Spelling suggestions: "subject:"hemorheology"" "subject:"chemorheology""
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Die promovering van kinderregte : 'n prakties-teologiese ondersoekYates, Hannelie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: All children should be regarded and treated with dignity. Children’s rights have been
established in the international community as well as in South African society to address any
violations of children’s rights and any detrimental influence this can have on them. The
responsibility of ensuring that the rights of children are implemented, respected and protected
in civil society lies primarily with the national government. Nevertheless, the struggle to
realise children’s rights extends across all sectors and levels of society.
As part of the theological task of developing a publicly orientated ministry that will address
the social circumstances of children in South Africa in a just way, this study took as its point
of departure the contribution that Practical Theology can make towards a systematic and
critical interpretation of the cause of children and their welfare and rights.
At the time that the study was launched there was limited comprehensive analysis of the
subject of children in Practical Theology that devoted attention to a theological response to
the promotion of children’s welfare and rights in South African society. Two lacunae in the
theorising on children were identified in South African academic studies in Practical
Theology: (i) a lack of focus on children and their rights, and (ii) a general absence of
strategic perspectives on how the theological community can deal with the contextual
realities of children in South African society. The primary aim of this study was to develop a theoretical framework in terms of which the
contribution of Practical Theology could be conceptualised as a discourse and practice that
could promote the cause of children and their welfare and rights. David Tracy’s three publics
of theological involvement (the academy, the church and civil society) and Richard Osmer’s
conceptualisation of the four modes of practical theological interpretation (empiricaldescriptive,
interpretive, normative and pragmatic) were harnessed in an interdisciplinary way
to develop a deeper understanding of the welfare of children and the importance of a practical
theological approach to advancement of children’s welfare and rights. On the basis of Tracy’s
and Osmer’s conceptual frameworks, a number of conditions were identified to promote the
cause of children, child welfare and children’s rights in the discipline of Practical Theology in
Schools of Theology and Religion. These conditions include a third public mode of practical
theological interpretation being adopted, a culture of adultism being confronted and transformed, and children’s acts of faith becoming an integral part of the field of Practical
On the basis of an empirical investigation among registered members of the Society for
Practical Theology in South Africa, the study comes to the conclusion that the academic field
of Practical Theology, in its interaction with communities and civil society, can make a
unique contribution to the advancement of children’s rights. The fundamental contribution of
the academic field of Practical Theology to the advancement of children’s rights in South
Africa recide in focussing on the inclusion of the cause of children in theological interpretation;
by implication this will entail actively countering the exclusion of children in theological
discourse and praxis in the field of Practical Theology. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alle kinders verdien om ooreenkomstig hul menswaardigheid beskou en hanteer te word.
Kinderregte is deur die internasionale sowel as die Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap as respons
daargestel om sake wat kinders se menswaardigheid aantas en hulle nadelig beïnvloed teen te
werk. Die verantwoordelikheid om seker te maak dat die regte van kinders in die burgerlike
samelewing gerespekteer, beskerm en verwesenlik word, lê primêr by die nasionale regering.
Nietemin strek die stryd om kinderregte te laat realiseer oor alle sektore en vlakke van die
samelewing heen.
As deel van die teologiese taak om ’n publiek georiënteerde bediening te ontwikkel wat reg
sal laat geskied aan die sosiale omstandighede van kinders in Suid-Afrika, het hierdie studie
die bydrae wat Praktiese Teologie tot ’n sistematiese en kritiese interpretasie van die saak van
kinders en hul welsyn en regte kan maak as vertrekpunt geneem.
Met die aanvang van die studie het beperkte omvattende akademiese analise oor die
onderwerp van kinders in Praktiese Teologie en Teologie as sodanig bestaan waarin aandag
gegee is aan ’n teologiese respons op die bevordering van kinders se welsyn en hul regte in
die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing. Twee gapings in die teoretisering oor kinders in die Suid-
Afrikaanse akademie van Praktiese Teologie is geïdentifiseer: (i) ’n gebrek aan fokus op
kinders en hul regte en (ii) grootlikse afwesigheid van strategiese perspektiewe oor hoe die
teologiese gemeenskap die kontekstuele realiteite van kinders in die Suid-Afrikaanse
samelewing kan hanteer. Die doel van hierdie studie was primêr om ’n teoretiese raamwerk te ontwikkel in terme
waarvan die bydrae van Praktiese Teologie tot ’n diskoers en praktyk wat vir kinders en hul
welsyn en regte bevorderlik is, gekonseptualiseer kon word. David Tracy se drie publieke van
teologiese betrokkenheid (akademie, kerk en burgerlike samelewing) asook Richard Osmer se
konseptualisering van die vier take waarvolgens prakties-teologiese interpretasie kan geskied
(empiries-beskrywend, interpreterend, normatief en pragmaties) is ingespan om op ’n
interdissiplinêre wyse verdiepte begrip vir die welsyn van kinders en die belang van ’n
prakties-teologiese bydrae tot die promovering van kinders se welsyn en regte te ontwikkel.
Daar is aan die hand van die konseptuele raamwerke van Tracy en Osmer bepaalde
voorwaardes geïdentifiseer waaronder die saak van kinders, kinderwelsyn en kinderregte in die beoefening van Praktiese Teologie aan Skole van Teologie en Godsdiens bevorder kan
word. Hierdie voorwaardes sluit in dat ’n derde publiek-modus van prakties-teologiese
interpretasie aangeneem word, ’n kultuur van adultism gekonfronteer en getransformeer word
en kinders se geloofshandelinge geïntegreerd deel van die studieveld van Praktiese Teologie
Op grond van ’n empiriese ondersoek onder geregistreerde lede van die Werkgemeenskap vir
Praktiese Teologie in Suid-Afrika het die studie tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die
akademie van Praktiese Teologie in interaksie met gemeentes en die burgerlike samelewing ’n
unieke bydrae tot die bevordering van kinderregte kan lewer. Die akademie van Praktiese
Teologie se fundamentele bydrae tot die promovering van kinderregte in Suid-Afrika bestaan daarin
om te fokus op die insluiting van die saak van kinders in teologiese interpretasie; by implikasie
sal dit behels dat Praktiese Teologie kinders se uitsluiting in teologiese diskoers en praxis
aktief teëwerk.
