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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The development of a SQUID-based gradiometer

Muller, Benjamin John Frederick 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis presents an attempt at creating a fully functional SQUID for the purposes of a predefined application. The goal of the work is to provide a method of development, primarily utilising the facilities of the Engineering Faculty of the University of Stellenbosch, with minimal assistance from other departments. This method is then analysed and the successes and failures discussed in order to provide guidelines and recommendations for future research. The device consists of a gradiometric SQUID, as well as electronics which provide the SQUID bias current, output linearisation and output signal filtering. YBCO is used for the superconducting material, allowing the use of liquid nitrogen as coolant which eases the operation and portability of the device. Various methods of creating Josephson junctions are tested, such as constriction bridges using AFM lithography and step-edge junctions, with and without different buffer layers. Proof of concept simulations demonstrate the viability of the device. Unfortunately, a functional device could not be constructed, mostly due to the design requiring higher levels of resolution and process control than some of the available facilities can provide. Recommendations are provided for future researchers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis beskryf ’n poging om ’n volledige funksionele SQUID te vervaardig vir die doeleindes van ’n vasgestelde toepassing. Die doel van die werk is om ’n metode te voorsien wat hoofsaaklik gebruik maak van die fasiliteite van die Ingenieurswese Fakulteit van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, met minimale hulp van ander departemente. Hierdie metode word dan ondersoek en die suksesse en mislukkings bespreek om riglyne en voorstellings te voorsien vir toekomstige navorsing. Die toestel bestaan uit ’n gradiometriese SQUID, sowel as elektronika wat voorsiening maak vir voorspanning, uittree-linearisering en ’n uittree-filter. YBCO is as supergeleidende materiaal gebruik, wat die gebruik van vloeibare stikstof as verkoeler moontlik maak en dus die hantering en draagbaarheid van die toestel vergemaklik. Verskillende metodes om Josephson-vlakke te vervaardig is getoets, onder andere vernouingsbrugvlakke deur middel van AFM litografie en stapvlakke met en sonder bufferlae. Bewys van konsep simulasies demonstreer die lewensvatbaarheid van die toestel. Ongelukkig kon ’n funksionele weergawe van die toestel nie vervaardig word nie, hoofsaaklik as gevolg van die ontwerp wat hoër resolusievlakke en beter prosesbeheer benodig as wat sekere van die beskikbare fasiliteite kan voorsien. Aanbevelings word voorsien vir toekomstige navorsers.

Electronic voltage regulator technology for rural electrification

Serdyn, J. J. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis discusses the development of a 5 kVA single phase AC voltage regulator, specifically designed to assist in the reduction of electrification costs in sparsely populated rural areas. The voltage regulator is based on a solid state auto-transformer tap changer, designed to be robust and maintenance free. Electrification cost savings can be realized if the length of the LV network can be extended to reach more households. To accomplish this, a voltage regulator can be installed onto the extended LV feeder at the point where the LV voltage will drop below the minimum valid voltage, thereby boosting the voltage downstream and enabling more customers to be connected. A variety of voltage regulator topologies were investigated to obtain the best topology for the application. The voltage regulator design is discussed in detail with careful attention given to the power loss incurred, surge voltage protection requirements, protection coordination with the existing LV network and the thermal design requirements. An electronic controller based on a digital signal processor together with an appropriate power supply is designed and built. The software to control the voltage regulator is developed, integrated with the hardware and debugged. The complete voltage regulator is evaluated through extensive laboratory testing and field trials are performed to verify the performance of the device. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis bespreek die ontwikkeling van ‘n 5 kVA, enkelfase, wisselstroom spannings reguleerder, spesifiek ontwerp om koste besparings te bewerkstellig in die elektrifisiëring van yl bevolkte landelike gemeenskappe. Die spannings reguleerder se ontwerp is gebaseer op ‘n outo-transformator tap wisselaar met vaste toestand skakelaars, om sodoende robuust en instandhoudings vry te funksioneer. Elektrifisiërings koste besparings is moontlik indien die laag spannings distribusie kabel verleng kan word, om sodoende elektrisiteit aan meer huishoudings te voorsien. Om dit mootlik te maak kan ‘n spannings reguleerder geinstalleer word op die punt waar die kabel spanning onder die minimum toegelate spanning daal. Sodoende word die spanning weer verhoog aan al die huishoudings wat aan die verlengde gedeelte van die kabel verbind is. ‘n Verskeidenheid uiteenlopende spannings reguleerder topologieë is ondersoek om die beste topologie vir die toepassing te identifiseer. Die ontwerp van die spannings reguleerder is baie deeglik bespreek en spesifieke aandag is gegee aan die verliese, spits opwelling spannings beveiliging, sinkronisasie met die huidige laag spannings netwerk se beveiligings meganismes en die termiese ontwerp van die stelsel. ‘n Elektroniese beheerder, gebaseer op ‘n digitale sein verwerker, tesame met ‘n toepaslike kragbron is ontwerp en gebou. Die nodige sagteware om die spannings reguleerder te beheer is ontwikkel, geintegreer met die hardeware en ontfout. Die volledige spannings reguleerder is ontleed deur intensiewe toetse in die laboratorium en toets installasies op laag spannings netwerke, om sodoende die nakoming van die werks verrigting vereistes van die toestel te bevestig.

