Spelling suggestions: "subject:"total iip arthroplasty"" "subject:"total imip arthroplasty""
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Aspects on treatment of femoral neck fractures : studies on treatment methods, surgical approach and external validity / Aspekter på behandling av lårbensfrakturerMukka, Sebastian January 2015 (has links)
Femoral neck fracture (FNF) is a great challenge for today´s health care and is associated with high mortality and morbidity in the elderly. In the short term several studies in the literature have demonstrated improved hip function, quality of life and fewer re-operations in elderly patients treated with total hip arthroplasty (THA) instead of internal fixation (IF). There are few reports on the long-term outcome comparing IF and THA. The vast majority of orthopaedic departments in Sweden use the direct lateral (DL) or posteriolateral (PL) approaches for hip arthroplasty. The PL approach has been linked to an increased risk of dislocation of the prosthesis and a higher rate of revision surgery in comparison to the DL approach. There are few reports focusing on radiological risk factors for prosthetic dislocation and patient reported hip function comparing the two surgical approaches for hip arthroplasty in FNF. The randomized controlled trial (RCT) is the gold standard for evaluating medical or surgical interventions. An RCT of high quality has to be internally and externally valid. Internal validity refers to a correct study design to avoid bias skewing the results. External validity (EV) refers to whether the results will be clinically relevant to a definable group of patients and can be extrapolated to the general health care situation. There are only a few reports in the orthopaedic literature focusing on the EV of published studies and none in the field of hip fractures. Study I: This is a RCT of 100 patients with a displaced FNF comparing THA and IF. Follow-up evaluations were performed at three months and 1, 2, 4, 11 and 17 years. It was found that the Harris hip score (HHS) was higher and the rate of reoperations lower for patients treated with THA. Study II: This is a prospective cohort study of 185 hips, comparing the DL and the PL approaches in patients treated with a hemiarthroplasty (HA) for a displaced FNF. Follow-up was after 1 year. There was no difference in patient reported outcome between the groups measured with the HHS and WOMAC index. The PL approach resulted in a higher re-operation rate while the DL approach in a higher incidence of limping. Study III: This is a retrospective cohort study of 373 patients with a cemented bipolar HA using a PL approach for a FNF with a follow-up ranging from 6 months to 7 years. Radiographs and all surgical records were reviewed regarding femoral offset (FO), leg length discrepancy (LLD) and Wiberg angle. Patients with recurrent dislocations had a decreased postoperative FO, LLD and shallower acetabulum on the operated side compared with their controls. Study IV: This is a prospective cohort study of 840 hips comparing patients included in a RCT with those that did not give their informed consent (NC) or did not fulfill the criteria for participating in the trial (MS). Patients in the NC and MS groups had an increased mortality rate in comparison to those included in the study. We did not find any differences in hip function between these groups. The main conclusions of this thesis are: Healthy and lucid elderly patients with good hip function preoperatively, should be treated with THA for a displaced FNF. The DL approach is favourable in treating displaced FNF with HA due to its decreased risk of reoperation but with an identical hip function outcome as the PL approach. Care should be taken to restore the LLD and FO otherwise this may increase the risk of recurrent dislocation of a HA. Our findings suggest that trial participants had a lower mortality rate than non-participants but the functional outcome of non-participants appeared to be satisfactory. This is important to take into consideration when extrapolating study results to a health care system. / Lårbenshalsfrakturer (FNF) är en utmaning för dagens sjukvård och förknippad med hög mortalitet i den äldre befolkningen. FNF orsakas främst av lågenergitrauma efter fall i samma plan hos patienter med benskörhet. Total höftledsprotes (THA) har visat sig ge en bättre höftfunktion, livskvalitet med färre omoperationer hos äldre patienter än sluten reposition samt fixering med skruvar (IF) under de första två-fyra åren efter operation. Få studier har publicerats med långtidsuppföljning av THA jämfört med IF. Vid behandling av felställd FNF med halv höftledsplastik (HA) eller THA finns olika kirurgiska metoder (snittföring) för implantation av protesen. Majoriteten av ortopedkliniker i Sverige använder direkt lateral (DL) eller posteriolateral (PL) snittföring. PL har kopplats till en ökad risk för luxation av protesen (urledsvridning), vilket i sin tur genererat en högre risk för omoperation jämfört med DL. Få studier har