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Stigmatization and VVF-HIV/AIDS among young adults females : a critical pastoral assessment of the role of the ECWA (Evangelical Church West Africa)Abraham, Yisa Thomas 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study focuses on the problem of VVF-HIV/AIDS, stigmatization, the threat to the human dignity of women and the role of the church, with specific reference to the role of Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA). In order to show this, models of practical theology methodology were used as theoretical and methodological basis for the study. Practical theology is as a study area deals with the praxis of God, i.e. salvific and eschatological involvement and engagement with the trajectories of human lives and the suffering of human beings. Within the context of theological reflection, it involves man’s attempt to express and portray the presence and will of God in such a way that meaning in life and comfort is contextually disclosed and discovered (Louw, 2008:71). Having established the latter, the focus falls firstly on the description of the conditions addressed in the study about VVF-HIV/AIDS and its prevalence in Northern Nigeria. A detailed contextual study also shows that a variety of factors impact negatively on the status and well-being of women in the area. Traditional, cultural, economic, political and religious factors are either uniquely applicable to or aggravate the status and well-being of the subjects of the research, namely women suffering from VVF-HIV/AIDS in Northern Nigeria. It specifically involves the social and political context in which they live. It also shows that the existence and extent of these factors increase the vulnerability of women to contracting the HIV as well as VVF. The extent to which these factors, in combination with the latter conditions specifically promote the stigmatization of these women and the forms such stigmatization takes are also explored. Moving on to the issue of human dignity: a historical overview is given of the concept and it is defined for the purposes of the study. The extent to which the human dignity is affected in the study area is then investigated in light of their context, with particular reference to the women suffering from VVF-HIV/AIDS. It is concluded that the stigmatization to which the VVF-HIV/AIDS sufferers in Northern Nigeria are subjected, indeed constitutes a serious threat to their human dignity. In answering the question of whether the church (ECWA) has a responsibility towards these women and to address the issue of their stigmatization, two pastoral theological perspectives were used, that of the nature of the church and that of the concept of human dignity from a theological perspective. According to this perspective human beings have been created in the image of God. Having established that, on theological grounds, such a responsibility exists, a possible pastoral theological model for addressing the issue of the stigmatization of women suffering from VVF-HIV/AIDS was proposed. The church’s response to the challenge of VVF-HIV/AIDS is to come from its deepest theological convictions about the nature of creation, the unshakeable fidelity of God’s love, the nature of creation, the nature of the body of Christ and the reality of Christian hope. The creation narrative, which affirms that humanity is created in the image of God, links human beings to the love of God, which is modelled in the incarnation of Jesus. Moving on to the data analysis, the extent of the challenges of VVF-HIV/AIDS sufferers and the level of knowledge of the pastors of the subject of the stigmatization of young adult females sufferers of VVF-HIV/AIDS and their treatment of the issue were evident. Finally, recommendations were drawn up in order to provide basic understanding and awareness to ECWA on how to objectively address the problem of VVF-HIV/AIDS in Northern Nigeria. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie fokus op die probleem van VVF-HIV/AIDS, stigmatisering, die bedreiging van die menslike waardigheid van vroue en die rol van die kerk (ECWA). Om dit aan te toon, word die model van die praktiese teologie metodologie gebruik as 'n teoretiese en metodologiese basis vir die studie. Praktiese teologie handel oor die praxis van God, d.w.s. die verlossingsboodskap en eskatologiese betrokkenheid by en verbintenis met die trajekte van die menslike lewe en die lyding van die mens. Binne die konteks van teologiese refleksie, d.w.s. die menslike poging om aan 'n beeld van die teenwoordigheid en wil van God op so 'n manier uitdrukking te gee, word die betekenis daarvan in die lewe en troos kontekstueel geopenbaar en ontdek (Louw, 2008:71). Na laasgenoemde val die fokus eers op die beskrywing van die voorwaardes in die studie oor VVF-HIV/AIDS en die voorkoms daarvan in die noorde van Nigerië. ’n Gedetailleerde kontekstuele studie toon ook dat 'n verskeidenheid negatiewe faktore ‘n impak op die status en die welsyn van vroue in die area het. Tradisionele, kulturele, ekonomiese, politieke en godsdienstige faktore waarvan 'n paar óf uniek van toepassing is óf ‘n verswarende effek het op die navorsingskonteks van vroue wat in die noorde van Nigerië aan VVF-HIV/AIDS ly en spesifiek op die sosiale, politieke konteks waarin hulle leef. Daar word ook aangetoon dat die bestaan en omvang van hierdie faktore die vatbaarheid van vroue vir die kontraktering van die MIV-virus sowel as VVF, verhoog. Daar word ook gekyk na die wyse waarop hierdie faktore in kombinasie met bogenoemde voorwaardes spesifiek die bevordering van die stigmatisering van hierdie vroue teweegbring en na die vorme wat hierdie stigmatisering aanneem. Die kwessie van menslike waardigheid word ondersoek deur 'n historiese oorsig van die konsep te gee. Dit word vir die doeleindes van die studie gedefinieer. Die mate waarin menslike waardigheid in die studiearea ‘n rol speel, met spesifieke klem op die konteks van vroue wat ly aan VVF-HIV/AIDS, word ook nagegaan. Daar word tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die menswaardigheid van die VVF-HIV/AIDS lyers in die noorde van Nigerië tot 'n groot mate in die lig van die stigmatisering hulle aan onderwerp word, aangetas word. Ter beantwoording van die vraag of die kerk (ECWA) 'n verantwoordelikheid teenoor hierdie vroue het om hul stigmatisering aan te spreek, word twee pastorale teologiese perspektiewe gebruik: dié van die aard van die kerk en van die konsep van menswaardigheid vanuit 'n teologiese perspektief waarvolgens die mens na die beeld van God geskep is. Nadat vasgestel is dat, op teologiese gronde, so 'n verantwoordelikheid wel bestaan, word 'n moontlike pastorale teologiese model vir die aanspreek van die kwessie van die stigmatisering van vroue wat ly aan VVF-HIV/AIDS voorgestel. Die kerk se reaksie op die uitdaging van VVF-HIV/AIDS spruit uit sy diepste teologiese oortuigings oor die onwrikbare getrouheid van God se liefde, die aard van die skepping, die aard van die liggaam van Christus en die werklikheid van die Christelike hoop. Die skeppingsverhaal, wat bevestig dat die mensdom in die beeld van God geskep is, verbind die mens aan die liefde van God, wat in die inkarnasie van Jesus gemodelleer word. Daar word dan beweeg na die data-analise, die omvang van die uitdagings van VVF-HIV/AIDS lyers en die vlak van kennis van die pastore oor die onderwerp van die stigmatisering van die jong volwasse vroulike lyers aan VVF-HIV/AIDS en hulle behandeling van die probleem. Ten slotte word aanbevelings gemaak ten einde basiese begrip/bewustheid te verskaf oor hoe die ECWA die probleem van VVF-HIV/AIDS in die noorde van Nigerië objektief kan aanspreek.