A low cost, high precision star sensor

Jacobs, M. J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 1995. / 189 leaves single sided printed, preliminary pages and numbered pages 1-126. Includes bibliography, list of appendixes, figures, notation and symbols. Digitized at 300 dpi (OCR), using a Bizhub 250 Scanner. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Sunsat microsatellite is being developed at the University of Stellenbosch. It is equipped with a high resolution earth imager which requires a sophisticated attitude determination and control system. Precise control of the satellite is impossible without high precision attitude sensors. The most accurate attitude sensor presently used by satellites is the star sensor. The aim 'of this thesis is to develop a low cost, high precision star sensor for the Sunsat microsatellite. The development included the selection of electronic and optical hardware followed by the design, construction and testing of the sensor. Software algorithms were developed and programmed to control the imager, extract stars from images and match the observed constellations to a star catalogue. A set of matching observed and reference vectors are passed to the attitude determination and control system which calculates the three axis orientation of the satellite. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Sunsat mikrosatelliet word tans by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch ontwikkel. Dit is toegerus met 'n hoeresolusie aardwaarnemingskamera en vereis 'n gevorderde orientasiebepaling-en beheerstelsel. Presiese beheer is onmoontlik sonder akkurate sensore. 'n Stersensor is die mees akkurate tipe sensor waarmee satelliete tans toegerus word. Die doelwit van hierdie tesis is die ontwikkeling van 'n hoe resolusie, laekoste stersensor vir die Sunsat mikrosatelliet. Die ontwikkeling behels die seleksie van elektroniese en optiese apparatuur wat gevolg is deur die ontwerp, opbou en toets van die sensor. Programmatuur algoritrnes is ontwerp om die kamera te beheer, sterre in fotos te herken en waargenome konstellasies in die sterkatalogus te vind. 'n Stel waargenome en verwysingsvektore stel die orientasiebepaling-en beheerstelsel in staat om die orientasie van die satelliet te bereken.

An investigation into control techniques for cascaded plants with buffering, to minimise the influence of process disturbances and to maximise the process yield

