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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Testing for microbiologically active compounds extracted from members of the family laminaceae and other indigenous plants.

Gurlal, Prenitha. January 2005 (has links)
The Labiatae is a large family that occurs worldwide and have species that are adapted to almost all habitats and altitudes. Plectranthus is in this family. Plectranthus species are beautiful South African shrubs. The genus Plectranthus belongs to subfamily Nepetoideae of tribe Ocimeae. The test microorganisms were chosen carefully as each one belonged to a different taxonomic group of fungi and bacteria. Biologically active mono- and sesquiterpenoids are frequently found in many species of Plectranthus but there are little published data that directly link the presence of specific compounds in a species with the traditional uses of that species. Various Plectranthus spp. were collected and dried, followed by chemical extraction using various solvents. Dichloromethane extracts of P. fruticosus and P. ecklonii were screened for antibacterial and antifungal activities using the agar well and trench diffusion methods. It was found that both methods produced inconsistent results. The trench method required a bigger volume of plant extract to be filled into the well, hence, better biological activity was observed with that method. The well method required a smaller volume therefore poor activity was noted with this assay. The size of inhibition zones are dosage dependent. Overall, both plant extracts exhibited antibacterial but no antifungal properties. The pure compound (1), 11-Hydroxy-2-(4-hydroxybenzoyl)-5,7,9(11),13-abietatetraen-12-one, isolated from P. ecklonii was found to be the same as compound (10) which was isolated from P. lucidus. P. hadiensis was extracted using dichloromethane and hexane. The dichloromethane extract proved to contain much higher biological activity than the hexane extract. Three pure compounds, identified as diterpenes, were isolated from the crude dichloromethane extract of P. hadiensis. 6,7-Dihydroxyroyleanone-6,7,12-trihydroxy-8,12-abietadiene-ll,14-dione (2) and 7(alpha)-formoxy-6(beta)-hydroxyroyleanone (3) exhibited good antibacterial and antifungal activity but not against all the test organisms. The remaining pure compound, 7(alpha)-acetoxy-6(beta)hydroxyroyleanone (4), exerted good antifungal activity. This was measured by the inhibition zone which measured up to 14mm when compound 4 was tested against S. sclerotiorum. When testing the hexane extract against the Bacillus formulations, the pellets that were suspended once in Ringer's solution produced bigger inhibition zones than the pellets that were suspended twice. This could be due to bacterial cells washing out of the suspension. The dichloromethane extract of P. praetermissus proved to be very active against X campestris, producing an inhibition zone of 8 - 20mm. Two pure compounds were isolated from the crude extract and identified as diterpenes. Compound 5, 20(10--> 5)-abeo1( 10),6,8,11,13-abietapentaene-11,12,16-triol, and compound 6, 11,12,15-trihydroxy-20( 10-->5)-abeo-abieta-1-(10),6,8,11,13-pentaene are both known compounds which have previously been isolated from Salvia apiana. P. cilatus was extracted with chloroform and tested against various microorganisms for antifungal and antibacterial activities. It showed poor biological activity overall, except against S. sclerotiorum. The crude dichloromethane extract of P. zuluensis exhibited good antibacterial activity, which was limited to the Gram negative test organism. The extract produced an inhibition zone of 10-12mm when tested against X campestris. Pure compound 7, 2-hydroxy-4,6dimethoxyacetophenone, exerted excellent inhibition against B. subtilis and S. sclerotiorum. Neither compound 8, 1,2,4-trimethoxy-5-(2-propenyl)-benzene, nor compound 7, inhibited Candida spp., F. oxysporum and R. solani. Two diterpenes were isolated from the aerial plant parts of P. lucidus with dichloromethane and their structures elucidated by spectroscopic means. The pure compound 9, 11-hydroxy19-( 3-methyl-2-butenoyl)-5,7,9(11), 13-abietatetraen-12-one, showed moderate antifungal activity whereas compound 10, 11-hydroxy-2-(4-hroxybenzoyl)-5,7,9(11),13-abietatetraen12- one, showed high antifungal activity against R. solani, S. sclerotiorum and F. oxysporum. The crude and the pure compounds (formerly isolated from P. parviflorus) showed inhibition against X campestris. The dichloromethane extracts of P. purpuratus subsp. purpuratus and P. purpuratus subsp. tongaensis exhibit similar levels of biological activity when tested against the same test organisms. Poor antibacterial activity was noted with both extracts. However, excellent antifungal activity was depicted when both plant extracts were tested against F. oxysporum, R. solani and S. sclerotiorum. However, the highest biological activity was noted by R. solani which was totally inhibited by both dichloromethane extracts. The pure compound (11) isolated from P. purpuratus subsp. purpuratus was found to have the same chemical structure as compound (9) previously isolated from P. lucidus. The bioautography assay was used to detect and activity-guide the fractionation of antimicrobial compounds from all the Plectranthus spp. tested. The TLC fingerprint showed a zone of clearing around the lower bands of P. fruticosus and P. ecklonii when the plate was sprayed with a suspension of B. subtilis. This result is consistent with the agar well diffusion method. Clear zones were also noted on some bands of the extracts of P. zuluensis, P. ciliatus, P. hadiensis and P. praetermussis. Clear zones indicate inhibition of growth. Other plant extracts tested for biological activity were from the family Lamiaceae, however, not of the genus Plectranthus. Persicaria senegalensis, Pycnostachys reticulata and Ficus sur possessed moderate biological activity overall. It is interesting to note that P. senegalensis and F. sur exert high biological activity against Candida spp. This could be useful as herbal remedies for yeast infections. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2005.

Responses of Venturia inaequalis to sanitation and regional climate differences in South Africa

Von Diest, Saskia Gudrun 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD(Agric))--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The apple industry in South Africa currently relies entirely on chemical fungicides to control apple scab, caused by Venturia inaequalis. In this dissertation, alterative management strategies against V. inaequalis were tested for the first time in South Africa. New information on the behaviour of the sexual winter phase of V. inaequalis in different climatic conditions was found and sources of asexual inoculum overwintering in apple orchards were identified. The effect of leaf shredding on fruit and leaf scab incidence and severity was tested against a non-shredded, non-sprayed negative control, a positive control that followed a commercial fungicide programme and a combined treatment of a commercial fungicide programme with leaf shredding, from 2010 to 2013. Reductions in fruit and leaf scab incidence and severity in the leaf shredding treatment were significantly lower compared to the negative control. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) of airborne ascospores trapped using volumetric spore traps was used to measure the reduction in airborne ascospores in the shredded plots, and confirmed the efficacy of shredding found by comparing scab incidence and severity on fruit and leaves. Shredding twice during leaf-drop increased the efficacy of the treatment. Results indicate that leaf shredding should be integrated into scab management strategies in future. However, practical considerations unique to South African orchards, e.g. timing of leaf shredding relative to leaf-drop and orchard layouts, need to be addressed. Pseudothecial densities (PD, number of pseudothecia per fertile lesion) and ascal densities (AD, number of asci per pseudothecium) were compared between in Koue Bokkeveld (KB), a cold winter region, and Elgin (EL), a warm winter region experiencing climate warming, in 2012 and 2013. Scabbed leaves were detached during leaf-drop and overwintered in their region of origin and in the other region. The PD in leaves collected in KB and overwintered in KB was significantly higher than for leaves collected in EL and overwintered in EL, and leaves collected in KB and overwintered in EL. These results agreed with what was expected, as temperature during pseudothecial formation (i.e. the first four weeks after leaf-drop) was significantly lower in KB than in EL. However, the PD for leaves collected in EL and overwintered in EL did not differ significantly from EL leaves overwintered in KB. AD values in all treatments did not differ significantly from one another. Results suggest that factors other than temperature may be involved in controlling PD, e.g. the EL population may include strains not present in the KB population, with higher optimal temperatures for pseudothecial formation. Apple buds and pygmy apples were collected and tested for presence, number and viability of conidia in 2010, 2011 and 2012. Pygmy apples are small, late season fruit that remain attached to the tree throughout winter, especially in regions with warmer winters where trees do not experience sufficient chilling to complete dormancy. High conidial numbers were found on outer bud tissue and low numbers on inner bud tissue, but viable conidia were only found on inner bud tissue, using microscopy, and generally in orchards with high scab levels in the previous season. Molecular methods using PCR-RFLP and qPCR confirmed the presence of high amounts of V. inaequalis DNA in outer bud tissues, although calculated conidial amounts were higher than data obtained when using microscopy, which could indicate presence of mycelia not detected during microscopic examination. Higher numbers of conidia with higher percentage viability were found on pygmy apples, which are a more likely source of asexual inoculum in South African apple orchards than the low number of viable conidia on inner bud tissue. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse appelbedryf is tans afhanklik van chemiese swamdoders vir die beheer van die appelskurf patogeen, Venturia inaequalis. In hierdie proefskrif is alternatiewe bestuurstrategiëe vir die eerste keer in Suid-Afrika ondersoek. Nuwe inligting te opsigte van die gedrag van die geslagtelike winterfase van V. inaequalis, is onder verskillende klimaatstoestande ingewin en bronne van die oorwinterende ongeslagtelike inokulum in appelboorde, is identifiseer. Die invloed van blaarversnippering op die voorkoms en erns van appelskurf op vrugte en blare, is vanaf 2010 tot 2013 ondersoek en met ʼn negatiewe kontrole (onversnipperde blare sonder spuitprogram), ʼn positiewe kontrole (ʼn kommersiële swamdoderspuitprogram is gevolg) en gekombineerde behandelings (kommersiële swamdoderspuitprogram en blaarversnippering) vergelyk. Daar was ʼn betekenisvolle verskil in die voorkoms en erns van skurf op vrugte en blare met blaarversnippering teenoor die negatiewe kontrole. Kwantitatiewe intydse polimerase kettingvermeerderingsreaksie (kPKR) van luggedraagde askospore, vasgevang in volumetriese lokvalle, is gebruik om die afname van luggedraagde askospore in versnipperde behandelings te meet. Die doeltreffendheid van versnippering as behandeling, is bevestig deur die voorkoms van appelskurf te vergelyk met die ernstigheidsgraad daarvan op vrugte en blare. Die uitvoer van blaarversnippering twee keer gedurende die blaarvalperiode het die effektiwiteit van hierdie behandeling verhoog. Hiervan kan dus afgelei word dat blaarversnippering voordelig sal wees vir die bestuur van appelskurf en in toekomstige bestuurspraktyke ingesluit moet word. Praktiese oorwegings, uniek aan Suid-Afrikaanse boorde, soos boorduitleg en die tydsberekening van blaarversnippering teenoor blaarval, moet egter in ag geneem word. Pseudothesiale digtheid (PD; die aantal pseudothesia per vrugbare letsel) en askale digtheid (AD; die aantal aski per pseudothesium) is gedurende 2012 en 2013 vir die Koue Bokkeveld (KB), 'n koue winterstreek, en warm winterstreek Elgin (EL), 'n winterstreek wat klimaatsverwarming ervaar, vergelyk. Blare, met skurf, is gedurende blaarval gepluk en oorwinter in hul gebied van oorsprong, asook in die ander klimaatstreek. Blare wat in KB versamel is en in KB oorwinter het, se PD was aansienlik hoër as dié wat in EL versamel is en in EL oorwinter het, sowel as dié wat in KB versamel is en in EL oorwinter het. Hierdie resultate stem ooreen met wat verwag is, om rede die temperatuur gedurende pseudothesiale vorming, d.w.s. die eerste vier weke na blaarval, aansienlik laer in KB as in EL was. Die PD van blare wat in EL versamel en daar oorwinter het, het egter nie betekenisvol verskil van blare wat in KB oorwinter het nie. Die AD-waardes tussen behandelings verskil nie noemenswaardig nie en word as onbeduidend beskou. Die verkrygde resultate dui aan dat daar ander faktore as temperatuur betrokke is by die beheer van PD, bv. die EL-skurfpopulasie, waar die warmer klimaat meer optimaal is vir pseudothesiale vorming, rasse wat nie in die KB-bevolking teenwoordig is nie, mag insluit. Appelknoppe en dwerg-appels is gedurende 2010, 2011 en 2012 versamel en vir die teenwoordigheid, aantal en lewensvatbaarheid van konidiospore getoets. Dwergappels is klein laatseisoen appeltjies wat reg deur die winter aan die boom bly hang; veral in die streke met warmer winters waar die bome nie die nodige koue ervaar om dormansie te voltooi nie. Met behulp van mikroskopie is ʼn hoë aantal spore op die buitenste knopweefsel en lae getalle in die binneweefsel bespeur; maar lewensvatbare spore is net in die binneweefsel van knoppe waargeneem, wat hoofsaaklik afkomstig is van boorde wat hoë vlakke van appelskurf in die vorige seisoen ervaar het. Molekulêre tegnieke, PKR-RFLP en kPKR, is gebruik vir bepaling van V. inequalis DNA hoeveelhede op die buitenste knopweefsel. Hoër getalle konidiospore is met die molekulêre analise gevind, as dié verkry met mikroskopiese ondersoek en dui op die moontlike teenwoordigheid van miselium wat nie met visuele waarneming sigbaar was nie. Meer konidiospore met 'n hoër vlak van lewensvatbaarheid is op dwerg-apples gevind en dit is moontlik 'n meer waarskynlike bron van ongeslagtelike inokulum in Suid-Afrikaanse appelboorde, as die lae getalle van lewensvatbare konidiospore op die binneweefsel van die appelknoppe.

