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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo de estacas de madeira para fundações de pontes de madeira / Study of timber piles for wooden bridges foundations

Miná, Alexandre José Soares 17 August 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo teórico e experimental de estacas de madeira, incluindo a instrumentação das fundações em estacas de madeira de uma ponte de madeira, com o objetivo de gerar recomendações para o projeto deste tipo de fundações para pontes de madeira de pequeno vão. O trabalho experimental foi feito em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa foram estudadas as propriedades mecânicas de estacas de madeira a partir de ensaios de flexão e compressão em peças roliças em tamanho estrutural e a partir de ensaios de flexão e compressão em corpos-de-prova de pequenas dimensões e isentos de defeitos (CPs). Na segunda etapa foram determinadas as propriedades do solo, por meio de sondagens, e das estacas cravadas por meio de ensaios de compressão paralela em CPs. Nessa etapa, de forma pioneira no Brasil, foi feita uma análise do comportamento de estacas de madeira imersas no solo, por meio de ensaio de carregamento dinâmico (PDA - Pile Driving Analyser). Os resultados mostram que estacas de madeira são excelentes elementos estruturais para uso em fundações / This work presents a theoretical and experimental study of timber piles, including the instrumentation of the timber piles of a wooden bridge foundation, in order to generate recommendations for the project of this type of foundations for small wooden bridges. The experimental work was made in two stages. In the first stage the mechanical properties of timber pile had been determined using bending and compression tests of structural size specimens and of small clear wood specimens. In the second stage the properties of the ground had been determined, by means of subsoil exploration, and of the timber piles by means parallel compression tests in small clear wood specimens. In this stage, first time in Brazil, an analysis of the behavior of timber piles in the ground was made, by means of Pile Diver Analyser (PDA). The results show that timber piles are excellent structural elements for use in foundations

Estudo de estacas de madeira para fundações de pontes de madeira / Study of timber piles for wooden bridges foundations

Alexandre José Soares Miná 17 August 2005 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta um estudo teórico e experimental de estacas de madeira, incluindo a instrumentação das fundações em estacas de madeira de uma ponte de madeira, com o objetivo de gerar recomendações para o projeto deste tipo de fundações para pontes de madeira de pequeno vão. O trabalho experimental foi feito em duas etapas. Na primeira etapa foram estudadas as propriedades mecânicas de estacas de madeira a partir de ensaios de flexão e compressão em peças roliças em tamanho estrutural e a partir de ensaios de flexão e compressão em corpos-de-prova de pequenas dimensões e isentos de defeitos (CPs). Na segunda etapa foram determinadas as propriedades do solo, por meio de sondagens, e das estacas cravadas por meio de ensaios de compressão paralela em CPs. Nessa etapa, de forma pioneira no Brasil, foi feita uma análise do comportamento de estacas de madeira imersas no solo, por meio de ensaio de carregamento dinâmico (PDA - Pile Driving Analyser). Os resultados mostram que estacas de madeira são excelentes elementos estruturais para uso em fundações / This work presents a theoretical and experimental study of timber piles, including the instrumentation of the timber piles of a wooden bridge foundation, in order to generate recommendations for the project of this type of foundations for small wooden bridges. The experimental work was made in two stages. In the first stage the mechanical properties of timber pile had been determined using bending and compression tests of structural size specimens and of small clear wood specimens. In the second stage the properties of the ground had been determined, by means of subsoil exploration, and of the timber piles by means parallel compression tests in small clear wood specimens. In this stage, first time in Brazil, an analysis of the behavior of timber piles in the ground was made, by means of Pile Diver Analyser (PDA). The results show that timber piles are excellent structural elements for use in foundations

Système de fondation sur pieux bois : une technique millénaire pour demain / System of timber pile foundation : an old technique for today

