1-7 cells and to determine whether WDR47 is able to influence neuronal migration, filopodia extension, surface adhesion, ultra-structure, autophagy, tubulin stability, and tau or SCG10 protein levels. GT1-7 neuronal cells were cultured under normal conditions and transfected with WDR47 siRNA for 24 hours, followed by western blot verification of the knock-down. A 36 hour neuronal in vitro cell migration assay was performed and images of the wound were captured every 6 hours; the migration distances and the wound areas for the different time points were measured and analysed. A 24 hour migration assay was performed, capturing images every hour, and the direction of migration was determined. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were performed to analyse neuronal surface morphology and ultra-structure. Western blot analysis of SCG10, acetylated α-tubulin, Tau, LC3, and Sequestosome 1/p62 (SQTM1) protein levels was performed. Super-resolution structured Illumination microscopy (SR-SIM) three-dimensional (3-D) imaging of WDR47-YFP transfected cells, confocal microscopy of LC3 and acetylated tubulin, co-localization analysis of WDR47 and acetylated tubulin, and fluorescence recovery after photo-bleaching (FRAP) analysis were performed. Results WDR47 siRNA treatment significantly reduced the average migration distance and the migration velocity, resulted in fewer filopodia-like extensions as well as perturbed surface adhesion of migrating neurons, and lead to an increased presence of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) structures as well as an expanded nuclear envelope. LC3-II protein levels were significantly lower with WDR47 siRNA treatment, but were significantly increased with WDR47 siRNA treatment in conjunction with Bafilomycin A1 treatment, indicating increased autophagic flux. SCG10 protein levels were significantly decreased with WDR47 siRNA treatment. SR-SIM and confocal microscopy of WDR47 siRNA treated cells revealed a robust presence of highly convoluted acetylated tubulin in the perinuclear region as well as decreased LC3 fluorescence signal. Confocal microscopy revealed co-localization of WDR47 with acetylated tubulin. - Discussion and Conclusion: The results suggest that WDR47 is involved in regulating neuronal migration, neuronal surface adhesion and filopodia formation, microtubule dynamics, and likely also autophagic flux. Taken together, we propose that WDR47 is regulating microtubule dynamics by facilitating assembly of microtubule-regulating proteins such as SCG10, thereby affecting microtubule-dependent processes such as neuronal migration and autophagy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding Normale serebrale korteks ontwikkeling is hoogs afhanklik van neuronale migrasie tydens embriogenese, en is belanrik vir die vorming van akkurate sinaptiese netwerke en 'n hoogs geordende laminêre neokorteks. Die vermoё van 'n neuron om te migreer berus op 'n hoogs dinamiese mikrotubulien sitoskelet wat verleng/stabiliseer of verkort/destabiliseer soos tubulien-eenhede begevoeg of verwyder word. Hierdie dinamiese onstabiliteit van die mikrotubulien sitoskelet word beheer deur verskeie mikrotubulien-stabiliserende en - destabiliserende proteïene wat direk bind aan mikrotubuliene. Autofagie ("self-eet"), 'n grootmaat intrasellulêre degradasie stelsel, behels die fussie van autofagosome met lisosome, gevolg deur proteolitiese afbraak van sellulêre organelle en proteine. Soos neuronale migrasie is autofagie 'n mikrotubulien-afhanklike proses. Die dinamiese mikrotubulien netwerk dien as 'n spoor vir die vervoer van autofagosome na lisosome. WDR47 is 'n proteïen wat voorkom in die brein tydens ontwikkeling, maar waarvan die funksie grootliks onbekend is. Interaksies was onlangs geïdentifiseer tussen beide Reelin en WDR47 en die mikrotubulien-destabiliserende proteïen SCG10 en WDR47. Hierdie bevindinge dui daarop aan dat WDR47 n rol speel in die regulering van tubulienstabiliteit en sodoende mikrotubulien-afhanklike prosesse. Ons veronderstel dat WDR47 'n rol kan speel in die regulering van neuronale migrasie en/of autofagie en dat hierdie regulasie moontlik afhanklik is van 'n tubulien-stabiliteit-regulerende rol van WDR47. - Doelwitte en Metodes: Ons doelwitte is om die sellulêre lokalisering van WDR47 in GT1-7 neurone te evallueer en om te bepaal of WDR47 n effek het op neuronale migrasie, oppervlak adhesie en filopodia formasie, ultra-struktuur, autofagie, tubulien-netwerke en -stabiliteit, en Tau of SCG10 proteïenvlakke. GT1-7 neuronale selle is gekweek onder normale omstandighede en vir 24 uur getransfekteer met WDR47 siRNA, gevolg deur verifikasie met Western-blot analise. 'n 36 uur neuronale in vitro sel migrasie toets is uitgevoer en fotos van die wond is elke 6 uur geneem. Die migrasie afstande en die wondareas vir die verskillende tydpunte is gemeet en ontleed. 'N 24-uur-migrasie toets is uitgevoer, 'n foto van die wond is elke uur geneem, en die rigting van migrasie is bepaal. Skandering elektronmikroskopie (SEM) en transmissieelektronmikroskopie (TEM) is uitgevoer om neuronale oppervlakmorfologie en ultrastruktuur te observeer. Western blot analise van SCG10, geasetieleerde α-tubulien, Tau, LC3 en Sequestosome 1/p62 (SQTM1) proteïenvlakke is uitgevoer. Super-resolusie gestruktureerde verligting mikroskopie (SR-SIM) driedimensionele (3-D) beelding van WDR47-YFP getransfekteerde selle, konfokale mikroskopie vir visualisering van LC3 en tubulien, co-lokalisering analise van beide WDR47 en LC3 en WDR47 en tubulien, asook fluorescentie hersteling na foto-bleek (FRAP) analise is uitgevoer. Resultate Die gemiddelde migrasie-afstand en die migrasiesnelheid (μm/min) het beduidend afgeneem met WDR47 siRNA behandeling. SEM analise van WD47 siRNA-behandelde neurone het minder filopodia en veranderde oppervlak adhesie vertoon, en TEM analise het 'n verhoogde teenwoordigheid van endoplasmiese retikulum (ER) strukture, en 'n uitgebreide kernmembraan vertoon. LC3-II proteïenvlakke was beduidend laer met slegs WDR47 siRNA behandeling, maar beduidend hoёr met WDR47 siRNA behandeling in samewerking met Bafilomycin A1 behandeling. Hierdie resultate dui aan op toeneemende autofagie met WDR47 siRNA behandeling. Verder, beduidend laer vlakke van SCG10 proteïenvlakke is waargeneem met WDR47 siRNA behandeling. SR-SIM en konfokale mikroskopie van WDR47 siRNA behandelde selle het 'n robuuste teenwoordigheid van hoogs buigende geasetieleerdetubulien in die area rondom die nukleus, 'n afgeneemde LC3 Bespreking en Gevolgtrekking Die resultate dui daarop aan dat WDR47 betrokke is by die regulering van neuronale migrasie, filopodia vormasie, oppervlak adhesie, mikrotubuliendinamika, en waarskynlik ook autofagie. Ons stel voor dat WDR47 mikrotubuliendinamika afekteer deur die regulering van proteïene soos SCG10, en sodoende mikrotubulienafhanklike prosesse soos neuronale migrasie en autofagie fasiliteer.