utvärderat höftfunktion med avseende på snittföring. Detsamma gäller vilka radiologiska faktorer som påverkar risken förprotesluxation. Det finns olika typer av studiedesigner för utvärdering av medicinska och kirurgiska behandlingsmetoder. Studiedesignen med högst bevisvärde anses vara den randomiserade kontrollerade studien (RCT). För att en RCT skall hålla hög kvalitet krävs intern och extern validitet. Intern validitet syftar på ett korrekt studieupplägg som mäter det som avses och undviker påverkan av icke önskvärda faktorer. Extern validitet (EV) innebär att erhållna resultat från studien är generaliserbara och kan extrapoleras till andra grupper än den studerade. Det inga rapporter i ortopediska litteraturen med fokus på EV med patienter som drabbats av FNF. Studie I: Prospektiv randomiserad studie av 100 patienter med en felställd FNF jämförs THA med IF med avseende på höftfunktion och reoperationer. Uppföljning gjordes efter tre månader samt 1, 2, 4, 11 och 17 år. HHS som mått på höftfunktion var högre och andelen reoperationer lägre för patienter som behandlades med THA. Studie II: Prospektiv kohortstudie med 183 patienter med felställd FNF behandlade med HA och antingen DL eller PL. Vi fann ingen skillnad i patientrapporterad höftfunktion utvärderat med HHS och WOMAC efter 1 år men en ökad förekomst av hälta vid DL. Studie III: Retrospektiv kohortstudie av 373 patienter opererade med en cementerad bipolär HA och PL. Postoperativa röntgenbilder granskades avseende femoral offset (FO), postoperativ benlägdsskillnad (LLD) samt acetabulär Wibergvinkel och relaterades till återkommande protesluxationer. Detta relaterades till återkommande luxationer. Uppföljningstiden varierade mellan 6 månader och 7 år. Patienter med återkommande luxationer hade en minskad postoperativ global FO, förkortad LLD och grundare acetabulum på den opererade sidan jämfört med kontroller. Studie IV: Prospektiv kohortstudie av 840 patienter med felställd FNF där patienter som ingick i en RCT jämförs med de som inte gav sitt samtycke för deltagande eller ej inkluderats i screeningprocessen. De patienterna som inte gav sitt samtycke hade ökad dödlighet, men ingen skillnad i höftfunktion jämfört med deltagare. Slutsatser • Friska och kognitivt vitala äldre patienter med god höftfunktion innan en felställd lårbenshalsfraktur bör behandlas med total höftledsprotes. • DLsnittföring ger ett lika bra patientrapporterad höftfunktion men en ökad förekomst av hälta jämfört med PL snitt vid behandling med halvprotes på grund av en felställd lårbenshalsfraktur. • Ansträngning bör göras för att återställa benlängdsskillnad samtfemoral offset och därigenom minska risken för återkommande luxation. • Våra resultat tyder på att patienter som deltar i en randomiserad studie har lägre dödlighet än patienter som avböjt att delta samt de som missats i screeningprocessen. Det är viktigt att ta hänsyn till när extrapolerar studieresultat till ett hälso-och sjukvårdssystem. Detta bör vägas in i värderingen av studieresultatens externa validitet.
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Ολική αρθροπλαστική ισχίου με μεταλλικές αρθρούμενες επιφάνειες, συναρμολογούμενους μεταβλητούς αυχένες και μεγάλες κεφαλές. Μελέτη της εμβιομηχανικής συμπεριφοράς της και συσχέτιση με την κλινική και ακτινολογική πορεία των ασθενώνΓεωργίου, Χρήστος 05 February 2015 (has links)
Λόγω των θεωρητικών πλεονεκτημάτων τους, τα συστήματα ισχίου που συνδυάζουν
μεταβλητούς αυχένες και μεγάλες κεφαλές απέκτησαν βαθμιαία μεγάλη
δημοτικότητα. Όμως, μεταξύ των άλλων, ανησυχίες διατυπώθηκαν για τις αλλαγές
που τα συστήματα αυτά επιφέρουν στο πρότυπο των φορτίσεων στο εγγύς μηριαίο.
Πράγματι, πρόσφατες αναλύσεις φορτίσεων έδειξαν ότι η χρήση των
συναρμολογούμενων αυχένων και των μεγάλων κεφαλών αλλάζει σημαντικά την
κατανομή των φορτίων κατά μήκος του μηριαίου. Η αρχική μας υπόθεση είναι ότι οι
μεταβολές αυτές επηρεάζουν την πρώιμη άπω μετανάστευση του μηριαίου στυλεού.
Εξετάσαμε, κατόπιν, την επίδραση της διαμέτρου της κεφαλής και της γεωμετρίας
του αυχένα στην μετανάστευση του στυλεού μετά δύο χρόνια παρακολούθησης σε
μια σειρά 116 ασθενών (125 ισχίων), οι οποίοι υποβλήθηκαν σε πρωτογενή ΜοΜ
ΟΑΙ με την εγγύς αρθρωτή πρόθεση Profemur®E (Wright Medical Technology Inc.,
Arlington, TN) συνδυασμένη με κεφαλές μεγάλης διαμέτρου (≥40mm). Βρήκαμε ότι
η επιλογή της γεωμετρίας του αυχένα και της διαμέτρου της κεφαλής δεν είχε καμία
επίδραση στην μετανάστευση του στυλεού. Μία πολυπαραγοντική ανάλυση
παλινδρόμησης που περιέλαβε τους συγχυτικούς παράγοντες του δείκτη μάζας
σώματος, της ποιότητας του οστού, της πλήρωσης του αυλού σε διάφορες θέσεις και
της θέσης τοποθέτησης του στυλεού απεκάλυψε μόνο μια αρνητική συσχέτιση μεταξύ
της καθίζησης και της πλήρωσης του αυλού στο ύψος της μέσης του στυλεού. Η
στατιστική ανάλυση δεν επιβεβαίωσε την αρχική μας υπόθεση ότι η επιλογή της
γεωμετρίας του αυχένα και/ή της διαμέτρου της κεφαλής επηρεάζει την πρώιμη άπω
μετανάστευση του στυλεού. Απεδείχθη όμως η σημασία της σωστής εκτίμησης του
μεγέθους του στυλεού.