Optimisation of imazalil application and green mould control in South African citrus packhouses

Erasmus, Arno 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD(Agric))--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa is the largest exporter of shipped fresh citrus fruit worldwide. One of the major factors that can lead to substantial losses is postharvest decay. Penicillium digitatum (PD) and P. italicum (PI) are the main wound pathogens, respectively causing green and blue mould decay. PD is more prevalent than PI and therefore also the focus in the majority of research in this field. Imazalil (IMZ) is applied by the majority of citrus packhouses through an aqueous dip treatment, and provides good curative and protective control, as well as sporulation inhibition activity. Two IMZ formulations are in use: the sulphate salt applied in aqueous treatments and the emulsifiable concentrate (EC) applied with wax coatings. The majority of research on IMZ has been done using the EC formulation. The maximum residue limit (MRL) for IMZ on citrus fruit is 5 μg.g-1, whereas 2-3 μg.g-1 is regarded as a biologically effective residue level that should at least inhibit green mould sporulation. A study was conducted to assess the current status of IMZ application in South African packhouses, to determine the adequate residue levels needed to control green mould and inhibit sporulation using IMZ sensitive and resistant isolates, and to study optimisation of modes of IMZ application in citrus packhouses. Factors studied were IMZ concentration, application type (spray vs. dip and drench), exposure time, solution temperature and pH, as well as curative and protective control of PD. The packhouse survey showed that the majority of packhouses applied IMZ in a sulphate salt formulation through a fungicide dip tank, and loaded an IMZ residue of ≈1 μg.g-1. In dip applications, IMZ had excellent curative and protective activity against Penicillium isolates sensitive to IMZ. However, curative control of IMZ resistant isolates was substantially reduced and protective control was lost, even at twice the recommended concentration, nor was sporulation inhibited. The use of sodium bicarbonate (2%) buffered imazalil sulphate solutions at pH ±8, compared with pH ±3 of the unbuffered solutions, markedly increased IMZ residue loading on navel and Valencia oranges and improved curative and protective control of IMZ resistant isolates. Exposure time did not affect IMZ residue loading in IMZ sulphate solutions at pH 3, although the MRL was exceeded after 45 s exposure in pH 8 solutions. Imazalil applied through spray or drench application improved residue loading, but green mould control was less effective than after dip application. IMZ formulation (IMZ sulphate and EC), solution pH (IMZ sulphate at 500 μg.mL-1 buffered with NaHCO3 or NaOH to pH 6 and 8) and exposure time (15 to 540 s) were subsequently investigated in order to improve IMZ residue loading and green mould control on Clementine mandarin, lemon, and navel and Valencia orange fruit. As seen previously, exposure time had no significant effect on residue loading in the unbuffered IMZ sulphate solution (pH 3). No differences were observed between the pH buffers used, but residue loading improved with increase in pH. The MRL was exceeded following dip treatment in IMZ EC (after 75 s exposure time), and IMZ sulphate at pH 8 using NaHCO3 (77 s) or NaOH (89 s) as buffer. The MRL was exceeded after 161 s in IMZ sulphate solutions buffered at pH 6 with either NaHCO3 or NaOH. Green mould control as influenced by residue data was modelled to predict control of IMZ-sensitive and IMZ-resistant PD isolates. From this model the effective residue levels for 95% control of an IMZ-sensitive isolate and of an IMZ-resistant isolate were predicted to be 0.81 and 2.64 ug g-1, respectively. The effects of incubation time (infection age), exposure time, solution pH, wounds size and fruit brushing after dip treatments on residue loading and curative green mould control were also investigated. Exposure time did not have a significant effect on residue loading on fruit dipped in pH 3 solutions of IMZ (< 2.00 μg.g-1). Increasing the pH to 6 resulted in significantly increased residue loading, which increased with longer exposure time, but mostly to levels below the MRL after 180 s. Post-dip treatment brushing reduced residue levels obtained in IMZ pH 3 solutions by up to 90% to levels < 0.5 μg.g-1; however, curative control of the IMZ sensitive isolate was mostly unaffected, but with poor sporulation inhibition. At pH 6, post-dip brushing reduced residues to ≈ 60%; again curative control of the sensitive isolate was unaffected, but with improved sporulation inhibition. Wounded rind sections loaded higher residue levels compared to intact rind sections and large wounds loaded higher levels than small wounds (≈ 10.19, ≈ 9.06 and ≈ 7.91 μg.g-1 for large, small and no wound, respectively). Curative control of infections originating from large wounds was significantly better than those from small wounds. The ability of IMZ to control sensitive green mould infections declined from 6 and 12 h after inoculation on Clementine mandarin fruit of infections induced by small and large wounds, respectively; on navel orange fruit, curative control declined 18 and 36 h after inoculation for the respective wound size treatments. Effective IMZ concentrations that inhibit 50% (EC50) growth of nine PD and five PI isolates were determined in vitro and the IMZ sensitivity of the various isolates categorized according to their EC50 values and resistance (R) factors. Effective residue levels that predicted 50% curative (ER50C) and protective (ER50P) control of these isolates were determined in vivo. All the PI isolates had sensitive EC50 values of 0.005 - 0.050 μg.mL-1. Three PD isolates were sensitive (0.027 – 0.038 μg.mL-1), while one resistant isolate was categorized as low resistant (R-factor of 19), one as moderately resistant (R-factor of 33.2), three as resistant (R-factor of 50 - 57.6) and one as highly resistant (R-factor of 70.7). Sensitive PD isolates had mean ER50C and ER50P values on Valencia orange fruit of 0.29 and 0.20 μg.g-1, and 0.33 and 0.32 μg.g-1 on navel fruit, respectively. ER50 values for resistant isolates did not always correlate with EC50 values and ranged from 1.22 – 4.56 μg.g-1 for ER50C and 1.00 – 6.62 μg.g-1 for ER50P values. ER50P values for resistant isolates could not be obtained on navel orange fruit, but ER50C values (1.42 – 1.65 μg.g-1) were similar to those obtained on Valencia fruit. The PI isolates all behaved similar to the sensitive PD isolates with ER50C and ER50P values on navel and Valencia fruit < 0.38 μg.g-1. Alternative fungicides were assessed for the control of an IMZ sensitive, resistant and highly resistant PD isolates; these included sodium ortho-phenylpenate (SOPP), thiabendazole (TBZ), guazatine (GZT), imazalil (IMZ), pyrimethanil (PYR) and Philabuster® (PLB; a combination of IMZ and PYR), fludioxonil (FLU), azoxystrobin (AZO), Graduate®A+ (a combination of FLU and AZO) and propiconazole (PPZ). Multiple resistance was shown against IMZ, GZT, TBZ and PPZ in both resistant PD isolates. For the sensitive isolates, IMZ, SOPP, TBZ, GZT and PLB provided best curative control, while IMZ, GZT and PLB provided best protective control. For the IMZ-resistant isolates, SOPP, PYR and PLB gave the best curative control, while none of the fungicides provided adequate protective control. Globally, this is the first in-depth study of green and blue mould control with the sulphate formulation of IMZ. Findings from this study are already being implemented by industry. Solution pH is monitored, exposure time is measured and residue loading specific to application method is assessed and interpreted by means of the ER50 values. Aqueous dip applications performed best in terms of curative control, and IMZ residue loading in wound sites was most important for curative control. Other studies confirmed this and showed that IMZ is better protectively applied with wax coatings. The practical impact of IMZ resistance has been highlighted as resistant isolates infections could never be adequately controlled. IMZ alternative fungicides were assessed and SOPP, TBZ, GZT, PYR and/or PLB could be used to reduce the development and impact of IMZ resistance. