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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Sosiodramatiese spel : ''n formaat vir geletterdheid?' binne Suid-Afrikaanse konteks

Arendse, Rone Rosemary 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study duplicates the research done by Vedeler (1997) in which she investigates dramatic playas a format for" literate language". Particular attention is given to the limitation she identified in her study, namely that the same results might not be obtained in studies using children from other cultures/ socio-economic environments. This study using children from another cultural! socio-economic environment, in this case a particular South African environment, was undertaken to determine whether or not her postulation that, sociodramatic play elicits literacy, was true. The extent to which Vedeler' s findings are transmittable to a third world context was also investigated. In this study Vedeler's methodology was implemented as far as possible. The results of this study partially confirm Vedeler' s postulation that studies usmg different participants could produce different results. They also partially contradict her postulation. The present study confirms that cultural context probably affects the results obtained in duplicating Vedeler's experiment. However, sufficient evidence was found to confirm Vedeler' s hypothesis that participation in sociodramatic play results in the use of more advanced syntactic language by children. The conclusion can be drawn that, although the findings in her research can be generalised to different contexts, strong account will have to be taken of various factors. These factors are the nature of the cultural context in which the experiment is conducted, the development of the child in this context and the influence this context has on the child's language development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie is il duplisering van Vedeler (1997) se studie wat ondersoek ingestel het na dramatiese spel as il formaat vir "geletterde taal". Die doel van die huidige studie was om die leemte wat Vedeler in haar studie geidentifiseer het, naamlik dat die resultate met kinders van ander kulture/ sosio-kulturele omgewings as deelnemers mag verskil van haar resultate, aan te spreek. Die huidige studie waarin kinders van il ander kulturele/ sosio-ekonomiese omgewing, in hierdie geval il spesifieke Suid-Afrikaanse omgewing, gebruik is, was onderneem om vas te stelof haar postulasie, naamlik dat sosiodramatiese spel aanleiding gee tot geletterdheid, korrek is. Daar is ook ondersoek in hoe h mate Vedeler (1997) se resultate binne il derdewêreld konteks veralgemeenbaar is. Die huidige studie het so na as wat moontlik was die metodiek van Vedeler gevolg. Die resultate in die huidige studie verskaf gedeeltelike bevestiging van Vedeler (1997) se postulasie dat die resultate met ander deelnemers van háár resultate mag verskil. Dit verskaf ook gedeeltelike weerlegging van haar postulasie. Die huidige studie bevestig dat die kulturele konteks waarskynlik die resultate wat vanuit die duplisering van Vedeler se eksperiment verkry is, geaffekteer het. Voldoende bevestiging is egter gevind vir Vedeler se hipotese dat deelname in sosiodramatiese spel aanleiding gee tot meer gevorderde sintaktiese taal in kinders. Die gevolgtrekking kan gemaak word dat, alhoewel die bevindings van haar navorsing binne verskillende kulturele kontekste veralgemeenbaar is, daar met die invloed van verskillende faktore noukeurig rekening gehou sal moet word. Hierdie faktore behels die aard van die kulturele konteks, die ontwikkeling van die kind binne hierdie konteks en die invloed wat die konteks op die kind se taalontwikkeling het.

Die konstruksie van makrostrukture : die ontwikkeling van graad 10-leerders se vermoe om makrostrukture te konstrueer en proposisies te herroep deur die verbetering van hul struktureringsvaardighede en vraagstellingsvaardighede

