Spelling suggestions: "subject:"theseeducation"" "subject:"theseeducations""
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Processing heard versus transcribed English vocabulary in English second language (ESL) learners : a quasi-experimental study at a secondary school in KwaZulu-Natal.Govender, Maanasa Devi. January 2009 (has links)
At a technically biased secondary school in KwaZulu-Natal, teachers of Grade 12 English Second Language (ESL) learners, including myself, found it problematic to assess students' writing which is often fraught with spelling and grammar errors. This meant that these learners were disadvantaged because they were assessed with a lower score in comparison to students who edited their work and ensured that their writing was free from spelling and grammar errors. The aim of this study is to improve English vocabulary spelling of ESL learners by investigating the effectiveness of processing Heard English Vocabulary, in comparison to the Transcribed Vocabulary Training Programme (TVTP). This study is theoretically framed by the Cognitive Load Theory (2003), and employs a quasi-experimental approach as a methodology (Goodwin, 2005). It is a quasi-experiment because the sample was not randomly selected, as in a classic experiment. The sample consisted of 60 Grade 12 English Second Language (ESL) volunteers from a technically biased high school in Ethekwini, KwaZulu-Natal. Significant findings revealed first, that the comparative analysis of the Nonequivalent Control Group (NECG) in comparison to the Experimental Group (EG) was that the Transcribed Vocabulary Training Programme (TVTP) increased the 06-010 average scores for the EG by 36.3%, yet reduced the average time by 40 seconds; second, the visual and kinetic nature of transcription facilitates distinct pattern markings on the graphemic output lexicon; third, transcription also facilitates semantic processing, because meaning can be derived from context, and finally, there is a strong positive correlation between transcription and sustained attention, which implies that correct transcription depends on sustained attention. The findings in this research are compatible with the principles underpinning Sweller and Cooper's (1998) Cognitive Load Theory and Instructional Design. It is argued that if the instructional design uses more than one sense of perception, for example, auditory and visual, then the cognitive load on the working memory is decreased and the mental capacity (attention levels) is increased. When mental capacity is increased, the chances of retrieval are greater. It is also argued that time and training results in automatic processing, which decreases cognitive load, and increases mental capacity. Training also enhances performance, and reduces performance time. In this study, performance would mean written retrieval of English vocabulary. The findings also suggest that any ESL learner who attentively transcribes meaningful English vocabulary will successfully retrieve English vocabulary. The overall conclusion of this research is that instructional designers (for example, educators) have some control in increasing attention levels through synergizing the senses of perception at the encoding stage of the instructional design, and presenting meaningful data. The use of transcription as a 'hands on' instructional design in a quasi-experiment makes this an innovative project. This study began in March 2005 and was completed in July 2008. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2009.
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An exploration into the pedagogy of teaching reading in selected foundation phase isiZulu home language classes in Umlazi schools. / Ucwaningo lokuhlola ukufundiswa kokufunda okubhaliwe emabangeni aphansi akhethiwe esizulu.Nkosi, Zinhle Primrose. January 2011 (has links)