Gryffenberg, Jolandi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Coal to Liquid facility, Sasol, Secunda operates as a train of processes. Disturbances and capacity restrictions can occur throughout the plant and the throughput fluctuates whenever disturbances occur. When capacity restrictions occur in a subplant and more substances enter the sub-plant than can be processed, the extra substances are flared or dumped and therefore lost. To reduce losses and extra costs and to maximise the throughput of the whole plant, supervisory control is implemented over the whole plant system. Each process in the process train is controlled with regulatory controllers and the overall process is then controlled with a supervisory controller. These two sets of controllers operate in two different layers of control, with the regulatory controllers the faster inner layer. The supervisory control is the outer layer of the two control layers. The supervisory controller takes over the work of the human operator by deciding on the changes in total throughput as well as the set points for each individual process. These set points for each process are then followed with the regulatory controllers. For the regulatory control of the system, different control methods are investigated and compared. The different control methods that are looked at are PI control, Linearised State Feedback control, Fuzzy Logic control and Model Reference Adaptive Control. After an investigation into the various control methods Fuzzy Logic control was chosen for the regulatory as well as the supervisory control levels. Fuzzy Logic control is a rule based control method. Fuzzy variables are everyday terms such as very slow or nearly full. These terms are easy to understand by the operator and multi-variable control is possible with Fuzzy Logic control without an accurate mathematical representation of the system. These facts made Fuzzy Logic control ideal for this implementation. To improve the profit of the Coal to Liquid facility the throughput was maximised. The combination of regulatory and supervisory controllers minimised losses and rejected disturbances. This resulted in a smoother output with maximum profit. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Steenkool-na-Olie fasiliteit, Sasol, Secunda funksioneer as ’n trein van prosesse. Versteurings en kapasiteit beperkings kan deur die hele aanleg voorkom en die deurset wissel voortdurend wanneer versteurings voorkom. Wanneer kapasiteit beperkings voorkom in ’n aanleg en meer stowwe word in die aanleg ingestuur as wat dit kan verwerk, word die ekstra stowwe gestort en dit gaan verlore. Om verliese en kostes te verminder en om die deurset van die hele aanleg te vergroot, is oorhoofse beheer geïmplementeer oor die hele stelsel. Elke proses in die trein van chemiese prosesse word beheer met regulerende beheerders. Die totale proses word dan beheer met ’n oorhoofse beheerder. Hierdie twee tipes beheerders funksioneer in twee lae van beheer met die regulerende beheerders die vinniger binneste laag. Die oorhoofse beheerder vorm die buitenste laag van die twee beheer lae en neem die werk van die menslike operateur oor deur die veranderinge in die totale deurset, sowel as die stelpunte vir elke afsonderlike proses, te bepaal. Hierdie stelpunte vir elke proses word dan met die regulerende beheerders gevolg. Verskillende beheer metodes is ondersoek vir die regulerende beheer van die stelsel. Die verskillende beheer metodes waarna gekyk word, is PI beheer, Geliniariseerde Toestands Terugvoer beheer, Wasige Logiese beheer en Model Verwysing Aanpassende beheer. Na ’n ondersoek na die verskillende beheer metodes is Wasige Logiese beheer gekies vir die regulerende asook die oorhoofse beheer. Wasige Logiese beheer is ’n reël gebasseerde beheer metode. Wasige Logika veranderlikes is alledaagse terme soos baie stadig of byna vol. Hierdie terme is maklik om te verstaan deur die operateur. Meervoudige-veranderlike beheer is moontlik met Wasige Logiese beheer sonder ’n akkurate wiskundige voorstelling van die stelsel. Hierdie feite maak Wasige Logiese beheer ideaal vir hierdie doel. Om die wins van die Steenkool-na-Olie fasiliteit te verbeter, is die deurset gemaksimeer. Die kombinasie van regulerende- en toesighoudende beheerders beperk verliese en verwerp versteurings. Dit lei tot ’n gladder uitset en ’n maksimum wins.

Evaluation and development of conceptual document similarity metrics with content-based recommender applications