Van Niekerk, Daniel Malan Emmanuel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The construction of macro-structures. Four reading-improvement courses were offered to grade ten pupils in an attempt to improve their general reading skills and more specifically their ability to abstract the gist (macrostructure - Van Dijk and Kintsch, 1983) of texts as well as their ability to recall detail about texts. The macro-structures that learners constructed and the number of propositions recalled from a specific section of the text during a pre-test were compared to the macrostructures they formulated and the number of propositions that they recalled during a post-test. The courses were presented in Afrikaans to four of the five grade 10 classes in a Western Cape school. (The course was also presented in English to the fifth class but that course was not taken into consideration.) The courses were conducted over eight periods of approximately 40 minutes. The content of the first three periods were the same for all four courses. During the first period the learners did a reading exercise in order to determine their reading speed and reading index. During the second and third periods they were taught skimming and study skills respectively. The first course focused on questioning skills in the last five sessions. The second course was presented in order to improve learners' structuring skills. The third course was a combination of the first two courses. A conventional speed reading course was presented to learners who did the fourth course. Multiple regression analyses were conducted to determine whether (1) the construction of macro-structures and (2) the recall of propositions from the texts could be ascribed to questioning skills, structuring skills or the combination of those skills. This was done after variance in the dependant variables brought about by differences in intelligence was controlled statistically. The results of this study indicate a statistically significant improvement to construct macro-structures for the learners who completed the courses aimed at improving structuring and questioning/structuring abilities. This improvement can be ascribed to the skills that they acquired during the courses. Traditional schema theories regard schemas or schemata as pre-fabricated structures that need only to be activated by readers. In these courses, however the emphasis was placed on the formation of a structure by the reader; on the activity performed by the reader. Hence it was referred to as a structuring course. During the courses the learners were encouraged not only to "chunk" the content of the texts, but to generalize and to construct the structure of the texts. They were encouraged to use their own words or categories. Several studies indicated that an improvement in the ability to structure texts lead to an improvement in text comprehension. There are five other reasons why structuring the content of texts will facilitate the construction of macro-structures. The first is that when subjects are given the task to remember unorganized material they structure the material to be remembered spontaneously. The second is that the semantic organization of material facilitate recall and the third that normal perception is highly structured. The fourth argument is that experts make effective use of schemes. The fifth argument is that the activity of structuring forces the reader to process the text at a deeper level of processmg. Since it was assumed that top achievers are good readers who have mastered the ability to construct macro-structures efficiently, it was argued that they would benefit more from a course that aimed at improving their question-generating skills. Thus, the fact that there was not a statistically significant improvement in their ability to construct macrostructures can be attributed to the fact that they have already mastered that ability sufficiently. It is also possible to attribute the fact that there was not a statistically significant improvement to the fact that they did not master the question-generating activities. The results of this study also indicated that learners who did the structuring, questioning and questioning/structuring courses improved their ability to recall propositions from the texts in a pre-test to a post-test. Their improved ability to recall propositions, can be ascribed to the fact that detail can be inferred from a hierarchical structure since detail facts are subsumed under thematic propositions. Put differently, micro-propositions can be inferred from macro-propositions. The improvement in the ability of subjects who did the questioning course can be ascribed to the fact that questioning helps to focus attention and that the activity of questioning leads to deeper levels of processing. Three assumptions concerning macro-structures were made in this study. It was assumed that the construction of macro-structures is an automatic and integral part of the (normal) reading process. Readers do not construct macro-structures only when they are required to do so. Good readers construct better macro-structures than poor readers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die konstruksie van makrostrukture. Vier leesverbeteringskursusse is vir graad 10-leerders aangebied ten einde hul leesvaardighede te probeer verbeter; meer spesifiek, hul vermoe om die kern (die makrostrukture - Van Dijk en Kintsch, 1983) van tekste te kan konstrueer en ook om proposisies van die tekste te kan herroep. Die makrostrukture wat leerders gevorrn het en die getal proposisies wat hulle kon herroep oor 'n spesifieke teksgedeelte nadat 'n leeskursus vir hulle aangebied is, is vergelyk met die makrostrukture wat hulle gevorrn het en getal proposisies wat hulle kon herroep, voordat die kursus vir hulle aangebied is. Die kursusse is in Afrikaans aangebied vir vier van die vyf graad 10-klasse van 'n skiereilandse skool. (Die kursus is ook in Engels aangebied vir die vyfde klas, maar hul resultate is nie in berekening gebring nie, aangesien die inhoud van die tekste verskil het.) Die kursusse het bestaan uit agt lesure van 40 minute. Die inhoud van die eerste drie ·lesure was dieselfde vir al vier kursusse. Tydens die eerste lesuur het die leerders 'n leesoefening gedoen en daarna het hulle hul leesspoed en leesindeks uitgewerk. Tydens die tweede en derde lesuur is vlugleesvaardighede vir die leerders aangeleer. In die eerste kursus IS die klem tydens die laaste vyf lesure geplaas op vraagstellingsvaardighede bene wens vlugleesvaardighede en studievaardighede. Leerders is geleer om kemvrae en detailvrae te forrnuleer. Tydens die tweede kursus is struktureringsvaardighede vir leerders aangeleer in die laaste vyf lesure. Die derde kursus was 'n kombinasie van die eerste twee kursusse. Tydens die vierde kursus is 'n konvensionele spoedleeskursus vir die leerders aangebied. Deur middel van meervoudige regressie-ontledings is vasgestel of vraagstelling, strukturering of die interaksie tussen vraagstelling en strukturering variansie in (1) die konstruksie van rnakrostrukture en (2) die herroep van proposisies of feite verklaar. Dit is gedoen nadat daar statisties gekontroleer is vir die variansie in die afhanklike veranderlikes wat opgewek is deur verskille in intelligensie. Uit die resultate het dit geblyk dat daar 'n statisties beduidende verbetering was by die leerders wat die strukturering-kursus gevolg het en ook by die leerders wat die vraagstelling/strukturering-kursus gevolg het om makrostrukture te konstrueer. Hierdie verbetering sou toegeskryf kon word aan die vaardighede wat hulle tydens die kursus aangeleer het. In teenstelling met skema-teoriee wat van die veronderstelling uitgaan dat skemas vaste strukture is wat slegs deur lesers geaktiveer word, is die klem in hierdie ondersoek geplaas op die aktiewe strukturering van teksinhoude. Dit is die rede waarom na die kursus verwys word as die "strukturering' -kursus. Tydens die kursus is die leerders aangemoedig om nie net die afdelings van die tekste te groepeer nie, maar om te veralgemeen; om die teksinhoude self te struktureer deur hul eie woorde te gebruik. Benewens die feit dat dit uit verskeie ander ondersoeke geblyk het dat die strukturering van tekste deur lesers hulle leesbegrip verbeter het en hulle gehelp het om meer proposisies van 'n teks te kon herroep, sou nog vyf ander argumente ook aangevoer word waarom strukturering die vorming van makrostrukture vergemaklik. Die eerste is dat toetslinge ongestruktureerde geheuemateriaal spontaan struktureer; die tweede dat semantiese organisasie die herroep daarvan vergemaklik; die derde dat ("alledaagse") persepsie hoogs gestruktureerd is en die vierde dat deskundiges skemas effektiewer benut as beginners. Die vyfde argument is dat die aktiwiteit van strukturering dieper prosessering van leesinhoude sal meebring as gewoonlees; wanneer lesers tekste struktureer, word hulle verplig om dit uitvoerig te prosesseer. Die vraagstelling-kursus is aangebied vir die leerders in die klas wat die beste presteer het, aangesien daar van die veronderstelling uitgegaan is dat hulle goeie lesers is en dat goeie lesers alreeds daartoe in staat is om goeie makrostrukture te kan konstrueer. Die feit dat diegene wat die vraagstelling-kursus gevolg het, se vermoe om rnakrostrukture te vorm, nie 'n statisties beduidende verbetering getoon het nie, sou dus moontlik daaraan toegeskryf kon word dat hulle die vaardigheid om goeie makrostrukture te vorm, alreeds in 'n groot mate bemeester het. 'n Ander moontlikheid waarom hul vermoe om makrostrukture te konstrueer, nie 'n statisties beduidende verbetering getoon het nie, is dat hulle nie die vraagstelling-aktiwiteite deeglik bemeester het rue. Uit die resultate van hierdie ondersoek het dit ook geblyk -dat daar 'n statisties beduidende verbetering was in die vermoe van leerders wat die vraagstelling-, strukturering-, asook die vraagstellinglstruktureringkursus gevolg het om na afloop van die leeskursusse meer proposisies oor die betrokke tekste te kon herroep. Die rede waarom die strukturering-kursus effektiewer herroepprestasie in die hand gewerk het, sou toegeskryf kon word aan die feit dat iemand wat 'n struktuur gekonstrueer het, detail kan herroep na aanleiding van die gekonstrueerde raarnwerk. Anders gestel, mikroproposisies sou afgelei kon word van makroproposisies. Die rede waarom die vraagstelling-kursus 'n verbetering van leerders se herroepvermoens meegebring het, sou waarskynlik daaraan toegeskryf kon word dat vraagstelling 'n leser se aandag fokus of rig. Daarby verplig die vraagstelling-aktiwiteit lesers om tekste uitvoerig te prosesseer. Hierdie vraagstelling-aktiwiteit verplig dieper prosessering van leesinhoude as die meer oppervlakkige prosessering wat tydens gewoonlees plaasvind. In hierdie ondersoek is van die verondersteIling uitgegaan dat die vorrmng van makrostrukture 'n outomatiese en integrale deel van die leesproses is. Lesers konstrueer nie net makrostrukture wanneer die leestaak dit vereis nie. Hoewel aIle lesers makrostrukture konstrueer, vorrn goeie lesers beter rnakrostrukture as swak lesers.

