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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Progressive Evolution of the Champlain Thrust Fault Zone: Insights from a Structural Analysis of its Architecture

Merson, Matthew 01 January 2018 (has links)
Near Burlington, Vermont, the Champlain Thrust fault placed massive Cambrian dolostones over calcareous shales of Ordovician age during the Ordovician Taconic Orogeny. Although the Champlain Thrust has been studied previously throughout the Champlain Valley, the architecture and structural evolution of its fault zone have never been systematically defined. To document these fault zone characteristics, a detailed structural analysis of multiple outcrops was completed along a 51 km transect between South Hero and Ferrisburgh, Vermont. The Champlain Thrust fault zone is predominately within the footwall and preserves at least four distinct events that are heterogeneous is both style and slip direction. The oldest stage of structures—stage 1—are bedding parallel thrust faults that record a slip direction of top-to-the-W and generated localized fault propagation folds of bedding and discontinuous cleavages. This stage defines the protolith zone and has a maximum upper boundary of 205 meters below the Champlain Thrust fault surface. Stage 2 structures define the damage zone and form two sets of subsidiary faults form thrust duplexes that truncate older recumbent folds of bedding planes and early bedding-parallel thrusts. Slickenlines along stage 2 faults record a change in slip direction from top-to-the-W to top-to-the-NW. The damage zone is ~197 meters thick with its upper boundary marking the lower boundary of the fault core. The core, which is ~8 meters thick, is marked by the appearance of mylonite, phyllitic shales, fault gouge, fault breccia, and cataclastic lined faults. In addition, stage 3 sheath folds of bedding and cleavage are preserved as well as tight folds of stage 2 faults. Stage 3 faults include thrusts that record slip as top-to-the-NW and -SW and coeval normal faults that record slip as top-to-the-N and -S. The Champlain Thrust surface is the youngest event as it cuts all previous structures, and records fault reactivation with any top-to-the-W slip direction and a later top-to-the-S slip. Axes of mullions on this surface trend to the SE and do not parallel slickenlines. The Champlain Thrust fault zone evolved asymmetrically across its principal slip surface through the process of strain localization and fault reactivation. Strain localization is characterized by the changes in relative age, motion direction along faults, and style of structures preserved within the fault zone. Reactivation of the Champlain Thrust surface and the corresponding change in slip direction was due to the influence of pre-existing structures at depth. This study defines the architecture of the Champlain Thrust fault zone and documents the importance of comparing the structural architecture of the fault zone core, damage zone, and protolith to determine the comprehensive fault zone evolution.

Internal Deformation, Evolution, and Fluid Flow in Basement-Involved Thrust Faults, Northwestern Wyoming

Goddard, James V. 01 May 1993 (has links)
An integrated field , microstructure, fracture statistic , geochemistry , and laboratory permeability study of the East Fork and White Rock fault zones , of similar age and tectonic regime but different structural level and hydrogeologic history , provides detailed information about the internal deformation and fluid flow processes in fault zones . The primary conclusions of this research are: 1) Fault zones can be separated into subzones of protolith, damaged zone , and gouge /cataclasite , based on physical morphology and permeability structure . At deep structural levels, gouge/cataclasite zones are more evolved (thicker with increased grain size reduction) due to strain localization , higher pressure and temperature, and fluid/rock interaction ; 2) Deformation mechanisms evolved from primarily brittle fracturing and faulting in the damaged zone to extreme, fluid-enhanced chemical breakdown and cataclasis which localized strain in the fault core. Deformation in the deep-level-fault core may be a combination of frictional and quasiplastic mechanisms, and is largely controlled by extremely fine-grained clays, zeolites , and other phyllosilicates that may have acted as a thermally pressurized, fluid-saturated lubricant; 3) Permeability in fault zones was temporally heterogeneous and anisotropic (permeability of damaged zone>protolith>gouge /cataclasite, permeability along fault> permeability across fault); 4) Volume loss was concentrated in the fault cores and was negligible at intermediate structural levels and high at deep structural levels in the semi-brittle to brittle regime ; 5) Fluid flow and solute transport were concentrated upwards and subparallel to the fault in the damaged zone ; 6) Faults at both the local and regional scale acted as fluid flow conduit/barrier systems depending upon the evolutionary stage and interval in the seismic cycle ; 7) Fluid/rock volume ratios , fluid flux , and fluid/rock volume ratios over time ranged from ⋍ 103 to 104, 10-6 ms-1 to 10-9 ms-1, and 0.05 L/m3 rock•yr to 0.50 L/m3 rock•yr, respectively, suggesting that enormous quantities of fluids passed through the fault zones; 8) Box counting fractal analyses of fault zone fractures showed that fracture spatial and density distribution is scale-invariant at the separate scales of outcrop , hand-sample , and thin section, but self-affine from outcrop to thin-section scale; 9) Linear fractal analysis depicts clustering and density distribution as a function of orientation, and may be a quick, robust method of estimating two-dimensional fracture permeability; and 10) Fractal analysis of fractures is not a comprehensive statistical method, but can be used as another supplemental statistical parameter.

