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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ecolabelling, certification and accreditation : elements of a possible model for the ecotourism industry in southern and eastern Africa

Pina, Ralph Felix 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil (Geography and Environmental Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / The paper examines the evolution of ecolabelling/certification in tourism in the context of the evolution of the concepts of sustainable development and tourism, certification’s definitions, motivations, international practices and challenges, and focuses on its intended function as a voluntary market mechanism. Parallels are drawn with the African experience and consideration is given to the particular problems of certification in Africa as a member of the Third World. Evidence is examined, including a local tourist survey that points to certification’s ineffectiveness as a means to influence consumer choice, at least in its current form as a voluntary, selfregulatory tool. An attempt is also made to disprove its effectiveness as a source of competitive advantage for tourism companies by considering it within the framework of competitive strategy theory. It is concluded that certification is a poor market mechanism. Consequently, elements of a model for the effective use of ecolabelling as a tool in a suite of sustainability tools in tourism in Africa, are proposed.

Ontwikkeling van 'n driedimensionele netwerkmodule vir optimale roetebepaling

Van Lill, S. W. P. (Schalk Willem Petrus) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A shortest or most economical route can easily be determined by using a geographical information system (GIS). Unfortunately, most systems compute distances in two dimensional space. As computer-technology moves towards three dimensional applications, it is essential that GIS keeps up with this trend. In this research, the network module of Arc View (using Avenue) is customized, so that topographical slope is considered in determining the shortest or most economical route. Two buttons were added to the normal Arc View interface. By doing it this way, the user has the full functionality of Arc View, as well as the use of the new application. One button initiates a dialogue for capturing the economic parameters (fuel efficiency, oil usage, tyre usage, maintenance costs and capital costs) of a vehicle. The other button selects a route network and uses a vehicle's economic parameters (as determined by the user) to calculate a most economical route. This thesis describes the procedure, logic and methodology followed in adding a most economical route-selection function to Arc View. It also demonstrates the importance of incorporating three dimensional space for determining a most economical route. The new function currently calculates a most economical route, based on vehicle running costs for Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV's). The application performs satisfactorily, but there is scope for further development and refinement, both of the economical formulae for computing costs as well as of the graphic user interface (GUl). The flexibility of the system can be enhanced by providing for additional classes of vehicles. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Kortste of mees ekonomiese ritroete kan maklik met behulp van 'n GIS (Geografiese Inligtingstelsel) vasgestel word, maar die meeste stelsels bereken afstande in 'n plat vlak (in twee-dimensionele ruimte). Soos die rekenaartegnologie ontwikkel, word meer drie-dimensionele ruimtelike toepassings geskep, dus moet GIS-tegnologie ook toenemend die derde dimensie inkorporeer. In hierdie navorsing is Arc View se netwerk module met Avenue aangepas dat dit topografiese helling outomaties inreken by die bepaling van 'n kortste of mees ekonomiese roete. Twee knoppies is tot die normale Arc View koppelvlak bygevoeg. Deur dit so te doen, het die gebruiker toegang tot die volle funksionaliteit van Arc View en dié van die nuwe funksie. Een knoppie inisieer die koppelvlak waarmee die ekonomiese parameters (brandstof verbruik, olie verbruik, band verbruik, kapitaal koste en onderhoudskoste) van 'n voertuig opgestel word. Die ander knoppie selekteer 'n padnetwerk en gebruik 'n voertuig se ekonomiese parameters (soos gedefinieer deur die gebruiker) om 'n mees ekonomiese roete vas te stel. Hierdie tesis beskryf die prosedures, logika en metodologie waarvolgens die nuwe roeteseleksie funksie by Arc View geïnkorporeer is. Dit het ook gedemonstreer dat dit noodsaaklik is om drie-dimensionele ruimte by die bepaling van 'n mees ekonomiese roete in te sluit. Die nuwe funksie bepaal tans 'n ekonomiese roete gebaseer op die voertuig-loopkoste van swaarvoertuie. Dit funksioneer bevredigend, maar daar is steeds moontlikhede vir verdere ontwikkeling en verfyning, beide van die ekonomiese kosteberekeningsformules en die gebruikers-koppelvlak. Deur ook vir ander klasse voertuie voorsiening te maak kan die plooibaarheid van die stelselook uitgebrei word.