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika is die grootste uitvoerder van verskeepde vars sitrusvrugte wêreldwyd. Een van die vernaamste faktore wat tot substansiële verliese kan lei, is na-oesverrotting. Penicillium digitatum (PD) en P. italicum (PI) is die hoof wondpatogene, en veroorsaak onderskeidelik groenskimmel- en blouskimmelverval. PD is meer algemeen as PI en daarom ook die fokus in die meerderheid van navorsing in hierdie veld. Imazalil (IMZ) word deur die meerderheid van sitruspakhuise in ‘n waterige doopbehandeling toegedien, en verskaf goeie genesende en beskermende beheer, sowel as sporulasie-inhibisie aktiwiteit. Twee IMZ-formulasies word gebruik: die sulfaatsout wat in waterige behandelings toegedien word, en die emulsifiseerbare konsentraat (EK) wat in wakslaagbehandelings toegedien word. Die meerderheid van navorsing op IMZ is gedoen deur die gebruik van die EK-formulasie. Die maksimum residu limiet (MRL) vir IMZ op sitrusvrugte is 5 μg.g-1, terwyl 2-3 μg.g-1 as ‘n biologies effektiewe residuvlak beskou word wat ten minste groenskimmelsporulasie moet inhibeer. ‘n Studie is uitgevoer ten einde die huidige status van IMZ-toediening in Suid-Afrikaanse pakhuise vas te stel, om die voldoende residuvlakke vas te stel wat nodig is om groenskimmel te beheer en sporulasie te inhibeer deur die gebruik van IMZ-sensitiewe en -weerstandbiedende isolate, en om optimisering van metodes van IMZ-toediening in sitruspakhuise te bestudeer. Faktore wat bestudeer is, was IMZ-konsentrasie, toedieningstipe (spuit vs. doop en stort), blootstellingsperiode, oplossingstemperatuur en pH, asook genesende en beskermende beheer van PD. Die pakhuis-opname het aangedui dat die meerderheid van pakhuise IMZ in ‘n sulfaatsoutformulasie deur ‘n fungisieddooptenk toegedien het, en ‘n IMZ-residu van ≈1 μg.g-1 gelaai het. In dooptoedienings het IMZ uitstekende genesende en beskermende aktiwiteit teen ‘n Penicillium IMZ-sensitiewe isolaat gehad. Genesende beheer van ‘n IMZ-weerstandbiedende isolaat was egter substansiëel minder, en beskermende beheer was verlore, selfs teen twee keer die aanbevole konsentrasie. Sporulasie is ook nie geïnhibeer nie. Die gebruik van natriumbikarbonaat (2%) gebufferde imazalil sulfaat-oplossings by pH ±8, in vergelyking met pH ±3 van die ongebufferde oplossings, het IMZ-residulading op nawel en Valencia lemoene merkbaar verhoog, en genesende en beskermende beheer van IMZ-weerstandbiedende isolaat verbeter. Blootstellingsperiode het nie IMZ-residulading in IMZ-sulfaat-oplossings by pH 3 geaffekteer nie, hoewel die MRL ná 45 s blootstelling in pH 8 oplossings oorskry is. Imazalil wat deur spuit- of drenkhandeling toegedien is, het residulading verbeter, maar groenskimmelbeheer was minder effektief as ná dooptoediening. IMZ-formulasie (IMZ-sulfaat en EK), oplossing pH (IMZ-sulfaat teen 500 μg.mL-1 gebuffer met NaHCO3 of NaOH na pH 6 en 8) en blootstellingsperiode (15 tot 540 s) is daaropvolgend ondersoek ten einde IMZ-residulading en groenskimmelbeheer op Clementine mandaryn, suurlemoen, en nawel en Valencia lemoen vrugte te verbeter. Soos voorheen opgelet, het blootstellingsperiode geen betekenisvolle effek op residulading in die ongebufferde IMZ-sulfaat-oplossing (pH 3) gehad nie. Geen verskille is tussen die pH buffers wat gebruik is, waargeneem nie, maar residulading het met verhoogde pH verbeter. Die MRL is ná die doopbehandeling in IMZ EK (ná 75 s blootstellingsperiode), en IMZ-sulfaat by pH 8 en gebruik van NaHCO3 (77 s) of NaOH (89 s) as buffer, oorskry. Die MRL is ná 161 s in IMZ-sulfaat-oplossings gebuffer by pH 6 met óf NaHCO3 óf NaOH oorskry. Groenskimmelbeheer, soos beïnvloed deur residulading, is gemodelleer ten einde beheer van IMZ-sensitiewe en IMZ-weerstandbiedende PD isolate te voorspel. Vanaf hierdie model is die effektiewe residuvlakke vir 95% beheer van ‘n IMZ-sensitiewe isolaat en van ‘n IMZ-weerstandbiedende isolaat as onderskeidelik 0.81 en 2.64 ug.g-1 voorspel. Die effekte van inkubasieperiode (infeksie-ouderdom), blootstellingsperiode, oplossing pH, wondgrootte en borsel van vrugte ná doopbehandelings, op residulading en genesende groenskimmelbeheer, is ook ondersoek. Blootstellingsperiode het geen betekenisvolle effek op residulading op vrugte wat in pH 3 oplossings van IMZ (< 2.00 μg.g-1) gedoop is, gehad nie. Verhoging van pH tot 6 het tot betekenisvolle verhoogde residulading gelei, wat met verlengde blootstellingsperiode toegeneem het, maar meestal tot vlakke onder die MRL ná 180 s. Ná-doop borsel van vrugte het residuvlakke wat in IMZ pH 3 oplossings verkry is, met tot 90% verminder na vlakke < 0.5 μg.g-1; genesende beheer van die IMZ-sensitiewe isolaat was egter meestal ongeaffekteer, maar met swak sporulasie-inhibisie. By pH 6, het ná-doop borsel van vrugte residue tot ≈ 60% verminder; genesende beheer van die sensitiewe isolaat is weer nie geaffekteer nie, maar met verbeterde sporulasie-inhibisie. Gewonde skilsegmente het hoër residuvlakke gelaai in vergelyking met heel skilsegmente, en groot wonde het hoër vlakke gelaai in vergelyking met klein wonde (≈ 10.19, ≈ 9.06 en ≈ 7.91 μg.g-1 vir groot, klein en geen wond, onderskeidelik). Genesende beheer van infeksies wat vanaf groot wonde ontstaan het, was betekenisvol beter as dié vanaf klein wonde. Die vermoë van IMZ om sensitiewe groenskimmel-infeksies te beheer, het vanaf 6 en 12 h ná inokulasie op Clementine mandaryn vrugte van infeksies wat deur klein en groot wonde onderskeidelik geïnduseer is, afgeneem; op nawel lemoen vrugte, het genesende beheer 18 en 36 h ná inokulasie vir die onderskeie wondgrootte behandelings, afgeneem. Effektiewe IMZ-konsentrasies wat 50% (EK50) groei van nege PD en vyf PI isolate inhibeer, is in vitro vasgestel en die IMZ-sensitiwiteit van die verskillende isolate is volgens hul EK50 waardes en weerstandsfaktore (R) gekatogeriseer. Effektiewe residuvlakke wat 50% genesende (ER50C) en beskermende (ER50P) beheer van hierdie isolate voorspel, is in vivo vasgestel. Al die PI isolate het sensitiewe EK50 waardes van 0.005 - 0.050 μg.mL-1 gehad. Drie PD isolate was sensitief (0.027 – 0.038 μg.mL-1), terwyl een weerstandbiedende isolaat as laag weerstandbiedend (R-faktor van 19) gekatogeriseer is, een as matig weerstandbiedend (R-faktor van 33.2), drie as weerstandbiedend (R-faktor van 50 - 57.6) en een as hoogs weerstandbiedend (R-faktor van 70.7). Sensitiewe PD isolate het gemiddelde ER50C en ER50P waardes op Valencia lemoen vrugte van 0.29 en 0.20 μg.g-1 gehad, en 0.33 en 0.32 μg.g-1 op nawel vrugte, onderskeidelik. ER50 waardes vir weerstandbiedende isolate het nie altyd met EK50 waardes gekorreleer nie en het van 1.22 – 4.56 μg.g-1 vir ER50C en 1.00 – 6.62 μg.g-1 vir ER50P waardes gevariëer. ER50P waardes vir weerstandbiedende isolate kon nie op nawel lemoen vrugte verkry word nie, maar ER50C waardes (1.42 – 1.65 μg.g-1) was soortgelyk aan dié verkry op Valencia vrugte. Die PI isolate het almal soortgelyk aan die sensitiewe PD isolate opgetree, met ER50C en ER50P waardes op nawel en Valencia vrugte < 0.38 μg.g-1. Alternatiewe swamdoders is vir die beheer van ‘n IMZ-sensitiewe, -weerstandbiedende en -hoogs weerstandbiedende PD isolate getoets; hierdie het ingesluit: “sodium ortho-phenylpenate” (SOPP), thiabendazole (TBZ), guazatine (GZT), imazalil (IMZ), pyrimethanil (PYR) en Philabuster® (PLB; ‘n kombinasie van IMZ en PYR), fludioxonil (FLU), azoxystrobin (AZO), Graduate®A+ (‘n kombinasie van FLU en AZO) en propiconazole (PPZ). Veelvoudige weerstand is teen IMZ, GZT, TBZ en PPZ in beide weerstandbiedende PD isolate aangetoon. Vir die sensitiewe isolate, het IMZ, SOPP, TBZ, GZT en PLB die beste genesende beheer verskaf, terwyl IMZ, GZT en PLB die beste beskermende beheer verskaf het. Vir die IMZ-weerstandbiedende isolate, het SOPP, PYR en PLB die beste genesende beheer verskaf, terwyl geen van die swamdoders voldoende beskermende beheer verskaf het nie. Hierdie studie is wêreldwyd die eerste in-diepte studie van groenskimmel- en blouskimmelbeheer met die sulfaatformulasie van IMZ. Bevindinge vanuit hierdie studie word alreeds in die industrie geïmplementeer. Oplossing pH word gemonitor, blootstellingsperiode word gemeet en residulading spesifiek tot toedieningsmetode word bepaal en volgens die ER50 waardes geïnterpreteer. Waterige dooptoedienings het die beste ten opsigte van genesende beheer gevaar, en IMZ-residulading in wond-areas was die belangrikste vir genesende beheer. Ander studies het dit bevestig en getoon dat IMZ beter beskermend is wanneer in ‘n wakslaag toegedien word. Die praktiese impak van IMZ-weerstand is uitgelig aangesien weerstandbiedende isolaat-infeksies nooit voldoende beheer kon word nie. IMZ alternatiewe swamdoders is getoets en SOPP, TBZ, GZT, PYR en/of PLB kon gebruik word om die ontwikkeling en impak van IMZ-weerstand te verminder.

