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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The relationship satisfaction of heterosexual couples in one low-income, semi-rural Western Cape community

Engelbrecht, Sarah-Kate 03 1900 (has links)
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Effective interventions are hindered by a lack of context-specific data on how South African men and women construct and experience intimate heterosexual relationships. Most studies exploring committed heterosexual relationships have been conducted with White populations living in developed countries. As relationship satisfaction is seen as a requirement for a good quality relationship, this study examined the relationship satisfaction of committed heterosexual couples in one low-income, semi-rural Western Cape community. A cross-sectional survey approach was used to examine relationship satisfaction among heterosexual married and unmarried couples. A random sample of 100 couples was drawn from the community, 93 of which were included in the final analyses, on the criterion that both partners were interviewed. Trained fieldworkers administered a demographic and relationship questionnaire, as well as three relationship satisfaction measures namely the Dyadic Satisfaction subscale of the Dyadic Adjustment Scale, the Index of Marital Satisfaction and the Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale. Analyses were conducted using the statistical programme Statistica 7.0 and both descriptive and inferential statistics were computed separately for men and women. Inferential statistics included Spearman correlations, repeated measures ANOVA, and reliability analyses. Results show that although, on average, neither men nor women were clinically dissatisfied with their relationships, women reported significantly lower relationship satisfaction than men. Significant relationships were found between relationship satisfaction and a number of demographic variables, including the male partner’s educational attainment (with the female partner’s relationship satisfaction); female partner’s perception of her male partner’s religiosity (with both her own and her male partner’s relationship satisfaction); own church attendance (with own relationship satisfaction), female partner’s church attendance (with her male partner’s relationship satisfaction), and joint church attendance (with both female and male relationship satisfaction); sharing a bedroom at night with children, sharing a bed at night with children, and sharing a bed at night with partner. Demographic variables found to have a non-significant relationship with relationship satisfaction included: age; church affiliation; employment; and couple monthly income. Although there were several trends that tended towards significance, the only relationship variables found to be significantly related to relationship satisfaction were previous marriages and, for cohabiting couples, the age at commencement of cohabitation. Relationship variables found to have a nonsignificant relationship with relationship satisfaction included: relationship status; relationship duration; age at marriage for married couples; reason for marriage (for married couples) or for marriage in the future (for unmarried couples); number of significant relationships; and a number of childrenrelated variables. Results are discussed and recommendations are made for future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Effektiewe intervensies oor hoe Suid-Afrikaanse mans en vroue intieme heteroseksuele verhoudings konstrueer en ervaar, word deur 'n tekort aan konteks-spesifieke data verhinder. Die meeste studies wat toegewyde heteroseksuele verhoudings bestudeer, is in wit populasies in ontwikkelde lande uigevoer. Aangesien verhoudingsatisfaksie as n voorvereiste vir ‘n goeie kwaliteit verhouding gesien word, het hierdie studie die verhoudingsatisfaksie van toegewyde, heteroseksuele paartjies in n lae-inkomste, semi-plattelandse Wes-Kaapse gemeenskap ondersoek. 'n Kruis-snit opname benadering is gebruik om die verhoudingsatisfaksie onder heteroseksuele getroude en ongetroude paartjies te ondersoek. 'n Ewekansige steekproef van 100 paartjies is uit die gemeenskap getrek, waarvan 93 in die finale analise ingesluit is, op grond van die vereiste dat beide maats ondervra is. Opgeleide veldwerkers het n demografiese- en verhoudingsvraelys toegepas, sowel as drie verhoudingsatisfaksie maatstawe, naamlik die Dyadic Satisfaction subscale van die Dyadic Adjustment Scale, die Index of Marital Satisfaction en die Kansas Marital Satisfaction Scale. Analises is met die statistiese program Statistica 7.0 uitgevoer en beide beskrywende en inferensiële statistieke is afsonderlik vir beide mans en vroue uitgewerk. Inferensiële statistieke het Spearman korrelasies, herhaalde-metings-ANOVA, en betroubaarheidsanalises ingesluit. Resultate toon dat, ondanks die feit dat nie mans of vroue klinies ontevrede met hul verhoudings was nie, vroue tog beduidend laer verhoudingsatisfaksie as mans gerapporteer het. Beduidende verwantskappe tussen verhoudingsatisfaksie en verskeie demografiese veranderlikes is gevind, insluitend die manlike verhoudingsmaat se vlak van opleiding (met die vroulike verhoudingsmaat se verhoudingsatisfaksie); vroulike verhoudingsmaat se siening van haar manlike verhoudingsmaat se godsdienstigheid (met beide haar eie en haar manlike verhoudingsmaat se verhoudingsatisfaksie); eie kerkbywoning (met eie verhoudingsatisfaksie), vroulike verhoudingsmaat se kerkbywoning (met beide vroulike en manlike verhoudingsatisfaksie), en gesamentlike kerkbywoning (met beide vroulike en manlike verhoudingsatisfaksie); deel van ‘n slaapkamer, snags, met kinders, deel van ‘n bed, snags, met kinders, en deel van ‘n bed, snags, met ‘n verhoudingsmaat. Demografiese veranderlikes wat ‘n onbeduidende verwantskap met verhoudingsatisfaksie toon, sluit in: ouderdom; kerkaffiliasie; aanstelling; en gesamentlike maandelikse inkomste. Ondanks verskeie beduidende tendense, is die enigste verhoudingsveranderlikes wat beduidende verwantskappe met verhoudingsatisfaksie getoon het vorige huwelike en, vir samewonende paartjies, die ouderdom by aanvang van saamwoning. Verhoudingsveranderlikes wat geen beduidende verwantskap met verhoudingsatisfaksie getoon het nie, sluit in: verhoudingstatus; verhoudingsduur; trou-ouderdom vir getroude paartjies; rede vir huwelik of huwelik in die toekoms; hoeveelheid beduidende verhoudings; en hoeveelheid kind-verwante veranderlikes. Resultate word bespreek en aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing word gemaak.