Gouws, Stephan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng (Electrical and Electronic Engineering))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The World Wide Web brought with it an unprecedented level of information overload. Computers are very effective at processing and clustering numerical and binary data, however, the automated conceptual clustering of natural-language data is considerably harder to automate. Most past techniques rely on simple keyword-matching techniques or probabilistic methods to measure semantic relatedness. However, these approaches do not always accurately capture conceptual relatedness as measured by humans. In this thesis we propose and evaluate the use of novel Spreading Activation (SA) techniques for computing semantic relatedness, by modelling the article hyperlink structure of Wikipedia as an associative network structure for knowledge representation. The SA technique is adapted and several problems are addressed for it to function over the Wikipedia hyperlink structure. Inter-concept and inter-document similarity metrics are developed which make use of SA to compute the conceptual similarity between two concepts and between two natural-language documents. We evaluate these approaches over two document similarity datasets and achieve results which compare favourably with the state of the art. Furthermore, document preprocessing techniques are evaluated in terms of the performance gain these techniques can have on the well-known cosine document similarity metric and the Normalised Compression Distance (NCD) metric. Results indicate that a near two-fold increase in accuracy can be achieved for NCD by applying simple preprocessing techniques. Nonetheless, the cosine similarity metric still significantly outperforms NCD. Finally, we show that using our Wikipedia-based method to augment the cosine vector space model provides superior results to either in isolation. Combining the two methods leads to an increased correlation of Pearson p = 0:72 over the Lee (2005) document similarity dataset, which matches the reported result for the state-of-the-art Explicit Semantic Analysis (ESA) technique, while requiring less than 10% of the Wikipedia database as required by ESA. As a use case for document similarity techniques, a purely content-based news-article recommender system is designed and implemented for a large online media company. This system is used to gather additional human-generated relevance ratings which we use to evaluate the performance of three state-of-the-art document similarity metrics for providing content-based document recommendations. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Wêreldwye-Web het ’n vlak van inligting-oorbelading tot gevolg gehad soos nog nooit tevore. Rekenaars is baie effektief met die verwerking en groepering van numeriese en binêre data, maar die konsepsuele groepering van natuurlike-taal data is aansienlik moeiliker om te outomatiseer. Tradisioneel berus sulke algoritmes op eenvoudige sleutelwoordherkenningstegnieke of waarskynlikheidsmetodes om semantiese verwantskappe te bereken, maar hierdie benaderings modelleer nie konsepsuele verwantskappe, soos gemeet deur die mens, baie akkuraat nie. In hierdie tesis stel ons die gebruik van ’n nuwe aktiverings-verspreidingstrategie (AV) voor waarmee inter-konsep verwantskappe bereken kan word, deur die artikel skakelstruktuur van Wikipedia te modelleer as ’n assosiatiewe netwerk. Die AV tegniek word aangepas om te funksioneer oor die Wikipedia skakelstruktuur, en verskeie probleme wat hiermee gepaard gaan word aangespreek. Inter-konsep en inter-dokument verwantskapsmaatstawwe word ontwikkel wat gebruik maak van AV om die konsepsuele verwantskap tussen twee konsepte en twee natuurlike-taal dokumente te bereken. Ons evalueer hierdie benadering oor twee dokument-verwantskap datastelle en die resultate vergelyk goed met die van ander toonaangewende metodes. Verder word teks-voorverwerkingstegnieke ondersoek in terme van die moontlike verbetering wat dit tot gevolg kan hê op die werksverrigting van die bekende kosinus vektorruimtemaatstaf en die genormaliseerde kompressie-afstandmaatstaf (GKA). Resultate dui daarop dat GKA se akkuraatheid byna verdubbel kan word deur gebruik te maak van eenvoudige voorverwerkingstegnieke, maar dat die kosinus vektorruimtemaatstaf steeds aansienlike beter resultate lewer. Laastens wys ons dat die Wikipedia-gebasseerde metode gebruik kan word om die vektorruimtemaatstaf aan te vul tot ’n gekombineerde maatstaf wat beter resultate lewer as enige van die twee metodes afsonderlik. Deur die twee metodes te kombineer lei tot ’n verhoogde korrelasie van Pearson p = 0:72 oor die Lee dokument-verwantskap datastel. Dit is gelyk aan die gerapporteerde resultaat vir Explicit Semantic Analysis (ESA), die huidige beste Wikipedia-gebasseerde tegniek. Ons benadering benodig egter minder as 10% van die Wikipedia databasis wat benodig word vir ESA. As ’n toetstoepassing vir dokument-verwantskaptegnieke ontwerp en implementeer ons ’n stelsel vir ’n aanlyn media-maatskappy wat nuusartikels aanbeveel vir gebruikers, slegs op grond van die artikels se inhoud. Joernaliste wat die stelsel gebruik ken ’n punt toe aan elke aanbeveling en ons gebruik hierdie data om die akkuraatheid van drie toonaangewende maatstawwe vir dokument-verwantskap te evalueer in die konteks van inhoud-gebasseerde nuus-artikel aanbevelings.