Quantification of spray coverage on grape bunch parts and the incidence of Botrytis cinerea

Brink, Jan-Cor (Johannes Cornelius) 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Various studies revealed that Botrytis cinerea, the causal pathogen of Botrytis bunch rot, is mostly associated with pedicels, rachises, laterals and berry bases, and not with berry skins as previously understood. Provided that sufficient coverage of inner bunch parts was achieved, laboratory studies have shown that fungicides can effectively reduce the amount of B. cinerea at the various positions in bunches, and prevent infection and symptom expression at all growth stages. The same efficacy was, however, not achieved with the same fungicides when using conventional spraying methods in vineyards. Poor disease control on fruit and leaves in vineyards is attributed to inappropriate timing of fungicide applications and/or insufficient coverage of susceptible tissue. Previously, spray coverage evaluations in South Africa were based on the use of water-sensitive cards. A variety of other methods have been used to assess spray coverage in vineyards, but none of these methods could assess spray deposits on a very small, three-dimensional area of interest such as the susceptible grape bunch parts. The methods were furthermore dependent on human objectivity, which lacks quantitative measuring and speed of measurement. Suitable technology to determine spray coverage on susceptible bunch parts is, therefore, not available. The aim of this study was to develop a protocol to visualise and quantify spray deposits in grape bunches, specifically on the inner bunch parts and to use the protocol to determine the effect of different levels of spray cover on artificially inoculated B. cinerea grape bunches, in order to facilitate future determination of minimum effective coverage levels for effective B. cinerea control. A spray coverage assessment protocol using fluorometry, photomicrography and digital image analyses was developed to measure spray coverage on susceptible grape bunch parts. Among several fluorescent pigments tested, a yellow fluorescent pigment (SARDI Fluorescent Pigment) from Australia was selected on the basis of its small particle size (2.45 - 4.90 μm). Bunches were sprayed at pea size and bunch closure with different volumes of a mixture of fenhexamid and the yellow fluorescent pigment. Sprayed parts from bunches were illuminated under black light (UV-A light in the 365 nm region) and visualised under a stereo microscope at 20 x magnification. Photos of the berry skin, pedicel and rachis were taken with a digital camera (Nikon DMX 1200). Image analysis of photos was done with Image- Pro Discovery version 4.5 for Windows (Media Cybernetics) software. The total area of deposited pigment in selected areas of interest (AOI) was calculated. The percentage area covered was subsequently calculated for each AOI. Good correlation was evident between the parameters, sum of objects and percentage area covered. Bunch parts at pea size generally had higher coverage values than at bunch closure. Spray applications earlier in the season would therefore result in higher and more effective spray coverage of the susceptible bunch parts. Similar deposition trends were observed on the inner bunch parts (pedicel and rachis). These were, however, significantly different from berry skins, which had significantly higher levels of spray deposits than the inner bunch parts. The variance component analysis indicated that the highest variance was observed for berries and bunches, and substantially less for image readings. For the same accuracy, means for percentage coverage values of at least 10 bunches per treatment (1 part per bunch and 3 readings per part) will be sufficient. In order to determine the biological efficacy of different levels of spray coverage on B. cinerea incidence on grape bunches, bunches were sprayed at pea size and bunch closure with different volumes of a mixture of fenhexamid and a yellow fluorescent pigment and the percentage fluorescent pigment coverage on pedicels was determine. Bunches were subsequently dusted with dry airborne conidia of B. cinerea in a settling tower and incubated for 24 h at high relative humidity (98%). Infection was determined by estimating the amount of B. cinerea infections occurring on sprayed bunch parts with isolations on to paraquat and Kerssies mediums. Linear regressions for the part x stage combinations of percentage B. cinerea incidence on different bunch parts were fitted on mean coverage levels. An increase in spray cover caused linear reductions in levels of B. cinerea on susceptible bunch parts. Higher B. cinerea incidences were recorded at pea size. Furthermore, higher B. cinerea incidences were found on paraquat medium for both stages, than on Kerrsies medium. The information gathered from this study will be used to facilitate future determination of minimum effective coverage levels for effective B. cinerea control in grape bunches. In these validation experiments, the results clearly showed that the protocol can be used to determine the effect of different levels of spray coverage on B. cinerea incidence and that an increase in spray coverage will decrease B. cinerea incidence. The information gathered from this study will be used to facilitate future determination of minimum effective coverage levels for effective B. cinerea control in grape bunches and subsequently be used as benchmarks to evaluate spray application in vineyards. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vaalvrot by wingerde word veroorsaak deur Botrytis cinerea. Verskeie studies het getoon/gewys dat die oorsaaklike patogeen meestal geassosieer word met die pedisel, ragis, laterale en die korrelbasis, en nie met die korrelskil soos voorheen beweer nie. Laboratorium studies het getoon dat swamdoders wel effektief is om B. cinerea by alle trosdele te verminder en simptoomontwikkeling te voorkom tydens alle groeistadia, mits die binne-trosdele voldoende spuit bedekking ontvang het. Dieselfde effektiwiteit is egter nie gevind in wingerde met konvensionele spuittegnieke nie. Onvoldoende siektebeheer van vrugte en blare van wingerde kan toegeskryf word aan verkeerde spuit skedulering en/of swak spuitbedekking van vatbare gasheerweefsel. Evaluering van spuitbedekking is voorheen in Suid Afrika deur middel van water-sensitiewe papier gedoen. Verskeie ander metodes is al gebruik om spuitbedekking te evalueer in wingerde, maar nie een van hierdie metodes kan gebruik word om spuitbedekking op ’n baie klein, drie-dimensionele oppervlak, soos die vatbare trosdele, te evalueer nie. Verder was die tegnieke afhanklik van menslike objektiwiteit, en gevolglik ontbreek kwantitatiewe meting en metingspoed. Daar is dus nie geskikte tegnologie vir die evaluering van spuitbedekking op vatbare trosdele nie. Die doel van hierdie studie was die ontwikkeling van ‘n protokol vir die visualisering en kwantifisering van spuitbedekking op spesifiek die binne-tros dele en om die protokol dan te gebruik om die effek van verskillende vlakke van spuitbedekking op B. cinereageinokuleerde druiwetrosse te bepaal, Protokol vir evaluasie van spuitbedekking op vatbare druifdele is ontwikkel deur gebruik te maak van fluorometrie, fotomikrografie en digitale beeldanalise. Van die verskillende fluoresensie pigmente wat getoets is, is ‘n geel flouresensie pigment (SARDI Flourescent Pigment) van Australië gekies op grond van sy klein partikelgrootte (2.45 - 4.90 μm). Druiwetrosse is gespuit tydens ertjie- en trostoemaakstadia met verskillende volumes van ’n mengsel van fenheksamied en die geel fluorosensie pigment. Die gespuite druifdele is dan verlig onder swartlig buise (UV-A lig in die 365 nm spektrum) en gevisualiseer deur ’n stereo mikroskoop by 20x vergroting. Foto’s van die korrelskil, pedisel en ragis is met ‘n digitale kamera (Nikon DMX 1200) geneem. Beeldanalise is gedoen met ImagePro Discovery weergawe 4.5 vir Windows (Media Cybernetics) sagteware. Die totale area neerslag van die pigment is in geselekteerde areas bereken. Die presentasie area bedek is bereken vir elkeen van hierdie areas. Goeie korrelasie is gevind tussen die parameters aantal fluoresserende partikels en die persentasie bedekte area. Trosdele tydens ertjie-stadium het in die algemeen hoër waardes gehad as by trostoemaak. Dit blyk dus dat spuittoediening vroeg in die seisoen meer effektief sal wees vir die bedekking van vatbare trosdele. Soortgelyke bedekkings patrone is gevind by die binne trosdele (pedisel en ragis). Dit het egter betekenisvol verskil van die korrelskil, wat betekenisvol meer spuitbedekking as die binne trosdele gehad het. ’n Variasie komponent analise het getoon dat die meeste variasie gevind is tussen korrels en trosse, en heelwat minder vir die beeld analise lesings. Om dieselfde akkuraatheid te behou, is ten minste 10 trosse per behandeling (1 deel per tros en 3 lesings per deel) nodig. Vir die bepaling van biologiese effektiwiteit van verskillende vlakke van spuitbedekking op B. cinerea voorkoms op druiwe, is druiwe gespuit tydens ertjie- en trostoemaak-stadia met verskillende volumes van ’n mengsel van fenheksamied en die geel fluorosensie pigment. Die persentasie fluoresensie pigment is bepaal op die pedisels. Trosse is vervolgens geinokuleer met droë luggedraagde konidia van B. cinerea in ’n inokulasietoring en geïnkubeer vir 24 h by hoë relatiewe humiditeit (98%). Die voorkoms van B. cinerea infeksie op gespuite tros dele is bepaal deur middel van isolasies op paraquat en Kerssies medium. Liniêre regressies vir trosdeel x stadium kombinasies van persentasie B. cinerea voorkoms op verskillende trosdele is gepas vir gemiddelde bedekkings waardes. ’n Verhoging in spuit bedekking het ‘n liniêre vermindering van B. cinerea voorkoms op vatbare trosdele veroorsaak. Verder is hoër vlakke van B. cinerea op paraquat medium as op Kerssies medium vir beide die groeistadia gevind. Die kennis wat verkry is uit hierdie studie sal gebruik word om minimum effektiewe spuitbedekkingsvlakke vir die beheer van B. cinerea op druiwetrosse te bepaal.

Epidemiology and control of Pseudocercospora angolensis fruit and leaf spot disease on citrus in Zimbabwe