Along Strike Variability of Thrust-Fault Vergence

Greenhalgh, Scott Royal 11 June 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The kinematic evolution and along-strike variation in contractional deformation in overthrust belts are poorly understood, especially in three dimensions. The Sevier-age Cordilleran overthrust belt of southwestern Wyoming, with its abundance of subsurface data, provides an ideal laboratory to study how this deformation varies along the strike of the belt. We have performed a detailed structural interpretation of dual vergent thrusts based on a 3D seismic survey along the Wyoming salient of the Cordilleran overthrust belt (Big Piney-LaBarge field). The complex evolution of the thrust faults that parallel the overthrust belt is demonstrated by the switching of the direction of thrust fault vergence nearly 180° from east to west. The variation in thrust-fault geometry suggests additional complexities in bulk translation, internal strains, and rotations. The thrust zone is composed of two sub-zones, each with an opposing direction of fault vergence, located on the eastern toe of the Hogsback thrust in southwestern Wyoming. The northern west-vergent thrust is a wedge thrust and forms a triangle zone between its upper thrust plane and the lower detachment that has formed in a weak shale layer (the Cretaceous K-Marker bed). Thrusts to the south have a frontal ramp geometry and are consistent with the overall thrust orientation of the Cordilleran overthrust belt located immediately to the west. The two thrust sub-zones are small, relative to the main Hogsback thrust to the west, and adjacent to each other, being separated by a transfer zone measuring in the hundreds of meters along strike. The transfer zone is relatively undisturbed by the faults (at the scale of seismic resolution), but reflections are less coherent with some very small offsets. The thrusts are thin-skinned and located above a shallow-dipping single detachment (or décollement) that is shared by faults in both sub-zones. Lateral growth of the thrust faults link along strike to form an antithetic fault linkage. Structural restoration of thrust faults shows varied amounts of shortening along strike as well as greater shortening in stratigraphic layers of the west-vergent fault to the north. Results from a waveform classification and spectral decomposition attribute analysis support our interpretations of how the variations in the detachment may govern the structural development above it. The kinematic evolution of the dual-verging thrust faults is likely controlled by local pinning within the transfer zone between the thrust-fault sub-zones as well as by changes in the competence of the strata hosting the detachment and in the thickness of the thrust sheet. The analysis and interpretation of dual-vergent thrust structures in the Cordilleran overthrust belt serve as an analog to better understand complex fold, fault, and detachment relations in other thrust belts.

Structural Geology of Eastern Part of Dairy Ridge Quadrangle and Western Part of Meachum Ridge Quadrangle, Utah

Kienast, Val A. 01 May 1985 (has links)
A detailed geologic investigation was made of the eastern part of the Dairy Ridge Quadrangle and the western part of the Meachum Ridge Quadrangle, Utah. The area is located in north-central Utah in Rich County. It lies between lat. 41°22'30" N. and lat. 41° 28'50" N. and between long. 111° 21'40" W. and long. 111°25'15" W. The area measures 13.8 km in the north-south direction and 5.5 km in the east-west direction. It is on the eastern side of the Wasatch Range about 20 km west-southwest of Randolph, Utah. Stratigraphic units of Precambrian to Cambrian age crop out in the western part of the area, above the Woodruff thrust fault, and dip west. These include the Precambrian Mutual Formation and the Cambrian Geertsen Canyon Quartzite. Units of Pennsylvanian to Jurassic age crop out in the eastern part of the area below the Woodruff thrust fault. They dip west and are overturned to the east. These units include the following: Pennsylvanian Weber Formation, Permian Grandeur Member of the Park City Formation, Permian Phosphoria Formation, Triassic Thaynes Limestone, Triassic Ankareh Formation, Jurassic Nugget Sandstone, and Jurassic Twin Creek Limestone. The Tertiary Wasatch Formation unconformably overlies all older units in places. The Woodruff thrust fault is the major structural feature of the area. Quartzite of the Precambrian Mutual Formation is thrust eastward over the Pennsylvanian Weber Formation as well as over formations of Permian and Triassic ages. The Woodruff thrust fault strikes about N. 20° E. and dips 18° W. to 33° W. Stratigraphic throw is at least 5,800 m. Probable horizontal displacement is tens of kilometers. The stratigraphic units, under the thrust fault, dip west and are overturned to the east. They form the western limb of a large asymmetrical syncline. The overturned units are cut by a west-dipping high-angle thrust fault. The syncline and the thrust faults were produced by the Sevier orogeny which began in latest Jurassic or earliest Cretaceous time. Deformation may have continued into Paleocene time.