The prevalence of sexual harassment within a student sample of Stellenbosch University

Steenkamp, Francois Rudolph 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Due to the extensive prevalence of sexual violence permeating the present day South African society, the social relevance of a study of the extent and nature of sexual harassment among university students, cannot be overestimated. This is particularly evident if one takes into account the growing number of research studies undertaken in South Africa and elsewhere on the African continent indicating the presence of this social evil on campuses of higher education. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence, effects, correlates and perceptions of different types of sexual harassment among a student sample at Stellenbosch University. The methodology applied in this study can be viewed as quantitative in nature as it entailed the use of a survey design. The researcher developed a new questionnaire to investigate the pervasiveness of students’ experience of, reaction to, and beliefs about sexual harassment. This questionnaire consisted of sub-scales, of which some were newly developed by the researcher, and others, based on existing scales, were adapted for the purposes of this study. The design took the form of a questionnaire that covered the time period during which the students were enrolled at Stellenbosch University. Both undergraduate and post-graduate students from the four campuses of Stellenbosch University (i.e., Bellville, Saldanha, Stellenbosch and Tygerberg) were invited to participate in the study. The total sample consisted of 1679 students. The electronic questionnaire consisted of a total of 27 separate questions with some of the questions having various sub-sections. Data were obtained on the socio-demographic profile of students. The questionnaire explored student perceptions of which behavioural types constituted sexual harassment, the number of times a participant had been a victim of a particular type of sexual harassment, whether alcohol or drugs played a contributory role in the victimisation, whether the participant sought help from available support services following the victimisation, the location of the incidents of sexual harassment and whether the offender was known to the victim or not. Gender role attitudes of students, indicating the extent to which sexual harassment is tolerated by the student community, were also investigated. The questionnaire furthermore explored issues of same-sex sexual harassment, the occurrence of group harassment and the possible effects, be it social, emotional or academic, that the victim might have suffered. The relationships between certain measurement scales were also investigated. With the utilisation of statistical packages, frequencies and statistical differences amongst various sub-groups were determined. Significant findings of the study included gender, racial and sexual orientation subgroup differences in terms of the perception of, rate of prevalence and tolerance of sexual harassment. Significant statistical differences between gender, racial and sexual orientation subgroups were also established for certain variables related to the familiarity of the perpetrator, the locations of sexual harassment, help-resource utilisation following incidents of sexual harassment and the effects of sexual harassment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vanweë die uitgebreide voorkomssyfer van seksuele geweld tans in die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing, kan die sosiale relevantheid van 'n studie oor die omvang en aard van seksuele teistering nie oorbeklemtoon word nie. Hierdie veronderstelling word duidelik ondersteun deur die groeiende aantal studies in Suid-Afrika en elders in Afrika wat hierdie sosiale euwel op tersiêre kampusse ondersoek. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die voorkomssyfer, gevolge, korrelate en persepsies van verskillende tipes seksuele teistering by 'n studentesteekproef van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch te bepaal. Die metodologie van hierdie studie kan beskryf word as kwantitatief van aard aangesien daar van ‘n opnameontwerp gebruik gemaak is. Die navorser het 'n nuwe vraelys ontwikkel om die omvang van studente se ervaring van, reaksie op, en opvattings oor seksuele teistering te ondersoek. Hierdie vraelys het bestaan uit subskale, waarvan sommige nuut geskep was deur die navorser en ander wat vanuit bestaande bronne aangepas is vir die doel van hierdie studie. Die ontwerp is in die vorm van 'n vraelys wat die tydsperiode dek waarin die studente ingeskryf was by die Universiteit van Stellenbosch. Beide voorgraadse en nagraadse studente van die vier kampusse van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch (i.e., Bellville, Saldanha, Stellenbosch en Tygerberg) is genooi om deel te neem aan die navorsing. Die totale steekproef het uit 1679 studente bestaan. Die elektroniese vraelys het 27 aparte vrae gehad waarvan sommiges verskeie onderafdelings bevat het. Data is verkry oor die sosio-demografiese profiel van studente. Die vraelys het studente se opvattings bepaal oor watter gedragstipes seksuele teistering behels, asook die aantal kere wat ‘n deelnemer 'n slagoffer van 'n spesifieke soort seksuele teistering was. Verdere vrae het ondersoek of alkohol en dwelms bygedra het tot die teistering, of die deelnemer bystand gesoek het by beskikbare ondersteuningshulpbronne na die teistering, die plekke waar die seksuele teistering voorgekom het, en of die oortreder bekend was aan die slagoffer of nie. Studente se houdings oor geslagsrolle, wat aanduidend was van die mate waarin seksuele teistering verdra word in die studentegemeenskap, is ook nagevors. Die vraelys het verder kwessies verken soos selfde-geslag seksuele teistering, die voorkoms van groepsteistering en die moontlike nadelige gevolge daarvan vir die slagoffer, hetsy sosiaal, emosioneel of akademies. Die verbande tussen sekere metingskale is ook ondersoek. Met behulp van statistiese pakkette is die frekwensie en statistiese verskille tussen verskeie subgroepe op die kampus bepaal. Beduidende bevindings van die studie sluit in: geslag-, ras- en seksuele oriëntasiesubgroepverskille in terme van die persepsie van, voorkomssyfer van en verdraagsaamheid teenoor seksuele teistering. Beduidende statistiese verskille tussen die geslag-, ras- en seksuele oriëntasie-subgroepe is ook bevind met betrekking tot sekere veranderlikes wat verband hou met die bekendheid van die oortreder, die plekke van teistering, die benutting van ondersteuningshulpbronne na teistering en die gevolge van seksuele teistering.