The problem of poor reading levels among South African students is still prevalent at all levels of education. Attempts to eradicate the problem through various means, for example, Foundations for Learning Campaign, Readathon Campaign, National Strategy for Reading, and many more have been made, yet to date no observable improvements have been noted. The purpose of this study is to explore the teaching of reading in isiZulu home language classrooms. The study aimed to answer three research questions: (i) What do foundation phase teachers say about teaching reading in isiZulu home language classes? (ii) How do foundation phase teachers teach reading in isiZulu home languages classes?, and (iii) Why do foundation phase teachers teach reading in isiZulu home language classes in the way they do? The study is conducted at Umlazi, an African Township, where isiZulu is the language spoken in the community and is the language of learning and teaching in all foundation phase classrooms. The research sites are two schools, in the same area. The participants of the study are eight teachers, all mother tongue speakers of isiZulu. There are six teachers in one school, and two from the other school. The children taught are also speakers of isiZulu. The study is a qualitative case study, situated in the constructivist paradigm. Semi-structured interviews; observations as well as document analysis are used as data collection methods. The study uses qualitative methods for the analysis of data. Vygotsky’s (1978) social-constructivist theory is used as a theoretical framework, and a conceptual framework is also developed for data analysis. Eight themes emerge from the findings. The first theme; content taught, is found to focus on the teaching of sounds and words, taught in isolation. The second one; ways of teaching, seem to be the phonic and look and say methods, which are due to beliefs that teachers have about them. The third one; reading resources is seen to be lacking in both schools, and teachers are seen to rely on traditional resources for the teaching of reading. The fourth one; context in which reading is taught, appears to be not conducive to the children’s reading development. Fifth; assessment of reading; is indirect. This means that teachers use written tasks, and not reading activities to assess reading. The sixth; aims of reading; is found to be on writing accuracy and not on reading for comprehension. The seventh; teachers’ beliefs; are the reasons for teachers’ actions and sayings. The last one; teachers’ attitudes towards isiZulu, are found to be the most dominant predicament, as teachers themselves see isiZulu as a problem, and prefer English rather than isiZulu. Findings of the study indicate that, teachers are highly influenced by their beliefs, the aspect which impacts on the ways they teach reading in isiZulu home language classrooms. Secondly, teachers do not adequately encourage children to read in isiZulu because of their bias towards the English language. The third finding is the lack of resources for the teaching of reading in isiZulu home language. It is concluded that isiZulu home language learners in such schools are not able to read because the problem starts at a very elementary level, in the foundation phase, and the problem is carried over into their whole academic life.
Inkinga yamazinga aphansi okufunda okubhaliwe kubafundi baseNingizimu Afrika yinto ekhungethe onke amazinga emfundo. Nakuba iminingi imizamo esizanyiwe ukulwa nale nkinga, kuze kube manje bekungakabi bikho mibiko ebika ubungcono. Lapha ngingabala imizamo yaseNingizimu-Afrika efana ne-Foundations for Learning Campaign, Readathon Campaign, National Strategy for Reading. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo ukubheka ukufundiswa kokufunda okubhaliwe olimini lwasekhaya lwesiZulu emabangeni aphansi. Ucwaningo luhlose ukuphendula imibuzongqangi emithathu elandelayo: (i) Othisha bamabanga aphansi bathini ngokufundisa ukufunda okubhaliwe emabangeni aphansi esiZulu njengolimi lwasekhaya? (ii) Othisha bamabanga aphansi bakufundisa kanjani ukufunda okubhaliwe emabangeni esibili nelesithathu emakilasini esiZulu njengolimi lwasekhaya? (iii) Kungani othisha bamabanga aphansi befundisa ukufunda okubhaliwe ngendlela abakwenza ngayo? Ucwaningo lwenziwe elokishini lama-Afrika laseMlazi, lapho isiZulu siwulimi olukhulunywa emphakathini, kanti