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Hermeneutiek van inklusiwiteit : Handelinge 15 as Bybelse raamwerk vir aanvaarding van die homoseksuele persoon binne die Verenigende Gereformeerde Kerk in Suider Afrika (VGKSA)Pieterse, Abraham 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MDiv (Old and New Testament))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / In present day society and the context within which we find ourselves, the word “marginalised” is not altogether uncommon, therefore the marginalised is on the rise. It is precisely the marginalised that feel the need to hide their true identity. Finding refuge in this option offers them some degree of protection against discrimination/discriminatory practices. This is all too common-place for homosexuals who often find themselves existing only on the fringes of society.
Homosexuality is a highly contentious and emotional issue within most denominations, because it goes against most people’s beliefs. This begs investigation into how the homosexual person is dealt with/treated within society as well as how accommodating the Church of Christ is towards them.
This dissertation deals with the “hermeneutics of inclusivity” – the acceptance of the homosexual person within the faith-communities, and the ethics surrounding “hospitality”. Acts 15: 1-29, the text which is being dealt with/studied, does not deal with homosexuality, rather it deals with the inclusion of the other/others. Many Christians today long to experience the munificent power of God, this is precisely why Acts is used in this discussion as it is a book that vibrates with life – God’s new life that He bestows upon His people through the Holy Spirit. Looking at Acts 15: 1-29, which speaks about Christian leaders’ meeting in Jerusalem, will aid me in discussing inclusivity and how to incorporate lesbigays, who are seen as “different”, into the extended family within God’s church.
By virtue of the text and stories that Paul, Barnabas and Peter had shared with their followers, they had convinced the church that heathens that were not circumcised could still be included within the faith-community. These apostles delivered personal testimonies about the “signs and wonders” and how they also occurred and succeeded amongst the non-believers. This is precisely the type of testimony that the church needs for, and by its lesbigay followers. It is important that we create room for each other to truly live out our Christianity, to be receptive and open to each other, to accept each other as Jesus Christ and God loves and accepts each and every one of us – basically a space where we include everyone in the covenant with God, and the Word of God that asks us to love our neighbour as we love ourselves, as Christ loves us. This love is witnessed in the crucifiction of Christ. We all have a stake in this be it Jew or non-Jew, slave or free man, man or woman, heterosexual or homosexual.
If God can include everybody in His love, then that should be the role of the Church, and of each Christian. We should be able to live as one big, happy family whilst serving our God. God’s love and grace excludes no-one.
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The promise of land in the Old Testament : a theological-ethical study of its nature, conditions, and purposeFachhai, Laiu January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2001 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research is a study of the promise of land in the Old Testament. Special emphasis is given to
what theological-ethical implications the nature, conditions, and purpose of the promise of land
entail - what it meant to the Israelites and what it means to us today. The scope of this thesis is
the Old Testament in its final form (here the 39 books of the Protestant Bible). However, the
study is mainly based on the narratives and prophetic literature, as the promise of land is mostly
found in these texts. A careful study of the natures of the four land covenant texts of Genesis 15
and 17 (Abrahamic covenant), Exodus 19-24 (Sinaitic covenant; cf. Dt 5:6-18; 12-16),2 Samuel
7:5-29 (Davidic covenant), and Jeremiah 31:31-34 (new covenant) will show that Yahweh's
promise (gift) of land to Abraham and his descendants (the Israelites) in the Old Testament is
conditional. Possession and continual possession of the promised land will depend on the
Israelites' observance of the stipulations of the land covenants. In order to possess and
continually possess the land, the Israelites must worship Yahweh exclusively, live a holy life,
pursue righteous and justice, share the land equally among themselves, and care for the land
according to the will of the giver. Failure to observe these stipulations will result in losing the
land (exile). Israel failed and was exiled. But that was not the end. The promise of land is also
the promise of restoration (to the land) if the Israelites return to the Lord. Return, they did, and
were restored to the promised land. All these conditions apply (some of them analogously orland
metaphorically) to us today as we live on this planet earth, God's creation-gift. The purpose of
the promise of land is for blessing - both material blessing of wellbeing and spiritual blessing of
knowing and worshipping Yahweh God. This blessing is for both the Israelites and the whole
world. By promising a land to the Israelites, God wants to use the promised land and its people
as a standard measure for other lands and nations. In this way, the promise of land is not so much
a privilege as it is a responsibility. On the one hand, the promise of land gives the Israelites, for
that matter, other peoples as well, a spatial-ethnical identity, which entails the need to respect
every people's ethnic identity and their "God-given" land. On the other, the promised land is not
exclusively for the Israelites, it is a place where other peoples (aliens) may also live (Eze 47:21-
23). This inevitably challenges us to strive towards a peaceful coexistence and sharing of
resources including land regardless of color, creed, and language. The promised land, for that
matter, the whole earth, is God's collective gift to the whole humanity. Therefore every human
has a right to the land. The earth, God's creation-gift, if shared and managed according to the