Για να διερευνήσουμε παραπέρα αν τα διαφορετικά πρότυπα φορτίσεων των
διαφόρων κατευθύνσεων του αυχένα και των διαφορετικών διαμέτρων της κεφαλής
παίζουν κάποιο ρόλο στην αυξημένη συχνότητα χαλάρωσης, σχεδιάσαμε μια
ανάλυση πεπερασμένων στοιχείων και χρησιμοποιήσαμε σαν πρότυπο το σύστημα με
τον ευθύ αυχένα και την κεφαλή των 28 χιλ. Χρησιμοποιώντας στοιχεία που
προήλθαν από αξονικές τομογραφίες, αλλά και τη χρήση μιας σταθερής μετρητικής
μηχανής, ένα πτωματικό μηριαίο και ο αρθρωτός στυλεός Profemur®E
ψηφιοποιήθηκαν πλήρως, οδηγώντας μέσω του λογισμικού ANSYS Workbench σε
ένα τρισδιάστατο μοντέλο πεπερασμένων στοιχείων. Αρχικά, προσδιορίσθηκαν τα
φορτία και οι παραμορφώσεις, εστιάζοντας σε ορισμένες περιοχές κατά μήκος του
μηριαίου: στο μηριαίο πλήκτρο και στην εξωτερική επιφάνεια κάτω από τον μείζονα
τροχαντήρα, στην περιοχή του άκρου του στυλεού, καθώς και κατά μήκος της
τραχείας γραμμής. Η ανάλυση των πεπερασμένων στοιχείων απέδειξε ότι η χρήση
των μεγάλων κεφαλών προκαλεί σημαντικές αλλαγές στις παραμορφώσεις μέσα στον
οστικό όγκο, σε σχέση με το μοντέλο με την κεφαλή των 28 χιλ. Στην εξωτερική
επιφάνεια του μηριαίου, κατά μήκος της τραχείας γραμμής και στο άκρο του στυλεού
η αύξηση της διαμέτρου οδηγεί σε αύξηση των παραμορφώσεων, ενώ στην περιοχή
του μηριαίου πλήκτρου συμβαίνει το αντίθετο.
Κατόπιν υπολογίσθηκαν οι μέσες τιμές των παραμορφώσεων για καθεμία από τις 11
γεωμετρίες του αυχένα, εστιάζοντας σε συγκεκριμένες περιοχές ενδιαφέροντος: στην
έσω πλευρά του μηριαίου στο μηριαίο πλήκτρο, στην έξω πλευρά στην περιοχή κάτω
από τον μείζονα τροχαντήρα, καθώς επίσης στην πρόσθια και οπίσθια επιφάνεια του
μηριαίου και σε μια κυκλική περιοχή γύρω από το άκρο του στυλεού. Συγκρινόμενοι
με το σύστημα με τον ευθύ αυχένα, ο αυχένας με πρόσθια κλίση 15° έδειξε μια
αύξηση 17% και 17.7% στην πρόσθια και οπίσθια επιφάνεια του μηριαίου καιφαίνεται να είναι ο πιο επικίνδυνος. Ο ίδιος αυχένας έδειξε τη μεγαλύτερη αύξηση
των παραμορφώσεων στην εξωτερική περιοχή ενδιαφέροντος (13%) και στο μηριαίο
πλήκτρο (5%). Στην περιοχή του άκρου του στυλεού η μεγαλύτερη αύξηση
καταγράφηκε με τον διπλής γωνίας βλαισό-οπίσθιας κλίσης αυχένα (15.4%), ενώ με
τον 15° πρόσθιας κλίσης ήταν 11%.
Πιστεύουμε, πάντως, ότι η δημοσιευμένη μεγαλύτερη συχνότητα άσηπτης
χαλάρωσης των συγκεκριμένων συστημάτων δεν μπορεί να εξηγηθεί με τα ευρήματα
αυτής της μελέτης. Αντίθετα η εξήγηση πρέπει να αναζητηθεί στη βιοδραστικότητα
των μεταλλικών ιόντων που παράγονται από τις ΜοΜ συνδέσεις και όχι μόνο στην
εμβιομηχανική αυτών των συστημάτων. / Due to their theoretical advantages, hip systems combining modular necks and large
diameter femoral heads have gained gradually popularity. However, among others,
concerns regarding changes in the load transfer patterns were raised. Recent stress
analyses have indeed shown that the use of modular necks and big femoral heads
alters significantly the strain distribution along the femur. Our original hypothesis was
that these changes may affect early distal migration of a modular stem. We examined
the effect of head diameter and neck geometry on migration at two years of follow-up
in a case series of 116 patients (125 hips), who have undergone primary Metal-on-
Metal THA with the modular grit-blasted Profemur®E (Wright Medical Technology
Inc., Arlington, TN) stem combined with large-diameter heads (≥40mm). We found
that choice of neck geometry and head diameter has no effect on stem migration. A
multivariate regression analysis including the confounding variables of the body mass
index, bone quality, canal fill and stem positioning revealed only a negative
correlation between subsidence and canal fill in midstem area. Statistical analysis
didn’t confirm our hypothesis that choice of neck geometry and/or head diameter
affects early distal migration of a modular stem. However, the importance of correct
stem sizing was revealed.