Love and friendship in cyberspace

Van Rensburg, Erma J. 13 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Since its birth in the early 1960's the Internet has been growing exponentially in all areas and it is predicted that by the year 2002, 490 million people around the world will have Internet access. Similarly, a rapidly increasing number of people are finding themselves working and playing on the Internet, using computer mediated communication (CMC) to converse, exchange information, debate, court, and show compassion. As a result CMC has become a new way for people to find or meet each other via social Internet tools and form and develop personal relationships. Malcolm R. Parks (1997) compiled a theory of relational development, incorporating seven dimensions along which the nature of interaction changes as relationships develop or deteriorate: 1. Interdependence (influence on each other), 2. Breadth (variety of interaction), 3. Depth (intimacy of interaction), 4. Commitment (expectations that a relationship will continue), 5. Predictability and understanding (familiarity with each other), 6. Code change (creating own linguistic forms and culture) and 7. Network convergence (introducing each other to respective online contacts and social networks). This study investigated the relational development reached in interpersonal relationships initiated and maintained online via social Internet tools. As mainly South Africans responded, results provide first time information about South African Web users' online relationships. Results show that the majority of online relationships reached above average levels of relational development as measured by elevated scores on most of the seven dimensions. The results also show significant differences between the levels of relational development reached in online friendships as opposed to online romantic attachments. The results are consistent with past research and could be used as a point of departure for further investigations into South African's Internet social practices and relational development in online settings. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Internet het, sedert sy oorsprong in die vroee 1960's, eksponensieel gegroei tot die mate dat, teen die jaar 2002, 'n voorspelde 490 miljoen mense wereldwyd Internet toegang sal he. Daar is net so 'n dramatiese toename in die hoeveelheid mense wat die Internet begin gebruik ten einde te werk en te speel, deur CMC (computer mediated communication) te gebruik om te gesels, te debatteer, inligting uit te ruil, mekaar die hof te maak en ondersteuning te verleen. As gevolg hiervan is CMC 'n nuwe platform waar mense mekaar ontmoet deur sosiale Internet instrumente in te span en op hierdie wyse persoonlike verhoudings te begin. Malcolm R. Parks (1997) het 'n teorie van relasionele ontwikkeling saamgestel, waarvolgens hy die sewe dimensies wat verander soos verhoudings groei of disintegreer, inkorporeer. Die dimensies is: 1. Interafhanklikheid (invloed op mekaar), 2. Breedte (variasie van interaksie), 3. Diepte (intimiteit van interaksie), 4. Verbintenis (verwagting dat die verhouding sal hou), 5. Voorspelbaarheid en begrip (bekend wees met mekaar), 6. Kode verandering (nuwe taalvorme en idiome) en 7. Netwerk konversie (om mekaar bekend te stel aan elektroniese en ander kontakte). Hierdie studie het die relasionele ontwikkeling ondersoek wat bereik is deur interpersoonlike verhoudinge wat deur middel van 'n sosiale Internet instrument ge'inisieer en onderhou is. Hoofsaaklik Suid-Afrikaners het deelgeneem en vir die eerste keer is statistiek oor Suid- Afrikaanse Internet gebruikers se elektroniese vehoudings beskikbaar. Resuitate toon dat die meerderheid van die verhoudings hoer as gemiddelde vlakke van relasionele ontwikkeling bereik het, 5005 gemeet deur die sewe dimensies. Die resultate wys ook dat daar 'n betekenisvolle verskil is tussen die relasionele ontwikkeling van elektroniese vriendskappe en romantiese verbintenisse. Die resultate stem ooreen met vorige studies en vorm 'n stewige grondslag vir verdere navorsing oor Suid-Afrikaners se sosiale Internet praktyke en verhoudings.