will of the giver, is enough to provide a home to everyone and meet his or her needs. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing bestudeer die landbelofte in die Ou Testament. Spesiale klem word gele op
die teologies-etiese implikasies ten opsigte van die aard, voorwaardes en doel van die belofte -
en die betekenenis daarvan vir die Israeliete en vir ons vandag. Die bestek van hierdie tesis is
die finale vorm van die Ou Testament (hier die 39 boeke van die Protestantse Bybel), maar die
fokus val op die verhalende en profetiese literatuur, waarin die landsbelofte meeste aangetref
word. Noukeurige analise van die aard van die vier land-verbond tekste van Genesis 15 en 17
(Abraham-verbond), Eksodus 19-24 (Sinai-verbond; vgl. Deut 5:6-18; 12-16),2 Samuel 7:5-29
(Dawid-verbond), en Jeremia 31 :31-34 (nuwe verbond) toon dat Jahwe se belofte (gawe) van
land aan Abraham en sy nakomelinge (die Israeliete) in die Ou Testament voorwaardelik is. Die
huidige en toekomstige besit van die beloofde land vereis dat die Israeliete die voorskrifte van
die landverbond nakom. Om die land te kan eien en die eienaarskap daarvan voort te sit, moet
die Israeliete Jahwe uitsluitlik aanbid, 'n gewyde lewe voer, reg en geregtigheid nastreef, die land
eweredig met mekaar dee! en omsien daama ooreenkomstig die wil van die gewer. Om te faal in
die nakom van hierdie opdragte sal veroorsaak dat die land weerhou word (eksiel). Israel het
misluk, en is in ballingskap gevoer. Dit was egter nie die finale woord nie. Die belofte van land
impliseer ook die belofte van herstel (restorasie van die land) indien die Israeliete hulle tot die
Here sou terugkeer. Dit het hulle gedoen, en die beloofde land is aan hulle terugbesorg. Hierdie
voorskrifte geld ook vandag vir ons (sommige weI analogies en/of metafories) waar ons die
planeet aarde, God se skeppingsgawe, bewoon. Die doel van die landsbelofte is seen, beide as
materiele welvaart en geestelike seen in die ken en aanbied van Jahwe God. Hierdie seen geld
vir die Israeliete soos ook vir die ganse wereld. Deur land te beloof aan die Israeliete, bepaal
God dat dit gebruik moet kan word vir alle inwoners as 'n standaardmaatstaf ook vir ander lande
en nasies. Op die manier is die beloofde land nie slegs 'n voorreg nie maar ook 'n verantwoordelikheid.
Enersyds bied die beloofde land aan die Israeliete, soos ook vir ander mense, 'n
ruimtelike etniese identiteit, wat meebring dat alle etniese identiteite en hulle "Godgegewe"
grond respek verdien. Andersyds geld die landsbelofte nie uitsluitlik vir die Israeliete nie, dit is
'n ruimte waar ook ander mense (vreemdelinge) mag woon (Eze 47:21-23). Dit stel onvermydelik
aan ons 'n uitdaging tot vreedsame naasbestaan en verdeling van hulpbronne insluitend grond,
benewens verskille in kleur, godsdiens en taal. Die beloofde land, trouens die hele aarde, is God
se kollektiewe gawe aan die hele mensdom. Daarom is elke persoon geregtig op land. Die
aarde, God se skeppings gawe, is toereikend om vir elkeen 'n tuiste te verskaf en aan sy of haar
behoeftes te voldoen, mits dit gedeel en bestuur word volgens die wil van die gewer.
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Purity : blessing or burden?Depoix, D. J. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2002 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: During the history of Israel the concept of "purity"
had developed as a way in which God's people could honour
his holiness and draw nearer to him, as a sanctified
nation. By the time of Jesus, in Second Temple Judaism,
the purity system had become restrictive. This had been
influenced by political and social developments, including
an increased desire to withdraw from Hellenistic and other
factors which were seen as contaminating the integrity of
There were diverse perceptions regarding the
achievement of the purity of Israel, including
militaristic confrontation and expulsion of alien
occupation forces, stricter adherence to the Law and, in
some cases, total withdrawal from general society (such as
at Qumran). It was, however, particularly the Pharisaic
imposition of the supplementary oral tradition, supposed
to clarify the written Law, which imposed hardship on
those who, through illiteracy or inferior social status,
were unable to meet all the minute provisions which would
ensure ritual purity. The expansion of the Law of Moses
by the commentary of the rabbis, which over time became
the entrenched oral "tradition of the fathers", was
originally intended to promote access to God by clarifying
obscure points of the Law, in the pursuit of purity.
However, this oral tradition had, in fact, become an
instrument of alienation and separation of the ordinary people not only from the Pharisees, who considered
themselves as the religious elite, but also from God.
The common people, that is, a large section of the
population, felt rejected and on the outside of both
religious and social acceptance. On the material level
they also suffered under a heavy tax burden, from both
Temple and State, which aggravated their poverty.
It was this situation which Jesus confronted in his
mission to change the ideological climate and to reveal
the Kingdom of God as being accessible to all who accepted
the true Fatherhood of God, in penitence and humility.
He denounced the hypocrisy which professed piety but which
ignored the plight of those who were suffering.
Hark 7 : 1-23 symbolizes the difference between the
teaching and practice of Jesus and that of the Pharisees,
and provides metaphorically a pattern of Christian
engagement which is relevant in the South African
situation today.
The Christian challenge is to remove those barriers,
both ideological and economic, which impede spiritual and
material well-being within society. By active engagement,
rather than by retreating to the purely ritualistic and
individualistic practice of religion, the realization of
the Kingdom of Heaven, as inaugurated by Jesus, will be
advanced. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gedurende die geskiedenis van Israel het die konsep van reinheid ontwikkel as 'n
wyse waarin die die volk van God Sy heiligheid kan eer en tot Hom kan nader, as 'n
geheiligde volk. Teen die tyd van Jesus, tydens Tweede Tempel Judaïsme, het die
reinheid sisteem beperkend geword. Dit is beïnvloed deur politieke en sosiale
ontwikkelinge, insluitende 'n toenemende drang om te onttrek van Hellenistiese en
ander faktore, wat beskou is as 'n besoedeling van die integriteit van Judaïsme.