In order to further investigate whether the different strain distributions of the various
neck geometries and head diameters play a role in the increased rate of loosening, we
designed a Finite Element Analysis (FEA) and used as reference the loading behavior
of the straight-neck system with the 28 mm head. Using data acquired by Computed
Tomographies and a Coordinate Measurement Machine, a cadaveric femur and a
Profemur-E modular stem were fully digitized, leading to a three dimensional finite
element model in ANSYS Workbench. Firstly, strains and stresses were calculated, focusing on areas of clinical interest: the calcar and below the greater trochanter in the
proximal femur, the stem tip region and a profile line along linea aspera. The
performed FE analysis revealed that the use of large heads produces significant
changes in strain development within the bone volume, with respect to the reference
model featuring a typical femoral head of 28mm. In the lateral side, along linea aspera
and for the stem tip area increasing the head diameter, results in strain rise, while in
the calcar area the opposite is observed.
Mean strain values, for each of the 11 available neck geometries were then calculated,
focusing on specific regions of interest (ROIs) as a whole: medially the calcar and
laterally the area below the greater trochanter, as well as, the anterior and the posterior
surfaces of the femur and a circumferential area around the stem tip. Compared with
the straight neck system, the 15° anteverted neck system showed an increase of 17%
and 17.7% in the mean strain developed at the anterior and posterior ROIs
respectively and seems to be the most precarious. The same neck showed the greatest
strain increase also at the lateral ROI (13%) and at the calcar (5%). At the stem tip the
greatest increase was recorded with the double-angled valgus-retroverted neck
(15.4%), while for the 15° anteverted neck was 11%.
We believe, however, that the reported higher incidence of aseptic loosening of
modular-neck stems cannot be confirmed only by the findings of this study. Instead,
the explanation should be sought also in the bioreactivity of the metal ions generated
by the metal-on-metal junctions and not in the biomechanics of these systems alone.
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Využití NIC a NOC klasifikací u pacientů s totální endoprotézou kyčelního kloubu. / Usage of NIC and NOC clasifications on patients with complete artificial hip joint.KULHÁNKOVÁ, Barbora January 2016 (has links)
Abstract The theoretical part of the thesis entitled The Use of NIC and NOC Classifications at Patients with the Total Hip Arthroplasty deals with the problem of the total hip replacement, educating patients before surgery and the regime which must be observed by the patient during the hospitalization and when being discharged from the hospital to home nursing. Further, the nurse has been described as a provider of rehabilitation nursing cooperating with the physiotherapist. The thesis is concerned with the nursing process, it preoccupies with the terminology in the health care, the issue of NANDA, NIC and NOC classifications and the Alliance 3N. Three goals of the thesis were defined: 1. to find out what types of NIC activities are typically used by nurses within the care of patients with total hip replacement. 2. to verify the application of NIC an NOC classifications in the care of patients with total hip replacement. 3. to investigate what sorts of the NOC indicators are typically used by the nurses in the care of patients with total hip replacement. The combination of the quantitative and qualitative research is applied. The four hypotheses were determined in the frame of the quantitative survey: 1. Nursing diagnoses are assessed as not being beneficial by the nurses. 2. Ensuring of tools facilitating the movement is a commonly preferred kind of an intervention by the nurses. 3. The knowledge of NIC and NOC terms is influenced by the previous education. 4. The satisfaction of the nurses with the nursing documentation is influenced by the length of practice. Data was collected by means of the questionnaires. One research query was established for the qualitative research: 1. What is the standpoint of the nurses on the NIC and NOC classifications in the care of the patient with total hip replacement? Data was collected by means of the formed nursing documentation based on the NIC and NOC classifications. The semi-structured interviews were used, as well. H1 remained unconfirmed. H2, H3 and H4 were not statistically validated. The NIC and NOC classifications are generally classified as not being beneficial for the nursing practice by the nurses.
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Časná rehabilitace po totální endoprotéze kyčelního kloubu - rozdíl u pacientů operovaných z anteriorního a z anterolaterálního přístupu. / Early rehabilitation after total hip replacement - the difference in patients operated from anterior and anterolateral approach.Piruchtová, Karolína January 2021 (has links)
Total hip replacement is one of the most common surgeries in orthopedics. Complete hip replacement can be addressed with several different types of surgical approaches. In this work we deal mainly with the anterior and anterolateral approach. The theoretical part of this work summarizes the basic knowledge about the anatomy, kinesiology of the hip joint and the prearthrotic causes leading to complete hip replacement. Furthermore, the types of surgical approaches, types of total endoprostheses are mentioned and the knowledge about soft tissue healing and early postoperative rehabilitation is summarized. The aim of this work is to determine whether rehabilitation will be faster in the first days after surgery in patients operated by the anterior approach, depending on the gentle approach and respect for anatomical structures, compared to the anterolateral approach. We present a group of 24 patients, 12 of whom underwent anterior approach and 12 anterolateral approach. In the practical part we evaluate and compare early postoperative rehabilitation in both approaches. The parameters we evaluate are the muscular strength of abduction, flexion and extension in the hip joint. Furthermore, the passive and active range of motion in the hip joint during abduction, flexion and extension. We also evaluate...
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Recommending an ERAS Guideline for Patients Undergoing Total Joint ArthroplastyKnapke, Kahl January 2024 (has links)
No description available.