n Verkennende ondersoek na die selfkonsep van leerders met spesiale onderwysbehoeftes

Herbert, Petrus du Toit 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of the present study was an exploratory examination/study of the self-concept of learners with Special Education Needs. To this end, all 1005 subjects completed the Piers-Harris Self Concept Questionnaire once. This questionnaire consists of 80 statements divided into six subscales i.e. : Behaviour, Intellectual and School status, Physical appearance, Anxiety, Popularity and Happiness and satisfaction. A total score is then culculated from those separate dimensions. Learners in the four Special Schools were selected per school as follows: • in random order • sex • medium of instruction • technical subject • hostel/day scholar • grade/standard Correlations between self-concept variables were examined, but two other questionnaires containing certain biographical details and information concerning the learners' academic and technical marks and the parents' marital status, were also used in the study. By using these two questionnaires, correlations between self-concept variables and certain biographical variables such as the following were possible : • sex and self-concept • medium of instruction and self-concept • living in the school hostel and self-concept • evaluation of relationship with technical teacher and self-concept • academic achievement and self-concept • technical subject and self-concept and • marital status of parents and self-concept correlations The following decisive correlations emerged as a result of the study : • regarding the correlation between self-concept variables, Happiness and satisfaction as well as Popularity featured strongly with limited Anxiety. Physical Appearance correlated strongly with Popularity and with Happiness and satisfaction. • regarding the correlation between sex and self-concept, it appeared that boys have a better/higher self-concept than girls with regard to Physical Appearance, Happiness and satisfaction and limited Anxiety. • regarding the correlation between medium of instruction and self-concept, there appeared to be a significant link between the self-concept variables: Anxiety, Popularity and Happiness and satisfaction. English speaking learners registered higher values on the scores than Afrikaans speaking learners in all three self-concept variables. • regarding the correlation between living in the school hostel and self-concept, it appeared that day scholars had higher self-concept scores with regard to Physical Appearance, Popularity, Happiness and satisfaction than hostel residents. • regarding the correlation between evaluation of relationship with technical teacher and self-concept, it appeared that there was a significant link between evaluation of the relationship with the teacher and two self-concept variables : Behaviour and Intellectual and School Status. Learners to whom the technical teacher meant a great deal, had higher self-concept scores in Intellectual and School Status than those to whom the technical teacher meant little. regarding the correlation between academic achievement and self-concept and sex, there were significant correlations between academic achievement and self-concept variables such as : Behaviour, Intellectual and School Status and Happiness and satisfaction. Differences between the size of correlations between boys and girls were however, insignificant. • regarding the correlation between technical subject and self-concept, there are significant links between technical subject and Physical Appearance, Anxiety, Popularity and Happiness and satisfaction. • regarding the correlation between marital status of parents and self-concept variables, it appeared that learners whose parents are in the process of divorce, scored lower for Anxiety. They experienced a reasonably high degree of Anxiety and also less Happiness and satisfaction compared to persons whose parents were married or divorced. From the results of this study, it appears that the placing of a learner in a special school, despite the criticisms expressed by opponents, does show positive correlations between self-concept and certain biographical variables as discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die huidige ondersoek was In verkennende ondersoek na die selfkonsep van leerders met Spesiale Onderwysbehoeftes. Om dit te bewerkstellig, het al 1005 proefpersone die Piers - Harris Selfkonsepvraelys eenmalig beantwoord. Dié vraelys bestaan uit 80 stellings wat in ses subskale onderverdeel word, naamlik : Gedrag, Intellektuele- en skoolstatus, Fisiese voorkoms, Angs, Populariteit en Geluk en tevredenheid. In Totaaltelling word dan uit hierdie afsonderlike dimensies bereken. Leerders in die vier Spesiale Skole is per skool soos volg geselekteer : • op In gelykkansige wyse • geslag • onderrigtaal • tegniese vak • koshuis/dagskoliere • graad/standerd Verbande tussen selfkonsepveranderlikes onderling is ondersoek, maar twee ander vraelyste waarin sekere biografiese besonderhede en inligting oor leerders se akademiese en - tegniese punte en ouers se huwelikstatus bekom is, is ook in die ondersoek gebruik. Deur dié twee vaelyste ook te gebruik, kon verbande tussen selfkonsepveranderlikes en sekere biografiese veranderlikes soos die volgende ondersoek word: • verband tussen geslag en selfkonsep • verband tussen onderrigtaal en selfkonsep • verband tussen koshuisinwoning en selfkonsep verband tussen evaluering van verhouding met tegniese onderwyser en selfkonsep • verband tussen akademiese prestasie en selfkonsep • verband tussen tegniese vak en selfkonsep en • verband tussen huwelikstatus van ouers en selfkonsepveranderlikes Uit die resultate van die ondersoek is die volgende beduidende verbande, gevind: • ten opsigte van die verband tussen selfkonsepveranderlikes onderling, het Geluk en Tevredenheid asook Populariteit redelik sterk gekorreleer met lae Angsgevoelens. Fisiese Voorkoms korreleer ook redelik sterk met Populariteit en met Geluk en Tevredenheid. • ten opsigte van die verband tussen geslag en selfkonsep blyk dit dat seuns 'n hoër selfkonsep het as dogters wat betrefFisiese Voorkoms, Geluk en Tevredenheid en laer Angsgevoelens. • ten opsigte van die verband tussen onderrigtaal en selfkonsep blyk dit dat daar 'n beduidende verband is tussen selfkonsepveranderlikes : Angs, Populariteit en Geluk en Tevredenheid. Byal drie selfkonsepveranderlikes toon Engelssprekende leerders hoër waardes op die tellings as Afrikaanssprekendes. • ten opsigte van die verband tussen koshuisinwoning en selfkonsep blyk dit dat leerders wat nie inwoon nie, hoër selfkonseptellings het ten opsigte van Fisiese Voorkoms, Populariteit, Geluk en Tevredenheid as leerders wat inwoon. • ten opsigte van die verband tussen evaluering van verhouding met tegniese onderwyser en selfkonsep blyk dit dat daar 'n beduidende verband is tussen evaluering van verhouding met tegniese onderwyser en twee selfkonsepveranderlikes : Gedrag en Intellektuele en Skoolstatus. Leerders vir wie die tegniese onderwyser baie tot geweldig baie beteken, het hoër selfkonseptellings op Intellektuele en Skoolstatus as diegene vir wie die tegniese onderwyser baie min tot min beteken. • ten opsigte van die verband tussen akademiese prestasie en seljkonsep en per geslag is daar beduidende korrelasies tussen akademiese prestasie en selfkonsepveranderlikes soos : Gedrag, Intellektuele en Skoolstatus en Geluk en Tevredenheid. Verskille tussen grootte van korrelasies tussen seuns en dogters is egter baie gering. • ten opsigte van die verband tussen tegniese vak en seljkonsep is daar beduidende verbande tussen tegniese vak en Fisiese Voorkoms, Angs, Populariteit en Geluk en Tevredenheid en • ten opsigte van die verband tussen huwelikstatus van ouers en seljkonsepveranderlikes blyk dit dat persone wie se ouers besig is om te skei, laer angstellings het, met ander woorde hulle ervaar 'n redelik hoë mate van Angs en ook minder Geluk en Tevredenheid in vergelyking met persone waarvan die ouers in ander huwelikstate verkeer. Uit die resultate van die ondersoek wil dit tog voorkom asof die plasing van 'n leerder in 'n spesiale skool, nieteenstaande al die kritiek wat deur teenstanders uitgespreek word, tog positiewe verbande toon tussen selfkonsepveranderlikes en sekere biografiese veranderlikes soos bespreek