nasezikoleni zamabanga aphansi kusetshenziswa sona njengolimi lokufundisa. Ucwaningo lwenziwe ezikoleni ezimbili ezisesigcemeni esisodwa. Bayisishiyagalombili othisha ababe yingxenye yocwaningo, bayisithupha kwesinye isikole, kanti kwesinye babili. Ucwaningo lulucwaningo lobunjalo besimo (qualitative case study), ngaphansi kwe-social constuctivist paradigm. Kusetshenziswa izingxoxo ezisakuhleleka (semi-structured interviews), ukubukela othisha befundisa (observations), kanye nendlela yokuhlaziya imibhalo njengezindlela zokuqoqa ulwazi locwaningo. Ucwaningo luphinde lusebenzise izindlela zocwaningo lobunjalo besimo ukuhlaziya ulwazi olutholakele. Kusetshenziswa insizakuhlaziya kaVygotsky (1978) njengohlaka lwenjulalwazi kanye nohlaka lwemicabango ukuhlaziya ulwazi olutholakele. Kugqama izindikimba eziyisishiyagalombili olwazini olutholakalayo. Kukhona emayelana nokufundiswayo lapho kufundiswa ukufunda okubhaliwe. Lapha kuvela ukuthi othisha bafundisa imisindo namagama nemisho emifushane, okufundiswa kuzihambela kodwa; ngamanye amazwi kungasukeli embhalweni. Enye imayelana nezindlela namasu okufundisa ukufunda okubhaliwe. Lapha kuvela ukuthi othisha bafundisa ngendlela yokufundisa ngemisindo, bayihlanganise nendlela yokubuka-usho (look-and–say method). Enye imayelana nezinsizakufundisa zokufunda okubhaliwe, okubonakala ziyindlala kuzo zombili izikole, kanti futhi ukusetshenziswa kwazo kuncikene nezinkolelo othisha abanazo. Enye imayelana nendawo okufundelwa kuyo ukufunda okubhaliwe, okutholakala kungagqugquzeli kangako ukuthuthuka kwengane ekufundeni imibhalo yesiZulu. Enye imayelana nokuhlolwa kokufundiswa kokufunda okubhaliwe. Lapha kuvela ukuthi ukuhlola kwenzeka ngendlela engaqondene nokufunda okubhaliwe, ngoba ukuhlola ukufunda okubhaliwe kwenzeka ngokuthi abafundi benze imisebenzi ebhalwayo, efana nesibizelo nokunye. Enye yezindikimba imayelana nenhloso yokufunda okubhaliwe. Lapha kubonakala ukufunda okubhaliwe kungenanhloso yokufunda ngokuqondisisa umbhalo ofundwayo, kodwa kunalokho kube ukubhala ngokucophelela, ‘ngendlela enembayo’ (writing accuracy). Enye indikimba imayelana nezinkolelo othisha abanazo ngokufundisa ukufunda okubhaliwe. Lokhu kubonakala kuyisona sizathu kwabakwenzayo nabakushoyo othisha ngokufundisa ukufunda okubhaliwe. Kanti enye imayelana nokuzenyeza kothisha ngolimi abalufundisayo lwesiZulu. Lapha othisha babonakala besibukela phansi isiZulu kodwa bencamela isiNgisi.
Imiphumela yocwaningo ikhombisa ukuthi abakushoyo nabakwenzayo othisha kungenxa yezinkolelo abanamathele kuzo, okuyizona ezinomthelela ezindleleni abazisebenzisayo lapho befundisa ukufunda okubhaliwe. Okwesibili ukuthi othisha abazilekeleli ngokwanele izingane ukuba zithuthuke ekufundeni okubhaliwe olimini lwesiZulu, ngenxa yokuchema nesiNgisi. Okwesithathu ukuthi izinsizakufundisa zolimi lwesiZulu ziyindlala kuzo zombili izikole. Ngakho-ke ucwaningo lusonga ngokuthi kusho ukuthi abafundi bakulezi zikole banenkinga yokufunda okubhaliwe olimini lwesiZulu nje yingoba inkinga iqala emabangeni aphansi, besebancane, bakhule baqhubeke nayo impilo yabo yonke emfundweni. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2011.
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Constructions and justifications of a generalization of Viviani's theorem.Govender, Rajendran. January 2013 (has links)
This qualitative study actively engaged a group of eight pre-service mathematics teachers (PMTs) in an evolutionary process of generalizing and justifying. It was conducted in a developmental context and underpinned by a strong constructivist framework. Through using a set of task based activities embedded in a dynamic geometric context, this study firstly investigated how the PMTs experienced the reconstruction of Viviani’s theorem via the processes of experimentation, conjecturing, generalizing and justifying. Secondly, it was investigated how they generalized Viviani’s result for equilateral triangles, further across to a sequence of higher order equilateral (convex) polygons such as the rhombus, pentagon, and eventually to ‘any’ convex equi-sided polygon, with appropriate forms of justifications.