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<p><strong>Background: </strong>Total joint arthroplasty (TJA) is considered the treatment of choice to alleviate pain and improve function of patients with osteoarthritis. However,recent evidence suggests that a significant proportion of patients continue to report pain, or worsening of their symptoms well after their joint replacement. We call this chronic pain “<em>phantom joint pain</em>” as it persists despite the fact hat the affected joint has been replaced.</p> <p>Chronic pain of neuropathic origin may be a consequence of surgery or in patients with osteoarthritis (OA); there may be a combination of nociceptive and neuropathic pain (NP) mechanisms. As there are no definitive physiological indicators for NP or gold standards for diagnosis, Guidelines on Neuropathic Pain Assessment advocate the use of screening tools to evaluate the patient’s pain experiences and potentially characterize various pain features.</p> <p>Despite suggestions that phantom joint pain post TJA is a common problem there is limited information about its prevalence among Canadians. To date there are no studies that have characterized neuropathic vs. non- neuropathic chronic pain features in a TJA population.</p> <p><strong>Purpose: </strong>The purpose of this work was to determine the<em> </em>prevalence of chronic pain following total hip (THA) or knee (TKA) arthroplasty, and to identify the proportion of the cohort with chronic pain whose symptoms suggested the pain was of neuropathic origin. In addition we evaluated the ability of the NP Subscale of the McGill pain questionnaire [NP-MPQ (SF-2)] to identify individuals with NP vs. Non NP in the TJA population.</p> <p><strong>Methods:</strong> A retrospective cohort study (2-4 years post joint replacement) of 148 participants with primary unilateral TJAidentified from a large joint arthroplasty database (n=1143). Chronic pain was defined as post surgical pain reported 6-12 months following surgery to be 3 or higher (out of 5) on the Oxford Hip/Knee Scores, and that pain was the same or worse than reported preoperatively. A postal survey was used to administer the NP-MPQ (SF-2)and the Self-Administered Leeds Assessment of Neuropathic Signs and Symptoms (S–LANSS) (1.5-3.5 years post TJA). S-LANSS was the “non reference standard” for classification of neuropathic pain. Human research ethics approvals from Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre and McMaster University/Hamilton Health Sciences were obtained prior to the study.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>: The response rate to the postal survey to identify those with chronic pain of neuropathic origin was 53%. Thirteen percent of individuals experienced chronic pain; among individuals with chronic pain, neuropathic subtype was found in 28% (S-LANSS ≥ 12) - 43% [NP-MPQ (SF-2) ≥ 0.91]. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) analysis for NP-MPQ (SF-2) yielded an area under the curve of 0.89 (95% CI: 0.82, 0.97). A cut off score of 0.91 NP-MPQ (SF-2),<strong> </strong>maximized sensitivity (89.5%) and specificity (75.0%). Our results revealed moderate correlation (r=0.56; 95% CI: 0.40, 0.68) between the S-LANSS and NP-MPQ (SF-2)scores in patients with NP post TJA.</p> <p><strong>Conclusion: </strong>Based on our results, a considerable percentage of individuals (13%) experience chronic pain following TKA and THA. Moreover, among individuals with chronic pain symptoms, a significant proportion (28-43%) of those experience pain that appears to have a neuropathic component, even 1.5 to 3.5 years following surgery.Overall prevalence of NP in TJA was 3.3 to 4.5%. The NP-MPQ (SF-2)subscale demonstrated “good” discriminatory ability, thus it might be useful in identifying patients with NP following TJA. Moderate association exists between the scales and this could affect prevalence rates in studies; or diagnosis of NP of individual patients based on the criterion used.</p> / Master of Science (MSc)
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Évaluation biomécanique de la locomotion à la suite d'une arthroplastie de la hancheBouffard, Vicky 04 1900 (has links)
Depuis les dernières années, la prévalence de personnes souffrant de dégénérescence des cartilages articulaires, communément appelée ostéoarthrite (OA), ne cesse d’augmenter. Les douleurs articulaires et les raideurs musculaires associées à cette pathologie mènent à des limitations des capacités fonctionnelles, à une perte de mobilité et d’autonomie affectant grandement la qualité de vie de ces personnes. Afin de soulager les personnes souffrant de cette pathologie, l’arthroplastie de la hanche est une procédure chirurgicale fréquemment utilisée. À la suite de cette chirurgie, une amélioration de la qualité de vie et une reprise des capacités fonctionnelles sont souvent observées. Cependant, comparativement à des sujets sains, la vitesse de marche est diminuée, une faiblesse des muscles abducteurs de la hanche est constatée et des mouvements compensatoires au niveau du tronc sont persistants. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’évaluer le patron locomoteur chez des patients qui subiront une arthroplastie de la hanche. Plus spécifiquement, les adaptations locomotrices pré et post-opératoires seront quantifiées dans le but d’apporter des modifications aux programmes de réhabilitation pour ainsi favoriser un patron locomoteur sans déficit.
Afin de répondre à cet objectif, trois études distinctes ont été effectuées. Dans le cadre de la première étude, l’impact de l’implantation d’une prothèse totale de la hanche avec une tête fémorale de large diamètre et une prothèse de resurfaçage a été évalué par rapport aux sujets sains lors de la locomotion. Au cours de cette étude, le contrôle du tronc a été analysé en utilisant la distance entre le centre de masse corporel et le centre articulaire de la hanche opérée. Suite aux résultats obtenus, aucune différence majeure n’existe entre les deux types de prothèses en ce qui a trait au contrôle du tronc et ce, à un an post-opératoire.