Sequential Thrusting Beneath the Willard Thrust Fault, Wasatch Mountains, Ogden, Utah

Schirmer, Tad William 01 May 1985 (has links)
The downstructure of viewing geologic maps, balanced and cross sections, and hanging-wall-sequence diagrams are applied to produce the first comprehensive synthesis of the structure below the willard thrust sheet. Development of the duplex beneath the Willard thrust may be explained with a "piggyback" thrust model where younger thrust slices form below and fold an older, overlying thrust sheet. Progressive failure of the footwall ramp of the Willard thrust sheet extended the sole thrust eastward and produced a duplex consisting of thrust slices (horses) which adhered to the overriding thrust sheet where it ramped from a lower sole thrust to an upper decollement horizon. The resulting structural culmination produced a distinct antiform in the Willard thrust sheet. The duplex is here named the Ogden duplex. Frontal folds (formed at ramps perpendicular to transport) and lateral folds (formed at ramps parallel to transport) mark the margin of Individual horses within the duplex. Folded thrusts, thrust-splay relationships, and lateral overlap of horses help determine the sequence of thrusting. The involvement of cratonic foreland basement rocks (Farmington Canyon Complex) in thrust slices within the Ogden duplex is similar to the Moine thrust belt in northern Scotland and pinpoints this area within zone III of Boyer and Elliott's (1982) model of a thrust system dominated by a major thrust sheet. The basement rocks form the core of several horses which moved a minimum of 9.6 km. Total shortening within the Ogden duplex is estimated at 8 to 12 km. The sequence of thrusting is proposed from higher to lower: the willard thrust fault moved first, then the Ogden thrust fault and, finally, the Taylor and Weber thrust system (here named). Striking similarities between the Ogden thrust fault, the Weber-Taylor thrust system, and the Durst thrust fault geometries suggest that they are all part of the same system.

Analyse pétrophysique et anisotropie de roches détritiques dans des systèmes compressifs en présence de failles actives : exemple des prismes de Taiwan et de Nankai / Petrophysics of sedimentary rocks in compressive regime near active faults : examples of the Taiwan and Nankai accretionary prisms