Digital satellite remote sensing for terrestrial coastal zone management

Pretorius, Cindy 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The unique and often fragile environment of the coastal zone is placed under increasing pressure by human development. It is expected that three quarters of the world's population will be living within 60km of the coast by the year 2020. Thorough planning and management are required to prevent coastal degradation. In South Africa, coastal management efforts are being promoted through the implementation of a White Paper for sustainable coastal development. A Coastal Decision Support System (CDSS) was developed to empower local authorities to demarcate and manage sensitive coastal areas by giving them access to relevant botanical and physical information. Land cover/use information for the CDSS was previously mapped manually from hardcopy aerial photography. This method was found to be time-consuming and costly. This study investigated the potential for digital satellite imagery as primary source of data for populating the land cover/use information of the CDSS. A methodology was designed utilising semi-supervised isodata clustering for extracting relevant information for a study area covering 40x20km of coast along the southern coastal sector of South Africa. Digital mapping of SPOT 4 multispectral satellite data was used successfully to map land cover/use information such as wetlands, coastal lakes, dune vegetation, urban areas, forest plantations, natural forest and agricultural areas. A cost comparison was also made between the digital mapping method from satellite imagery used in this research project and the manual mapping from aerial photography. Digital mapping from satellite imagery was found to be more cost-effective in terms of both data and human resource costs. The method outlined and discussed in the research project should provide sufficient guidance for future application of the techniques in populating the CDSS with land cover/use information. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die unieke en dikwels sensitiewe landskap in die kussone is onder aansienlike druk weens ontwikkeling deur mense. Daar word verwag dat 'n derde van die wêreldbevolking teen die jaar 2020 binne 60km van die kus woonagtig sal wees. Dit sal deeglike beplanning en bestuur verg om die agteruigang van hierdie gebied te bekamp. Kussonebestuur word in Suid Afrika aangemoedig deur die implementering van 'n Witskrif vir volhoubare kussone-ontwikkeling. 'n Kusgebied-besluitnemingsondersteuningstelsel (KBOS) is ontwikkel in 'n poging om plaaslike owerhede te bemagtig om sensitiewe kusgebiede af te baken en te bestuur. Die KBOS verleen plaaslike owerhede toegang tot toepaslike inligting oor botaniese en fisiese o~standighede. Grondbedekkinginligting vir die KBOS is in die verlede vanaf hardekopie lugfoto's gekarteer. Hierdie metode is tydrowend en duur. Die potensiaal van digitale satellietbeelde as hoof databron om grondbedekkinginligting vir die KBOS te voorsien is in hierdie studie ondersoek. 'n Metode word in die tesis uiteengesit om 'semi-supervised isodata clustering' te gebruik om die nodige inligting uit die data te onttrek. Die studiegebied sluit 'n area van 40x20km langs die suid kus van Suid Afrika in. Digitale kartering vanaf SPOT 4 multispektrale satellietdata is suksesvol gebruik om grondbedekkingsinligting soos vleilande, kusmere, duin-plantegroei, stedelike gebiede, bosbou, natuurlike bos en landbougebiede te karteer. 'n Kostevergelyking is gedoen tussen die digitale karteringsmetode vanaf satellietbeelde in vergeleke met handkartering vanaf lugfotografie. Die digitale karteringsmetode blyk meer koste-effektief te wees beide in terme van die datakoste sowel as die koste verbonde aan mannekrag. Die omskrywing van die metode in die tesis behoort as goeie riglyn te dien vir die toepassing van die tegniek om grondbedekkinginligting voor te berei vir die KBOS.