Exercise, stress and immune system functional responses

Smith, Carine 12 1900 (has links)
Dissertation (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Stress related to chronic exercise affects both the immune and endocrine systems, but there are still many issues that are poorly understood, particularly effects of stress on the functional capacity of immune cells. This thesis probed some of these issues using physiological models of physical and psychological stress. Both exercise training stress and chronic psychological stress in human subjects were shown to result in an up-regulation of spontaneous reactivity of white blood cells in vitro, using two different assays, namely a) a peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) culture assay measuring immune cell responsiveness and b) a relatively new flow cytometry technique for assessing activation status of cells by their expression of the surface marker CD69, in a lymphocyte subpopulation-specific manner. An up-regulation of immune cell activation in the absence of an additional stressor was associated with a decreased capacity to mount a response to a subsequent mitogen stimulus in vitro after chronic psychological stress and acute, extreme exercise stress. Another novel finding was that cortisol high-responders to chronic psychological stress exhibited a higher spontaneous reactivity of both CD4+ and CD8+ lymphocytes when compared to cortisol low-responders. This result indicates that chronic exposure to cortisol may decrease its usual inhibitory effect on spontaneous T lymphocyte responsiveness. After optimisation of an animal model of mild, psychological stress, we demonstrated (using an IL-6 antibody) that IL-6 is necessary for a full-blown cortisol response to chronic, intermittent mild stress. Results also suggest that IL-6 plays a role in regulation of its own secretion by PBMCs in response to a stressor, by maintaining the production of IL-1β in the face of stress. Basal serum corticosterone concentration was shown to be the main determinant of the magnitude of mitogen-stimulated PBMC secretion of IL-6 in vitro in the stress-free controls. However, after blocking of IL-6 in vivo, IL-1β was identified as a major regulator of IL-6 secretion by mitogen-stimulated PBMCs in vitro, independently of the presence or absence of stress. The implications of these novel findings are that proinflammatory cytokines are sensitively regulated during mild stress.Mean serum cortisol concentration at rest was not a useful tool to assess chronic exercise stress after training intervention. However, classification of athletes at baseline into two groups according to their resting serum cortisol concentration illustrated two distinct patterns for the responses of both cortisol and the cortisol:testosterone ratio to chronic stress. These studies on the effects of chronic stress on parameters of the endocrine stress-axis and the immune system led to the following main conclusions: a) chronic exposure to cortisol results in a decreased inhibition of spontaneous immune cell activity at rest, b) this increased spontaneous activation of immune cells at rest in the absence of a stressor, is associated with a suppression of immune capacity to respond to a subsequent challenge, c) the latter finding is not evident under stress-free conditions where cortisol promoted immune cell IL-6 secretion, and d) IL- 1β and IL-6 are involved in the regulation of each others’ secretion. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Chroniese oefening-verwante stres beïnvloed beide the immuun- en endokriene sisteme, maar daar is nog baie aspekte wat swak begryp word, veral m.b.t. die effekte van stres op die funksionele kapasiteit van immuunselle. Hierdie tesis het sommige van dié vraagpunte ondersoek deur gebruik te maak van fisiologiese en psigologiese stres. Beide oefening program-verwante stres en chroniese psigologiese stres in proefpersone het ‘n op-regulering van spontane witbloedselreaktiwiteit in vitro tot gevolg gehad, wat d.m.v twee verskillende metodes aangetoon is, naamlik a) ‘n perifere bloed mononukluêre selkultuur (PBMS-kultuur) bepaling van immuunsel reaktiwiteit en b) ‘n relatief nuwe vloeisitometriese tegniek vir die assessering van aktiveringsstatus van selle, deur hul uitdrukking van die oppervlakmerker CD69, op ‘n limfosiet subpopulasie-spesifieke wyse. ‘n Opregulering van immuunselaktiwiteit in die afwesigheid van ‘n addisionele stressor is geassosieer met ‘n verlaagde kapsiteit om te reageer op ‘n latere mitogeniese prikkel in vitro, na chroniese psigologiese stres en akute, erge oefeningstres. Nog ‘n nuwe bevinding was dat kortisol hoog-respondeerders, in reaksie op chroniese psigologiese stres, ‘n hoër spontane reaktiwiteit van beide CD4+- and CD8+-limfosiete toon in vergelyking met kortisol laagresopndeerders. Hierdie bevinding toon aan dat chroniese blootstelling aan kortisol die inhiberende effek daarvan op spontane reaktiwiteit van T-limfosiete verminder. Na optimalisering van ‘n rotmodel van gematigde, psigologiese stres, het ons gedemonstreer (deur gebruik te maak van ‘n IL-6 teenliggaam) dat IL-6 nodig is vir ‘n volledige kortisolreaksie op chroniese, onderbroke, gematigde stres. Die resultate dui daarop dat IL-6 ‘n rol in die regulering van sy eie sekresie deur PBMSe in reaksie tot ‘n stressor speel, deur die handhawing van produksie van IL-1β in die teenwoordigheid van stres. Basale serum kortisolkonsentrasie is as die belangrikste beslissende faktor in die omvang van mitogeengestimuleerde PBMS sekresie van IL-6 in vitro in die stresvrye kontroles aangedui. Na blokkering van IL-6 in vivo, is IL-1β egter as ‘n belangrike reguleerder van IL-6 sekresie deur mitogeen-gestimuleerde PBMSe in vitro geïdentifiseer, onafhanklik van die teenwoordigheid of afwesigheid van stres. Die implikasie van hierdie nuwe bevindinge is dat proinflammatoriese sitokiene tydens gematigde stres sensitief gereguleer word.Die gemiddelde serum kortisolkonsentrasie in ‘n rustende toestand was nie ‘n gepaste instrument om chroniese oefeningstres na ‘n oefenprogram-ingreep te assesseer nie. Na basislyn klassifikasie van atlete in twee groepe volgens hul rustende serum kortisolkonsentrasie, is twee afsonderlike patrone vir die reaksie van beide kortisol en die kortisol:testosteroon verhouding egter aangetoon. Hierdie studies rakende die effekte van chroniese stres op parameters van die endokriene stres-as en die immuunsisteem het tot die volgende vernaamste gevolgtrekkings gelei: a) chroniese blootstelling aan kortisol het ‘n verlaagde inhibisie van spontane immuunselaktiwiteit tydens rustende toestande tot gevolg, b) hierdie verhoogde spontane aktivering van immuunselle tydens ‘n rustende toestand word geassosieer met ‘n onderdrukking van immuunkapasiteit om te reageer op ‘n daaropvolgende prikkel, c) laasgenoemde bevinding is nie sigbaar tydens stresvrye toestande, wanneer kortisol IL-6 sekresie bevorder, nie en d) IL- 1β en IL-6 is betrokke by die regulering van mekaar se sekresie.