Humbert, Fabien 22 October 2010 (has links)
Analyse pétrophysique et anisotropie des roches détritiques dans des systèmes en compression et sous influence de failles actives : Exemple des prismes de Taiwan et du prisme de Nankai (Japon)L'objectif de cette thèse est l'étude de la déformation enregistrée par des roches d'origine détritique dans des domaines sujets au raccourcissement tectonique sub-horizontal (Layer Parallel Shortening) et à des failles actives. Cette étude est basée sur la caractérisation de diverses propriétés physiques et de leur anisotropie à l'échelle de l'échantillon dans le but de décrire à plus grande échelle la structure d'un prisme d'accrétion. Deux prismes ont ainsi été échantillonnés, le premier est le prisme inactif de Taiwan dans le cadre du projet TCDP et le second considéré comme actif celui de Nankai dans le cadre du projet NanTroSeiZE. La microstructure d'une roche sédimentaire, y compris en l'absence de déformation tectonique, présente toujours une ou plusieurs caractéristique(s) anisotrope(s) liée(s) à la forme, à l'orientation préférentielle ou à l'arrangement de ses éléments constitutifs. De nombreux travaux ont porté sur les conséquences de ces anisotropies sur les propriétés physiques, d'abord dans un but prédictif, puis selon une démarche inverse visant à caractériser, à l'aide de modèles, microstructures et histoire tectonique associée. Dans cette thèse la confrontation des résultats obtenus pour différentes propriétés physiques (principalement vitesses des ondes acoustiques, susceptibilité magnétique et aimantation rémanente) met en évidence des réponses sélectives liées à un fort contrôle de la lithologie.Au niveau de prisme de Taiwan, deux résultats majeurs ont été obtenus. D'une part, la comparaison des anisotropies magnétiques et acoustiques a permis de montrer une évolution différentielle de la déformation entre les roches riches en matrice (siltite) par et celles plus riches en grain sableux (grès). D'autre part, les résultats combinés de l'anisotropie des ondes P, l'étude microstructurale et la minéralogie magnétique, montrent un comportement particulier des échantillons situé dans le mur de la faille FZB1136, considérée comme responsables du séisme de Chi-Chi en 1999. Un réseau de structures dilatantes fortement perméable à permis la circulation de fluides, de néo-cristallisation de calcite et de néoformation de minéraux magnétique. Sur le prisme de Nankai, une estimation de la quantification de la déformation enregistrée par les échantillons du prisme est modélisée en utilisant le modèle de March et les paramètres de susceptibilité magnétique. Les différents travaux réalisés dans cette thèse mettent en évidence un couplage direct de certaines propriétés physiques mesurées avec certains effets de déformation, chaque propriété caractérisant un point précis de la fabrique enregistré dans les roches.Mots-clefs : Anisotropie, susceptibilité magnétique, vitesses d'ondes ultrasoniques, déformation, fabrique, microstructures, faille inverse, TCDP, NanTroSeiZE. / Petrophysics of sedimentary rocks in compressive regime near active faults: examples of the Taiwan and Nankai accretionary prismsThe objective of this PhD is to study the deformation recorded by detrital rocks in areas subject to sub-horizontal tectonic shortening (Layer Parallel Shortening) and active faults. This study is based on the characterization of various physical properties and their anisotropy at sample scale in order to describe larger-scale structure of an accretionary prism. Two prisms have been sampled, the first is the inactive in Taiwan prism (TCDP project) and the second active the Nankai prism (NanTroSeiZE project).Sedimentary rocks microstructures, regardless of the degree to which they were loaded tectonically, always present some anisotropic characteristic emerging from a preferential shape, orientation or distribution of its constituents. Numerous studies have focused on the effect of such anisotropies on physical properties, first for prediction purposes, then to conversely get diffuse strain insight through the use of various effective medium models. In this thesis, the comparison between results obtained in discrete samples for various physical properties (essentially acoustic wave velocities, magnetic susceptibility and remanent magnetization) reveals selective responses due to a strong lithologic control.In TCDP, two significant results are reported. On the one hand, comparison of magnetic and acoustic anisotropy showed a differential evolution of deformation between the matrix-rich rocks (siltstones) and those with coarser granular fraction (sandstone). On the other hand, the combined results of the anisotropy of P waves velocity, microstructural analysis and magnetic mineralogy, show a peculiar behavior of the samples located in the wall of the fault FZB1136, considered to be responsible of the Chi-Chi earthquake in 1999. A network of highly permeable dilatant structures allowed the circulation of fluids, neo-crystallization of calcite and neoformation of magnetic minerals. On the Nankai prism, an estimate of quantifying the deformation recorded by the samples of the prism is modeled using a simple March-type model and the parameters of magnetic susceptibility. The various work in this thesis show a direct coupling of physical properties measured with some aspect of deformation, each property characterizing a specific point of the fabric recorded in rocks.Keywords : Anisotropy, magnetic susceptibility, ultrasonic wave velocity, strain, fabric, microstructures, thrust fault, TCDP, NanTroSeiZE.

Subduction interface roughness and megathrust earthquakes : Insights from natural data and analogue models / Rugosité de l’interface sismogène et mégaséismes de subduction : observation statistique de cas naturels et modélisations analogique