Pretorius, Mathys Cornelius 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Fruit and Leaf Spot Disease (FLSD) of citrus, caused by Phaeoramularia angolensis, is found only in 18 countries in Africa, the Comores Islands in the Indian Ocean and Yemen in the Arabian peninsula. The major citrus export countries in Africa are Morocco, South Africa, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe is the only country affected by FLSD. FLSD is a disease of major phytosanitary and economic importance and its devastating effect on citrus is highlighted by the fact that the damage is cosmetic, which renders the fruit unmarketable. Total crop losses are not uncommon in Kenya. The aims of the present study, therefore, was was to determine the occurrence of P. angolensis in Zimbabwe and neighbouring Mozambique, to compare these isolates with the Cercospora Fresen. isolates from Swaziland and South Africa, to determine the epidemiology of the pathogen and to implement an effective control strategy to prevent the spread of FLSD. Leaf samples with citrus canker-like lesions collected in the early 1990’s in Zimbabwe were found to be infected by the fungus, Phaeoramularia angolensis. Surveys were undertaken to determine the spread and intensity of FLSD in Zimbabwe and Mozambique. In Zimbabwe, P. angolensis was limited to an area above the 19° south latitude, predominantly the moist areas and not the low-lying drier parts of the country. In Mozambique, no P. angolensis symptoms were found. Observations during the survey indicated that no proper management systems were implemented by Zimbabwean growers. A cercosporoid fungus causing a new Fruit and Leaf Spot Disease on Citrus in South Africa was identified. From morphological and rDNA sequence data (ITS 1, 5.8S and ITS 2), it was concluded that the new disease was caused by Cercospora penzigii, belonging to the Cercospora apii species complex. The genera Pseudophaeoramularia and Phaeoramularia are regarded as synonyms of Pseudocercospora, and subsequently a new combination was proposed in Pseudocercospora as P. angolensis. Cercospora gigantea was shown to not represent a species of Cercospora, while Mycosphaerella citri was found to be morphologically variable, suggesting that it could represent more than one taxon. A control strategy for the control of FLSD was evaluated in the study. The data showed that P. angolensis in Zimbabwe can be managed successfully by the removal of all old and neglected orchards, and on timely fungicide applications. Trifloxystrobin + mancozeb + mineral spray oil (20 g + 200 g + 500 ml/100 l water) applied in November, January and March was the most effective treatment. Three applications of benomyl + mancozeb + mineral spray oil (25 g + 200 g + 500 ml/100 l water) applied during the same period, was the second most effective treatment, and two applications (November and January) of trifloxystrobin + mineral spray oil (20g + 500 ml/100 l water) and difenoconazole (40 g) per 100 l/water applied twice in November and January, the third most effective treatment. The spore trap and weather data showed that P. angolensis needs high moisture and temperatures in excess of 25°C for disease development. It is concluded that P. angolensis in Zimbabwe can be managed successfully by implementing a holistic approach, which should be supported by the authorities, organised agriculture and all technical personnel involved in citrus production. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Blaar- en vrugvleksiekte (BVVS) op sitrus, veroorsaak deur Phaeoramularia angolensis, kom in 18 lande in Afrika voor asook die Comores Eilande in die Indiese Oseaan en Yemen op die Arabiese skiereiland. Marokko, Suid Afrika, Swaziland en Zimbabwe is die belangrikste uitvoerders van sitrus in Afrika. Van dié lande het slegs Zimbabwe blaar en vrugvleksiekte op sitrus. Hierdie siekte is van fitosanitêre en ekonomiese waarde en die nadelige effek van die siekte, wat slegs kosmetiese van aard is, is venietigend aangesien vrugte onbemarkbaar is. Totale opbrengsverliese is nie ongewoon in lande soos Kenya nie. Die doelwitte van die studie was dus om die voorkoms van P. angolensis in Zimbabwe te bepaal, om die Cercospora Fresen. isolate vanaf Swaziland en Suid-Afrika met mekaar te vergelyk, om die epidemiologie van die siekte vas te stel en om ‘n effektiewe beheermaatreël teen die siekte te ondersoek. Blaarmonsters met kankeragtige letsels wat in die vroeë 1990’s in Zimbabwe gevind is, het getoon dat die blare geinfekteer is met die swam, Phaeoramularia angolensis. Ondersoeke is geloots om die verspreiding en intensiteit van BVVS in Zimbabwe en Mosambiek te bepaal. In Zimbabwe was gevind dat P. angolensis beperk was tot gebiede bo die 19° Suid breedtegraad, wat die hoër vogtiger gebiede insluit eerder as die droeër, laagliggende gebiede. Geen P. angolensis simptome kon in Mosambiek gevind word nie. Tydens die opnames was dit duidelik dat geen geskikte beheerstrategieë toegepas word deur Zimbabwe se produsente nie. ‘n Nuwe cercosporoid swam, wat blaar en vrugvleksiekte op sitrus is in Suid Afrika veroorsaak is geidentifiseer. Morfologiese en rDNA volgorde (ITS 1, 5.8S en ITS 2) data het getoon dat die siekte veroorsaak word deur Cercospora penzigii wat tot die Cercospora apii spesie kompleks behoort. Die genus Pseudophaeoramularia kan as sinoniem van Pseudocercospora beskou word en ‘n nuwe kombinasie word voorgestel in Pseudocercospora as P. angolensis. Cercospora gigantea het getoon dat dit nie ‘n spesie van Cercospora kon verteenwoordig nie terwyl Mycosphaerella citri varieërend voorkom en meer as een takson kan verteenwoordig. ‘n Beheerstrategie vir die beheer van BVVS is ondersoek. Die data wys dat P. angolensis in Zimbabwe doeltreffend beheer kan word deur die uitroeiing van ou en verwaarloosde bome, en deur goed beplande fungisied bespuiting. Trifloxystrobin + mancozeb + minerale spuitolie (20 g + 200 g + 500 ml/100 l water), wat in November, Januarie en Maart toegedien is, was die mees effektiefste behandeling. Drie bespuitings van benomyl + mancozeb + minerale spuitolie (25 g + 200 g + 500 ml/100 l water) wat oor dieselfde tydperk toegedien is, was die naas beste behandeling. Trifloxystrobin (20 g) + minerale spuitolie (500 ml) per 100 l/water en difenoconazole (40 g) per 100 l/water, beide as twee bespuitings toegedien in November en Januarie, het die derde beste resultaat opgelewer. Die spoorlokval en klimatologiese data het getoon dat P. angolensis vogtige toestande en temperature hoër as 25°C benodig vir siekteontwikkeling. Die afleiding uit die studie is dat P. angolensis suksesvol beheer kan word indien ‘n holistiese benadering gevolg word en alle rolspelers naamlik die owerheid, georganiseerde landbou en tegniese personeel die proses ondersteun.