Factors affecting lion (Panthera Leo) spatial occurrence in the Zambezi region, Namibia

Moeller, Michelle-Louise 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Lion populations globally are on the decrease and their habitats are fragmenting. Despite their importance in the Zambezi Region in Namibia, very little research has yet been undertaken to understand their occurrence in this area. One of the primary motivations behind this study was the Kavango Zambezi Trans Frontier Conservation Area’s (KAZA TFCA) need to identify trans-boundary movement of carnivores. The collaborative approach with the Ministry of Environment and Tourism in Namibia facilitated the collaring of lions in three National Parks. A number of species were collared and this study focuses on the occurrence of lions in the Zambezi Region. From the lion home range analysis we could see that the home-range sizes of the collared lions varied greatly across the study area. The difference in home range size is largely due to human pressure surrounding the protected areas. Geographically weighted regression assisted in understanding which were the main drivers of lion occurrence, but further investigation was needed using the Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) model for presence-only data. The factors that were investigated as possibly affecting the occurrence of lions included the following: rivers, land cover, land use, elevation and human activity. After pursuing various research models and manipulating data among all these factors, no single factor or combination of factors was found to be reliable predictors on lion occurrence in the study area. As is discussed in recommendations for further research in Chapter 6, it became clear that quantitative data cannot be used in isolation to predict where lions may occur. / AFRIKKANSE OPSOMMING: Leeu-bevolkings is wêreldwyd aan die afneem en hulle habitatte fragmenteer al hoe meer. Ten spyte van hulle intrinsieke belang vir die Zambezi streek in Namibië is daar ‘n gebrek aan navorsing om die voorkome van leeus in hierdie streek te verstaan. ‘n Belangrike motivering vir hierdie studie was die vereiste van die “Kavango Zambezi Trans Frontier Conservation Area” (KAZA TFCA) om grensoorstekende bewegings te verstaan, in onder andere karnivore. In samewerking met KAZA TFCA is GPS-halsbande aangebring aan leeus in drie wildsparke, asook aan individue van ander spesies; hierdie studie fokus spesifiek op leeus in die Zambezi streek. Analise van die leeus se loopgebied toon breë variasies oor die studiegebied, vir die individue met halsbande, hoofsaaklik te wyte aan menslike druk vanuit omliggende nedersettings. Hierdie studie gebruik geografies geweegde regressie om die belangrikste faktore in die teenwoordigheid van leeus te verstaan, terwyl Maximale Entropie modelle (MaxEnt) vir slegs teenwoordigheid data in verdere ondersoeke ingespan is. Die volgende faktore is ondersoek ten opsigte van hulle moontlike bydrae tot die voorkome van leeus: riviere, land bedek, grondgebruik, hoogte en menslike aktiwiteite. Verskeie statistiese navorsingsmodelle is ondersoek, met inagneming van data vir al die faktore, maar geen betroubare aanwyser of aanwysers vir leeu-teenwoordigheid is gevind nie. Dit is duidelik dat bloot kwantitatiewe data ontoereikend is om leeuteenwoordigheid te voorspel, soos uiteengesit in hoofstuk 6.

Geographical information systems for environmental impact assessment : a feasibility study