Adolescent offenders’ perceptions regarding restorative justice

Janse van Rensburg, Joanna 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Department of Correctional Services (DCS) has adopted an approach to corrections based on the principle of restoration. This restoration takes place between the offender and the victim, the community and their own family and within themselves. According to DCS, rehabilitation can not take place without restoration (The White Paper on Corrections in South Africa, 2005). For this reason the DCS has shown a concerted commitment to the promotion of restorative justice programmes as part of offender rehabilitation. The aim of the study is to assess the perception that juvenile offenders, who were in prison at the time of the study, have of restorative justice in prison. The findings obtained in this regard could be used to contribute to various aspects of restorative justice in prisons such as what offenders perceive to be indications of readiness to participate in such programmes; the perceived effect of restorative justice programmes on the offender; what facilitative mechanisms can be used, and the extent of the need to educate offenders with regard to restorative justice. The findings could be used to contribute to programme presentation and ultimately to the outcomes of restorative justice programmes in prison. Twenty three participants that were selected were juvenile offenders aged between 18 and 20. They were all serving sentences of more than 2 years, and had served at least 2/3 of their sentence and/or are about to be released. The offences of the participants included economic, violent, sexual and homicide crimes. The DVD titled Burning Bridges was used as a research stimulus and data was gathered by means of individual interviews and a focus group discussion. The data revealed that offenders need to be educated about the principles and practices of restorative justice programmes. The offenders’ ability to address the victim and the community needs to be assessed, as well as their ability to recall and talk about their crime. There should also be a focus on the offender’s general behaviour in prison, which includes their willingness to use the opportunities that they receive in prison. Knowledgeable personnel should be become more involved with the selection of suitable candidates, as they will be able to give a rich description of the offender that is being assessed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Departement van Korrektiewe Dienste (DKD) se benadering tot korreksies is gebasseer op restorasie. Hierdie restorasie vind plaas tussen die oortreder en die slagoffer, die gemeenskap, sy/haar eie familie en ook binne die oortreder self. Volgens die DKD kan rehabilitasie van die oortreder nie plaasvind indien restorasie nie plaasgevind het nie (The White Paper on Corrections in South Africa, 2005). Vir hierdie rede het die DKD `n verbintenis gemaak om regstellende geregtigheid programme deel te maak van die oortreder se rehabilitasie. Die doel van die studie is om vas te stel wat jeug oortreders se persepsie van regstellende geregtigheid in tronke is. Die bevindings wat op hierdie manier verkry word kan gebruik word om `n bydrae te lewer tot verskeie aspekte van restellende geregtigheid in tronke. Die data wat verkry word sal aandui wat jeug oortreders beskou as gereedheid om deel te neem aan sulke programme en watter voorsorgmaatreëls in plek gestel kan word om die doelwitte van die program te bereik. Die bevindings kan ook as aanduiding gebruik word of daar `n behoefte aan onderrig aangaande regstellende geregtigheid bestaan. Die studie kan dus gebruik word om by te dra tot die aanbieding van restellende geregtigheid programme, sowel as die uitkomste van die programmme in tronke. Die 23 deelnemers wat geselekteer was, was tussen die ouderdom van 18 en 20. Hulle was almal gevonnisde oortreders wat vir meer as 2 jaar gevonnis was, wat ten minste 2/3 van hul vonnis voltooi het en/of wat binnekort vrygelaat sou word. Die deelnemers was gevonnis vir ekonomiese misdade, geweldsmisdade, seksuele oortredings en moord. Die DVD ’Burning Bridges’ was as navorsing stimulus gebruik en data is gegenereer deur middel van individuele onderhoude en fokus-groep besprekings. Die data het aangetoon dat oortreder opgevoed moet word in verband met die beginsels en die toepassings van regstellende geregtigheid programme. Die oortreder se vermoë om met die slagoffer en die gemeenskap te praat moet geassesseer word, sowel as sy/haar vermoë om die misdaad te herroep en daaroor te praat. Daar moet ook gekyk word na die oortreder se algemene gedrag in die tronk. Dit sluit in sy/haar bereidwilligheid om die geleenthede wat in die tronk aangebied word te gebruik. Personeel wat die nodige kennis en ervaring het moet meer betrokke raak in die seleksie van geskikde kandidate, aangesien hulle instaat sal wees om `n indiepte beskrywing te gee van die oortreder wat geassesseer word.

