Spelling suggestions: "subject:"total are"" "subject:"dotal are""
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Microfabrication of organic electronic devices: organic photovoltaic module with high total-area efficiencyDindar, Amir 08 June 2015 (has links)
Transferring organic photovoltaics (OPV) from the laboratory into economically feasible products, requires the fabrication of modules, a series of connected single cells. During this transition, there is typically a drastic decrease in power conversion efficiency (PCE). This thesis reports on the design, fabrication, and characterization of state-of-the-art, high-performance organic photovoltaic modules with a novel geometry that composed of unit cells with alternating electrical polarities. Such configuration is realized by exclusive patterning of the interlayers and electrodes and avoids patterning of the photoactive layer. With this novel architecture, area losses of photovoltaic module can be significantly reduced compared with the conventional configurations. The processing of this new solar cell module is also compatible with large area processing techniques such as slot-die coating. This thesis reports on 4-cell and 8-cell modules, wherein the measured fill-factors (FF) and PCE of the constituent sub-cells and of the modules are almost identical. The 4-cell module, with a total area of 0.8 cm2, exhibits an open-circuit voltage (VOC) of 3.15 V, a short circuit-current density (JSC) of 2.3 mA/cm2 and a FF of 0.69, yielding a PCE of 5.01%. The 8-cell module, with a total area of 1.6 cm2, exhibits a VOC of 6.39 V, a JSC of 1.2 mA/cm2 and a FF of 0.63, yielding a PCE of 5.06%. Similar PCE values between 4-cell and 8-cell module is a demonstration of scalability of this novel geometry without compromising the efficiency.
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Morphological traits in hair lichens affect their water storageOlsson, Therese January 2014 (has links)
The aim with this study was to develop a method to estimate total area of hair lichens and to compare morphological traits and water storage in them. Hair lichens are an important component of the epiphytic flora in boreal forests. Their growth is primarily regulated by available water, and light when hydrated. Lichens have no active mechanism to regulate their water content and their water holding capacity (WHC, mg H2O/cm2) is thus an important factor for how long they remain wet and metabolically active. In this study, the water uptake and loss in five hair lichens (Alectoria sarmentosa, three Bryoria spp. and Usnea dasypoga) were compared. Their area were estimated by combining photography, scanning and a computer programme that estimates the area of objects. Total area overlap of individual branches was calculated for each species, to estimate total area of the lichen. WHC and specific thallus mass (STM) (mg DM/cm2) of the lichens were calculated. Bryoria spp. had a significantly lower STM compared to U. dasypoga and A. sarmentosa, due to its thinner branches and higher branch density. Bryoria also had a lower WHC compared to A. sarmentosa, promoting a rapid uptake and loss of water. All species had a significant relationship between STM and WHC, above a 1:1 line for all species except U. dasypoga. The lower relationship in U. dasypoga is explained by its less developed branching in combination with its thick branches.
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Long Time Constant May Endorse Sharp Waves and Spikes Than Sharp Transients in Scalp Electroencephalography: A Comparison of Both After-Slow Among Different Time Constant and High-Frequency Activity Analysis / 頭皮脳波の長い時定数で棘波・鋭波と鋭一過性波と適切に判別することができる: 異なる時定数における後続徐波解析と、高周波活動解析の比較研究Sultana, Shamima 23 March 2022 (has links)
付記する学位プログラム名: 充実した健康長寿社会を築く総合医療開発リーダー育成プログラム / 京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医科学) / 甲第23816号 / 医科博第137号 / 新制||医科||9(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医科学専攻 / (主査)教授 伊佐 正, 教授 林 康紀, 教授 村井 俊哉 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Controle de gramíneas exóticas invasoras em área de restauração ecológica com plantio total, floresta estacional semidecidual, Itu-SP / Control of Urochloa decumbens Stapf. in ecological restoration area by planting in total area, Semideciduous Forest, Itu SP.Martins, Adriana Ferrer 10 March 2011 (has links)