Psychopathology and dysfunctional beliefs in battered women

Bean, Jacqueline January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigated the incidence of depression, post-traumatic stress symptomatology, anger and guilt in a shelter sample of 40 battered women. In addition, the presence of dysfunctional, evaluative beliefs, as viewed from a Rational-emotive perspective, was investigated, as well as the relationship between dysfunctional beliefs and symptoms of psychopathology. Participants completed the Beck Depression Inventory, Post-traumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale, Anger Diagnostic Scale, Trauma Related Guilt Inventory and Survey of Personal Beliefs. It was found that 63% of the participants showed moderate to severe levels of depression, while 59% manifested high post-traumatic stress symptomatology. Between 38% and 50% experienced problems with anger whilst 48.5% showed moderate guilt. In general, these symptoms did not correlate with the age of participants or with the duration or frequency of abuse, except for anger which was related to a history of childhood sexual and/or physical abuse. The results of the Survey of Personal Beliefs indicated that the group displayed Otherand Self-directed Demands, Awfulizing, Low Frustration-tolerance and Negative Selfworth. Only Low Frustration-tolerance (underestimation of coping skills) correlated significantly with levels of depression, anger and guilt. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het die insidensie van depressie, post-traumatiese stressimptome, woede en skuldgevoelens in 'n groep van 40 vroulike slagoffers van gesinsgeweld, wat die huweliksverhouding verlaat het en in 'n skuiling vir mishandelde vroue opgeneem is, ondersoek. Die disfunksionele, evaluerende kognisies, soos deur die Rasioneel-emotiewe gedragsterapie gepostuleer, asook die korrelasie tussen hierdie kognisies en die simptome van psigopatologie, is ook ondersoek. Deelnemers het die Beck Depression Inventory, Post-traumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale, Anger Diagnostic Scale, Trauma-Related Guilt Inventory en Survey of Personal Beliefs voltooi. Die resultate het aangedui dat 63% van die deelnemers matige tot ernstige vlakke van depressie getoon het, terwyl hoë post-traumatiese stressimptomatologie by 59% voorgekom het. Tussen 38% en 50% het probleme met woede getoon, terwyl matige skuldgevoelens by 48.5% voorgekom het. Oor die algemeen het hierdie simptome nie verband getoon met die ouderdom van deelnemers of met die duur of frekwensie van die mishandeling nie, behalwe die vlak van woede wat 'n verband getoon het met 'n geskiedenis van kindermolestering. Tellings op die Survey of Personal Beliefs het aangedui dat die groep die disfunksionele, evaluerende kognisies van Self- en Ander-gerigte Eise, Katastrofering, Lae Frustrasie - toleransie en Negatiewe Selfwaarde getoon het. Slegs Lae Frustrasie-toleransie (onderskatting van hanteringsvaardighede) het beduidend met vlak van depressie, woede en skuldgevoelens gekorreleer.