Mothers who kill their children : a literature review

Davies, Leisha 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Psychology))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Maternal filicide, the murder of a child by its mother, is a complex phenomenon with various causes and characteristics. Research, by means of the development of several classification systems and in identifying particular risk factors, has been conducted with the aim of better prevention of this emotionally evocative crime. Various disciplines have offered a wide range of perspectives on why women kill their biological children. These are intended to yield a better understanding of the aetiology of this crime. This literature review delineates three dominant perspectives: psychiatric, psychological, and sociological. The main findings of each perspective are discussed. However, these three perspectives frequently operate in conjunction with each other in that both intrapsychic and interpersonal dynamics play a role in acts of maternal filicide. The most vulnerable women appear to be those who have had a severely deficient developmental history (trauma and/or grossly inadequate parenting), those who experience current difficult psychosocial circumstances, and those who have been diagnosed with a psychiatric illness. However, not all women who experience such problems kill their children. In this regard, individual differences have an important role to play and more carefully delineated future research is suggested. One of the most significant findings of this literature review is that there appears to be a paucity of systematic research on the South African phenomenon of parental child homicide. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Moedermoord, die moord van ’n kind deur sy of haar moeder, is ’n komplekse verskynsel met verskeie oorsake en karaktereienskappe. Navorsing deur die ontwikkeling van verskeie klassifikasiestelsels en die identifisering van spesifieke risikofaktore is uitgevoer met die doel om hierdie misdaad, wat soveel emosies ontlok, beter te voorkom. Verskeie dissiplines bied ’n wye verskeidenheid perspektiewe oor die redes waarom vroue hul biologiese kinders vermoor. Die doel van hierdie perspektiewe is om ’n beter etiologiese begrip van hierdie vorm van misdaad te verkry. Die literatuurstudie dui drie dominante perspektiewe aan: psigiatries, psigologies en sosiologies. Die hoofbevindinge van elke perspektief word bespreek. Hierdie drie perspektiewe werk dikwels saam aangesien sowel intrapsigiese en interpersoonlike dinamiek ’n rol in moedermoorddade speel. Die kwesbaarste vroue blyk dié te wees met ’n ernstig gebrekkige ontwikkelingsgeskiedenis (trauma en/of ernstig onvoldoende ouerskap), diegene wat hulle in moeilike psigososiale omstandighede bevind, en dié wat met ’n psigiatriese siekte gediagnoseer is. Nie alle vroue wat hierdie probleme ervaar, vermoor egter hulle kinders nie. In hierdie opsig speel individuele verskille ’n belangrike rol en word versigtig afgebakende toekomstige navorsing voorgestel. Een van die belangrikste bevindinge van hierdie literatuuroorsig is dat daar ’n gebrek aan sistematiese navorsing oor die Suid-Afrikaanse verskynsel van kindermoord deur ouers blyk te wees.