Molecular detection of Phaeomoniella chlamydospora in grapevine nurseries

Retief, Estianne 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Phaeomoniella chlamydospora is the main causal organism of Petri disease, which causes severe decline and dieback of young grapevines (1-7 years old) and also predisposes the wood for infection by other pathogens. Knowledge about the epidemiology and especially inoculum sources of this disease is imperative for subsequent development of management strategies. Through isolation studies it was shown that Pa. chlamydospora is mainly distributed through infected propagation material in South Africa. However, the infection pathways and inoculum sources in grapevine nurseries are still unclear. The only existing method to detect this pathogen in various media is by means of isolation onto artificial growth media. This has proven to be problematic since this fungus is extremely slow growing (up to 4 weeks from isolation to identification) and its cultures are often over-grown by co-isolated fungi and bacteria before it can be identified. The aim of this study was (i) to develop a protocol for the molecular detection of Pa. chlamydospora in grapevine wood, and (ii) to use this protocol along with others, to test different samples (water, soil, rootstock and scion cuttings and callusing medium) collected from nurseries in South Africa at different nursery stages for the presence of Pa. chlamydospora. A protocol was developed and validated for the molecular detection of Pa. chlamydospora in grapevine wood. Firstly, several previously published protocols were used to develop a cost-effective and time-efficient DNA extraction method from rootstock pieces of potted grapevines. Subsequently, PCR amplification using species-specific primers (Pch1 and Pch2) was found to be sensitive enough to detect as little as 1 pg of Pa. chlamydospora genomic DNA from grapevine wood. The protocol was validated using various grapevine material from 3 different rootstock cultivars (101-14 Mgt, Ramsey and Richter 99) collected from each of 3 different nurseries, including grapevines that were subjected to hot water treatment. The basal end of the rootstock was parallel analysed for Pa. chlamydospora using isolations onto artificial medium and molecular detection. The identity of PCR products obtained from a subset of samples, that only tested positive for Pa. chlamydospora based on molecular detection, was confirmed to be Pa. chlamydospora specific through restriction digestion with AatII. Molecular detection was found to be considerably more sensitive than isolations, detecting Pa. chlamydospora from samples with positive as well as negative isolations. On average, the molecular technique detected Pa. chlamydospora in 80.9% of the samples, whereas only 24.1% of the samples tested positive for Pa. chlamydospora by means of isolations. Pa. chlamydospora was not isolated from hot water treated samples. The results confirm the importance of hot water treatment for proactive management of Petri disease in grapevine nurseries. However, Pa. chlamydospora DNA was molecularly detected in hot water treated samples in frequencies similar to that detected in non-hot water treated samples. As expected, the DNA in hot water treated plants was not destroyed and could be detected by the developed molecular detection protocol. This is an important consideration when using molecular detection for disease diagnosis or pathogen detection and shows that these methods should be used in conjunction with other diagnostic tools. Most importantly, the DNA extraction protocol was shown to be 10 to 15 times cheaper than commercial DNA extraction kits. Preliminary studies showed that the aforementioned molecular detection technique was not specific and sensitive enough for detection of Pa. chlamydospora in soil and water (unpublished data). Therefore, a one-tube nested-PCR technique was optimised for detecting Pa. chlamydospora in DNA extracted from soil, water, callusing medium and grapevine wood. Rootstock cane sections and soil samples were taking from the mother blocks from several nurseries. Water samples were collected from hydration and fungicide tanks during pre-storage and grafting. Scion and rootstock cuttings were also collected during grafting and soil were collected from the nursery beds prior to planting. The one-tube nested-PCR was sensitive enough to detect as little as 1 fg of Pa. chlamydospora genomic DNA from water and 10 fg from wood, callusing medium and soil. PCR analyses of the different nursery samples revealed the presence of several putative Pa. chlamydospora specific bands (360 bp). Subsequent sequence analyses and/or restriction enzyme digestions of all 360 bp PCR bands confirmed that all bands were Pa. chlamydospora specific, except for five bands obtained from callusing media and one band from water. Considering only Pa. chlamydospora specific PCR bands, the molecular detection technique revealed the presence of Pa. chlamydospora in 25% of rootstock cane sections and 17% of the soil samples collected from mother blocks, 42% of rootstock cuttings collected during grafting, 16% of scion cuttings, 40% of water samples collected after the 12- hour pre-storage hydration period, 67% of water samples collected during grafting and 8% of the callusing medium samples. These media should therefore be considered as potential inoculum sources or infection points of the pathogen during the nursery stages. The results furthermore confirmed previous findings that Pa. chlamydospora is mainly distributed through infected rootstock canes and cuttings. Infected scion cuttings were also shown to be potential carriers of the pathogen. Management strategies should include wound protection of rootstock mother plants, eradicating this pathogen from rootstock-cuttings (e.g. hot water treatment), biological or chemical amendments in the hydration water and callusing medium and wound protection from soil borne infections. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Phaeomoniella chlamydospora is die hoof veroorsakende organisme van Petri se siekte wat lei tot die agteruitgang en terugsterwing van jong wingerdplante (1-7 jaar oud) en veroorsaak verhoogde vatbaarheid van hout vir infeksie deur ander patogene. Kennis oor die epidemiologie en veral die inokulumbronne van die siekte is noodsaaklik vir die daaropvolgende ontwikkeling van beheerstrategieë. Isolasies het getoon dat Pa. chlamydospora meestal versprei deur middel van geïnfekteerde voortplantingsmateriaal in Suid-Afrika. Die infeksieweë en inokulumbronne in wingerdkwekerye is egter steeds onbekend. Die enigste bestaande metode vir die opsporing van die patogeen, in verskeie mediums, is deur middel van isolasie op kunsmatige groeimediums. Dit is egter gevind om problematies te wees aangesien die swam uiters stadig groei (dit vat tot 4 weke vanaf isolasie tot identifikasie) en die kulture is telkens oorgroei deur ander organismes voordat identifikasie kan plaasvind. Die doel van die studie was (i) om ‘n protokol te ontwikkel vir die molekulêre opsporing van Pa. chlamydospora in wingerdhout, en (ii) om die protokol te gebruik, saam met ander, om verskillende monsters (water, grond, onderstok- en bostok-ente en kallusmedium) te toets, wat versamel is van kwekerye in Suid- Afrika, tydens verskillende kwekerystadiums, vir die teenwoordigheid van Pa. chlamydospora. ‘n Protokol is ontwikkel en geverifieer vir die molekulêre opsporing van Pa. chlamydospora in wingerdhout. Eerstens is verskeie protokols wat voorheen gepubliseer is, is as grondslag gebruik vir die ontwikkeling van ‘n ekonomiese en tydbesparende DNA ekstraksie protokol. Hierna is PKR (polimerase ketting reaksie) amplifikasie met spesie-spesifieke inleiers (Pch1 en Pch2) gevind om sensitief genoeg te wees om so min as 1 pg van Pa. chlamydospora genomiese DNA van wingerdhout op te spoor. Die protokol is geverifieer deur verskeie wingerdhoutmateriaal van 3 verskillende onderstokkultivars (101-14 Mgt, Ramsey en Richter 99) te gebruik, wat elk versamel is van 3 verskillende kwekerye. ‘n Aantal van die wingerstokke is ook onderwerp aan warmwaterbehandeling. Die basale kant van die onderstok is parallel geanaliseer vir Pa. chlamydospora deur gebruik te maak van isolasies op kunsmatige groeimedium asook molekulêre opsporing. Die identiteit van ‘n submonster van PKR produkte van verskeie monsters, wat slegs positief getoets het vir Pa. chlamydospora met die molekulêre opsporing, is bevestig om Pa. chlamydospora spesifiek te wees. Dit is gedoen deur middel van restriksie ensiem analise met AatII. Molekulêre opsporing is gevind om aansienlik meer sensitief te wees as isolasies, deurdat Pa. chlamydospora opgespoor is van positiewe sowel as negatiewe isolasies. Die molekulêre tegniek het Pa. chlamydospora in ‘n gemiddeld van 80.9% van die monsters opgespoor, terwyl slegs ‘n gemiddeld van 24.1% van die monsters postief getoets het vir Pa. chlamydospora, deur middel van isolasies. Pa. chlamydospora is nie geïsoleer van die monsters wat warmwaterbehandeling ondergaan het nie. Die resultate bevestig hoe belangrik warmwaterbehandeling is vir die proaktiewe beheer van Petri se siekte in wingerdkwekerye. Pa. chlamydospora DNA is met die molekulêre tegniek opgespoor, in warmwaterbehandelde monsters, in getalle wat ooreenstemmend is met die van niewarmwaterbehandelde monsters. Soos verwag, is DNA in warmwaterbehandelde plante nie vernietig nie en kon dit telke male opgespoor word deur die ontwikkelde molekulêre opsporing protokol. Dit is ‘n belangrike feit wat in ag geneem moet word wanneer molekulêre opsporing gebruik word in siekte diagnose en opsporing van patogene en dit is ‘n aanduiding dat die metodes gebruik moet word in samewerking met ander diagnostiese tegnieke. Die DNA ekstraksie protokol het getoon om tot en met 10 tot 15 kere goedkoper te wees as kommersiële DNA ekstraksie pakkette. Voorlopige studies het getoon dat die bogenoemde molekulêre opsporings tegniek nie spesifiek en sensitief genoeg is vir die opsporing van Pa. chlamydospora uit grond en water nie (ongepubliseerde data). Daarom is ‘n enkel-buis geneste-PKR tegniek geoptimiseer vir die opsporing van Pa. chlamydospora DNA wat geëkstraheer is vanaf grond, water, kallusmedium en wingerdhout. Dele van onderstokke en grond monsters is geneem vanaf moederblokke van verskeie kwekerye. Gedurende die voor-opberging en enting periodes is watermonsters versamel vanaf hidrasie en fungisied tenke. Bostok- en onderstokente is ook versamel gedurende enting en grond is versamel vanaf kwekerybeddens net voor uitplanting. Die enkelbuis geneste-PKR was sensitief genoeg om so min as 1 fg van Pa. chlamydospora genomiese DNA vanaf water en 10 fg vanaf hout, kallusmedium en grond op te spoor. PKR analise van die verskillende kwekerymonsters het getoon dat daar ‘n teenwoordigheid is van verskeie putatiewe Pa. chlamydospora spesifieke bande (360 bp). Daaropvolgende analise deur middel van DNA volgordebepaling en restriksie ensiem analise het bevestig dat al die 360 bp PKR bande wel Pa. chlamydospora spesifiek is, behalwe vir vyf bande wat verkry is vanaf kallusmedium en een band verkry vanaf water. As slegs Pa. chlamydospora spesifieke bande in ag geneem word, is daar met molekulêre opsporing die teenwoordigheid van Pa. chlamydospora gevind in 25% van die onderstokke, 17 % van die grond versamel vanaf moederblokke, 42% van die onderstokente versamel tydens enting, 16% van die bostokente, 40% van die watermonsters versamel voor die 12-uur hidrasie periode, 67% van die watermonsters versamel gedurende enting en 8% van die kallusmediummonsters. Hierdie mediums moet dus beskou word as potensiële inokulumbronne of infeksiepunte van die patogeen gedurende die kwekerystadiums. Die resultate bevestig ook verdere bevindinge wat aandui dat Pa. chlamydospora meestal versprei word deur geïnfekteerde onderstokke en ente. Geïnfekteerde bostokente is ook aangedui om potensiële draers van die patogeen te wees. Beheerstrategieë moet dus wondbeskerming van onderstok moederplante insluit, asook uitwissing van die patogeen vanaf onderstokente (bv. warmwaterbehandeling), toediening van biologiese of chemiese stowwe in die hidrasie water en kallusmedium en wondbeskerming teen grondgedraagde infeksies.

Biological control of the grapevine trunk disease pathogens : pruning wound protection

Kotze, Charl 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Plant Pathology))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / In recent years, several studies have conclusively shown that numerous pathogens, including several species in the Botryosphaeriaceae, Phomopsis, Phaeoacremonium, as well as Phaeomoniella chlamydospora and Eutypa lata, contribute to premature decline and dieback of grapevines. These pathogens have the ability to infect grapevines through pruning wounds, which leads to a wide range of symptoms developing that includes stunted growth, cankers and several types of wood necrosis. Pruning wounds stay susceptible for 2 to 16 weeks after pruning and sustained levels of pruning wound protection is therefore required. The aims of this study were to (i) evaluate the ability of several biological agents to protect pruning wounds, (ii) characterise unknown Trichoderma strains and identify their modes of action and (iii) determine the optimal time of season for biological agent application. Several biological agents were initially evaluated in a laboratory for their antagonism against trunk disease pathogens. The best performing control agents were tested in a field trial conducted on Merlot and Chenin blanc vines in the Stellenbosch region. Spurs were pruned to three buds and the fresh pruning wounds were treated with benomyl as a control treatment, Trichoderma-based commercial products, Vinevax® and Eco77®, Bacillus subtilis, and Trichoderma isolates, USPP-T1 and -T2. Seven days after treatment the pruning wounds were spray inoculated with spore suspensions of four Botryosphaeriaceae spp. (Neofusicoccum australe, N. parvum, Diplodia seriata and Lasiodiplodia theobromae), Eutypa lata, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora and Phomopsis viticola. After a period of 8 months the treatments were evaluated by isolations onto potato dextrose agar. Trichodermabased products and isolates in most cases showed equal or better efficacy than benomyl, especially USPP-T1 and -T2. Moreover, these isolates demonstrated a very good ability to colonise the wound tissue. The two uncharacterised Trichoderma isolates (USPP-T1 and USPP-T2), which were shown to be highly antagonistic toward the grapevine trunk disease pathogens, were identified by means of DNA comparison, and their ability to inhibit the mycelium growth of the trunk disease pathogens by means of volatile and non-volatile metabolite production studied. The two gene areas that were used include the internal transcribed spacers (ITS 1 and 2) and the 5.8S ribosomal RNA gene and the translation elongation factor 1 (EF). The ITS and EF sequences were aligned to published Trichoderma sequences and the percentage similarity determined and the two Trichoderma isolates were identified as Trichoderma atroviride. The volatile production of T. atroviride isolates was determined by placing an inverted Petri dish with Trichoderma on top of a dish with a pathogen isolate and then sealed with parafilm. Trichoderma isolates were grown for 2 days on PDA where after they were inverted over PDA plates containing mycelial plugs. The inhibition ranged from 23.6% for L. theobromae to 72.4% for P. viticola. Inhibition by non-volatile products was less than for the volatile inhibition. Inhibition ranged from 7.5% for N. parvum to 20.6% for L. theobromae. In the non-volatile inhibition USPP-T1 caused significantly more mycelial inhibition than USPP-T2. The timing of pruning wound treatment and subsequent penetration and colonisation of the wound site was also determined. One-year-old canes of the Shiraz and Chenin blanc cultivars were grown in a hydroponic system, pruned and spray treated with a spore suspension of Trichoderma atroviride (USPP-T1) as well as a fluorescent pigment. On intervals 1, 3, 5 and 7 days after treatment, the distal nodes were removed and dissected longitudinally. From the one half, isolations were made at various distances from the pruning surface, while the other half was observed under ultra-violet light to determine the depth of fluorescent pigment penetration. Shortly after spray-inoculation of a fresh pruning wound, Trichoderma was isolated only from the wound surface and shallow depths into the wound (2 to 5 mm). One week after inoculation, Trichoderma was isolated at 10 mm depths, and after 2 weeks, at 15 mm depths. Fluorescent pigment particles were observed to a mean depth of 6 mm, which suggests that initial isolation of Trichoderma at these depths was resultant of the physical deposition of conidia deeper into the pruning wound tissue, whereas the isolation of Trichoderma from deeper depths might be attributed to colonisation of grapevine tissue. In a vineyard trial, fluorescent pigment was spray-applied to pruning wounds of Shiraz and Chenin blanc grapevines during July and September at intervals 0, 1, 3, 7 and 14 days after pruning. One week after treatment, the distal nodes were removed and dissected longitudinally. Each half was observed under UV light and the pigment penetration measured. For Chenin blanc and Shiraz, July pruning wounds showed significant deeper penetration of the pigment than pruning wounds treated in September. Moreover, pruning wounds made in September showed pigment particles in longitudinal sections up to 1 day after pruning, whereas wounds made in July showed pigment particles up to 3 days in the xylem vessels. These findings suggest that the best time for application of a biological control agent should be within the first 24 hours after pruning.