The Damara sheep : an appraisal of its reproductive performance and potential

Schoombee, Cornelius Johan Albertus 03 1900 (has links)
Digitized from microfiche to pdf. / Thesis (PhD(Agric) (Human and Animal Physiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 1998. / Please refer to full text.

Injury surveillance during the 2011 FNB varsity cup rugby season

Hillhouse, M. 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: OBJECTIVES: The primary objective was to establish and compare the injury incidence in forwards and backline players during the 2011 FNB Varsity Cup season. The secondary objective was to establish and compare the injury prevalence in forwards and backline players during the 2011 FNB Varsity Cup season. Lastly, to establish and compare the different training loads, types of injuries and injury rates amongst the various rugby teams during the 2011 FNB Varsity Cup. STUDY DESIGN: A retrospective, descriptive study was done to assess injury prevalence and incidence during the 2011 FNB Varsity Cup rugby (premier division) competition. PARTICIPANTS: Male rugby playing students, from eight teams. The total number of observed rugby players from the seven teams consisted of ±23 – 30 players, all between the ages of 18 and 25 years (23 ± 1.2 years). All players had to qualify according to the rules of the Varsity Cup 23,45. METHODS: The data collection procedure and injury definitions were aligned with the respective consensus statement for rugby injuries12. The injury surveillance included all injuries that were reported on the standardized IRB injury form (Addendum D), by each rugby team’s medical support staff. There were eight rugby teams partaking in the 2011 FNB Varsity cup, premier division tournament. The FNB Varsity cup took place at eight University venues in South Africa. The FNB Varsity Cup round robin began in February 2011 where games were played every Monday evenings over a seven to nine week period, on a home and away basis. The play-offs of the top four teams followed for two more weeks. Injury surveillance statistics were calculated and compared with training loads and the number of hours of exposure. Injury rates are expressed as the number of injuries sustained per 1000 hours a player is at risk. Descriptive statistics were used to report the prevalence and incidence of all injuries during the tournament. A significance level of p<0.05 was accepted. RESULTS: Seven out of the eight teams participating in the 2011 FNB Varsity Cup were able to submit injury and training statistics. Of these seven teams, there were 178 (6.1 injuries per 1000 hours) injuries in total reported throughout the season. 61 pre-season injuries were found (2.1 per 1000 hours) compared to 117 (4.0 per 1000 hours) in-season injuries reported. There were 125 match injuries (89 per 1000 hours) and 52 training injuries (1.58 per 1000 hours) which was statistically significant (p = 0.039). The total number of new injuries were 120 (4.1 per 1000 hours) with only 52 (2.0 per 1000 hours) recurrent. The lower limb was affected by 97.5% of the total injuries. Over-all the most injured sites showed a common trend, namely the ankle and foot with 15.9% and the head 15.3% of the total injuries. The shoulder (11.4%), hamstring (10.2%), knee (10.2%) and quadriceps (9.7%) were all similarly affected. The injury sites varied between forwards and backline players (forwards: 63.4% backline: 36.6%). The forwards most injured anatomical site showed a trend with the shoulder and ankle (0.5 per 1000 hours) being affected the most. The hamstring (0.4 per 1000 hours), ankle, head (0.3 per 1000 hours) and knee (0.2 per 1000 hours) were the most injured site amongst the backline players. The tackle was responsible for the cause of the majority of the injuries (total: 19.1 injuries per 1000 hours) amongst the forwards and backline players (forwards: 20.5 per 1000 hours backs: 13.6 per 1000 hours). The most common types of injuries were sprains (18.2 per 1000 hours) and strains (24.5 per 1000 hours) found amongst the forwards and backline players. The forwards had higher contusion and concussion (0.3 per 1000 hours) trend rates compared to the backline players. The backline had overall higher tendinopathy (0.2 per 1000 hours) trend rates. Amongst the forwards, the locks (15.2%) and props (12.9%) had the highest number of injuries and amongst the backline players were the wings (8.4%) and centres (9%) were the most injured players. The majority of the injuries occurred during the last part of the first half (26.7%) and the last part of the second half (30.7%). CONCLUSION: The prevalence and incidence of match injuries was significantly higher than during training (p = 0.039). Similarly to other injury surveillance studies, the tackle was the most dangerous phase of play. The Forwards who are more engaged in a greater number of physical collisions in a game resulted in more injuries compared to backline players 71. The backline players, due to their style of play had more running and accelerating injuries 5,24. Fatigue and other confounding factors such as a lack of physical conditioning, travel and academics could be a determinant to decreasing the threshold for injury’s occurring during the last part of each half of the game, during matches 22. Furthermore, the site, type and mechanism of injuries vary across individual playing positions as well as from team to team 24,26. This suggests that different training styles for the various positions should be recommended as an addition to an injury prevention protocol at this level of rugby. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: DOELWITTE: Die primêre doel van hierdie studie was om die beserings in voor- en agterspelers gedurende die 2011 FNB Universiteitsbeker seisoen vas te stel en te vergelyk. Die sekondêre doel was om die beserings in voorspelers en agterspelers gedurende die 2011 FNB Universiteitsbeker seisoen vas te stel en te vergelyk. Laastens, om die verskillende ladingsoefeninge, tipe beserings en hoeveelheid beserings onder die verskillende rugbyspelers gedurende die 2011 FNB Universiteitsbeker vas te stel en vergelyk. STUDIE ONTWERP: 'n Retrospektiewe beskrywende studie is gedoen waarin die geneigdheid tot, en die voorkoms van beserings gedurende die 2011 FNB Universiteitsrugby toernooi bepaal is. DEELNEMERS: Manlike studente rugbyspelers, vanaf agt spanne. Die totale aantal rugbyspelers wat geanaliseer was, was vanaf slegs sewe spanne, bestaande uit ± 23 - 30 spelers in elke span. Hierdie spelers was almal tussen die ouderdomme van 23 ± 1.2 jaar. Al die spelers moes 'n geregistreerde student by een van die agt deelnemende universiteite gewees het gedurende die toernooi regoor Suid-Afrika in 2011. METODE: Die data insamelingsproses en beseringsdefinisies is in lyn met die onderskeie konsensus ooreenkomste vir rugby beserings 12. Die besering opname sluit alle beserings in wat deur elke rugbyspan se mediese personeel op die gestandardiseerde IRB beseringsvorm aangedui is. Daar was agt deelnemende rugbyspanne in die 2011 FNB Universiteitsbeker-toernooi. Die FNB Universiteitsbeker het plaasgevind by agt Universiteit kampusse regoor Suid-Afrika. Die FNB Universiteitsbeker rondomtalie het in Februarie 2011 begin waar wedstryde elke Maandagaand, oor ‘n tydperk van sewe tot nege weke, gespeel is. Die uitspeelwedstryde van die top vier spanne het daarop gevolg vir ‘n verdere twee weke. Beide, die voorkoms van beserings en die frekwensies daarvan is aangeteken en vergelyk volgens die oefenprogramme en die hoeveelheid blootstellingsure van die spelers. Beseringsfrekwensies is gerraporteer as die aantal beserings per 1000 uur waar ‘n speler blootgestel word aan die risiko. Beskrywende statistiek is gebruik om die geneighdheid tot, en die voorkoms van alle beserings aan te meld tydens hierdie toernooi. Betekenisvolheidsvlak was geneem op p <0.05. RESULTATE: Sewe van die agt deelnemenede spanne aan die 2011 FNB Varsity Cup was in staat om besering- en oefenstatistiek in te dien. Van hierdie sewe spanne, was daar 178 (6.1 beserings per 1000 ure) beserings in totaal aangemeld regdeur die seisoen. Een en sestig voor-seisoenale beserings is gerapporteerd (2,1 per 1000 ure) in vergelyking met die 117 (4,0 per 1000 ure) inseisoense beserings wat aangemeld is. Daar was 125 wedstrydbeserings (89 per 1000 ure) en 52 beserings tydens oefeninge (1,58 per uur 1000) wat statisties betekenisvol (p = 0,039) was. Die aantal nuwe beserings was baie hoër as die herhalende voorkoms van ‘n besering. Die totale aantal nuwe beserings was 120 (4,1 per 1000 ure) met slegs 52 (2,0 per 1000 ure) herhalendes. Dit was die onderste ledemaat wat in die meerderheid beseringsgevalle (97.5%) geraak is. Oor die hele spektrum was die enkel en die voet die mees beseerde area (15,9%), met die kop (15,3%), skouer (11,4%), dyspier (10,2%), knie (10,2%) en kwadriseps (9,7%) wat soortgelyk geraak is. Areas vir individuelebesering het gewissel tussen voor-en agterspelers. Die voorspelers se mees beseerde anatomiese area was die skouer en enkel (0,5 per 1000 ure). Die dyspier (0,4), enkel-, kop (0,3) en knie (0,2) was die mees beseerde area onder die agterspelers. Die takel was verantwoordelik vir die meerderheid van die beserings (48.1%) onder die voor- en agterspelers. Die mees algemene vorme van beserings was verstuitings en spierverrekking onder die voor- en agterspelers. Die voorspelers het ‘n hoër voorkoms van kontusie en harsingskudding (0,3) in vergelyking met die agterspelers. Die agterlyn dui ‘n algehele hoër tendinopatie (0,2) aan. Onder die voorspelers het die slotte (15,2%) en die stutte (12,9%) die hoogste aantal beserings aangeteken en onder die agterspelers was die vleuels (8,4%) en die senters (9%) die mees beseerde spelers. Die meerderheid van die beserings het plaasgevind gedurende die laaste deel van die eerste helfte (26,7%) en die laaste deel van die tweede helfte (30,7%). GEVOLGTREKKING: Die prevalensie en insidensie van wedstrydbeserings was aansienlik hoër as tydens oefentye. Soortgelyk aan ander beseringsopname studies, was die takel die mees gevaarlike fase van die spel. Die voorspelers wat meer betrokke is in die fisiese kant van die spel het meer beserings in vergelyking met die agterspelers aangeteken 71. Die agterspelers, as gevolg van hul styl van die spel het meer hardloop en versnel beserings aangeteken5,24. Moegheid en 'n gebrek aan fisiese kondisionering kan 'n faktor wees in die meerderheid van hierdie beserings wat gedurende die laaste deel van elke wedstrydshelfte aangeteken word. Verder, die area, tipe en meganisme van beserings wissel oor individuele spelerposisies 24,26. Dit dui daarop aan dat verskillende oefenstyle vir die verskillende posisies aanbeveel moet word as 'n strategie vir besering voorkoming.