The neuropsychological effects of prenatal exposure to alcohol

Phillips, Leilanie Cashandra 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The objective of this thesis is to review and synthesize the scientific literature on cognitive and neuropsychological deficits associated with children who were exposed to alcohol prenatally and to highlight possible areas of future attention. High incidences of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome has been reported especially in patients from low socio-economic areas. The highest reported incidence is found in the Western Cape province in South Africa. The devastating part of FAS is that its affects are entirely preventable. Alcohol is a physical and a behavioural teratogen. Prenatal alcohol exposure causes structural damage to the central nervous system and the brain that is vulnerable throughout the pregnancy. A dose-response association exist as exposure to heavier amounts of alcohol can cause more harm. The timing and pattern of alcohol consumption also plays a role. To date though, no "safe" level of alcohol consumption during pregnancy can be advocated. Various neuropsychological decrements are found in individuals with fetal alcohol syndrome or alcohol related neuro-developmental deficits as evaluated on standardized tests. Mental retardation is commonly found and even individuals with normal IQ's still display other learning disabilities. IQ's remain stable over the life span. Along with impaired intellectual functioning they also struggle with mathematical tasks especially as their complexity increases. Speech and language development is also delayed in individuals with FAS. There is little variation in the pith and display poor language comprehension. Attentional deficits are also noted and especially impact on academic functioning. Clinically, children often present with ADHD but in-depth studies have revealed that neurobiologically there is some differences as children with FAS struggle more with encoding and shifting of attention as opposed to other patients with ADHD. Difficulties with visual-spatial functioning has also been found. Verbal learning and memory are also impaired in individuals with FAS. Their poor verbal learning are influenced by their shallow level of encoding. Problems with fine motor skills are also noted. It also appear that all executive functions are impaired. They demonstrate poor planning skills, initiation, cognitive shifting, slow information processing, their thinking is concrete and they have poor self-regulatory skills. Behavioural problems include impulsivity, hyperactivity, aggressiveness, poor social skills and impaired judgement. Early intervention is thus essential to lessen the impact of neuro-psychological deficits on functional adaptation. A sensitive battery of neuro-psychological tests are also required to identify all the impairments in affected individuals and to plan more focussed intervention strategies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis word 'n oorsig aangebied van literatuur wat betrekking het op die disfunksie van kinders wie se moeders tydens swangerskap alkohol misbruik het. Leemtes asook moontlike areas van toekomstige navorsing, is bespreek. 'n Hoe voorkoms van fetale alkohol sindroom (FAS) word gerapporteer, pasiente uit die lae SES gebiede. Die hoogste voorkoms word gerapporteer in die Wes- Kaapse provinsie in Suid Afrika. Wat die probleem meer tragies maak, is die feit dat dit heeltemal voorkombaar is. Alkohol is 'n teratogeen wat fisieke, neurologiese en gedragsimplikasies het. Blootstelling aan alkohol voor geboorte veroorsaak strukturele veranderinge in die sentrale senuweestelsel en die brein. Blootstelling tot hoer volumes van alkohol veroorsaak noodwendig meer skade. Die spesifieke stadium van alkohol-inname tydens die swangerskap, en die moeder se drinkpatroon, speel 'n rol in die neurosielkundige uitkomste. Tot op hede kon geen veilige alkoholsvlak tydens swangerskap vasgestel word nie. Verskeie neurosielkundige uitvalle is gevind in kinders met FAS en ook kinders met alkohol-verwante neurologies ontwikkelings probleme, volgens neurosielkundige toetsing. Verstandelike gestremdheid kom algemeen voor in kinders met FAS. Kinders met FAS wat oor normale intellektuele vernoens beskik ervaar leerprobleme. Die intellektuele inkortings bly stabiel oor die lewenspan. Kinders met FAS ondervind erge probleme met wiskunde, veral wanneer die werk moeiliker raak. Die spraak-en taalontwikkeling wat kinders met FAS ervaar sluit in beperkte taalbegrip en intonasie. Hulle kort aandagspan affekteer veral hulle akademiese funksionering. Die aandagsteuring van kinders met FAS en kinders met aandagstekort-hiperaktiwiteit versteuring verskil neuro-biologies. Verdere verskille bestaan ook aangesien kinders met FAS spesifiek sukkel met swak enkoderingsvermoe en om kognitiewe aanpassings te maak. Visueel-ruimtelike verrnoe van kinders met FAS is ook benadeel. Hulle sukkel ook met verbale leer en hulle geheue is ook ingekort. Die inkortings dui op 'n oppervlakkige enkoderingsvermoe. Probleme met fyn-motoriese vaardighede is ook gevind, volgens toetseing. Toetse wat gemik is om uitvoerende funksies te evalueer, het verskeie uitvalle aan die lig gebring. Probleme in abstrakte redenering, beplanning, impulsiwiteit, self-regulering, en die lnlslerlnq en prosessering van informasie. Gedragsprobleme soos swak sosialiseringsvaardighede, aggresiwiteit, swak oordeel en hiperaktiwiteit. Die wye neurosielkundige uitvalle wat voorkom in kinders met FAS noodsaak vroee intervensie om die langtermyn-impak daarvan te verminder. Hiervoor word 'n sensitiewe battery neurosielkundige toetse benodig wat al die kognitiewe uitvalle kan identifiseer.