Van Rijsingen, Elenora 22 November 2018 (has links)
Non renseigné / Most mega-earthquakes (i.e. earthquakes with Mw ≥ 8.5) occur along subduction mega-thrusts, the interfaces between the subducting - and the overriding plates in convergent margins. These events may have catastrophic impact on human societies due to their destructive potential. For this reason being able to predict the timing and size of these earthquakes became one goal of the international scientific community. The subduction seismic cycle is influenced by many different parameters. The interplay between these parameters governing the frequency and size of megathrust earthquakes still remains unclear, mainly due to the short (i.e. limited to the last century) seismic record.The seismogenic part of the subduction thrust fault spans between depths of 11±4 and ± 51 km (Heuret et al. 2011). In this zone a combination of temperature, pressure and rocks characteristics creates conditions favourable for seismic behaviour. Whether a specific area in the subduction thrust fault has the ability to trigger mega-earthquakes can be expressed using the degree of seismic coupling, i.e. the amount of slip that occurs with respect to the total amount of plate convergence (e.g. Scholz 1998; Scholz & Campos 2012). When a fault is fully coupled, all of the fault slip occurs during earthquakes instead of also during aseismic behaviour (e.g. slow slip events). The internal structure of the interplate fault zone mainly determines whether an area within a subduction zone behaves seismic or aseismic (Wang & Bilek 2011). This is influenced by the topography of the plate interface (e.g. subducting seamounts; Wang & Bilek 2014), but also subducted sediments and fluids in the subduction channel may play an important role.The main goal of this project is to understand which parameters affect the behaviour of mega-earthquake ruptures. This will be done by comparing natural data (e.g. seafloor roughness, sediment thickness and fluid content in the subduction channel) to rupture characteristics of major recent earthquakes. With this analysis also more knowledge can be gained on the triggering of slow earthquakes instead of mega-earthquakes. These are slow slip events with lower frequencies and longer durations than ‘regular’ earthquakes (Saffer & Wallace 2015).The database of natural data, implemented by the long-term scientific joint venture between the Univ. Montpellier and the LET (Roma Tre) will be used for the analysis. Ongoing work is done on determining a method for estimating the seafloor roughness, i.e. the distribution of high, low and smooth areas (by Michel Peyret in collaboration with Serge Lallemand, Univ. Montpellier). Also data is available on the trench sediment thickness around the world (Heuret et al. 2011). In the frame of this project, information on the roughness of the seafloor will be added to the database. In addition the rupture characteristics of major recent earthquakes will be collected. By performing a multiparametric statistical analysis of the database, a conceptual model will be realized, exploring the possible link between all the different parameters. The aim is to validate this model in the lab using scaled 3D analogue models. This will be done both at the LET and at Univ. Montpellier by using a broad range of geometries and contact materials with different rheologies (e.g. gelatin, foam rubber and a new analogue material; Caniven et al. 2015; Corbi et al. 2013). This jointed experimental approach with both the Univ. Montpellier and the LET involved creates a rich environment where differences and similarities of the two different approaches can be used to validate the results.

Variations latérales de sismicité le long du méga-chevauchement himalayen au Népal / Lateral variations of seismicity along the himalayan megathrust in Nepal

Hoste Colomer, Roser 14 September 2017 (has links)
La sismicité présente le long du méga-chevauchement himalayen, dans la trace du fort séisme de 1505, des variations spatiales qui restaient peu résolues. Nous y avons déployé un réseau sismologique temporaire de 15 stations pour la période 2014-2016, en complément du réseau national. Nous avons effectué une détection automatique Seiscomp3 puis un pointé manuel des séismes enregistrés par le réseau, suivi par une localisation absolue Hypo71 et une relocalisation relative d’essaims HypoDD. Le catalogue résultant compte 2154 évènements dans notre zone d’étude dont les profondeurs (8-16 km) sont bien résolues. La confrontation de la sismicité avec des coupes géologiques équilibrées montre que les séismes se localisent dans le compartiment supérieur à proximité du grand chevauchement himalayen au voisinage de rampes ou contacts suspectés entre écailles de moyen pays. Les variations latérales de structures associées à cette sismicité sont susceptibles de contrôler pour partie les ruptures cosismiques de séismes intermédiaires, qui viennent rompre partiellement le chevauchement, comme l’ont démontré les études du séisme de Mw7.8 de Gorkha-Népal, 2015. La segmentation qui en résulte est une donnée importante dans les études d’aléa sismique. / The seismicity located along the Himalayan mega-thrust, within the trace of the great M8+ 1505AD earthquake, displays striking spatial variations which remained poorly resolved. In order to better constrain and understand these variations, we deployed a 15-stations temporary seismological network for 2 years (2014-2016) as a complement to the national network. We first processed the data with an automatic detection with Seiscomp3, then a manual picking of earthquakes recorded by the network, followed by a Hypo71 absolute localization and HypoDD relative relocation of clustered events. The resulting catalogue contains 2154 local events, shallow to midcrustal (8 - 16 km). The seismicity presented temporal variations suggesting fluid migrations. The confrontation between the seismicity and the geologic balanced cross-sections shows that most eartbquakes happen within the hangingwall of the Main Himalayan Thrust fault nearby ramps or suspected contacts between lesser Himalayan slivers. The lateral variations of some of the structures associated to this seismicity are likely to partially control the extent of the coseismic ruptures during intermediate earthquakes that break partly the locked fault zone, in a similar way as what was reported after the Mw7.8 2015 Gorkha-Nepal earthquake. Better characterizing the segmentation of such faults is an important input for seismic hazard studies.