Daar was diverse persepsies aangaande die uitvoering van die reinheid van Israel,
insluitende militaristiese konfrontasie en die uitwerping van vreemde
besettingsmagte, strenger onderhouding van die Wet en in sekere gevalle, totale
onttreking van die algemene samelewing (soos by Qumran). Tog was dit in besonder
die Fariseërs se oplegging van bykomende mondelinge tradisie, veronderstelom die
geskrewe Wet te verhelder, wat ontbering veroorsaak het vir die wat as gevolg van
ongeletterdheid of minderwaardige sosiale status nie in staat was om aan elke haarfyn
bepaling, wat rituele reinheid sou verseker, te voldoen nie. Die uitbreiding van die wet
van Moses deur die kommentaar van die rabbies, wat met verloop van tyd die
ingegrawe mondelinge "tradisie van die vaders" geword het, was oorsproklik bedoel
om toegang tot God te verseker, deur die verheldering van onduidelike aspekte van
die wet, in die nastreef van reinheid.
Hierdie mondelinge tradisie het egter 'n instrument van vervreemding geword en
skeiding gebring tussen gewone mense en die Fariseers, sowel as die wat hulleself
beskou het as die religieuse elite. Dit het egter ook skeiding gebring tussen mense en
Die gewone mense, dit is die meerderheid van die bevolking, het verwerp gevoel en
aan die buitekring van beide religieuse en sosiale aanvaarding. Op materiële vlak het
hulle ook gelyonder die juk van swaar belasting, van beide die Tempel en die Staat,
wat hulle toestand van armoede vererger het.
Dit was hierdie situasie wat Jesus gekonfronteer het in sy strewe om die ideologiese
klimaat te verander en om die Koninkryk van God te openbaar as toeganklik vir almal wat die ware Vaderskap van God aanvaar, in berou en in nederigheid. Hy het die
skynheiligheid verwerp wat aanspraak maak op vroomheid, maar die toestand van die
lydendes ignoreer.
Markus 7:1-23 simboliseer die verskil tussen die onderrig en die praktyk van Jesus en
dié van die Fariseërs en voorsien metafories 'n patroon van Christelike verbintenis,
wat relevant is binne die eietydse Suid-Afrikaanse konteks.
Die uitdaging aan die Christendom is om die skeidslyne te verwyder, beide ideologies
en ekonomies, wat geestelike en materieële welsyn binne die gemeenskap belemmer.
Deur aktiewe betrokkenheid, eerder as om bloot te onttrek tot die suiwer ritualistiese
en individualistiese beoefening van religie, sal die realisering van die Koninkryk van
die Hemel soos ingehuldig deur Jesus, bevorder word.
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Reading Luke in impoverished communities : a social-scientific and feminist hermeneutical approach to Luke 1:39-56 and 4:16-30Petersen, Darian Marlo 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is primarily concerned with responsible and considerate interpretations of the Bible as sacred book in faith communities. The question of poverty and its related issues compelled me to ask the question: how can the gospels be good news for Christians in impoverished communities in South Africa?
It is the opinion of this study that method of interpretation is the crux of the matter when it comes to extracting good news from the Bible. In chapter one I propose that a social scientific approach in combination with feminist hermeneutics is a good method of interpreting biblical texts in impoverished communities. The social sciences help to place the text in its proper context and give the reader a point of connection between his or her social location and that of the text. Feminist hermeneutics seeks the marginalised and silent voices in the text with the aim of transformation on the contemporary context.
In the second chapter of this study I explore the vital social values of the first century AD Mediterranean world as premise of the selected texts for exegesis (Luke 1:39-56 and 4:16-30). The third and fourth chapters form the exegetical corps of the study. In both I look at how the social values identified in chapter two influenced and shaped the texts. The latter part of both these chapters looks at a very specific feminist hermeneutical model which ultimately seeks transformation. Chapter three deals with Luke 1: 39-56 as pericope whilst chapter four deals with Luke 4:16-30.
Chapter five focuses on the correlation of the findings in the exegesis of chapter three and chapter four. This chapter also gives some implications with concrete examples of a way forward from the interpretation of the text to the application of the text. I propose a Christian development of communities as a possible consequence of reading and interpreting the Bible through the lenses of a social scientific approach in conjunction with feminist hermeneutics. The last chapter, chapter six, is an overview and conclusion to this study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is hoofsaaklik gemoeid met verantwoordelike en bedagsame interpretasies van die Bybel as die heilige boek in geloof-gemeenskappe. Die kwessie van armoede en verwante kwessies het my genoop om die vraag te vra: hoe kan die evangelies goeie nuus wees vir Christene in arm gemeenskappe in Suid-Afrika? Dit is die mening van hierdie studie dat die metode van interpretasie die kern van die saak is in die ontsluiting van goeie nuus uit die Bybel. In hoofstuk een stel ek voor dat 'n sosiaal-wetenskaplike benadering in kombinasie met feministiese hermeneutiek 'n goeie metode vir die interpretasie van Bybelse tekste is in verarmde gemeenskappe.
Die sosiale wetenskappe help om die teks in sy behoorlike konteks te plaas en gee die leser 'n punt van verband tussen sy of haar sosiale ligging en dié van die teks. Feministiese hermeneutiek soek die gemarginaliseerde en stil stemme in die teks met die doel van transformasie in die hedendaagse konteks.
In die tweede hoofstuk van hierdie studie ondersoek ek die belangrike sosiale waardes van die eerste eeu nC Mediterreense wêreld as uitgangspunt vir eksegese van die geselekteerde tekste (Lukas 1:39-56 en 4:16-30). Die derde en vierde hoofstukke vorm die eksegetiese korps van die studie. In albei het ek gekyk na hoe die sosiale waardes wat in hoofstuk twee geidentifiseer word, hierdie tekste beïnvloed en gevorm het. Die laaste deel van beide hierdie hoofstukke kyk na 'n baie spesifieke feministiese hermeneutiese model wat uiteindelik tot transformasie lei. Hoofstuk drie handel oor Lukas 1: 39-56 as perikoop, terwyl hoofstuk vier oor Lukas 4:16-30 handel.