Resilience in remarried families

Du Toit-Gous, Carien 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Using a cross-sectional survey research design the present study aims to explore those resilience factors which enable remarried families to withstand and rebound from the disruptive challenges they face. Furthermore, recovery factors were examined which enabled remarried families to cope more effectively and to emerge har-dier___fr_om a crisis. Remarried families who were married between one to four years, with at least one family member presently in school, were approached to take part in this study. A parent and a child from 38 families independently completed six questionnaires and an open-ended question. It is proposed that the most important resilience factors identified in this study, through qualitative and quantitative measures, include (1) family relationships and support (mutual respect, cooperation and a loving bond), (2) family communication that is affirming, conveying care and support, as well as less incendiary communication that tends to exacerbate a stressful situation, (3) the ability to have a sense of control over outcomes in life by having a active orientation in adjusting to and managing stressful situations, (4) activities and routines that helps the family in spending time together and creating togetherness, (5) a strong marriage relationship (consisting of clearly defined roles, equality and support for each other), (6) support from family and friends, (7) internal and external handling of problems by redefining stressful events and acquiring and accepting social support, (8) spirituality and religion within the family that provides meaning and purpose beyond a crisis situation. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Dwarssnit navorsingsontwerp is gebruik om veerkragtigheidsfaktore te identifiseer wat hersaamgestelde gesinne in staat stelom weerstand te bied in ontwrigtende uitdagings wat hulle in die gesig staar. Verder is herstellingsfaktore ondersoek wat hersaamgestelde gesinne in staat stelom 'n krisis effektief te hanteer. Hersaamgestelde gesinne wat tussen een tot vier jaar getroud is, met ten minste een gesinslid op skool, is genader om aan die studie deel te neem. 'n Ouer en 'n kind van 38 gesinne het onafhanklik ses vraelyste en 'n oop-end vraag beantwoord. Die volgende veerkragtigheidsfaktore is met behulp van kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe metings geïdentifiseer: (1) gesinsverhoudings en ondersteuning (wedersydse respek, samewerking en 'n liefdevolle band), (2) oop gesinskommunikasie wat bevestigend is en wat sorg en ondersteuning oordra, sowel as minder opruiende kommunikasie wat geneig is om stresvolle situasies te vererger, (3) die vermoë om 'n sin van kontrole oor uitkomste in die lewe te hê deur 'n aktiewe orientasie in aanpassing tot en die beheer van stresvolle situasies, (4) aktiwiteite en roetine wat gesinne help om tyd saam te spandeer en die skep van samesyn, (5) 'n sterk huweliksverhouding (bestaande uit duidelike gedefinieerde rolle, gelykheid en ondersteuning van mekaar), (6) ondersteuning van familie en vriende, (7) interne en eksterne hantering van probleme deur die herdefiniëring van stresvolle gebeure, sowel as die verkryging en aanvaarding van sosiale ondersteuning, (8) spiritualiteit en godsdiens in die gesin wat doel en betekenis verskaf wat verder gaan as die krisissituasie.

Aggression types and beliefs : a comparison of aggressive and non-aggressive male psychiatric in-patients

De Klerk, Anna Maria Elizabeth 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigated aggression types and beliefs about aggression among male psychiatric in-patients, using the Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) and the Expagg Questionnaire (Expagg). Two groups were compared: an aggressive group (.0= 40) and a non-aggressive group (n = 44). As expected, the aggressive group displayed significantly higher levels of self-reported aggression, as reflected by their total scores on the AQ and its four subscales (anger, hostility, physical and verbal aggression). The non-aggressive group scored significantly higher on the Expagg than the aggressive group. This indicates a tendency towards expressive beliefs about aggression where aggression is being viewed as an expression of negative feelings and thus as a temporarily loss of control. The relatively lower Expagg scores for the aggressive group shows a tendency towards instrumental beliefs about aggression where aggression is seen as a means to reach a desired goal and thus as an effort to temporarily gain control over the situation. The total scores on the Expagg correlated negatively with self-reported aggression. The implications for prevention and intervention programs are discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie het verskillende aggressietipes asook oortuigings aangaande aggressie van manlike psigiatriese binnepasiënte ondersoek, deur gebruik te maak van die Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) en die Expagg Questionnaire (Expagg). Twee groepe is vergelyk: 'n aggressiewe groep (n=40) en 'n nie-aggressiewe groep (n=44). Die aggressiewe groep het, soos verwag, beduidend hoër vlakke van selfgerapporteerde aggressie behaal. Dit blyk uit die betrokke groep se totale tellings op die AQ en sy vier subskale (woede, vyandigheid, fisiese en verbale aggressie). Die nie-aggressiewe groep het beduidend hoër tellings as die aggressiewe groep op die Expagg behaal. Dit dui op 'n neiging tot die huldiging van 'n stel ekspressiewe oortuigings ten opsigte van aggressie by die nie-aggressiewe groep. Aggressie word dus beskou as die uitdrukking van negatiewe gevoelens en dus as 'n tydelike verlies van kontrole. By die aggressiewe groep dui die relatief laer Expagg-tellings op die huldiging van instrumentele oortuigings ten opsigte van aggressie. Aggressie word dus beskou as 'n poging om 'n verlangde doelwit te bereik en word ervaar as 'n poging om tydelike kontrole oor die situasie te verkry. Die Expagg-totaaltellings het negatief gekorreleer met selfgerapporteerde aggressie. Die implikasies vir voorkomende en intervensieprogramme word bespreek.