Self-effektiwiteit en MIV/VIGS-voorkomende gedrag by 'n groep hoërskoolleerlinge

Esterhuyse, E. A. (Elizabeth Aletta) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The levels of self-efficacy for specific HIV/aids-preventive behaviour patterns for high school pupils from a previously disadvantaged community were measured. Self-efficacy can be described as an individual's perception about his/her ability to perform certain actions effectively in a specific situation. For this purpose, the Sexual Self-Efficacy Questionnaire of Kasen, Vaughan and Walter (1992) was administered. A group of 227 pupils from the Macassar High School were involved in the study. The results showed that the Macassar adolescents display low self-efficacy in areas essential for HIV/aids prevention. The adolescents were especially uncertain about their ability to refuse sexual interaction where potential sexual partners are familiar or desirable and after alcohol or drugs were used. Furthermore, the Macassar adolescents showed low self-efficacy for dealing with sensitive issues concerning a sexual partner and for purchasing condoms in a shop. Regarding gender differences, the results showed that boys display lower self-efficacy than girls in relation to the behaviour patterns that where examined. Those adolescents with lower self-efficacy for refusing sexual intercourse, were also more likely to have had sexual intercourse. Regarding condom use, the results suggested that boys that are sexually active and do not use condoms, display low self-efficacy for the correct, consistent use of condoms. The role what the relationship between self-efficacy and behaviour should play in the development of HIV/aids-preventive interventions, is accentuated in the study. The emphasis must be on the building of self-effective thoughts, associated social and self-handling skills, and especially the development of programmes aimed at changing social cognitions. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die self-effektiwiteitsvlakke vir spesifieke MIV/vigs-voorkomende gedragskeuses of -patrone onder hoërskoolleerlinge uit "n histories benadeelde gemeenskap is bepaal. Self-effektiwiteit kan omskryf word as "n individu se oordeeloor sy/haar vermoë om sekere aksies doeltreffend in "n spesifieke situasie te kan uitvoer. Vir dié doel is die Seksuele Self-effektiwiteitsvraelys van Kasen, Vaughan en Walter (1992) gebruik. "nGroep van 2271eerlinge van die Macassar Hoërskool is by die studie betrek. Volgens die resultate het die Macassar-adolessente lae self-effektiwiteit getoon in areas wat onontbeerlik is vir MIV/vigs-voorkoming. Die adolessente was veralonseker oor hul vermoë om seksuele omgang te weier in situasies waar potensiële seksuele maats toenemend bekend of begeerlik is en ook nadat alkoholof dwelms gebruik is. Verder toon die Macassar-adolessente lae self-effektiwiteit wat betref hul vermoë om sensitiewe aspekte van "n seksuele maat te hanteer en om kondome by "n winkel te koop. Wat geslagsverskille betref toon die resultate dat seuns laer self-effektiwiteit het as meisies wat betref die gedragskeuses of -patrone wat ondersoek is. Dit blyk ook dat respondente wat lae self-effektiwiteit getoon het vir die weiering van seksuele omgang, juis meer geneig was om seksueel aktief te wees. Ten opsigte van konsekwente kondoomgebruik, blyk dit dat seuns wat seksueel aktief is en nie van kondome gebruik maak nie, lae self-effektiwiteit getoon het juis vir die korrekte en konsekwente gebruik van kondome. Die studie beklemtoon die rol wat die verhouding tussen self-effektiwiteit en gedrag in die ontwikkeling van MIV/vigs-voorkomingsintervensies behoort te speel. Die fokus moet lê op die opbou van selfeffektiewe denke, gepaardgaande sosiale en selfhanteringsvaardighede, en veral die ontwikkeling van programme gemik op veranderinge in sosiale kognisies.

Sexual beliefs, interpersonal perception and sexual satisfaction

Gous, Gerhard Jan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigated the correlation between sexual beliefs, as well as the interpersonal perception of sexual beliefs within a marriage, and the dyadic adjustment and sexual satisfaction. Participants were 38 couples, married less than 10 years. Each participant completed the Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale, Index of Sexual Satisfaction and the Sexual Irrationality Questionnaire. Each participant was also requested to complete the latter questionnaire as he/she would expect hislher partner to complete it. A significant relationship was found between sexual satisfaction and dyadic adjustment, as well as between spouses' sexual beliefs and their perceptions of their partners' sexual beliefs. No support was found for the hypotheses that the interpersonal perception of sexual beliefs would correlate with either sexual satisfaction or marital adjustment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie is die verband tussen seksuele kognisies, sowel as die interpersoonlike persepsie van seksuele kognisies binne huweliksverband, en huweliksaanpassing en seksuele satisfaksie nagegaan. Deelnemers aan die ondersoek was 38 pare wat korter as 10 jaar getroud was. Hulle het elkeen die Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale, Index of Sexual Satisfaction en die Sexual Irrationality Questionnaire voltooi. Elke deelnemer moes laasgenoemde vraelys ook voltooi soos hy/sy verwag het sy/haar huweliksmaat dit sou voltooi. 'n Beduidende verband is tussen seksuele satisfaksie en huweliksaanpassing gevind, asook tussen egliede se eie seksuele kognisies en hulle beoordelings van hulle huweliksmaats se seksuele kognisies. Geen ondersteuning kon in die hipotese gevind word aan die interpersoonlike persepsie van seksuele kognisies met óf seksuele satisfaksie óf huweliksaanpassing verband sou hou nie.