Pome fruit trees as alternative hosts of grapevine trunk disease pathogens

Cloete, Mia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Plant Pathology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A survey was undertaken on apple and pear trees in the Western Cape Province to determine the aetiology of trunk diseases with reference to trunk diseases occurring on grapevine. Grapevine trunk diseases cause the gradual decline and dieback of vines resulting in a decrease in the vine’s capability to carry and ripen fruit. In recent years, viticulture has been expanding into several of the well established pome fruit growing areas. The presence of trunk pathogens in pome fruit orchards may affect the health of the pome fruit trees as well as cause a threat to young vineyards planted in close proximity to these potential sources of viable inoculum. Several genera containing species known to be involved in trunk disease on pome fruit and grapevine were found, including Diplodia, Neofusicoccum, Eutypa, Phaeoacremonium and Phomopsis. Diplodia seriata and D. pyricolum, were isolated along with N. australe and N. vitifusiforme. Four Phaeoacremonium species, P. aleophilum, P. iranianum, P. mortoniae and P. viticola, two Phomopsis species linked to clades identified in former studies as Phomopsis sp. 1 and Phomopsis sp. 7, and Eutypa lata were found. In addition, Paraconiothyrium brasiliense and Pa. variabile, and an unidentified Pyrenochaetalike species were found. Of these the Phaeoacremonium species have not been found on pear wood and it is a first report of P. aleophilum occurring on apple. This is also a first report of the Phomopsis species and Eutypa lata found occurring on pome trees in South Africa Two new coelomycetous fungi were also found including a Diplodia species, Diplodia pyricolum sp. nov., and a new genus, Pyrenochaetoides gen. nov. with the type species, Pyrenochaetoides mali sp. nov., were described from necrotic pear and apple wood. The combined ITS and EF1-α phylogeny supported the new Diplodia species, which is closely related to D. mutila and D. africana. The new species is characterised by conidia that become pigmented and 1-septate within the pycnidium, and that are intermediate in size between the latter two Diplodia species. Phylogenetic inference of the SSU of the unknown coelomycete provided bootstrap support (100%) for a monophyletic clade unrelated to known genera, and basal to Phoma and its relatives. Morphologically the new genus is characterised by pycnidial with elongated necks that lack setae, cylindrical conidiophores that are seldomly branched at the base, and Phoma-like conidia. The phylogenetic results combined with its dissimilarity from genera allied to Phoma, lead to the conclusion that this species represents a new genus. A pathogenicity trial was undertaken to examine the role of these species on apple, pear and grapevine shoots. N. australe caused the longest lesions on grapevine shoots, while Pyrenochaetoides mali, Pa. variabile, D. seriata and P. mortoniae caused lesions that were significantly longer than the control inoculations. On pears, D. pyricolum and N. australe caused the longest lesions, followed by D. seriata and E. lata. On apples, the longest lesions were caused by N. australe and P. iranianum. D. seriata, D. pyricolum, E. lata, N. vitifusiforme, Pa. brasiliense, P. aleophilum and P. mortoniae also caused lesions on apple that were significantly longer than the control. The study demonstrated that close cultivation of grapevine to apple and pear orchards may have inherent risks in terms of the free availability of viable inoculum of trunk disease pathogens. / No Afrikaans abstract available.

The effect of haloxyfop-R-methyl ester and imazamox herbicides, tine or no tillage and nine different medic cultivars on the seed and dry matter production as well as the quality of medic pastures

Beyers, Hendrik Philippus 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of a grass herbicide, a broadleaf herbicide with some grass control capabilities, method of tillage (tine and no-tillage) at planting of wheat as well as different medic cultivars on the regeneration, dry matter (OM) production and quality of a medic pasture. The trial was conducted at Langgewens experimental farm in the Swartland wheat producing area. Nine medic cultivars of three different species were evaluated after being sprayed with either haloxyfop-R-methyl (HAL) ester or imazamox (IMI) and subjected to either a tine tillage or a no tillage treatment at planting of wheat. Soil samples were taken during January 2000 to determine the size of the medic and weed seedbank as well as the degree of dormancy in the medic seeds, while OM samples were taken throughout the growing season to determine the OM production of the different medic cultivars and weed species. OM samples taken during October 1998 on the same pasture, were used to determine the crude protein (CP) and neutral detergent fibre (NOF) content of the pasture. The samples were subjected to in vitro digestion and the digestibility of pasture CP (OCP), NOF(ONOF) and DM (DOM)were determined. Results showed that seedling establishment differed between cultivars used, herbicide treatments applied as well as the crop stage in the rotation. The cultivars produced more seedlings where IMI was applied compared to HAL as well as where the area consisted of two year pasture compared to one year pasture (1998) and one year wheat (1999). After a year of pasture and a year of wheat, cultivars Sephi and Paraggio produced the most seedlings, while Caliph and Orion produced the least. Caliph however, showed a very high degree of seed dormancy while Orion's low seedling establishment was due to its sensitivity to the IMI herbicide used. Little difference was found between the nine cultivars early in the season (July - August) with regard to cumulative OM production, except for Orion, whose growth was severely damaged by the IMI treatment. At the end of the growing season (October), the cultivar Caliph's cumulative OM production (2010.1 kg/ha) was significantly higher than all the other cultivars, except for Parabinga (1053. 4 kg/ha). Oifferent pasture samples, of which the botanical composition was known, was analysed for CP, NOF, OOM, OCP and ONOF. There was no significant difference in pasture composition during 1998 but variation in the pasture composition did however cause the IMI treatment, compared to the HAL treatment, to have a lower ONOFand OOMcontent. A modelling procedure was used to predict the pasture quality parameters (CP, NOF, OOM,OCP and ONOF) from the pasture composition (medic hay, medic pods, grassy and broadleaf weeds). This prediction of CP, NOF, OOM, ONOF and OCP from the pasture components had a relative low accuracy (49 -74.1 %) and a further refinement of this model for possible use on farms in order to improve grazing management and animal production is advised. In conclusion it could be said that broadleaf weed control caused a definite increase in medic seed and OMproduction, but Orion should not be used with an IMI herbicide. All the cultivars, except for Orion, produced enough seedlings up to the second year to ensure sustainability of the medic pasture. All the cultivars, except for Orion, produced a sufficient amount of OM early in the growing season. Caliph however, produced by far the most OM later in the growing season. A reduction of broadleaf weeds and medic pods will increase the digestibility of NOFand OMand therefore increase the quality of the pasture. Pods however are an important part of summer forage and the aim should therefore rather be to reduce the number of broadleaf weeds in the pasture. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die effek van 'n gras en breëblaar onkruiddoder (wat sekere grasse beheer), metode van bewerking tydens die saai van koring asook nege verskillende medic kultivars op die regenerasie, droë materiaal produksie en kwaliteit van medic weidings te bepaal. Die proef is gedoen op Langgewens proefplaas wat geleë is in die Swartland koring produserende gebied. Nege medic kultivars is geëvalueer nadat die weiding met of haloxyfop-R-metiel ester (HAL) of imazamox (IMI) onkruiddoders gespuit is en onderwerp is aan of 'n vlak tand of geen bewerking tydens die saai van koring. Grondmonsters is geneem in Januarie 2000 om die grootte van die medic en onkruid saadbank asook om die graad van dormansie in die verskillende medic kultivars se sade te bepaal. Droë materiaal monsters is gedurende die 2000 groeiseisoen geneem om die droë materiaal produksie van die verskillende medic kultivars asook onkruid spesies te bepaal. Droë materiaal monsters is gedurende Oktober 1998 geneem en gebruik om die ruproteïn (CP) en neutraaloplosbare vesel (NDF) inhoud van die weiding te bepaal. Die monsters is in vitro verteer en die verteerbaarheid van CP (OCP), NDF (ONOF) en droë materiaal (DOM) is bepaal. Resultate wys dat saailing vestiging verskil tussen die verskillende kultivars wat gebruik is, verskillende onkruiddoder behandelings asook die stadium van die weidings/koring. Die kultivars het meer geproduseer waar die weiding met IMI behandel is in vergelyking met waar HAL toegedien is, asook waar koring nog nie gesaai is nie. Na 'n jaar van weiding en 'n jaar van koring, het die kultivars Sephi en Paraggio die meeste saailinge, en Caliph en Orion die minste saailinge gehad. Caliph het egter 'n hoë graad van dormansie in sy saad getoon, terwyl die swak vestiging van Orion die gevolg is van die kultivar se hoë sensitiwiteit teenoor IMI. Min verskil is gevind tussen die nege kultivars, vroeg in die groei seisoen (Julie - Augustus), wat kumulatiewe droë materiaal produksie betref, behalwe vir Orion wat erg beskadig is deur die IMI behandeling. Aan die einde van die groeiseisoen (Oktober 2000) was die kumulatiewe droë materiaal produksie van die kultivar Caliph (2010.1 kg/ha) betekenisvol hoër as al die ander kultivars behalwe vir Parabinga (1053.4 kg/ha). Weidingsmonsters, waarvan die botaniese samestelling bekend was, is ontleed vir CP, NDF, DDM, DCP en DNDF. Daar is geen betekenisvolle verskille gevind in die botaniese samestelling van die weidingmonsters geneem in 1998 nie,maar die variasie in botaniese samestelling het veroorsaak dat IMI in vergelyking met HAL 'n laer DNDF and DDM inhoud het. 'n Model is opgestel wat die weidingskomponente (medic hooi, medic peule, gras en breëblaar onkruide) gebruik om die kwaliteits parameters (CP, NDF, DDM, DCP en DNDF) van die weiding te skat. Hierdie skatting van CP, NDF, DDM, DCP en DNDF deur van die weidingskomponente gebruik te maak het 'n relatiewe lae akuraatheid gehad (49 -74.1 %) en verdere verfyning van hierdie model vir moontlike gebruik op plase, ten einde weidings bestuur en diere produksie te verbeter, word voorgestel. Die gevolgtrekking kan gemaak word dat breëblaar onkruidbeheer 'n definitiewe verbetering in die medic saailing en droë materiaal produksie van die medies te weeg gebring het, maar die kultivar Orion behoort nie saam met 'n IMI gebruik te word nie. AI die getoetste kultivars, behalwe Orion, het voldoende saad oorlewing vertoon tot en met die tweede jaar van die rotasie om lewensvatbaarheid van die sisteem te verseker en alle kultivars, behalwe Orion, het voldoende droë materiaal produseer vroeg in die groeiseisoen. Caliph het egter laat in die groeiseisoen by verre die meeste droë materiaal geproduseer. 'n Vermindering in die hoeveelheid breëblaar onkruide en peule in die weiding sal tot 'n verhoging in die verteerbaarheid van NDF en DM lei en dus 'n verhoging in die kwaliteit van die weiding tot gevolg hê. Peule is egter 'n belangrike bron van voedsel aan weidende diere gedurende droë somermaande en die verbetering van weidings moet eerder gedoen word deur te poog om breëblaar onkruide te beheer.