Die invloed van 'n vasektomie op die seksuele satisfaksie van die getroude man

Hofmeyr, Doreen Grace 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Many men are of the opinion that a vasectomy will have a detrimental effect on their sexual satisfaction, which is why this convenient method of contraception is often ignored. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a vasectomy had any effect on important aspects of a marriage, such as sexual satisfaction, marital satisfaction, communication and frequency of sexual intercourse. An experimental group and two control groups were used and data were collected by means of a biographical questionnaire and two questionnaires which were applied before and five months after the vasectomy. Results indicated no significant difference between the before and after measurements regarding sexual satisfaction, marital satisfaction, communication and frequency of sexual intercourse. It was also revealed that although strong correlations were found between marital satisfaction, communication and sexual satisfaction, a weak correlation was found between frequency of sexual intercourse and the other measured variables. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Verskeiemansmeendat 'n vasektomie hul seksuele satisfaksie nadelig sal beïnvloed en daarom word hierdie gerieflike geboortebeperkingsmetode dikwels oor die hoof gesien. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal of daar na 'n vasektomie veranderinge plaasgevind het in belangrike huweliksaspekte van die man, naamlik seksuele satisfaksie, huwelikstevredenheid, kommunikasie in die huwelik en frekwensievan seksuelegemeenskap. Daar is van 'n eksperimentele groep en twee kontrolegroepe gebruik gemaak. Data is ingesamel deur middel van fn biografiese vraelys en twee vraelyste wat in 'n voor-meting en vyf maande na die vasektomie toegepasis. Resultatetoon dat daar geen beduidende verskil is tussen die voor- en na-metings wat betref seksuele satisfaksie, huwelikstevredenheid, kommunikasie in die huwelik en frekwensie van seksuele gemeenskap nie. Daar is ook gevind dat alhoewel die verbande tussen huwelikstevredenheid, kommunikasie en seksuele satisfaksie sterk positief is, daar 'n swak verband bestaan tussen frekwensie van seksuele gemeenskap en die ander gemete veranderlikes.

