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Approche transculturelle et différentielle des rythmes scolaires : étude de l'évolution journalière et hebdomadaire de l'attention chez des élèves irakiens et émiratis / Cross-cultural approach and differential of school rhythms, study of evolution of the daily and weekly attention of students in Iraq and U.A.E.Tameemi, Asmaa 18 November 2011 (has links)
L’étude proposée s’inscrit dans le cadre des recherches portant sur les fluctuations des performances attentionnelles dans le domaine de l’éducation, et plus précisément dans les écoles primaires. Elle a pour objectif de montrer, dans une perspective différentielle, l’impact du moment de la journée et des jours de la semaine sur les performances attentionnelles, d’une part, et sur les variations hebdomadaires des durées du sommeil d’autre part, selon l’âge, le sexe et l’origine géographique des enfants. L’attention et ses variations ont été évaluées à partir d’épreuves de barrage de nombres. Nous avons pu mesurer les variations attentionnelles dans deux pays : l’Irak et les Émirats Arabes Unis. Afin de pouvoir procéder à l’identification des performances, 223 élèves, dans deux pays arabes, dont 103 garçons et 120 filles, sont répartis selon deux niveaux d’études : CP (5-7 ans) et CM2 (10-12ans). Ces enfants sont soumis à des tests d’attention (barrage de nombres), à différents moments de la journée : quatre fois par jour (8h, 10h30, 11h, 13, aux Émirats Arabes Unis, et à 8h, 11h5, 11h25, 12h45 en Irak) et pendant les jours de classe: dimanche, lundi, mardi,mercredi, et jeudi. Pour étudier la durée du sommeil chez nos sujets nous avons utilisé un agenda du sommeil. On l’a mesurée pour les nuits de la semaine de l’expérimentation (samedi/ dimanche, dimanche/ lundi, lundi/ mardi, mardi/mercredi, mercredi/vendredi et vendredi/ samedi). Les résultats indiquent que les performances attentionnelles fluctuent différemment selon les moments de la journée et les jours de la semaine aussi bien chez les élèves de CP que ceux de CM2. Par ailleurs, les durées de sommeil nocturne fluctuent au cours de la semaine différemment selon l’emploi du temps hebdomadaire. Ces résultats viennent compléter les réflexions menées sur les moments propices pour une bonne réflexion, et permettent de souligner la place prépondérante de l’âge, du sexe, de l’origine géographique des élèves. En effet, ces données diffèrent selon l’origine géographique des élèves (pays moyen orient : Irak, Émirats Arabes Unis, d’une part, France, d’autre part) ou selon les emplois du temps proposé. / The proposed study appears with in the framework of the research concerned with the fluctuations of the attention performance in the field of education, specifically in the primary schools. It aims at showing, in a developmental and differential perspective, the impact of the moment of daily performance, and weekly variations of sleep duration, according to age, sex and geographic background of the children. In order to be able to conduct the identification of the performances, we are able to measure changes in attention in two countries namely: Iraq and the United Arab Emirates. In order to proceed with the identification of performances, 223 students in two Arab countries, including 103 boys and 120 girls, are divided into two age groups (CP (5-7 years), CM2 (10-12 years). These children are, in the same way to tests of attention (dam of numbers), given to tests of simulated conduct, at different moments of the day: four times a day, on different days of the week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. To study the duration of sleep in our subjects we used a sleep diary. It was measured by the nights of the week of the experiment (Saturday / Sunday, Sunday / Monday / Tuesday, Tuesday / Wednesday, Wednesday / Friday and Friday / Saturday). The results indicate that attention performance fluctuates differently in various times of day and the day of the week as well as among students in CP than CM2. In addition, nighttime sleep durations fluctuate during the week differently depending on the weekly schedule. These results complete the reflections on the good moments for reflection, and can highlight the prominence of age, gender, geographic background of students, these data differ according to the geographic background of students (middle Eastern countries: Iraq, United Arab Emirates, on the one hand, France, on the other) or in the schedules proposed.