Hoofstuk vyf fokus op die korrelasie van die bevindinge in die eksegese van hoofstuk drie en hoofstuk vier. Hierdie hoofstuk gee ook 'n paar implikasies met konkrete voorbeelde van 'n pad vorentoe vanaf die interpretasie van die teks tot die toepassing van die teks. Ek stel 'n Christelike ontwikkeling van gemeenskappe voor as 'n moontlike uitkoms van die lees en interpretasie van die Bybel deur die lens van 'n sosiaal-wetenskaplike benadering in samehang met feministiese hermeneutiek. Die laaste hoofstuk, hoofstuk ses, is 'n oorsig en samevatting van die studie.
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Crucifixion of masculinity : a gender critical (re)reading of the narrative of the cross as portrayed in the Gospel of LukeMuller van Velden, Nina Elisabeth 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The South African society is violently sick to the core regarding gender and sexuality. Shockingly high statistics of gender-based violence and the everyday occurrences of gender injustices and gender discrimination are not unfamiliar to South Africans. All men and women, representing all sexual identities, are affected to a greater or lesser degree. The Christian church, as an influential social institution in the South African context, is often silent on these acts of violence, injustices and discrimination. Some argue that the church is not merely silent, but actively contributes to these injustices and violence by means of its teachings and practices. The church’s inadequate response to such a crisis in society is, however, not surprising in light of especially two factors: firstly, the patriarchal and heteronormative roots of the Christian church that still, up to this day, have an enormous influence on the Christian tradition globally; and secondly, the manner in which the Bible is often misused to direct discourses and opinions regarding gender and sexuality. Ahistorical and selective readings of biblical texts serve as validation of contemporary (and very popular) stereotypical and discriminatory views on gender and sexuality, with little or no recognition of the socio-cultural contexts in which texts originated. Central faith narratives, such as the crucifixion narratives and its portrayals of Jesus of Nazareth as a male, has a great influence on the manner in which gender and sexuality is understood within the Christian church. The Lukan crucifixion narrative portrays Jesus of Nazareth as a hypermasculine character who is able to uphold and even increase his socially-constructed male honour and power throughout the most shaming event of antiquity, namely the Roman crucifixion. Often this type of portrayal of Jesus of Nazareth is preferred in the Christian church, at the cost of the less hypermasculine portrayals that can also rightly be found in the Gospel narratives, and misused to validate essentialist notions of gender and sexuality. This study suggests that a queer reading or a reimagining of specifically the Lukan crucifixion narrative is needed in order to put forward alternative interpretations of the maleness of Jesus of Nazareth, and consequently the manner in which gender and sexuality is popularly understood from a Christian perspective. This is possible if the socio-cultural context of the world behind the narrative, namely the 1st century Mediterranean world and Greco-Roman society, is taken seriously. In this manner the crucifixion narrative might become a narrative that blurs the lines of simplistic gender categories, rather than enforcing it as is often still the case. By offering fresh perspectives on such an influential narrative, the church might be able to engage critically with itself as well as society regarding the disturbingly large amount of injustices, discrimination and violence based on gender and sexuality. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing kan tereg as gewelddadiglik siek beskryf word wanneer daar na gender en seksualiteit verwys word. Suid-Afrikaners is nie onbekend met hemelhoë statistieke van gender-gebaseerde geweld, tesame met die alledaagse voorvalle van gender ongeregtigheid en gender diskriminasie nie. Alle mans en vrouens, verteenwoordigend van alle seksuele identiteite, word tot ’n mindere of meerdere mate hierdeur geraak. Die Christelike kerk, wat steeds gereken word as ’n invloedryke sosiale instelling in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, se stem is dikwels stil rakende hierdie dade van geweld, ongeregtigheid en diskriminasie. Sommige is van mening dat die kerk nie bloot net stil is hieroor nie, maar dat dit aktief bydra tot hierdie ongeregtighede en geweld deur middel van leringe en praktyke. Die kerk se onvoldoende respons op hierdie krisis in die samelewing is egter nie verrassend nie. Veral twee faktore dra hiertoe by: eerstens, die patriargale en heteronormatiewe fondasies van die Christelike kerk wat tot vandag toe nog ’n enorme invloed uitoefen op die Christelike tradisie wêreldwyd; en tweedens, die manier waarop die Bybel dikwels misbruik word om diskoerse en opinies rakende gender en seksualiteit op baie spesifieke maniere te rig. Die ahistoriese en selektiewe lees van bybelse tekste dien as gepaste bewyse vir hedendaagse (en baie gewilde) stereotipiese en diskriminerende beskouings van gender en seksualiteit, met min of geen erkenning van die sosio-kulturele kontekste waarin dit ontstaan het nie. Sentrale geloofsverhale, soos die kruisigingsverhale en hul voorstellings van Jesus van Nasaret as ’n man, oefen ‘n groot invloed uit op die manier waarop gender en seksualiteit verstaan word binne die Christelike kerk. Die kruisigingsverhaal van die evangelie van Lukas stel Jesus van Nasaret voor as ’n hipermanlike karakter wat sy sosiaal-gekonstrueerde manlike eer en mag kan behou en selfs vermeerder, te midde van een van die meeste beskamende gebeure van die antieke tyd, naamlik die Romeinse kruisiging. Hierdie tipe voorstelling van Jesus van Nasaret geniet dikwels voorkeur in die Christelike kerk, ten koste van minder hipermanlike voorstellings wat met ewe veel reg in die verhale van die Evangelies te vinde is. Hierdie studie stel voor dat ‘n “queer” lees of ’n hervoorstelling van die kruisigingsverhaal van spesifiek die evangelie van Lukas nodig is, ten einde alternatiewe interpretasies van die manlikheid van Jesus van Nasaret daar te stel. Dit is moontlik indien erns gemaak word met die sosio-kulturele konteks agter die verhaal, naamlik die 1ste eeuse Mediterreense wêreld en die Grieks-Romeinse samelewing. Gevolglik sou die gewilde, dog stereotipiese interpretasies van gender en seksualiteit vanuit ’n Christelike perspektief uitgedaag kan word. Op hierdie manier kan die kruisigingsverhaal ’n verhaal word wat simplistiese gender-kategorisering ondermyn, eerder as om dit te bevestig. Deur vars interpretasies van hierdie invloedryke verhaal voor te stel, mag die kerk dalk krities kan omgaan met die kerk self sowel as met die samelewing, rakende die ontstellende hoë voorkoms van ongeregtighede, diskriminisaie en geweld gebaseer op gender en seksualiteit.