Brink, Ester 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study acknowledges the status quo in South Africa as a country in transformation. Leaders concur that people live under the spell of the evil triplets of poverty, inequality and unemployment amidst the need for development and economic growth. In order to initiate positive change, the 1996 Constitution of South Africa supports integrated environmental management (IEM) and sustainability principles towards ecological, economic and social compromise. Furthermore, the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) was legislated in 1996 along with the mandatory environmental impact assessment (EIA) tool in 1998. Despite this legislation being of global standards, current discourse highlights the need for new strategies and tools to improve IEM. The constraint lies in the implementation of policy as the EIA process is limited by inconsistency and project specific focus. Fortuitously technology has developed to levels where web-based tools encourage spatial awareness and individual responsibility for the environment. Usage of participative GIS supported by best practice in governance has the potential to successfully drive IEM. This research builds on the integration of a policy instrument (EIA), spatial technology (GIS), development and human factors (people) as pillars of transdisciplinary methodology to collaborate and gather new information to expand knowledge and augment existing processes. The study objectives required rigorous research and involved a wide range of participants in a feasibility study to provide details of the viability of integrating GIS usage into EIA conduct in South Africa. Participants in the research were selected from the geographical scope of Cape Town and represent involved parties in EIA and potential users of GIS in EIA. The legislative scope is the Western Cape Province. Triangulation, a mixed method approach, was employed to collect and collate qualitative and quantitative information based on the opinions of involved parties in the IEM, EIA and GIS domains. Primary data collection methods included observation, fieldwork, informal, formal and focus group discussions as well as an e-mail questionnaire and a Likert scale e-survey. The knowledge gained was evaluated using SWOT and graphics. The findings indicated that the majority of participants agreed that technology and skills are available to design and develop a web-based application for GIS usage in EIA. However, from the outcome of the study the main challenge is not related to technical skills and capacity, but to align the EIA with IEM sustainability principles for effective decision making and self-regulation. It is therefore envisaged that web-based GIS usage in EIA based on IEM has the potential to reconnect the EIA process by uniting people in knowledge with easy access to information from a central data base repository to an on-line web-based platform that links time and space to inform decision making. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die uitgangspunt van hierdie studie is dat Suid-Afrika 'n land in transformasie is en die behoefte aan ontwikkeling en ekonomiese groei van kardinale belang is weens die armoede, ongelykheid en werkloosheid waaronder baie mense lei. Effektiewe omgewingsbestuur is uiters belangrik om omgewingsbesoedeling en agteruitgang te verhoed. Ten einde 'n positiewe verandering te inisieer, ondersteun die 1996 Grondwet van Suid-Afrika geïntegreerde omgewingsbestuur (GOB) en volhoubaarheidsbeginsels teenoor ekologiese, ekonomiese en sosiale kompromie. Die 1996 Nasionale Wet op Omgewingsbestuur (NEMA) het die omgewingsimpakstudie (OIS)-instrument in 1998 verpligtend verklaar. Die OIS wetgewing is gebaseer op hoë internasionale standaarde, maar ten spyte hiervan beklemtoon die huidige diskoers die behoefte aan nuwe strategieë om OIS in die praktyk effektief te belyn met die GOB beleid. Tans word die OIS proses beperk deur teenstrydigheid tussen gebruikers van die proses sowel as projekspesifieke fokus. Tegnologie het ontwikkel tot 'n vlak waar webgebaseerde GIS ruimtelike bewustheid aanmoedig en individuele verantwoordelikheid vir die omgewing aanbeveel en ondersteun word. Deelnemende GIS, ondersteun deur goeie regering, het die potensiaal om OIS en GOB suksesvol in die praktyk te implementer. Hierdie navorsing bou voort op die integrasie van 'n beleidsinstrument (OIS), ruimtelike tegnologie (GIS) asook ontwikkeling en menslike faktore (mense) en ondersteun die transdissiplinêre metodologie om nuwe inligtig te versamel en vryelik te deel. Die studiedoelwitte het streng navorsingsmetodologie vereis deur 'n wye verskeidenheid van deelnemers te betrek in 'n ondersoek na die haalbaarheid van die integrasie van GIS gebruik in OIS in Suid-Afrika. Deelnemers aan die navorsing is gekies uit die geografiese domein van Kaapstad en was betrokke partye in omgewingsbestuur en potensiële gebruikers van GIS in OIS. Die wetgewende domein is die Wes-Kaap. 'n Gemengde-metode benadering is gevolg om kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe inligting te versamel en was gebaseer op die menings van die betrokke partye in die IEM, OIE en GIS terreine. Die kennis is geëvalueer met behulp van SWOT analise en grafika. Die bevindinge dui aan dat die meerderheid van die deelnemers saamstem dat tegnologie en vaardigheid beskikbaar is om 'n program vir GIS-gebruik in OIS te ontwikkel. Die uitslag van die studie dui daarop dat die grootste uitdaging vir effektiewe besluitneming en self-regulering nie verband hou met tegniese vaardighede en kapasiteit nie, maar om die OIS te verenig met GOB-volhoubaarheid beginsels. Die vooruitsig is dus dat web-gebaseerde GIS gebruik in OIS gebaseer op GOB die potensiaal het om mense met kennis te verenig en omgewingsbestuur effektief in te lig.