This study also inquired how PMTs experienced counter-examples from a conceptual change perspective, and how they modified their conjecture generalizations and/or justifications, as a result of such experiences, particularly in instances where such modifications took place. Apart from constructivsm and conceptual change, the design of the activities and the analysis of students’ justifications was underpinned by the distinction of the so-called ‘explanatory’ and ‘discovery’ functions of proof.
Analysis of data was grounded in an analytical–inductive method governed by an interpretive paradigm. Results of the study showed that in order for students to reconstruct Viviani’s generalization for equilateral triangles, the following was required for all students:
*experimental exploration in a dynamic geometry context;
*experiencing cognitive conflict to their initial conjecture;
*further experimental exploration and a reformulation of their initial conjecture to finally achieve cognitive equilibrium.
Although most students still required the aforementioned experiences again as they extended the Viviani generalization for equilateral triangles to equilateral convex polygons of 4 sides (rhombi) and five sides (pentagons), the need for experimental exploration gradually subsided. All PMTs expressed a need for an explanation as to why their equilateral triangle conjecture generalization was always true, and were only able to construct a logical explanation through scaffolded guidance with the means of a worksheet.
The majority of the PMTs (i.e. six out of eight) extended the Viviani generalization to the rhombus on empirical grounds using Sketchpad while two did so on analogical grounds but superficially. However, as the PMTs progressed to the equilateral pentagon (convex) problem, the majority generalized on either inductive grounds or analogical grounds without the use of Sketchpad. Finally all of them generalized to any convex equi-sided polygon on logical grounds. In so doing it seems that all the PMTs finally cut off their ontological bonds with their earlier forms or processes of making generalizations. This conceptual growth pattern was also exhibited in the ways the PMTs justified each of their further generalizations, as they were progressively able to see the general proof through particular proofs, and hence justify their deductive generalization of Viviani’s theorem.
This study has also shown that the phenomenon of looking back (folding back) at their prior explanations assisted the PMTs to extend their logical explanations to the general equi-sided polygon. This development of a logical explanation (proof) for the general case after looking back and carefully analysing the statements and reasons that make up the proof argument for the prior particular cases (i.e. specific equilateral convex polygons), namely pentagon, rhombus and equilateral triangle, emulates the ‘discovery’ function of proof. This suggests that the ‘explanatory’ function of proof compliments and feeds into the ‘discovery’ function of proof. Experimental exploration in a dynamic geometry context provided students with a heuristic counterexample to their initial conjectures that caused internal cognitive conflict and surprise to the extent that their cognitive equilibrium became disturbed. This paved the way for conceptual change to occur through the modification of their postulated conjecture generalizations.
Furthermore, this study has shown that there exists a close link between generalization and justification. In particular, justifications in the form of logical explanations seemed to have helped the students to understand and make sense as to why their generalizations were always true, but through considering their justifications for their earlier generalizations (equilateral triangle, rhombus and pentagon) students were able to make their generalization to any convex equi-sided polygon on deductive grounds. Thus, with ‘deductive’ generalization as shown by the students, especially in the final stage, justification was woven into the generalization itself. In conclusion, from a practitioner perspective, this study has provided a descriptive analysis of a ‘guided approach’ to both the further constructions and justifications of generalizations via an evolutionary process, which mathematics teachers could use as models for their own attempts in their mathematics classrooms. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2013.