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Geweld en Patriargie in Esegiel 16 en 23 in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks van geweld teen vroue en kinders / Violence and patriarchy in Ezekiel 16 and 23 in the South African context of violence against women and childrenGertzen, Marius 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis is an ideological critical analysis of Ezekiel 16 and 23 in the South African context of Intimate Partner Violence. The ideology of patriarchy and the ideology of violence were used as a hermeneutical framework in the interpretation of the occurrences patriarchy and violence in Ezekiel 16 and 23.
The ideological critical analysis of Ezekiel 16 and 23 consist of an extrinsic and intrinsic analysis. Accordingly it is assumed that the presumed audience is the ruling class in exile. In the extrinsic analysis the semantic, syntactic, and morphological occurrences of the marriage metaphor, adultery/prostitution, sexuality, violence metaphors, rape, and shame in Ezekiel 16 and 23 was researched. It was found that adultery/prostitution fulfills a central role in these texts. Therefore, the sexuality in the texts operates as a transition to the violence in Ezekiel 16 and 23. The research of the social context of the abovementioned themes made it clear that the covenant making aspect of the marriage is an important theme in Ezekiel 16 and 23, and that adultery is seen in a worse light than prostitution because of the detrimental effect adultery had on the covenant part of the marriage. It was further found that sexuality was socially strictly controlled, and that the ideology of violence occurred among the ruling class as an honorable form of war. In the intrinsic analysis the rhetorical and theological power of the abovementioned themes was researched. It was found that the vehicle of the implicit patriarchy of the marriage has the ability to provide the tenor of the marriage metaphor namely the YHWH-Israel relationship (the covenant), with more rhetorical and theological power.
In the proposals for a contextual reading of Ezekiel 16 and 23, the problem of a violent God was considered, arguing that the covenant creates a space for this understanding of God, but also that this divine image can by ethically reinterpreted in connection to the covenant. The idea of a violent God was further discussed in terms of the Theodicy question. An ideological critical analysis is able to acknowledge the anger of God, but also the anger of humans. In connection to Intimate Partner Violence the metaphors in Ezekiel 16 and 23 cannot be seen as innocent and ought to be critically evaluated. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie tesis is ʼn ideologies kritiese analise van Esegiël 16 en 23 gedoen in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks van Intieme Maat Geweld. Die ideologie van patriargie en die ideologie van geweld is gebruik as ʼn hermeneutiese raamwerk om die voorkoms van patriargie en geweld in Esegiël 16 en 23 te interpreteer.
Die ideologies kritiese analise van Esegiël 16 en 23 bestaan uit ‘n ekstrinsieke en ‘n intrinsieke analise. Hiervolgens word aangeneem dat die veronderstelde gehoor die heersersklas in ballingskap is. In die ekstrinsieke analise word die semantiese, sintaktiese, en morfologiese voorkoms van die huweliksmetafoor, ontrouheid/prostitusie, seksualiteit, geweldsmetafore, verkragting, en skaamte in Esegiël 16 en 23 ondersoek. Daar is gevind dat ontrouheid/prostitusie ʼn sentrale rol in die tekste vervul. So bied die seksualiteit in die tekste ‘n oorgang na die geweld in Esegiël 16 en 23. In ‘n sosiale ondersoek ten opsigte van die bogenoemde temas is daar gevind dat die verbondsluiting van die huwelik ‘n belangrike tema in Esegiël 16 en 23 is, en dat ontrouheid in ʼn ernstiger lig as prostitusie gesien is, omdat ontrouheid aan die vrou se kant die verbond van die huwelik kon skade aandoen. Daar word verder aangetoon dat seksualiteit sosiaal streng beheer is, en dat die ideologie van geweld by die heerserklas voorkom in terme van eerbare vorme van oorlog. In die intrinsieke analise is die retoriese en teologiese krag van die bogenoemde temas ondersoek. Daar is gevind dat die voertuig van die implisiete patriargie van die huwelik oor die vermoë beskik om die tenoor van die huweliksmetafoor, naamlik die YHWH-Israel verhouding wat uitmond in die verbond, meer retoriese en teologiese krag te gee.
In die voorstelle vir ‘n kontekstuele lees van Esegiël 16 en 23 is daar gekyk na die probleem van ‘n gewelddadige God en hoe die verbond ruimte laat vir hierdie verstaan van God, maar ook hoe hierdie Godsbeeld eties herinterpreteer kan word ten opsigte van die verbond. Die idee van ‘n gewelddadige God is verder in terme van die Teodisee vraagstuk bespreek. ‘n Ideologies kritiese analise het die vermoë om God se woede te erken, maar ook die woede van die mens in oënskou te neem. Ten opsigte van Intieme Maat Geweld kan die metafore in Esegiël 16 en 23 nie as onskuldig gesien word nie, en moet krities geëvalueer word.