The psychodynamic implications of battering : a review of empirical research

Hendricks, Melany L 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This paper aims to provide an understanding of the psychodynamic implications of battering on the victims of this form of abuse. Three dominant approaches to trauma (one descriptive, one explanatory and one phenomenological) are briefly discussed. Available empirical data is then explored to ascertain whether the empirical research correspond to these dominant theories. The research indicates that the theories all highlight different aspects of battering and all have important implications for treatment. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werkstuk poog om die psigodinamiese implikasies van vroue mishandeling te verstaan. Drie dominante modelle van hierdie vorm van trauma (een beskrywend, een verduidelikend, en een fenomonologies) word kortliks bespreek. Beskikbare empiriese navorsing word ge-eksploreer om vas te stelof die navorsing ooreenstem met hierdie dominante modelle. Die navoring dui daarop dat al hierdie modelle verskillende aspekte van vroue mishandeling uitlig, en dat al hierdie modelle beduidende implikasies het vir behandeling.

Where are the men? : low-income women's experience of heterosexual relationships

Cooper-Evans, Mia Samantha 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this paper was to review the available literature concerning how low-income women experience their heterosexual relationships. Particular attention was paid to the constructs of social support and intimacy which have both been cited as important variables for coping with stress. It was found that, despite there being more stressors associated with poverty, very little research has been conducted on lowincome women. However, when comparing the available literature, there seem to be important differences between low-income and middle-class women's expectations regarding heterosexual relationships. The literature suggests that for low-income women, heterosexual relationships can often be experienced as an additional source of stress, particularly as traditional gender roles playa greater role in expectations regarding the provision of social support. It therefore seems as though some low-income women, in a bid not to submit to traditional role expectations, choose to stay single and strive for financial independence in order to retain power within heterosexual relationships. The need for intimacy was not clearly articulated by low-income women but a desire for a sexually faithful partner was expressed. Although it seemed as though low-income women did not expect social support or intimacy from their male partners, they did articulate other specific expectations. The literature suggested that low-income women could reliably expect sex and the conception of children. from their heterosexual relationships but that their other expectations were often disappointed. However, heterosexual relationships are considered an important means for low-income women to gain status within the community. Finally, the current review of the literature highlighted the considerable overlap between the constructs of social support and intimacy. In conclusion, further research needs to be conducted (particularly in South Africa) in order to determine how low-income women experience their heterosexual relationships. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om 'n oorsig te kry van die beskikbare literatuur oor laeinkomstevroue se ervaring van hulle heteroseksuele verhoudings. Aandag is in die besonder gegee aan die konstrukte van sosiale ondersteuning en intimiteit, wat albei as belangrike veranderlikes tydens die hantering van stres aangedui is. Daar is bevind dat, ondanks die feit dat daar meer stressore is wat met armoede in verband gebring word, baie min navorsing nog oor lae-inkomstevrouegedoen is. Wanneer die beskikbare literatuur egter vergelyk word, lyk dit asof daar belangrike verskille is tussen die verwagtinge wat onderskeidelik laeinkomstevroue en vroue uit die middelklas het ten opsigte van heteroseksuele verhoudinge. Die literatuur voer aan dat lae-inkomstevroue heteroseksuele verhoudings dikwels as 'n addisionele bron van stres beleef, veral aangesien tradisionele geslagsrolle 'n groter rol speel in verwagtinge rondom die verskaffing van sosiale ondersteuning. Dit lyk dus asof sommige lae-inkomstevrouein 'n poging om hulle nie aan tradisionele rolverwagtinge te onderwerp nie, verkies om nie te trou nie, maar om eerder na finansiële onafhanklikheid te streef in 'n poging om die mag in heteroseksueleverhoudings te behou. Die behoefte aan intimiteit is nie duidelik deur lae-inkomstevroue aangedui nie, maar wel 'n behoefte aan 'n enkelvoudige heteroseksuele verhouding. Alhoewel dlt gelyk het asof lae-lokomstevroue nie sosiale ondersteuning of intimiteit van hulle mansvriende verwag het nie, het hulle ander spesifieke verwagtinge genoem. Uit die literatuur wil dit lyk of lae-inkomstevroue met redelike sekerheid seks en die verwekking van kinders van hulle heteroseksuele verhoudings kon verwag, maar dat hulle ander verwagtinge dikwels teleurgestel word. Nogtans word heteroseksuele verhoudings as 'n belangrike manier gesien waarop lae-inkomstevroue status in die gemeenskap kan verkry. Die huidige literatuurstudie belig ook die aansienlike oorvleueling tussen die konstrukte van sosiale ondersteuning en intimiteit. Ten slotte is dit duidelik dat verdere navorsing gedoen moet word (veral in Suid-Afrika) om te bepaal hoe laeinkomstevrouehulle heteroseksueleverhoudings beleef.

Animal-assisted therapy (AAT) : what is it?