Lors de la deuxième étude, la symétrie des paramètres biomécaniques des membres inférieurs lors de la locomotion chez des patients ayant bénéficié de l’implantation d’une prothèse de la hanche a été caractérisée suite à un programme d’exercices péri-opératoires (pré et post-opératoire). Lors de cette étude, le programme d’exercices péri-opératoires était complémentaire au protocole de réadaptation du centre hospitalier. D’après les résultats obtenus lors de cette étude exploratoire, ce programme d’exercices péri-opératoires semble permettre d’améliorer la symétrie de la puissance et du travail musculaire au niveau de la hanche, du genou et de la cheville favorisant ainsi un patron de marche avec de minimes compensations.
Finalement, dans le cadre de la troisième étude, l’approche prédictive et l’approche fonctionnelle, utilisées pour localiser le centre articulaire de la hanche, ont été comparées aux mesures radiographiques, chez des patients à la suite d’un remplacement articulaire de la hanche. À la suite de cette étude, les résultats démontrent que l’utilisation de l’approche fonctionnelle est plus appropriée chez des patients ayant bénéficié d’une arthroplastie de la hanche. En effet, cette approche individualisée est plus précise ce qui, par conséquent, permettra d’obtenir des résultats de plus grande qualité lors d’analyses biomécaniques de la locomotion. / In recent years, the prevalence of people suffering from joint cartilage degeneration, called osteoarthritis (OA), still increases. The joint pain and muscle stiffness related to this pathology have an impact on patients’ quality of life by limiting their functional capacities, mobility and autonomy. In order to relieve these patients, hip arthroplasty is a frequently used surgical procedure. Even if there is an improvement in quality of life and a restoration of functional capacities in these patients, some impairment seem to persist during the post-operative period. The walking velocity is slower when compared to healthy subjects, a hip abductor muscle weakness is observed and trunk compensations lasted during the post-operative period. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate patients undergoing hip arthroplasty during locomotion. More specifically, gait pattern adaptations will be quantified pre and post-operatively to revise rehabilitation programs in order to promote a healthy gait pattern.
Three separate studies were conducted to meet this objective. The first study compared the effect of a large femoral head hip prosthesis and a hip resurfacing prosthesis to healthy subjects. During this study, the trunk control was analyzed using the distance between the body center of mass and the hip prosthetic joint center. The results obtained show no major difference between the two types of prosthesis and the healthy control one year post-operatively.
During the second study, biomechanics parameter symmetry of the lower limb of gait pattern in patients undergoing hip arthroplasty was characterized following a peri-operative (pre and post-operatively) exercise program. The exercise program was complementary to the medical center standard rehabilitation program. Based on the results of this exploratory study, the peri-operative exercise program seems to improve the symmetry of the muscular power and work of the hip, knee and ankle which promote a healthy gait pattern without compensations.
Finally, for the third study, the predictive and the functional approaches, used to locate the hip joint center, were compared to radiographic measurements in patients undergoing hip arthroplasty. The results of this study demonstrated that the functional approach was more appropriate for these patients. This individualized approach is more accurate which leads to quality improvement during biomechanical analysis of gait pattern.
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Évaluation biomécanique de la locomotion à la suite d'une arthroplastie de la hancheBouffard, Vicky 04 1900 (has links)
Depuis les dernières années, la prévalence de personnes souffrant de dégénérescence des cartilages articulaires, communément appelée ostéoarthrite (OA), ne cesse d’augmenter. Les douleurs articulaires et les raideurs musculaires associées à cette pathologie mènent à des limitations des capacités fonctionnelles, à une perte de mobilité et d’autonomie affectant grandement la qualité de vie de ces personnes. Afin de soulager les personnes souffrant de cette pathologie, l’arthroplastie de la hanche est une procédure chirurgicale fréquemment utilisée. À la suite de cette chirurgie, une amélioration de la qualité de vie et une reprise des capacités fonctionnelles sont souvent observées. Cependant, comparativement à des sujets sains, la vitesse de marche est diminuée, une faiblesse des muscles abducteurs de la hanche est constatée et des mouvements compensatoires au niveau du tronc sont persistants. L’objectif de cette thèse est d’évaluer le patron locomoteur chez des patients qui subiront une arthroplastie de la hanche. Plus spécifiquement, les adaptations locomotrices pré et post-opératoires seront quantifiées dans le but d’apporter des modifications aux programmes de réhabilitation pour ainsi favoriser un patron locomoteur sans déficit.
Afin de répondre à cet objectif, trois études distinctes ont été effectuées. Dans le cadre de la première étude, l’impact de l’implantation d’une prothèse totale de la hanche avec une tête fémorale de large diamètre et une prothèse de resurfaçage a été évalué par rapport aux sujets sains lors de la locomotion. Au cours de cette étude, le contrôle du tronc a été analysé en utilisant la distance entre le centre de masse corporel et le centre articulaire de la hanche opérée. Suite aux résultats obtenus, aucune différence majeure n’existe entre les deux types de prothèses en ce qui a trait au contrôle du tronc et ce, à un an post-opératoire.