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Natural law and human dignity in the Old Testament? : a case study of Isaiah 1:2-3Kassa, Friday Sule 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research investigates the role of nature and cultures/traditions in the ethical and theological interpretation of the Bible. To be specific, it is concerned with the legitimacy of the knowledge of the existence and attributes of God arrived at using only the natural faculties of sense and reason and whether moral norms or evaluative principles can be derived from or grounded in nature. When the issue of moral norms and principles appears, it leads to reflection on the issue of so-called natural law, an ethical principle which claims that moral duty can be learned through nature. The research argues that the invitation of the cosmic elements and the parable of the ox and donkey in Isaiah‟s prophetic indictment (Isaiah 1: 2-3) provide evidence of the traces of natural law in the book and the entire Bible. It also argues that natural law and natural theology correspond to elements of African cultures/traditional religions. As such, incorporating natural law in the theological-ethical interpretation of the Old Testament will be relevant for interpretive communities in Africa, like the Tangale in the northern Nigeria. The research also envisages that the natural law tradition and the elements of African cultures/traditional religions can have a favourable impact on the theological ethical understanding of human dignity if appropriately incorporated into the theological-ethical interpretation of the Bible. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie navorsing ondersoek die rol van die natuur en kultuur/tradisie in die etiese en teologiese interpretasie van die Bybel. Meer spesifiek gaan dit oor die geldigheid van die kennis van God se bestaan en eienskappe, soos wat dit met behulp van slegs die natuurlike persepsie van sintuie en rede veronderstel kan word; en oor die vraag of morele norme en evaluerende beginsels vanuit die natuur afgelei kan word of gegrond kan wees. Waar die kwessie van morele norme en beginsels verskyn, gee dit aanleiding tot nadenke oor die vraagstuk van die sogenaamde “natuurlike wet”, ʼn etiese beginsel wat beweer dat morele plig aangeleer kan word deur die natuur. Die navorsing argumenteer dat die uitnodiging van die kosmiese elemente en die gelykenis van die os en die donkie in Jesaja se profetiese aanklag (Jes 1: 2 – 3) bewyse lewer van die spore van die natuurlike wet in die boek en die Bybel in geheel. Dit voer ook aan dat die natuurlike wet en natuurlike teologie met sekere elemente van Afrika-kulture/tradisionele godsdienste ooreenstem. As sulks is dit relevant vir interpretatiewe gemeenskappe in Afrika soos die Tangale in noord-Nigerië, om die natuurlike wet by die teologies-etiese interpretasie van die Ou Testament te inkorporeer.
Die studie veronderstel ook dat die tradisie van die natuurlike wet en die elemente van Afrika-kulture/tradisionele godsdienste ʼn gunstige uitwerking op die teologiese, etiese begrip van menswaardigheid kan hê, indien dit op gepaste wyse in die teologies-etiese interpretasie van die Bybel geïnkorporeer word.
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The abolition of intermarriage in Ezra 10 and the ethnic identity of the postexilic Judean community : a hermeneutic studyPaulo, Bonifacio 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The present study seeks to examine the abolition of intermarriage according to Ezra 10 by asking the question as to what were the compelling reasons for such a social crisis, and to demonstrate its possible implications to ethnic identity in the postexilic Judean community. In order to accomplish this purpose, the researcher has chosen to use an integrated method which allows him to bring different exegetical approaches into dialogue, bearing in mind that the canonical narratives are an outcome of a long process of redaction of both oral and written traditions done by different editors from different socio-historical contexts. It is through this method that this research highlights the following outcomes: first, from a canonical point of view, the final editors understood the exilic experience as an objective outcome of the intermarriage phenomenon which led the Israelites into a complete loss of their group identity, namely – being a Yahwistic community, and it was, therefore, the responsibility of the returnees to avoid, at any cost, letting history repeat itself. Second, the phenomenon of intermarriage in the Hebrew Bible has to be approached from a diachronic perspective. Unlike the patriarchal and deuteronomistic traditions in which intermarriage was about morality and apostasy respectively, in the context of the postexilic community this topic was all about purity – a strong zeal for temple and worship, as particularly witnessed in the priestly tradition. Third, from the fact that these canonical narratives took shape in socio-historical settings where, in addition to the religious factor, there were also other reasons such as political and socio-economic, which contributed significantly not only to the dismissal of those intermarriages, but also to the negotiation of a group identity of the Second Temple addressee. In other words, in response to those socio-historical circumstances, the returnees were compelled to divorce and dismiss their foreign wives and, at the same time, they were shaping their group identity, which came to be known as Judaism. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie poog om die verbod op ondertrouery soos uitgebeeld in Esra 10 te ondersoek deur te vra wat die dwingende redes vir so 'n sosiale krisis was, en om die moontlike implikasies vir etniese identiteit in die posteksiliese Judese gemeenskap te demonstreer. Ten einde hierdie doel te bereik, het die navorser gekies om 'n geïntegreerde metode waarin verskillende eksegetiese benaderings in gesprek gebring word, te gebruik, terwyl in gedagte hou word dat die kanonieke verhale die uitkoms was van 'n lang proses van redaksie van beide mondelinge en geskrewe tradisies, deur verskillende redakteurs uit verskillende sosio-historiese kontekste. Dit is deur middel van hierdie metode dat die navorsing die volgende uitkomste beklemtoon: eerstens, vanuit 'n kanonieke oogpunt, het die finale redakteurs die ballingskapservaring as 'n objektiewe uitkoms van die ondertrouery verstaan wat die Israeliete tot 'n volledige verlies van hul groepsidentiteit as Jahwistiese gemeenskap gelei het, en dit was dus die verantwoordelikheid van die teruggekeerdes om ten alle koste te vermy dat die geskiedenis homself herhaal. Tweedens, die verskynsel van ondertrouery in die Hebreeuse Bybel moet ook vanuit 'n diachroniese perspektief benader word. In teenstelling met die patriargale en deuteronomistiese tradisies waarin ondertrouery oor die boeg van onderskeidelik moraliteit en godsdienstige afvalligheid verstaan is, handel dit in die konteks van die posteksiliese gemeenskap eerder oor reinheid – 'n sterk ywer vir tempel en die erediens soos veral met die priesterlike tradisie geassosieer. Derdens, vanweë die feit dat hierdie kanoniese verhale vorm aangeneem het in sosio-historiese omstandighede waarin, benewens die godsdienstige faktor, daar ook ander faktore, soos die politieke en sosio-ekonomiese, ‘n belangrike rol gespeel het, het hierdie verhale aansienlik bygedra nie net tot die verbod op ondertrouery nie, maar ook tot die onderhandeling van die groepsidentiteit van die Tweede Tempel gemeenskap. Met ander woorde, in reaksie op die sosio-historiese omstandighede, was die teruggekeerdes verplig om te skei en hul vreemde vroue te ontslaan, terwyl hul terselfdertyd bygedra het tot die vorming van ‘n groepsidentiteit wat bekendstaan as Judaïsme.
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