Pathways to the past : tourism and heritage in the Little Karoo

Van Pletzen-Vos, Liezl 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Geography and Environmental Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The rapid growth of tourism, particularly heritage tourism, in South Africa is leading to a detrimental impact on heritage resources. Part of the problem lies in the lack of knowledge visitors have of the significance and vulnerability of the resources they are engaging with. Another part of the problem is the inherent conflict between the heritage tourism sector and the heritage management sector. Whilst sharing the same resource base, each sector has very different aims. Tourism seeks to exploit heritage resources, whilst heritage management seeks to conserve them. These problems are not necessarily restricted to South Africa and the study of its nature and extent is here limited to the Little Karoo. The Little Karoo is defined in this dissertation as the area in the Western Cape bounded by the Langeberg and Outeniqua Mountains in the south, and the Swartberg in the north. It includes the towns of Montagu, Barrydale, Ladismith, Amalienstein, Zoar, Calitzdorp, Van Wyksdorp, Oudtshoorn, Dysselsdorp, De Rust and Herold. Of importance to this research is the fact that the Little Karoo can be accessed by a variety of passes, poorts and kloofs. This study has been undertaken in order to explore a non-empirical solution to the problem of the human impact on heritage resources through their thematic interpretation and presentation. This research also aims to improve the relationship between the tourism and heritage industries by introducing a shared terminology in the form of a model or framework. This framework is a way of organising and presenting the heritage story in such a way that both heritage tourism and heritage managers (and other stakeholders) can understand. The aim of the study is to devise a mechanism with which to identify, organise, interpret and present heritage resources in a thematic manner. The resulting thematic framework will hopefully enrich the heritage experience of visitors to heritage sites while providing guidance as to the vulnerability of heritage resources. A secondary objective is to develop common terminology for the heritage tourism and heritage management communities. The intent is to improve the relationship between these two sectors and thereby mitigate further damage to heritage resources. Data for this study was collected from several empirical sources. Extant and primary data was accessed. Extant data came from the pertinent published sources, while primary data was collected via a combination of personal and group face-to-face semi-structured interviews and personal observation of heritage sites in the Little Karoo during 2003 and 2004. The main outcome of this research was the development of a South African Heritage Tourism Thematic Framework (SAHTTF). The SAHTTF is, in part, based on and inspired by frameworks from the United States, Australia, Canada and South Africa. There are three tiers within the framework: theme groups, themes and sub-themes. The framework is intended to be flexible and the three tiers can be mixed and matched in whatever way best serves the story of the heritage resource in question. The five theme groups are: Development of the environment; Peopling our land; Way of life; Governing South Africa and Developing South Africa. The whole story of South Africa can be organised and presented using this framework. However, in order to keep this study within reasonable limits, the focus of the story was limited to the heritage story of the Little Karoo. The case studies of the Cango Caves, Cogmans Kloof, Swartberg Pass and Seweweeks Poort tested the effectiveness of the SAHTTF. It is recommended that the SAHTTF be presented to the heritage tourism and heritage management sectors for further evaluation and testing. This research has proved that the SAHTTF can be an effective tool in the identification, organization, interpretation and presentation of heritage resources. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die snelle groei van toerisme, veral erfnistoerisme, in Suid-Afrika het tot gevolg dat erfnisbronne onder groot druk geplaas word. Die probleem is deels dat besoekers geen of weinig kennis dra van die kwesbaarheid en belangrikheid van die bronne waarmee hulle handel. Verder is die probleem die belangebotsing tussen erfnistoerisme en erfnisbestuur sektore. Toerisme verbruik erfnisbronne, terwyl erfnisbestuur poog om dit te bewaar. Hierdie probleem is egter nie noodwendig eie aan Suid-Afrika nie en vir die doeleindes van dié studie word die omvang en aard daarvan slegs in die Klein Karoo ondersoek. Die Klein Karoo word beskou as die gebied in die Westelike Provinsie wat in die suide deur die Langeberge en Outenikwaberge en in die noorde deur die Swartberge begrens word. Dit omsluit die dorpe Montagu, Barrydale, Ladismith, Amalienstein, Zoar, Calitzdorp, Vanwyksdorp, Oudtshoorn, Dysselsdorp, De Rust en Herold. Die Klein Karoo kan deur talle passe, poorte en klowe bereik word – die belangrike feit wat in hierdie studie ontgin word. Die navorsing is onderneem ten einde 'n nie-empiriese oplossing vir die impak van die mens op erfnisbronne deur tematiese interpretasie en voorstelling te vind. Dit beoog om die verhouding tussen die bedryf van erfnistoerisme en erfnisbestuur te bestendig deur gedeelde terminologie in die vorm van 'n model of raamwerk. Hierdie raamwerk bied 'n metode om die verhale van erfnis so aan te bied dat beide die bedrywers van erfnistoerisme en -bestuur begrip daarvoor kan ontwikkel. Die doel van die navorsing is om 'n meganisme te vind waardeur die erfnisbronne op 'n tematiese wyse geïdentifiseer, georganiseer, vertolk en aangebied kan word. Hierdie tematiese raamwerk sal hopelik besoekers se ervaring van erfnisbronne verryk en leiding gee rakende die kwesbaarheid van terreine. Data vir die navorsing is uit verskeie empiriese bronne versamel. Bestaande en primêre data is gebruik. Bestaande data was afkomstig van toepaslike publikasies en primêre data is versamel en ingewin via 'n kombinasie van individuele en groepsonderhoude deur middel van semigestruktureerde onderhoude, asook persoonlike waarneming van verskillende erfnisterrreine in die Klein Karoo tussen 2003 en 2004. Die belangrikste opbrengs uit die navorsing is die ontwikkeling van 'n Suid-Afrikanse Erfnistoerisme Tematiese Raamwerk (South Afican Heritage Tourism Thematic Framework – SAHTTF). Die SAHTTF is deels gebaseer op, en geïnspireer deur, soortgelyke raamwerke in die VSA, Australië, Kanada en Suid-Afrika. Daar is drie vlakke in die raamwerk: tematiese groepe, temas en sub-temas. Die raamwerk is aanpasbaar en die drie vlakke kan in enige kombinasie gebruik word om die verhaal of geskiedenis van die betrokke bron ten beste voor te stel. Die vyf tematiese groepe is: Onwikkeling van die omgewing; Bevolking van ons land; Lewenswyses; Regering van Suid-Afrika; en Ontwikkeling van Suid-Afrika. Die hele erfnisverhaal van Suid-Afrika kan georganiseer en voorgestel word deur dié raamwerk. Ten einde hierdie navorsing hanteerbaar te hou, is op die erfnisverhaal van die Klein Karoo gekonsentreer. As gevallestudies het die Kangogrotte, Kogmanskloof, Swartbergpas en Seweweekspoort as toets vir die doeltreffendheid van die raamwerk gedien. Die navorsing beveel aan dat die SAHTTF aan die beheerstrukture van erfnistoerisme en erfnisbestuur voorgelê word vir verdere evaluering en toetsing. Die navorsing het bevind dat die SAHTTF 'n doeltreffende instrument kan wees in die identifisering, organisering, vertolking en voorstelling van ons erfnis bronne.

The development potential and impacts of commercial eucalyptus woodlots in selected areas of KwaZulu, South Africa.