A atividade de restauração florestal é freqüentemente realizada em áreas degradadas, ocupadas por gramíneas exóticas invasoras, e o controle destas plantas é fator determinante no sucesso da restauração. Esta pesquisa tem o objetivo de testar intervenções para controle da gramínea exótica invasora Urochloa decumbens Stapf. em área de restauração florestal, com plantio de mudas nativas em área total. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos com parcelas subdivididas. Os tratamentos aplicados nas parcelas foram: 1. Não inversão de solo (R) e 2. Com inversão de solo por gradagem (G). Os tratamentos aplicados nas subparcelas foram: 1. Aplicação de herbicida na instalação e nas manutenções (H), 2. Plantio de feijão de porco (Canavalia ensiformes DC.) com aplicação de herbicida na instalação e nas manutenções só roçagem (H+FP), 3. Plantio de feijão de guandu (Cajanus cajan L.) com aplicação de herbicida na instalação e nas manutenções só roçagem (H+FG), 4. Plantio de feijão de porco (Canavalia ensiformes DC.) na instalação e nas manutenções só roçagem (FP), 5. Plantio de feijão de guandu (Cajanus cajan L.) na instalação e nas manutenções só roçagem (FG), 6. Roçagem na instalação e nas manutenções (sem aplicação de herbicida e sem plantio de adubos verdes) (s/Hs/AV). O desenvolvimento da gramínea foi avaliado pela altura e porcentagem de cobertura no solo e o desenvolvimento das mudas pela altura, área de copas e mortalidade. As analises estatísticas foram realizadas pelo pacote estatístico SAS. O experimento permitiu concluir que, no período entre plantio e a primeira manutenção (realizada 3 meses após o plantio) as coberturas vivas na interação R(H+FP) e R(H+FG) diminuíram a porcentagem de cobertura no solo de U. decumbens em relação ao tratamento R(s/Hs/AV) e os tratamentos (H+FP) e (H+FG) diminuíram a altura da U. decumbens no primeiro mês em relação ao tratamento (s/Hs/AV). Após a primeira manutenção, apenas o tratamento (H) diminuiu a porcentagem de cobertura no solo de U. decumbens e a altura desta gramínea em relação a todos os demais. Nas variáveis referentes ao desenvolvimento das mudas, apenas a variável área de copas apresentou diferença significativa nas interações entre os tratamentos R(H) e R(s/Hs/AV) 7 meses após o plantio e R(H) em relação a todos os demais 9 meses após o plantio, sendo que o R(H) apresentou maior área de copas. Neste experimento, o uso de adubos verdes em área de restauração florestal não melhorou o desenvolvimento das mudas plantadas. O tratamento que promoveu menor porcentagem de cobertura no solo de U. decumbens, menor altura de Urochloa decumbens Stapf. e mudas com maior área de copas foi o que teve aplicação de herbicida na instalação e nas manutenções (H). / The activity of forest restoration is often performed in areas covered by exotic grasses. In this way, the weed control of these plants is a determining factor in the success of restoration. This project aims to test different interventions for Urochloa decumbens Stapf. control in an area of forest restoration with seedlings planting in total area. The design adopted was split plot treatments divided in blocks, with each plot with different kind of soil tillage systems: 1. tillage (no soil movement) and 2. Harrowing (ground motion); and subplots with: 1. herbicide application in the installation and during maintenance (H); 2. herbicide application and planting of bean (Canavalia ensiformis DC.) in the installation and maintenance on mowing (FP + H); 3. herbicide application and planting beans (Cajanus cajan L.) in the installation and maintenance on mowing (H + FG); 4. planting bean (Canavalia ensiformis DC.) in the installation and maintenance on mowing (FP), 5. planting bean (Cajanus cajan L.) in the installation and maintenance on mowing (FG); and 6. no herbicide application nor planting green manure in the installation and the maintenance on mowing (s / Hs / AV). The grass height and percentage of occupation in of the soil was measured, as well the height, canopy area and mortality of seedlings, all of them analyzed by the SAS statistical package. In the period between planting and first maintenance (3 months), the living roofs in the interaction R (H + FP) and R (H + FG) controlled the percentage of invasive exotic grasses in the soil, and the treatments (H + FP) and ( H + FG) controlled the height of grasses in the first month. After the first maintenance, only the treatment (H) controlled the grasses in percentage of occupancy in the soil and height. Regarding the variables referred to the seedlings, only the canopy area showed a significant difference between treatments (H) and (s / Hs / AV) 7 months after planting and the (H) treatment showed a difference among all others, 9 months after planting,, as well its showed the biggest area. In this experiment the use of green manure in the area of forest restoration did not improve seedling growth. The (H) treatment was the one that promotes the Urochloa decumbens Stapf. control for a longer time and the seedlings with the largest canopy area.