The terraces of the Conway Coast, North Canterbury: Geomorphology, sedimentary facies and sequence stratigraphy

McConnico, Tim January 2012 (has links)
A basin analysis was conducted at the Conway Flat coast (Marlborough Fault Zone, South Island, New Zealand) to investigate the interaction of regional and local structure in a transpressional plate boundary and its control on basin formation. A multi-tiered approach has been employed involving: (i) detailed analysis of sedimentary deposits; (ii) geomorphic mapping of terraces, fault traces and lineaments; (iii) dating of deposits by 14C and OSL and (iv) the integration of data to form a basin-synthesis in a sequence stratigraphy framework. A complex thrust fault zone (the Hawkswood Thrust Fault Zone), originating at the hinge of the thrust-cored Hawkswood anticline, is interpreted to be a result of west-dipping thrust faults joining at depth with the Hundalee Fault and propagating eastwards. The faults uplift and dissect alluvial fans to form terraces along the Conway Flat coast that provide the necessary relief to form the fan deltas. These terrace/fan surfaces are ~9 km long and ~3 km wide, composite features, with their upper parts representing sub-aerial alluvial fans. These grade into delta plains of Quaternary Gilbert-style fan deltas. Uplift and incision have created excellent 3D views of the underlying Gilbert-style fan delta complexes from topsets to prodelta deposits. Erosive contacts between the Medina, Rafa, Ngaroma and modern Conway fan delta deposits, coupled with changes in terrace elevations allow an understanding of the development of multiple inset terraces along the Conway Flat coast. These terraces are divided into five stages of evolution based on variations in sedimentary facies and geomorphic mapping: Stage I involves the uplift of the Hawkswood Range and subsequent increased sedimentation rate such that alluvial fans prograded to the sea to form the Medina fan delta Terrace. Stage II began with a period of incision, from lowering sea level or changes in the uplift and sedimentation rate and continued with the deposition of the Dawn and Upham fan deltas. Stage III starts with the incision of the Rafa Terrace and deposition of aggradational terraces in the upper reaches. Stage IV initiated by a period of incision followed by deposition of estuarine facies at ~8ka and Stage V began with a period of incision and continues today with the infilling of the incised valley by the modern fan delta of the Conway River and its continued progradation. New dates from within the Gilbert-type fan deltas along the Conway Flat coast are presented, using OSL and 14C dating techniques. Faulting at the Conway Flat coast began ~ 94 ka, based on the development of the Medina Terrace fan delta with uplift rates ~1.38~1.42 m/ka. The interplay of tectonics and sea level fluctuations continued as the ~79 ka Rafa Terrace fan deltas were created, with uplift rates calculated at ~1.39 m/ka. Detailed 14C ages from paleoforest (~8.4-~6.4 ka) in the Ngaroma Terrace and from the mouths of smaller streams have established uplift rates during the Holocene ~1-3 m/ka, depending on sea level.

A Structural Analysis of the Simpson Mountains

Briscoe, Hyrum A. 07 June 2023 (has links) (PDF)
The Simpson Mountains have long been of economic interest and have renewed interest in their potential value. Field mapping of the project area redefined structural relationships between stratigraphic units. Geometric and kinematic analysis of structures in the Simpson Mountains show the range is deformed by the three most recent tectonic events: the Sevier Orogeny, the Laramide Orogeny, and Basin and Range Extension. Laramide structures define the range with a significant E-W normal fault and an E-W thrust fault, which are both likely related to Eocene-age igneous intrusions. Principal component analysis (PCA) of regional quartzite X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) data resulted in distinctive populations between the Eureka Quartzite and the Mutual and Prospect Mountain Quartzites. The PCA was paired with petrographic analysis of regional quartzites where samples were diagnostically classified to help validate the PCA results. XRF analysis of volcanic rocks show volcanic arc origin. 40Ar/39Ar dating of the volcanic rocks associated with the intrusions yield new ages of 34.09±0.10 to 37.05±0.06 Ma and 19.11±0.02 to 19.18±0.03. Lithostratigraphy of the map area was validated by identification of fossil samples. The Eocene intrusions are likely sources of mineralization in the range along older Sevier structures.

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