Cellier, Guy Anthony. 01 October 2014 (has links)
This thesis is an analysis of the social, economic and ecological impacts of commercial Eucalyptus woodlots beign promoted by a private timber company in certain parts of northern KwaZulu, South Africa. The impacts are considered from the perspective of the rural farmers themselves via a qualitative methodology consisting of semi-structured, in-depth individual interviews and focus group discussions. The results of the study show that these woodlots would offer only supplementary income to the majority of the growers. There is little opportunity cost in terms of land or labour, and ecological impacts can be minimised through a programme of education and responsibility on behalf of the company. However, the growers involved feel alienated from the whole tree-growing process occurring on their land. The potential for rural development and empowerment does exist, but will require a fundamental paradigm shift and long-term commitment on the part of the company promoting the woodlots. Commercial woodlots have an important role to play in the 'new' South Africa by showing that the aspirations of the rural poor need not be compatible with the profit-orientated motives of private companies. A model is proposed which consists of training, strengthening existing institutional structures, and initiating ongoing, on-farm research. Following such a model would allow commercial woodlots to form part of an appropriate social forestry land-use system for the region. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1994.

The remote sensing of papyrus vegetation (Cyperus papyrus L.) in swamp wetlands of South Africa.

January 2010 (has links)
Papyrus (Cyperus papyrus .L) swamp is the most species rich habitat that play vital hydrological, ecological, and economic roles in central tropical and western African wetlands. However, the existence of papyrus vegetation is endangered due to intensification of agricultural use and human encroachment. Techniques for modelling the distribution of papyrus swamps, quantity and quality are therefore critical for the rapid assessment and proactive management of papyrus vegetation. In this regard, remote sensing techniques provide rapid, potentially cheap, and relatively accurate strategies to accomplish this task. This study advocates the development of techniques based on hyperspectral remote sensing technology to accurately map and predict biomass of papyrus vegetation in a high mixed species environment of St Lucia- South Africa which has been overlooked in scientific research. Our approach was to investigate the potential of hyperspectral remote sensing at two levels of investigation: field level and airborne platform level. First, the study provides an overview of the current use of both multispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing techniques in mapping the quantity and the quality of wetland vegetation as well as the challenges and the need for further research. Second, the study explores whether papyrus can be discriminated from each one of its coexistence species (binary class). Our results showed that, at full canopy cover, papyrus vegetation can be accurately discriminated from its entire co-existing species using a new hierarchical method based on three integrated analysis levels and field spectrometry under natural field conditions. These positive results prompted the need to test the use of canopy hyperspectral data resampled to HYMAP resolution and two machine learning algorithms in identifying key spectral bands that allowed for better discrimination among papyrus and other co-existing species (n = 3) (multi-class classification). Results showed that the random forest algorithm (RF) simplified the process by identifying the minimum number of spectral bands that provided the best overall accuracies. Narrow band NDVI and SR-based vegetation indices calculated from hyperspectral data as well as some vegetation indices published in literature were investigated to test their potential in improving the classification accuracy of wetland plant species. The study also evaluated the robustness and reliability of RF as a variables selection method and as a classification algorithm in identifying key spectral bands that allowed for the successful classification of wetland species. Third, the focus was to upscale the results of field spectroscopy analysis to airborne hyperspectral sensor (AISA eagle) to discriminate papyrus and it co-existing species. The results indicated that specific wavelengths located in the visible, red-edge, and near-infrared region of the electromagnetic spectrum have the highest potential of discriminating papyrus from the other species. Finally, the study explored the ability of narrow NDVI-based vegetation indices calculated from hyperspectral data in predicting the green above ground biomass of papyrus. The results demonstrated that papyrus biomass can be modelled with relatively low error of estimates using a non-linear RF regression algorithm. This provided a basis for the algorithm to be used in mapping wetland biomass in highly complex environments. Overall, the study has demonstrated the potential of remote sensing techniques in discriminating papyrus swamps and its co-existing species as well as in predicting biomass. Compared to previous studies, the RF model applied in this study has proved to be a robust, accurate, and simple new method for variables selection, classification, and modelling of hyperspectral data. The results are important for establishing a baseline of the species distributions in South African swamp wetlands for future monitoring and control efforts. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2010.