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Vliv věku, pohlaví a pohybové aktivity na úroveň reakčních schopností dolních končetin u pubescentů / The Influence of age, gender and movement activity on the reaction abilities of lower limbs by pubescentsBrychta, Petr January 2015 (has links)
Title: The influence of age, gender and movement activity on the reaction abilities of lower limbs. Objectives: The main objective of this dissertation was to find the reaction abilities of pubescent's (aged 10 - 15years) lower limbs on the basis of age, gender and movement activity. The further aim was to determine the pubescence period (age) when the most noticeable decrease of the visual disjunctive motor response time of lower limbs occurs. Methods: 214 boys and girls aged 10-15 years (157.8 ± 10.8 cm; 47.2 ± 10.7 kg) participated in this research. Simple, choice and disjunctive reaction time of lower limbs was measured through the Fitro Agility Check test. The results processing, including statistical procedures, was carried out using the Matlab (MathWorks, Inc.) programming environment, an IBM SPSS Statistics 22. Three-way ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc tests (α=0.05) were used to determine the individual parameters connection. Results: With increasing age, year over year, we found important differences and reaction time decreases of all types of reaction speeds. Testing brings to light the fact that the most noticeable decrease of both selection and disjunctive reaction time of lower limbs are between groups of 11 year olds (11.00-11.99) and 12 year olds (12.00-12.99). The most noticeable decrease...
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Vliv věku, pohlaví a pohybové aktivity na úroveň reakčních schopností dolních končetin u pubescentů / The Influence of age, gender and movement activity on the reaction abilities of lower limbs by pubescentsBrychta, Petr January 2015 (has links)
Title: The influence of age, gender and movement activity on the reaction abilities of lower limbs. Objectives: The main objective of this dissertation was to find the reaction abilities of pubescent's (aged 10 - 15years) lower limbs on the basis of age, gender and movement activity. The further aim was to determine the pubescence period (age) when the most noticeable decrease of the visual disjunctive motor response time of lower limbs occurs. Methods: 214 boys and girls aged 10-15 years (157.8 ± 10.8 cm; 47.2 ± 10.7 kg) participated in this research. Simple, choice and disjunctive reaction time of lower limbs was measured through the Fitro Agility Check test. The results processing, including statistical procedures, was carried out using the Matlab (MathWorks, Inc.) programming environment, an IBM SPSS Statistics 22. Three-way ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc tests (α=0.05) were used to determine the individual parameters connection. Results: With increasing age, year over year, we found important differences and reaction time decreases of all types of reaction speeds. Testing brings to light the fact that the most noticeable decrease of both selection and disjunctive reaction time of lower limbs are between groups of 11 year olds (11.00-11.99) and 12 year olds (12.00-12.99). The most noticeable decrease...
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Uticaj starosti i dužine radnog staža na reakciono vreme kod profesionalnih vozača / The effect of aging and driving experience on reaction times of professional driversPeričević Medić Sonja 16 October 2020 (has links)
<p>Profesionalnim vozačima osnovno zanimanje je upravljanje motornim vozilom. Izvođenje radnih zadatka podrazumeva stalnu napregnutost pažnje vezanu za vidne i zvučne podražaje koji se brzo smenjuju, što zahteva da vozač adekvatno i tačno reaguje na promene. Prijem informacija, obrada, donošenje odluke i izvršavanje motornog odgovora su procesi koji prate jedni druge i čine vreme percepcije-reakcije (VPR). Uslovi i zahtevi rada za profesionalne vozače su isti i za mlađe i starije radnike i povezani su sa velikom odgovornošću za ljudske živote i materijalna dobra, bez obzira na to što je poznato, da se radna sposobnost menja zbog prirodnog procesa starenja. Merenje i utvrđivanje vrednosti VPR je važan deo ispitivanja u okviru procene zdravstvene sposobnosti za bezbednu vožnju. Ciljevi: Utvrđivanje vrednosti VPR kod profesionalnih vozača i poređenje sa kontrolnom grupom. Ispitivanje uticaja starosti i vozačkog iskustva na VPR kod profesionalnih vozača. Materijal i metode : Ova studija procenjuje deo sposobnosti profesionalnih vozača merenjem VPR prostog i složenog, važnih za sigurnost u vožnji. Istraživanje je sprovedeno u vremenskom periodu od devet meseci i obuhvatilo je 548 ispitanika muškog pola, starosti od 21 do 65 godina. Eksperimentalnu grupu je činilo 278 ispitanika (profesionalni vozači), a kontrolnu 270 ispitanika kojima osnovno zanimanje nije profesionalna vožnja. Testiranje je izvedeno pomoću hardversko-softverskog sistema za određivanje vrednosti VPR na proste i složene audio-vizuelne podražaje. Merenja su sprovedena na tri nivoa težine zadatka: prosto VPR, i testovi složenog VPR na promenu pozicije podražaja i vrste boje. Rezultati: Utvrđene su značajno niže srednje vrednosti VPR na sva tri nivoa testiranja u grupi profesionalnih vozača u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom. Utvrđena je pozitivna povezanost srednjih vrednosti VPR