The hexosamine biosynthetic pathway induces gene promoter activity of the cardiac-enriched isoform of acetyl-CoA carboxylase

Imbriolo, Jamie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The cardiac isoform of acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACCβ) produces malonyl-CoA, a potent inhibitor of mitochondrial fatty acid (FA) uptake; thus increased ACCβ activity decreases fatty acid utilization thereby potentially leading to intracellular myocardial lipid accumulation and insulin resistance (IR). Previous studies show that greater flux through the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway (HBP) contributes to the development of IR. In light of this, we hypothesize that increased HBP flux induces ACCβ gene expression thereby contributing to the onset of IR. Our initial work focused on ACCβ gene promoter regulation and suggest that the HBP modulates upstream stimulatory factor 2 (USF2) thereby inducing ACCβ gene expression. Here, we further investigated HBP-mediated regulation of ACCβ gene expression by transiently transfecting cardiac-derived H9c2 cells with an expression vector encoding the rate-limiting HBP enzyme (GFAT) ± the full length ACCβ and 4 truncated promoter-luciferase constructs, respectively. GFAT overexpression increased ACCβ gene promoter activity for the full length and 3 larger deletion constructs (p<0.001 vs. controls). However, GFAT-mediated and USF2-mediated ACCβ promoter induction was blunted when co-transfected with the -38/+65 deletion construct suggesting that USF2 binds to the proximal promoter region (near start codon). Further investigation proves that USF2 binds to ACCβ promoter and activates it, but that USF2 is not O-GlcNAc modified even though there is a strong correlation between increased O-GlcNac levels and USF2 activation of ACCβ. This would suggest that there is another O-GlcNac modified factor involved in this regulatory pathway. Our study demonstrates that increased HBP flux induces ACCβ gene promoter activity via HBP modulation of USF2. We propose that ACCβ induction reduces fatty acid oxidation, thereby leading to intracellular lipid accumulation (FA uptake>>FA oxidation) and the onset of cardiac IR. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die kardiale isoform van asetiel-CoA karboksilase (ACCβ) produseer maloniel-CoA, ‘n kragtige inhibeerder van mitochondriale vetsuur (VS) opname, en om hierdie rede sal verhoogde ACCβ aktiwiteit, vetsuur gebruik verlaag en potensieël aanleiding gee tot intrasellulêre miokardiale lipiedophoping en insulienweerstand (IW). Vorige studies toon dat groter fluks deur die heksosamienbiosintetiese weg (HBW) bydra tot die ontwikkeling van IW. In die lig hiervan hipotetiseer ons dat verhoogde HBW fluks, ACCβ geenuitdrukking induseer, en sodoende tot die onstaan van IW bydra. Ons aanvanglike werk het op ACCβ geenpromotorregulering gefokus, en voorgestel dat die HBW die opstroom stimuleringsfaktor 2 (USF2) moduleer en dus ACCβ geen uitdrukking induseer. Hier het ons verder die HBW-gemedieërde regulering van ACCβ-geenuitdrukking deur kortstondige tranfeksie van kardiaalverkrygde H9c2 selle met ‘n uitdrukkingsvektor wat kodeer vir die tempo-bepalende HBW ensiem (GFAT) ± die volle lengte ACCβ, en vier afgestompte promotor-lusiferase konstrukte onderskeidelik, te ondersoek. GFAT ooruidrukking het ACCβ geenpromotor aktiwiteit vir die volle lengte, en drie groter uitwissingskonstrukte verhoog (p<0.001 vs. kontrole). Hoewel GFAT- en USF2-gemedieërde ACCβ promotorinduksie tydens ko-transfeksie van die -38/+65 uitwissingskonstruk versag was, is dit voorgestel dat USF2 aan die proksimale promotor area (naby die beginkodon) bind. Verdere ondersoek bewys ook dat USF2 aan die ACCβ promotor bind en dit aktiveer, maar dat USF2 nie O-GlcNAc gemodifiseer word nie ten spyte van ‘n sterk korrelasie tussen verhoogde O-GlcNac vlakke en USF2 aktivering van ACCβ. Dit kan dus voogestel word dat daar ‘n alternatiewe O-GlcNac gemodifiseerde faktor betrokke is in hierdie reguleringsweg. Ons studie demonstreer dat verhoogde HBW fluks ACCβ geenpromotor aktiwiteit via HBW modulering van USF2 veroorsaak. Ons stel voor dat ACCβ induksie vetsuuroksidasie verlaag en so tot intrasellulêre lipiedophoping (VS opname >> VS oksidasie) en die onstaan van kardiale IW lei.

Manipulation of the autophagic pathway sensitises cervical cancer cells to cisplatin treatment

Leisching, Gina Renata 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Introduction Cisplatin has been widely used to treat solid tumours and much success has come from the use of this drug in the treatment of head and neck, ovarian, testicular, cervical and small-cell lung cancers. However, the success of cisplatin treatment is limited due to its dose-limiting toxicity and its resulting side-effects, such as nephro- and ototoxicity. The devastating side-effects induced by cisplatin treatment provided the platform for this study whereby the aim was to lower the concentration of cisplatin while maintaining its cancer-specific cytotoxic action. Equally concerning is, cisplatin resistance which is becoming increasingly common, and this radically limits the clinical efficacy and utility of the drug. Adjuvant therapy has thus become necessary in an attempt to possibly curb or lessen the extent of cisplatin resistance. Due to the large body of evidence implicating the importance of autophagy in cancer, the prospect of targeting this mechanism has generally been accepted. Various chemotherapy agents induce autophagy in cancer cells; however the effect of cisplatin on autophagic induction has not been very well explored. We thus hypothesise that the manipulation of the autophagic pathway will sensitise cancer cells to a low concentration of cisplatin treatment. Furthermore, due to the functional interaction between Bcl-2 and Beclin-1 and its role in the regulation of autophagy, ratio analysis of Beclin-1 to Bcl-2 as means of detecting the role of autophagy within the cell under homeostatic and treatment/stress conditions has been conducted. Additionally, Bcl-2 has a prominent role in the malignant cell and it’s over-expression has been found to confer resistance in a variety of cancerous cell lines. We therefore hypothesise that the silencing of Bcl-2 prior to cisplatin treatment will sensitise cervical cancer cells to apoptosis and increase the Beclin-1/Bcl-2 ratio in favour of apoptosis. Materials and Methods Three human cervical cell lines were used: a non-cancerous ectocervical epithelial cell line (Ect1/E6E7) and two cancerous cervical cell lines (HeLa and CaSki). In order to determine a concentration of cisplatin that was non-toxic to the non-cancerous Ect1/E6E7 cell line, a dose-response was performed. With