The characterization of the basidiomycetes and other fungi associated with esca of grapevines in South Africa

White, Chana-Lee 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Plant Pathology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Esca is a disease affecting grapevines and is potentially devastating as there are economic losses due to a decrease in yield, wine quality and berry quality. Vineyards also need to be replaced earlier and therefore esca has a great impact on the wine, table grape and raisin industries. The disease is known to affect vineyards worldwide and has been studied extensively in Europe, but not in South Africa. Esca diseased grapevines were observed for the first time prior to 1981 in South African vineyards. The disease is primarily caused by Phaeoacremonium aleophilum, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora (both causing brown and black wood streaking) and white rot basidiomycete species such as Fomitiporia mediterranea which cause wood rot in the trunks and arms of generally older grapevines. Species of the Botryosphaeriaceae and Phomopsis (mainly Phomopsis viticola) and Eutypa lata have also been isolated from esca diseased vines, but their association with esca is unclear. Some of the symptoms associated with the disease on most grapevine cultivars include ‘tiger-stripe’ foliar symptoms, apoplexy and berry symptoms such as shriveling, discoloration and ‘black measles’. These external symptoms as well as internal symptoms are thought to be a result of toxin and enzyme production by the fungi involved. Symptom expression is erratic and varies from year to year making investigations into the causal fungi and the toxins and enzymes secreted in planta difficult. Vines with internal or external symptoms of esca were sampled in this study from table and wine grape cultivars in 37 towns in the Western Cape, Northern Cape and Limpopo provinces. The majority of sampled vines were over ten years of age, but vines as young as two to three years were also found to be infected. The external symptoms included dieback, tiger striped leaves, berry symptoms (shriveling, insufficient colouring and black spots) and apoplexy. These symptoms resembled those found on grapevines in Europe, Australia and the USA. The internal symptoms found were also similar to European symptoms and included white rot, black and brown wood streaking, brown necrosis within white rot, sectorial brown necrosis and central brown/ red/ black margin. The fungi mostly isolated from the white rot were the basidiomycetes. Black and brown wood streaking was primarily caused by Phaeomoniella chlamydospora. Brown necrosis within the white rot was caused by Phaeomoniella chlamydospora and less frequently by Phaeoacremonium spp., Eutypa lata, Botryosphaeriaceae and Pleurostomophora richardsiae. The sectorial brown necrosis and the central/ brown/ red/ black margin were dominated by Phaeomoniella chlamydospora. The fruiting bodies of the basidiomycetes were found on only a few grapevines. The fungal species associated with the internal wood symptoms were characterized on cultural growth patterns, morphology as well as phylogenetic inference. The gene areas sequenced included the internal transcribed spacers and the 5.8S rRNA gene for the basidiomycetes and Phomopsis isolates, the partial b-tubulin gene for Phaeoacremonium isolates and the partial translation elongation-1a gene for the Botryosphaeriaceae isolates. The basidiomycete isolates fell into ten taxa within the Hymenochaetales of which two could be linked to known genera, namely Fomitiporia and Phellinus. The ten basidiomycete taxa do not correspond to any published sequences. Eutypa lata, Diaporthe ambigua, Diplodia seriata, Neofusicoccum australe, Neofusicoccum parvum, Phomopsis viticola, Phomopsis sp. 1, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora and six species of Phaeoacremonium including P. aleophilum, P. alvesii, P. parasiticum, P. iranianum, P. mortoniae and P. sicilianum were also isolated of which the latter three are reported for the first time in South Africa. To understand the role of the basidiomycetes in the complex, toxin and enzyme analyses was determined for these fungi. Selected basidiomycete isolates were grown up in liquid broth and extractions performed to test for the presence of 4-hydroxy-benzaldehyde. All of the basidiomycete isolates were able to produce this toxin which is known to be phytotoxic. The basidiomycetes were then tested for the presence of certain wood degrading enzymes. All of the taxa were able to produce manganese peroxidase. Laccase was produced by all taxa, except Taxon 8. Lignin peroxidase was produced by Taxa 1, 2, 7, Fomitiporia sp. and the Phellinus sp. All the basidiomycete isolates were able to produce cellulose and none were able to produce xylanase. These enzyme tests showed that the basidiomycetes produce a wide variety of enzymes which are able to degrade cellulase and lignin which are both structural components of wood. Given the wide distribution of esca in the grape growing regions investigated in South Africa and the diverse amount of species found, this disease must surely be seen as a limiting factor to the productive lifespan of vineyards and quality of produce. Preventative measures such as sanitation and pruning wound protection contribute to the management of the disease, but many questions still remain about the synergy of the causal fungi, epidemiology and management of esca. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Esca is ‘n wingerd siekte wat potensieel skade kan aanrig as gevolg van ekonomiese verliese weens verlaagde opbrengs, wyn kwaliteit en vrug kwaliteit. Wingerde moet ook vroeër vervang word en daarom het esca ’n groot impak op die wyn, tafeldryf en rosyne industrieë. Esca word wêreldwyd gevind op wingerd en is al intensief nagevors in Europa, maar nog nie in Suid-Afrika. Esca is vir die eerste keer in die 1980’s in Suid-Afrikaanse wingerde gerapporteer. Die primêre veroorsaakende organismes van esca is Phaeoacremonium aleophilum, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora wat bruin en swart vaatweefsel verkleuring veroorsaak en basidiomycete spesies soos Fomitiporia mediterranea wat wit verotting veroorsaak in die stam en arms van ouer wingerd. Spesies van die Botryosphaeriaceae en Phomopsis (hoofsaaklik Phomopsis viticola) en Eutypa lata is ook al vanaf esca simptome geïsoleer, maar hul assosiasie met die siekte is nie duidelik nie. Algemene simptome wat voorkom op die meeste wingerd kultivars met esca sluit in ‘tiger-stripe’ blaar simptome, apopleksie en vrug simptome soos verdroging, verkleuring en spikkels (black measles). Interne en eksterne simptome kan wees as gevolg van toksiene en ensiem produksie van die swamme wat betrokke is by esca. Eksterne simptoom uitdrukking is wisselvallig en varieer van jaar tot jaar. Dit bemoelik die bestudering van die swamme en die toksiene en ensieme wat afgeskei word in planta. Wingerd monsters met eksterne en interne simptome is versamel van tafel en wyndruif kultivars in 37 dorpe in die Wes-Kaap, Noord-Kaap en Limpopo provinsies. Die meerderheid monsters was ouer as tien jaar maar wingerde wat twee tot drie jaar oud was, was ook gevind. Die eksterne simptome wat op hierdie kultivars gevind is het terugsterwing, ‘tiger striped’ blare, vrug simptome (verkrimping en onvoldoende verkleuring) en apopleksie ingesluit. Hierdie simptome stem ooreen met soortgelyke simptome gevind op wingerd in Europa, Australië en die VSA. Interne simptome was ooreenstemmend met simptome wat gevind word in Europa. Die interne simptome het wit verotting, bruin en swart streepvorming, bruin nekrose met wit verotting, sektoriale bruin nekrose en sentrale bruin/ rooi/ swart kante ingesluit. Basidiomycete swamme is meestal uit die wit verotting gedeeltes geïsoleer. Swart en bruin hout streepvorming was meestal deur Phaeomoniella chlamydospora veroorsaak. Bruin nekrose binne die wit verotting was meestal deur Phaeomoniella chlamydospora veroorsaak en in ‘n mindere mate deur Phaeoacremonium spp., Eutypa lata, Botryosphaeriaceae en Pleurostomophora richardsiae. Phaeomoniella chlamydospora was die hoof veroorsakende organisme van sektoriale bruin nekrose en die sentrale bruin/ rooi/ swart kante. Vrugliggame van die basiodiomycete is op enkele wingerde gevind. Swam soorte wat geassosieer word met die interne hout simptome was verder gekarakteriseer op kultuur groei, morfologiese eienskappe, en filogenetiese analise. Die geen areas waarvan die basis paar volgorde bepaal was sluit in die interne getranskribeerde spasies en die 5.8S rRNA geen vir die basidiomycete en Phomopsis isolate, die gedeeltelike btubulien geen vir Phaeoacremonium isolate en die gedeeltelike translasie velenging-1a geen vir die Botryosphaericeae isolate. Die basidiomycete isolate was versprei oor tien taksons binne die Hymenochaetales waarvan twee genusse gekoppel kon word aan die genera Fomitiporia en Phellinus. Die tien basidiomycete taksons kom nie ooreen met enige gepubliseerde DNS volgordes. Eutypa lata, Phomopsis viticola, Phomopsis sp. 1, Diaporthe ambigua, Diplodia seriata, Neofusicoccum parvum, Neofusicoccum australe, Phaeomoniella chlamydospora en ses spesies van Phaeoacremonium insluitend P. aleophilum, P. alvesii, P. parasiticum, P. iranianum, P. mortoniae en P. sicilianum is ook geïsoleer. Hierdie is die eerste keer dat P. iranianum, P. mortoniae en P. sicilianum in Suid-Afrika gerapporteer word. Om die rol wat die basidiomycete in die siekte-kompleks speel beter te verstaan is toksien en ensiem analises uitgevoer. Geselekteerde basidiomycete isolate is gekweek in vloeibare groei medium en ekstraksies uitgevoer om te toets vir die teenwoordigheid van 4- hydroxy-benzaldehyde. Al die basidiomycete isolate kon 4-hydroxy-benzaldehyde, wat bekend is om fitotoksies te wees, produseer. Die basidiomycete isolate was verder getoets vir die produksie van spesifieke hout afbrekende ensieme. Al die basidiomycete taksons kon mangaan-peroksidase produseer. Lakkase was geproduseer deur al die taksons, uitsluitend Takson 8. Lignien-peroksidase was geproduseer deur Taksons 1, 2, 7, Fomitiporia sp. en die Phellinus sp. Al die basidiomycete isolate kon sellulose produseer, maar geen kon xilanase produseer. Die ensiem analises het gewys dat die basidiomycete wat moontlik betrokke is by esca ‘n wye reeks van ensieme kan produseer wat sellulose en lignien kan degradeer. Sellulose en lignien is beide strukturele komponente van hout. Weens die wye verspeiding van esca geaffekteerde wingerde in Suid Afrika en die wye reeks van spesies wat betrokke is by die siekte kompleks moet esca sekerlik gesien word as een van die beperkende faktore op die produktiewe leeftyd van wingerde en die kwaliteit van druiwe wat geproduseer word. Sanitasie en snoeiwond beskerming is voorkomende maatreëls wat ingestel kan word om die effek en verspreiding van esca te beperk maar daar is nog baie vrae wat antwoorde benodig oor die sinergie van die veroorsakende swamme, epidemiologie en bestuur van esca.

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