sa godinama života i dužinom profesionalnog vozačkog radnog staža na svim testovima u grupi profesionalnih vozača. Nisu utvrđene značajne razlike u procentu pogrešnih odgovora u odnosu na životno doba i dužinu vozačkog staža, što govori o pozitivnim efektima profesionalne prakse u vožnji. Nisu utvrđene značajne razlike srednjih vrednosti VPR kod vozača u gradskom ili međugradskom saobraćaju, kao i u odnosu na broj pređenih kilometara mesečno na svim testovima. Obeležja poput starosti (godine života), profesionalne prakse (iskustvo u godinama profesionalne vožnje), neke promene zdravstvenog stanja (postojanje bolesti ili drugih poremećaja) u grupi profesionalnih vozača pokazale su se kao prediktori sa značajnim nivoom povezanosti sa vrednostima VPR. Metodom višestruke regresione analize smo ispitali smo povezanost vrednosti VPR sa posmatranim prediktorima kada ih analiziramo zajedno uzimajući u obzir njihovu međusobnu interakciju. Regresioni model pokazuje kako skup posmatranih obeležja predviđa promene VPR. Zaključak: Utvrđene vrednosti i prediktivni model promena VPR profesionalnih vozača mogu biti korisni podaci u svakodnevnom radu zdravstvenim ustanovama koje procenjuju vozačku sposobnost, kako bi se identifikovali potencijalno rizični vozači sa višim vrednostima VPR, zamorenih i osoba sa početnim oštećenjima nervnog sistema, sklonih povredama u saobraćaju i na radu, u cilju prevencije saobraćajnih udesa i povreda, kao i osiguranja da vozači imaju sposobnosti neophodne za bezbednu vožnju. Utvrđene vrednosti VPR mogle bi naći primenu pri oceni radne sposobnosti i kod radnika na drugim zanimanjima gde se očekuje brza i tačna reakcija na određeni podražaj.</p> / <p>The term professional driver refers to people whose main occupation is driving a motor vehicle. Performing work tasks implies a constant strain of attention related to visual and audible stimuli that change quickly, which requires the driver to respond adequately and accurately to changes. Receiving information, processing, making a decision and executing a motor response are processes that accompany each other and make up the perception-reaction time (PRT). The working conditions and requirements for professional drivers are the same for both younger and older workers and are associated with great responsibility for human lives and material goods, regardless of the fact that it is known that working ability changes due to the natural aging process. Measuring and determining the value of PRT is an important part of testing as part of the assessment of health fitness for safe driving. Aims: Determination of PRT values in professional drivers and comparison with the control group. Examination of the effects of aging and driving experience on the PRT of professional drivers. Material and methods: This study assesses part of the ability of professional drivers by measuring simple and complex PRT important for driving safety. The study was conducted over a period of nine months and included 548 male respondents, aged 21 to 65 years. The experimental group consisted of 278 respondents (professional drivers), and the control group consisted of 270 respondents whose main occupation is not professional driving. Testing was performed using a hardware-software system to determine the value of PRT on simple and complex audio-visual stimuli. Measurements were carride out at three levels of task difficulty: simple PRT, and complex PRT tests to change stimuli position and color type. Results: Significantly lower PRT mean values were found at all three levels of testing in the group of professional drivers compared to the control group. A positive correlation was found between the mean PRT values with age and experience of professional driving on all tests in the group of professional drivers. No significant differences were found in the percentage of incorrect answers in relation to the age and driving experience, which shows the positive effects of professional driving practice. No significant differences were found in the mean PRT values on all tests for drivers in urban or interurban traffic and in relation to the number of kilometers per month. Individual characteristics as, aging, professional practice (experience in years of professional driving), changes in health status (existence of diseases or other disorders) in the group of professional drivers showed to be predictors with a significant level of correlation with PRT values. Using the method of multiple regression analysis, we examined the correlation of PRT values with the observed predictors when we analyze them together, taking into account their mutual interaction.The regression model shows how the set of observed features predicts changes in PRT. Conclusion: The determined values and the predictive model of changes PRT of professional drivers can be useful data in the daily work of health institutions that assess driving ability, in order to identify potentially risky drivers with higher PRT values,, tired and people with initial nervous system damage, prone to traffic injuries and at work, in order to prevent traffic accidents and injuries, as well as to ensure that drivers have the skills necessary for safe driving. The determined values of PRT could be used in the assessment of work ability and in workers in other occupations where a quick and accurate response to a particular stimulus is expected.</p>
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