Management and regulation of rural land use : a model for traditional land tenure systems in KwaZulu-Natal.

Montgomery, Andrew David. January 2000 (has links)
South Africa is confronted by a number ofproblems which include: a high and rapidly increasing population, conditions of poverty, hunger, illiteracy, unemployment, and a degrade9 environment. These problems are associated with inappropriate land use and development and the unwise utilization of natural resources. This work investigates the rural land use dynamic within KwaZulu-Natal and specifically where many of these conditions are most evident, namely: within traditional land tenure areas. The need for an effective, transparent, measurement-based and environmentally linked land use management and regulation system is investigated and a theoretical model is developed with sustainable development as the central focus. The proposed methodology modifies South African approaches to land use management and regulation and draws on the rationale employed within intemationalland use management and state ofthe environment research. The model has the following aims: to strive towards the collective achievement of sustainability as the underlying goal within the planning and plan implementation process; to develop the capability of measuring the extent to which planning policies, goals and programmes are achieved; to guide their review and reformulation; to encourage the inclusion and integration of the policies and programmes of all public and private agencies; and thereby to strengthen the link between land use planning and land use management. The implementation of this model entails an iterative process of performance indicator identification, selection, application and evaluation with full stakeholder participation. The findings suggest that: the sensitive and gradual application of this system is likely to guide land use towards sustainability, initially by non-statutory means. Later, as stakeholder knowledge and understanding increases, this system has the potential to fulfil a valuable statutory function. It is proposed that the practical application of this theoretical approach will facilitate the accurate evaluation and review of policy, plans and programmes during implementation, which will enhance the management and regulation of rural land use towards sustainability within the context of the social, economic and biophysical environment. / Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2000.

The utilisation of the WET-Health and WET-EcoServices tools in the application of Wetland decision making.

Ramburran, Esmeralda. 15 November 2013 (has links)
Wetlands serve many purposes in the landscape and are under increasing threat as a consequence of urbanisation despite their importance directly and indirectly to humans. Through an evaluation of the suitability of the WET-Health and WET-EcoServices tools in determining wetland functionality and the provision of goods and services of the wetlands, it was decided that these tools were particularly appropriate for fulfilling the purpose of this research. WET-Health, used in combination with WET-EcoServices, is effective in determining the overall health of wetlands and provides possible reasons for degradation which reduces the ability of wetlands to supply the benefits associated with the particular hydrogeomorphic type. A feedback and questionnaire survey was conducted with eThekwini municipality to determine if the WET-Health and WET-EcoServices tools satisfied their needs and to ascertain whether these tools would be suitable for management of their wetlands. This research, in collaboration with eThekwini municipality’s Planning Department, seeks to contribute to the management and maintenance of wetlands within the uMdloti Catchment so that more informed wetland management decisions regarding wetland sustainability can be made. A level 1 and 2 WET-Health and WET-EcoServices assessments were applied to three sites namely; the Robert Armstrong, Le Mercy and Lake Victoria Barn swallow roosting wetlands. A WET-Health Level 1 assessment can be considered more feasible than a Level 2 which provides similar results yet is more time consuming, however, expert knowledge and experience with the tool may be necessary. A Level 2 WET-EcoServices assessment is recommended as it not only highlights what benefits are being provided but the extent of each benefit thereof also determining whether a wetland has a greater chance to provide a particular benefit but may not being effective in doing so. This in turn allows for efforts and resources to be directed towards improving wetland management and land-use planning and decision making for which the tools are particularly suitable. The tools were considered appropriate and necessary for wetland management and can be adapted into eThekwini municipality’s work situation. The tools provide a holistic approach for wetland assessment as catchment activities are considered. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2012.

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