the use of an autophagy inhibitor (bafilomycin A1) and an autophagy inducer (rapamycin), autophagic flux capacities were assessed in each cell line through the Western blotting technique. In order to assess whether the chosen concentration of cisplatin induced autophagy, flow cytometry with the use of a Lysotracker™ dye was utilised, as well as analysis of autophagy protein levels (LC-3 II, Beclin-1 and p62). Autophagy modulation was achieved through two methods: pharmacological modulation with use of two recognised agents, namely bafilomycin A1 and rapamycin, and biological manipulation with the use of ATG5 and mTOR mRNA silencing. The effects of different treatment regimes on cell death was assessed with the use of PARP and caspase-3 cleavage through Western blotting, caspase-3/-7 activity (Caspase-Glo®), PI inclusion, LDH release and MTT reductive capacity. Additionally the effects of these treatment regimes on cell-cycle progression were also analysed. Beclin-1 and Bcl-2 expression was determined through Western blotting and immunocytochemistry before and after treatment with cisplatin in HeLa and CaSki cells. To assess the reliance of the cervical cancer cells on Bcl-2 after cisplatin treatment, Bcl-2 knock-down was achieved through RNA interference, where after the Beclin-1/Bcl-2 ratio was assessed as well as apoptosis with the use of cleaved PARP analysis (Western blotting) and Caspase-Glo©. For the ex vivo analysis, biopsies were collected from patients undergoing routine colposcopy screenings and hysterectomies at Tygerberg Hospital, Tygerberg, Western Cape. A total of 10 normal, 29 low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL), 33 high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) and 13 carcinoma biopsies were collected for analysis, where after the expression profiles of two autophagy markers (mTOR and LC-3 II), as well as one anti-apoptotic marker (Bcl-2) were assessed. Protein levels were analysed through Western blot and confirmed through immunohistochemistry. Results Dose-response curves revealed that 15 μM of cisplatin did not induce cell death in the normal cervical epithelial cell line (Ect1/E6E7) and was therefore utilised through-out the remainder of the study. It was additionally determined that the CaSki cells were more resistant to cisplatin treatment when compared to the HeLa and Ect1/E6E7 cells. Autophagic flux analysis revealed that, although all three cell lines were cervix derived, their autophagic flux capacities differed. It was observed that the chosen concentration of cisplatin was able to induce autophagy in all three cell lines, with the HeLa cells demonstrating a particularly pronounced response. Autophagy modulation in conjunction with cisplatin treatment revealed the following: Autophagy inhibition with bafilomycin A1 lead to significant increases in caspase-3 and PARP cleavage and LDH release in both cervical cancer cell lines. The inhibition of autophagy through silencing of ATG5 induced caspase-3 cleavage and agrees with results obtained from pharmacological inhibition of autophagy with bafilomycin A1. In addition to autophagic induction, a low concentration of cisplatin induced the up-regulation of Bcl-2, which when silenced significantly improved cisplatin-induced apoptosis in both cervical cancer cell lines. Analysis of the expression profiles of mTOR and LC-3 in normal, pre-malignant (LSIL and HSIL) and cancerous cervical tissue revealed that autophagy is significantly up-regulated in HSILs and carcinoma of the cervix. Additionally, Bcl-2 expression is significantly increased in cervical carcinoma tissue, which agrees with results from other studies. Conclusion Autophagic flux capacities between the three cell lines investigated, derived from the same organ, differ significantly. This should be taken into consideration when autophagic modulation is being used as an adjuvant treatment. With regard to chemotherapy treatment in cervical cells, a low-concentration of cisplatin significantly induces autophagy in malignant and non-malignant cervix-derived cell lines where it serves a pro-survival mechanism. Inhibition of autophagy with bafilomycin A1 and ATG5 siRNA confirmed this survival effect in both cancerous cell lines where apoptosis was significantly increased. Interestingly, rapamycin pre-treatment together with cisplatin did not induce significant levels of apoptosis in HeLa cells where autophagy induction may have provided additional protection from the cytotoxic effects of cisplatin. Therefore the inhibition of autophagy through pharmacological and biological inhibition improves the cytotoxicity of a low concentration of cisplatin and provides a promising new avenue for the future treatment of cervical cancer. Bcl-2 up-regulation in response to cisplatin treatment also serves as a protective mechanism by which cervical cancer cells survive. The extent of apoptotic cell death observed after biological inhibition of Bcl-2 reiterates the fact that this response may be exploited in order to favour the use of lower concentrations of cisplatin. Analysis of clinical specimens emphasised the value of the in vitro work: Cervical cancer biopsies had increased expression of both LC-3 II and Bcl-2, indicating autophagy induction and apoptosis inhibition, respectively. Thus two novel methods of improving cisplatin cytotoxicity have been demonstrated in the following study. Treatment regimens may administer more frequently and prolonged due to the minimal side-effects that accompanies low-dose cisplatin treatment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding Sisplatien word algemeen gebruik vir die behandeling van soliede gewasse. Baie sukses is reeds deur die gebruik van díe middel behaal in die behandeling van kop en nek, ovariale, terstikulêre, servikale en klein-sel kankers. Die sukses van Sisplatien-behandeling word wel ingeperk deur die dosis-beperkende toksisiteit en die gevolglike newe-effekte soos nefrotoksisiteit. Hierdie verwoestende newe-effekte wat deur sisplatien behandelings geïnduseer word, het as die platform vir hierdie studie gedien. Die doel was om die sisplatien konsentrasies te verlaag, maar terselfdertyd die kankerspesifieke sitotoksisiteit te behou. Nog ʼn punt van kommer is dat sisplatien-weerstandigheid aan die toeneem is, wat die kliniese effektiwiteit en gebruik van hierdie middel geweldig beperk. Byvoegmiddels het dus noodsaaklik geraak in die poging om die sisplatien-weerstandigheid te verhoed. As gevolg van verskeie bewyse wat die belangrikheid van outofagie in kanker impliseer, is die vooruitsig om hierdie meganisme te teiken, algemeen aanvaar. Verskeie chemoterapeutiese middels induseer outofagie in kanker selle, hoewel die effek van Sisplatien