Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tidal freshwater"" "subject:"tidal reshwater""
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Tidal freshwater forest restoration after dam removal has been unexplored to date. This study elucidated pre-dam forest composition, as well as post-dam edaphic and microtopographical attributes and woody species recruiting along a narrow ecotone of a 29.3-ha tidal freshwater wetland. The ≈65-year-old historical forest (15 species, 200 stems ha-1) and ≈7-year-old contemporary forest (40 species and 11,009 stems ha-) community dominants were dissimilar (Fraxinus spp. vs. Liquidambar styraciflua, respectively). Pre-dam environmental conditions were unknown. Post-dam edaphic water content, organic matter, redox potential and microtopography differed significantly across tidal sites but were less variable in non-tidal sites. Shifts in the contemporary woody community composition and the concomitant increase in stem density and seedling:sapling ratios with elevation likely owed to significant changes in microtopography and edaphic attributes. Developing ecotones that contain variable microtopography may be extremely important for successful natural woody recruitment after dam removal from a tidal freshwater system.
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Growth of Age-0 Atlantic menhaden (BREVOORTIA TYRANNUS) in Two Tidal Freshwater Tributaries of Chesapeake BaySturke, Peter M. 08 July 2011 (has links)
Few studies have described growth rates of age-0 Atlantic menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus). Growth rates from tidal freshwater habitats of the Mattaponi and James Rivers, Virginia in 2009 were described and compared using otolith microstructural analyses. Larval tidal freshwater growth rates were significantly faster in the culturally eutrophic James River when compared to those collected from the Mattaponi River (p-value < 0.001). Elevated primary production within tidal freshwater habitats promotes favorable conditions for larval Atlantic menhaden growth. No differences between river habitats for juvenile growth rates were evident. Comparisons of age-0 growth rates to higher salinity habitats indicate that tidal freshwater habitats should be considered essential habitat for age-0 Atlantic menhaden.
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Spatial and Temporal Distributions of Larval Clupeid Fishes in a Tidal Freshwater Marsh ComplexAnderson, Philip Reid 01 January 2019 (has links)
Tidal freshwater wetlands provide valuable ecosystem services such as nutrient cycling, coastal flood control, and reproductive habitat for early life stages of economically and ecologically important fishes. The nutrient rich environments that tidal freshwater wetlands occur in support high levels of primary productivity of phytoplankton and vegetation that provide essential reproductive habitat for anadromous clupeid fishes (Alosa spp., Brevoortia tyrannus) in Chesapeake Bay tributaries. Seasonal retention of clupeid eggs and larvae within tidal freshwater habitats may enhance early growth, survival, and year class strength. The primary goal of the present study was to characterize the relative importance of tidal freshwater wetlands to the early life history stages of anadromous, migratory, and resident clupeid fishes in the lower James River. From 2014-2018, conical tow nets were used to collect ichthyoplankton samples from representative locations within the tidal freshwater marsh-creek complex of Curles Neck Creek, Virginia during the period of February through May. Boat electrofishing was used to sample juvenile target clupeids within the marsh-creek complex during March through November 2014-2018. A strong positive correlation between larval and juvenile Blueback Herring and Atlantic Menhaden, supported the hypothesis of seasonal in-system retention. This was the first published study to describe spatial and temporal patterns of occurrence of clupeid fishes with varying life history strategies in a tidal freshwater marsh and highlighted the importance of tidal freshwater marshes as nursery habitat.
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Tidal Controls on Denitrification in Coastal StreambedsKnights, Deon Hanley 27 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Sources and Fates of Nutrients in the Tidal, Freshwater James RiverIsenberg, William 18 April 2012 (has links)
Tidal freshwater reaches of estuaries may play an important role in mitigating nutrient fluxes from watersheds to the coastal zone due to their location at the interface between riverine and estuarine systems. We developed annual N and P budgets for the tidal, freshwater James River over 4 calendar years (2007-2010) taking into account riverine inputs at the Fall Line, local points sources (including CSO events), ungagued inputs, riverine outputs, and tidal exchange. The tidal freshwater James River experiences high areal loading rates of TN (383 mg/m2/d) and TP (70 mg/m2/d) due to the combined effects of large watershed area and local point source discharges. On an annual basis, riverine sources dominated TN and TP inputs (59% and 84%, respectively), whereas during low discharge summer months (May-Oct) point sources were more important. Proportional retention of TP inputs (59±7%) was greater than TN retention (27±4%) with annual absolute retention being 1,800±350 kg TP/d, and 5,900±2,700 kg TN/d. Proportional retention of TN and dissolved inorganic fractions of N and P was highest during the low discharge summer months due to reduced loading rates and increased residence times and biotic activity. TP retention was greatest during high discharge winter months (Nov-Apr) when loading rates were highest. High retention during this period of low biotic activity suggests that trapping of riverine derived particulate-bound P via sedimentation was an important mechanism of P retention. Understanding this seasonal variation in nutrient inputs and retention can help to inform management decisions regarding reducing nutrient inputs to the Chesapeake Bay and improving local water quality.