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The politics of knowledge : tracing the trajectory of the natural science curriculum.Ramsuran, Anitha. January 2005 (has links)
Knowledge production or research in South Africa, as elsewhere in the world, does not occur within 'innocent' spaces devoid of personal, social, political, economic and cultural contexts (Singh, 2000). This study explores knowledge production at the level of policy. It questions in the review of the school's curriculum policy in general, and the science curriculum policy in particular: What becomes new? What is different? What remains the same? What is the policy problem? Who is the policy population that is the target of such policies? Why is there such a universal dimension of what should be taught in science, and hence what science is? Why is the conceptual knowledge of the science curriculum and the conception of scientific literacy around the world much the same? At the level of research, what is the most illuminative way to seek answers to these questions? The study explores the theoretical, methodological and contextual constructs that frame the conception of scientific literacy. This thesis presents a critical analysis of the policy process and policy documents for two reform periods in South Africa. The theoretical constructs deployed are policy archaeology, ideology, inclusivity, governmentality and professionalisation. I argue in this study that the latter two constructs are regularities that are necessary for the emergence of the policy problem, they shape the social construction of the policy problem and they constitute and shape the range of policy solutions. I posit that these regularities are necessary for the social construction of the policy problem in both the C2005 and the RNCS processes. These regularities intersect in a complex, grid-like fashion on the policy-problem axis. These intersecting regularities makes it possible for the policy problem to emerge as a problem, constructs the problem, and constitutes the problem as an 'object' of social visibility. I argue that ideological shifts in the conception of scientific literacy are constituted by these two regularities. I conclude the thesis by drawing out five significant policy lessons: (i) An 'ideal' that makes intellectual sense but does not fit conditions in society can exacerbate the problems it seeks to solve; (ii) 'Change is only as effective as the smallest unit': in the policy-making arena the smallest unit is the policy writers, in the arena of practice it is the classroom teacher; (iii) Timing determines what is possible: the socio-political climate of 1994 resulted in some important silences- especially from conservatives and scientists; (iv) In the science policy documents the definition of scientific literacy is epistemological at two levels: the idea that scientific literacy can be defined and constitutes individual knowledge,and the view of knowledge in the policy documents; and (v) The policy process and the policy documents challenged hegemony of structure and the epistemology of knowledge. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville, 2005.
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Design analysis of the Grade 9 technology curriculum in South Africa.Chapman, Gavin Ashley. January 2002 (has links)
During the years of apartheid (pre 1994) there were two main streams that one could follow while studying at school viz. academic or technical. The majority of
South African learners followed the more traditional academic stream allowing some to enter careers as doctors, lawyers, policemen/woman, school teachers
and the like, while the remainder ended up jobless. Those pupils who followed
the technical stream were considered by some of the more academically inclined persons, to be the 'duller' type of pupil, who could learn a trade and end up as a
blue-collar worker. As the cost of technical education has always been much
higher than the purely academic courses, the number of schools offering
technical subject courses in South Africa has always been in the minority.
The entire scene changed after the banning of apartheid (post 1994) and the
introduction of the notion of globalisation. Rapid developments suddenly appeared world-wide especially with the introduction of new technologies, mainly
in informatics. Suddenly the world seemed to be a much smaller place as one
could e-mail, fax, or use a cell phone anywhere in the world at the touch of a button. In order for South Africa to become part of the new world order, and to
think about global markets, certain essential changes had to be made firstly to the local environment. A depressed economy needed rejuvenation. There was a growing awareness that serious change was needed in the way children think
and learn at school and to start aligning ideas with international trends. To do
this, the Department of Education in Pretoria (DoE), decided to radically transform the education sector by introducing a new system of education known as outcomes-based education (OBE). The new OBE system brought with it mixed reactions from the South African public and from the teachers within the system. Many teachers did not want to accept that education could be done in a
different way than they had been used to, in the past twenty to forty years. Younger teachers on the other hand did embrace change but are still trying to get the right balance within the prescribed parameters laid down in national
education policy documents. To try and achieve such balance, the minister of
education called for an independent review committee to re-work the general
education and training phase curricula in order for them to be made more 'user-friendly'
as many complaints had been received about the policy documents being overly complicated and unmanageable in the normal classroom situation.
This process was concluded in May 2001 and Technology education remained
as one of the eight new learning areas within the general education and training phase (GET) of South African schooling.
The first draft of the Technology education curriculum was handed out for public comment in October 1997 and was used as the basis for a pilot study at selected
schools in 1998. This information was used as the basis for analyzing the design of the Technology curriculum at grade 9 level. Grade 9 was selected as it is the final exit from general education and training (GET) into further education and training (FET), and because it was the starting point for the pilot project in 1998.