Combined turbo coding and interference rejection for DS-CDMA.

Bejide, Emmanuel Oluremi. January 2004 (has links)
This dissertation presents interference cancellation techniques for both the Forward Error Correction (FEC) coded and the uncoded Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA) systems. Analytical models are also developed for the adaptive and the non-adaptive Parallel Interference Cancellation (PlC) receivers. Results that are obtained from the computer simulations of the PlC receiver types confirm the accuracy of the analytical models that are developed. Results show that the Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm based adaptive PlC receivers have bit error rate performances that are better than those of the non-adaptive PlC receivers. In the second part of this dissertation, a novel iterative multiuser detector for the Turbo coded DS-CDMA system is developed. The performance of the proposed receiver in the multirate CDMA system is also investigated. The developed receiver is found to have an error rate performance that is very close to the single user limit after a few numbers of iterations. The receiver is also resilient against the near-far effect. A methodology is also presented on the use of the Gaussian approximation method in the convergence analysis of iterative interference cancellation receivers for turbo coded DS-CDMA systems. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2004.

Combined turbo coding and interference rejection for DS-CDMA.

Bejide, Emmanuel Oluremi. January 2004 (has links)
This dissertation presents interference cancellation techniques for both the Forward Error Correction (FEC) coded and the uncoded Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA) systems. Analytical models are also developed for the adaptive and the non-adaptive Parallel Interference Cancellation (PlC) receivers. Results that are obtained from the computer simulations of the PlC receiver types confirm the accuracy of the analytical models that are developed. Results show that the Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm based adaptive PlC receivers have bit error rate performances that are better than those of the non-adaptive PlC receivers. In the second part of this dissertation, a novel iterative multiuser detector for the Turbo coded DS-CDMA system is developed. The performance of the proposed receiver in the multirate CDMA system is also investigated. The developed receiver is found to have an error rate performance that is very close to the single user limit after a few numbers of iterations. The receiver is also resilient against the near-far effect. A methodology is also presented on the use of the Gaussian approximation method in the convergence analysis of iterative interference cancellation receivers for turbo coded DS-CDMA systems. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2004.

Performance analysis of cellular networks.

Rajaratnam, Myuran. January 2000 (has links)
Performance analysis in cellular networks is the determination of customer orientated grade-of-service parameters, such as call blocking and dropping probabilities, using the methods of stochastic theory. This stochastic theory analysis is built on certain assumptions regarding the arrival and service processes of user-offered calls in a network. In the past, cellular networks were analysed using the classical assumptions, Poisson call arrivals and negative exponential channel holding times, borrowed from earlier fixed network analysis. However, cellular networks are markedly different from fixed networks, in that, they afford the user a unique opportunity: the ability to communicate while on the move. User mobility and various other cellular network characteristics, such as customer-billing, cell· layout and hand·off mechanisms, generally invalidate the use of Poisson arrivals and negative exponential holding times. Recent measurements on live networks substantiate this view. Consequently, over the past few years, there has been a noticeable shift towards using more generalised arrival and service distributions in the performance analysis of cellular networks. However, two shortcomings with the resulting models are that they suffer from state space explosion and / or they represent hand off traffic as a state dependent mean arrival rate (thus ignoring the higher moments of the hand-off arrival process). This thesis's contribution to cellular network analysis is a moment-based approach that avoids full state space description but ensures that the hand-off arrival process is modelled beyond the first moment. The thesis considers a performance analysis model that is based on Poisson new call arrivals, generalised hand-off call arrivals and a variety of channel holding times. The thesis shows that the performance analysis of a cellular network may be loosely decomposed into three parts, a generic cell traffic characterising model, a generic cell traffic blocking model and a quality of service evaluation model. The cell traffic characterising model is employed to determine the mean and variance of hand-off traffic offered by a cell to its neighbour. The cell traffic-blocking model is used to detennine the blocking experienced by the various traffic streams offered to each cell. The quality of service evaluation part is essentially afued-point iteration of the cell traffic characterising and cell traffic blocking parts to determine customer orientated grade-of-service parameters such as blocking and dropping probabilities. The thesis also presents detailed mathematical models for user mobility modelling. Finally, the thesis provides extensive results to validate the proposed analysis and to illustrate the accuracy of the proposed analysis when compared to existing methods. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 2000.