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The effects of saltwater intrusion on methanogen community abundance, structure, and activityGillespie, Jaimie 25 July 2013 (has links)
Tidal freshwater wetlands (TFW) are at significant risk of loss or alteration due to global climate change, and saltwater intrusion from sea level rise is of particular concern for these habitats due to their proximity to coastal areas. A space-for-time model was used to investigate the effects of saltwater intrusion on soil methanogen communities along naturally occurring salinity gradients on the Waccamaw, James, and Hudson Rivers. Amplification of the methyl coenzyme-M reductase (mcrA) functional gene was used in qPCR, reverse transcription qPCR, and T-RFLP to measure the abundance, activity, and community composition of soil methanogens. Both the abundance and activity of methanogens decreased with increasing salinity, and the both total and active methanogen community composition shifted in response to changes in salinity. This research demonstrates that saltwater intrusion will alter carbon cycling in TFWs, potentially altering their ability to sequester carbon and keep pace with rising sea level.
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Influence of Salinity Variations on the Desorption and Lability of Soil Organic Carbon Associated with Tidal Freshwater MarshesKoren, Lindsey Michelle 24 April 2009 (has links)
Tidal freshwater marshes (TFMs) are unique ecosystems that bridge the gap between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems and are important in the sequestration of soil organic carbon. With the ever changing global climate, TFMs are left vulnerable to downstream effects of rising sea level and salt water intrusion due to increases in flooding by saline waters. These changes often act over large spatial and temporal scales resulting in significant impacts to local and regional environments. This multidisciplinary study assessed the amount and lability of desorbed organic carbon in tidal freshwater marsh soils from the Waccamaw River Marsh, South Carolina and Sweet Hall, a marsh on the Pamunkey River, Virginia. Soils from each marsh were extracted at 0-35 practical salinity units (psu) and the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration, and carbon lability of the leachates were measured. At increasing levels of salinity, soil desorption amounts were higher in the Waccamaw River marsh interior and similar between the Waccamaw River creekbank and Sweet Hall levee. A larger fraction of desorbed DOC was consumed in the more organic soils from the Waccamaw River marsh in comparison to the more mineral soil from Sweet Hall Marsh. Finally, the rate of decay of the desorbed carbon was highest in the Sweet Hall levee soils, indicating more labile desorbed carbon, while the Waccamaw River Marsh soils had lower decay rates indicating less labile desorbed carbon. By understanding how salt water intrusion affects desorption and lability of soil organic carbon, in coastal marshes, we may be able to better understand how increasing sea levels may affect carbon storage in coastal ecosystems.
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A Study of Sediment Accretion Dynamics in Mature and Restored Tidal Freshwater Forested Wetlands in the James River Watershed using Surface Elevation Tables and Marker HorizonsLopez, Ronaldo 01 January 2017 (has links)
Sediment accretion and elevation change in tidal forests, and the corresponding ability of these wetlands to keep pace with sea-level rise (SLR), represent data gaps in our understanding of wetland sustainability. Surface Elevation Tables and marker horizons were installed in three mature tidal forests and a restored tidal marsh, allowing us to measure elevation change, accretion, and subsidence. Additionally, we measured predictor variables to test for their significance in explaining accretion and elevation change rates. Mean accretion at our sites was 11.67 +/- 3.01 mm yr-1 and mean elevation change was -20.22 +/- 8.10 mm yr-1, suggesting subsidence occurring beneath the sites. Processes contributing to accretion and elevation change at our sites may be driven by hydrologic patterns. Comparing our elevation trends with SLR trends suggests that our study sites may not keep pace with SLR. However, we may be observing short-term oscillations that do not indicate true long-term trends.
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Damming disrupts natural sediment flow to downstream resulting in legacy sediment accumulation. Legacy sediments have been well investigated in streams throughout the Piedmont region; however, there is no research of legacy sediments following dam removal in low-gradient Coastal Plain streams. Research objectives were to: characterize legacy sediments in a low-gradient stream restoration, quantify pre-impoundment accretion and carbon dynamics, and assess current sediment deposition rates via 14C analyses within sediment cores and sediment collection tiles. Carbon accumulation and accretion rates of modern tidal sediment have reached that of the tidal relic benchmark and current sediment deposition rates are similar between the natural reference and restored tidal wetlands. At this site, the pattern of legacy sediment accumulation and stream incision was reversed relative to previous studies in higher gradient systems. Results suggest in dam impacted Coastal Plain streams, legacy sediment may become a benefit rather than a liability for downstream tidal wetlands.
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