Hettema, Elri January 2002 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study focuses on existing research into the field of animal-assisted therapy (AAT) and attempts to provide a clear answer as to what animal-assisted therapy (AAT) is. In addition, the limitations of current research, as well as future opportunities for research in this field and some practical considerations for applying animal-assisted therapy are explored. The origin of animal-assisted therapy is examined. How the present terminology has developed in that it defines the use of animals in therapy as an adjunct to other therapeutic techniques is discussed in contrast to previous terminology, which created the impression that there was some form of managed process on the part of the animal. The terminology has developed from terms such as pet therapy and pet-facilitated therapy to animal-assisted therapy (AAT) and animal-assisted activities (AAA). The history of animal-assisted therapy is examined in relation to the three therapy categories of milieu therapy, physical rehabilitation and animal-assisted psychotherapy. The most common theoretical frameworks for AAT are also discussed. In general, systems theory tends to be the most favoured theoretical foundation for AAT. The typical target populations of animal-assisted therapy are examined in the light of target relationships. The six target relationships that a practitioner of animal-assisted therapy would need to manage are identified and their merits discussed: therapist-and-patient relationship; therapist-and-animal relationship; the staff-and-patient and staff-and-animal relationship; the staff-and-animal therapist relationship; the animal-and-patient relationship; and the application environment wherein these relationships are lived. The typical research designs for AAT are also discussed within the history of AATand successful research tends toward longitudinal studies wherein patients with similar diagnostic profiles are all exposed to a common form of treatment. The experimental group has some form of AAT in addition to the standard treatment whilst the control group continues with only the standard treatment. Comparisons are made against specific measurements such as degree of sociability and other indices. In general, the current research indicates a need for research characterised by better controls and the application of general research principles to supplement the abundance of anecdotal and case study reports on AAT. In addition, the practical application of AAT is also examined in relation to training and liability, office management and décor, animal well-being, and the necessary precautions to safeguard patients from possible harm. A critique of AAT is provided as well as the difficulties encountered in the practical implementation of animal-assisted therapy. The literature reviewed for this study confirms that animal-assisted therapy shows excellent promise, which increases when complimented by experimental endeavour in terms of properly evaluated AAT programmes. In terms of the future potential of AAT, the possible advantages of the implementation of AAT programmes into schools, prisons and working environments is raised. Related therapeutic adjuncts such as horticultural and natural therapy are also discussed. Fine (2000) was the most up to date and encompassing source for AAT and may be a good tool to guide future practitioners and researchers in the field of AAT. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: DIERE-ONDERSTEUNDE TERAPIE (DOT) -WAT IS DIT? Hierdie studie fokus op huidige navorsing op die gebied van diere-ondersteunde terapie (DOT) en strewe om lig te gooi op wat presies diere-ondersteunde terapie is. Daarbenewens, word die beperkinge van huidige navorsing sowel as toekomstige geleenthede vir navorsing op hierdie gebied. Praktiese doelwitte vir die toepassing van diere-ondersteunde terapie is ook geidentifiseer. Die oorsprong van diere-ondersteunde terapie word ondersoek. Hoe die huidige terminologie ontwikkel het in sover dit die gebruik van diere aangaan in terapie as adjunk tot ander terapeutiese tegnieke word bespreek, in vergelyking met vorige terminologie wat die indruk geskep het dat daar een of ander bestuurde proses is wat deur die dier uitgevoer word. Die terminologie het ontwikkel van terme soos troeteldierterapie en troeteldier-gefasiliteerde terapie tot diere-ondersteunde terapie (DOT) en diereondersteunde aktiwiteite (DOA). Die geskiedenis van diere-ondersteunde terapie word ondersoek volgens die drie terapiekategoriee van milieuterapie, fisiese rehabilitasie en diere-ondersteunde psigoterapie. Die mees algemene teoretiese raamwerke vir DOT word ook bespreek. Oor die algemeen, is sisteemteorie die sigbaarste teoretiese grondslag vir DOT. Die tipiese teikengroepe vir diere-ondersteunde terapie word ondersoek in die lig van teiken verhoudings. Die ses teikenverhoudings wat 'n praktisyn van diere-ondersteunde terapie sou bestuur word onderskei en hul relatiewe meriete bespreek: die terapeut/pasient-verhouding; terapeut/dier-verhouding; personeel/pasient-verhouding; personeel/diereterapeut- verhouding; dier/pasient- verhouding ; sowel as die toepassings omgewing waarin die verhoudings uitgeleef word. Die tipiese navorsingsontwerpe vir DOT word ook binne die geskiedenis van DOT bespreek. Die mees geloofwaardige navorsing neig tot longitudinale studies waarin pasiente met soorgelyke diagnostiese profiele almal aan 'n gemene vorm van behandeling blootgestel is. Die eksperimentele groep kry dan een of ander vorm van DOT sowel as die standaard behandeling terwyl die kontrole groep slegs die standaard behandeling ontvang. Vergelykings word dan gemaak volgens spesifieke metings soos mate van sosialiteit en ander persoonlike effektiwiteit maatstawwe. Oor die algemeen dui huidige navorsing op 'n behoefte vir navorsing wat deur beter beheer gekenmerk word, en die toepassing van algemene navorsingsbegrippe om as aanvulling te dien tot die oorvloed anekdotiese en gevallestudies wat die DOT literatuur betref. Daarbenewens word die die praktiese toepassing van DOT ondersoek met betrekking tot opleiding en verantwoording, kantoorbeheer en dekor, dierewelsyn sowel as die nodige teenmaatreëls om pasiente teen enige negatiewe gevolge te beskerm. 'n Kritiese ontleding van DOT word ook voorsien en die moontlike struikelblokke wat in die praktiese implementasie van diere-ondersteunde terapie ondervind kan word. Die literatuur wat vir hierdie studie nagegaan is, bevestig dat diere-ondersteunde terapie uitstekende vooruitsigte toon. Sover dit die toekomstige potensiaal van DOT aangaan, word die moontlike voordele van die implementasie van DOT-programme in skole, tronke en werksomgewings genoem. Verwante terapeutiese byvoegings soos tuin- en natuur-terapie word ook bespreek. Fine (2000) blyk om die mees resente en omvattende bron van DOT te wees en mag 'n goeie hulpmiddel wees om toekomstige praktisyns en navorsers op die gebied van DOT van 'n riglyn te voorsien.

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