Valuable data was available at the pilot project school sites to be used in this study. Not all the provinces were able to initiate a pilot project due to a number of reasons but those that did viz. Kwazulu/Natal, Gauteng, and the Western Cape
were visited individually to collect data. This study therefore 'unpacks' the Technology curriculum into component parts using an analysis tool developed
from a theoretical framework. This unpacking of the parts allows one the
opportunity to critically check whether or not certain important aspects of the
design were omitted either intentionally or unintentionally by the design team
Chapter one orientates the reader and sets the scene from where I, as
researcher, locate myself and what the prevailing conditions are like at South African schools. The study problem is highlighted as are the obstacles that have tended to have an impact on the final curriculum design.
Chapter two provides an overview of the related theory associated with the field of curriculum study. Technology education is discussed as broadly as possible
within the framework of the new OBE education system for South African schools.
Chapter three discusses the methodologies applied to ensure reliability and
validity of the findings. The design analysis tool is presented with an explanation
of each of the eight components. Chapter four relates an interesting story about the findings. A description of the
educational sites is presented together with descriptions of the educators at the
six pilot schools, as well as some background of the national technology design team (NTT). All recorded evidence was gathered during personal visits to the schools and individual meetings with the design team members.
Chapter five provides a discussion of the data to analyse the Technology curriculum. In this way the reader is directed to the problem areas that were identified and supported the purpose of this curriculum study.
Chapter six firstly answers the three critical questions posed in Chapter one. An
alternative model for curriculum design and development is presented. This
theoretical model is intended to reduce the weaknesses of the present curriculum
design if applied to any similar initiative in the future. This will allow educators
greater freedom to do what they do best - to teach from a curriculum policy that they clearly understand and are trained to deliver. In this way South African
schools and all learners will be rewarded by being well prepared for a variety of
challenging careers in the global world that we live in. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Durban-Westville, 2002.
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Promotion of critical thinking in school physical science.Stott, Angela Elizabeth. January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation describes an action research study aimed at promoting critical thinking
in learners while learning physical science within the South African national curriculum.
The data were primarily qualitative in nature, and were collected primarily through
participant observation, composed of audio- and video- recorded lessons, interviews,
questionnaires, journal entries and written material. Data collection, analysis and
interpretation were done in the inductive, cyclic manner of action research. This process
was guided by research questions about task characteristics, their position in the teaching
sequence, the role of the learning environment, and the need to adjust tasks to fit the
needs of different learners, so as to effectively promote critical thinking. A pragmatic
approach was used.
It was found that it is possible, using particular strategies and tasks, to promote critical
thinking while meeting the curriculum outcomes, although the intense syllabus pressure
of the curriculum makes this challenging. Task design characteristics and positioning in
the teaching sequence, and conditions of the learning environment, were found to affect
a task’s effectiveness at promoting critical thinking. Various teaching strategies can
improve attainability by a wider range of learners.
An instructional model, The Ladder Approach, emerged as being most likely to promote
success. This was found to be successful when evaluated against criteria of active
engagement and interest by learners, attainability with effort, display of critical thinking
traits, and compatibility with the South African curriculum. In this model, an interesting
problem is posed at the start of a section, after which direct instruction and learner
engagement with the problem run parallel to one another, linked by scaffolding tools
which are engaged in individually and collaboratively. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2008.
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Primary school teachers' understanding and interpretation of problem-solving : how it is promoted in science lessons, why and why not?Moeletsi, M'aseapa Mookho Violet. January 2005 (has links)
This study explores how Lesotho primary school teachers understand and interpret problem-solving
(PS) and how they teach and support it. Observation schedules and semi-structured interviews were
used to collect data from classrooms, teachers and learners. The findings revealed that teachers have
considerable understanding of (PS) and value it but are not teaching it. Teachers attribute this to their
lack of knowledge, the difficult conditions in their schools, policy constraints (such as assessment) and their own habits and behaviours. However, the data also indicated that teachers, with support, can successfully design and teach appropriate lessons in their schools, raising issues about their knowledge, beliefs, identity and structures. / Theses (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2005.