Malingering in persons with a diagnosis of depression

De Villiers, Vesta Naomi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Malingering is the intentional production or exaggeration of symptoms for personal gain in the context of external incentives. Due to the absence of objective symptoms, depression may represent a relatively attractive option for malingerers. Existing approaches to distinguish between depressive symptoms and possible malingering often use time-consuming psychometric tests or unreliable interview techniques. Short screening tests for malingering may be a practicable alternative and recently South African cut-off scores on tests for malingering were determined for a student sample. The purpose of this study was to establish South African cut-off scores for persons with a diagnosis of depression on screening instruments for malingering. Fifty-one subjects with a diagnosis of depression (measured by the Zung Depression Scale) were randomly ascribed to one of two groups: an experimental group of 25 subjects (instructed to simulate symptoms based on a malingering case scenario) and a control group of 26 subjects (instructed to do their best in the tests). No incentive was provided to the subjects. Each subject completed the 21-item verbal memory forced choice test (FCT), the Rey IS-item test (Rey IS-item), the dot-counting test (DCT), the Word Recognition test (WR) that is part of the Alzheimer Disease Assessment Scale Cognitive Battery (ADAS-Cog) and the Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology (SIMS). The WR test correctly classified 74.5% of subjects with a sensitivity of 93%. The FCT, with a cut-off of> 15.5, correctly classified 72.5% of subjects. A regression equation was computed by combining the FCT, DCT and SIMS. This correctly classified 74.5% of patients with a sensitivity of 69%. The DCT accurately identified 64% of the malingerers using a cut-off score of> 65.57. The Rey15-item test showed poor results and does not seem to be useful as a screening instrument. The WR test shows promise as a screening instrument for malingering. Combining tests when screening for malingering proved to be an effective way to distinguish between malingering of depressive symptoms and real symptoms. The results of this study will help provide guidelines to mental health workers on how to diagnose malingering in patients with depression more objectively. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Malingering is die opsetlike nabootsing of oordrywing van simptome vir persoonlike gewin in die konteks van eksterne vergoeding. As gevolg van die subjektiewe aard van simptome, kan depressie 'n relatief aantreklike opsie wees wanneer psigiatriese kondisies gesimuleer word. Bestaande maniere om te onderskei tussen werklike depressiewe simptome en moontlike malingering, gebruik tydrowende psigometriese toetse of onbetroubare onderhoudstegnieke. Kort siftingstoetse vir malingering kan 'n praktiese altenatief wees en onlangse Suid-Afrikaanse afsnypunte op toetse vir malingering is bepaal vir 'n studentesteekproef. Die doel van hierdie studie was om Suid-Afrikaanse afsnypunte te verkry vir malingeringstoetse vir mense met 'n diagnose van depressie. Een en vyftig subjekte met 'n diagnose van depressie (gemeet deur die Zung Depressieskaal) is ewekansig toegewys aan een van twee groepe: 'n eksperimentele groep van 25 subjekte (met die opdrag om simptome te simuleer op grond van 'n malingering-scenario) en 'n kontrolegroep van 26 subjekte (met die opdrag om hulle bes te doen in die toetse). Geen vergoeding is aan proefpersone gebied nie. Elke subjek het die 21-item verbal memory forced choice test (FfC), die Rey 15-item test (Rey IS-item), die dot-counting test (DCT), die Word Recognition test (WR) wat deel vorm van die Alzheimer Disease Assessment Scale Cognitive Battery (ADAS-Cog) en die Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology (SIMS) voltooi. Die WR het 74.5% van die subjekte korrek geklasifiseer met 'n sensitiwiteit van 93%. Die FCT, met 'n afsnypunt van <15.5, het 72.5% van die subjekte korrek geklassifiseer. 'n Regressie-vergelyking is bereken deur 'n kombinering van die FCT, DCT en SIMS. Dit het 74.5% van die subjekte korrek geklassifiseer met 'n sensitiwiteit van 69%. Die DeT kon 64% van die malingeerders akkuraat identifiseer deur gebruik te maak van 'n afsnypunt van> 65.57. Die Rey IS-item toets het swak resultate getoon en blyk nie bruikbaar te wees as 'n siftingstoets nie. Die WR toon potensiaal as In siftingstoets vir malingering. Die kombinering van toetse wanneer pasiënte gesif word vir malingering blyk 'n effektiewe manier te wees om te onderskei tussen die malingering van depressiewe simptome en werklike simptome. Die resultate van hierdie studie kan help om riglyne te skep vir geestesgesondheidswerkers oor hoe om malingering van depressie meer objektief te diagnoseer.

A psychological inquiry into the relationship between people and the natural environment

Conradie, Petra Stefanie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (Msc)--Stellenbosch University, 2001 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There has been a growing awareness of nature among psychologists in recent years, both in terms of how psychology can contribute to the preservation of nature, and utilise its benefits for human beings. In this paper both these aspects of the human-nature relationship are explored. The sense of connectedness between people and nature appears to be the common ground between these two approaches, and it is recommended that experiential as well as cognitive elements of the relationship should be recognised. A limited qualitative pilot study was conducted with five participants of a weekend wilderness experience. All the participants were female first year psychology students. Confirming previous research, this study found that the experience of nature is highly individualised, and includes heightened self-awareness, relaxation, social relationships, spiritual elements, and a sense of connectedness to nature. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sielkundiges raak toenemend bewus van die natuur, in terme van die wyses waarop sielkunde kan bydra tot die beskerming van die omgewing, asook waarop die voordele wat dit vir die mens inhou, benut kan word. Beide aspekte van die verhouding tussen mens en natuur word in hierdie studie ondersoek. Die noue verbintenis tussen mens en natuur blyk die onderliggende faktor tot beide benaderings te wees, en dit word aanbeveel dat die eksperiënsiële sowel as kognitiewe elemente van hierdie verhouding in ag geneem moet word. 'n Beperkte kwalitatiewe loods-studie is uitgevoer met vyf deelnemers van 'n wildemes-ervaring, almal vroulike eerste-jaar sielkunde studente. In ooreenstemming met vorige navorsing het hierdie studie bevind dat die ervaring van die natuur hoogs geïndividualiseerd is, en verhoogde self-gewaarwording, ontspanning, sosiale verhoudings, spirituale elemente, en 'n sin van verbintenis aan die natuur, insluit.

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