op outofagiese induksie nog nie goed ondersoek is nie. Ons hipotese is dus dat die manipulasie van die outofagiese pad die kankerselle sensitiseer tot ʼn lae konsentrasie van sisplatien. Verder, as gevolg van die funksionele interaksie tussen Bcl-2 en Beclin-1, en hul rol in die regulering van outofagie, is verhouding-analises van Beclin-1 tot Bcl-2 uitgevoer met die doel om die rol van outofagie in die sel onder homeostatiese en behandeling/stres kondisies te bepaal. Verder is Bcl-2 bekend daarvoor om ʼn prominente rol te speel in kwaadaardige selle, en die ooruitdrukking daarvan is gevind om weerstandigheid aan te help in ʼn verskeidenheid van kankeragtige sellyne. Ons hipotetiseer dus dat geenonderdrukking van Bcl-2 voor die behandeling met sisplatien die servikale kanker selle sal sensitiseer tot apoptose en ʼn verhoging in die verhouding van Beclin-1/Bcl-2 veroorsaak, wat in die guns van apoptose is. Materiale en Metodes Drie menslike servikale sellyne was gebruik: ʼn nie-kankeragtige servikale epiteel sellyn (Ect/E6E7) en twee kankeragtige servikale sellyne (HeLa en CaSki). Om ʼn konsentrasie van sisplatien te bepaal wat nie-toksies tot die nie-kankeragtige Ect1/E6E7 sellyn is, was ʼn dosisrespons uitgevoer. Met die gebruik van ʼn outofagiese inhibeerder (bafilomycin A1) en ʼn outofagiese induseerder (rapamycin), is die outofagiese-fluks kapasiteite van elke sellyn deur die Western Blotting tegniek geassesseer. Om te bepaal of die gekose konsentrasie van sisplatien outofagie induseer, is vloeisitometrie met ʼn Lysotracker™ kleurstof gebruik, sowel as analises op outofagie proteïenvlakke (LC-3 II, Beclin-1 en p62). Outofagie modulering is behaal deur twee metodes: farmakologiese modulering met twee erkende middels, naamlik bafilomycin A1 en rapamycin, en biologiese manipulasie met die gebruik van ATG5 en mTOR geenonderdrukking. Die effekte van die verskillende behandeling skedules op seldood was geassesseer deur gebruik te maak van PARP en kaspase-3 splitsing deur Western Blotting, kaspase-3/-7 aktiwiteit deur Caspase-Glo ®, PI-insluiting, LDH vrystelling en MTT reduserende kapasiteit. Verder is die effekte van hierdie behandeling skedules op selsiklus progressie ook geanaliseer. Beclin-1 en Bcl-2 uitdrukking was ook bepaal deur Western Blotting en immunohistochemie voor en na behandeling met sisplatien in HeLa en CaSki selle. Om die afhanklikheid van die servikale kankerselle op Bcl-2 na sisplatien behandelings te toets, is Bcl-2 onderdruk deur RNA-inmenging, waarna Beclin-1/Bcl-2 verhouding geassesseer is, sowel as opoptose deur die gebruik van gesplitste PARP analises (Western Blotting) en Caspase-Glo©. Vir die ex vivo analises is biopsies vanaf pasiënte wat roetine kolposkopie en histerektomies ondergaan, verkry (Tygerberg Hospitaal, Tygerberg, Westelike Provinsie). ʼn Totaal van 10 normale, 29 lae-graad plaveisel intraepiteel letsels (LSIL), 33 hoe-graad plaveisel intraepiteel letsels (HSIL) en 13 karsinoom biopsies is verkry vir analises. Die uitdrukkingsprofiel van twee outofagiese merkers (mTOR en LC-3 II), asook een merker vir apoptose (Bcl-2), was geassesseer. Proteïen vlakke was ook deur Western Blotting geanaliseer en deur immunohistochemie bevestig. Resultate Dosisrespons kurwes het getoon dat 15 μM sisplatien nie seldood in die normale sellyn (Ect1/E6E7) geïnduseer het nie, en was daarom gebruik deur die res van hierdie studie. Verder is daar ook gevind dat CaSki selle meer weerstandig tot sisplatien behandelings is wanneer vergelyk word met die HeLa en Ect1/E6E7 selle. Outofagiese-fluks analises het getoon dat, alhoewel al drie sellyne vanaf die serviks afkomstig is, daar verskille is in hul outofagiese-fluks kapasiteit. Daar is ook waargeneem dat die gekose konsentrasie van sisplatien in staat was om outofagie te induseer in al drie sellyne, met HeLa selle wat die mees merkbare respons getoon het. Modulering van outofagie in samewerking met sisplatien behandelings het die volgende onthul: inhibisie van outofagie deur bafilomycin A1 het gelei tot ʼn beduidende verhoging in kaspase-3, PARP splitsing en LDH vrylating in beide servikale kankersellyne. Geenonderdrukking van ATG5 induseer kaspase-3 splitsing en stem ooreen met resultate wat verkry is deur farmakologiese inhibisie van outofagie met bafilomycin A1. Bykomend tot outofagiese indusering, het ʼn lae konsentrasie sisplatien die opregulering van Bcl-2 geïnduseer. Wanneer Bcl-2 geenonderdrukking in hierdie scenario toegepas was, het dit ʼn beduidende verbetering in sisplatien-geïnduseerde apoptose in beide servikale kankersellyne getoon. Analises van die uitdrukkingsprofiel van mTOR en LC-3 in normale, pre-maligne (LSIL en HSIL) en kankeragtige servikale weefsel, het getoon dat outofagie beduidend opgereguleer is in HSILs en servikale karsinome. Verder is Bcl-2 uitdrukking ook gevind om beduidend verhoog te wees in servikale karsinoomweefsel, wat ooreenstem met resultate verkry in ander studies. Gevolgtrekking Outofagiese-fluks kapasiteite tussen die drie sellyne, afkomstig van dieselfde orgaan, toon beduidende verskille. Hierdie bevinding moet in ag geneem word wanneer outofagiese-modulering as ʼn bevorderingsbehandeling gebruik word. Met betrekking tot chemoterapie behandeling in servikale selle; ʼn lae konsentrasie van sisplatien veroorsaak ʼn beduidende indusering van outofagie in kwaadaardige en nie-kwaadaardige serviks-afkomstige sellyne, en dien as ʼn oorlewingsmeganisme. Inhibisie van outofagie met bafilomycin A1 en ATG5 siRNA het hierdie beskermings effek bevestig, aangesien apoptose beduidend verhoog was in beide kankersellyne. Interessant genoeg het rapamycin pre-behandeling tesame met sisplatien nie beduidende vlakke van apoptose in HeLa selle geïnduseer nie. Outofagie induksie mag dalk addisionele beskerming teen die sitotoksiese effekte van sisplatien gebied het. Daarom het die inhibisie van outofagie deur farmakologiese en biologiese inhibering die sitotoksisiteit van ʼn lae konsentrasie sisplatien bevorder, wat ʼn belowende bevinding is vir die toekomstige behandeling van servikale kanker. Bcl-2 opregulering as gevolg van sisplatien behandelings dien ook as beskermings meganisme waarby servikale kankerselle oorleef. Die mate van apoptotiese seldood wat waargeneem word na biologiese inhibering van Bcl-2, wys weer op die feit dat hierdie respons uitgebuit kan word vir die gebruik van laer konsentrasies van sisplatien. Analises van die kliniese monsters het ook die waarde van die in vitro werk versterk: Servikale kanker biopsies het verhoogde uitdrukking van beide LC-3 II en Bcl-2 getoon, wat aandui dat outofagie geïnduseer en apoptose geïnhibeer word. Daar is dus twee nuwe metodes vir die verbetering van sisplatien-toksisiteit in hierdie studie gedemonstreer. Behandeling regimes kan meer gereeld en vir langer tydperke toegepas word, aangesien die newe-effekte van lae-dosis sisplatien behandelings minimaal is. / MRC for funding