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Towards successful mathematical literacy learning - a study of preservice teacher education module.Hobden, Sally Diane. January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to extend our knowledge about mathematical literacy learning with the focus on a foundational preservice teacher education module required for prospective teachers. The construct of mathematical proficiency provided a framework for understanding how successful learning depends on a multiplicity of competences, and in particular to highlight the pivotal role of a productive disposition towards mathematics in becoming mathematically literate. The main questions that guided the study were as follows: What is the nature and strength of the productive disposition strand of mathematical proficiency evident in preservice teachers entering a Mathematical Literacy module and how does this productive disposition change over the course of the module? and What pedagogical practices and learning behaviours best enable preservice teachers to achieve mathematical literacy? The study was undertaken as two overlapping case studies, the first describing the preservice teachers at the onset of their studies in the Mathematical Literacy for Educators module, and in the second, a three part story-telling case study of the unfolding of the module over three years from 2003 to 2005. The mathematics autobiographies of 254 preservice teachers and the data obtained from a premodule questionnaire and introductory class activities contributed to the first case study which was summarised in the form of three fictional letters. Written reflections, final module evaluations and the insights of my co-workers contributed to the second case study which documented the successes and struggles of the preservice teachers as the module unfolded each year. Complementary mixed methods techniques were used to analyse the multiple sources of data and to weave strong ropes of evidence to support the findings. Statistical analysis pointed to themes which were supported or tempered by qualitative evidence reported in the voices of the preservice teachers themselves.
The analysis revealed that many of the preservice teachers entering the Mathematical Literacy for Educators module had found their school experience of mathematics to be dispiriting and consequently had developed negative dispositions towards the subject. The change in this disposition depended on their success in the module and the empathy shown by the lecturer. Helpful pedagogical practices were found to be those that supported language difficulties in learning mathematics, assisted in organising learning, remediated for poor schooling background in mathematics and took account of the diversity amongst the students. I argue that many of the lessons learned and insights gained from teaching the Mathematical Literacy for Educators module are relevant to the expanding number of mathematics courses required as part of humanities programmes. In addition, they can inform practices at school level and in both in mathematics and mathematical literacy teacher education. / Thesis (PhD.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, 2007.
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An exploration of the interface between schools and industry in respect of the development of skills, knowledge, attitudes and values (SKAV) in the context of biotechnology.Singh-Pillay, Asheena. January 2010 (has links)
This study traces how the National Curriculum Statement-Further Education and Training (NCS-FET) Life Sciences Policy is constructed and translated as it circulates across the Department of Education (DoE), schools and industry nodes. Actor Network Theory (ANT) (Latour, 2005) guides the theoretical framework and methodology of this study. ANT is a useful tool for showing the negotiations that characterise patterns of curriculum change in terms of how policy gets constructed, how practice gets performed, the skills, knowledge, attitudes and values (SKAV) constituted in practice, and whether there is an interface in terms of policy construction and SKAV constitution. From an ANT perspective curriculum policy change is a matter of practice co-performed by sociality and materiality, these being interwoven and entangled in practice. The trajectory of the NCS-FET Life Sciences Policy is traced during the practice of mediation of policy, implementation of policy and mediation of workplace learning. The topography of this study is underpinned by the transformatory agenda attached to curricula policy reform in South Africa. Agency has been granted by the democratically elected government to structures such as the DoE, schools and industry to promote human resource development and overcome the skills shortage via the NCS-FET Life Sciences Policy (DoE, 2003) and the National Biotechnology Strategy Policy (DST, 2001). There are divergences between these two documents as to the type of biotechnology that can be used as leverage for human resources development. The controversy lies in the notion of wanting to broaden access to biotechnology by having it included in the NCS-FET Life Sciences Policy, while wanting to promote third-generation biotechnology. Furthermore, contradictions are illuminated in the constitution of the NCS-FET Life Sciences Policy: it espouses constructivist principles and has a social transformative agenda, but its construction is guided by behaviourist and cognitivist principles.