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Controle de gramíneas exóticas invasoras em área de restauração ecológica com plantio total, floresta estacional semidecidual, Itu-SP / Control of Urochloa decumbens Stapf. in ecological restoration area by planting in total area, Semideciduous Forest, Itu SP.Adriana Ferrer Martins 10 March 2011 (has links)
A atividade de restauração florestal é freqüentemente realizada em áreas degradadas, ocupadas por gramíneas exóticas invasoras, e o controle destas plantas é fator determinante no sucesso da restauração. Esta pesquisa tem o objetivo de testar intervenções para controle da gramínea exótica invasora Urochloa decumbens Stapf. em área de restauração florestal, com plantio de mudas nativas em área total. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos com parcelas subdivididas. Os tratamentos aplicados nas parcelas foram: 1. Não inversão de solo (R) e 2. Com inversão de solo por gradagem (G). Os tratamentos aplicados nas subparcelas foram: 1. Aplicação de herbicida na instalação e nas manutenções (H), 2. Plantio de feijão de porco (Canavalia ensiformes DC.) com aplicação de herbicida na instalação e nas manutenções só roçagem (H+FP), 3. Plantio de feijão de guandu (Cajanus cajan L.) com aplicação de herbicida na instalação e nas manutenções só roçagem (H+FG), 4. Plantio de feijão de porco (Canavalia ensiformes DC.) na instalação e nas manutenções só roçagem (FP), 5. Plantio de feijão de guandu (Cajanus cajan L.) na instalação e nas manutenções só roçagem (FG), 6. Roçagem na instalação e nas manutenções (sem aplicação de herbicida e sem plantio de adubos verdes) (s/Hs/AV). O desenvolvimento da gramínea foi avaliado pela altura e porcentagem de cobertura no solo e o desenvolvimento das mudas pela altura, área de copas e mortalidade. As analises estatísticas foram realizadas pelo pacote estatístico SAS. O experimento permitiu concluir que, no período entre plantio e a primeira manutenção (realizada 3 meses após o plantio) as coberturas vivas na interação R(H+FP) e R(H+FG) diminuíram a porcentagem de cobertura no solo de U. decumbens em relação ao tratamento R(s/Hs/AV) e os tratamentos (H+FP) e (H+FG) diminuíram a altura da U. decumbens no primeiro mês em relação ao tratamento (s/Hs/AV). Após a primeira manutenção, apenas o tratamento (H) diminuiu a porcentagem de cobertura no solo de U. decumbens e a altura desta gramínea em relação a todos os demais. Nas variáveis referentes ao desenvolvimento das mudas, apenas a variável área de copas apresentou diferença significativa nas interações entre os tratamentos R(H) e R(s/Hs/AV) 7 meses após o plantio e R(H) em relação a todos os demais 9 meses após o plantio, sendo que o R(H) apresentou maior área de copas. Neste experimento, o uso de adubos verdes em área de restauração florestal não melhorou o desenvolvimento das mudas plantadas. O tratamento que promoveu menor porcentagem de cobertura no solo de U. decumbens, menor altura de Urochloa decumbens Stapf. e mudas com maior área de copas foi o que teve aplicação de herbicida na instalação e nas manutenções (H). / The activity of forest restoration is often performed in areas covered by exotic grasses. In this way, the weed control of these plants is a determining factor in the success of restoration. This project aims to test different interventions for Urochloa decumbens Stapf. control in an area of forest restoration with seedlings planting in total area. The design adopted was split plot treatments divided in blocks, with each plot with different kind of soil tillage systems: 1. tillage (no soil movement) and 2. Harrowing (ground motion); and subplots with: 1. herbicide application in the installation and during maintenance (H); 2. herbicide application and planting of bean (Canavalia ensiformis DC.) in the installation and maintenance on mowing (FP + H); 3. herbicide application and planting beans (Cajanus cajan L.) in the installation and maintenance on mowing (H + FG); 4. planting bean (Canavalia ensiformis DC.) in the installation and maintenance on mowing (FP), 5. planting bean (Cajanus cajan L.) in the installation and maintenance on mowing (FG); and 6. no herbicide application nor planting green manure in the installation and the maintenance on mowing (s / Hs / AV). The grass height and percentage of occupation in of the soil was measured, as well the height, canopy area and mortality of seedlings, all of them analyzed by the SAS statistical package. In the period between planting and first maintenance (3 months), the living roofs in the interaction R (H + FP) and R (H + FG) controlled the percentage of invasive exotic grasses in the soil, and the treatments (H + FP) and ( H + FG) controlled the height of grasses in the first month. After the first maintenance, only the treatment (H) controlled the grasses in percentage of occupancy in the soil and height. Regarding the variables referred to the seedlings, only the canopy area showed a significant difference between treatments (H) and (s / Hs / AV) 7 months after planting and the (H) treatment showed a difference among all others, 9 months after planting,, as well its showed the biggest area. In this experiment the use of green manure in the area of forest restoration did not improve seedling growth. The (H) treatment was the one that promotes the Urochloa decumbens Stapf. control for a longer time and the seedlings with the largest canopy area.
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