Optimized digital signal processing algorithms applied to radio communications.

Carter, Alan James Auchmuty. January 1992 (has links)
The application of digital signal processing to radio communications has come of age with the advent of low power, high speed microprocessors and over the past five years, various transceiver architectures, utilizing this new technology have been extensively researched. Due to the flexible nature of a software based transceiver, a myriad of possible applications exist and currently the emphasis is on the development of suitable algorithms. The principal aim of this research is the derivation of optimized digital signal processing algorithms applicable to three separate areas of radio communications. Optimized, as used by the author within this dissertation, implies a reasonable compromise between performance, complexity and numerical processing efficiency. This compromise is necessary since the algorithms are applied to a portable transceiver where power consumption, size and weight are limited. The digital signal processing algorithms described by this research is as follows:- 1. The derivation and assessment of a multirate speech amplitude modulation demodulator which exhibits low distortion (typically less than 2%) for a wide range of modulation indices, carrier frequency offsets and deviations. The demodulator is processing efficient and requires only five multiplications and five decisions for every output sample. 2. The derivation and assessment of a low sampling rate speech frequency modulation demodulator for signals whose bandwidth exceed quarter the sampling frequency. The demodulator exhibits low distortion (typically less than 2%) and is processing efficient requiring eighteen multiplications and three decisions for every output sample. 3. The derivation and assessment of a multirate single-sideband suppressed carrier automatic frequency control system which is a combination of a simple second order adaptive line enhancer and a digital phase-locked loop. The processing efficient automatic frequency control system is suited for low signal to noise power conditions, in both stationary and mobile communication channels. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1992.

A gridless, variable perveance Pierce electron gun.

Foulis, Bruce David. January 1994 (has links)
This thesis covers the design and development of a modulated Pierce electron gun used in the construction of experimental travelling wave tube (TWT) amplifiers. The gun incorporated an open aperture switching electrode, positioned mid-way between anode and cathode, to pulse the beam. This method of modulation did not have the same adverse effects on electron trajectories as in the case of a conventional mesh grid, but rather the electrode could be used to alter the focus conditions within the gun and subsequently improve certain beam characteristics. Ion focusing effects could also be eliminated with the electrode, allowing dual mode operation of the guns without the complications normally associated with such a practice. The switching electrode was simulated to ascertain its effect on electron trajectories within the gun, using finite element analysis as well as an electron optics design program. A test gun was constructed in a glass envelope in order to investigate the performance of the new design. The glass gun allowed a beam analysis to be performed, as well as thermal measurements to be made. Results from this gun compared favourably with earlier simulations. The results of two metal/ceramic construction TWTs are presented, showing the beneficial effects of the switching electrode on the performance of the tubes as a whole, and the electrode's potential to compensate for constructional anomalies. The joining of metals to ceramic using active brazing techniques is also an important aspect tackled by the thesis, with several innovative ideas being implemented in the construction of the devices. A simple yet reliable electrical feed-through was developed for those guns having a ceramic envelope. Extensive work was also performed on the manufacture of impregnated tungsten cathodes for use in the electron guns. Several test diodes, including a water-cooled demountable test vehicle, were constructed to test the performance of the cathodes. An analysis was performed on the patchy behaviour of some of the initial cathodes to improve the preparation methods used in the laboratory. The emission results obtained from the cathodes are documented, as is the successful incorporation of several of them into the new modulated gun design. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-Univesity of Natal, Durban, 1994.

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