Christin, Jérôme 09 September 2013 (has links)
La France possède un patrimoine très riche d'ouvrages d'art et de bâtiments fondés sur des pieux en bois. Les ponts construits sur la Loire, sur la Seine, le château de Chambord ou encore le Grand Palais à Paris en sont quelques exemples. Cependant, malgré un parc français important d'ouvrages bâtis sur des pieux en bois, le retour d'expérience sur la portance résiduelle et l'état de dégradation de leurs fondations est faible et non capitalisé. Les principaux objectifs de ce travail, qui s'intègre dans le projet Pieux Bois, sont d'une part, de définir une méthodologie d'analyse des fondations en bois des ouvrages visant à évaluer leur état de dégradation, et d'autre part, de proposer une méthode de dimensionnement des pieux en bois s'appuyant sur les caractéristiques pressiométriques des terrains. L'état de l'art réalisé dans le cadre de ce projet a permis d'identifier une centaine de ponts français construits sur des pieux en bois entre le Moyen-Âge et l'époque industrielle, principalement situés dans le lit des fleuves et de leurs affluents. Les désordres relevés sur ces ouvrages ainsi que les solutions de confortement mises en œuvre pour assurer leur pérennité ont été établis. La méthodologie d'analyse présentée dans un guide d'inspection des fondations en bois élaboré aux Pays-Bas a été validée lors de l'évaluation de l'état de dégradation des pieux de fondation d'un viaduc ferroviaire situé à proximité de Bordeaux. Les propriétés mécaniques de l'interface entre le sol (limon) et le bois ont été étudiées à partir d'une campagne d'essais en laboratoire à la boîte de cisaillement direct. Des essais de cisaillement d'interface avec le mortier et l'acier ont également été réalisés. L'influence de la rugosité des matériaux et de la teneur en eau du limon sur les propriétés de résistance d'interface a été examinée. Les essais de cisaillement en laboratoire ont été complétés par la réalisation de deux plots expérimentaux sur lesquels des pieux en bois ont été battus et chargés en compression. Les pieux ont été préalablement munis d'un système d'instrumentation accueillant un chapelet d'extensomètres amovibles. Les résultats de ces essais de chargement ont été intégrés dans une base de données d'essais de pieux en bois construite à partir de données publiées dans la littérature. La démarche mise en œuvre pour établir les règles pressiométriques présentées dans la nouvelle norme d'application nationale de l'Eurocode 7 a été reprise et modifiée. Les études statistiques menées à partir de cette base de données ont permis de proposer un modèle de calcul des résistances de pointe et de frottement des pieux en bois battus dans les argiles limons et les sables graves / Many buildings and bridges built on timber pile foundations still stand in France. The bridges on rivers “Loire” and “Seine”, the castle of Chambord, the “Grand Palais” in Paris are a few examples of French monuments founded on timber piles. However, despite a large number of buildings and bridges constructed in France, the feedback on the residual bearing capacity and the degradation of timber piles is scarce. The main objectives of this work, which is part of the “Pieux Bois” national research project, are, on the one hand, to define a methodology in order to analyze timber pile foundations degradation, and on the other hand, to propose a design method of timber piles based on the results obtained from pressuremeter tests. The state of the art made in the national project identified about one hundred French bridges built on timber piles between the Middle Ages and the industrial era. They are mainly located in basins of rivers. Pathologies were observed on bridges and reinforcement solutions were implemented in order to avoid any future problems. The methodology for the inspection of timber pile foundations given in the Dutch guide was applied to investigate the degradation of timber piles under an existing railway bridge near Bordeaux. Series of laboratory tests were carried out on soil (silt) and wood with a direct shear box. The mechanical properties of the interface were studied. Shear tests between mortar, steel and silt were also carried out. The influence of material roughness and silt moisture content on the shear strength properties of the interface was examined. In addition, timber piles were driven and loaded on two experimental sites. The timber piles were instrumented with removable extensometers. The results of these load tests were included in a database which contained timber piles loading test results published in literature. The approach adopted to establish the design method of deep foundation based on the results obtained from pressuremeter tests described in the new national standard for application of Eurocode 7 was modified. A new model of calculation of timber piles shaft and base resistance driven in clay silt and sand gravels was determined with statistical studies from this database

Analýza zatěžovací zkoušky piloty / Analysis of pile load test

Ponížil, Cyril January 2017 (has links)
There is ussualy used the Masopust's method to assessment the piles in Czech Republic. This method is based on statistical processing of large data set of load piles tests. Due to the using of regression coefficients this method is relatively complicated and not very transparent. Instead, foreign standards ussualy use direct the values of limit stress on the base of piles and unit friction capacity. Procedure for determining the bearing capacity of the piles is thus considerably simplified. In this thesis the Masopust's method is compared with the methods used in Germany and Austria. This comparison provides insight to the safety level that include various approaches.

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