Lors de la deuxième étude, la symétrie des paramètres biomécaniques des membres inférieurs lors de la locomotion chez des patients ayant bénéficié de l’implantation d’une prothèse de la hanche a été caractérisée suite à un programme d’exercices péri-opératoires (pré et post-opératoire). Lors de cette étude, le programme d’exercices péri-opératoires était complémentaire au protocole de réadaptation du centre hospitalier. D’après les résultats obtenus lors de cette étude exploratoire, ce programme d’exercices péri-opératoires semble permettre d’améliorer la symétrie de la puissance et du travail musculaire au niveau de la hanche, du genou et de la cheville favorisant ainsi un patron de marche avec de minimes compensations.
Finalement, dans le cadre de la troisième étude, l’approche prédictive et l’approche fonctionnelle, utilisées pour localiser le centre articulaire de la hanche, ont été comparées aux mesures radiographiques, chez des patients à la suite d’un remplacement articulaire de la hanche. À la suite de cette étude, les résultats démontrent que l’utilisation de l’approche fonctionnelle est plus appropriée chez des patients ayant bénéficié d’une arthroplastie de la hanche. En effet, cette approche individualisée est plus précise ce qui, par conséquent, permettra d’obtenir des résultats de plus grande qualité lors d’analyses biomécaniques de la locomotion. / In recent years, the prevalence of people suffering from joint cartilage degeneration, called osteoarthritis (OA), still increases. The joint pain and muscle stiffness related to this pathology have an impact on patients’ quality of life by limiting their functional capacities, mobility and autonomy. In order to relieve these patients, hip arthroplasty is a frequently used surgical procedure. Even if there is an improvement in quality of life and a restoration of functional capacities in these patients, some impairment seem to persist during the post-operative period. The walking velocity is slower when compared to healthy subjects, a hip abductor muscle weakness is observed and trunk compensations lasted during the post-operative period. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate patients undergoing hip arthroplasty during locomotion. More specifically, gait pattern adaptations will be quantified pre and post-operatively to revise rehabilitation programs in order to promote a healthy gait pattern.
Three separate studies were conducted to meet this objective. The first study compared the effect of a large femoral head hip prosthesis and a hip resurfacing prosthesis to healthy subjects. During this study, the trunk control was analyzed using the distance between the body center of mass and the hip prosthetic joint center. The results obtained show no major difference between the two types of prosthesis and the healthy control one year post-operatively.
During the second study, biomechanics parameter symmetry of the lower limb of gait pattern in patients undergoing hip arthroplasty was characterized following a peri-operative (pre and post-operatively) exercise program. The exercise program was complementary to the medical center standard rehabilitation program. Based on the results of this exploratory study, the peri-operative exercise program seems to improve the symmetry of the muscular power and work of the hip, knee and ankle which promote a healthy gait pattern without compensations.
Finally, for the third study, the predictive and the functional approaches, used to locate the hip joint center, were compared to radiographic measurements in patients undergoing hip arthroplasty. The results of this study demonstrated that the functional approach was more appropriate for these patients. This individualized approach is more accurate which leads to quality improvement during biomechanical analysis of gait pattern.
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Vibration Signal Features for the Quantification of Prosthetic Loosening in Total Hip ArthroplastiesStevenson, Nathan January 2003 (has links)
This project attempts to quantify the integrity of the fixation of total hip arthro- T plasties (THAs) by observing vibration signal features. The aim of this thesis is, therefore, to find the signal differences between firm and loose prosthesis. These difference will be expressed in different transformed domains with the expectation that a certain domain will provide superior results. Once the signal differences have been determined they will be examined for their ability to quantify the looseness. Initially, a new definition of progressive, femoral component loosening was created, based on the application of mechanical fit, involving four general conditions. In order of increasing looseness the conditions (with their equivalent engineering associations) are listed as, firm (adherence), firm (interference), micro-loose (transition) and macro-loose (clearance). These conditions were then used to aid in the development and evaluation of a simple mathematical model based on an ordinary differential equation. Several possible parameters well suited to quantification such as gap displacement, cement/interface stiffness and apparent mass were the identified from the model. In addition, the development of this model provided a solution to the problem of unifying early and late loosening mentioned in the literature by Li et al. in 1995 and 1996. This unification permitted early (micro loose) and late (macro loose) loosening to be quantified, if necessary, with the same parameter. The quantification problem was posed as a detection problem by utilising a varying amplitude input. A set of detection techniques were developed to detect the quantity of a critical value, in this case a force. The detection techniques include deviation measures of the instantaneous frequency of the impulse response of the system (accuracy of 100%), linearity of the systems response to Gaussian input (total accuracy of 97.9% over all realisations) and observed resonant frequency linearity with respect to displacement magnitude (accuracy of 100%). Note, that as these techniques were developed with the model in mind their simulated performance was, therefore, considerably high. This critical value found by the detector was then fed into the model and a quantified output was calculated. The quantification techniques using the critical value approach include, ramped amplitude input resonant analysis (experimental accuracy of 94%) and ramped amplitude input stochastic analysis (experimental accuracy of 90%). These techniques were based on analysing the response of the system in the time-frequency domain and with respect to its short-time statistical moments to a ramping amplitude input force, respectively. In addition, other mechanically sound forms of analysis, were then applied to the output of the nonlinear model with the aim of quantifying the looseness or the integrity of fixation of the THA. The cement/interface stiffness and apparent mass techniques, inspired by the work of Chung et.al. in 1979, attempt to assess the integrity of fixation of the THA by tracking the mechanical behaviour of the components of the THA, using the frequency and magnitude of the raw transducer data. This technique has been developed fron the theory of Chung etal but with a differing perspective and provides accuracies of 82% in experimentation and 71% in simulation for the apparent mass and interface stiffness techniques, respectively. Theses techniques do not quantify all forms of clinical loosening, as clinical loosening can exist in many different forms, but they do quantify mechanical loosening or the mechanical functionality of the femoral component through related parameters that observe reduction in mechanical mass, stiffness and the amount of rattle generated by a select ghap betweent he bone/cement or prosthesis/cement interface. This form of mechanical loosening in currently extremely difficult to detect using radiographs. It is envisaged that a vibration test be used in conjunction with radiographs to provide a more complete picture of the integrity of fixation of the THA.