Employing the analytical tools offered by ANT (Latour, 1993, 2005; Callon, Law & Rip, 1986), the network tracing activity reveals that policy construction and SKAV development involve more than the action of a single human actor. This means that humans are not entirely in control of practice (Sorenson, 2007). Practice is performed by a series of shifting relations between elements of “sociality” and “materiality” (Mulchay, 2007). The network tracing activity elucidates that curriculum policy is an emergent effect of the interface, a dynamic point that arises from translations in the network. While there is an interface in respect of policy construction and SKAV constitution across the nodes of the study, the emergent effect of curriculum reform has pointed to the slippage between what was intended (via the policy as stated in the Government Gazette) and what was actually experienced in practice. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Edgewood, 2010.
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Introduction of inquiry-based science teaching in Rwandan lower secondary schools : teachers' attitudes and perceptions.Mugabo, Rugema Leon. January 2012 (has links)
This study describes, discusses and analyses the Rwandan lower secondary school
teachers’ responses to the introduction of inquiry as a teaching approach in the science
curriculum as one of the changes that the curriculum in Rwanda has undergone through in the
aftermath of the 1994 genocide. The study investigates the science teachers’ understanding of
inquiry-based science teaching, their attitudes towards the introduction of inquiry into the
science curriculum, the activities they are engaged in with regard to inquiry-based science
teaching and learning, the factors influencing their current teaching practices and their
perceptions about what may be done for a better implementation of inquiry-based science
Guided by a pragmatic research approach, I believed that collecting diverse types of
data would provide a deeper understanding of the research problem and therefore adopted a
two phases’ sequential explanatory mixed methods design. During the first phase, data were
collected by means of a survey questionnaire administered to a purposeful sample of 200
science teachers at lower secondary school in Rwanda. Findings from the survey informed
the second phase consisting of data collection by means of semi-structured one-to-one
interviews with 15 purposefully selected teachers from the sample used in the first phase then
supplemented by a contextual observation in their schools. The data from the questionnaire
were subject to a descriptive statistical analysis while data from interviews were subject to
analysis involving transcribing and reading interview transcripts, coding and categorizing
information, identifying patterns, and interpreting.
The data analysis produced five main assertions providing answers to the research
questions. Participant teachers displayed varying understanding of what inquiry-based
science teaching is, associating it with a number of its characteristics such as a learner centred
teaching approach mostly based on experiments and practical work. There were a few
teachers who did not have accepted understandings of inquiry-teaching. Furthermore,
teachers had a positive attitude towards the introduction of inquiry and favoured the change
even though they indicated a number of factors preventing them from adequately
implementing the new teaching approach. As for their practices, traditional classroom
activities were more frequently used than inquiry-based activities and when they made use of
inquiry, they followed a specific order of activities that led to a more structured type of
inquiry. The study further identified a number of factors influencing both positively and
negatively the implementation of inquiry. The positive aspect was that they find teaching
through inquiry more enjoyable while the shortage of time, the lack of teaching resources and
the lack of confidence associated with inadequate training, influenced negatively the way
they implemented inquiry-based teaching. Teachers highlighted a number of interventions
they felt would make the implementation of inquiry based teaching more effective. The
improvement of resources provision to schools and the implementation of adequate
professional development programmes were the most highlighted. Despite the several
impediments to the implementation of effective use of inquiry, teachers were optimistic
towards the future of science teaching and learning in Rwanda. It is envisaged these findings
will be valuable to a wide range of audiences including science teachers, curriculum
developers, science teacher educators as they may inform them about the implementation of
the new curricula that require teachers to focus on inquiry given the controversy surrounding
this issue in science education. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2012.
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