Hyperglycemia-mediated onset of myocardial insulin resistance – unraveling molecular mechanisms and identifying therapeutic targets

Joseph, Danzil Eugene 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Background - Although acute hyperglycemic episodes are linked to lower glucose uptake, underlying mechanisms driving this process remain unclear. We hypothesized that acute hyperglycemia triggers reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and increases non-oxidative glucose pathway (NOGP) activation, i.e. stimulation of advanced glycation end products (AGE), polyol pathway (PP), hexosamine biosynthetic pathway (HBP) and protein kinase C (PKC) activation. These mechanisms attenuate cellular function, and may indeed decrease insulin-mediated cardiac glucose uptake. The role of the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) under high glucose/diabetic conditions is a subject of contention. Activation of the PPP enzyme transketolase (TK) (by benfotiamine/BFT or thiamine) reduces flux via the other four NOGPs, and is associated with beneficial outcomes. Our aim was therefore to evaluate the effects of acute hyperglycemia on insulin-mediated glucose uptake in a cardiac-derived cell line. Specifically, we aimed to elucidate the role of ROS and NOGP induction under these conditions. Methodology - H9c2 cardiomyoblasts were exposed to 25 mM glucose for 24 hr vs. 5.5 mM glucose controls ± modulating agents during last hour of glucose exposure: a) antioxidant #1 for mitochondrial ROS (250 μM 4-OHCA), b) antioxidant #2 for NADPH oxidase-generated ROS (100 μM DPI), c) NOGP inhibitors – 100 μM aminoguanidine (AGE), 5 μM chelerythrine (PKC); 40 μM DON (HBP); and 10 μM zopolrestat (PP). We also employed BFT (50 and 100 μM) in vitro, while the effects of in vivo thiamine administration were assessed in hearts of an obese/diabetic rat model of pre-diabetes and diabetes, the OLETF strain. We evaluated insulin sensitivity by glucose uptake assay (flow cytometry), GLUT4 translocation (transfection of HA-GLUT4-GFP construct) and protein kinase B (Akt) activity assay. ROS levels (mitochondrial, intracellular) were measured by flow cytometry analysis of specific fluorescent probes. Markers of each NOGP were also assessed. Results - Acute hyperglycemia elevated ROS, activated NOGPs and blunted glucose uptake. However, TK activity (marker of PPP) did not change. Respective 4-OHCA and DPI treatment blunted ROS production, diminished NOGP activation and normalized glucose uptake. NOGP inhibitory studies identified PKCβII as a key downstream player in lowering insulin-mediated glucose uptake. When we employed BFT (known to shunt flux away from NOGPs and into the PPP), it decreased ROS generation and NOGP activation, and restored glucose uptake under acute hyperglycemic conditions. In vivo thiamine administration reduced markers of the other NOGP, while it attenuated (mainly in the pre-diabetic phase) the metabolic dysfunction observed in the OLETF rats. Conclusions - This study demonstrates that acute hyperglycemia elicits a series of maladaptive events that function in tandem to reduce glucose uptake, and that antioxidant treatment and/or attenuation of NOGP activation (PKC, polyol pathway) may limit the onset of insulin resistance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Agtergrond – Alhoewel akute hiperglisemie voorvalle gekoppel is aan verlaagde glukose opname, is die onderliggende meganismes wat die proses dryf steeds onduidelik. Ons hipotetiseer dat akute hiperglisemie aanleiding gee tot die produksie van reaktiewe suurstofspesies (RSS) en toename in nie-oksidatiewe glukose weg (NOGW) aktivering, i.e. stimulering van gevorderde glukasie eindprodukte (GGE), poliolweg (PW), heksosamien biosintetiese weg (HBW) en proteïenkinase C (PKC) aktivering. Hierdie meganismes verminder sellulêre funksie, en mag inderdaad insulien-bemiddelde kardiêre glukose opname verlaag. Die rol van die pentosefosfaatweg (PFW) onder hoë glukose/diabetiese kondisies is ‘n onderwerp van stryd. Aktivering van die PFW ensiem transketolase (TK) (deur benfotiamien/BFT of tiamien) verminder fluks deur die ander vier NOGWë, en is geassosieer met voordelige uitkomste. Ons doel was dus om die effekte van akute hiperglisemie op insulien-bemiddelde glukose opname te evalueer in ‘n kardiaal-afkomstige sellyn. Meer bepaald het ons gepoog om die rol van RSS en NOGW induksie onder hierdie kondisies te verstaan. Metode – H9c2 kardiomioblaste is aan 25 mM glukose vir 24 h blootgestel vs. 5.5 mM glukose kontroles ± moduleeragente tydens die laaste uur van glukose blootstelling: a) anti-oksidant #1 vir mitochondriese RSS (250 μM 4-OHCA), b) anti-oksidant #2 vir NADPH oksidase-gegenereerde RSS (100 μM DPI), c) NOGW inhibeerders – 100 μM aminoguanidien (GGE), 5 μM cheleritrien (PKC); 40 μM DON (HBW); en 10 μM zopolrestaat (PW). Ons het ook BFT (50 en 100 μM) in vitro aangewend, terwyl die effek van in vivo tiamien aanwending geassesseer is in die harte van ‘n vetsugtige/diabetiese rotmodel van pre-diabetes en diabetes, die OLETF lyn. Ons het insuliensensitiwiteit deur ‘n glukose opname toets (vloeisitometrie), GLUT4 translokasie (transfeksie van HA-GLUT4-GFP konstruk) en proteïenkinase B (Akt) aktiwiteitstoets, geëvalueer. RSS vlakke (mitochondries, intrasellulêr) is gemeet deur vloeisitometriese analise van spesifieke fluoresserende peilers. Merkers van elke NOGW is ook geassesseer. Resultate - Akute hiperglisemie het RSS verhoog, NOGWë geaktiveer en glukose opname versag. TK aktiwiteit (merker van PFW) het egter nie verander nie. Onderskeidelike 4-OHCA en DPI behandeling het RSS produksie versag, NOGW aktivering verminder en glukose opname genormaliseer. NOGW onderdrukking studies het PKCβII geïdentifiseer as ‘n sleutel deelnemer in verlaging van insulien-bemiddelde glukose opname. Die aanwending van BFT (bekend vir die wegvoer van fluks vanaf NOGWë na die PFW), het RSS skepping en NOGW aktivering verlaag, en glukose opname herwin onder akute hiperglisemiese kondisies. In vivo tiamien toediening het merkers van die ander NOGW verlaag, terwyl dit die metaboliese disfunksie waargeneem in die OLETF rotte (hoofsaaklik in die pre-diabetiese fase) verminder het. Gevolgtrekking – Hierdie studie demonstreer dat akute hiperglisemie ‘n reeks van wanaangepaste voorvalle ontlok wat gesamentlik funksioneer om glukose opname te verlaag, en dat anti-oksidant behandeling en/of vermindering van NOGW aktivering (PKC, poliolweg), die aanvang van insulien weerstand mag beperk.

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