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Influência do projeto acerto na recuperação pós-operatória em artroplastia total de quadril : estudo randomizadoAlito, Miguel Aprelino 25 August 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Simone Souza (simonecgsouza@hotmail.com) on 2017-09-20T14:37:32Z
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Previous issue date: 2014-08-25 / Introdução: Protocolos multimodais, quando empregados, melhoram variáveis clínicas
perioperatórias e pós-operatórias. Existe pouca informação sobre abreviação do jejum préoperatório
com oferta de líquidos claros enriquecidos com carboidratos e imunomoduladores
em operações ortopédicas. O projeto ACERTO (ACEleração da Recuperação Total pósoperatória)
é baseado em um programa europeu já existente (ERAS) e fundamentado no
paradigma da medicina baseada em evidências. É antes de tudo um programa educativo.
Objetivos: Avaliar variáveis clínicas, bioquímicas inflamatórias e segurança de um protocolo
multimodal em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de artroplastia total do quadril, utilizando-se
técnica cimentada em fêmur e sem cimento no acetábulo (artroplastia total de quadril tipo
Métodos: Estudo prospectivo com 32 pacientes (16 do sexo masculino, com idade média de
58 anos variando de 26 a 85 anos) randomizados em dois grupos: 17 pacientes (Grupo
ACERTO) submetidos a jejum abreviado com oferta de maltodextrina a 12,5%, 2h antes da
indução anestésica e uso de dieta imunomoduladora por cinco dias previamente a cirurgia; 15
pacientes (Grupo CONTROLE) submetidos a jejum de 8 horas sem terapia nutricional préoperatória.
Foram avaliados clinicamente broncoaspiração na indução anestésica e tempo de
internação e em exames laboratoriais os níveis de hemoglobina (HB), velocidade de
hemossedimentação (VHS) e proteína C reativa (PCR) no pré-operatório e com 48h de pósoperatório.
Resultados: Não ocorreram óbitos, infecções, luxações da prótese, necessidade de
reoperação, ou transfusões sanguíneas. Nenhum caso de broncoaspiração ocorreu na indução
anestésica. Pacientes do Grupo ACERTO apresentaram, em média, dois dias a menos de
internação hospitalar (P < 0,01). A taxa de HB foi similar entre os grupos no pré e pósoperatório.
Valores de VHS se mantiveram semelhantes entre os grupos no pós-operatório (p
= 0,09), mas a PCR foi maior no grupo CONTROLE no pós-operatório (p = 0,01).
Conclusão: Abreviação do jejum pré-operatório com oferta de carboidratos na artroplastia
total de quadril é segura, podendo ser praticada. O protocolo investigado como um todo
diminuiu o tempo de internação hospitalar e valores de PCR no pós-operatório. / Introduction: Multimodal protocols, when used, enhance several perioperative clinical
variables. Limited information is available about the reduction of preoperative fasting with
administration of clear liquids enriched with carbohydrate and immunomodulators in
orthopedic surgeries. The ACERTO (Accelerated Postoperative Total Recovery) is based on
an existing European program (ERAS) and based on the paradigm of evidence-based
medicine. It is an educational program.
Objectives: To evaluate clinical, biochemical inflammatory variables and safety of the
method, shortening up the fast with drink containing carbohydrates and use of
immunomodulatory diet in patients undergoing surgery for total hip arthroplasty using
cementless technique on the femur and the acetabulum without cement (total hip arthroplasty
hybrid type).
Methods: A prospective study of 32 patients (16 males, with a mean age of 58 years ranging
de 26 to 85 years) were randomized into two groups: 17 patients (Group ACERTO)
undergoing abbreviated to offer 12,5% maltodextrin fasting, 2h before induction of anesthesia
and use of immunomodulatory diet for five days prior to surgery; 15 patients (Group
CONTROL) fasted for 8 hours without preoperative nutritional therapy. Clinically aspiration
during induction of anesthesia and hospitalization time and in laboratory tests the levels of
hemoglobin (Hb), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP)
preoperatively and 48 hours postoperatively were evaluated.
Results: There were no deaths, infections, dislocations of the prosthesis, reoperation, or blood
transfusions. No cases of aspiration occurred during anesthetic induction. Group ACERTO
patients had, on average, two days less hospitalization (P < 0,01). Results of hemoglobin did
not differ among groups in preoperative and postoperative. VHS values remained similar
between groups postoperatively (p = 0,09), but CRP was higher in the control group
postoperatively (p = 0,01).
Conclusion: Preoperative fasting abbreviation with of carbohydrates in total hip arthroplasty
is safe and may be practiced. The protocol investigated as a whole, decreased hospital stay
and CRP levels postoperatively.
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